/**************************************************************************** ** ** This file is based on sources of the Qt GUI Toolkit, used under the terms ** of the GNU General Public License version 2 (see the original copyright ** notice below). ** All further contributions to this file are (and are required to be) ** licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** The original Qt license header follows: ** ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the kernel module of the Qt GUI Toolkit. ** ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include #ifdef HAVE_XSHM #define QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS #endif #include "qimage.h" #include "qnamespace.h" #include "qcolor.h" #include #include #include "pixmap.h" #include "x11_defs.h" #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS #include #include #include #include #endif // Returns position of highest bit set or -1 if none static int highest_bit( uint v ) { int i; uint b = (uint)1 << 31; for ( i=31; ((b & v) == 0) && i>=0; i-- ) b >>= 1; return i; } // Returns position of lowest set bit in 'v' as an integer (0-31), or -1 static int lowest_bit( uint v ) { int i; unsigned long lb; lb = 1; for (i=0; ((v & lb) == 0) && i<32; i++, lb<<=1); return i==32 ? -1 : i; } // Counts the number of bits set in 'v' static uint n_bits( uint v ) { int i = 0; while ( v ) { v = v & (v - 1); i++; } return i; } inline static void qSafeXDestroyImage( XImage *x ) { if ( x->data ) { free( x->data ); x->data = 0; } XDestroyImage( x ); } #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS static bool qt_mitshm_error = false; static int qt_mitshm_errorhandler( Display*, XErrorEvent* ) { qt_mitshm_error = true; return 0; } static XImage* qt_XShmCreateImage( Display* dpy, Visual* visual, unsigned int depth, int format, int /*offset*/, char* /*data*/, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, int /*bitmap_pad*/, int /*bytes_per_line*/, XShmSegmentInfo* shminfo ) { if( width * height * depth < 100*100*32 ) return NULL; static int shm_inited = -1; if( shm_inited == -1 ) { if( XShmQueryExtension( dpy )) shm_inited = 1; else shm_inited = 0; } if( shm_inited == 0 ) return NULL; XImage* xi = XShmCreateImage( dpy, visual, depth, format, NULL, shminfo, width, height ); if( xi == NULL ) return NULL; shminfo->shmid = shmget( IPC_PRIVATE, xi->bytes_per_line * xi->height, IPC_CREAT|0600); if( shminfo->shmid < 0 ) { XDestroyImage( xi ); return NULL; } shminfo->readOnly = False; shminfo->shmaddr = (char*)shmat( shminfo->shmid, 0, 0 ); if( shminfo->shmaddr == (char*)-1 ) { XDestroyImage( xi ); shmctl( shminfo->shmid, IPC_RMID, 0 ); return NULL; } xi->data = shminfo->shmaddr; #ifndef QT_MITSHM_RMID_IGNORES_REFCOUNT // mark as deleted to automatically free the memory in case // of a crash (but this doesn't work e.g. on Solaris) shmctl( shminfo->shmid, IPC_RMID, 0 ); #endif if( shm_inited == 1 ) { // first time XErrorHandler old_h = XSetErrorHandler( qt_mitshm_errorhandler ); XShmAttach( dpy, shminfo ); shm_inited = 2; XSync( dpy, False ); XSetErrorHandler( old_h ); if( qt_mitshm_error ) { // oops ... perhaps we are remote? shm_inited = 0; XDestroyImage( xi ); shmdt( shminfo->shmaddr ); #ifdef QT_MITSHM_RMID_IGNORES_REFCOUNT shmctl( shminfo->shmid, IPC_RMID, 0 ); #endif return NULL; } } else XShmAttach( dpy, shminfo ); return xi; } static void qt_XShmDestroyImage( XImage* xi, XShmSegmentInfo* shminfo ) { XShmDetach( QPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(), shminfo ); XDestroyImage( xi ); shmdt( shminfo->shmaddr ); #ifdef QT_MITSHM_RMID_IGNORES_REFCOUNT shmctl( shminfo->shmid, IPC_RMID, 0 ); #endif } #endif // QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS PixmapData PP::convertFromImage( const QImage &img, int conversion_flags ) { if ( img.isNull() ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL) qWarning( "QPixmap::convertFromImage: Cannot convert a null image" ); #endif return PixmapData(); } //# detach(); // detach other references QImage image = img; const uint w = image.width(); const uint h = image.height(); int d = image.depth(); const int dd = x11Depth(); bool force_mono = (dd == 1 || //#*isQBitmap() || (conversion_flags & Qt::ColorMode_Mask)==MonoOnly ); #if 0 // get rid of the mask delete data->mask; data->mask = 0; // get rid of alpha pixmap delete data->alphapm; data->alphapm = 0; #endif // must be monochrome if ( force_mono ) { if ( d != 1 ) { // dither image = image.convertDepth( 1, conversion_flags ); d = 1; } } else { // can be both bool conv8 = false; if ( d > 8 && dd <= 8 ) { // convert to 8 bit if ( (conversion_flags & DitherMode_Mask) == AutoDither ) conversion_flags = (conversion_flags & ~DitherMode_Mask) | PreferDither; conv8 = true; } else if ( (conversion_flags & ColorMode_Mask) == ColorOnly ) { conv8 = d == 1; // native depth wanted } else if ( d == 1 ) { if ( image.numColors() == 2 ) { QRgb c0 = image.color(0); // Auto: convert to best QRgb c1 = image.color(1); conv8 = qMin(c0,c1) != qRgb(0,0,0) || qMax(c0,c1) != qRgb(255,255,255); } else { // eg. 1-color monochrome images (they do exist). conv8 = true; } } if ( conv8 ) { image = image.convertDepth( 8, conversion_flags ); d = 8; } } if ( d == 1 ) { // 1 bit pixmap (bitmap) abort(); #if 0 if ( hd ) { // delete old X pixmap #ifndef QT_NO_XFTFREETYPE if (rendhd) { XftDrawDestroy( (XftDraw *) rendhd ); rendhd = 0; } #endif // QT_NO_XFTFREETYPE XFreePixmap( x11Display(), hd ); } // make sure image.color(0) == color0 (white) and image.color(1) == color1 (black) if (image.color(0) == Qt::black.rgb() && image.color(1) == Qt::white.rgb()) { image.invertPixels(); image.setColor(0, Qt::white.rgb()); image.setColor(1, Qt::black.rgb()); } char *bits; uchar *tmp_bits; int bpl = (w+7)/8; int ibpl = image.bytesPerLine(); if ( image.bitOrder() == QImage::BigEndian || bpl != ibpl ) { tmp_bits = new uchar[bpl*h]; Q_CHECK_PTR( tmp_bits ); bits = (char *)tmp_bits; uchar *p, *b, *end; uint y, count; if ( image.bitOrder() == QImage::BigEndian ) { const uchar *f = qt_get_bitflip_array(); b = tmp_bits; for ( y=0; y 4 ) { *b++ = f[*p++]; *b++ = f[*p++]; *b++ = f[*p++]; *b++ = f[*p++]; count -= 4; } while ( p < end ) *b++ = f[*p++]; } } else { // just copy b = tmp_bits; p = image.scanLine( 0 ); for ( y=0; yw = w; data->h = h; data->d = 1; if ( image.hasAlphaBuffer() ) { QBitmap m; m = image.createAlphaMask( conversion_flags ); setMask( m ); } return true; #endif } Display *dpy = x11Display(); Visual *visual = (Visual *)x11Visual(); XImage *xi = 0; bool trucol = (visual->c_class == TrueColor); int nbytes = image.numBytes(); uchar *newbits= 0; int newbits_size = 0; #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS bool mitshm_ximage = false; XShmSegmentInfo shminfo; #endif if ( trucol ) { // truecolor display QRgb pix[256]; // pixel translation table const bool d8 = d == 8; const uint red_mask = (uint)visual->red_mask; const uint green_mask = (uint)visual->green_mask; const uint blue_mask = (uint)visual->blue_mask; const int red_shift = highest_bit( red_mask ) - 7; const int green_shift = highest_bit( green_mask ) - 7; const int blue_shift = highest_bit( blue_mask ) - 7; const uint rbits = highest_bit(red_mask) - lowest_bit(red_mask) + 1; const uint gbits = highest_bit(green_mask) - lowest_bit(green_mask) + 1; const uint bbits = highest_bit(blue_mask) - lowest_bit(blue_mask) + 1; if ( d8 ) { // setup pixel translation QRgb *ctable = image.colorTable(); for ( int i=0; i 0 ? r << red_shift : r >> -red_shift; g = green_shift > 0 ? g << green_shift : g >> -green_shift; b = blue_shift > 0 ? b << blue_shift : b >> -blue_shift; pix[i] = (b & blue_mask) | (g & green_mask) | (r & red_mask) | ~(blue_mask | green_mask | red_mask); } } #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS xi = qt_XShmCreateImage( dpy, visual, dd, ZPixmap, 0, 0, w, h, 32, 0, &shminfo ); if( xi != NULL ) { mitshm_ximage = true; newbits = (uchar*)xi->data; } else #endif xi = XCreateImage( dpy, visual, dd, ZPixmap, 0, 0, w, h, 32, 0 ); Q_CHECK_PTR( xi ); if( newbits == NULL ) newbits = (uchar *)malloc( xi->bytes_per_line*h ); Q_CHECK_PTR( newbits ); if ( !newbits ) // no memory return PixmapData(); int bppc = xi->bits_per_pixel; bool contig_bits = n_bits(red_mask) == rbits && n_bits(green_mask) == gbits && n_bits(blue_mask) == bbits; bool dither_tc = // Want it? (conversion_flags & Dither_Mask) != ThresholdDither && (conversion_flags & DitherMode_Mask) != AvoidDither && // Need it? bppc < 24 && !d8 && // Can do it? (Contiguous bits?) contig_bits; static bool init=false; static int D[16][16]; if ( dither_tc && !init ) { // I also contributed this code to XV - WWA. /* The dither matrix, D, is obtained with this formula: D2 = [ 0 2 ] [ 3 1 ] D2*n = [ 4*Dn 4*Dn+2*Un ] [ 4*Dn+3*Un 4*Dn+1*Un ] */ int n,i,j; init=1; /* Set D2 */ D[0][0]=0; D[1][0]=2; D[0][1]=3; D[1][1]=1; /* Expand using recursive definition given above */ for (n=2; n<16; n*=2) { for (i=0; i 8 && xi->byte_order == LSBFirst ) bppc++; int wordsize; bool bigendian; qSysInfo( &wordsize, &bigendian ); bool same_msb_lsb = ( xi->byte_order == MSBFirst ) == ( bigendian ); if( bppc == 8 ) // 8 bit mode = BPP8; else if( bppc == 16 || bppc == 17 ) { // 16 bit MSB/LSB if( red_shift == 8 && green_shift == 3 && blue_shift == -3 && !d8 && same_msb_lsb ) mode = BPP16_8_3_M3; else if( red_shift == 7 && green_shift == 2 && blue_shift == -3 && !d8 && same_msb_lsb ) mode = BPP16_7_2_M3; else mode = bppc == 17 ? BPP16_LSB : BPP16_MSB; } else if( bppc == 24 || bppc == 25 ) { // 24 bit MSB/LSB mode = bppc == 25 ? BPP24_LSB : BPP24_MSB; } else if( bppc == 32 || bppc == 33 ) { // 32 bit MSB/LSB if( red_shift == 16 && green_shift == 8 && blue_shift == 0 && !d8 && same_msb_lsb ) mode = BPP32_16_8_0; else mode = bppc == 33 ? BPP32_LSB : BPP32_MSB; } else qFatal("Logic error 3"); #define GET_PIXEL \ int pixel; \ if ( d8 ) pixel = pix[*src++]; \ else { \ int r = qRed ( *p ); \ int g = qGreen( *p ); \ int b = qBlue ( *p++ ); \ r = red_shift > 0 \ ? r << red_shift : r >> -red_shift; \ g = green_shift > 0 \ ? g << green_shift : g >> -green_shift; \ b = blue_shift > 0 \ ? b << blue_shift : b >> -blue_shift; \ pixel = (r & red_mask)|(g & green_mask) | (b & blue_mask) \ | ~(blue_mask | green_mask | red_mask); \ } // optimized case - no d8 case, shift only once instead of twice, mask only once instead of twice, // use direct values instead of variables, and use only one statement // (*p >> 16), (*p >> 8 ) and (*p) are qRed(),qGreen() and qBlue() without masking // shifts have to be passed including the shift operator (e.g. '>>3'), because of the direction #define GET_PIXEL_OPT(red_shift,green_shift,blue_shift,red_mask,green_mask,blue_mask) \ int pixel = ((( *p >> 16 ) red_shift ) & red_mask ) \ | ((( *p >> 8 ) green_shift ) & green_mask ) \ | ((( *p ) blue_shift ) & blue_mask ); \ ++p; #define GET_PIXEL_DITHER_TC \ int r = qRed ( *p ); \ int g = qGreen( *p ); \ int b = qBlue ( *p++ ); \ const int thres = D[x%16][y%16]; \ if ( r <= (255-(1<<(8-rbits))) && ((r< thres) \ r += (1<<(8-rbits)); \ if ( g <= (255-(1<<(8-gbits))) && ((g< thres) \ g += (1<<(8-gbits)); \ if ( b <= (255-(1<<(8-bbits))) && ((b< thres) \ b += (1<<(8-bbits)); \ r = red_shift > 0 \ ? r << red_shift : r >> -red_shift; \ g = green_shift > 0 \ ? g << green_shift : g >> -green_shift; \ b = blue_shift > 0 \ ? b << blue_shift : b >> -blue_shift; \ int pixel = (r & red_mask)|(g & green_mask) | (b & blue_mask); // again, optimized case // can't be optimized that much :( #define GET_PIXEL_DITHER_TC_OPT(red_shift,green_shift,blue_shift,red_mask,green_mask,blue_mask, \ rbits,gbits,bbits) \ const int thres = D[x%16][y%16]; \ int r = qRed ( *p ); \ if ( r <= (255-(1<<(8-rbits))) && ((r< thres) \ r += (1<<(8-rbits)); \ int g = qGreen( *p ); \ if ( g <= (255-(1<<(8-gbits))) && ((g< thres) \ g += (1<<(8-gbits)); \ int b = qBlue ( *p++ ); \ if ( b <= (255-(1<<(8-bbits))) && ((b< thres) \ b += (1<<(8-bbits)); \ int pixel = (( r red_shift ) & red_mask ) \ | (( g green_shift ) & green_mask ) \ | (( b blue_shift ) & blue_mask ); #define CYCLE(body) \ for ( uint y=0; ybytes_per_line*y; \ QRgb* p = (QRgb *)src; \ body \ } if ( dither_tc ) { switch ( mode ) { case BPP16_8_3_M3: CYCLE( Q_INT16* dst16 = (Q_INT16*)dst; for ( uint x=0; x>3,0xf800,0x7e0,0x1f,5,6,5) *dst16++ = pixel; } ) break; case BPP16_7_2_M3: CYCLE( Q_INT16* dst16 = (Q_INT16*)dst; for ( uint x=0; x>3,0x7c00,0x3e0,0x1f,5,5,5) *dst16++ = pixel; } ) break; case BPP16_MSB: // 16 bit MSB CYCLE( for ( uint x=0; x> 8); *dst++ = pixel; } ) break; case BPP16_LSB: // 16 bit LSB CYCLE( for ( uint x=0; x> 8; } ) break; default: qFatal("Logic error"); } } else { switch ( mode ) { case BPP8: // 8 bit CYCLE( Q_UNUSED(p); for ( uint x=0; x>3,0xf800,0x7e0,0x1f) *dst16++ = pixel; } ) break; case BPP16_7_2_M3: CYCLE( Q_INT16* dst16 = (Q_INT16*)dst; for ( uint x=0; x>3,0x7c00,0x3e0,0x1f) *dst16++ = pixel; } ) break; case BPP16_MSB: // 16 bit MSB CYCLE( for ( uint x=0; x> 8); *dst++ = pixel; } ) break; case BPP16_LSB: // 16 bit LSB CYCLE( for ( uint x=0; x> 8; } ) break; case BPP24_MSB: // 24 bit MSB CYCLE( for ( uint x=0; x> 16; *dst++ = pixel >> 8; *dst++ = pixel; } ) break; case BPP24_LSB: // 24 bit LSB CYCLE( for ( uint x=0; x> 8; *dst++ = pixel >> 16; } ) break; case BPP32_16_8_0: CYCLE( memcpy( dst, p, w * 4 ); ) break; case BPP32_MSB: // 32 bit MSB CYCLE( for ( uint x=0; x> 24; *dst++ = pixel >> 16; *dst++ = pixel >> 8; *dst++ = pixel; } ) break; case BPP32_LSB: // 32 bit LSB CYCLE( for ( uint x=0; x> 8; *dst++ = pixel >> 16; *dst++ = pixel >> 24; } ) break; default: qFatal("Logic error 2"); } } xi->data = (char *)newbits; } if ( d == 8 && !trucol ) { // 8 bit pixmap int pop[256]; // pixel popularity if ( image.numColors() == 0 ) image.setNumColors( 1 ); memset( pop, 0, sizeof(int)*256 ); // reset popularity array uint i; for ( i=0; i 0 ) ncols++; } for ( i=image.numColors(); i<256; i++ ) // ignore out-of-range pixels pop[i] = 0; // works since we make sure above to have at least // one color in the image if ( ncols == 0 ) ncols = 1; PIX pixarr[256]; // pixel array PIX pixarr_sorted[256]; // pixel array (sorted) memset( pixarr, 0, ncols*sizeof(PIX) ); PIX *px = &pixarr[0]; int maxpop = 0; int maxpix = 0; Q_CHECK_PTR( pixarr ); uint j = 0; QRgb* ctable = image.colorTable(); for ( i=0; i<256; i++ ) { // init pixel array if ( pop[i] > 0 ) { px->r = qRed ( ctable[i] ); px->g = qGreen( ctable[i] ); px->b = qBlue ( ctable[i] ); px->n = 0; px->use = pop[i]; if ( pop[i] > maxpop ) { // select most popular entry maxpop = pop[i]; maxpix = j; } px->index = i; px->mindist = 1000000; px++; j++; } } pixarr_sorted[0] = pixarr[maxpix]; pixarr[maxpix].use = 0; for ( i=1; i< (uint) ncols; i++ ) { // sort pixels int minpix = -1, mindist = -1; px = &pixarr_sorted[i-1]; int r = px->r; int g = px->g; int b = px->b; int dist; if ( (i & 1) || i<10 ) { // sort on max distance for ( int j=0; juse ) { dist = (px->r - r)*(px->r - r) + (px->g - g)*(px->g - g) + (px->b - b)*(px->b - b); if ( px->mindist > dist ) px->mindist = dist; if ( px->mindist > mindist ) { mindist = px->mindist; minpix = j; } } } } else { // sort on max popularity for ( int j=0; juse ) { dist = (px->r - r)*(px->r - r) + (px->g - g)*(px->g - g) + (px->b - b)*(px->b - b); if ( px->mindist > dist ) px->mindist = dist; if ( px->use > mindist ) { mindist = px->use; minpix = j; } } } } pixarr_sorted[i] = pixarr[minpix]; pixarr[minpix].use = 0; } uint pix[256]; // pixel translation table px = &pixarr_sorted[0]; for ( i=0; i< (uint) ncols; i++ ) { // allocate colors QColor c( px->r, px->g, px->b ); pix[px->index] = c.pixel(x11Screen()); px++; } p = newbits; for ( i=0; i< (uint) nbytes; i++ ) { // translate pixels *p = pix[*p]; p++; } } if ( !xi ) { // X image not created #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS xi = qt_XShmCreateImage( dpy, visual, dd, ZPixmap, 0, 0, w, h, 32, 0, &shminfo ); if( xi != NULL ) mitshm_ximage = true; else #endif xi = XCreateImage( dpy, visual, dd, ZPixmap, 0, 0, w, h, 32, 0 ); if ( xi->bits_per_pixel == 16 ) { // convert 8 bpp ==> 16 bpp ushort *p2; int p2inc = xi->bytes_per_line/sizeof(ushort); ushort *newerbits = (ushort *)malloc( xi->bytes_per_line * h ); newbits_size = xi->bytes_per_line * h; Q_CHECK_PTR( newerbits ); if ( !newerbits ) // no memory return PixmapData(); uchar* p = newbits; for ( uint y=0; ybits_per_pixel != 8 ) { #if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE) qWarning( "QPixmap::convertFromImage: Display not supported " "(bpp=%d)", xi->bits_per_pixel ); #endif } #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS if( newbits_size > 0 && mitshm_ximage ) { // need to copy to shared memory memcpy( xi->data, newbits, newbits_size ); free( newbits ); newbits = (uchar*)xi->data; } else #endif xi->data = (char *)newbits; } #if 0 if ( hd && (width() != (int)w || height() != (int)h || this->depth() != dd) ) { #ifndef QT_NO_XFTFREETYPE if (rendhd) { XftDrawDestroy( (XftDraw *) rendhd ); rendhd = 0; } #endif // QT_NO_XFTFREETYPE XFreePixmap( dpy, hd ); // don't reuse old pixmap hd = 0; } #endif PixmapData dat; PixmapData* data = &dat; data->hd = None; Pixmap& hd = data->hd; if ( !hd ) { // create new pixmap hd = (HANDLE)XCreatePixmap( x11Display(), RootWindow(x11Display(), x11Screen() ), w, h, dd ); #ifndef QT_NO_XFTFREETYPE if ( qt_has_xft ) { if ( data->d == 1 ) { rendhd = (HANDLE) XftDrawCreateBitmap( x11Display (), hd ); } else { rendhd = (HANDLE) XftDrawCreate( x11Display (), hd, (Visual *) x11Visual(), x11Colormap() ); } } #endif // QT_NO_XFTFREETYPE } #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS if( mitshm_ximage ) XShmPutImage( dpy, hd, qt_xget_readonly_gc( x11Screen(), false ), xi, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h, False ); else #endif XPutImage( dpy, hd, qt_xget_readonly_gc( x11Screen(), false ), xi, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h ); data->w = w; data->h = h; data->d = dd; XImage* axi = NULL; #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS bool mitshm_aximage = false; XShmSegmentInfo ashminfo; #endif if ( image.hasAlphaBuffer() ) { abort(); #if 0 QBitmap m; m = image.createAlphaMask( conversion_flags ); setMask( m ); #ifndef QT_NO_XFTFREETYPE // does this image have an alphamap (and not just a 1bpp mask)? bool alphamap = image.depth() == 32; if (image.depth() == 8) { const QRgb * const rgb = image.colorTable(); for (int i = 0, count = image.numColors(); i < count; ++i) { const int alpha = qAlpha(rgb[i]); if (alpha != 0 && alpha != 0xff) { alphamap = true; break; } } } if (qt_use_xrender && qt_has_xft && alphamap) { data->alphapm = new QPixmap; // create a null pixmap // setup pixmap data data->alphapm->data->w = w; data->alphapm->data->h = h; data->alphapm->data->d = 8; // create 8bpp pixmap and render picture data->alphapm->hd = XCreatePixmap(x11Display(), RootWindow(x11Display(), x11Screen()), w, h, 8); data->alphapm->rendhd = (HANDLE) XftDrawCreateAlpha( x11Display(), data->alphapm->hd, 8 ); #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS axi = qt_XShmCreateImage( x11Display(), (Visual*)x11Visual(), 8, ZPixmap, 0, 0, w, h, 8, 0, &ashminfo ); if( axi != NULL ) mitshm_aximage = true; else #endif axi = XCreateImage(x11Display(), (Visual *) x11Visual(), 8, ZPixmap, 0, 0, w, h, 8, 0); if (axi) { if( axi->data==NULL ) { // the data is deleted by qSafeXDestroyImage axi->data = (char *) malloc(h * axi->bytes_per_line); Q_CHECK_PTR( axi->data ); } char *aptr = axi->data; if (image.depth() == 32) { const int *iptr = (const int *) image.bits(); if( axi->bytes_per_line == (int)w ) { int max = w * h; while (max--) *aptr++ = *iptr++ >> 24; // squirt } else { for (uint i = 0; i < h; ++i ) { for (uint j = 0; j < w; ++j ) *aptr++ = *iptr++ >> 24; // squirt aptr += ( axi->bytes_per_line - w ); } } } else if (image.depth() == 8) { const QRgb * const rgb = image.colorTable(); for (uint y = 0; y < h; ++y) { const uchar *iptr = image.scanLine(y); for (uint x = 0; x < w; ++x) *aptr++ = qAlpha(rgb[*iptr++]); aptr += ( axi->bytes_per_line - w ); } } GC gc = XCreateGC(x11Display(), data->alphapm->hd, 0, 0); #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS if( mitshm_aximage ) XShmPutImage( dpy, data->alphapm->hd, gc, axi, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h, False ); else #endif XPutImage(dpy, data->alphapm->hd, gc, axi, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h); XFreeGC(x11Display(), gc); } } #endif // QT_NO_XFTFREETYPE #endif } #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS if( mitshm_ximage || mitshm_aximage ) XSync( x11Display(), False ); // wait until processed #endif if ( data->optim != BestOptim ) { // throw away image #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS if( mitshm_ximage ) qt_XShmDestroyImage( xi, &shminfo ); else #endif qSafeXDestroyImage( xi ); data->ximage = 0; } else { // keep ximage that we created #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS if( mitshm_ximage ) { // copy the XImage? qt_XShmDestroyImage( xi, &shminfo ); xi = 0; } #endif data->ximage = xi; } if( axi ) { #ifdef QT_MITSHM_CONVERSIONS if( mitshm_aximage ) qt_XShmDestroyImage( axi, &ashminfo ); else #endif qSafeXDestroyImage(axi); } return *data; }