/* Copyright (C) 2004 Oswald Buddenhagen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kdisplaymanager.h" #ifdef Q_WS_X11 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _DBUS_PROPERTIES_IFACE "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" #define _DBUS_PROPERTIES_GET "Get" #define DBUS_PROPERTIES_IFACE QLatin1String(_DBUS_PROPERTIES_IFACE) #define DBUS_PROPERTIES_GET QLatin1String(_DBUS_PROPERTIES_GET) #define _SYSTEMD_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.login1" #define _SYSTEMD_BASE_PATH "/org/freedesktop/login1" #define _SYSTEMD_MANAGER_IFACE _SYSTEMD_SERVICE ".Manager" #define _SYSTEMD_SESSION_BASE_PATH _SYSTEMD_BASE_PATH "/Session" #define _SYSTEMD_SEAT_IFACE _SYSTEMD_SERVICE ".Seat" #define _SYSTEMD_SEAT_BASE_PATH _SYSTEMD_BASE_PATH "/Seat" #define _SYSTEMD_SESSION_IFACE _SYSTEMD_SERVICE ".Session" #define _SYSTEMD_USER_PROPERTY "User" #define _SYSTEMD_SEAT_PROPERTY "Seat" #define _SYSTEMD_SESSIONS_PROPERTY "Sessions" #define _SYSTEMD_SWITCH_PROPERTY "Activate" #define SYSTEMD_SERVICE QLatin1String(_SYSTEMD_SERVICE) #define SYSTEMD_BASE_PATH QLatin1String(_SYSTEMD_BASE_PATH) #define SYSTEMD_MANAGER_IFACE QLatin1String(_SYSTEMD_MANAGER_IFACE) #define SYSTEMD_SESSION_BASE_PATH QLatin1String(_SYSTEMD_SESSION_BASE_PATH) #define SYSTEMD_SEAT_IFACE QLatin1String(_SYSTEMD_SEAT_IFACE) #define SYSTEMD_SEAT_BASE_PATH QLatin1String(_SYSTEMD_SEAT_BASE_PATH) #define SYSTEMD_SESSION_IFACE QLatin1String(_SYSTEMD_SESSION_IFACE) #define SYSTEMD_USER_PROPERTY QLatin1String(_SYSTEMD_USER_PROPERTY) #define SYSTEMD_SEAT_PROPERTY QLatin1String(_SYSTEMD_SEAT_PROPERTY) #define SYSTEMD_SESSIONS_PROPERTY QLatin1String(_SYSTEMD_SESSIONS_PROPERTY) #define SYSTEMD_SWITCH_CALL QLatin1String(_SYSTEMD_SWITCH_PROPERTY) struct NamedDBusObjectPath { QString name; QDBusObjectPath path; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(NamedDBusObjectPath) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QList) // Marshall the NamedDBusObjectPath data into a D-Bus argument QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const NamedDBusObjectPath &namedPath) { argument.beginStructure(); argument << namedPath.name << namedPath.path; argument.endStructure(); return argument; } // Retrieve the NamedDBusObjectPath data from the D-Bus argument const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, NamedDBusObjectPath &namedPath) { argument.beginStructure(); argument >> namedPath.name >> namedPath.path; argument.endStructure(); return argument; } struct NumberedDBusObjectPath { uint num; QDBusObjectPath path; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(NumberedDBusObjectPath) // Marshall the NumberedDBusObjectPath data into a D-Bus argument QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const NumberedDBusObjectPath &numberedPath) { argument.beginStructure(); argument << numberedPath.num << numberedPath.path; argument.endStructure(); return argument; } // Retrieve the NumberedDBusObjectPath data from the D-Bus argument const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, NumberedDBusObjectPath &numberedPath) { argument.beginStructure(); argument >> numberedPath.num >> numberedPath.path; argument.endStructure(); return argument; } class SystemdManager : public QDBusInterface { public: SystemdManager() : QDBusInterface( SYSTEMD_SERVICE, SYSTEMD_BASE_PATH, SYSTEMD_MANAGER_IFACE, QDBusConnection::systemBus()) {} }; class SystemdSeat : public QDBusInterface { public: SystemdSeat(const QDBusObjectPath &path) : QDBusInterface( SYSTEMD_SERVICE, path.path(), SYSTEMD_SEAT_IFACE, QDBusConnection::systemBus()) {} /* HACK to be able to extract a(so) type from QDBus, property doesn't do the trick */ QList getSessions() { QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service(), path(), DBUS_PROPERTIES_IFACE, DBUS_PROPERTIES_GET); message << interface() << SYSTEMD_SESSIONS_PROPERTY; QDBusMessage reply = QDBusConnection::systemBus().call(message); QVariantList args = reply.arguments(); if (!args.isEmpty()) { QList namedPathList = qdbus_cast< QList >(args.at(0).value().variant().value()); return namedPathList; } return QList(); } }; class SystemdSession : public QDBusInterface { public: SystemdSession(const QDBusObjectPath &path) : QDBusInterface( SYSTEMD_SERVICE, path.path(), SYSTEMD_SESSION_IFACE, QDBusConnection::systemBus()) {} /* HACK to be able to extract (so) type from QDBus, property doesn't do the trick */ NamedDBusObjectPath getSeat() { QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service(), path(), DBUS_PROPERTIES_IFACE, DBUS_PROPERTIES_GET); message << interface() << SYSTEMD_SEAT_PROPERTY; QDBusMessage reply = QDBusConnection::systemBus().call(message); QVariantList args = reply.arguments(); if (!args.isEmpty()) { NamedDBusObjectPath namedPath; args.at(0).value().variant().value() >> namedPath; return namedPath; } return NamedDBusObjectPath(); } NumberedDBusObjectPath getUser() { QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall(service(), path(), DBUS_PROPERTIES_IFACE, DBUS_PROPERTIES_GET); message << interface() << SYSTEMD_USER_PROPERTY; QDBusMessage reply = QDBusConnection::systemBus().call(message); QVariantList args = reply.arguments(); if (!args.isEmpty()) { NumberedDBusObjectPath numberedPath; args.at(0).value().variant().value() >> numberedPath; return numberedPath; } return NumberedDBusObjectPath(); } void getSessionLocation(SessEnt &se) { se.tty = (property("Type").toString() != QLatin1String("x11")); se.display = property(se.tty ? "TTY" : "Display").toString(); se.vt = property("VTNr").toInt(); } }; class CKManager : public QDBusInterface { public: CKManager() : QDBusInterface( QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit"), QLatin1String("/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Manager"), QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager"), QDBusConnection::systemBus()) {} }; class CKSeat : public QDBusInterface { public: CKSeat(const QDBusObjectPath &path) : QDBusInterface( QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit"), path.path(), QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Seat"), QDBusConnection::systemBus()) {} }; class CKSession : public QDBusInterface { public: CKSession(const QDBusObjectPath &path) : QDBusInterface( QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit"), path.path(), QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session"), QDBusConnection::systemBus()) {} void getSessionLocation(SessEnt &se) { QString tty; QDBusReply r = call(QLatin1String("GetX11Display")); if (r.isValid() && !r.value().isEmpty()) { QDBusReply r2 = call(QLatin1String("GetX11DisplayDevice")); tty = r2.value(); se.display = r.value(); se.tty = false; } else { QDBusReply r2 = call(QLatin1String("GetDisplayDevice")); tty = r2.value(); se.display = tty; se.tty = true; } se.vt = tty.mid(strlen("/dev/tty")).toInt(); } }; class GDMFactory : public QDBusInterface { public: GDMFactory() : QDBusInterface( QLatin1String("org.gnome.DisplayManager"), QLatin1String("/org/gnome/DisplayManager/LocalDisplayFactory"), QLatin1String("org.gnome.DisplayManager.LocalDisplayFactory"), QDBusConnection::systemBus()) {} }; class LightDMDBus : public QDBusInterface { public: LightDMDBus() : QDBusInterface( QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.DisplayManager"), qgetenv("XDG_SEAT_PATH"), QLatin1String("org.freedesktop.DisplayManager.Seat"), QDBusConnection::systemBus()) {} }; static enum { Dunno, NoDM, NewKDM, OldKDM, NewGDM, OldGDM, LightDM } DMType = Dunno; static const char *ctl, *dpy; class KDisplayManager::Private { public: Private() : fd(-1) {} ~Private() { if (fd >= 0) close(fd); } int fd; }; KDisplayManager::KDisplayManager() : d(new Private) { const char *ptr; struct sockaddr_un sa; qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType >(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); if (DMType == Dunno) { if (!(dpy = ::getenv("DISPLAY"))) DMType = NoDM; else if ((ctl = ::getenv("DM_CONTROL"))) DMType = NewKDM; else if ((ctl = ::getenv("XDM_MANAGED")) && ctl[0] == '/') DMType = OldKDM; else if (::getenv("XDG_SEAT_PATH") && LightDMDBus().isValid()) DMType = LightDM; else if (::getenv("GDMSESSION")) DMType = GDMFactory().isValid() ? NewGDM : OldGDM; else DMType = NoDM; } switch (DMType) { default: return; case NewKDM: case OldGDM: if ((d->fd = ::socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) return; sa.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (DMType == OldGDM) { strcpy(sa.sun_path, "/var/run/gdm_socket"); if (::connect(d->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa))) { strcpy(sa.sun_path, "/tmp/.gdm_socket"); if (::connect(d->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa))) { ::close(d->fd); d->fd = -1; break; } } GDMAuthenticate(); } else { if ((ptr = strchr(dpy, ':'))) ptr = strchr(ptr, '.'); snprintf(sa.sun_path, sizeof(sa.sun_path), "%s/dmctl-%.*s/socket", ctl, ptr ? int(ptr - dpy) : 512, dpy); if (::connect(d->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa))) { ::close(d->fd); d->fd = -1; } } break; case OldKDM: { QString tf(ctl); tf.truncate(tf.indexOf(',')); d->fd = ::open(tf.toLatin1(), O_WRONLY); } break; } } KDisplayManager::~KDisplayManager() { delete d; } bool KDisplayManager::exec(const char *cmd) { QByteArray buf; return exec(cmd, buf); } /** * Execute a KDM/GDM remote control command. * @param cmd the command to execute. FIXME: undocumented yet. * @param buf the result buffer. * @return result: * @li If true, the command was successfully executed. * @p ret might contain addional results. * @li If false and @p ret is empty, a communication error occurred * (most probably KDM is not running). * @li If false and @p ret is non-empty, it contains the error message * from KDM. */ bool KDisplayManager::exec(const char *cmd, QByteArray &buf) { bool ret = false; int tl; int len = 0; if (d->fd < 0) goto busted; tl = strlen(cmd); if (::write(d->fd, cmd, tl) != tl) { bust: ::close(d->fd); d->fd = -1; busted: buf.resize(0); return false; } if (DMType == OldKDM) { buf.resize(0); return true; } for (;;) { if (buf.size() < 128) buf.resize(128); else if (buf.size() < len * 2) buf.resize(len * 2); if ((tl = ::read(d->fd, buf.data() + len, buf.size() - len)) <= 0) { if (tl < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue; goto bust; } len += tl; if (buf[len - 1] == '\n') { buf[len - 1] = 0; if (len > 2 && (buf[0] == 'o' || buf[0] == 'O') && (buf[1] == 'k' || buf[1] == 'K') && buf[2] <= ' ') ret = true; break; } } return ret; } static bool getCurrentSeat(QDBusObjectPath *currentSession, QDBusObjectPath *currentSeat) { SystemdManager man; QDBusReply r = man.call(QLatin1String("GetSessionByPID"), (uint) QCoreApplication::applicationPid()); if (r.isValid()) { SystemdSession sess(r.value()); if (sess.isValid()) { NamedDBusObjectPath namedPath = sess.getSeat(); if (currentSession) *currentSession = r.value(); *currentSeat = namedPath.path; return true; } } else { CKManager man; QDBusReply r = man.call(QLatin1String("GetCurrentSession")); if (r.isValid()) { CKSession sess(r.value()); if (sess.isValid()) { QDBusReply r2 = sess.call(QLatin1String("GetSeatId")); if (r2.isValid()) { if (currentSession) *currentSession = r.value(); *currentSeat = r2.value(); return true; } } } } return false; } static QList getSessionsForSeat(const QDBusObjectPath &path) { if (path.path().startsWith(SYSTEMD_BASE_PATH)) { // systemd path incoming SystemdSeat seat(path); if (seat.isValid()) { QList r = seat.getSessions(); QList result; foreach (const NamedDBusObjectPath &namedPath, r) result.append(namedPath.path); // This pretty much can't contain any other than local sessions as the seat is retrieved from the current session return result; } } else if (path.path().startsWith("/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit")) { CKSeat seat(path); if (seat.isValid()) { QDBusReply > r = seat.call(QLatin1String("GetSessions")); if (r.isValid()) { // This will contain only local sessions: // - this is only ever called when isSwitchable() is true => local seat // - remote logins into the machine are assigned to other seats return r.value(); } } } return QList(); } #ifndef KDM_NO_SHUTDOWN bool KDisplayManager::canShutdown() { if (DMType == NewGDM || DMType == NoDM || DMType == LightDM) { QDBusReply canPowerOff = SystemdManager().call(QLatin1String("CanPowerOff")); if (canPowerOff.isValid()) return canPowerOff.value() != QLatin1String("no"); QDBusReply canStop = CKManager().call(QLatin1String("CanStop")); if (canStop.isValid()) return canStop.value(); return false; } if (DMType == OldKDM) return strstr(ctl, ",maysd") != 0; QByteArray re; if (DMType == OldGDM) return exec("QUERY_LOGOUT_ACTION\n", re) && re.indexOf("HALT") >= 0; return exec("caps\n", re) && re.indexOf("\tshutdown") >= 0; } void KDisplayManager::shutdown(KWorkSpace::ShutdownType shutdownType, KWorkSpace::ShutdownMode shutdownMode, /* NOT Default */ const QString &bootOption) { if (shutdownType == KWorkSpace::ShutdownTypeNone || shutdownType == KWorkSpace::ShutdownTypeLogout) return; bool cap_ask; if (DMType == NewKDM) { QByteArray re; cap_ask = exec("caps\n", re) && re.indexOf("\tshutdown ask") >= 0; } else { if (!bootOption.isEmpty()) return; if (DMType == NewGDM || DMType == NoDM || DMType == LightDM) { // systemd supports only 2 modes: // * interactive = true: brings up a PolicyKit prompt if other sessions are active // * interactive = false: rejects the shutdown if other sessions are active // There are no schedule or force modes. // We try to map our 4 shutdown modes in the sanest way. bool interactive = (shutdownMode == KWorkSpace::ShutdownModeInteractive || shutdownMode == KWorkSpace::ShutdownModeForceNow); QDBusReply check = SystemdManager().call(QLatin1String( shutdownType == KWorkSpace::ShutdownTypeReboot ? "Reboot" : "PowerOff"), interactive); if (!check.isValid()) { // FIXME: entirely ignoring shutdownMode CKManager().call(QLatin1String( shutdownType == KWorkSpace::ShutdownTypeReboot ? "Restart" : "Stop")); // if even CKManager call fails, there is nothing more to be done } return; } cap_ask = false; } if (!cap_ask && shutdownMode == KWorkSpace::ShutdownModeInteractive) shutdownMode = KWorkSpace::ShutdownModeForceNow; QByteArray cmd; if (DMType == OldGDM) { cmd.append(shutdownMode == KWorkSpace::ShutdownModeForceNow ? "SET_LOGOUT_ACTION " : "SET_SAFE_LOGOUT_ACTION "); cmd.append(shutdownType == KWorkSpace::ShutdownTypeReboot ? "REBOOT\n" : "HALT\n"); } else { cmd.append("shutdown\t"); cmd.append(shutdownType == KWorkSpace::ShutdownTypeReboot ? "reboot\t" : "halt\t"); if (!bootOption.isEmpty()) cmd.append("=").append(bootOption.toLocal8Bit()).append("\t"); cmd.append(shutdownMode == KWorkSpace::ShutdownModeInteractive ? "ask\n" : shutdownMode == KWorkSpace::ShutdownModeForceNow ? "forcenow\n" : shutdownMode == KWorkSpace::ShutdownModeTryNow ? "trynow\n" : "schedule\n"); } exec(cmd.data()); } bool KDisplayManager::bootOptions(QStringList &opts, int &defopt, int ¤t) { if (DMType != NewKDM) return false; QByteArray re; if (!exec("listbootoptions\n", re)) return false; opts = QString::fromLocal8Bit(re.data()).split('\t', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (opts.size() < 4) return false; bool ok; defopt = opts[2].toInt(&ok); if (!ok) return false; current = opts[3].toInt(&ok); if (!ok) return false; opts = opts[1].split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (QStringList::Iterator it = opts.begin(); it != opts.end(); ++it) (*it).replace("\\s", " "); return true; } #endif // KDM_NO_SHUTDOWN // This only tells KDM to not auto-re-login upon session crash void KDisplayManager::setLock(bool on) { if (DMType == NewKDM || DMType == OldKDM) exec(on ? "lock\n" : "unlock\n"); } bool KDisplayManager::isSwitchable() { if (DMType == NewGDM || DMType == LightDM) { QDBusObjectPath currentSeat; if (getCurrentSeat(0, ¤tSeat)) { SystemdSeat SDseat(currentSeat); if (SDseat.isValid()) { QVariant prop = SDseat.property("CanMultiSession"); if (prop.isValid()) return prop.toBool(); } CKSeat CKseat(currentSeat); if (CKseat.isValid()) { QDBusReply r = CKseat.call(QLatin1String("CanActivateSessions")); if (r.isValid()) return r.value(); } } return false; } if (DMType == OldKDM) return dpy[0] == ':'; if (DMType == OldGDM) return exec("QUERY_VT\n"); QByteArray re; return exec("caps\n", re) && re.indexOf("\tlocal") >= 0; } int KDisplayManager::numReserve() { if (DMType == NewGDM || DMType == OldGDM || DMType == LightDM) return 1; /* Bleh */ if (DMType == OldKDM) return strstr(ctl, ",rsvd") ? 1 : -1; QByteArray re; int p; if (!(exec("caps\n", re) && (p = re.indexOf("\treserve ")) >= 0)) return -1; return atoi(re.data() + p + 9); } void KDisplayManager::startReserve() { if (DMType == NewGDM) GDMFactory().call(QLatin1String("CreateTransientDisplay")); else if (DMType == OldGDM) exec("FLEXI_XSERVER\n"); else if (DMType == LightDM) { LightDMDBus lightDM; lightDM.call("SwitchToGreeter"); } else exec("reserve\n"); } bool KDisplayManager::localSessions(SessList &list) { if (DMType == OldKDM) return false; if (DMType == NewGDM || DMType == LightDM) { QDBusObjectPath currentSession, currentSeat; if (getCurrentSeat(¤tSession, ¤tSeat)) { // we'll divide the code in two branches to reduce the overhead of calls to non-existent services // systemd part // preferred if (QDBusConnection::systemBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered(SYSTEMD_SERVICE)) { foreach (const QDBusObjectPath &sp, getSessionsForSeat(currentSeat)) { SystemdSession lsess(sp); if (lsess.isValid()) { SessEnt se; lsess.getSessionLocation(se); if ((lsess.property("Class").toString() != QLatin1String("greeter")) && (lsess.property("State").toString() == QLatin1String("online") || lsess.property("State").toString() == QLatin1String("active"))) { NumberedDBusObjectPath numberedPath = lsess.getUser(); se.display = lsess.property("Display").toString(); se.vt = lsess.property("VTNr").toInt(); se.user = KUser(K_UID(numberedPath.num)).loginName(); /* TODO: * regarding the session name in this, it IS possible to find it out - logind tracks the session leader PID * the problem is finding out the name of the process, I could come only with reading /proc/PID/comm which * doesn't seem exactly... right to me --mbriza */ se.session = ""; se.self = lsess.property("Display").toString() == ::getenv("DISPLAY"); /* Bleh once again */ se.tty = !lsess.property("TTY").toString().isEmpty(); } list.append(se); } } } // ConsoleKit part else if (QDBusConnection::systemBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit")) { foreach (const QDBusObjectPath &sp, getSessionsForSeat(currentSeat)) { CKSession lsess(sp); if (lsess.isValid()) { SessEnt se; lsess.getSessionLocation(se); // "Warning: we haven't yet defined the allowed values for this property. // It is probably best to avoid this until we do." QDBusReply r = lsess.call(QLatin1String("GetSessionType")); if (r.value() != QLatin1String("LoginWindow")) { QDBusReply r2 = lsess.call(QLatin1String("GetUnixUser")); se.user = KUser(K_UID(r2.value())).loginName(); se.session = ""; } se.self = (sp == currentSession); list.append(se); } } } else { return false; } return true; } return false; } QByteArray re; if (DMType == OldGDM) { if (!exec("CONSOLE_SERVERS\n", re)) return false; const QStringList sess = QString(re.data() +3).split(QChar(';'), QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = sess.constBegin(); it != sess.constEnd(); ++it) { QStringList ts = (*it).split(QChar(',')); SessEnt se; se.display = ts[0]; se.user = ts[1]; se.vt = ts[2].toInt(); se.session = ""; se.self = ts[0] == ::getenv("DISPLAY"); /* Bleh */ se.tty = false; list.append(se); } } else { if (!exec("list\talllocal\n", re)) return false; const QStringList sess = QString(re.data() + 3).split(QChar('\t'), QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = sess.constBegin(); it != sess.constEnd(); ++it) { QStringList ts = (*it).split(QChar(',')); SessEnt se; se.display = ts[0]; se.vt = ts[1].mid(2).toInt(); se.user = ts[2]; se.session = ts[3]; se.self = (ts[4].indexOf('*') >= 0); se.tty = (ts[4].indexOf('t') >= 0); list.append(se); } } return true; } void KDisplayManager::sess2Str2(const SessEnt &se, QString &user, QString &loc) { if (se.tty) { user = i18nc("user: ...", "%1: TTY login", se.user); loc = se.vt ? QString("vt%1").arg(se.vt) : se.display ; } else { user = se.user.isEmpty() ? se.session.isEmpty() ? i18nc("... location (TTY or X display)", "Unused") : se.session == "" ? i18n("X login on remote host") : i18nc("... host", "X login on %1", se.session) : se.session == "" ? se.user : i18nc("user: session type", "%1: %2", se.user, se.session); loc = se.vt ? QString("%1, vt%2").arg(se.display).arg(se.vt) : se.display; } } QString KDisplayManager::sess2Str(const SessEnt &se) { QString user, loc; sess2Str2(se, user, loc); return i18nc("session (location)", "%1 (%2)", user, loc); } bool KDisplayManager::switchVT(int vt) { if (DMType == NewGDM || DMType == LightDM) { QDBusObjectPath currentSeat; if (getCurrentSeat(0, ¤tSeat)) { // systemd part // preferred if (QDBusConnection::systemBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered(SYSTEMD_SERVICE)) { foreach (const QDBusObjectPath &sp, getSessionsForSeat(currentSeat)) { SystemdSession lsess(sp); if (lsess.isValid()) { SessEnt se; lsess.getSessionLocation(se); if (se.vt == vt) { lsess.call(SYSTEMD_SWITCH_CALL); return true; } } } } // ConsoleKit part else if (QDBusConnection::systemBus().interface()->isServiceRegistered("org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit")) { foreach (const QDBusObjectPath &sp, getSessionsForSeat(currentSeat)) { CKSession lsess(sp); if (lsess.isValid()) { SessEnt se; lsess.getSessionLocation(se); if (se.vt == vt) { if (se.tty) // ConsoleKit simply ignores these return false; lsess.call(QLatin1String("Activate")); return true; } } } } } return false; } if (DMType == OldGDM) return exec(QString("SET_VT %1\n").arg(vt).toLatin1()); return exec(QString("activate\tvt%1\n").arg(vt).toLatin1()); } void KDisplayManager::lockSwitchVT(int vt) { // Lock first, otherwise the lock won't be able to kick in until the session is re-activated. QDBusInterface screensaver("org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver", "/ScreenSaver", "org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver"); screensaver.call("Lock"); switchVT(vt); } void KDisplayManager::GDMAuthenticate() { FILE *fp; const char *dpy, *dnum, *dne; int dnl; Xauth *xau; dpy = DisplayString(QX11Info::display()); if (!dpy) { dpy = ::getenv("DISPLAY"); if (!dpy) return; } dnum = strchr(dpy, ':') + 1; dne = strchr(dpy, '.'); dnl = dne ? dne - dnum : strlen(dnum); /* XXX should do locking */ if (!(fp = fopen(XauFileName(), "r"))) return; while ((xau = XauReadAuth(fp))) { if (xau->family == FamilyLocal && xau->number_length == dnl && !memcmp(xau->number, dnum, dnl) && xau->data_length == 16 && xau->name_length == 18 && !memcmp(xau->name, "MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1", 18)) { QString cmd("AUTH_LOCAL "); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) cmd += QString::number((uchar)xau->data[i], 16).rightJustified(2, '0'); cmd += '\n'; if (exec(cmd.toLatin1())) { XauDisposeAuth(xau); break; } } XauDisposeAuth(xau); } fclose (fp); } #endif // Q_WS_X11