/* icoutils_wrestool.cpp - Extract Microsoft Window icons and images using icoutils package Copyright (c) 2009-2010 by Pali Rohár ************************************************************************* * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************* */ #include "icoutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define abs(n) ( ( n < 0 ) ? -n : n ) typedef QPair < QString, int > IconInExe; bool IcoUtils::loadIcoImageFromExe(const QString &inputFileName, const QString &outputFileName, const qint32 iconNumber) { QProcess wrestool; wrestool.start("wrestool", QStringList() << "-l" << inputFileName); wrestool.waitForFinished(); if ( wrestool.exitCode() != 0 ) return false; const QStringList output = QString(wrestool.readAll()).split('\n'); QRegExp regExp("--type=(.*) --name=(.*) --language=(.*) \\[(.*)\\]"); // If we specify number of icon, use only group icons (Windows use only group icons) if ( iconNumber > 0 ) regExp.setPattern("--type=(14) --name=(.*) --language=(.*) \\[(.*)\\]"); QList icons; // First try use group icons (type 14, default first for windows executables), then icons (type 3), then group cursors (type 12) and finaly cursors (type 1) // Note: Last icon (type 3) could be in higher resolution // Group Icons foreach ( const QString &line, output ) if ( regExp.indexIn(line) != -1 && regExp.cap(1).toInt() == 14 ) icons << qMakePair(regExp.cap(2), 14); // Icons foreach ( const QString &line, output ) if ( regExp.indexIn(line) != -1 && regExp.cap(1).toInt() == 3 ) icons << qMakePair(regExp.cap(2), 3); if ( icons.isEmpty() ) return false; if ( iconNumber > 0 && icons.size() >= iconNumber ) icons = QList () << icons.at(iconNumber+1); foreach ( const IconInExe &icon, icons ) { QString name = icon.first; int type = icon.second; if ( name.at(0) == '\'' ) name = name.mid(1, name.size()-2); QFile(outputFileName).resize(0); wrestool.start("wrestool", QStringList() << "-x" << "-t" << QString::number(type) << "-n" << name << inputFileName << "-o" << outputFileName); wrestool.waitForFinished(); if ( wrestool.exitCode() == 0 && QFile(outputFileName).size() != 0 ) return true; } return false; }