/* KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard Copyright (c) 1999 - 2002 Chris Schlaeger This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or at your option version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ksgrd/SensorManager.h" #include "SensorDisplay.h" #define NONE -1 using namespace KSGRD; SensorDisplay::DeleteEvent::DeleteEvent( SensorDisplay *display ) : QEvent( QEvent::User ), mDisplay( display ) { } SensorDisplay* SensorDisplay::DeleteEvent::display() const { return mDisplay; } SensorDisplay::SensorDisplay( QWidget *parent, const QString &title, SharedSettings *workSheetSettings) : QWidget( parent ) { mSharedSettings = workSheetSettings; mShowUnit = false; mTimerId = NONE; mErrorIndicator = 0; mPlotterWdg = 0; this->setWhatsThis( "dummy" ); setMinimumSize( 16, 16 ); setSensorOk( false ); setTitle(title); /* Let's call updateWhatsThis() in case the derived class does not do * this. */ updateWhatsThis(); } SensorDisplay::~SensorDisplay() { if ( SensorMgr != 0 ) SensorMgr->disconnectClient( this ); if ( mTimerId > 0 ) killTimer( mTimerId ); for(int i = mSensors.size()-1; i>=0; i--) unregisterSensor(i); } void SensorDisplay::registerSensor( SensorProperties *sp ) { mSensors.append( sp ); } void SensorDisplay::unregisterSensor( uint pos ) { delete mSensors.takeAt( pos ); } void SensorDisplay::timerTick() { int i = 0; foreach( SensorProperties *s, mSensors) { sendRequest( s->hostName(), s->name(), i++ ); } } void SensorDisplay::showContextMenu(const QPoint &pos) { QMenu pm; QAction *action = 0; bool menuEmpty = true; if ( hasSettingsDialog() ) { action = pm.addAction( i18n( "&Properties" ) ); action->setData( 0 ); menuEmpty = false; } if(mSharedSettings && !mSharedSettings->locked) { action = pm.addAction( i18n( "&Remove Display" ) ); action->setData( 1 ); menuEmpty = false; } if(menuEmpty) return; action = pm.exec( mapToGlobal(pos) ); if ( action ) { switch ( action->data().toInt() ) { case 0: configureSettings(); break; case 1: { if ( mDeleteNotifier ) { DeleteEvent *event = new DeleteEvent( this ); kapp->postEvent( mDeleteNotifier, event ); } } break; } } } bool SensorDisplay::eventFilter( QObject *object, QEvent *event ) { if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { QMouseEvent *e = static_cast (event); if( e->button() == Qt::RightButton ) { showContextMenu( mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ) ); return true; } } return QWidget::eventFilter( object, event ); } void SensorDisplay::sendRequest( const QString &hostName, const QString &command, int id ) { if ( !SensorMgr->sendRequest( hostName, command, (SensorClient*)this, id ) ) { sensorError( id, true ); } } void SensorDisplay::sensorError( int sensorId, bool err ) { if ( sensorId >= (int)mSensors.count() || sensorId < 0 ) return; if ( err == mSensors.at( sensorId )->isOk() ) { // this happens only when the sensorOk status needs to be changed. mSensors.at( sensorId )->setIsOk( !err ); } bool ok = true; for ( uint i = 0; i < (uint)mSensors.count(); ++i ) if ( !mSensors.at( i )->isOk() ) { ok = false; break; } setSensorOk( ok ); } void SensorDisplay::updateWhatsThis() { if(mSharedSettings && mSharedSettings->locked) this->setWhatsThis( i18n( "

This is a sensor display. To customize a sensor display click " "the right mouse button here " "and select the Properties entry from the popup " "menu. Select Remove to delete the display from the worksheet." "

" , additionalWhatsThis() ) ); else this->setWhatsThis( additionalWhatsThis()); } void SensorDisplay::hosts( QStringList& list ) { foreach( SensorProperties *s, mSensors) if ( !list.contains( s->hostName() ) ) list.append( s->hostName() ); } QColor SensorDisplay::restoreColor( QDomElement &element, const QString &attr, const QColor& fallback ) { bool ok; int color = element.attribute( attr ).toUInt( &ok, 0 ); if ( !ok ) { kDebug(1215) << "Invalid color read in from worksheet for " << attr << " = " << element.attribute(attr) << " (Not a valid number)"; return fallback; } QColor c( (color & 0xff0000) >> 16, (color & 0xff00) >> 8, (color & 0xff), (color & 0xff000000) >> 24); if( !c.isValid()) { kDebug(1215) << "Invalid color read in from worksheet for " << attr << " = " << element.attribute(attr); return fallback; } if(c.alpha() == 0) c.setAlpha(255); return c; } void SensorDisplay::saveColor( QDomElement &element, const QString &attr, const QColor &color ) { element.setAttribute( attr, "0x" + QString::number(color.rgba(),16) ); } void SensorDisplay::saveColorAppend( QDomElement &element, const QString &attr, const QColor &color ) { element.setAttribute( attr, element.attribute(attr) + ",0x" + QString::number(color.rgba(),16) ); } bool SensorDisplay::addSensor( const QString &hostName, const QString &name, const QString &type, const QString &description ) { registerSensor( new SensorProperties( hostName, name, type, description ) ); return true; } bool SensorDisplay::removeSensor( uint pos ) { if((int) pos >= mSensors.count()) return false; unregisterSensor( pos ); return true; } bool SensorDisplay::hasSettingsDialog() const { return false; } void SensorDisplay::configureSettings() { } QString SensorDisplay::additionalWhatsThis() { return QString(); } void SensorDisplay::sensorLost( int reqId ) { sensorError( reqId, true ); } void SensorDisplay::setDeleteNotifier( QObject *object ) { mDeleteNotifier = object; } bool SensorDisplay::restoreSettings( QDomElement &element ) { mShowUnit = element.attribute( "showUnit", "0" ).toInt(); setUnit( element.attribute( "unit", QString() ) ); setTitle( element.attribute( "title", title() ) ); return true; } bool SensorDisplay::saveSettings( QDomDocument&, QDomElement &element ) { element.setAttribute( "title", title() ); element.setAttribute( "unit", unit() ); element.setAttribute( "showUnit", mShowUnit ); return true; } QList &SensorDisplay::sensors() { return mSensors; } void SensorDisplay::rmbPressed() { emit showPopupMenu( this ); } void SensorDisplay::applySettings() { } void SensorDisplay::applyStyle() { } void SensorDisplay::setSensorOk( bool ok ) { if ( ok ) { delete mErrorIndicator; mErrorIndicator = 0; } else { if ( mErrorIndicator ) return; if ( !mPlotterWdg || mPlotterWdg->isVisible()) return; QPixmap errorIcon = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon( "dialog-error", KIconLoader::Desktop, KIconLoader::SizeSmall ); mErrorIndicator = new QWidget( mPlotterWdg ); QPalette palette = mErrorIndicator->palette(); palette.setBrush( mErrorIndicator->backgroundRole(), QBrush( errorIcon ) ); mErrorIndicator->setPalette( palette ); mErrorIndicator->resize( errorIcon.size() ); if ( !errorIcon.mask().isNull() ) mErrorIndicator->setMask( errorIcon.mask() ); mErrorIndicator->move( 0, 0 ); mErrorIndicator->show(); } } void SensorDisplay::changeEvent( QEvent * event ) { if (event->type() == QEvent::LanguageChange) { setTitle(mTitle); //retranslate } } void SensorDisplay::setTitle( const QString &title ) { mTitle = title; mTranslatedTitle = i18n(title.toUtf8()); emit titleChanged(mTitle); emit translatedTitleChanged(mTranslatedTitle); } QString SensorDisplay::translatedTitle() const { return mTranslatedTitle; } QString SensorDisplay::title() const { return mTitle; } void SensorDisplay::setUnit( const QString &unit ) { mUnit = unit; } QString SensorDisplay::unit() const { return mUnit; } void SensorDisplay::setShowUnit( bool value ) { mShowUnit = value; } bool SensorDisplay::showUnit() const { return mShowUnit; } void SensorDisplay::setPlotterWidget( QWidget *wdg ) { mPlotterWdg = wdg; } SensorProperties::SensorProperties() { } SensorProperties::SensorProperties( const QString &hostName, const QString &name, const QString &type, const QString &description ) : mName( name ), mType( type ), mDescription( description ) { setHostName(hostName); mOk = false; } SensorProperties::~SensorProperties() { } void SensorProperties::setHostName( const QString &hostName ) { mHostName = hostName; mIsLocalhost = (mHostName.toLower() == "localhost" || mHostName.isEmpty()); } bool SensorProperties::isLocalhost() const { return mIsLocalhost; } QString SensorProperties::hostName() const { return mHostName; } void SensorProperties::setName( const QString &name ) { mName = name; } QString SensorProperties::name() const { return mName; } void SensorProperties::setType( const QString &type ) { mType = type; } QString SensorProperties::type() const { return mType; } void SensorProperties::setDescription( const QString &description ) { mDescription = description; } QString SensorProperties::description() const { return mDescription; } void SensorProperties::setUnit( const QString &unit ) { mUnit = unit; } QString SensorProperties::unit() const { return mUnit; } void SensorProperties::setIsOk( bool value ) { mOk = value; } bool SensorProperties::isOk() const { return mOk; } void SensorProperties::setRegExpName( const QString &name ) { mRegExpName = name; } QString SensorProperties::regExpName() const { return mRegExpName; } #include "moc_SensorDisplay.cpp"