#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # Copyright 2004-2005 Oswald Buddenhagen # # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its # documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that # the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting # documentation. # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR # OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, # ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR # OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holders shall # not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or # other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization # from the copyright holders. # use strict; use Cwd 'abs_path'; sub pegout($) { print STDERR $_[0]."\n"; exit 1; } sub relpath($$) { my @src = split(/\//, abs_path(shift)); my @dst = split(/\//, abs_path(shift)); pop @dst; while (@src && @dst && $src[0] eq $dst[0]) { shift @src; shift @dst; } return "../"x@dst . join("/", @src); } sub getl() { while () { next if (/^#/); chop; # print "read: ".$_."\n"; return; } $_ = ""; } sub dedb($) { my $t = shift; $t =~ s,,\",g; $t =~ s,]+)?)>,,g; $t =~ s,([^<]+),uc($1),ge; $t =~ s,&,&,g; $t =~ s, , ,g; $t =~ s,<,<,g; $t =~ s,>,>,g; $t =~ s,&kdm;,KDM,g; $t =~ s,&XDMCP;,XDMCP,g; $t =~ s,&X-Server;,X-server,g; return $t; } sub mkvname($) { my $v = shift; if ($v !~ /^[A-Z]{2}/) { $v = lcfirst $v; } return $v; } sub emit_conds($) { my $ret = ""; for my $c (keys %{$_[0]}) { my ($then, $else) = ("", ""); for my $d (@{${$_[0]}{$c}}) { my $bas = "# define ".$d->[0]; if ($d->[1] =~ /\n/) { $then .= $bas." \\\n".$d->[1]."\n"; } else { $then .= $bas." ".$d->[1]."\n"; } $else .= $bas."\n"; } $ret .= "#if ".$c."\n".$then."#else\n".$else."#endif\n\n"; } return $ret; } sub add_cond($$$$) { if ($_[0]) { my $vn = uc($_[1]); for my $i (@{$_[2]}) { push @{${$_[3]}{$_[0]}}, [ $vn."_".$i->[1], $i->[0] ]; $i->[0] = $vn."_".$i->[1]; } } } my $do_doc = 0; if ($ARGV[0] eq "--doc") { $do_doc = 1; shift @ARGV; } @ARGV != 2 && pegout("usage: $0 [--doc] "); open (INFILE, $ARGV[0]) || pegout("$0: cannot open definition file ".$ARGV[0]); my %ex_conds = (); my %ex_sects = (); # $name -> $index my @ex_config = (); # ($name, $comment, $entries) my $raw_out = ""; my %ov_enum_conds = (); my $ov_enums = ""; my $ov_enum_defs = ""; my $ov_defaults = ""; my %arr_ov_vars = (); my $ov_rd_sects = ""; my $ov_rd_ents = ""; my $ov_gen_sects = ""; my $ov_gen_ents = ""; my $max_prio = 0; my %ov_sec_conds = (); my %ov_ent_conds = (); my $ov_sect_defs = ""; my $ov_sect_refs = ""; my %ov_glob_conds = (); my $ov_globs = ""; my %ov_loc_conds = (); my $ov_locs = ""; my %ov_glob_decl_conds = (); my $ov_glob_decls = ""; my %ov_glob_defs = (); my %ov_loc_def_conds = (); my %ov_loc_defs = (); my %ov_greet_decl_conds = (); my %ov_greet_conds = (); my $ov_greet_init = ""; my $ov_greet_init_qapp = ""; my @ov_greet_decls = (); my %ov_greet_defs = (); my %ov_xm_conds = (); my @ov_xm = ("", ""); my %ov_km_conds = (); my %ov_km = (); my %sect_names = (); my $sect = ""; my $sect_if; my $key_if; my %key_names; my $kid_seq = 0x1000; my $doc = ""; my $doc_ref = ""; sub emit_section() { my $ts = $sect; $ts =~ s/-/_/; my @oa = ( ["static Ent ents".$ts."[] = { \\\n".$ov_rd_ents."};", "ENTS"], ["static Ent ents".$ts."[] = { \\\n".$ov_gen_ents."};", "GENS"], ["sec".$ts." = { \"".$sect."\", ents".$ts.", as(ents".$ts.") },", "SEC"], ["&sec".$ts.",", "SECS"] ); $ov_rd_ents = ""; $ov_gen_ents = ""; add_cond($sect_if, $ts, \@oa, \%ov_sec_conds); $ov_rd_sects .= " \\\n".$oa[0][0]." \\\n"; $ov_gen_sects .= " \\\n".$oa[1][0]." \\\n"; $ov_sect_defs .= " ".$oa[2][0]." \\\n"; $ov_sect_refs .= "\t".$oa[3][0]." \\\n"; $doc_ref .= "\n\n\n"; } my %th = ( "int" => [ "C_TYPE_INT", "", "int\t", "", "getCfgInt", "" ], "bool" => [ "C_TYPE_INT", " | C_BOOL", "int\t", "bool\t", "getCfgInt", "getCfgInt" ], "enum" => [ "C_TYPE_INT", " | C_ENUM", "int\t", "", "getCfgInt", "" ], "group" => [ "C_TYPE_INT", " | C_GRP", "int\t", "", "getCfgInt", "" ], "string" => [ "C_TYPE_STR", "", "char\t*", "QString\t", "getCfgStr", "getCfgQStr" ], "path" => [ "C_TYPE_STR", " | C_PATH", "char\t*", "QString\t", "getCfgStr", "getCfgQStr" ], "list" => [ "C_TYPE_ARGV", "", "char\t**", "QStringList\t", "getCfgStrArr", "getCfgQStrList" ] ); my @tl = ("QFont\t*", "QStringList\t", "QString\t", "char\t**", "char\t*", "int\t", "bool\t"); sub init_defs($) { for my $t (@tl) { $_[0]{$t} = ""; } } init_defs(\%ov_glob_defs); init_defs(\%ov_loc_defs); init_defs(\%ov_greet_defs); sub emit_defs($) { my $ret = ""; for my $t (@tl) { $ret .= $_[0]{$t}; } return $ret; } while () { chop; if (/^$/) { while () { last if (/^<\/code>\n$/); $raw_out .= $_; } } elsif (/^$/) { my $comm = ""; while () { last if (/^<\/kdmrc>\n$/); chop; if (/^\[(.*)\]$/) { defined($ex_sects{$1}) && pegout("redefinition of example section [$1]"); push @ex_config, [$1, dedb($comm), "", ""]; $ex_sects{$1} = $#ex_config; $comm = ""; } else { if (!$_) { $comm .= " \\\n\"\\n\""; } elsif ($_ eq " _") { $comm .= " \\\n\"#\\n\""; } else { s/"/\\"/g; $comm .= " \\\n\"#".$_."\\n\""; } } } } elsif (/^$/) { while () { last if (/^<\/docu>\n$/); $doc .= $_; } } elsif (/^$/) { while () { next if (/^($|#)/); my ($proc, $kif); if (/^If: (.+)$/) { $kif = $1; getl(); } else { $kif = ""; } if (/^Proc: (.+)$/) { $proc = $1; getl(); } else { pegout("expecting Proc keyword in legacy section"); } my $nsrc = 0; my $mcnt = 0; while (/^Source: (.+)$/) { my $src = $1; if ($src =~ /^xdm:(.*)$/) { my $what = $1; my $dsp = ($what =~ s/^\*\.//); my @oa = ([ "{ \"".$what."\", (char *)-1, 0, ".$proc." },", "XMO" ]); add_cond($kif, $what, \@oa, \%ov_xm_conds); $ov_xm[$dsp] .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n"; } elsif ($src =~ /^kdm:(.*)\/(.*)$/) { my ($sec, $key) = ($1, $2); my @oa = ([ "{ \"".$key."\", (char *)-1, 0, ".$proc." },", "KMO".($mcnt++) ]); add_cond($kif, $key, \@oa, \%ov_km_conds); $ov_km{$sec} .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n"; } else { pegout("invalid legacy option '$_'"); } $nsrc++; getl(); } $nsrc || pegout("no sources for legacy processor ".$proc); last if (/^<\/legacy>$/); pegout("unidentified section body '".$_."' in legacy section") if ($_); } } else { next if (/^($|#)/); if (/^Key: (.+)$/) { my $key = $1; $sect || pegout("defining key ".$key." outside any section"); defined($key_names{$key}) && pegout("redefinition of key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]"); $key_names{$key} = ""; getl(); if (/^If: (.+)$/) { $key_if = $1; getl(); } else { $key_if = ""; } my $kif = $sect_if ? ($key_if ? "(".$sect_if.") && (".$key_if.")" : $sect_if) : $key_if; my ($e_comm, $e_desc) = ("", ""); my $type = ""; if (/^Type: (.+)$/) { $type = $1; if ($type eq "enum") { my $enum = "static const char *e".$key."[] = { "; my $n_e_def = 0; while (getl(), /^ (\w+)(\/(\w+))?: (.+)$/) { my $e_nam = $1; $enum .= "\"".$e_nam."\", "; defined($3) && ($ov_enum_defs .= "#define ".$3." ".($n_e_def++)."\n"); my ($comm, $desc) = (dedb($4), $4); $comm =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $e_comm .= " \\\n\"# \\\"".$e_nam."\\\" - ".$comm."\\n\""; $e_desc .= "\n". "".$e_nam."\n". "".$desc."\n". "\n"; } $enum .= "0 };"; my @oa = ( [ $enum, "ENUM" ] ); add_cond($kif, $key, \@oa, \%ov_enum_conds); $ov_enums .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n"; $n_e_def && ($ov_enum_defs .= "\n"); } elsif ($type =~ /^(int|bool|group|string|path|list)$/) { getl(); } else { pegout("unknown Type ".$type." for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]"); } } else { pegout("expecting Type for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]"); } my ($odflt, $dflt, $cdflt, $ddflt); my $quot = ($type =~ /^(int|bool|enum|group)$/); if (/^Default: (\*?)(.+)$/) { my $defd = $1; ($odflt, $dflt) = ($2, $2); $quot && ($dflt = "\"".$dflt."\""); $defd && ($ov_defaults .= "#define def_".$key." ".$dflt."\n"); getl(); } else { pegout("expecting Default for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]"); } if (/^CDefault: (.+)$/) { if ($1 eq "-") { $ddflt = $cdflt = ""; } else { $ddflt = $cdflt = $1; $cdflt =~ s/"/\\"/g; $cdflt = " \\\n\"# Default is ".$cdflt."\\n\""; } getl(); } else { $ddflt = $odflt; if ($quot) { $cdflt = " \\\n\"# Default is ".$odflt."\\n\""; } else { $cdflt = " \\\n\"# Default is \\\"\" ".$dflt." \"\\\"\\n\""; } } if (/^DDefault: -$/) { $ddflt = ""; getl(); } my $pproc; if (/^PostProc: (.+)$/) { $pproc = $1; getl(); } else { $pproc = ""; } my $nusers = 0; my ($vname, $kid, $xkid, $ctype, $cpptype, $cget, $cppget); while (/^User: (.+)$/) { my $user = $1; if ($user eq "dummy") { $vname = "dummy"; $kid = "C_INTERNAL | C_TYPE_STR"; $xkid = ""; } elsif ($user =~ s/^(core|greeter|greeter-c|dep|config)(\((.+)\))?(:font)?$/$1/) { my ($hvn, $isfn) = (defined($3) ? $3 : mkvname($key), $4); ($kid, $xkid, $ctype, $cpptype, $cget, $cppget) = @{$th{$type}}; $kid = sprintf "%#x | %s", $kid_seq, $kid; if ($user eq "dep") { $vname = $hvn; $xkid .= " | C_INTERNAL"; } elsif ($user eq "config") { $vname = $hvn; $xkid .= " | C_INTERNAL | C_CONFIG"; } else { $vname = ""; if ($user eq "core") { if ($sect =~ /^-/) { my @oa = ( [ "{ ".$kid.", boffset(".$hvn.") },", "LOC" ], ); add_cond($kif, $hvn, \@oa, \%ov_loc_conds); $ov_locs .= " \\\n".$oa[0][0]; @oa = ( [ $ctype.$hvn.";", "LDEF" ] ); add_cond($kif, $hvn, \@oa, \%ov_loc_def_conds); $ov_loc_defs{$ctype} .= " \\\n\t".$oa[0][0]; } else { my @oa = ( [ "{ ".$kid.", &".$hvn." },", "GLOB" ], [ $ctype.$hvn.";", "GDEF" ], ); add_cond($kif, $hvn, \@oa, \%ov_glob_conds); $ov_globs .= " \\\n".$oa[0][0]; $ov_glob_defs{$ctype} .= " \\\n".$oa[1][0]; @oa = ( [ "extern ".$ctype.$hvn.";", "GDECL" ] ); add_cond($kif, $hvn, \@oa, \%ov_glob_decl_conds); $ov_glob_decls .= " \\\n".$oa[0][0]; } } else { # greeter(-c)? my ($typ, $gtr, $isc, $qapp); if ($isfn) { $typ = "QFont\t*"; $gtr = "str2Font( getCfgQStr( ".$kid." ) )"; $isc = 0; $qapp = 1; } elsif ($user eq "greeter" && $cppget) { $typ = $cpptype; $gtr = $cppget."( ".$kid." )"; $isc = 0; $qapp = 0; } else { $typ = $ctype; $gtr = $cget."( ".$kid.(($type eq "list") ? ", 0" : "")." )"; $isc = 1; $qapp = 0; } my @oa = ( [ "_".$hvn." = ".$gtr.";", "GRINIT" ], [ $typ."_".$hvn.";", "GRDEF" ], ); add_cond($kif, $hvn, \@oa, \%ov_greet_conds); if ($qapp) { $ov_greet_init_qapp .= " \\\n ".$oa[0][0]; } else { $ov_greet_init .= " \\\n ".$oa[0][0]; } $ov_greet_defs{$typ} .= " \\\n".$oa[1][0]; @oa = ( [ "extern ".$typ."_".$hvn.";", "GRDECL" ] ); add_cond($kif, $hvn, \@oa, \%ov_greet_decl_conds); $ov_greet_decls[$isc] .= " \\\n".$oa[0][0]; } } } else { pegout("unrecognized User '".$user."' for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]"); } $nusers++; getl(); } $nusers || pegout("expecting User for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]"); my $ninsts = 0; while (/^Instance: ?(.*)$/) { my $inst = $1; if ($inst ne "-") { my $on = 1 - ($inst =~ s/^#//); my $sec; if ($sect =~ /^-/) { ($inst =~ s/^([^\/]+)\///) || pegout("instance for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] does not specify display"); $sec = "X-".$1.$sect; } else { $sec = $sect; } if ($type eq "bool" && $inst eq "!") { $inst = ($dflt eq "\"true\"") ? "\"false\"" : "\"true\""; } elsif (!$inst) { $inst = $dflt; } else { $quot && ($inst = "\"".$inst."\""); } defined($ex_sects{$sec}) || pegout("instantiating key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] in undeclared section"); my @oa = ( [ "{ \"".$key."\",\t".$inst.", ".$on." },", "INST" ] ); add_cond($key_if, $key, \@oa, \%ex_conds); $ex_config[$ex_sects{$sec}][2] .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n"; $ex_config[$ex_sects{$sec}][3] = $sect_if; } $ninsts++; getl(); } $ninsts || print STDERR "Warning: key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] not instanciated\n"; my ($update, $prio) = ("0", ""); if (/^Update: ([^\/]+)(\/(\d+))?$/) { ($update, $prio) = ($1, $3); getl(); } if ($prio) { ($max_prio < $prio) && ($max_prio = $prio); } else { $prio = 0; } my $mcnt = 0; while (/^Merge: (.+)$/) { my $merge = $1; if ($merge =~ /^xdm(:([^\(]+))?(\((.+)\))?$/) { my ($what, $proc) = ($2, $4); my @oa = ( [ "{ \"".($what ? $what : lcfirst($key))."\", ". "\"".(($sect =~ /^-/) ? "X-%s" : "").$sect."\", ". ($what ? "\"".$key."\"" : "0").", ". ($proc ? $proc : "0")." },", "XM" ] ); add_cond($kif, $key, \@oa, \%ov_xm_conds); $ov_xm[$sect =~ /^-/] .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n"; } elsif ($merge =~ /^kdm:([^\(]+)(\((.+)\))?$/) { my ($where, $func) = ($1, $3); my $sec = ""; ($where =~ s/^([^\/]+)\///) && ($sec = $1); my @oa = ( [ "{ \"".($where ? $where : $key)."\", ". ($sec ? "\"".$sect."\"" : "0").", ". ($where ? "\"".$key."\"" : "0").", ". ($func ? $func : "0")." },", "KM".($mcnt++) ] ); add_cond($kif, $key, \@oa, \%ov_km_conds); $ov_km{$sec ? $sec : $sect} .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n"; } else { pegout("bogus Merge '".$merge."' for key ".$key." in section [".$sect."]"); } getl(); } # todo: handle $func here, too my @oa = ( [ "{ \"".$key."\", 0, 0, 0 },", "KM" ] ); add_cond($kif, $key, \@oa, \%ov_km_conds); $ov_km{$sect} .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n"; my $comm = ""; if (/^Comment:(( [-&])?)$/) { if ($1 eq " &") { $comm = "&"; getl(); } elsif ($1 ne " -") { while (getl(), /^ (.*)$/) { $comm .= $1."\n"; } $comm || print STDERR "Warning: key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] has empty Comment\n"; } else { getl(); } } else { print STDERR "Warning: key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] has no Comment\n"; } if (/^Description:(( [-!])?)$/) { if ($1 ne " -") { $doc_ref .= "\n". "\n". "\n"; ($1 eq " !") && ($e_desc = ""); my $desc = ""; while (getl(), /^ (_|(.*))$/) { $desc .= $2."\n"; } $desc || print STDERR "Warning: key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] has empty Description\n"; ($comm eq "&") && ($comm = $desc); $desc = "\n".$desc."\n"; if ($e_desc) { $e_desc = "\n".$e_desc."\n"; ($desc =~ s/%ENUM%/$e_desc/) || ($desc .= $e_desc); } $doc_ref .= $desc; if ($ddflt) { if ($ddflt eq '""') { $doc_ref .= "Empty by default.\n"; } else { $ddflt =~ s/\"//g; $ddflt =~ s,KDMCONF ,\${kde_confdir}/kdm,; $ddflt =~ s,KDMDATA ,\${kde_datadir}/kdm,; $ddflt =~ s,XBINDIR ,\${x_bindir},; $doc_ref .= "The default is ".$ddflt.".\n"; } } $doc_ref .= "\n\n\n"; } else { getl(); } } else { print STDERR "Warning: key ".$key." in section [".$sect."] has no Description\n"; } pegout("unidentified section body '".$_."' in section [".$sect."]") if ($_); if ($vname) { ($vname ne "dummy") && ($arr_ov_vars{$vname} = $kif); $vname = "&V".$vname; } elsif ($pproc) { $vname = "(void *)".$pproc; } elsif ($type eq "enum") { $vname = "e".$key; } else { $vname = "0"; } $comm = dedb($comm); $comm =~ s/"/\\"/g; $comm =~ s/([^\n]*)\n/ \\\n\"# $1\\n\"/g; @oa = ( [ "{ \"".$key."\", ".$kid.$xkid.", ".$vname.", ".$dflt." },", "RENT" ], [ "{ \"".$key."\", ".$prio.", ".$update.",".$comm.$e_comm.$cdflt." },", "GENT" ], ); add_cond($key_if, $key, \@oa, \%ov_ent_conds); $ov_rd_ents .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n"; $ov_gen_ents .= $oa[1][0]." \\\n"; $kid_seq++; } elsif (/^Section: (.+)$/) { emit_section() if ($sect); $sect = $1; defined($sect_names{$sect}) && pegout("redefinition of section [".$sect."]"); $sect_names{$sect} = ""; %key_names = (); getl(); if (/^If: (.+)$/) { $sect_if = $1; getl(); } else { $sect_if = ""; } my ($sref, $stit, $sna); if ($sect =~ /^-(.*)$/) { $sref = lc($1); $stit = "X-*-".$1; $sna = "section class"; } else { $sref = lc($sect); $stit = $sect; $sna = "section"; } $doc_ref .= "\n\n". "The [".$stit."] ".$sna." of &kdmrc;\n\n"; if (/^Description:(( -)?)$/) { if ($1 ne " -") { my $desc = 0; $doc_ref .= "\n"; while (getl(), /^ (_|(.*))$/) { $doc_ref .= $2."\n"; $desc = 1; } $doc_ref .= "\n"; $desc || print STDERR "Warning: section [".$sect."] has empty Description\n"; } else { getl(); } } else { print STDERR "Warning: section [".$sect."] has no Description\n"; } $doc_ref .= "\n\n\n"; pegout("unidentified section body '".$_."' in section [".$sect."]") if ($_); } else { pegout("invalid section leadin: '".$_."'"); } } } emit_section(); close INFILE; my $srcf = relpath($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); my $exen = relpath($0, $ARGV[1]); open (OUTFILE, ">".$ARGV[1]) || pegout("$0: cannot create output file ".$ARGV[1]); if (!$do_doc) { print OUTFILE "/* generated from $srcf by $exen - DO NOT EDIT! */\n\n". "#ifndef CONFIG_DEFS\n". "#define CONFIG_DEFS\n\n". $raw_out."\n\n". "#endif /* CONFIG_DEFS */\n\n\n"; print OUTFILE "#if (defined(WANT_CORE_DECLS) || defined(WANT_GREET_DECLS)) && !defined(CONF_ENUMS_DEFINED)\n". "#define CONF_ENUMS_DEFINED\n\n". $ov_enum_defs."\n". "#endif\n\n\n"; print OUTFILE "#if (defined(WANT_CONF_READ) || defined(WANT_CONF_GEN)) && !defined(CONF_SECTS)\n\n". emit_conds(\%ov_ent_conds). emit_conds(\%ov_sec_conds). "#define CONF_SECTS \\\n \\\n". "static Sect \\\n". $ov_sect_defs. " *allSects[]\t= { \\\n". $ov_sect_refs. " };\n\n". "#endif\n\n\n"; ######### config reader definitions ######### print OUTFILE "#if defined(WANT_CONF_READ) && !defined(CONF_READ_DEFINED)\n". "#define CONF_READ_DEFINED\n\n"; my $ov_vars = ""; my %ov_var_conds = (); for my $v (keys %arr_ov_vars) { my @oa = ( ["V".$v.",", "VAR"] ); add_cond($arr_ov_vars{$v}, $v, \@oa, \%ov_var_conds); $ov_vars .= " ".$oa[0][0]." \\\n"; } print OUTFILE emit_conds(\%ov_var_conds). "#define CONF_READ_VARS \\\n \\\n". "static Value \\\n". $ov_vars. " Vdummy;\n\n\n"; print OUTFILE emit_conds(\%ov_enum_conds). "#define CONF_READ_ENTRIES \\\n \\\n". $ov_enums. $ov_rd_sects." \\\n". "CONF_SECTS\n\n\n"; print OUTFILE "#endif /* WANT_CONF_READ */\n\n\n"; ######### core definitions ######### print OUTFILE "#if defined(WANT_CORE_DECLS) && !defined(CONF_CORE_GLOBAL_DECLS)\n\n". emit_conds(\%ov_glob_decl_conds). "#define CONF_CORE_GLOBAL_DECLS \\\n". $ov_glob_decls."\n\n\n". emit_conds(\%ov_loc_def_conds). "#define CONF_CORE_LOCAL_DEFS \\\n". emit_defs(\%ov_loc_defs)."\n\n\n". "#endif /* WANT_CORE_DECLS */\n\n\n"; print OUTFILE "#if defined(WANT_CORE_DEFS) && !defined(CONF_CORE_GLOBAL_DEFS)\n\n". emit_conds(\%ov_glob_conds). "#define CONF_CORE_GLOBALS \\\n". $ov_globs."\n\n\n". "#define CONF_CORE_GLOBAL_DEFS \\\n". emit_defs(\%ov_glob_defs)."\n\n". emit_conds(\%ov_loc_conds). "#define CONF_CORE_LOCALS \\\n". $ov_locs."\n\n\n". "#endif /* WANT_CORE_DEFS */\n\n\n"; ######### greeter definitions ######### print OUTFILE "#if defined(WANT_GREET_DECLS) && !defined(CONF_GREET_C_DECLS)\n\n". emit_conds(\%ov_greet_decl_conds). "#define CONF_GREET_C_DECLS \\\n". $ov_greet_decls[1]."\n\n\n". "#define CONF_GREET_CPP_DECLS \\\n". $ov_greet_decls[0]."\n\n\n". "#endif /* WANT_GREET_DECLS */\n\n\n"; print OUTFILE "#if defined(WANT_GREET_DEFS) && !defined(CONF_GREET_DEFS)\n\n". emit_conds(\%ov_greet_conds). "#define CONF_GREET_INIT \\\n". $ov_greet_init."\n\n\n". "#define CONF_GREET_INIT_QAPP \\\n". $ov_greet_init_qapp."\n\n\n". "#define CONF_GREET_DEFS \\\n". emit_defs(\%ov_greet_defs)."\n\n". "#endif /* WANT_GREET_DEFS */\n\n\n"; ######### genkdmconf definitions ######### print OUTFILE "#if defined(WANT_CONF_GEN) && !defined(CONF_GEN_DEFINED)\n". "#define CONF_GEN_DEFINED\n\n"; print OUTFILE $ov_defaults."\n"; print OUTFILE "#define CONF_MAX_PRIO ".$max_prio."\n\n". "#define CONF_GEN_ENTRIES \\\n". $ov_gen_sects." \\\n". "CONF_SECTS\n\n\n"; my ($ov1, $ov2) = ("", ""); my %ex_sec_conds = (); for my $i (@ex_config) { my $vn; if ($i->[0] =~ /^X-(.+)-(.+)$/) { if ($1 eq "*") { $vn = "dEntsAny".$2; } elsif ($1 eq ":*") { $vn = "dEntsLocal".$2; } else { my ($t1, $t2) = ($1, $2); $t1 =~ s/[-:]/_/g; $vn = "dEnts".$t1.$t2; } } else { $vn = "dEnts".$i->[0]; } my @oa = ( [ "static DEnt ".$vn."[] = { \\\n".$i->[2]."};", "DSEC" ], [ "{ \"".$i->[0]."\",\t".$vn.",\tas(".$vn."),".$i->[1]." },", "DSECS" ] ); add_cond($i->[3], $vn, \@oa, \%ex_sec_conds); $ov1 .= $oa[0][0]." \\\n \\\n"; $ov2 .= $oa[1][0]." \\\n"; } print OUTFILE emit_conds(\%ex_conds). emit_conds(\%ex_sec_conds). "#define CONF_GEN_EXAMPLE \\\n \\\n". $ov1. "static DSect dAllSects[] = { \\\n". $ov2. "};\n\n\n"; print OUTFILE emit_conds(\%ov_xm_conds). "#define CONF_GEN_XMERGE \\\n \\\n". "XResEnt globents[] = { \\\n". $ov_xm[0]. "}, dpyents[] = { \\\n". $ov_xm[1]. "};\n\n\n"; my $ov_km_sects = ""; my $ov_km_sect_refs = ""; for my $s (keys %ov_km) { my $ts = $s; $ts =~ s/-/_/; $ov_km_sects .= "KUpdEnt upd".$ts."[] = { \\\n". $ov_km{$s}. "}; \\\n \\\n"; $ov_km_sect_refs .= "{ \"".$s."\", upd".$ts.", as(upd".$ts.") }, \\\n"; } print OUTFILE emit_conds(\%ov_km_conds). "#define CONF_GEN_KMERGE \\\n \\\n". $ov_km_sects. "KUpdSec kupsects[] = { \\\n". $ov_km_sect_refs. "};\n\n\n"; print OUTFILE "#endif /* WANT_CONF_GEN */\n"; } else { $doc =~ s/%REF%/$doc_ref/; print OUTFILE "\n\n". $doc; } close OUTFILE;