ActionEditor 0 0 602 522 0 0 80 80 75 75 Action icon, click to change it Action name 80 0 Command: Command that will trigger the action This can include any or all of the following case insensitive expands: %f: The mountpoint for the device - Storage Access devices only %d: Path to the device node - Block devices only %i: The identifier of the device 80 0 Devices must match the following parameters for this action: Edit Parameter 0 0 150 0 150 16777215 Parameter type: Property Match Content Conjunction Content Disjunction Device Interface Match 0 0 150 0 150 16777215 Device type: 0 0 0 0 150 0 150 16777215 Value name: 0 0 0 0 150 0 150 16777215 Equals Contains Qt::Horizontal 227 25 Reset Parameter Save Parameter Changes KIconButton QPushButton
KUrlRequester QFrame
KLineEdit QLineEdit
KComboBox QComboBox