/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Stephen Leaf * * smileaf@gmail.com * * Copyright (C) 2008 by Montel Laurent * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA * ***************************************************************************/ #include "autostart.h" #include "autostartitem.h" #include "addscriptdialog.h" #include "advanceddialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include K_PLUGIN_FACTORY(AutostartFactory, registerPlugin();) K_EXPORT_PLUGIN(AutostartFactory( "kcmautostart", "kcm_autostart" )) Autostart::Autostart( QWidget* parent, const QVariantList& ) : KCModule( AutostartFactory::componentData(), parent ) { widget = new Ui_AutostartConfig(); widget->setupUi(this); QStringList lstHeader; lstHeader << i18n( "Name" ) << i18n( "Command" ) << i18n( "Status" ) << i18nc("@title:column The name of the column that decides if the program is run on kde startup, on kde shutdown, etc", "Run On" ); widget->listCMD->setHeaderLabels(lstHeader); widget->listCMD->setFocus(); setButtons(Help); connect( widget->btnAddScript, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotAddScript()) ); connect( widget->btnAddProgram, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotAddProgram()) ); connect( widget->btnRemove, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotRemoveCMD()) ); connect( widget->btnAdvanced, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotAdvanced()) ); connect( widget->listCMD, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), SLOT(slotEditCMD(QTreeWidgetItem*)) ); connect( widget->listCMD, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)),this,SLOT(slotItemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)) ); connect( widget->btnProperties, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotEditCMD()) ); connect( widget->listCMD, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) ); KAboutData* about = new KAboutData("Autostart", 0, ki18n("KDE Autostart Manager"), "1.0", ki18n("KDE Autostart Manager Control Panel Module"), KAboutData::License_GPL, ki18n("Copyright © 2006–2010 Autostart Manager team")); about->addAuthor(ki18n("Stephen Leaf"), KLocalizedString(), "smileaf@gmail.com"); about->addAuthor(ki18n("Montel Laurent"), ki18n( "Maintainer" ), "montel@kde.org"); setAboutData( about ); } Autostart::~Autostart() { delete widget; } void Autostart::slotItemClicked( QTreeWidgetItem *item, int col) { if ( item && col == COL_STATUS ) { DesktopStartItem *entry = dynamic_cast( item ); if ( entry ) { bool disable = ( item->checkState( col ) == Qt::Unchecked ); KDesktopFile kc(entry->fileName().path()); KConfigGroup grp = kc.desktopGroup(); if ( grp.hasKey( "Hidden" ) && !disable) { grp.deleteEntry( "Hidden" ); } else grp.writeEntry("Hidden", disable); kc.sync(); if ( disable ) item->setText( COL_STATUS, i18nc( "The program won't be run", "Disabled" ) ); else item->setText( COL_STATUS, i18nc( "The program will be run", "Enabled" ) ); } } } void Autostart::addItem( DesktopStartItem* item, const QString& name, const QString& run, const QString& command, bool disabled ) { Q_ASSERT( item ); item->setText( COL_NAME, name ); item->setText( COL_RUN, run ); item->setText( COL_COMMAND, command ); item->setCheckState( COL_STATUS, disabled ? Qt::Unchecked : Qt::Checked ); item->setText( COL_STATUS, disabled ? i18nc( "The program won't be run", "Disabled" ) : i18nc( "The program will be run", "Enabled" )); } void Autostart::addItem(ScriptStartItem* item, const QString& name, const QString& command, ScriptStartItem::ENV type ) { Q_ASSERT( item ); item->setText( COL_NAME, name ); item->setText( COL_COMMAND, command ); item->changeStartup( type ); } void Autostart::load() { // share/autostart may *only* contain .desktop files // shutdown and env may *only* contain scripts, links or binaries // autostart on the otherhand may contain all of the above. // share/autostart is special as it overrides entries found in $KDEDIR/share/autostart m_paths << KGlobalSettings::autostartPath() // All new entries should go here << componentData().dirs()->localkdedir() + "shutdown/" << componentData().dirs()->localkdedir() + "env/" << componentData().dirs()->localkdedir() + "share/autostart/" // For Importing purposes << componentData().dirs()->localxdgconfdir() + "autostart/" ; //xdg-config autostart dir // share/autostart shouldn't be an option as this should be reserved for global autostart entries m_pathName << i18n("Startup") << i18n("Shutdown") << i18n("Pre-KDE startup") ; widget->listCMD->clear(); m_programItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( widget->listCMD ); m_programItem->setText( 0, i18n( "Desktop File" )); m_programItem->setFlags(m_programItem->flags()^Qt::ItemIsSelectable ); QFont boldFont = m_programItem->font(0); boldFont.setBold( true ); m_programItem->setData ( 0, Qt::FontRole, boldFont ); m_scriptItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( widget->listCMD ); m_scriptItem->setText( 0, i18n( "Script File" )); m_scriptItem->setFlags(m_scriptItem->flags()^Qt::ItemIsSelectable); m_scriptItem->setData ( 0, Qt::FontRole, boldFont); widget->listCMD->expandItem( m_programItem ); widget->listCMD->expandItem( m_scriptItem ); foreach (const QString& path, m_paths) { if (! KGlobal::dirs()->exists(path)) KStandardDirs::makeDir(path); QDir autostartdir( path ); autostartdir.setFilter( QDir::Files ); const QFileInfoList list = autostartdir.entryInfoList(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { QFileInfo fi = list.at(i); QString filename = fi.fileName(); bool desktopFile = filename.endsWith(".desktop"); if ( desktopFile ) { KDesktopFile config(fi.absoluteFilePath()); //kDebug() << fi.absoluteFilePath() << "trying" << config.desktopGroup().readEntry("Exec"); QStringList commandLine = KShell::splitArgs(config.desktopGroup().readEntry("Exec")); if (commandLine.isEmpty()) { continue; } const QString exe = commandLine.first(); if (exe.isEmpty() || KStandardDirs::findExe(exe).isEmpty()) { continue; } DesktopStartItem *item = new DesktopStartItem( fi.absoluteFilePath(), m_programItem, this ); const KConfigGroup grp = config.desktopGroup(); const bool hidden = grp.readEntry("Hidden", false); const QStringList notShowList = grp.readXdgListEntry("NotShowIn"); const QStringList onlyShowList = grp.readXdgListEntry("OnlyShowIn"); const bool disabled = hidden || notShowList.contains("KDE") || (!onlyShowList.isEmpty() && !onlyShowList.contains("KDE")); int indexPath = m_paths.indexOf((item->fileName().directory()+'/' ) ); if ( indexPath > 2 ) indexPath = 0; //.kde/share/autostart and .config/autostart load destkop at startup addItem(item, config.readName(), m_pathName.value(indexPath), grp.readEntry("Exec"), disabled ); } else { ScriptStartItem *item = new ScriptStartItem( fi.absoluteFilePath(), m_scriptItem,this ); int typeOfStartup = m_paths.indexOf((item->fileName().directory()+'/') ); ScriptStartItem::ENV type = ScriptStartItem::START; switch( typeOfStartup ) { case 0: type =ScriptStartItem::START; break; case 1: type = ScriptStartItem::SHUTDOWN; break; case 2: type = ScriptStartItem::PRE_START; break; default: kDebug()<<" type is not defined :"<listCMD->resizeColumnToContents(COL_NAME); //widget->listCMD->resizeColumnToContents(COL_COMMAND); widget->listCMD->resizeColumnToContents(COL_STATUS); widget->listCMD->resizeColumnToContents(COL_RUN); } void Autostart::slotAddProgram() { KOpenWithDialog owdlg( this ); if (owdlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; KService::Ptr service = owdlg.service(); Q_ASSERT(service); if (!service) { return; // Don't crash if KOpenWith wasn't able to create service. } // It is important to ensure that we make an exact copy of an existing // desktop file (if selected) to enable users to override global autostarts. // Also see // https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/923360 QString desktopPath; KUrl desktopTemplate; if ( service->desktopEntryName().isEmpty() ) { // Build custom desktop file (e.g. when the user entered an executable // name in the OpenWithDialog). desktopPath = m_paths[4] + service->name() + ".desktop"; desktopTemplate = KUrl( desktopPath ); KConfig kc(desktopTemplate.path(), KConfig::SimpleConfig); KConfigGroup kcg = kc.group("Desktop Entry"); kcg.writeEntry("Exec",service->exec()); kcg.writeEntry("Icon","system-run"); kcg.writeEntry("Path",""); kcg.writeEntry("Terminal",false); kcg.writeEntry("Type","Application"); kc.sync(); KPropertiesDialog dlg( desktopTemplate, this ); if ( dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted ) { return; } } else { // Use existing desktop file and use same file name to enable overrides. desktopPath = m_paths[4] + service->desktopEntryName() + ".desktop"; desktopTemplate = KUrl( KStandardDirs::locate("apps", service->entryPath()) ); KPropertiesDialog dlg( desktopTemplate, KUrl(m_paths[4]), service->desktopEntryName() + ".desktop", this ); if ( dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted ) return; } DesktopStartItem * item = new DesktopStartItem( desktopPath, m_programItem,this ); addItem( item, service->name(), m_pathName[0], service->exec() , false); } void Autostart::slotAddScript() { AddScriptDialog * addDialog = new AddScriptDialog(this); int result = addDialog->exec(); if (result == QDialog::Accepted) { if (addDialog->symLink()) KIO::link(addDialog->importUrl(), m_paths[0]); else KIO::copy(addDialog->importUrl(), m_paths[0]); ScriptStartItem * item = new ScriptStartItem( m_paths[0] + addDialog->importUrl().fileName(), m_scriptItem,this ); addItem( item, addDialog->importUrl().fileName(), addDialog->importUrl().fileName(),ScriptStartItem::START ); } delete addDialog; } void Autostart::slotRemoveCMD() { QTreeWidgetItem* item = widget->listCMD->currentItem(); if (!item) return; DesktopStartItem *startItem = dynamic_cast( item ); if ( startItem ) { m_programItem->takeChild( m_programItem->indexOfChild( startItem ) ); KIO::del(startItem->fileName().path() ); delete item; } else { ScriptStartItem * scriptItem = dynamic_cast( item ); if ( scriptItem ) { m_scriptItem->takeChild( m_scriptItem->indexOfChild( scriptItem ) ); KIO::del(scriptItem->fileName().path() ); delete item; } } } void Autostart::slotEditCMD(QTreeWidgetItem* ent) { if (!ent) return; AutoStartItem *entry = dynamic_cast( ent ); if ( entry ) { const KFileItem kfi = KFileItem( KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, KUrl( entry->fileName() ), true ); if (! slotEditCMD( kfi )) return; DesktopStartItem *desktopEntry = dynamic_cast( entry ); if (desktopEntry) { KService service(desktopEntry->fileName().path()); addItem( desktopEntry, service.name(), m_pathName.value(m_paths.indexOf((desktopEntry->fileName().directory()+'/') )), service.exec(),false ); } } } bool Autostart::slotEditCMD( const KFileItem &item) { KPropertiesDialog dlg( item, this ); bool c = ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ); return c; } void Autostart::slotEditCMD() { if ( widget->listCMD->currentItem() == 0 ) return; slotEditCMD( (AutoStartItem*)widget->listCMD->currentItem() ); } void Autostart::slotAdvanced() { if ( widget->listCMD->currentItem() == 0 ) return; DesktopStartItem *entry = static_cast( widget->listCMD->currentItem() ); KDesktopFile kc(entry->fileName().path()); KConfigGroup grp = kc.desktopGroup(); bool status = false; QStringList lstEntry; if (grp.hasKey("OnlyShowIn")) { lstEntry = grp.readXdgListEntry("OnlyShowIn"); status = lstEntry.contains("KDE"); } AdvancedDialog *dlg = new AdvancedDialog( this,status ); if ( dlg->exec() ) { status = dlg->onlyInKde(); if ( lstEntry.contains( "KDE" ) && !status ) { lstEntry.removeAll( "KDE" ); grp.writeXdgListEntry( "OnlyShowIn", lstEntry ); } else if ( !lstEntry.contains( "KDE" ) && status ) { lstEntry.append( "KDE" ); grp.writeXdgListEntry( "OnlyShowIn", lstEntry ); } } delete dlg; } void Autostart::slotChangeStartup( ScriptStartItem* item, int index ) { Q_ASSERT(item); if ( item ) { item->setPath(m_paths.value(index)); widget->listCMD->setCurrentItem( item ); if ( ( index == 2 ) && !item->fileName().path().endsWith( ".sh" )) KMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Only files with “.sh” extensions are allowed for setting up the environment." ) ); } } void Autostart::slotSelectionChanged() { const bool hasItems = ( dynamic_cast( widget->listCMD->currentItem() )!=0 ) ; widget->btnRemove->setEnabled(hasItems); const bool isDesktopItem = (dynamic_cast(widget->listCMD->currentItem() ) != 0) ; widget->btnProperties->setEnabled(isDesktopItem); widget->btnAdvanced->setEnabled(isDesktopItem) ; } void Autostart::defaults() { } void Autostart::save() { } #include "moc_autostart.cpp"