/* KSysGuard, the KDE System Guard Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 Chris Schlaeger This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../gui/SignalIDs.h" #include "Command.h" #include "PWUIDCache.h" #include "ccont.h" #include "ksysguardd.h" #include "ProcessList.h" #define BUFSIZE 1024 #define TAGSIZE 32 #define KDEINITLEN sizeof( "kdeinit: " ) #ifndef bool #define bool char #define true 1 #define false 0 #endif typedef struct { /** The parent process ID */ pid_t ppid; /** The real user ID */ uid_t uid; /** The real group ID */ gid_t gid; /** The process ID of any application that is debugging this one. 0 if none */ pid_t tracerpid; /** A character description of the process status */ char status[ 16 ]; /** The tty the process owns */ char tty[10]; /** The nice level. The range should be -20 to 20. I'm not sure whether this is true for all platforms. */ int niceLevel; /** The scheduling priority. */ int priority; /** The total amount of virtual memory space that this process uses. This includes shared and swapped memory, plus graphics memory and mmap'ed files and so on. This is in KiB */ unsigned long vmSize; /** The amount of physical memory the process currently uses, including the physical memory used by any shared libraries that it uses. Hence 2 processes sharing a library will both report their vmRss as including this shared memory, even though it's only allocated once. This is in KiB */ unsigned long vmRss; /** The amount of physical memory that is used by this process, not including any memory used by any shared libraries. * This is in KiB */ unsigned long vmURss; /** The number of 1/100 of a second the process has spend in user space. If a machine has an uptime of 1 1/2 years or longer this is not a good idea. I never thought that the stability of UNIX could get me into trouble! ;) */ unsigned long userTime; /** The number of 1/100 of a second the process has spent in system space. If a machine has an uptime of 1 1/2 years or longer this is not a good idea. I never thought that the stability of UNIX could get me into trouble! ;) */ unsigned long sysTime; /* NOTE: To get the user/system percentage, record the userTime and sysTime from between calls, then use the difference divided by the difference in time measure in 100th's of a second */ /** The name of the process */ char name[ 64 ]; /** The command used to start the process */ char cmdline[ 256 ]; /** The login name of the user that owns this process */ char userName[ 32 ]; } ProcessInfo; static unsigned ProcessCount; static DIR* procDir; static void validateStr( char* str ) { char* s = str; /* All characters that could screw up the communication will be removed. */ while ( *s ) { if ( *s == '\t' || *s == '\n' || *s == '\r' ) *s = ' '; ++s; } /* Make sure that string contains at least one character (blank). */ if ( str[ 0 ] == '\0' ) strcpy( str, " " ); } static bool getProcess( int pid, ProcessInfo *ps ) { FILE* fd; char buf[ BUFSIZE ]; char tag[ TAGSIZE ]; char format[ 32 ]; char tagformat[ 32 ]; const char* uName; char status; snprintf( buf, BUFSIZE - 1, "/proc/%d/status", pid ); if ( ( fd = fopen( buf, "r" ) ) == 0 ) { /* process has terminated in the mean time */ return false; } ps->uid = 0; ps->gid = 0; ps->tracerpid = -1; sprintf( format, "%%%d[^\n]\n", (int)sizeof( buf ) - 1 ); sprintf( tagformat, "%%%ds", (int)sizeof( tag ) - 1 ); for ( ;; ) { if ( fscanf( fd, format, buf ) != 1 ) break; buf[ sizeof( buf ) - 1 ] = '\0'; sscanf( buf, tagformat, tag ); tag[ sizeof( tag ) - 1 ] = '\0'; if ( strcmp( tag, "Name:" ) == 0 ) { sscanf( buf, "%*s %63s", ps->name ); validateStr( ps->name ); } else if ( strcmp( tag, "Uid:" ) == 0 ) { sscanf( buf, "%*s %d %*d %*d %*d", (int*)&ps->uid ); } else if ( strcmp( tag, "Gid:" ) == 0 ) { sscanf( buf, "%*s %d %*d %*d %*d", (int*)&ps->gid ); } else if ( strcmp( tag, "TracerPid:" ) == 0 ) { sscanf( buf, "%*s %d", (int*)&ps->tracerpid ); if (ps->tracerpid == 0) ps->tracerpid = -1; /* ksysguard uses -1 to indicate no tracerpid, but linux uses 0 */ } } if ( fclose( fd ) ) return false; snprintf( buf, BUFSIZE - 1, "/proc/%d/stat", pid ); buf[ BUFSIZE - 1 ] = '\0'; if ( ( fd = fopen( buf, "r" ) ) == 0 ) return false; int ttyNo; if ( fscanf( fd, "%*d %*s %c %d %*d %*d %d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %lu %lu" "%*d %*d %*d %d %*u %*u %*d %lu %lu", &status, (int*)&ps->ppid, &ttyNo, &ps->userTime, &ps->sysTime, &ps->niceLevel, &ps->vmSize, &ps->vmRss) != 8 ) { fclose( fd ); return false; } if (ps->ppid == 0) /* ksysguard uses -1 to indicate no parent, but linux uses 0 */ ps->ppid = -1; int major = ttyNo >> 8; int minor = ttyNo & 0xff; switch(major) { case 136: snprintf(ps->tty, sizeof(ps->tty)-1, "pts/%d", minor); break; case 4: if(minor < 64) snprintf(ps->tty, sizeof(ps->tty)-1, "tty/%d", minor); else snprintf(ps->tty, sizeof(ps->tty)-1, "ttyS/%d", minor-64); break; default: ps->tty[0] = 0; } /*There was a "(ps->vmRss+3) * sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)" here originally. I have no idea why! After comparing it to meminfo and other tools, this means we report the RSS by 12 bytes different compared to them. So I'm removing the +3 to be consistent. NEXT TIME COMMENT STRANGE THINGS LIKE THAT! :-) Update: I think I now know why. The kernel reserves 3kb for process information. */ ps->vmRss = ps->vmRss * sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) / 1024; /*convert to KiB*/ ps->vmSize /= 1024; /* convert to KiB */ if ( fclose( fd ) ) return false; snprintf( buf, BUFSIZE - 1, "/proc/%d/statm", pid ); buf[ BUFSIZE - 1 ] = '\0'; ps->vmURss = -1; if ( ( fd = fopen( buf, "r" ) ) != 0 ) { unsigned long shared; if ( fscanf( fd, "%*d %*u %lu", &shared)==1) { /* we use the rss - shared to find the amount of memory just this app uses */ ps->vmURss = ps->vmRss - (shared * sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE) / 1024); } fclose( fd ); } /* status decoding as taken from fs/proc/array.c */ if ( status == 'R' ) strcpy( ps->status, "running" ); else if ( status == 'S' ) strcpy( ps->status, "sleeping" ); else if ( status == 'D' ) strcpy( ps->status, "disk sleep" ); else if ( status == 'Z' ) strcpy( ps->status, "zombie" ); else if ( status == 'T' ) strcpy( ps->status, "stopped" ); else if ( status == 'W' ) strcpy( ps->status, "paging" ); else sprintf( ps->status, "Unknown: %c", status ); snprintf( buf, BUFSIZE - 1, "/proc/%d/cmdline", pid ); if ( ( fd = fopen( buf, "r" ) ) == 0 ) return false; ps->cmdline[ 0 ] = '\0'; unsigned int processNameStartPosition = 0; unsigned int firstZeroPosition = -1U; unsigned int i =0; while( (ps->cmdline[i] = fgetc(fd)) != EOF && i < sizeof(ps->cmdline)-3) { if(ps->cmdline[i] == '\0') { ps->cmdline[i] = ' '; if(firstZeroPosition == -1U) firstZeroPosition = i; } if(ps->cmdline[i] == '/' && firstZeroPosition == -1U) processNameStartPosition = i + 1; i++; } if(firstZeroPosition != -1U) { unsigned int processNameLength = firstZeroPosition - processNameStartPosition; memcpy(ps->name, ps->cmdline + processNameStartPosition, processNameLength); ps->name[processNameLength] = '\0'; } if(i > 2) { if(ps->cmdline[i-2] == ' ') ps->cmdline[i-2] = '\0'; else ps->cmdline[i-1] = '\0'; } else { ps->cmdline[0] = '\0'; } validateStr( ps->cmdline ); if ( fclose( fd ) ) return false; /* Ugly hack to "fix" program name for kdeinit launched programs. */ if ( strcmp( ps->name, "kdeinit" ) == 0 && strncmp( ps->cmdline, "kdeinit: ", KDEINITLEN ) == 0 && strcmp( ps->cmdline + KDEINITLEN, "Running..." ) != 0 ) { size_t len; char* end = strchr( ps->cmdline + KDEINITLEN, ' ' ); if ( end ) len = ( end - ps->cmdline ) - KDEINITLEN; else len = strlen( ps->cmdline + KDEINITLEN ); if ( len > 0 ) { if ( len > sizeof( ps->name ) - 1 ) len = sizeof( ps->name ) - 1; strncpy( ps->name, ps->cmdline + KDEINITLEN, len ); ps->name[ len ] = '\0'; } } /* find out user name with the process uid */ uName = getCachedPWUID( ps->uid ); strncpy( ps->userName, uName, sizeof( ps->userName ) - 1 ); ps->userName[ sizeof( ps->userName ) - 1 ] = '\0'; validateStr( ps->userName ); return true; } void printProcessList( const char* cmd) { (void)cmd; struct dirent* entry; ProcessInfo ps; ProcessCount = 0; rewinddir(procDir); while ( ( entry = readdir( procDir ) ) ) { if ( isdigit( entry->d_name[ 0 ] ) ) { long pid; pid = atol( entry->d_name ); if(getProcess( pid, &ps )) /* Print out the details of the process. Because of a stupid bug in kde3 ksysguard, make sure cmdline and tty are not empty */ output( "%s\t%ld\t%ld\t%lu\t%lu\t%s\t%lu\t%lu\t%d\t%lu\t%lu\t%lu\t%s\t%ld\t%s\t%s\n", ps.name, pid, (long)ps.ppid, (long)ps.uid, (long)ps.gid, ps.status, ps.userTime, ps.sysTime, ps.niceLevel, ps.vmSize, ps.vmRss, ps.vmURss, (ps.userName[0]==0)?" ":ps.userName, (long)ps.tracerpid, (ps.tty[0]==0)?" ":ps.tty, (ps.cmdline[0]==0)?" ":ps.cmdline ); } } output( "\n" ); return; } /* ================================ public part ================================= */ void initProcessList( struct SensorModul* sm ) { initPWUIDCache(); registerMonitor( "pscount", "integer", printProcessCount, printProcessCountInfo, sm ); registerMonitor( "ps", "table", printProcessList, printProcessListInfo, sm ); if ( !RunAsDaemon ) { registerCommand( "kill", killProcess ); registerCommand( "setpriority", setPriority ); } /*open /proc now in advance*/ /* read in current process list via the /proc file system entry */ if ( ( procDir = opendir( "/proc" ) ) == NULL ) { print_error( "Cannot open directory \'/proc\'!\n" "The kernel needs to be compiled with support\n" "for /proc file system enabled!\n" ); return; } } void exitProcessList( void ) { removeMonitor( "ps" ); removeMonitor( "pscount" ); if ( !RunAsDaemon ) { removeCommand( "kill" ); removeCommand( "setpriority" ); } closedir( procDir ); exitPWUIDCache(); } void printProcessListInfo( const char* cmd ) { (void)cmd; output( "Name\tPID\tPPID\tUID\tGID\tStatus\tUser Time\tSystem Time\tNice\tVmSize" "\tVmRss\tVmURss\tLogin\tTracerPID\tTTY\tCommand\tIO Priority Class\tIO Priority\n" ); output( "s\td\td\td\td\tS\td\td\td\tD\tD\tD\ts\td\ts\ts\td\td\n" ); } void printProcessCount( const char* cmd ) { (void)cmd; struct dirent* entry; ProcessCount = 0; rewinddir(procDir); while ( ( entry = readdir( procDir ) ) ) if ( isdigit( entry->d_name[ 0 ] ) ) ProcessCount++; output( "%d\n", ProcessCount ); } void printProcessCountInfo( const char* cmd ) { (void)cmd; output( "Number of Processes\t0\t0\t\n" ); } void killProcess( const char* cmd ) { /* Sends a signal (not necessarily kill!) to the process. cmd is a string containing "kill " */ int sig, pid; sscanf( cmd, "%*s %d %d", &pid, &sig ); switch( sig ) { case MENU_ID_SIGABRT: sig = SIGABRT; break; case MENU_ID_SIGALRM: sig = SIGALRM; break; case MENU_ID_SIGCHLD: sig = SIGCHLD; break; case MENU_ID_SIGCONT: sig = SIGCONT; break; case MENU_ID_SIGFPE: sig = SIGFPE; break; case MENU_ID_SIGHUP: sig = SIGHUP; break; case MENU_ID_SIGILL: sig = SIGILL; break; case MENU_ID_SIGINT: sig = SIGINT; break; case MENU_ID_SIGKILL: sig = SIGKILL; break; case MENU_ID_SIGPIPE: sig = SIGPIPE; break; case MENU_ID_SIGQUIT: sig = SIGQUIT; break; case MENU_ID_SIGSEGV: sig = SIGSEGV; break; case MENU_ID_SIGSTOP: sig = SIGSTOP; break; case MENU_ID_SIGTERM: sig = SIGTERM; break; case MENU_ID_SIGTSTP: sig = SIGTSTP; break; case MENU_ID_SIGTTIN: sig = SIGTTIN; break; case MENU_ID_SIGTTOU: sig = SIGTTOU; break; case MENU_ID_SIGUSR1: sig = SIGUSR1; break; case MENU_ID_SIGUSR2: sig = SIGUSR2; break; } if ( kill( (pid_t)pid, sig ) ) { switch ( errno ) { case EINVAL: output( "4\t%d\n", pid ); break; case ESRCH: output( "3\t%d\n", pid ); break; case EPERM: if(vfork() == 0) { exit(0);/* Won't execute unless execve fails. Need this for the parent process to continue */ } output( "2\t%d\n", pid ); break; default: /* unknown error */ output( "1\t%d\n", pid ); break; } } else output( "0\t%d\n", pid ); } void setPriority( const char* cmd ) { int pid, prio; /** as: setpriority */ sscanf( cmd, "%*s %d %d", &pid, &prio ); if ( setpriority( PRIO_PROCESS, pid, prio ) == -1 ) { switch ( errno ) { case EINVAL: output( "4\t%d\t%d\n", pid, prio ); break; case ESRCH: output( "3\t%d\t%d\nn", pid, prio ); break; case EPERM: case EACCES: output( "2\t%d\t%d\n", pid, prio ); break; default: /* unknown error */ output( "1\t%d\t%d\n", pid, prio ); break; } } else output( "0\t%d\t%d\n",pid, prio ); }