/* * Copyright 2008 Aike J Sommer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "configurations_xml.h" #include #include "xmlnodehandler.h" namespace Kephal { class ScreenXMLFactory : public XMLFactory { protected: virtual XMLType * newInstance() { return new ScreenXML(); } virtual void schema() { INT_ATTRIBUTE("id", ScreenXML, id, setId); BOOL_ELEMENT("privacy", ScreenXML, privacy, setPrivacy); INT_ELEMENT("right-of", ScreenXML, rightOf, setRightOf); INT_ELEMENT("bottom-of", ScreenXML, bottomOf, setBottomOf); } }; class ConfigurationXMLFactory : public XMLFactory { protected: virtual XMLType * newInstance() { return new ConfigurationXML(); } virtual void schema() { STRING_ATTRIBUTE("name", ConfigurationXML, name, setName); INT_ATTRIBUTE("primary", ConfigurationXML, primaryScreen, setPrimaryScreen); BOOL_ATTRIBUTE("modifiable", ConfigurationXML, modifiable, setModifiable); COMPLEX_ELEMENT_LIST("screen", ConfigurationXML, screens, new ScreenXMLFactory(), ScreenXML); } }; class OutputXMLFactory : public XMLFactory { protected: virtual XMLType * newInstance() { return new OutputXML(); } virtual void schema() { STRING_ATTRIBUTE("name", OutputXML, name, setName); INT_ATTRIBUTE("screen", OutputXML, screen, setScreen); STRING_ELEMENT("vendor", OutputXML, vendor, setVendor); INT_ELEMENT("product", OutputXML, product, setProduct); UINT_ELEMENT("serial", OutputXML, serial, setSerial); INT_ELEMENT("width", OutputXML, width, setWidth); INT_ELEMENT("height", OutputXML, height, setHeight); INT_ELEMENT("rotation", OutputXML, rotation, setRotation); BOOL_ELEMENT("reflect-x", OutputXML, reflectX, setReflectX); BOOL_ELEMENT("reflect-y", OutputXML, reflectY, setReflectY); DOUBLE_ELEMENT("refresh-rate", OutputXML, rate, setRate); } }; class OutputsXMLFactory : public XMLFactory { protected: virtual XMLType * newInstance() { return new OutputsXML(); } virtual void schema() { STRING_ATTRIBUTE("configuration", OutputsXML, configuration, setConfiguration); COMPLEX_ELEMENT_LIST("output", OutputsXML, outputs, new OutputXMLFactory(), OutputXML); } }; ScreenXML::ScreenXML(QObject * parent) : XMLType(parent), m_rightOf(-1), m_bottomOf(-1) { } ScreenXML::~ScreenXML() { } OutputXML::OutputXML(QObject * parent) : XMLType(parent), m_screen(-1), m_product(-1), m_serial(0), m_width(-1), m_height(-1), m_rotation(0), m_reflectX(false), m_reflectY(false), m_rate(0) { } OutputXML::~OutputXML() {} ConfigurationXML::ConfigurationXML(QObject * parent) : XMLType(parent), m_modifiable(true), m_primaryScreen(0) { } ConfigurationXML::~ConfigurationXML() { } OutputsXML::OutputsXML(QObject * parent) : XMLType(parent) { } OutputsXML::~OutputsXML() { } QList & ConfigurationXML::screens() { return m_screens; } ConfigurationsXML::ConfigurationsXML(QObject * parent) : XMLType(parent), m_polling(false) { } ConfigurationsXML::~ConfigurationsXML() { } QList & ConfigurationsXML::configurations() { return m_configurations; } QList & ConfigurationsXML::outputs() { return m_outputs; } ConfigurationsXMLFactory::ConfigurationsXMLFactory() : XMLRootFactory("configurations") { } ConfigurationsXMLFactory::~ConfigurationsXMLFactory() { } XMLType * ConfigurationsXMLFactory::newInstance() { return new ConfigurationsXML(); } void ConfigurationsXMLFactory::schema() { BOOL_ELEMENT("polling", ConfigurationsXML, polling, setPolling); COMPLEX_ELEMENT_LIST("configuration", ConfigurationsXML, configurations, new ConfigurationXMLFactory(), ConfigurationXML); COMPLEX_ELEMENT_LIST("outputs", ConfigurationsXML, outputs, new OutputsXMLFactory(), OutputsXML); } }