/* Copyright 2007 Robert Knight Copyright 2007 Kevin Ottens This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // Own #include "ui/itemdelegate.h" // Qt #include #include #include #include // KDE #include #include #include // plasma #include using namespace Kickoff; ItemDelegate::ItemDelegate(QObject *parent) : Plasma::Delegate(parent) { } void ItemDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const { Plasma::Delegate::paint(painter, option, index); qreal freeSpace = -1; qreal usedSpace = -1; if (!index.data(DiskFreeSpaceRole).isNull()) { freeSpace = index.data(DiskFreeSpaceRole).value() / 1024.0 / 1024.0; usedSpace = index.data(DiskUsedSpaceRole).value() / 1024.0 / 1024.0; } // draw free space information (for drive icons) if (usedSpace >= 0) { painter->save(); QRect emptyRect = rectAfterTitle(option, index); QSize barSize = QSize(qMin(emptyRect.width(), option.rect.width() / 3), emptyRect.height()); if (barSize.width() > 0) { // if the item view is gradually resized smaller or larger, make the bar fade out/in // as enough space for it becomes available if (barSize.width() < 20.0) { painter->setOpacity(barSize.width() / 20.0); } QRect spaceRect = QStyle::alignedRect(option.direction, Qt::AlignRight, barSize, emptyRect); if (!(option.state & (QStyle::State_Selected | QStyle::State_MouseOver | QStyle::State_HasFocus))) { painter->setOpacity(painter->opacity() / 2.5); } else { } KCapacityBar capacityBar(KCapacityBar::DrawTextInline); capacityBar.setValue((usedSpace / (freeSpace + usedSpace))*100); capacityBar.drawCapacityBar(painter, spaceRect); // -- Removed the free space text because it added too much 'visual noise' to the item // // some precision is lost here, but it is acceptible given that the disk-free bar // is only shown as a guide // QString freeSpaceString = KGlobal::locale()->formatByteSize(freeSpace*1024*1024*1024); // painter->drawText(spaceRect,Qt::AlignCenter,i18n("%1 free",freeSpaceString)); } painter->restore(); } } bool ItemDelegate::isVisible(const QModelIndex& index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return false; if (index.model()->hasChildren(index)) { const int childCount = index.model()->rowCount(index); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { QModelIndex child = index.model()->index(i, 0, index); if (!child.data(UrlRole).isNull()) { return true; } } return false; } return !index.data(UrlRole).isNull(); }