/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Alexander Kellett This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or at your option version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "toplevel.h" #include #include "globalbookmarkmanager.h" #include "kbookmarkmodel/model.h" #include "bookmarkinfowidget.h" #include "actionsimpl.h" #include "kbookmarkmodel/commands.h" #include "kbookmarkmodel/commandhistory.h" #include "kebsearchline.h" #include "bookmarklistview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KEBApp *KEBApp::s_topLevel = 0; KEBApp::KEBApp( const QString &bookmarksFile, bool readonly, const QString &address, bool browser, const QString &caption, const QString &dbusObjectName ) : KXmlGuiWindow(), m_bookmarksFilename(bookmarksFile), m_caption(caption), m_dbusObjectName(dbusObjectName), m_readOnly(readonly),m_browser(browser) { QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/keditbookmarks", this, QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots); Q_UNUSED(address);//FIXME sets the current item m_cmdHistory = new CommandHistory(this); m_cmdHistory->createActions(actionCollection()); connect(m_cmdHistory, SIGNAL(notifyCommandExecuted(KBookmarkGroup)), this, SLOT(notifyCommandExecuted())); GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->createManager(m_bookmarksFilename, m_dbusObjectName, m_cmdHistory); s_topLevel = this; createActions(); if (m_browser) createGUI(); else createGUI("keditbookmarks-genui.rc"); connect(qApp->clipboard(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), SLOT(slotClipboardDataChanged())); KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalog("libkonq"); m_canPaste = false; mBookmarkListView = new BookmarkListView(); mBookmarkListView->setModel( GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->model() ); mBookmarkListView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); mBookmarkListView->loadColumnSetting(); mBookmarkListView->loadFoldedState(); KViewSearchLineWidget *searchline = new KViewSearchLineWidget(mBookmarkListView); mBookmarkFolderView = new BookmarkFolderView(mBookmarkListView); mBookmarkFolderView->expandAll(); QWidget * rightSide = new QWidget; QVBoxLayout *listLayout = new QVBoxLayout(rightSide); listLayout->setMargin(0); rightSide->setLayout(listLayout); listLayout->addWidget(searchline); listLayout->addWidget(mBookmarkListView); m_bkinfo = new BookmarkInfoWidget(mBookmarkListView, GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->model()); m_bkinfo->layout()->setContentsMargins(0, 0, KDialog::spacingHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); listLayout->addWidget(m_bkinfo); QSplitter *hsplitter = new QSplitter(this); hsplitter->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); hsplitter->addWidget(mBookmarkFolderView); hsplitter->addWidget(rightSide); hsplitter->setStretchFactor(1,1); setCentralWidget(hsplitter); slotClipboardDataChanged(); setAutoSaveSettings(); connect(mBookmarkListView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged())); connect(mBookmarkFolderView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), this, SLOT(selectionChanged())); setCancelFavIconUpdatesEnabled(false); setCancelTestsEnabled(false); updateActions(); } void KEBApp::expandAll() { mBookmarkListView->expandAll(); } void KEBApp::collapseAll() { mBookmarkListView->collapseAll(); } QString KEBApp::bookmarkFilename() { return m_bookmarksFilename; } void KEBApp::reset(const QString & caption, const QString & bookmarksFileName) { //FIXME check this code, probably should be model()->setRoot instead of resetModel() m_caption = caption; m_bookmarksFilename = bookmarksFileName; GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->createManager(m_bookmarksFilename, m_dbusObjectName, m_cmdHistory); //FIXME this is still a memory leak (iff called by slotLoad) GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->model()->resetModel(); updateActions(); } void KEBApp::startEdit( Column c ) { const QModelIndexList & list = mBookmarkListView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); QModelIndexList::const_iterator it, end; end = list.constEnd(); for(it = list.constBegin(); it != end; ++it) if( (*it).column() == int(c) && (mBookmarkListView->model()->flags(*it) & Qt::ItemIsEditable) ) return mBookmarkListView->edit( *it ); } //FIXME clean up and remove unneeded things SelcAbilities KEBApp::getSelectionAbilities() const { SelcAbilities selctionAbilities; selctionAbilities.itemSelected = false; selctionAbilities.group = false; selctionAbilities.separator = false; selctionAbilities.urlIsEmpty = false; selctionAbilities.root = false; selctionAbilities.multiSelect = false; selctionAbilities.singleSelect = false; selctionAbilities.notEmpty = false; selctionAbilities.deleteEnabled = false; KBookmark nbk; QModelIndexList sel = mBookmarkListView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); int columnCount; if(sel.count()) { nbk = mBookmarkListView->bookmarkForIndex(sel.first()); columnCount = mBookmarkListView->model()->columnCount(); } else { sel = mBookmarkFolderView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if(sel.count()) nbk = mBookmarkFolderView->bookmarkForIndex(sel.first()); columnCount = mBookmarkFolderView->model()->columnCount(); } if ( sel.count() > 0) { selctionAbilities.deleteEnabled = true; selctionAbilities.itemSelected = true; selctionAbilities.group = nbk.isGroup(); selctionAbilities.separator = nbk.isSeparator(); selctionAbilities.urlIsEmpty = nbk.url().isEmpty(); selctionAbilities.root = nbk.address() == GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->root().address(); selctionAbilities.multiSelect = (sel.count() > columnCount); selctionAbilities.singleSelect = (!selctionAbilities.multiSelect && selctionAbilities.itemSelected); } //FIXME check next line, if it actually works selctionAbilities.notEmpty = GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->root().first().hasParent(); /* kDebug() <<"\nsa.itemSelected "<action(*it)->setEnabled(true); } } KBookmark KEBApp::firstSelected() const { QModelIndex index; const QModelIndexList & list = mBookmarkListView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if(list.count()) // selection in main listview, return bookmark for firstSelected return mBookmarkListView->bookmarkForIndex(*list.constBegin()); // no selection in main listview, fall back to selection in left tree const QModelIndexList & list2 = mBookmarkFolderView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); return mBookmarkFolderView->bookmarkForIndex(*list2.constBegin()); } QString KEBApp::insertAddress() const { KBookmark current = firstSelected(); return (current.isGroup()) ? (current.address() + "/0") //FIXME internal represantation used : KBookmark::nextAddress(current.address()); } bool lessAddress(const QString& first, const QString& second) { QString a = first; QString b = second; if(a == b) return false; QString error("ERROR"); if(a == error) return false; if(b == error) return true; a += '/'; b += '/'; uint aLast = 0; uint bLast = 0; uint aEnd = a.length(); uint bEnd = b.length(); // Each iteration checks one "/"-delimeted part of the address // "" is treated correctly while(true) { // Invariant: a[0 ... aLast] == b[0 ... bLast] if(aLast + 1 == aEnd) //The last position was the last slash return true; // That means a is shorter than b if(bLast +1 == bEnd) return false; uint aNext = a.indexOf("/", aLast + 1); uint bNext = b.indexOf("/", bLast + 1); bool okay; uint aNum = a.mid(aLast + 1, aNext - aLast - 1).toUInt(&okay); if(!okay) return false; uint bNum = b.mid(bLast + 1, bNext - bLast - 1).toUInt(&okay); if(!okay) return true; if(aNum != bNum) return aNum < bNum; aLast = aNext; bLast = bNext; } } bool lessBookmark(const KBookmark & first, const KBookmark & second) //FIXME Using internal represantation { return lessAddress(first.address(), second.address()); } KBookmark::List KEBApp::allBookmarks() const { KBookmark::List bookmarks; selectedBookmarksExpandedHelper(GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->root(), bookmarks); return bookmarks; } KBookmark::List KEBApp::selectedBookmarks() const { KBookmark::List bookmarks; const QModelIndexList & list = mBookmarkListView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { QModelIndexList::const_iterator it, end; end = list.constEnd(); for( it = list.constBegin(); it != end; ++it) { if((*it).column() != 0) continue; KBookmark bk = mBookmarkListView->bookmarkModel()->bookmarkForIndex(*it);; if(bk.address() != GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->root().address()) bookmarks.push_back( bk ); } qSort(bookmarks.begin(), bookmarks.end(), lessBookmark); } else { bookmarks.push_back(firstSelected()); } return bookmarks; } KBookmark::List KEBApp::selectedBookmarksExpanded() const { KBookmark::List bookmarks = selectedBookmarks(); KBookmark::List result; KBookmark::List::const_iterator it, end; end = bookmarks.constEnd(); for(it = bookmarks.constBegin(); it != end; ++it) { selectedBookmarksExpandedHelper( *it, result ); } return result; } void KEBApp::selectedBookmarksExpandedHelper(const KBookmark& bk, KBookmark::List & bookmarks) const { //FIXME in which order parents should ideally be: parent then child // or child and then parents if(bk.isGroup()) { KBookmarkGroup parent = bk.toGroup(); KBookmark child = parent.first(); while(!child.isNull()) { selectedBookmarksExpandedHelper(child, bookmarks); child = parent.next(child); } } else { bookmarks.push_back( bk ); } } void KEBApp::updateStatus(const QString &url) { if(m_bkinfo->bookmark().url() == url) m_bkinfo->updateStatus(); } KEBApp::~KEBApp() { // Save again, just in case the user expanded/collapsed folders (#131127) GlobalBookmarkManager::self()->notifyManagers(); s_topLevel = 0; delete m_cmdHistory; delete m_actionsImpl; delete mBookmarkListView; delete GlobalBookmarkManager::self(); } KToggleAction* KEBApp::getToggleAction(const char *action) const { return static_cast(actionCollection()->action(action)); } void KEBApp::resetActions() { stateChanged("disablestuff"); stateChanged("normal"); if (!m_readOnly) stateChanged("notreadonly"); } void KEBApp::selectionChanged() { updateActions(); } void KEBApp::updateActions() { resetActions(); setActionsEnabled(getSelectionAbilities()); } void KEBApp::slotClipboardDataChanged() { // kDebug() << "KEBApp::slotClipboardDataChanged"; if (!m_readOnly) { m_canPaste = KBookmark::List::canDecode( QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()); updateActions(); } } /* -------------------------- */ void KEBApp::notifyCommandExecuted() { // kDebug() << "KEBApp::notifyCommandExecuted()"; updateActions(); } /* -------------------------- */ void KEBApp::slotConfigureToolbars() { saveMainWindowSettings(KConfigGroup( KGlobal::config(), "MainWindow") ); KEditToolBar dlg(actionCollection(), this); connect(&dlg, SIGNAL(newToolBarConfig()), SLOT(slotNewToolbarConfig())); dlg.exec(); } void KEBApp::slotNewToolbarConfig() { // called when OK or Apply is clicked createGUI(); applyMainWindowSettings(KConfigGroup(KGlobal::config(), "MainWindow") ); } /* -------------------------- */ #include "moc_toplevel.cpp"