/* * Copyright (C) 2000 Matthias Elter * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Raffaele Sandrini * Copyright (C) 2003 Waldo Bastian * Copyright (C) 2008 Laurent Montel * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "treeview.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "moc_treeview.cpp" #include "menufile.h" #include "menuinfo.h" #define MOVE_FOLDER 'M' #define COPY_FOLDER 'C' #define MOVE_FILE 'm' #define COPY_FILE 'c' #define COPY_SEPARATOR 'S' static const char *s_internalMimeType = "application/x-kmenuedit-internal"; class SeparatorWidget : public QWidget { public: SeparatorWidget() : QWidget(0) { } protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent * /*event*/) { QPainter p(this); // Draw Separator int h = (height() / 2) -1; // if (isSelected()) { // p->setPen( palette().color( QPalette::HighlightedText ) ); // } else { // p->setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Text ) ); // } p.drawLine(2, h, width() - 4, h); } }; TreeItem::TreeItem(QTreeWidgetItem *parent, QTreeWidgetItem *after, const QString& menuId, bool _m_init) : QTreeWidgetItem(parent, after), m_hidden(false), m_init(_m_init), m_layoutDirty(false), m_menuId(menuId), m_folderInfo(0), m_entryInfo(0) { } TreeItem::TreeItem(QTreeWidget *parent, QTreeWidgetItem *after, const QString& menuId, bool _m_init) : QTreeWidgetItem(parent, after), m_hidden(false), m_init(_m_init), m_layoutDirty(false), m_menuId(menuId), m_folderInfo(0), m_entryInfo(0) { load(); } TreeItem::~TreeItem() { } /** * @brief Return the description. * @return Description, or an empty string if none. */ QString TreeItem::description() const { QString description; if (isEntry()) { description = entryInfo()->description; } return description; } /** * @brief Compare two items using their names. * @param item1 First item. * @param item2 Second item. * @return Integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if item1 is less than, equal to, or greater than item2. */ bool TreeItem::itemNameLessThan(QTreeWidgetItem *item1, QTreeWidgetItem *item2) { TreeItem *treeItem1 = static_cast(item1); TreeItem *treeItem2 = static_cast(item2); return treeItem1->name().toLower() < treeItem2->name().toLower(); } /** * @brief Compare two items using their descriptions. If both are empty, sort them by name. * @param item1 First item. * @param item2 Second item. * @return Integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if item1 is less than, equal to, or greater than item2. */ bool TreeItem::itemDescriptionLessThan(QTreeWidgetItem *item1, QTreeWidgetItem *item2) { // extract descriptions in lower case TreeItem *treeItem1 = static_cast(item1); TreeItem *treeItem2 = static_cast(item2); const QString description1 = treeItem1->description().toLower(); const QString description2 = treeItem2->description().toLower(); // if description is missing for both items, sort them using their names if (description1.isEmpty() && description2.isEmpty()) { return itemNameLessThan(item1, item2); } else { return description1 < description2; } } void TreeItem::setName(const QString &name) { if (m_name == name) { return; } m_name = name; update(); } void TreeItem::setHiddenInMenu(bool b) { if (m_hidden == b) { return; } m_hidden = b; update(); } void TreeItem::update() { QString s = m_name; if (m_hidden) { s += i18n(" [Hidden]"); } setText(0, s); } void TreeItem::load() { if (m_folderInfo && !m_init) { m_init = true; TreeView *tv = static_cast(treeWidget()); tv->fillBranch(m_folderInfo, this); } } bool TreeItem::isLayoutDirty() const { if (m_layoutDirty) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < childCount(); ++i) { TreeItem *item = dynamic_cast(child(i)); if (!item) { continue; } if (item->isLayoutDirty()) { return true; } } return false; } static QPixmap appIcon(const QString &iconName) { QPixmap normal = KIconLoader::global()->loadIcon(iconName, KIconLoader::Small, 0, KIconLoader::DefaultState, QStringList(), 0L, true); return normal; } TreeView::TreeView( KActionCollection *ac, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QTreeWidget(parent), m_ac(ac), m_popupMenu(0), m_clipboard(0), m_clipboardFolderInfo(0), m_clipboardEntryInfo(0), m_layoutDirty(false), m_detailedMenuEntries(true), m_detailedEntriesNamesFirst(true) { m_dropMimeTypes << s_internalMimeType << KUrl::List::mimeDataTypes(); qRegisterMetaType("TreeItem"); setObjectName(name); setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); setRootIsDecorated(true); setSortingEnabled(false); setDragEnabled(true); setAcceptDrops(true); setMinimumWidth(240); setHeaderLabels(QStringList() << QString("")); header()->hide(); // listen for creation connect(m_ac->action(NEW_ITEM_ACTION_NAME), SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(newitem())); connect(m_ac->action(NEW_SUBMENU_ACTION_NAME), SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(newsubmenu())); connect(m_ac->action(NEW_SEPARATOR_ACTION_NAME), SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(newsep())); // listen for copy connect(m_ac->action(CUT_ACTION_NAME), SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(cut())); connect(m_ac->action(COPY_ACTION_NAME), SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(copy())); connect(m_ac->action(PASTE_ACTION_NAME), SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(paste())); // listen for deleting connect(m_ac->action(DELETE_ACTION_NAME), SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(del())); // listen for sorting m_sortSignalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this); QAction *action = m_ac->action(SORT_BY_NAME_ACTION_NAME); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_sortSignalMapper, SLOT(map())); m_sortSignalMapper->setMapping(action, SortByName); action = m_ac->action(SORT_BY_DESCRIPTION_ACTION_NAME); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_sortSignalMapper, SLOT(map())); m_sortSignalMapper->setMapping(action, SortByDescription); action = m_ac->action(SORT_ALL_BY_NAME_ACTION_NAME); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_sortSignalMapper, SLOT(map())); m_sortSignalMapper->setMapping(action, SortAllByName); action = m_ac->action(SORT_ALL_BY_DESCRIPTION_ACTION_NAME); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_sortSignalMapper, SLOT(map())); m_sortSignalMapper->setMapping(action, SortAllByDescription); connect(m_sortSignalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(const int)), this, SLOT(sort(const int))); // connect moving up/down actions connect(m_ac->action(MOVE_UP_ACTION_NAME), SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(moveUpItem())); connect(m_ac->action(MOVE_DOWN_ACTION_NAME), SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(moveDownItem())); // listen for selection connect(this, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), SLOT(itemSelected(QTreeWidgetItem*))); m_menuFile = new MenuFile(KStandardDirs::locateLocal("xdgconf-menu", "applications-kmenuedit.menu")); m_rootFolder = new MenuFolderInfo; m_separator = new MenuSeparatorInfo; } TreeView::~TreeView() { cleanupClipboard(); delete m_rootFolder; delete m_separator; } void TreeView::setViewMode(bool showHidden) { // setup popup menu delete m_popupMenu; m_popupMenu = new QMenu(this); // creation m_popupMenu->addAction(m_ac->action(NEW_ITEM_ACTION_NAME)); m_popupMenu->addAction(m_ac->action(NEW_SUBMENU_ACTION_NAME)); m_popupMenu->addAction(m_ac->action(NEW_SEPARATOR_ACTION_NAME)); m_popupMenu->addSeparator(); // copy m_popupMenu->addAction(m_ac->action(CUT_ACTION_NAME)); m_popupMenu->addAction(m_ac->action(COPY_ACTION_NAME)); m_popupMenu->addAction(m_ac->action(PASTE_ACTION_NAME)); m_popupMenu->addSeparator(); // delete m_popupMenu->addAction( m_ac->action(DELETE_ACTION_NAME)); m_popupMenu->addSeparator(); // move m_popupMenu->addAction(m_ac->action(MOVE_UP_ACTION_NAME)); m_popupMenu->addAction(m_ac->action(MOVE_DOWN_ACTION_NAME)); m_popupMenu->addSeparator(); // sort m_popupMenu->addAction(m_ac->action(SORT_ACTION_NAME)); m_showHidden = showHidden; readMenuFolderInfo(); fill(); } void TreeView::readMenuFolderInfo(MenuFolderInfo *folderInfo, KServiceGroup::Ptr folder, const QString &prefix) { if (!folderInfo) { folderInfo = m_rootFolder; folder = KServiceGroup::root(); } if (!folder || !folder->isValid()) return; folderInfo->caption = folder->caption(); folderInfo->comment = folder->comment(); // Item names may contain ampersands. To avoid them being converted // to accelerators, replace them with two ampersands. folderInfo->hidden = folder->noDisplay(); folderInfo->directoryFile = folder->directoryEntryPath(); folderInfo->icon = folder->icon(); QString id = folder->relPath(); int i = id.lastIndexOf('/', -2); id = id.mid(i+1); folderInfo->id = id; folderInfo->fullId = prefix + id; foreach(const KSycocaEntry::Ptr &e, folder->entries(true, !m_showHidden, true, m_detailedMenuEntries && !m_detailedEntriesNamesFirst)) { if (e->isType(KST_KServiceGroup)) { KServiceGroup::Ptr g(KServiceGroup::Ptr::staticCast(e)); MenuFolderInfo *subFolderInfo = new MenuFolderInfo(); readMenuFolderInfo(subFolderInfo, g, folderInfo->fullId); folderInfo->add(subFolderInfo, true); } else if (e->isType(KST_KService)) { folderInfo->add(new MenuEntryInfo(KService::Ptr::staticCast(e)), true); } else if (e->isType(KST_KServiceSeparator)) { folderInfo->add(m_separator, true); } } } void TreeView::fill() { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); clear(); fillBranch(m_rootFolder, 0); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } QString TreeView::findName(KDesktopFile *df, bool deleted) { QString name = df->readName(); if (deleted) { if (name == "empty") name.clear(); if (name.isEmpty()) { QString file = df->fileName(); QString res = df->resource(); bool isLocal = true; const QStringList files = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources(res.toLatin1(), file); for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = files.constBegin(); it != files.constEnd(); ++it) { if (isLocal) { isLocal = false; continue; } KDesktopFile df2(*it); name = df2.readName(); if (!name.isEmpty() && (name != "empty")) return name; } } } return name; } TreeItem *TreeView::createTreeItem(TreeItem *parent, QTreeWidgetItem *after, MenuFolderInfo *folderInfo, bool m_init) { TreeItem *item; if (parent) { item = new TreeItem(parent, after, QString(), m_init); } else { item = new TreeItem(this, after, QString(), m_init); } item->setMenuFolderInfo(folderInfo); item->setName(folderInfo->caption); item->setIcon(0, appIcon(folderInfo->icon)); item->setDirectoryPath(folderInfo->fullId); item->setHiddenInMenu(folderInfo->hidden); item->load(); return item; } TreeItem *TreeView::createTreeItem(TreeItem *parent, QTreeWidgetItem *after, MenuEntryInfo *entryInfo, bool m_init) { bool hidden = entryInfo->hidden; TreeItem* item; if (parent) { item = new TreeItem(parent, after, entryInfo->menuId(),m_init); } else { item = new TreeItem(this, after, entryInfo->menuId(), m_init); } QString name; if (m_detailedMenuEntries && entryInfo->description.length() != 0) { if (m_detailedEntriesNamesFirst) { name = entryInfo->caption + " (" + entryInfo->description + ')'; } else { name = entryInfo->description + " (" + entryInfo->caption + ')'; } } else { name = entryInfo->caption; } //kDebug() << parent << after << name; item->setMenuEntryInfo(entryInfo); item->setName(name); item->setIcon(0, appIcon(entryInfo->icon)); item->setHiddenInMenu(hidden); item->load(); return item; } TreeItem *TreeView::createTreeItem(TreeItem *parent, QTreeWidgetItem *after, MenuSeparatorInfo *, bool init) { TreeItem* item; if (parent) { item = new TreeItem(parent, after, QString(), init); } else { item = new TreeItem(this, after, QString(), init); } setItemWidget(item, 0, new SeparatorWidget); return item; } void TreeView::fillBranch(MenuFolderInfo *folderInfo, TreeItem *parent) { QString relPath = parent ? parent->directory() : QString(); TreeItem *after = 0; foreach (MenuInfo *info, folderInfo->initialLayout) { MenuEntryInfo *entry = dynamic_cast(info); if (entry) { after = createTreeItem(parent, after, entry); continue; } MenuFolderInfo *subFolder = dynamic_cast(info); if (subFolder) { after = createTreeItem(parent, after, subFolder); continue; } MenuSeparatorInfo *separator = dynamic_cast(info); if (separator) { after = createTreeItem(parent, after, separator); continue; } } } void TreeView::closeAllItems(QTreeWidgetItem *item) { item->setExpanded(false); for (int i = 0; i < item->childCount(); ++i) { closeAllItems(item->child(i)); } } TreeItem *TreeView::expandPath(TreeItem *item, const QString &path) { int i = path.indexOf("/"); QString subMenu = path.left(i+1); QString restMenu = path.mid(i+1); for (int i = 0; i < item->childCount(); ++i) { TreeItem *childItem = dynamic_cast(item->child(i)); if (!childItem) { continue; } MenuFolderInfo *folderInfo = childItem->folderInfo(); if (folderInfo && (folderInfo->id == subMenu)) { childItem->setExpanded(true); if (!restMenu.isEmpty()) { return expandPath(childItem, restMenu); } else { return childItem; } } } return 0; } void TreeView::selectMenu(const QString &menu) { for (int i = 0; i < topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { closeAllItems(topLevelItem(i)); } if (menu.length() <= 1) { setCurrentItem(topLevelItem(0)); clearSelection(); return; // Root menu } QString restMenu = menu; if ( menu.startsWith( '/' ) ) restMenu = menu.mid(1); if (!restMenu.endsWith('/')) restMenu += '/'; TreeItem *item = 0; int i = restMenu.indexOf("/"); QString subMenu = restMenu.left(i+1); restMenu = restMenu.mid(i+1); for (int i = 0; i < topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { item = dynamic_cast(topLevelItem(i)); if (!item) { continue; } MenuFolderInfo *folderInfo = item->folderInfo(); if (folderInfo && (folderInfo->id == subMenu)) { if (!restMenu.isEmpty()) { item = expandPath(item, restMenu); } break; } } if (item) { setCurrentItem(item); scrollToItem(item); } } void TreeView::selectMenuEntry(const QString &menuEntry) { TreeItem *item = static_cast(selectedItem()); if (!item) { item = static_cast(currentItem()); } if (!item) { return; } QTreeWidgetItem *parent = item->parent(); if (parent) { for (int i = 0; i < parent->childCount(); ++i) { TreeItem *item = dynamic_cast(parent->child(i)); if (!item || item->isDirectory()) { continue; } MenuEntryInfo *entry = item->entryInfo(); if (entry && entry->menuId() == menuEntry) { setCurrentItem(item); scrollToItem(item); return; } } } else { // top level for (int i = 0; i < topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { TreeItem *item = dynamic_cast(topLevelItem(i)); if (!item || item->isDirectory()) { continue; } MenuEntryInfo *entry = item->entryInfo(); if (entry && entry->menuId() == menuEntry) { setCurrentItem(item); scrollToItem(item); return; } } } } void TreeView::itemSelected(QTreeWidgetItem *item) { // ensure the item is visible as selected setItemSelected(item, true); TreeItem *_item = static_cast(item); TreeItem *parentItem = 0; bool selected = false; bool dselected = false; if (_item) { selected = true; dselected = _item->isHiddenInMenu(); parentItem = getParentItem(_item); } // change actions activation m_ac->action(CUT_ACTION_NAME)->setEnabled(selected); m_ac->action(COPY_ACTION_NAME)->setEnabled(selected); m_ac->action(PASTE_ACTION_NAME)->setEnabled(m_clipboard != 0); if (m_ac->action(DELETE_ACTION_NAME)) { m_ac->action(DELETE_ACTION_NAME)->setEnabled(selected && !dselected); } m_ac->action(SORT_BY_NAME_ACTION_NAME)->setEnabled(selected && _item->isDirectory() && (_item->childCount() > 0)); m_ac->action(SORT_BY_DESCRIPTION_ACTION_NAME)->setEnabled(m_ac->action(SORT_BY_NAME_ACTION_NAME)->isEnabled()); m_ac->action(MOVE_UP_ACTION_NAME)->setEnabled(selected && (parentItem->indexOfChild(_item) > 0)); m_ac->action(MOVE_DOWN_ACTION_NAME)->setEnabled(selected && (parentItem->indexOfChild(_item) < parentItem->childCount() - 1)); if (!item) { emit disableAction(); return; } if (_item->isDirectory()) { emit entrySelected(_item->folderInfo()); } else { emit entrySelected(_item->entryInfo()); } } void TreeView::currentDataChanged(MenuFolderInfo *folderInfo) { TreeItem *item = (TreeItem*)selectedItem(); if (item == 0 || folderInfo == 0) { return; } item->setName(folderInfo->caption); item->setIcon(0, appIcon(folderInfo->icon)); } void TreeView::currentDataChanged(MenuEntryInfo *entryInfo) { TreeItem *item = (TreeItem*)selectedItem(); if (item == 0 || entryInfo == 0) { return; } QString name; if (m_detailedMenuEntries && entryInfo->description.length() != 0) { if (m_detailedEntriesNamesFirst) { name = entryInfo->caption + " (" + entryInfo->description + ')'; } else { name = entryInfo->description + " (" + entryInfo->caption + ')'; } } else { name = entryInfo->caption; } item->setName(name); item->setIcon(0, appIcon(entryInfo->icon)); } QStringList TreeView::fileList(const QString& rPath) { QString relativePath = rPath; // truncate "/.directory" int pos = relativePath.lastIndexOf("/.directory"); if (pos > 0) relativePath.truncate(pos); QStringList filelist; // loop through all resource dirs and build a file list const QStringList resdirlist = KGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("apps"); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = resdirlist.constBegin(); it != resdirlist.constEnd(); ++it) { QDir dir((*it) + '/' + relativePath); if(!dir.exists()) continue; dir.setFilter(QDir::Files); dir.setNameFilters(QStringList() << "*.desktop;*.kdelnk"); // build a list of files const QStringList files = dir.entryList(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = files.constBegin(); it != files.constEnd(); ++it) { // does not work?! //if (filelist.contains(*it)) continue; if (relativePath.isEmpty()) { filelist.removeAll(*it); // hack filelist.append(*it); } else { filelist.removeAll(relativePath + '/' + *it); //hack filelist.append(relativePath + '/' + *it); } } } return filelist; } QStringList TreeView::dirList(const QString& rPath) { QString relativePath = rPath; // truncate "/.directory" int pos = relativePath.lastIndexOf("/.directory"); if (pos > 0) relativePath.truncate(pos); QStringList dirlist; // loop through all resource dirs and build a subdir list const QStringList resdirlist = KGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("apps"); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = resdirlist.constBegin(); it != resdirlist.constEnd(); ++it) { QDir dir((*it) + '/' + relativePath); if(!dir.exists()) continue; dir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs); // build a list of subdirs const QStringList subdirs = dir.entryList(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = subdirs.constBegin(); it != subdirs.constEnd(); ++it) { if ((*it) == "." || (*it) == "..") continue; // does not work?! // if (dirlist.contains(*it)) continue; if (relativePath.isEmpty()) { dirlist.removeAll(*it); //hack dirlist.append(*it); } else { dirlist.removeAll(relativePath + '/' + *it); //hack dirlist.append(relativePath + '/' + *it); } } } return dirlist; } Qt::DropActions TreeView::supportedDropActions() const { return Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction; } QStringList TreeView::mimeTypes() const { return m_dropMimeTypes; } void TreeView::startDrag(Qt::DropActions supportedActions) { QList items; items << selectedItem(); QMimeData *data = mimeData(items); if (!data) { return; } QDrag *drag = new QDrag(this); int iconSize = KIconLoader::global()->currentSize(KIconLoader::Small); drag->setPixmap(selectedItem()->icon(0).pixmap(iconSize, iconSize)); drag->setMimeData(data); drag->exec(supportedActions, Qt::MoveAction); } QMimeData *TreeView::mimeData(const QList items) const { if (items.isEmpty()) { return 0; } return new MenuItemMimeData(dynamic_cast(items.first())); } static QString createDesktopFile(const QString &file, QString *menuId, QStringList *excludeList) { QString base = file.mid(file.lastIndexOf('/')+1); base = base.left(base.lastIndexOf('.')); QRegExp r("(.*)(?=-\\d+)"); base = (r.indexIn(base) > -1) ? r.cap(1) : base; QString result = KService::newServicePath(base, menuId, excludeList); excludeList->append(*menuId); // Todo for Undo-support: Undo menuId allocation: return result; } static KDesktopFile *copyDesktopFile(MenuEntryInfo *entryInfo, QString *menuId, QStringList *excludeList) { QString result = createDesktopFile(entryInfo->file(), menuId, excludeList); KDesktopFile *df = entryInfo->desktopFile()->copyTo(result); df->desktopGroup().deleteEntry("Categories"); // Don't set any categories! return df; } static QString createDirectoryFile(const QString &file, QStringList *excludeList) { QString base = file.mid(file.lastIndexOf('/')+1); base = base.left(base.lastIndexOf('.')); QString result; int i = 1; while(true) { if (i == 1) result = base + ".directory"; else result = base + QString("-%1.directory").arg(i); if (!excludeList->contains(result)) { if (KStandardDirs::locate("xdgdata-dirs", result).isEmpty()) break; } i++; } excludeList->append(result); result = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("xdgdata-dirs", result); return result; } bool TreeView::dropMimeData(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int index, const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action) { // get destination folder TreeItem *titem = item ? dynamic_cast(item) : 0; if (item && !titem) { return false; } TreeItem *parentItem = 0; QTreeWidgetItem *after = titem; // find the parent item and which item the dropped item should go after if (titem) { if (titem->isDirectory()) { parentItem = titem; after = titem->child(index); if (!after) { after = titem->child(titem->childCount() - 1); } } else { parentItem = dynamic_cast(titem->parent()); if (titem->parent() && !parentItem) { return false; } } } else if (index > 0) { after = topLevelItem(index); if (!after) { after = topLevelItem(topLevelItemCount() - 1); } } QString folder = parentItem ? parentItem->directory() : "/"; MenuFolderInfo *parentFolderInfo = parentItem ? parentItem->folderInfo() : m_rootFolder; kDebug() << "think we're dropping on" << (parentItem ? parentItem->text(0) : "Top Level") << index; if (!data->hasFormat(s_internalMimeType)) { // External drop if (!KUrl::List::canDecode(data)) { return false; } KUrl::List urls = KUrl::List::fromMimeData(data);; if (urls.isEmpty() || !urls[0].isLocalFile()) { return false; } //FIXME: this should really support multiple DnD QString path = urls[0].path(); if (!path.endsWith(QLatin1String(".desktop"))) { return false; } QString menuId; QString result = createDesktopFile(path, &menuId, &m_newMenuIds); KDesktopFile orig_df(path); KDesktopFile *df = orig_df.copyTo(result); df->desktopGroup().deleteEntry("Categories"); // Don't set any categories! KService::Ptr s(new KService(df)); s->setMenuId(menuId); MenuEntryInfo *entryInfo = new MenuEntryInfo(s, df); QString oldCaption = entryInfo->caption; QString newCaption = parentFolderInfo->uniqueItemCaption(oldCaption, oldCaption); entryInfo->setCaption(newCaption); // Add file to menu // m_menuFile->addEntry(folder, menuId); m_menuFile->pushAction(MenuFile::ADD_ENTRY, folder, menuId); // create the TreeItem if (parentItem) { parentItem->setExpanded(true); } // update fileInfo data parentFolderInfo->add(entryInfo); TreeItem *newItem = createTreeItem(parentItem, after, entryInfo, true); setCurrentItem(newItem); setLayoutDirty(parentItem); return true; } QVariant p(data->data(s_internalMimeType)); const MenuItemMimeData *itemData = dynamic_cast(data); if (!itemData) { return false; } TreeItem *dragItem = itemData->item(); if (!dragItem || dragItem == after) { return false; // Nothing to do } //kDebug() << "an internal drag of" << dragItem->text(0) << (parentItem ? parentItem->text(0) : "Top level"); if (dragItem->isDirectory()) { MenuFolderInfo *folderInfo = dragItem->folderInfo(); if (action == Qt::CopyAction) { // FIXME: // * Create new .directory file } else { TreeItem *tmpItem = static_cast(parentItem); while (tmpItem) { if (tmpItem == dragItem) { return false; } tmpItem = static_cast(tmpItem->parent()); } // Remove MenuFolderInfo TreeItem *oldParentItem = static_cast(dragItem->parent()); MenuFolderInfo *oldParentFolderInfo = oldParentItem ? oldParentItem->folderInfo() : m_rootFolder; oldParentFolderInfo->take(folderInfo); // Move menu QString oldFolder = folderInfo->fullId; QString folderName = folderInfo->id; QString newFolder = m_menuFile->uniqueMenuName(folder, folderName, parentFolderInfo->existingMenuIds()); folderInfo->id = newFolder; // Add file to menu //m_menuFile->moveMenu(oldFolder, folder + newFolder); kDebug() << "moving" << dragItem->text(0) << "to" << folder + newFolder; m_menuFile->pushAction(MenuFile::MOVE_MENU, oldFolder, folder + newFolder); // Make sure caption is unique QString newCaption = parentFolderInfo->uniqueMenuCaption(folderInfo->caption); if (newCaption != folderInfo->caption) { folderInfo->setCaption(newCaption); } // create the TreeItem if (parentItem) { parentItem->setExpanded(true); } // update fileInfo data folderInfo->updateFullId(parentFolderInfo->fullId); folderInfo->setInUse(true); parentFolderInfo->add(folderInfo); if (parentItem != oldParentItem) { if (oldParentItem) { oldParentItem->takeChild(oldParentItem->indexOfChild(dragItem)); } else { takeTopLevelItem(indexOfTopLevelItem(dragItem)); } } if (parentItem) { parentItem->insertChild(after ? parentItem->indexOfChild(after) + 1 : parentItem->childCount(), dragItem); } else { insertTopLevelItem(after ? indexOfTopLevelItem(after) : topLevelItemCount(), dragItem); } dragItem->setName(folderInfo->caption); dragItem->setDirectoryPath(folderInfo->fullId); setCurrentItem(dragItem); } } else if (dragItem->isEntry()) { MenuEntryInfo *entryInfo = dragItem->entryInfo(); QString menuId = entryInfo->menuId(); if (action == Qt::CopyAction) { // Need to copy file and then add it KDesktopFile *df = copyDesktopFile(entryInfo, &menuId, &m_newMenuIds); // Duplicate //UNDO-ACTION: NEW_MENU_ID (menuId) KService::Ptr s(new KService(df)); s->setMenuId(menuId); entryInfo = new MenuEntryInfo(s, df); QString oldCaption = entryInfo->caption; QString newCaption = parentFolderInfo->uniqueItemCaption(oldCaption, oldCaption); entryInfo->setCaption(newCaption); } else { del(dragItem, false); QString oldCaption = entryInfo->caption; QString newCaption = parentFolderInfo->uniqueItemCaption(oldCaption); entryInfo->setCaption(newCaption); entryInfo->setInUse(true); } // Add file to menu // m_menuFile->addEntry(folder, menuId); m_menuFile->pushAction(MenuFile::ADD_ENTRY, folder, menuId); // create the TreeItem if (parentItem) { parentItem->setExpanded(true); } // update fileInfo data parentFolderInfo->add(entryInfo); TreeItem *newItem = createTreeItem(parentItem, after, entryInfo); setCurrentItem(newItem); } else { // copying a separator if (action != Qt::CopyAction) { del(dragItem, false); } TreeItem *newItem = createTreeItem(parentItem, after, m_separator); setCurrentItem(newItem); } kDebug() << "setting the layout to be dirty at" << parentItem; setLayoutDirty(parentItem); return true; } QTreeWidgetItem *TreeView::selectedItem() { QList selection = selectedItems(); if (selection.isEmpty()) { return 0; } return selection.first(); } void TreeView::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { if (m_popupMenu && itemAt(event->pos())) { m_popupMenu->exec(event->globalPos()); } } void TreeView::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { // this prevents QTreeWidget from interfering with our moves QTreeView::dropEvent(event); } void TreeView::newsubmenu() { TreeItem *parentItem = 0; TreeItem *item = (TreeItem*)selectedItem(); bool ok; QString caption = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "New Submenu" ), i18n( "Submenu name:" ), QString(), &ok, this ); if (!ok) return; QString file = caption; file.replace('/', '-'); file = createDirectoryFile(file, &m_newDirectoryList); // Create // get destination folder QString folder; if(!item) { parentItem = 0; folder.clear(); } else if(item->isDirectory()) { parentItem = item; item = 0; folder = parentItem->directory(); } else { parentItem = static_cast(item->parent()); folder = parentItem ? parentItem->directory() : QString(); } MenuFolderInfo *parentFolderInfo = parentItem ? parentItem->folderInfo() : m_rootFolder; MenuFolderInfo *folderInfo = new MenuFolderInfo(); folderInfo->caption = parentFolderInfo->uniqueMenuCaption(caption); folderInfo->id = m_menuFile->uniqueMenuName(folder, caption, parentFolderInfo->existingMenuIds()); folderInfo->directoryFile = file; folderInfo->icon = "package"; folderInfo->hidden = false; folderInfo->setDirty(); KDesktopFile *df = new KDesktopFile(file); KConfigGroup desktopGroup = df->desktopGroup(); desktopGroup.writeEntry("Name", folderInfo->caption); desktopGroup.writeEntry("Icon", folderInfo->icon); df->sync(); delete df; // Add file to menu // m_menuFile->addMenu(folder + folderInfo->id, file); m_menuFile->pushAction(MenuFile::ADD_MENU, folder + folderInfo->id, file); folderInfo->fullId = parentFolderInfo->fullId + folderInfo->id; // create the TreeItem if (parentItem) parentItem->setExpanded(true); // update fileInfo data parentFolderInfo->add(folderInfo); TreeItem *newItem = createTreeItem(parentItem, item, folderInfo, true); setCurrentItem(newItem); setLayoutDirty(parentItem); } void TreeView::newitem() { TreeItem *parentItem = 0; TreeItem *item = (TreeItem*)selectedItem(); bool ok; QString caption = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "New Item" ), i18n( "Item name:" ), QString(), &ok, this ); if (!ok) return; QString menuId; QString file = caption; file.replace('/', '-'); file = createDesktopFile(file, &menuId, &m_newMenuIds); // Create KDesktopFile *df = new KDesktopFile(file); KConfigGroup desktopGroup = df->desktopGroup(); desktopGroup.writeEntry("Name", caption); desktopGroup.writeEntry("Type", "Application"); // get destination folder QString folder; if(!item) { parentItem = 0; folder.clear(); } else if(item->isDirectory()) { parentItem = item; item = 0; folder = parentItem->directory(); } else { parentItem = static_cast(item->parent()); folder = parentItem ? parentItem->directory() : QString(); } MenuFolderInfo *parentFolderInfo = parentItem ? parentItem->folderInfo() : m_rootFolder; // Add file to menu // m_menuFile->addEntry(folder, menuId); m_menuFile->pushAction(MenuFile::ADD_ENTRY, folder, menuId); KService::Ptr s(new KService(df)); s->setMenuId(menuId); MenuEntryInfo *entryInfo = new MenuEntryInfo(s, df); // create the TreeItem if(parentItem) parentItem->setExpanded(true); // update fileInfo data parentFolderInfo->add(entryInfo); TreeItem *newItem = createTreeItem(parentItem, item, entryInfo, true); setCurrentItem(newItem); setLayoutDirty(parentItem); } void TreeView::newsep() { TreeItem *parentItem = 0; TreeItem *item = (TreeItem*)selectedItem(); if(!item) { parentItem = 0; } else if(item->isDirectory()) { parentItem = item; item = 0; } else { parentItem = static_cast(item->parent()); } // create the TreeItem if(parentItem) parentItem->setExpanded(true); TreeItem *newItem = createTreeItem(parentItem, item, m_separator, true); setCurrentItem(newItem); setLayoutDirty(parentItem); } void TreeView::cut() { copy( true ); // Select new current item // TODO: is this completely redundant? setCurrentItem(currentItem()); } void TreeView::copy() { copy( false ); } void TreeView::copy( bool cutting ) { TreeItem *item = (TreeItem*)selectedItem(); // nil selected? -> nil to copy if (item == 0) return; if (cutting) setLayoutDirty((TreeItem*)item->parent()); // clean up old stuff cleanupClipboard(); // is item a folder or a file? if(item->isDirectory()) { QString folder = item->directory(); if (cutting) { // Place in clipboard m_clipboard = MOVE_FOLDER; m_clipboardFolderInfo = item->folderInfo(); del(item, false); } else { // Place in clipboard m_clipboard = COPY_FOLDER; m_clipboardFolderInfo = item->folderInfo(); } } else if (item->isEntry()) { if (cutting) { // Place in clipboard m_clipboard = MOVE_FILE; m_clipboardEntryInfo = item->entryInfo(); del(item, false); } else { // Place in clipboard m_clipboard = COPY_FILE; m_clipboardEntryInfo = item->entryInfo(); } } else { // Place in clipboard m_clipboard = COPY_SEPARATOR; if (cutting) del(item, false); } m_ac->action(PASTE_ACTION_NAME)->setEnabled(true); } void TreeView::paste() { TreeItem *parentItem = 0; TreeItem *item = (TreeItem*)selectedItem(); // nil selected? -> nil to paste to if (item == 0) return; // is there content in the clipboard? if (!m_clipboard) return; // get destination folder QString folder; if(item->isDirectory()) { parentItem = item; item = 0; folder = parentItem->directory(); } else { parentItem = static_cast(item->parent()); folder = parentItem ? parentItem->directory() : QString(); } MenuFolderInfo *parentFolderInfo = parentItem ? parentItem->folderInfo() : m_rootFolder; int command = m_clipboard; if ((command == COPY_FOLDER) || (command == MOVE_FOLDER)) { MenuFolderInfo *folderInfo = m_clipboardFolderInfo; if (command == COPY_FOLDER) { // Ugh.. this is hard :) // * Create new .directory file // Add } else if (command == MOVE_FOLDER) { // Move menu QString oldFolder = folderInfo->fullId; QString folderName = folderInfo->id; QString newFolder = m_menuFile->uniqueMenuName(folder, folderName, parentFolderInfo->existingMenuIds()); folderInfo->id = newFolder; // Add file to menu // m_menuFile->moveMenu(oldFolder, folder + newFolder); m_menuFile->pushAction(MenuFile::MOVE_MENU, oldFolder, folder + newFolder); // Make sure caption is unique QString newCaption = parentFolderInfo->uniqueMenuCaption(folderInfo->caption); if (newCaption != folderInfo->caption) { folderInfo->setCaption(newCaption); } // create the TreeItem if(parentItem) parentItem->setExpanded(true); // update fileInfo data folderInfo->fullId = parentFolderInfo->fullId + folderInfo->id; folderInfo->setInUse(true); parentFolderInfo->add(folderInfo); TreeItem *newItem = createTreeItem(parentItem, item, folderInfo); setCurrentItem(newItem); } m_clipboard = COPY_FOLDER; // Next one copies. } else if ((command == COPY_FILE) || (command == MOVE_FILE)) { MenuEntryInfo *entryInfo = m_clipboardEntryInfo; QString menuId; if (command == COPY_FILE) { // Need to copy file and then add it KDesktopFile *df = copyDesktopFile(entryInfo, &menuId, &m_newMenuIds); // Duplicate KService::Ptr s(new KService(df)); s->setMenuId(menuId); entryInfo = new MenuEntryInfo(s, df); QString oldCaption = entryInfo->caption; QString newCaption = parentFolderInfo->uniqueItemCaption(oldCaption, oldCaption); entryInfo->setCaption(newCaption); } else if (command == MOVE_FILE) { menuId = entryInfo->menuId(); m_clipboard = COPY_FILE; // Next one copies. QString oldCaption = entryInfo->caption; QString newCaption = parentFolderInfo->uniqueItemCaption(oldCaption); entryInfo->setCaption(newCaption); entryInfo->setInUse(true); } // Add file to menu // m_menuFile->addEntry(folder, menuId); m_menuFile->pushAction(MenuFile::ADD_ENTRY, folder, menuId); // create the TreeItem if(parentItem) parentItem->setExpanded(true); // update fileInfo data parentFolderInfo->add(entryInfo); TreeItem *newItem = createTreeItem(parentItem, item, entryInfo, true); setCurrentItem(newItem); } else { // create separator if(parentItem) parentItem->setExpanded(true); TreeItem *newItem = createTreeItem(parentItem, item, m_separator, true); setCurrentItem(newItem); } setLayoutDirty(parentItem); } /** * This slot is called from the signal mapper to sort children contained in an item. * This item is determinated according to the chosen sort type. * * @brief Determine which item is to sort, and do it. * @param sortCmd Sort type. */ void TreeView::sort(const int sortCmd) { // determine the chosen sort type and the selected item SortType sortType = (SortType) sortCmd; TreeItem *itemToSort; if (sortType == SortByName || sortType == SortByDescription) { itemToSort = static_cast(selectedItem()); } else if (sortType == SortAllByDescription) { sortType = SortByDescription; itemToSort = static_cast(invisibleRootItem()); } else /* if (sortType == SortAllByName) */ { sortType = SortByName; itemToSort = static_cast(invisibleRootItem()); } // proceed to the sorting sortItem(itemToSort, sortType); } /** * Sort children of the given item, according to the sort type. * The sorting is done on children groups, splited by separator items. * * @brief Sort item children. * @param item Item to sort. * @param sortType Sort type. */ void TreeView::sortItem(TreeItem *item, const SortType& sortType) { // sort the selected item only if contains children if ( (!item->isDirectory()) || (item->childCount() == 0) ) { return; } // remove contained children QList children = item->takeChildren(); // sort children groups, splited by separator items QList::iterator startIt = children.begin(); QList::iterator currentIt = children.begin(); while (currentIt != children.end()) { TreeItem *child = static_cast(*currentIt); // if it's a separator, sort previous items and continue on following items if (child->isSeparator() && startIt != currentIt) { sortItemChildren(startIt, currentIt, sortType); startIt = currentIt + 1; } ++currentIt; } sortItemChildren(startIt, currentIt, sortType); // insert sorted children in the tree item->addChildren(children); foreach (QTreeWidgetItem *child, children) { // recreate item widget for separators TreeItem *treeItem = static_cast(child); if (treeItem->isSeparator()) { setItemWidget(treeItem, 0, new SeparatorWidget); } // try to sort sub-children sortItem(static_cast(child), sortType); } // flag current item as dirty TreeItem *itemToFlagAsDirty = item; // if tree root item, set the entire layout as dirty if (item == invisibleRootItem()) { itemToFlagAsDirty = 0; } setLayoutDirty(itemToFlagAsDirty); } /** * Sort a children range defined with two list iterators, according to the sort type. * * @brief Sort a children range. * @param begin First child iterator. * @param end Last child iterator (exclusive, pointed child won't be affected). * @param sortType Sort type. */ void TreeView::sortItemChildren(const QList::iterator& begin, const QList::iterator& end, const SortType& sortType) { // sort by name if (sortType == SortByName) { qSort(begin, end, TreeItem::itemNameLessThan); } // sort by description else if (sortType == SortByDescription) { qSort(begin, end, TreeItem::itemDescriptionLessThan); } } /** * @brief Move up the selected item. */ void TreeView::moveUpItem() { moveUpOrDownItem(true); } /** * @brief Move down the selected item. */ void TreeView::moveDownItem() { moveUpOrDownItem(false); } /** * Move the selected item on desired direction (up or down). * * @brief Move up/down the selected item. * @param isMovingUpAction True to move up, false to move down. */ void TreeView::moveUpOrDownItem(bool isMovingUpAction) { // get the selected item and its parent TreeItem *sourceItem = static_cast(selectedItem()); if (!sourceItem) return; TreeItem *parentItem = getParentItem(sourceItem); // get selected item index int sourceItemIndex = parentItem->indexOfChild(sourceItem); // find the second item to swap TreeItem *destItem = 0; int destIndex; if (isMovingUpAction) { destIndex = sourceItemIndex - 1; destItem = static_cast(parentItem->child(destIndex)); } else { destIndex = sourceItemIndex + 1; destItem = static_cast(parentItem->child(destIndex)); } // swap items parentItem->removeChild(sourceItem); parentItem->insertChild(destIndex, sourceItem); // recreate item widget for separators if (sourceItem->isSeparator()) { setItemWidget(sourceItem, 0, new SeparatorWidget); } if (destItem->isSeparator()) { setItemWidget(destItem, 0, new SeparatorWidget); } // set the focus on the source item setCurrentItem(sourceItem); // flag parent item as dirty (if the parent is the root item, set the entire layout as dirty) if (parentItem == invisibleRootItem()) { parentItem = 0; } setLayoutDirty(parentItem); } /** * For a given item, return its parent. For top items, return the invisible root item. * * @brief Get the parent item. * @param item Item. * @return Parent item. */ TreeItem* TreeView::getParentItem(QTreeWidgetItem *item) const { QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem = item->parent(); if (!parentItem) { parentItem = invisibleRootItem(); } return static_cast(parentItem); } void TreeView::del() { TreeItem *item = (TreeItem*)selectedItem(); // nil selected? -> nil to delete if (item == 0) return; del(item, true); // Select new current item // TODO: is this completely redundant? setCurrentItem(currentItem()); } void TreeView::del(TreeItem *item, bool deleteInfo) { TreeItem *parentItem = static_cast(item->parent()); // is file a .directory or a .desktop file if(item->isDirectory()) { if ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("All submenus of '%1' will be removed. Do you want to continue?", item->name() ) ) == KMessageBox::No ) return; MenuFolderInfo *folderInfo = item->folderInfo(); // Remove MenuFolderInfo MenuFolderInfo *parentFolderInfo = parentItem ? parentItem->folderInfo() : m_rootFolder; parentFolderInfo->take(folderInfo); folderInfo->setInUse(false); if (m_clipboard == COPY_FOLDER && (m_clipboardFolderInfo == folderInfo)) { // Copy + Del == Cut m_clipboard = MOVE_FOLDER; // Clipboard now owns folderInfo } else { if (folderInfo->takeRecursive(m_clipboardFolderInfo)) m_clipboard = MOVE_FOLDER; // Clipboard now owns m_clipboardFolderInfo if (deleteInfo) delete folderInfo; // Delete folderInfo } // Remove from menu // m_menuFile->removeMenu(item->directory()); m_menuFile->pushAction(MenuFile::REMOVE_MENU, item->directory(), QString()); // Remove tree item delete item; } else if (item->isEntry()) { MenuEntryInfo *entryInfo = item->entryInfo(); QString menuId = entryInfo->menuId(); // Remove MenuFolderInfo MenuFolderInfo *parentFolderInfo = parentItem ? parentItem->folderInfo() : m_rootFolder; parentFolderInfo->take(entryInfo); entryInfo->setInUse(false); if (m_clipboard == COPY_FILE && (m_clipboardEntryInfo == entryInfo)) { // Copy + Del == Cut m_clipboard = MOVE_FILE; // Clipboard now owns entryInfo } else { if (deleteInfo) delete entryInfo; // Delete entryInfo } // Remove from menu QString folder = parentItem ? parentItem->directory() : QString(); // m_menuFile->removeEntry(folder, menuId); m_menuFile->pushAction(MenuFile::REMOVE_ENTRY, folder, menuId); // Remove tree item delete item; } else { // Remove separator delete item; } setLayoutDirty(parentItem); } void TreeView::cleanupClipboard() { if (m_clipboard == MOVE_FOLDER) delete m_clipboardFolderInfo; m_clipboardFolderInfo = 0; if (m_clipboard == MOVE_FILE) delete m_clipboardEntryInfo; m_clipboardEntryInfo = 0; m_clipboard = 0; } static QStringList extractLayout(QTreeWidget *tree, QTreeWidgetItem *parent) { QStringList layout; if (!parent && !tree) { return layout; } bool firstFolder = true; bool firstEntry = true; int max = parent ? parent->childCount() : tree->topLevelItemCount(); for (int i = 0; i < max; ++i) { TreeItem *item = dynamic_cast(parent ? parent->child(i) : tree->topLevelItem(i)); if (!item) { continue; } if (item->isDirectory()) { if (firstFolder) { firstFolder = false; layout << ":M"; // Add new folders here... } layout << (item->folderInfo()->id); } else if (item->isEntry()) { if (firstEntry) { firstEntry = false; layout << ":F"; // Add new entries here... } layout << (item->entryInfo()->menuId()); } else { layout << ":S"; } } return layout; } void TreeItem::saveLayout(MenuFile *menuFile) { if (m_layoutDirty) { QStringList layout = extractLayout(0, this); menuFile->setLayout(folderInfo()->fullId, layout); m_layoutDirty = false; } for (int i = 0; i < childCount(); ++i) { TreeItem *item = dynamic_cast(child(i)); if (item) { item->saveLayout(menuFile); } } } void TreeView::saveLayout() { if (m_layoutDirty) { QStringList layout = extractLayout(this, 0); m_menuFile->setLayout(m_rootFolder->fullId, layout); m_layoutDirty = false; } for (int i = 0; i < topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { TreeItem *item = dynamic_cast(topLevelItem(i)); if (item) { item->saveLayout(m_menuFile); } } } bool TreeView::save() { saveLayout(); m_rootFolder->save(m_menuFile); bool success = m_menuFile->performAllActions(); m_newMenuIds.clear(); m_newDirectoryList.clear(); if (success) { KBuildSycocaProgressDialog::rebuildKSycoca(this); } else { KMessageBox::sorry(this, ""+i18n("Menu changes could not be saved because of the following problem:")+"

"+ m_menuFile->error()+"
"); } sendReloadMenu(); return success; } void TreeView::setLayoutDirty(TreeItem *parentItem) { if (parentItem) parentItem->setLayoutDirty(); else m_layoutDirty = true; } bool TreeView::isLayoutDirty() { for (int i = 0; i < topLevelItemCount(); ++i) { TreeItem *item = dynamic_cast(topLevelItem(i)); if (!item) { continue; } if (item->isLayoutDirty()) { return true; } } return false; } bool TreeView::dirty() { return m_layoutDirty || m_rootFolder->hasDirt() || m_menuFile->dirty() || isLayoutDirty(); } void TreeView::restoreMenuSystem() { if ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo( this, i18n( "Do you want to restore the system menu? Warning: This will remove all custom menus." ) )==KMessageBox::No ) return; QString kmenueditfile = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("xdgconf-menu", "applications-kmenuedit.menu"); if ( QFile::exists( kmenueditfile ) ) { if ( !QFile::remove( kmenueditfile ) ) qWarning()<<"Could not delete "<KStandardDirs::localxdgdatadir(); if ( !KIO::NetAccess::del( QString(xdgdir + "/applications") , this) ) qWarning()<<"Could not delete dir :"<<( xdgdir+"/applications" ); if ( !KIO::NetAccess::del( QString(xdgdir +"/desktop-directories") , this) ) qWarning()<<"Could not delete dir :"<<( xdgdir + "/desktop-directories"); KBuildSycocaProgressDialog::rebuildKSycoca(this); clear(); cleanupClipboard(); delete m_rootFolder; delete m_separator; m_layoutDirty = false; m_newMenuIds.clear(); m_newDirectoryList.clear(); m_menuFile->restoreMenuSystem(kmenueditfile); m_rootFolder = new MenuFolderInfo; m_separator = new MenuSeparatorInfo; readMenuFolderInfo(); fill(); sendReloadMenu(); emit disableAction(); emit entrySelected(( MenuEntryInfo* ) 0 ); } void TreeView::updateTreeView(bool showHidden) { m_showHidden = showHidden; clear(); cleanupClipboard(); delete m_rootFolder; delete m_separator; m_layoutDirty = false; m_newMenuIds.clear(); m_newDirectoryList.clear(); m_rootFolder = new MenuFolderInfo; m_separator = new MenuSeparatorInfo; readMenuFolderInfo(); fill(); sendReloadMenu(); emit disableAction(); emit entrySelected(( MenuEntryInfo* ) 0 ); } void TreeView::sendReloadMenu() { QDBusMessage message = QDBusMessage::createSignal("/kickoff", "org.kde.plasma", "reloadMenu"); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(message); } MenuItemMimeData::MenuItemMimeData(TreeItem *item) : QMimeData(), m_item(item) { } TreeItem *MenuItemMimeData::item() const { return m_item; } QStringList MenuItemMimeData::formats() const { QStringList formats; if (!m_item) { return formats; } formats << s_internalMimeType; return formats; } bool MenuItemMimeData::hasFormat(const QString &mimeType) const { return m_item && mimeType == s_internalMimeType; } QVariant MenuItemMimeData::retrieveData(const QString &mimeType, QVariant::Type type) const { Q_UNUSED(type); if (m_item && mimeType == s_internalMimeType) { return qVariantFromValue(m_item); } return QVariant(); }