/******************************************************************* * kftabdlg.cpp * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * ******************************************************************/ #include "kftabdlg.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kdatecombo.h" #include "kquery.h" // Static utility functions static void save_pattern(KComboBox *, const QString &, const QString &); #define SPECIAL_TYPES 7 struct LessMimeType_ByComment { bool operator()(const KMimeType::Ptr& lhs, const KMimeType::Ptr& rhs) const { return lhs->comment() < rhs->comment(); } }; KfindTabWidget::KfindTabWidget(QWidget *parent) : KTabWidget( parent ), regExpDialog(0) { // This validator will be used for all numeric edit fields //KDigitValidator *digitV = new KDigitValidator(this); // ************ Page One ************ pages[0] = new QWidget; pages[0]->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "page1" ) ); nameBox = new KComboBox(pages[0]); nameBox->setEditable( true ); nameBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed); // allow smaller than widest entry QLabel * namedL = new QLabel(i18nc("this is the label for the name textfield","&Named:"), pages[0]); namedL->setBuddy( nameBox ); namedL->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "named" ) ); namedL->setToolTip( i18n("You can use wildcard matching and \";\" for separating multiple names") ); dirBox = new KUrlComboBox(KUrlComboBox::Directories, pages[0]); dirBox->setEditable( true ); dirBox->setCompletionObject(new KUrlCompletion(KUrlCompletion::DirCompletion)); dirBox->setAutoDeleteCompletionObject(true); dirBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed); // allow smaller than widest entry QLabel * lookinL = new QLabel(i18n("Look &in:"), pages[0]); lookinL->setBuddy( dirBox ); lookinL->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "lookin" ) ); subdirsCb = new QCheckBox(i18n("Include &subfolders"), pages[0]); caseSensCb = new QCheckBox(i18n("Case s&ensitive search"), pages[0]); browseB = new QPushButton(i18n("&Browse..."), pages[0]); hiddenFilesCb = new QCheckBox(i18n("Show &hidden files"), pages[0]); // Setup subdirsCb->setChecked(true); caseSensCb->setChecked(false); hiddenFilesCb->setChecked(false); nameBox->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); nameBox->setFocus(); dirBox->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); nameBox->setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAtTop); dirBox->setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAtTop); const QString nameWhatsThis = i18n("Enter the filename you are looking for.
" "Alternatives may be separated by a semicolon \";\".
" "
" "The filename may contain the following special characters:" "
    " "
  • ? matches any single character
  • " "
  • * matches zero or more of any characters
  • " "
  • [...] matches any of the characters between the braces
  • " "
" "
" "Example searches:" "
    " "
  • *.kwd;*.txt finds all files ending with .kwd or .txt
  • " "
  • go[dt] finds god and got
  • " "
  • Hel?o finds all files that start with \"Hel\" and end with \"o\", " "having one character in between
  • " "
  • My Document.kwd finds a file of exactly that name
  • " "
"); nameBox->setWhatsThis(nameWhatsThis); namedL->setWhatsThis(nameWhatsThis); // Layout QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout( pages[0] ); grid->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() ); grid->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); QVBoxLayout *subgrid = new QVBoxLayout(); grid->addWidget( namedL, 0, 0 ); grid->addWidget( nameBox, 0, 1, 1, 3 ); grid->addWidget( lookinL, 1, 0 ); grid->addWidget( dirBox, 1, 1 ); grid->addWidget( browseB, 1, 2); grid->setColumnStretch(1,1); grid->addLayout( subgrid, 2, 1, 1, 2 ); QHBoxLayout * layoutOne = new QHBoxLayout(); layoutOne->addWidget( subdirsCb ); layoutOne->addWidget( hiddenFilesCb ); QHBoxLayout * layoutTwo = new QHBoxLayout(); layoutTwo->addWidget( caseSensCb); subgrid->addLayout( layoutOne ); subgrid->addLayout( layoutTwo ); subgrid->addStretch(1); // Signals connect( browseB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getDirectory()) ); connect( nameBox, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SIGNAL(startSearch())); connect( dirBox, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SIGNAL(startSearch())); // ************ Page Two pages[1] = new QWidget; pages[1]->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "page2" ) ); findCreated = new QCheckBox(i18n("Find all files created or &modified:"), pages[1]); bg = new QButtonGroup(); rb[0] = new QRadioButton(i18n("&between"), pages[1] ); rb[1] = new QRadioButton(pages[1]); // text set in updateDateLabels andL = new QLabel(i18n("and"), pages[1]); andL->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "and" ) ); betweenType = new KComboBox( pages[1] ); betweenType->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "comboBetweenType" ) ); betweenType->addItems(QVector(5).toList()); // texts set in updateDateLabels betweenType->setCurrentIndex(1); updateDateLabels(1, 1); QDate dt = QDate::currentDate().addYears(-1); fromDate = new KDateCombo(dt, pages[1] ); fromDate->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "fromDate" ) ); toDate = new KDateCombo(pages[1] ); toDate->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "toDate" ) ); timeBox = new KIntNumInput( pages[1] ); timeBox->setRange( 1, 60 ); timeBox->setSingleStep( 1 ); timeBox->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "timeBox" ) ); sizeBox =new KComboBox( pages[1] ); sizeBox->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "sizeBox" ) ); QLabel * sizeL =new QLabel(i18n("File &size is:"), pages[1]); sizeL->setBuddy( sizeBox ); sizeEdit=new KIntNumInput(pages[1] ); sizeEdit->setRange( 0, INT_MAX ); sizeEdit->setSingleStep( 1 ); sizeEdit->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "sizeEdit" ) ); sizeEdit->setValue(1); sizeUnitBox =new KComboBox( pages[1] ); sizeUnitBox->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "sizeUnitBox" ) ); m_usernameBox = new KComboBox( pages[1] ); m_usernameBox->addItem( QLatin1String("*") ); m_usernameBox->addItems( KUser::allUserNames() ); m_usernameBox->setEditable( true ); m_usernameBox->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "m_combo1" )); QLabel *usernameLabel= new QLabel(i18n("Files owned by &user:"),pages[1]); usernameLabel->setBuddy( m_usernameBox ); m_groupBox = new KComboBox( pages[1] ); m_groupBox->addItem( QLatin1String("*") ); m_groupBox->addItems( KUserGroup::allGroupNames() ); m_groupBox->setEditable( true ); m_groupBox->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "m_combo2" ) ); QLabel *groupLabel= new QLabel(i18n("Owned by &group:"),pages[1]); groupLabel->setBuddy( m_groupBox ); sizeBox ->addItem( i18nc("file size isn't considered in the search", "(none)") ); sizeBox ->addItem( i18n("At Least") ); sizeBox ->addItem( i18n("At Most") ); sizeBox ->addItem( i18n("Equal To") ); sizeUnitBox ->addItem( i18np("Byte", "Bytes", 1) ); sizeUnitBox ->addItem( i18n("KiB") ); sizeUnitBox ->addItem( i18n("MiB") ); sizeUnitBox ->addItem( i18n("GiB") ); sizeUnitBox ->setCurrentIndex(1); int tmp = sizeEdit->fontMetrics().width(" 000000000 "); sizeEdit->setMinimumSize(tmp, sizeEdit->sizeHint().height()); m_usernameBox->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); m_groupBox->setDuplicatesEnabled(false); m_usernameBox->setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAtTop); m_groupBox->setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAtTop); // Setup rb[0]->setChecked(true); bg->addButton( rb[0] ); bg->addButton( rb[1] ); // Layout QGridLayout *grid1 = new QGridLayout( pages[1] ); grid1->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() ); grid1->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); grid1->addWidget(findCreated, 0, 0, 1, 3 ); grid1->addItem( new QSpacerItem(KDialog::spacingHint(), 0), 0, 0 ); grid1->addWidget(rb[0], 1, 1 ); grid1->addWidget(fromDate, 1, 2 ); grid1->addWidget(andL, 1, 3, Qt::AlignHCenter ); grid1->addWidget(toDate, 1, 4 ); grid1->addWidget(rb[1], 2, 1 ); grid1->addWidget(timeBox, 2, 2, 1, 2); grid1->addWidget(betweenType, 2, 4 ); grid1->addWidget(sizeL,3,0,1,2); grid1->addWidget(sizeBox,3,2); grid1->addWidget(sizeEdit,3,3); grid1->addWidget(sizeUnitBox,3,4); grid1->addWidget(usernameLabel,4,0,1,2); grid1->addWidget(m_usernameBox,4,2); grid1->addWidget(groupLabel,4,3); grid1->addWidget(m_groupBox,4,4); for (int c=1; c<=4; c++) grid1->setColumnStretch(c,1); grid1->setRowStretch(6,1); // Connect connect( findCreated, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(fixLayout()) ); connect( bg, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)), this, SLOT(fixLayout()) ); connect( sizeBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotSizeBoxChanged(int))); connect( timeBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateDateLabelsForNumber(int))); connect( betweenType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateDateLabelsForType(int))); connect( sizeEdit, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateByteComboBox(int))); // ************ Page Three pages[2] = new QWidget; pages[2]->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "page3" ) ); typeBox =new KComboBox( pages[2] ); typeBox->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "typeBox" ) ); typeBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed); // allow smaller than widest entry QLabel * typeL =new QLabel( i18nc("label for the file type combobox","File &type:"), pages[2] ); typeL->setBuddy( typeBox ); textEdit=new KLineEdit(pages[2]); textEdit->setClearButtonShown(true); textEdit->setObjectName( QLatin1String( "textEdit" ) ); QLabel * textL =new QLabel(i18n("C&ontaining text:"), pages[2]); textL->setBuddy( textEdit ); connect( textEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(QString)), SIGNAL(startSearch())); const QString containingtext = i18n( "If specified, only files that contain this text" " are found. Note that not all file types from the list" " above are supported. Please refer to the documentation" " for a list of supported file types." ); textEdit->setToolTip(containingtext); textL->setWhatsThis(containingtext); caseContextCb =new QCheckBox(i18n("Case s&ensitive"), pages[2]); binaryContextCb =new QCheckBox(i18n("Include &binary files"), pages[2]); regexpContentCb =new QCheckBox(i18n("Regular e&xpression"), pages[2]); const QString binaryTooltip = i18n( "This lets you search in any type of file, " "even those that usually do not contain text (for example " "program files and images)." ); binaryContextCb->setToolTip(binaryTooltip); const QString regexpTooltip = i18n( "If enabled the containing text will be matched as if it is regular " "expression, otherwise as wildcard." ); regexpContentCb->setToolTip(regexpTooltip); metainfokeyEdit=new KLineEdit(pages[2]); metainfoEdit=new KLineEdit(pages[2]); QLabel * textMetaInfo = new QLabel(i18nc("as in search for", "fo&r:"), pages[2]); textMetaInfo->setBuddy( metainfoEdit ); QLabel * textMetaKey = new QLabel(i18n("Search &metainfo sections:"), pages[2]); textMetaKey->setBuddy( metainfokeyEdit ); // Setup typeBox->addItem(i18n("All Files & Folders")); typeBox->addItem(i18n("Files")); typeBox->addItem(i18n("Folders")); typeBox->addItem(i18n("Symbolic Links")); typeBox->addItem(i18n("Special Files (Sockets, Device Files, ...)")); typeBox->addItem(i18n("Executable Files")); typeBox->addItem(i18n("SUID Executable Files")); typeBox->addItem(i18n("All Images")); typeBox->addItem(i18n("All Video")); typeBox->addItem(i18n("All Sounds")); initMimeTypes(); initSpecialMimeTypes(); for ( KMimeType::List::ConstIterator it = m_types.constBegin(); it != m_types.constEnd(); ++it ) { KMimeType::Ptr typ = *it; // TODO: needs to move to thread (increases startup time to bizzare amount) // and replaced with a better concept 16x16 icons don't cut the cheese // typeBox->addItem(KIconLoader::global()->loadMimeTypeIcon( typ->iconName(), KIconLoader::Small ), typ->comment()); typeBox->addItem(typ->comment()); } // Layout tmp = sizeEdit->fontMetrics().width(" 00000 "); sizeEdit->setMinimumSize(tmp, sizeEdit->sizeHint().height()); QGridLayout *grid2 = new QGridLayout( pages[2] ); grid2->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() ); grid2->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); grid2->addWidget( typeL, 0, 0 ); grid2->addWidget( textL, 1, 0 ); grid2->addWidget( typeBox, 0, 1, 1, 3 ); grid2->addWidget( textEdit, 1, 1, 1, 3 ); grid2->addWidget( regexpContentCb, 2, 2); grid2->addWidget( caseContextCb, 2, 1 ); grid2->addWidget( binaryContextCb, 3, 1); grid2->addWidget( textMetaKey, 4, 0 ); grid2->addWidget( metainfokeyEdit, 4, 1 ); grid2->addWidget( textMetaInfo, 4, 2, Qt::AlignHCenter ); grid2->addWidget( metainfoEdit, 4, 3 ); metainfokeyEdit->setText("*"); addTab( pages[0], i18n("Name/&Location") ); addTab( pages[2], i18nc("tab name: search by contents","C&ontents") ); addTab( pages[1], i18n("&Properties") ); // Setup const QString whatsmetainfo = i18n("Search within files' specific comments/metainfo
" "These are some examples:
" "
    " "
  • Audio files (mp3...) Search in id3 tag for a title, an album
  • " "
  • Images (png...) Search images with a special resolution, comment...
  • " "
" "
"); const QString whatsmetainfokey = i18n("If specified, search only in this field
" "
    " "
  • Audio files (mp3...) This can be Title, Album...
  • " "
  • Images (png...) Search only in Resolution, Bitdepth...
  • " "
" "
"); textMetaInfo->setWhatsThis(whatsmetainfo); metainfoEdit->setToolTip(whatsmetainfo); textMetaKey->setWhatsThis(whatsmetainfokey); metainfokeyEdit->setToolTip(whatsmetainfokey); fixLayout(); loadHistory(); } KfindTabWidget::~KfindTabWidget() { delete pages[0]; delete pages[1]; delete pages[2]; delete bg; } void KfindTabWidget::setURL( const KUrl & url ) { KConfigGroup conf(KGlobal::config(), "History"); m_url = url; QStringList sl = conf.readPathEntry("Directories", QStringList()); dirBox->clear(); // make sure there is no old Stuff in there if(!sl.isEmpty()) { dirBox->addItems(sl); // If the _searchPath already exists in the list we do not // want to add it again int indx = sl.indexOf(m_url.prettyUrl()); if(indx == -1) { dirBox->insertItem(0, m_url.prettyUrl()); // make it the first one dirBox->setCurrentIndex(0); } else dirBox->setCurrentIndex(indx); } else { QDir m_dir("/lib"); dirBox ->insertItem( 0, m_url.prettyUrl() ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:" + QDir::homePath() ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:/" ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:/usr" ); if (m_dir.exists()) dirBox ->addItem( "file:/lib" ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:/home" ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:/etc" ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:/var" ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:/mnt" ); dirBox->setCurrentIndex(0); } } void KfindTabWidget::initMimeTypes() { KMimeType::List sortedList; foreach ( const KMimeType::Ptr &type, KMimeType::allMimeTypes() ) { if ( (!type->comment().isEmpty()) && (!type->name().startsWith( QString("kdedevice/") )) && (!type->name().startsWith( QString("all/") )) ) sortedList.append(type); } qSort( sortedList.begin(), sortedList.end(), LessMimeType_ByComment() ); m_types += sortedList; } void KfindTabWidget::initSpecialMimeTypes() { const KMimeType::List tmp = KMimeType::allMimeTypes(); for ( KMimeType::List::ConstIterator it = tmp.constBegin(); it != tmp.constEnd(); ++it ) { const KMimeType* type = (*it).data(); if(!type->comment().isEmpty()) { if(type->name().startsWith( QString("image/") )) m_ImageTypes.append(type->name()); else if(type->name().startsWith( QString("video/") )) m_VideoTypes.append(type->name()); else if(type->name().startsWith( QString("audio/") )) m_AudioTypes.append(type->name()); } } } void KfindTabWidget::saveHistory() { save_pattern(nameBox, "History", "Patterns"); save_pattern(dirBox, "History", "Directories"); } void KfindTabWidget::loadHistory() { // Load pattern history KConfigGroup conf(KGlobal::config(), "History"); QStringList sl = conf.readEntry("Patterns", QStringList()); if(!sl.isEmpty()) nameBox->addItems(sl); else nameBox->addItem("*"); sl = conf.readPathEntry("Directories", QStringList()); if(!sl.isEmpty()) { dirBox->addItems(sl); // If the _searchPath already exists in the list we do not // want to add it again int indx = sl.indexOf(m_url.prettyUrl()); if(indx == -1) { dirBox->insertItem(0, m_url.prettyUrl()); // make it the first one dirBox->setCurrentIndex(0); } else dirBox->setCurrentIndex(indx); } else { QDir m_dir("/lib"); dirBox ->insertItem( 0, m_url.prettyUrl() ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:" + QDir::homePath() ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:/" ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:/usr" ); if (m_dir.exists()) dirBox ->addItem( "file:/lib" ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:/home" ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:/etc" ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:/var" ); dirBox ->addItem( "file:/mnt" ); dirBox ->setCurrentIndex(0); } } void KfindTabWidget::setFocus() { nameBox->setFocus(); nameBox->lineEdit()->selectAll(); } void KfindTabWidget::slotSizeBoxChanged(int index) { sizeEdit->setEnabled((bool)(index != 0)); sizeUnitBox->setEnabled((bool)(index != 0)); } void KfindTabWidget::setDefaults() { QDate dt = QDate::currentDate().addYears(-1); fromDate ->setDate(dt); toDate ->setDate(QDate::currentDate()); timeBox->setValue(1); betweenType->setCurrentIndex(1); typeBox ->setCurrentIndex(0); sizeBox ->setCurrentIndex(0); sizeUnitBox ->setCurrentIndex(1); sizeEdit->setValue(1); } /* Checks if dates are correct and popups a error box if they are not. */ bool KfindTabWidget::isDateValid() { // All files if ( !findCreated->isChecked() ) return true; if (rb[1]->isChecked()) { if (timeBox->value() > 0 ) return true; KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Unable to search within a period which is less than a minute.")); return false; } // If we can not parse either of the dates or // "from" date is bigger than "to" date return false. QDate hi1, hi2; QString str; if ( ! fromDate->getDate(&hi1).isValid() || ! toDate->getDate(&hi2).isValid() ) str = i18n("The date is not valid."); else if ( hi1 > hi2 ) str = i18n("Invalid date range."); else if ( QDate::currentDate() < hi1 ) str = i18n("Unable to search dates in the future."); if (!str.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(0, str); return false; } return true; } void KfindTabWidget::setQuery(KQuery *query) { KIO::filesize_t size; KIO::filesize_t sizeunit; bool itemAlreadyContained(false); // only start if we have valid dates if (!isDateValid()) return; query->setPath(KUrl(dirBox->currentText().trimmed())); for (int idx=0; idxcount(); idx++) if (dirBox->itemText(idx)==dirBox->currentText()) itemAlreadyContained=true; if (!itemAlreadyContained) dirBox->addItem(dirBox->currentText().trimmed(),0); QString regex = nameBox->currentText().isEmpty() ? "*" : nameBox->currentText(); query->setRegExp(regex, caseSensCb->isChecked()); itemAlreadyContained=false; for (int idx=0; idxcount(); idx++) if (nameBox->itemText(idx)==nameBox->currentText()) itemAlreadyContained=true; if (!itemAlreadyContained) nameBox->addItem(nameBox->currentText(),0); query->setRecursive(subdirsCb->isChecked()); switch (sizeUnitBox->currentIndex()) { case 0: sizeunit = 1; //one byte break; case 2: sizeunit = 1048576; //1Mi break; case 3: sizeunit = 1073741824; //1Gi break; case 1: // fall to default case default: sizeunit=1024; //1Ki break; } size = sizeEdit->value() * sizeunit; // TODO: troeder: do we need this check since it is very unlikely // to exceed ULLONG_MAX with INT_MAX * 1024^3. // Or is there an arch where this can happen? #if 0 if (size < 0) // overflow { if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, i18n("Size is too big. Set maximum size value?"), i18n("Error"),i18n("Set"),i18n("Do Not Set")) == KMessageBox::Yes) { sizeEdit->setValue(INT_MAX); sizeUnitBox->setCurrentIndex(0); size = INT_MAX; } else return; } #endif // set range mode and size value query->setSizeRange(sizeBox->currentIndex(),size,0); // dates QDateTime epoch; epoch.setTime_t(0); // Add date predicate if (findCreated->isChecked()) { // Modified if (rb[0]->isChecked()) { // Between dates QDate q1, q2; fromDate->getDate(&q1); toDate->getDate(&q2); // do not generate negative numbers .. find doesn't handle that time_t time1 = epoch.secsTo(QDateTime(q1)); time_t time2 = epoch.secsTo(QDateTime(q2.addDays(1))) - 1; // Include the last day query->setTimeRange(time1, time2); } else { time_t cur = time(NULL); time_t minutes = cur; switch (betweenType->currentIndex()) { case 0: // minutes minutes = timeBox->value(); break; case 1: // hours minutes = 60 * timeBox->value(); break; case 2: // days minutes = 60 * 24 * timeBox->value(); break; case 3: // months minutes = 60 * 24 * (time_t)(timeBox->value() * 30.41667); break; case 4: // years minutes = 12 * 60 * 24 * (time_t)(timeBox->value() * 30.41667); break; } query->setTimeRange(cur - minutes * 60, 0); } } else query->setTimeRange(0, 0); const QString currentuser = m_usernameBox->currentText(); if (currentuser == QLatin1String("*")) { query->setUsername( QString() ); } else { query->setUsername( currentuser ); } const QString currentgroup = m_groupBox->currentText(); if (currentgroup == QLatin1String("*")) { query->setGroupname( QString() ); } else { query->setGroupname( currentgroup ); } query->setFileType(typeBox->currentIndex()); int id = typeBox->currentIndex()-10; if ((id >= -3) && (id < (int) m_types.count())) { switch(id) { case -3: query->setMimeType( m_ImageTypes ); break; case -2: query->setMimeType( m_VideoTypes ); break; case -1: query->setMimeType( m_AudioTypes ); break; default: query->setMimeType( QStringList() += m_types[id]->name() ); } } else { query->setMimeType( QStringList() ); } //Metainfo query->setMetaInfo(metainfoEdit->text(), metainfokeyEdit->text()); query->setShowHiddenFiles(hiddenFilesCb->isChecked()); query->setContext(textEdit->text(), caseContextCb->isChecked(), binaryContextCb->isChecked(), regexpContentCb->isChecked()); } QString KfindTabWidget::date2String(const QDate & date) { return(KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(date)); } QDate &KfindTabWidget::string2Date(const QString & str, QDate *qd) { return *qd = KGlobal::locale()->readDate(str); } void KfindTabWidget::getDirectory() { QString result = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( dirBox->currentText().trimmed(), this ); if (!result.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < dirBox->count(); i++) if (result == dirBox->itemText(i)) { dirBox->setCurrentIndex(i); return; } dirBox->insertItem(0, result); dirBox->setCurrentIndex(0); } } void KfindTabWidget::beginSearch() { /// dirlister->openUrl(KUrl(dirBox->currentText().trimmed())); saveHistory(); setEnabled( false ); } void KfindTabWidget::endSearch() { setEnabled( true ); } /* Disables/enables all edit fields depending on their respective check buttons. */ void KfindTabWidget::fixLayout() { int i; // If "All files" is checked - disable all edits // and second radio group on page two if(! findCreated->isChecked()) { fromDate->setEnabled(false); toDate->setEnabled(false); andL->setEnabled(false); timeBox->setEnabled(false); for(i=0; i<2; ++i) rb[i]->setEnabled(false); betweenType->setEnabled(false); } else { for(i=0; i<2; ++i) rb[i]->setEnabled(true); fromDate->setEnabled(rb[0]->isChecked()); toDate->setEnabled(rb[0]->isChecked()); andL->setEnabled(rb[0]->isEnabled()); timeBox->setEnabled(rb[1]->isChecked()); betweenType->setEnabled(rb[1]->isChecked()); } // Size box on page three sizeEdit->setEnabled(sizeBox->currentIndex() != 0); sizeUnitBox->setEnabled(sizeBox->currentIndex() != 0); } bool KfindTabWidget::isSearchRecursive() { return subdirsCb->isChecked(); } void KfindTabWidget::slotUpdateDateLabelsForNumber(int value) { updateDateLabels(betweenType->currentIndex(), value); } void KfindTabWidget::slotUpdateDateLabelsForType(int index) { updateDateLabels(index, timeBox->value()); } void KfindTabWidget::updateDateLabels(int type, int value) { rb[1]->setText(ki18ncp("during the previous minute(s)/hour(s)/...; " "dynamic context 'type': 'i' minutes, 'h' hours, 'd' days, 'm' months, 'y' years", "&during the previous", "&during the previous").subs(value).toString()); betweenType->setItemText(0, i18ncp("use date ranges to search files by modified time", "minute", "minutes", value)); betweenType->setItemText(1, i18ncp("use date ranges to search files by modified time", "hour", "hours", value)); betweenType->setItemText(2, i18ncp("use date ranges to search files by modified time", "day", "days", value)); betweenType->setItemText(3, i18ncp("use date ranges to search files by modified time", "month", "months", value)); betweenType->setItemText(4, i18ncp("use date ranges to search files by modified time", "year", "years", value)); } void KfindTabWidget::slotUpdateByteComboBox(int value) { sizeUnitBox->setItemText(0, i18np("Byte", "Bytes", value) ); } /** Digit validator. Allows only digits to be typed. **/ KDigitValidator::KDigitValidator( QWidget * parent ) : QValidator( parent ) { r = new QRegExp("^[0-9]*$"); } KDigitValidator::~KDigitValidator() { delete r; } QValidator::State KDigitValidator::validate( QString & input, int & ) const { if (r->indexIn(input) < 0) { // Beep on user if he enters non-digit QApplication::beep(); return QValidator::Invalid; } else return QValidator::Acceptable; } //******************************************************* // Static utility functions //******************************************************* static void save_pattern(KComboBox *obj, const QString & group, const QString & entry) { // QComboBox allows insertion of items more than specified by // maxCount() (QT bug?). This API call will truncate list if needed. obj->setMaxCount(15); // make sure the current item is saved first so it will be the // default when started next time QStringList sl; QString cur = obj->itemText(obj->currentIndex()); sl.append(cur); for (int i = 0; i < obj->count(); i++) { if( cur != obj->itemText(i) ) { sl.append(obj->itemText(i)); } } KConfigGroup conf(KGlobal::config(), group); conf.writePathEntry(entry, sl); } QSize KfindTabWidget::sizeHint() const { // #44662: avoid a huge default size when the comboboxes have very large items // Like in minicli, we changed the combobox size policy so that they can resize down, // and then we simply provide a reasonable size hint for the whole window, depending // on the screen width. QSize sz = KTabWidget::sizeHint(); KfindTabWidget* me = const_cast( this ); const int screenWidth = qApp->desktop()->screenGeometry(me).width(); if ( sz.width() > screenWidth / 2 ) sz.setWidth( screenWidth / 2 ); return sz; } #include "moc_kftabdlg.cpp"