generic: remove irrelevant TODO files

Signed-off-by: Ivailo Monev <>
This commit is contained in:
Ivailo Monev 2023-06-05 03:09:33 +03:00
parent 64d41ba82d
commit be89c3a277
22 changed files with 0 additions and 482 deletions

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
* fix hotspot for clock

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
1) add more exporters
- LaTeX
- Bash color codes
- ???
2) add dialog for export action
- select exporter
- copy to clipboard
- save to file
3) make it possible to run this from the outside
4) optionally add linenumbers

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
KDE Framework 5.0
- Remove Smart*
- Cleanup Cursor and Range classes (non virtual!)
-- mark as movable
-- inline as much as possible
-- declare Q_MOVABLE_TYPE:
-- remove Range* from Cursor
- Dropping KTextEditor::Plugin/View interface
- KTE: drop unneeded code completion interfaces 2, 3, 4
- KTE: Merge some interfaces
- KTE: add Document::readWriteChanged, remove from KateDocument
- KTE: search for places marked with "KDE5"
- KTE: export Kate Part Scripting
- KTE: drop MarkInterface
- replace it with an interface based on KTE::MovingCursors
- this way, we can drop a lot of code dedicated just for mark handling
- example
- a mark could be set to MovingCursor(line, 0) with StayOnInsert
- drawing the bookmark works just like now
- if lines are joined the bookmark changes to MoveOnInsert (*)
- if lines are wrapped at the mark position, change back to StayOnInsert (*)
- (*) right now, we don't have a MovingCursorFeedback class, so if we
want to adapt the insert behavior manually (again special code)...
...or add as additional flag to InsertBehavior: WrapOnLineWrap
this way the mark would automatically always stay on the correct line,
even when joining text and wrapping it again
- still provide some default mark types
maybe move incRef(), decRef() into KTE::Factory or KTE::Editor?
- scrolling API:

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
* Make it possible to save marks, command history etc. between sessions.
* integrate the vi input mode marks with kate's bookmarks system
* make mouse dragging start visual mode
* <c-w> in insert mode should first delete back to the point where insert mode
was started even if that was in the middle of a word
* make it possible to use registers in ranges and add support for the < and
> registers (start and end of selection)
* synchronize modes for views of the same document. this is necessary because
when in insert mode all undo items are merged. if one of the views of a
document is in insert mode, all undo items will be merged.
* commands like 'y', 'gU', etc, in visual mode should result in the cursor
being at the start of the visual mode selection after having been returned to
normal mode

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
query kwin for what WM colors should be shown for configuring(?)
options (i.e. "things on the first tab") not saved in schemes (in kdeglobals only)
sort schemes list, 'current' at 0, 'default' at 1, everything else sorted (possibly kde3-style, user schemes on top?)

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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
* tests
* better handling when layouts set manually and not present in config
* use listboxes instead of combos in add layout dialog
* allow multiple layouts to be added in same dialog?
KCM UI cleanup:
* layouts, sizes, alignment etc in kcm
plasma applet:
kxkb part:
* tooltip (currently does not work in lockdlg for some reason)
tray icon:
Code cleanup:
* rules, iso_codes:
better error handling
* remove XInput libs from plasma applet and layout widget (find a nicer way)
* optimize fetching groups and layouts (cache them) / fetch current group directly
* refactor/optimize/clean the code
* refactor client code for D-BUS API to use library instead?
External improvements:
* Add KSharedConfig::configChanged() signal
* make iso-codes external package
* make flags external package
* update documentation for keyboard module

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@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
* display tooltip for each key with key description from symbol file
Good to have:
* read keyboard geometry and show it properly instead of default keyboard
* use some common parser to parse symbol and geometry descriptions
* replace symkey2ucs with something more reliable (e.g. XLookupString?)
* clean up the code (especially kbpreviewframe.cpp)

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
Remaining known issues
Does not yet work with multi-monitor setup using RANDR 1.2 (not tested with legacy RANDR)
Font sizes on newly started apps after a resolution change are incorrect
This doesn't appear to happen with non-Xft font rendering, Xft/Qt interaction?
Support different sized virtual desktops
RandR programs
Support configuring different sized virtual desktops
RandR1.2 TODO
--> port the legacy interface to share the populate* functions
--> Get relative outputs working
--> Clean up the RandR* classes
trying to rotate a screen fails, the UI re-reads the correct values, but the screen remains off
and there is no message about this
reverting doesn't work, it works in trunk
the startkde code is not up-to-date (and probably should be moved out of it)

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- zrusit ten modalni dialog
- zkontrolovat, ze tohle opravdu nerusi randr eventmask pro Qt
- plus zkontrolovat, jak se tedy pouziva to window pro events
- musi se dialog zobrazit na spravnem monitoru (tj. ne na vypnutem)
- Hidden[$e]= v .desktop nefunguje
- kdyz se detekuje zmena, kcm sam o sobe nic(?) neudela, takze musi byt nejake 'suggest'?
- zkontrolovat nastaveni po startu KDE

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@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
toolbar is not updating on save in editor
editor does not have undo after save
deleting folders from the quick actions menu is b0rked
68161 : Favicons are lost on upgrade
- nothing to do with bookmarks, but, no idea where to put it,
so, whatever, i'll handle it anyways...
- problem: .kde/share/cache/favicons moved to .kde/`hostname`-cache/favicons
- fix: either 1) a symlink, 2) upgrade path
67635 : Bookmarks toolbar edits don't take effect until restart
- completely unable to confirm, and can't recall fixing this in the past.. umm..
67614 : abort bookmark's context menu causes bookmark to load
- can't reproduce... maybe a new / old qt bug...
67686 : bookmark bar first displayed empty
- can't reproduce, maybe need to check from an empty .kde, thus no previous
67958 : bookmark toolbar intermittenly disappears
- maybe just another dup of tokoe's bug
67685 : crash often kills bookmarks AND backup
- how the heck does a crash wipe the bookmarks.xml in the first place?
well, whatever. i admit this can be improved, but only through new i18n's
so thats not going to happen until i get permission for 3.2.1...
somehow multi selected deletes are broken again:
no longer crashes, but doesn't select current well
TODO note added to program, quite a difficult problem...
a selected folder only takes one click to get a rename???
tbcache: don't create a tbcache file when its gonna be empty in any case!!!
historymgr: get dirtyness working for the kbookmarkmap
proper readonly support - rmb should work but things should be disabled? no addbookmark, etc.
general xbel bug:
possible qt bug:
multi selection deletion then shift down selects roots
valgrind doesn't show anything either
logging all the setSelected calls i can see doesn't help
And the "Cancel" entries in the "Bookmark" menus looks strange too. How about
a KMail-like progress bar (in a status bar?) with an "X" button to stop them?
And "Advanced Add Bookmark" doesn't work for "Add Bookmark" in context menu?
Btw, I think when you have no tab and call "Bookmarks Tabs as Folder..."
it should not only create a folder but bookmark the current page within
the folder unconditional if it's a tab or not. :-)
favicon and status check updates:
removal of items while checks are happening
program exit with checks and updates are still going on
random deletion of all items - TODO
recursive 404 finder
duplicate finder
basic gui:
split view stuff - including filtered views
need to get keyboard shortcut changes working somehow (wheels)
have to get dynamic filtering (e.g sorting, pruning),
main bookmark config:
make the keditbookmarks prefs persistant
and make a simple include selector using
for example kautoconfig, including a
simple dynamic menu config gui
bookmarklets: add some examples!
tips dialog - fixes bugs - shortcuts for keyboard selection are wierd

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@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
very soon :
nektere simple akce by mely mit i conditions (nebo alespon jedno okno)
QPtrList -> QValueList
pouzit Q/KApp( nogui ? ) v daemonu ?
class Condition + tab 'Windows' -> 'Conditions'
- asi rozdelit Command/URL na Command/URL a SwitchToWindow
- nebo udelat, ze Command_url_action_data ( atd. ) maji jen jednu shortcut a tak, tj. dalsi zjednoduseni UI ?
hlaska o uz prirazene kl.kombinaci pro makro se opakuje i vicekrat ( pro kazde uz existujici )
rucni smazani radku nemaze makro pro editaci v dialogu
ted uz ten timeout u spusteni funguje ok, ale zase kdyz chci pustit neco 2x naraz, tak se musi cekat ???
taky to pri jeho rucni editaci neni obcas videt ( je to moc vpravo )
grrr, to setSelected()/setCurrent() me stve, vsechny ty listboxy a listview obcas spatne detekuji vybrany :(
- asi si zkratka udelat vlastni tridy, ktere budou nutit selected==current
ve windowdef widgetu mit moznost autodetekce, tj. defaultni, kdyz neni nastaven spousteci prikaz
2.x :
XBell() potvrzeni, ze se neco provedlo?
- nebo spis neco jako XOSD?
asi varovani, kdyz neco nema prirazeno hotkey
pres script at se aktivuje
at se pri autodetect properties da clicknutim aktivovat dane okno
neco s tim e->ignore() v KKeyChooser
+ vypisuje anglicky nazev akce pri konfliktu
at si okno pamatuje svoji velikost ? - bohuzel nejde :(
co kdyz se bude editovat spatne ( asfa:afasdf:aff ) macro ?
a co to udela v daemonu ?
udelat v makru i pohyby mysi ?
co ten napad, ze kdelnk obsahuje taky command/title/class a chova se pri spousteni jako khotkeys ?
pokec o Win klavese a o tech, co nejdou ( SysReq? atd. )
asi poznamku, ze to <2> pridavane kwm pri vice stejnych title se ignoruje
mozna u tech keystrokes zkusit polling na XQueryPointer() ?
poradne updatovat dokumentaci
pri pridavani nove polozky v editaci makra na nej nastavit pozici v listboxu ( muze byt mimo obrazovku )
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/compat/mousekeys ???
drag&drop .kdelnk souboru ?
mozna by slo pro rozliseni ruznych instanci stejnych app, aby KHotKeys nahodily pri jejich startovani nejakou X property, podle ktere by slo identifikovat
asi by mela jit akce i pri vice ruznych oknech
funguje pusteni jen jednou i pri vicenasobnem stisku ?
asi padne autodetekce okna, kdyz se prepne na prazdny desktop
mozna ignorovat mac menubary ( jejich wm_name konci "[menu]" )
nejde F1 -> Help v konfiguraci ( je to chyba obecne ? )
udelat spusteni kdyz aktivni okno nesouhlasi se zadanym ( napr. chci dalsi browser )
pouzit XTest extension pro strokes
pouzit XTest i pro keyboard macros kdyz je ext. pritomna ?
udelat seznam oken ( + jejich class, command, atd ) a potom u akci z nich jen vybirat
udelat spusteni jen kdyz na aktivni plose uz takove okno ( prikaz ) jeste neni
+ mozna spusteni kdyz aktivni okno neni takove
at jde u spousteni spustit na prave aktivni plose, na plose c.X, nebo na "volne" plose ( o jedno vic nez je uz takove okno )
pridelat prepinani na definovana okna ? ( z WindowMakeru )
udelat i nejaky recorder, ktery bude umet presne opakovat klavesy a i mys ?
ovladani mysi klavesnici ?
udelat system jako treba v mc, tj. napr. "Ctrl+Alt+X, P" - tech klaves je porad malo :)
v Tips, ze tak jde zmenit kl.zkratky i u programu, ktere na to nemaji dialog
nejak poradne ty okna(tridy+title+atd), at jde delat 'jen kdyz je okno aktivni', 'jen kdyz neni okno aktivni', atd
pri vypusteni verze 2.0 ( 1.9.x ) poslat <> mail ( LibStroke )
mit i delay v macrech
akce : posledne aktivni okno na jine plose dat na aktivni plochu ( tj. misto mysi davat u vybraneho okna 'na soucasnou plochu' )
electric borders u KWin zere jen okraje, ale ne primo rohy - pujde to udelat jako trigger akce
- pujdou i okraje, kdyz to bude vypnute u WM ( nebo se budou fackovat ? )
akce : transformace klavesy ( def. Key_Menu ) na RMB do keyboard focusu ( pro kontext menu )
akce : kdyz se objevi okno, aplikovat na nej veci, ktere dela kstart ( sticky, atd. )
strokes : kdyz X bere mys pres gpmdata, gpm pekne zasekava u vstupu pri prostrednim tlacitku dole => strokes pak za moc nestoji
paste pri MMB volitelne jen kdyz MMB neni stisknuto napr. pres 500ms ( kvuli strokes )
akce : kdyz se stiskne nejaka shortcut a nejaka aplikace nebezi, tak se spusti a pak se ji ta shortcut preda ( napr. pro klipper ? )
odstranit tu KAccel zmenu, kterou v CVS udelal Coolo - stejne netusim, jestli to ma nebo nema byt i18n, tak at je aspon default
skupine akci 'KMenuedit entries' by asi nemelo jit zmenit jmeno
kdyz se v KMenuEdit udela polozka a pak se ten menuentry smaze, asi by se ta shortcut mela aspon disablovat ?!
at dokaze zvetsovat vsechna 'File Open Dialog' okna
pamatovat si menuentries i s polohou v K-Menu ? .desktop files by mely byt unique ( ale kmenuedit tohle asi moc nezvlada )
neudelat to prirazeni klavesy k menuentry nejak jednodussi ? nebo zkratka doporucovat kmenuedit ?
i18n("","") pro veci jako "New"

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-error handling (will be done until new year)

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Improve keyboard interactive authentication
Improve password dialog for passphrase
Support for statvfs with libssh 0.4

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- plugin / desktop file interface for adding more protocols
- integrate kdnssd?

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
* acpi
* apm (ignored)
* cpuinfo
* CPU (cpuinfo and stats merged)
+ diskstat
- diskstats
* loadavg
* logfile (ignored)
* memory
+ netdev
- netstat
+ ProcessList
* last pid
- thread info
- thread count
* use sysctl
* stats
* uptime
* get partition table to display KB vs Block
- cache MIB from sysctlbyname
- add size scaling to all displays
- refractor scaling code
- properly sort sizes in ListView (KB vs Block)
+ strip out / refractor DragonFly
- move all possible licenses to BSD (verify with diff for changes)
- dynamic changing
+ top:
* swap (IO, swap)
- others
- remove kvm (dependancy)
+ scale time diff stats
* ProcessList
+ systat:
+ vmstat
* block 1
- block 2
- block 3
* block 4
- ifstat
- iostat
- icmp
- icmp6
- ip
- ip6
- others

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
* Button positions are not updated after theme change
* Delete themes from selection
* Get Hot New Stuff support

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
* Bug [LOW]: items deselect if a user changes one
of the stars of selected items
Not before it goes into plasma:
* Adding multiple items
* Dragging the schreenshots of plasmoids
* Customized recommended by
* Bug [MEDIUM]: items select when the star is clicked
* Feedback on hovering the star
* The rest of the dialog - buttons, etc.
* Separate (visually) special and normal categories
* Applets without an icon - default icon, category icon

View file

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
Current status of Kickoff/KDE 4:
Bugs and missing features (indicated with a '-')
are listed in priority order for each category.
Favorites View
+ Works
- Favorites are not remembered correctly between sessions
when Kickoff is run from a Plasma applet
- Missing drag and drop of items from other views into favorites
- Missing drag and drop re-arranging of items
Applications View
+ Works.
+ When KDE 3 and KDE 4 versions of an application are available only
the KDE 4 one is shown.
- Oxygen application category icons are not shown next to categories
My Computer View
+ Works.
+ Uses Solid to query devices and respond to addition or removal of
- Folders are currently opened in Konqueror. They should open in
Recently Used (History?) View
+ Works
- Missing a suitable icon for the tab
Leave View
+ Log-off, Shutdown and Restart work
- Sleep, Hibernate do not work
- Log-off, Shutdown and Restart show an unnecessary confirmation
dialog which gives users the Log-off/Shutdown/Restart choice again
- Missing icons for the Sleep, Shutdown, Restart actions
Search View
+ Application search by name, generic name or keywords works
- Strigi search doesn't work due to a Strigi problem which Jos' is
presently fixing
* The other search handlers that query Bookmarks,
Contacts etc. should probably be shared with KRunner. This needs
mailing list discussion.
+ When used as a Plasma applet the Kickoff window does not
appear and disappear smoothly. (Works okay when standalone
Kickoff application is run) [Also Performance?]
- Missing the custom QTabBar styling to draw the view names
under their icons and draw a pretty gradient
- Missing the "username on computer" text
- Missing the branding logo
+ Experimented with multiple columns in the Favorites/My Computer/Recently Used/Leave
- Scrolling up and down in the application view is not as smooth
as it should be in some categories. Perhaps an issue with icons
from certain sources?
- When opening a previously unopened application category there
may be a slight delay and HDD activity causing the scrolling animation
to have few frames (the animation duration is not affected)
- Currently no delayed initialization is performed. The data required
for all tabs is loaded on startup, except the application view where
only the root branch is loaded initially.

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
* Fix sizing on the desktop
* Try overriding QPaintDevice to obtain the background pixmap
- Will get rid of the double painting
- Will possibly allow calling XSetBackgroundPixmap without having to call XClearWindow()
- Might allow paints that result in an identical background pixmap to be discarded
* Remove X11EmbedContainer's dependency on SelectionManager
- X11EmbedContainer needs to be a self-contained QX11EmbedContainer implementation
* Add checks for XRender presence and fail nicely if necessary
* Don't do all the extra QX11EmbedContainer hacks if the client window is of the same depth
* Handle taskId clashes better
* Misbehavior of certain applets within the plasmoid protocol or vice-versa. (Still needs investigating)
* Qt5: Remove WheelArea implementation, use Qt implementation instead

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
* add tracklist support (secondary source? eg: amarok:tracklist)
* add playlists support (secondary source? eg: amarok:playlists)

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
* periodic refresh? KFilePlacesModel doesn't broadcast
device setups etc. between programs

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
o imageprovider from mobilecomponents
o resourceinstance from mobilecomponents
o remove mobilecomponents' resourceinstance
o port appbackgrounds
o porting ResourceInstance
o Heading { level: 1 } new Component
o App.qml (WIP)
o docs
- subtitle for Title (take from active-settings)