kwin: drop support for effect plugins, fix crash

completing what I started when I made the effects builtin, the
configuration modules for the effects are (and will probably remain)
plugins tho

Signed-off-by: Ivailo Monev <>
This commit is contained in:
Ivailo Monev 2022-12-10 04:59:16 +02:00
parent 0b6cf10b59
commit 94bed6baf5
3 changed files with 36 additions and 174 deletions

View file

@ -246,8 +246,12 @@ EffectsHandlerImpl::~EffectsHandlerImpl()
if (keyboard_grab_effect != NULL) {
foreach (const EffectPair & ep, loaded_effects) {
QStringList loaded_names;
foreach (const EffectPair &ep, loaded_effects) {
foreach (const QString &en, loaded_names) {
@ -1245,18 +1249,6 @@ unsigned long EffectsHandlerImpl::xrenderBufferPicture()
return None;
QLibrary* EffectsHandlerImpl::findEffectLibrary(KService* service)
QLibrary* library = new QLibrary(service->library());
if (!library) {
kError(1212) << "couldn't open library for effect '" <<
service->name() << "'";
return 0;
return library;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::toggleEffect(const QString& name)
if (isEffectLoaded(name))
@ -1361,128 +1353,47 @@ bool EffectsHandlerImpl::loadEffect(const QString& name, bool checkDefault)
if (effect) {
kDebug(1212) << "Effect is internal" << name;
bool enabledByDefault = service->property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault").toBool();
if (checkDefault && !enabledByDefault) {
kDebug(1212) << "Disabled internal effect" << name;
delete effect;
return false;
// external second
} else {
kDebug(1212) << "Effect is external" << name;
library = findEffectLibrary(;
if (!library) {
return false;
QString version_symbol = "effect_version_" + name;
void *version_func = library->resolve(version_symbol.toAscii());
if (version_func == NULL) {
kWarning(1212) << "Effect " << name << " does not provide required API version, ignoring.";
delete library;
return false;
typedef int (*t_versionfunc)();
int version = reinterpret_cast< t_versionfunc >(version_func)(); // call it
// Version must be the same or less, but major must be the same.
// With major 0 minor must match exactly.
|| (version >> 8) != KWIN_EFFECT_API_VERSION_MAJOR
kWarning(1212) << "Effect " << name << " requires unsupported API version " << version;
delete library;
return false;
const QString enabledByDefault_symbol = "effect_enabledbydefault_" + name;
void *enabledByDefault_func = library->resolve(enabledByDefault_symbol.toAscii().data());
const QString supported_symbol = "effect_supported_" + name;
void *supported_func = library->resolve(supported_symbol.toAscii().data());
const QString create_symbol = "effect_create_" + name;
void *create_func = library->resolve(create_symbol.toAscii().data());
if (supported_func) {
typedef bool (*t_supportedfunc)();
t_supportedfunc supported = reinterpret_cast<t_supportedfunc>(supported_func);
if (!supported()) {
kWarning(1212) << "EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Effect " << name << " is not supported" ;
return false;
if (checkDefault && enabledByDefault_func) {
typedef bool (*t_enabledByDefaultfunc)();
t_enabledByDefaultfunc enabledByDefault = reinterpret_cast<t_enabledByDefaultfunc>(enabledByDefault_func);
if (!enabledByDefault()) {
return false;
if (!create_func) {
kError(1212) << "EffectsHandler::loadEffect : effect_create function not found";
return false;
typedef Effect*(*t_createfunc)();
t_createfunc create = reinterpret_cast<t_createfunc>(create_func);
// Make sure all depenedencies have been loaded
// TODO: detect circular deps
KPluginInfo plugininfo(service);
foreach (const QString & depName, plugininfo.dependencies()) {
if (!loadEffect(depName)) {
kError(1212) << "EffectsHandler::loadEffect : Couldn't load dependencies for effect " << name;
return false;
effect = create();
effect_order.insert(service->property("X-KDE-Ordering").toInt(), EffectPair(name, effect));
if (effect) {
kDebug(1212) << "Internal effect has been loaded" << name;
effect_factories[ name ] = effect;
} else if (library) {
kDebug(1212) << "External effect has been loaded" << name;
effect_libraries[ name ] = library;
// order does not matter really
loaded_effects.append(EffectPair(name, effect));
return true;
return true;
kWarning() << "Invalid effect" << name;
return false;
void EffectsHandlerImpl::unloadEffect(const QString& name)
for (QMap< int, EffectPair >::iterator it = effect_order.begin(); it != effect_order.end(); ++it) {
if (it.value().first == name) {
QMutableVectorIterator<EffectPair> it(loaded_effects);
while (it.hasNext()) {
const EffectPair &effect =;
if (effect.first == name) {
Effect* effectptr = effect.second;
kDebug(1212) << "EffectsHandler::unloadEffect : Unloading Effect : " << name;
if (activeFullScreenEffect() == it.value().second) {
if (activeFullScreenEffect() == effectptr) {
// remove support properties for the effect
const QList<QByteArray> properties = m_propertiesForEffects.keys();
foreach (const QByteArray &property, properties) {
removeSupportProperty(property, it.value().second);
removeSupportProperty(property, effectptr);
delete it.value().second;
delete effectptr;
if (effect_factories.contains(name)) {
delete effect_libraries[ name ];
} else if (effect_libraries.contains(name)) {
effect_libraries[ name ]->unload();
@ -1492,11 +1403,12 @@ void EffectsHandlerImpl::unloadEffect(const QString& name)
void EffectsHandlerImpl::reconfigureEffect(const QString& name)
for (QVector< EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it)
if ((*it).first == name) {
foreach (EffectPair &it, loaded_effects) {
if (it.first == name) {
bool EffectsHandlerImpl::isEffectLoaded(const QString& name) const
@ -1511,13 +1423,13 @@ bool EffectsHandlerImpl::isEffectLoaded(const QString& name) const
void EffectsHandlerImpl::reloadEffect(Effect *effect)
QString effectName;
for (QVector< EffectPair >::const_iterator it = loaded_effects.constBegin(); it != loaded_effects.constEnd(); ++it) {
if ((*it).second == effect) {
effectName = (*it).first;
foreach (const EffectPair &it, loaded_effects) {
if (it.second == effect) {
effectName = it.first;
if (!effectName.isNull()) {
if (!effectName.isEmpty()) {
@ -1525,20 +1437,15 @@ void EffectsHandlerImpl::reloadEffect(Effect *effect)
void EffectsHandlerImpl::effectsChanged()
m_activeEffects.clear(); // it's possible to have a reconfigure and a quad rebuild between two paint cycles - bug #308201
// kDebug(1212) << "Recreating effects' list:";
foreach (const EffectPair & effect, effect_order) {
// kDebug(1212) << effect.first;
// it's possible to have a reconfigure and a quad rebuild between two paint cycles - bug #308201
QStringList EffectsHandlerImpl::activeEffects() const
QStringList ret;
foreach(const KWin::EffectPair it, loaded_effects) {
foreach (const EffectPair &it, loaded_effects) {
if (it.second->isActive()) {
ret << it.first;

View file

@ -231,7 +231,6 @@ protected Q_SLOTS:
void slotPropertyNotify(long atom);
QLibrary* findEffectLibrary(KService* service);
void effectsChanged();
void setupClientConnections(const KWin::Client *c);
void setupUnmanagedConnections(const KWin::Unmanaged *u);
@ -239,7 +238,6 @@ protected:
Effect* keyboard_grab_effect;
Effect* fullscreen_effect;
QList<EffectWindow*> elevated_windows;
QMultiMap< int, EffectPair > effect_order;
QHash< long, int > registered_atoms;
int next_window_quad_type;

View file

@ -493,49 +493,6 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
virtual bool borderActivated(ElectricBorder border);
* Defines the class to be used for effect with given name.
* The name must be same as effect's X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name values in .desktop
* file, but without the "kwin4_effect_" prefix.
* E.g. KWIN_EFFECT( flames, MyFlameEffect )
* In this case object of MyFlameEffect class would be created when effect
* "flames" (which has X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=kwin4_effect_flames in .desktop
* file) is loaded.
#define KWIN_EFFECT( name, classname ) \
extern "C" { \
KWIN_EXPORT Effect* effect_create_kwin4_effect_##name() { return new classname; } \
KWIN_EXPORT int effect_version_kwin4_effect_##name() { return KWIN_EFFECT_API_VERSION; } \
* Defines the function used to check whether an effect is supported
* E.g. KWIN_EFFECT_SUPPORTED( flames, MyFlameEffect::supported() )
#define KWIN_EFFECT_SUPPORTED( name, function ) \
extern "C" { \
KWIN_EXPORT bool effect_supported_kwin4_effect_##name() { return function; } \
* Defines the function used to check whether an effect should be enabled by default
* This function provides a way for an effect to override the default at runtime,
* e.g. based on the capabilities of the hardware.
* This function is optional; the effect doesn't have to provide it.
* Note that this function is only called if the supported() function returns true,
* and if X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault is set to true in the .desktop file.
* Example: KWIN_EFFECT_ENABLEDBYDEFAULT(flames, MyFlameEffect::enabledByDefault())
#define KWIN_EFFECT_ENABLEDBYDEFAULT(name, function) \
extern "C" { \
KWIN_EXPORT bool effect_enabledbydefault_kwin4_effect_##name() { return function; } \
* Defines the function used to retrieve an effect's config widget
* E.g. KWIN_EFFECT_CONFIG( flames, MyFlameEffectConfig )