2014-11-13 19:30:51 +02:00
Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Lubos Lunak <l.lunak@kde.org>
Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
#include "gestures.h"
#if 0
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "khotkeysglobal.h"
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kxerrorhandler.h>
#include <kkeyserver.h>
#include "input.h"
#include "windows_handler.h"
#include "action_data/action_data.h"
#include "windows_helper/window_selection_list.h"
// only necessary for circumventing bug #173606, see below
2015-08-12 13:11:16 +03:00
#include <QtGui/qx11info_x11.h>
2014-11-13 19:30:51 +02:00
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
//#include <fixx11h.h>
// #include "voices.h"
namespace KHotKeys
QPointer<Gesture> gesture_handler = NULL;
Gesture::Gesture( bool enabled_P, QObject* parent_P )
: QWidget(NULL)
, _enabled( false )
, recording( false )
, button( 0 )
, exclude( NULL )
kDebug() << enabled_P;
(void) new DeleteObject( this, parent_P );
nostroke_timer.setSingleShot( true );
connect( &nostroke_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(stroke_timeout()));
connect( windows_handler, SIGNAL(active_window_changed(WId)),
enable( false );
void Gesture::enable( bool enabled_P )
kDebug() << enabled_P;
if( _enabled == enabled_P )
_enabled = enabled_P;
void Gesture::set_exclude( Windowdef_list* windows_P )
delete exclude;
// check for count() > 0 - empty exclude list means no window is excluded,
// but empty Windowdef_list matches everything
if( windows_P != NULL && windows_P->count() > 0 )
exclude = windows_P->copy();
exclude = NULL;
void Gesture::update_grab()
kDebug() << "Enabled:" << _enabled;
kDebug() << "Handler:" << handlers.count();
kDebug() << "Exclude:" << exclude << " Match? " << (exclude && exclude->match( Window_data( windows_handler->active_window())));
if( _enabled && handlers.count() > 0
&& ( exclude == NULL || !exclude->match( Window_data( windows_handler->active_window()))))
kapp->removeX11EventFilter( this ); // avoid being installed twice
kapp->installX11EventFilter( this );
// CHECKME grab only when there's at least one gesture?
grab_mouse( true );
grab_mouse( false );
kapp->removeX11EventFilter( this );
void Gesture::active_window_changed( WId )
void Gesture::handleScore( ActionData* const data, const qreal score )
if(score > maxScore)
maxScore = score;
bestFit = data;
void Gesture::register_handler( QObject* receiver_P, const char* slot_P )
if( handlers.contains( receiver_P ))
handlers[ receiver_P ] = true;
// connect directly because we want to be sure that all triggers submitted
// their scores back to this object before executing the best match we
// could find.
connect( this, SIGNAL(handle_gesture(StrokePoints)),
receiver_P, slot_P,
connect( receiver_P, SIGNAL(gotScore(ActionData*const,qreal)),
this, SLOT(handleScore(ActionData*const,qreal)),
if( handlers.count() == 1 )
void Gesture::unregister_handler( QObject* receiver_P, const char* slot_P )
if( !handlers.contains( receiver_P ))
handlers.remove( receiver_P );
disconnect( this, SIGNAL(handle_gesture(StrokePoints)),
receiver_P, slot_P
disconnect( receiver_P, SIGNAL(gotScore(ActionData*const,qreal)),
this, SLOT(handleScore(ActionData*const,qreal))
if( handlers.count() == 0 )
bool Gesture::x11Event( XEvent* ev_P )
/* kDebug() << " ( type = " << ev_P->type << " )" << KeyRelease << " " << KeyPress ;
if( ev_P->type == XKeyPress || ev_P->type == XKeyRelease )
return voice_handler->x11Event( ev_P );
if( ev_P->type == ButtonPress && ev_P->xbutton.button == button )
kDebug() << "GESTURE: mouse press";
stroke.record( ev_P->xbutton.x, ev_P->xbutton.y );
nostroke_timer.start( timeout );
recording = true;
start_x = ev_P->xbutton.x_root;
start_y = ev_P->xbutton.y_root;
return true;
// if stroke is finished... postprocess the data and send a signal.
// then wait for incoming matching scores and execute the best fit.
else if( ev_P->type == ButtonRelease && ev_P->xbutton.button == button
&& recording )
recording = false;
stroke.record( ev_P->xbutton.x, ev_P->xbutton.y );
StrokePoints gesture( stroke.processData() );
if( gesture.isEmpty() )
kDebug() << "GESTURE: replay";
XAllowEvents( QX11Info::display(), AsyncPointer, CurrentTime );
XUngrabPointer( QX11Info::display(), CurrentTime );
mouse_replay( true );
return true;
// prepare for the incoming scores from different triggers
maxScore = 0.0;
bestFit = NULL;
emit handle_gesture( gesture );
// the signal is emitted directly, so we get all trigger scores before
// the next lines are executed. bestFit should now contain
// a pointer to the ActionData with the best-matching gesture.
if( bestFit != NULL )
// set up the windows_handler
WId window = windows_handler->window_at_position( start_x, start_y );
windows_handler->set_action_window( window );
// then execute the action associated with the best match.
return true;
else if( ev_P->type == MotionNotify && recording )
{ // ignore small initial movement
if( nostroke_timer.isActive()
&& abs( start_x - ev_P->xmotion.x_root ) < 10
&& abs( start_y - ev_P->xmotion.y_root ) < 10
return true;
stroke.record( ev_P->xmotion.x, ev_P->xmotion.y );
return false;
void Gesture::stroke_timeout()
kDebug() << "GESTURE: timeout";
XAllowEvents( QX11Info::display(), AsyncPointer, CurrentTime );
XUngrabPointer( QX11Info::display(), CurrentTime );
mouse_replay( false );
// for xorg-server 1.7 to 1.9 RC4: disable drag'n'drop support to evade bug #173606
if( VendorRelease( QX11Info::display() ) < 10899905 && VendorRelease( QX11Info::display() ) >= 10700000 )
mouse_replay( true );
recording = false;
void Gesture::mouse_replay( bool release_P )
bool was_enabled = _enabled;
enable( false );
Mouse::send_mouse_button( button, release_P );
enable( was_enabled );
void Gesture::grab_mouse( bool grab_P )
kDebug() << grab_P;
if( grab_P )
kDebug() << "gesture grab";
Q_ASSERT( button != 0 );
KXErrorHandler handler;
static int mask[] = { 0, Button1MotionMask, Button2MotionMask, Button3MotionMask,
Button4MotionMask, Button5MotionMask, ButtonMotionMask, ButtonMotionMask,
ButtonMotionMask, ButtonMotionMask };
#define XCapL KKeyServer::modXLock()
#define XNumL KKeyServer::modXNumLock()
#define XScrL KKeyServer::modXScrollLock()
unsigned int mods[ 8 ] =
0, XCapL, XNumL, XNumL | XCapL,
XScrL, XScrL | XCapL,
XScrL | XNumL, XScrL | XNumL | XCapL
#undef XCapL
#undef XNumL
#undef XScrL
for( int i = 0;
i < 8;
++i )
XGrabButton( QX11Info::display(), button, mods[ i ], QX11Info::appRootWindow(), False,
ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | mask[ button ], GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
None, None );
bool err = handler.error( true );
kDebug() << "Gesture grab:" << err;
kDebug() << "Gesture ungrab";
XUngrabButton( QX11Info::display(), button, AnyModifier, QX11Info::appRootWindow());
void Gesture::set_mouse_button( unsigned int button_P )
if( button == button_P )
if( !_enabled )
button = button_P;
grab_mouse( false );
button = button_P;
grab_mouse( true );
void Gesture::set_timeout( int timeout_P )
timeout = timeout_P;
// Definitions for Gesture end here, Definitions for Stroke following.
points = new point[ MAX_POINTS ]; // CHECKME
delete[] points;
void Stroke::reset()
min_x = 10000;
min_y = 10000;
max_x = -1;
max_y = -1;
point_count = -1;
bool Stroke::record( int x, int y )
if( point_count == -1 )
points[ point_count ].x = x;
points[ point_count ].y = y;
// start metrics
min_x = max_x = x;
min_y = max_y = y;
if( point_count >= MAX_POINTS )
return false;
points[ point_count ].x = x;
points[ point_count ].y = y;
// update metrics
if( x < min_x )
min_x = x;
if( x > max_x )
max_x = x;
if( y < min_y )
min_y = y;
if( y > max_y )
max_y = y;
return true;
// Compute some additional data from the raw point coordinates and store
// it all in a new data structure to be passed on and saved.
StrokePoints Stroke::processData()
if(point_count < 2 )
return StrokePoints(); // empty vector
int n = point_count-1;
StrokePoints results(n);
// calculate s, where s is the length of a stroke up to the current point
// (first loop) divided by the total stroke length (second loop)
qreal strokelength = 0.0;
results[0].s = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
strokelength += hypot(points[i+1].x - points[i].x, points[i+1].y - points[i].y);
results[i+1].s = strokelength;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
results[i].s /= strokelength;
// check which axis is longer...
int scaleX = max_x - min_x;
int scaleY = max_y - min_y;
qreal scale = (scaleX > scaleY) ? scaleX : scaleY;
// ...and scale the stroke coordinates to a new size depending on this axis
// (saving into the new data structure for higher precision)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
results[i].x = (points[i].x-(min_x+max_x)/2.0)/scale + 0.5;
results[i].y = (points[i].y-(min_y+max_y)/2.0)/scale + 0.5;
// calculate values of delta_s and angle for the points by simple comparison
// with the respective successor.
// delta_s is the distance to the successor in the same units as s.
// angle is the angle to the successor in units of pi.
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
results[i].delta_s = results[i+1].s - results[i].s;
results[i].angle = atan2(results[i+1].y - results[i].y, results[i+1].x - results[i].x)/M_PI;
// last point of result would need special logic, so we simply discard it -
// there's enough points anyway
return results;
} // namespace KHotKeys
#include "moc_gestures.cpp"