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Raw Normal View History

# startup
- Focus is on search field
- Press enter => first item of current page is triggered
# searchFieldAndTabs
- Focus is on search field
- Pressing tab or down => first item of current page is focused
- Pressing tab (from any row) up (from first row) => search field is focused
# tabs
- Focus is on tab1
- Press page-down => tab2 is current, first item of tab2 is focused
# sourceNavigation
- Using arrow keys within source changes the focused item accordingly
# interSourceNavigation
- Pressing up/down arrow when on first/last row of source moves focus
to previous/next source, preferably to item in the same column,
otherwise to last item in column
- Pressing left/right arrow on first/last row of source moves focus to
last/first item of previous/next source
# browsableSource
- Go to a browsable source (Dir, FavoritePlaces, InstalledApps...)
- Press Return to enter a folder => first item is focused
- Press alt-left to go back => previously focused item is focused
- Press alt-up to go up one level => first item is focused
# searching
- Search field is focused
- Enter a search criteria => current page is updated to reflect search
- Press tab or down => first item is focused
# menu
- Focus is on search field
- Press tab or down => first item of current page is focused
- Press 'm' or menu key => context menu for item appears
- Press up/down => navigate in context menu
- Press enter
=> selected context menu item is triggered
=> focus goes back to result item