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/* This file is part of the KDE libraries and the Kate part.
* Copyright (C) 2007 David Nolden <david.nolden.kdevelop@art-master.de>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kateargumenthintmodel.h"
#include <QTextFormat>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <ktexteditor/codecompletionmodel.h>
#include "katecompletionwidget.h"
#include "kateargumenthinttree.h"
#include "katecompletiontree.h"
using namespace KTextEditor;
void KateArgumentHintModel::clear() {
QModelIndex KateArgumentHintModel::mapToSource( const QModelIndex & index ) const {
if( index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= m_rows.count() )
return QModelIndex();
if( m_rows[index.row()] < 0 || m_rows[index.row()] >= group()->filtered.count() )
return QModelIndex();
KateCompletionModel::ModelRow source = group()->filtered[m_rows[index.row()]].sourceRow();
if( !source.first ) {
kDebug( 13035 ) << "KateArgumentHintModel::data: Row does not exist in source";
return QModelIndex();
QModelIndex sourceIndex = source.second.sibling(source.second.row(), index.column());
return sourceIndex;
void KateArgumentHintModel::parentModelReset() {
void KateArgumentHintModel::buildRows() {
QMap<int, QList<int> > m_depths; //Map each hint-depth to a list of functions of that depth
for( int a = 0; a < group()->filtered.count(); a++ ) {
KateCompletionModel::ModelRow source = group()->filtered[a].sourceRow();
QModelIndex sourceIndex = source.second.sibling(source.second.row(), 0);
QVariant v = sourceIndex.data(CodeCompletionModel::ArgumentHintDepth);
if( v.type() == QVariant::Int ) {
QList<int>& lst( m_depths[v.toInt()] );
lst << a;
for( QMap<int, QList<int> >::const_iterator it = m_depths.constBegin(); it != m_depths.constEnd(); ++it ) {
foreach( int row, *it )
m_rows.push_front(row);//Insert filtered in reversed order
m_rows.push_front( -it.key() );
emit contentStateChanged(!m_rows.isEmpty());
KateArgumentHintModel::KateArgumentHintModel( KateCompletionWidget* parent ) : ExpandingWidgetModel(parent), m_parent(parent) {
connect(parent->model(), SIGNAL(modelReset()), this, SLOT(parentModelReset()));
connect(parent->model(), SIGNAL(argumentHintsChanged()), this, SLOT(parentModelReset()));
QVariant KateArgumentHintModel::data ( const QModelIndex & index, int role ) const {
if( index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= m_rows.count() ) {
//kDebug( 13035 ) << "KateArgumentHintModel::data: index out of bound: " << index.row() << " total filtered: " << m_rows.count();
return QVariant();
if( m_rows[index.row()] < 0 ) {
//Show labels
if( role == Qt::DisplayRole && index.column() == 0 ) {
return QString(); //QString("Depth %1").arg(-m_rows[index.row()]);
} else if( role == Qt::BackgroundRole ) {
return KApplication::kApplication()->palette().toolTipBase().color();
}else if( role == Qt::ForegroundRole ) {
return KApplication::kApplication()->palette().toolTipText().color();
return QVariant();
if( m_rows[index.row()] < 0 || m_rows[index.row()] >= group()->filtered.count() ) {
kDebug( 13035 ) << "KateArgumentHintModel::data: index out of bound: " << m_rows[index.row()] << " total filtered: " << group()->filtered.count();
return QVariant();
KateCompletionModel::ModelRow source = group()->filtered[m_rows[index.row()]].sourceRow();
if( !source.first ) {
kDebug( 13035 ) << "KateArgumentHintModel::data: Row does not exist in source";
return QVariant();
if( index.column() == 0 ) {
switch( role ) {
case Qt::DecorationRole:
//Show the expand-handle
if( !isExpanded(index ) )
return QVariant( model()->m_collapsedIcon );
return QVariant( model()->m_expandedIcon );
case Qt::DisplayRole:
//Ignore text in the first column(we create our own compound text in the second)
return QVariant();
QModelIndex sourceIndex = source.second.sibling(source.second.row(), index.column());
if( !sourceIndex.isValid() ) {
kDebug( 13035 ) << "KateArgumentHintModel::data: Source-index is not valid";
return QVariant();
switch( role ) {
case Qt::DisplayRole:
//Construct the text
QString totalText;
for( int a = CodeCompletionModel::Prefix; a <= CodeCompletionModel::Postfix; a++ )
if( a != CodeCompletionModel::Scope ) //Skip the scope
totalText += source.second.sibling(source.second.row(), a).data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString() + ' ';
return QVariant(totalText);
case CodeCompletionModel::HighlightingMethod:
//Return that we are doing custom-highlighting of one of the sub-strings does it
for( int a = CodeCompletionModel::Prefix; a <= CodeCompletionModel::Postfix; a++ ) {
QVariant method = source.second.sibling(source.second.row(), a).data(CodeCompletionModel::HighlightingMethod);
if( method.type() == QVariant::Int && method.toInt() == CodeCompletionModel::CustomHighlighting)
return QVariant(CodeCompletionModel::CustomHighlighting);
return QVariant();
case CodeCompletionModel::CustomHighlight:
QStringList strings;
//Collect strings
for( int a = CodeCompletionModel::Prefix; a <= CodeCompletionModel::Postfix; a++ )
strings << source.second.sibling(source.second.row(), a).data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
QList<QVariantList> highlights;
//Collect custom-highlightings
for( int a = CodeCompletionModel::Prefix; a <= CodeCompletionModel::Postfix; a++ )
highlights << source.second.sibling(source.second.row(), a).data(CodeCompletionModel::CustomHighlight).toList();
//Replace invalid QTextFormats with match-quality color or yellow.
for( QList<QVariantList>::iterator it = highlights.begin(); it != highlights.end(); ++it )
QVariantList& list( *it );
for( int a = 2; a < list.count(); a += 3 )
if( list[a].canConvert<QTextFormat>() )
QTextFormat f = list[a].value<QTextFormat>();
f = QTextFormat( QTextFormat::CharFormat );
uint color = matchColor( index );
if( color )
f.setBackground( QBrush(color) );
f.setBackground( Qt::yellow );
list[a] = QVariant( f );
return mergeCustomHighlighting( strings, highlights, 1 );
case Qt::DecorationRole:
//Redirect the decoration to the decoration of the item-column
return source.second.sibling(source.second.row(), CodeCompletionModel::Icon).data(role);
QVariant v = ExpandingWidgetModel::data( index, role );
if( v.isValid() )
return v;
return sourceIndex.data( role );
int KateArgumentHintModel::rowCount ( const QModelIndex & parent ) const {
if( !parent.isValid() )
return m_rows.count();
return 0;
int KateArgumentHintModel::columnCount ( const QModelIndex & /*parent*/ ) const {
return 2; //2 Columns, one for the expand-handle, one for the signature
KateCompletionModel::Group* KateArgumentHintModel::group() const {
return model()->m_argumentHints;
KateCompletionModel* KateArgumentHintModel::model() const {
return m_parent->model();
QTreeView* KateArgumentHintModel::treeView() const {
return m_parent->argumentHintTree();
void KateArgumentHintModel::emitDataChanged( const QModelIndex& start, const QModelIndex& end ) {
emit dataChanged(start, end);
bool KateArgumentHintModel::indexIsItem(const QModelIndex& index) const {
return index.row() >= 0 && index.row() < m_rows.count() && m_rows[index.row()] >= 0;
int KateArgumentHintModel::contextMatchQuality(const QModelIndex& index) const {
int row=index.row();
if( row < 0 || row >= m_rows.count() )
return -1;
if( m_rows[row] < 0 || m_rows[row] >= group()->filtered.count() )
return -1; //Probably a label
KateCompletionModel::ModelRow source = group()->filtered[m_rows[row]].sourceRow();
if( !source.first )
return -1;
QModelIndex sourceIndex = source.second.sibling(source.second.row(), 0);
if( !sourceIndex.isValid() )
return -1;
int depth = sourceIndex.data(CodeCompletionModel::ArgumentHintDepth).toInt();
switch(depth) {
case 1:
//This argument-hint is on the lowest level, match it with the currently selected item in the completion-widget
QModelIndex row = m_parent->treeView()->currentIndex();
if( !row.isValid() )
return -1;
QModelIndex selectedIndex = m_parent->model()->mapToSource( row );
if( !selectedIndex.isValid() )
return -1;
if( selectedIndex.model() != sourceIndex.model() )
return -1; //We can only match items from the same source-model
sourceIndex.data( CodeCompletionModel::SetMatchContext );
QVariant v = selectedIndex.data( CodeCompletionModel::MatchQuality );
if( v.type() == QVariant::Int )
return v.toInt();
//Do some other nice matching here in future
return -1;
#include "moc_kateargumenthintmodel.cpp"