2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

239 lines
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* alarmcalendar.h - KAlarm calendar file access
* Program: kalarm
* Copyright © 2001-2012 by David Jarvie <djarvie@kde.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "akonadimodel.h"
#include "eventid.h"
#include "alarmresources.h"
#include <kalarmcal/kaevent.h>
#include <akonadi/collection.h>
#include <kcalcore/filestorage.h>
#include <kcalcore/event.h>
#include <QHash>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <QObject>
namespace KCal {
class Calendar;
class CalendarLocal;
class AlarmResource;
class ProgressDialog;
using namespace KAlarmCal;
/** Provides read and write access to calendar files and resources.
* Either vCalendar or iCalendar files may be read, but the calendar is saved
* only in iCalendar format to avoid information loss.
class AlarmCalendar : public QObject
virtual ~AlarmCalendar();
bool valid() const { return (mCalType == RESOURCES) || mUrl.isValid(); }
CalEvent::Type type() const { return (mCalType == RESOURCES) ? CalEvent::EMPTY : mEventType; }
bool open();
int load();
bool reload();
void loadResource(AlarmResource*, QWidget* parent);
void reloadFromCache(const QString& resourceID);
bool save();
void close();
void startUpdate();
bool endUpdate();
KAEvent* earliestAlarm() const;
void setAlarmPending(KAEvent*, bool pending = true);
bool haveDisabledAlarms() const { return mHaveDisabledAlarms; }
void disabledChanged(const KAEvent*);
KAEvent::List atLoginAlarms() const;
KCalCore::Event::Ptr kcalEvent(const QString& uniqueID); // if Akonadi, display calendar only
KAEvent* event(const EventId& uniqueId, bool checkDuplicates = false);
KCal::Event* createKCalEvent(const KAEvent* e) const
{ return createKCalEvent(e, QString()); }
KCal::Event* kcalEvent(const QString& uniqueId); // if Akonadi, display calendar only
KAEvent* event(const QString& uniqueId);
KAEvent* templateEvent(const QString& templateName);
KAEvent::List events(const QString& uniqueId) const;
KAEvent::List events(CalEvent::Types s = CalEvent::EMPTY) const { return events(Akonadi::Collection(), s); }
KAEvent::List events(const Akonadi::Collection&, CalEvent::Types = CalEvent::EMPTY) const;
KAEvent::List events(CalEvent::Types s = CalEvent::EMPTY) const { return events(0, s); }
KAEvent::List events(AlarmResource*, CalEvent::Types = CalEvent::EMPTY) const;
KAEvent::List events(const KDateTime& from, const KDateTime& to, CalEvent::Types);
KCalCore::Event::List kcalEvents(CalEvent::Type s = CalEvent::EMPTY); // display calendar only
bool eventReadOnly(Akonadi::Item::Id) const;
Akonadi::Collection collectionForEvent(Akonadi::Item::Id) const;
bool addEvent(KAEvent&, QWidget* promptParent = 0, bool useEventID = false, Akonadi::Collection* = 0, bool noPrompt = false, bool* cancelled = 0);
bool modifyEvent(const EventId& oldEventId, KAEvent& newEvent);
KCal::Event::List kcalEvents(CalEvent::Type s = CalEvent::EMPTY) { return kcalEvents(0, s); }
KCal::Event::List kcalEvents(AlarmResource*, CalEvent::Type = CalEvent::EMPTY);
bool eventReadOnly(const QString& uniqueID) const;
AlarmResource* resourceForEvent(const QString& eventID) const;
bool addEvent(KAEvent*, QWidget* promptParent = 0, bool useEventID = false, AlarmResource* = 0, bool noPrompt = false, bool* cancelled = 0);
bool modifyEvent(const QString& oldEventId, KAEvent* newEvent);
KAEvent* updateEvent(const KAEvent&);
KAEvent* updateEvent(const KAEvent*);
bool deleteEvent(const KAEvent&, bool save = false);
bool deleteDisplayEvent(const QString& eventID, bool save = false);
bool deleteEvent(const QString& eventID, bool save = false);
void purgeEvents(const KAEvent::List&);
bool isOpen();
QString path() const { return (mCalType == RESOURCES) ? QString() : mUrl.prettyUrl(); }
QString urlString() const { return (mCalType == RESOURCES) ? QString() : mUrl.url(); }
void adjustStartOfDay();
static bool initialiseCalendars();
static void terminateCalendars();
static AlarmCalendar* resources() { return mResourcesCalendar; }
static AlarmCalendar* displayCalendar() { return mDisplayCalendar; }
static AlarmCalendar* displayCalendarOpen();
static KAEvent* getEvent(const EventId&);
static bool importAlarms(QWidget*, Akonadi::Collection* = 0);
static KAEvent* getEvent(const QString& uniqueId);
static bool importAlarms(QWidget*, AlarmResource* = 0);
static bool exportAlarms(const KAEvent::List&, QWidget* parent);
void earliestAlarmChanged();
void haveDisabledAlarmsChanged(bool haveDisabled);
void atLoginEventAdded(const KAEvent&);
void calendarSaved(AlarmCalendar*);
private slots:
void setAskResource(bool ask);
void slotCollectionStatusChanged(const Akonadi::Collection&, AkonadiModel::Change,
const QVariant& value, bool inserted);
void slotEventsAdded(const AkonadiModel::EventList&);
void slotEventsToBeRemoved(const AkonadiModel::EventList&);
void slotEventChanged(const AkonadiModel::Event&);
void slotCacheDownloaded(AlarmResource*);
void slotResourceLoaded(AlarmResource*, bool success);
void slotResourceChange(AlarmResource*, AlarmResources::Change);
typedef QMap<Akonadi::Collection::Id, KAEvent::List> ResourceMap; // id = invalid for display calendar
typedef QMap<Akonadi::Collection::Id, KAEvent*> EarliestMap;
typedef QHash<EventId, KAEvent*> KAEventMap; // indexed by collection and event UID
typedef QMap<AlarmResource*, KAEvent::List> ResourceMap; // resource = null for display calendar
typedef QMap<AlarmResource*, KAEvent*> EarliestMap;
typedef QMap<QString, KAEvent*> KAEventMap; // indexed by event UID
AlarmCalendar(const QString& file, CalEvent::Type);
bool saveCal(const QString& newFile = QString());
bool isValid() const { return mCalType == RESOURCES || mCalendarStorage; }
void addNewEvent(const Akonadi::Collection&, KAEvent*, bool replace = false);
CalEvent::Type deleteEventInternal(const KAEvent&, bool deleteFromAkonadi = true);
CalEvent::Type deleteEventInternal(const KAEvent&, const Akonadi::Collection&,
bool deleteFromAkonadi = true);
CalEvent::Type deleteEventInternal(const QString& eventID, const KAEvent& = KAEvent(),
const Akonadi::Collection& = Akonadi::Collection(), bool deleteFromAkonadi = true);
void updateDisplayKAEvents();
void removeKAEvents(Akonadi::Collection::Id, bool closing = false, CalEvent::Types = CalEvent::ACTIVE | CalEvent::ARCHIVED | CalEvent::TEMPLATE);
void findEarliestAlarm(const Akonadi::Collection&);
void findEarliestAlarm(Akonadi::Collection::Id); //deprecated
bool isValid() const { return mCalendar; }
bool addEvent(AlarmResource*, KAEvent*);
KAEvent* addEvent(AlarmResource*, const KCal::Event*);
void addNewEvent(AlarmResource*, KAEvent*);
CalEvent::Type deleteEventInternal(const QString& eventID);
void updateKAEvents(AlarmResource*, KCal::CalendarLocal*);
static void updateResourceKAEvents(AlarmResource*, KCal::CalendarLocal*);
void removeKAEvents(AlarmResource*, bool closing = false);
void findEarliestAlarm(AlarmResource*);
KCal::Event* createKCalEvent(const KAEvent*, const QString& baseID) const;
void checkForDisabledAlarms();
void checkForDisabledAlarms(bool oldEnabled, bool newEnabled);
static AlarmCalendar* mResourcesCalendar; // the calendar resources
static AlarmCalendar* mDisplayCalendar; // the display calendar
KCalCore::FileStorage::Ptr mCalendarStorage; // null pointer for Akonadi
KCal::Calendar* mCalendar; // AlarmResources or CalendarLocal, null for Akonadi
ResourceMap mResourceMap;
KAEventMap mEventMap; // lookup of all events by UID
EarliestMap mEarliestAlarm; // alarm with earliest trigger time, by resource
QList<QString> mPendingAlarms; // IDs of alarms which are currently being processed after triggering
KUrl mUrl; // URL of current calendar file
KUrl mICalUrl; // URL of iCalendar file
typedef QMap<AlarmResource*, ProgressDialog*> ProgressDlgMap;
typedef QMap<AlarmResource*, QWidget*> ResourceWidgetMap;
ProgressDlgMap mProgressDlgs; // download progress dialogues
ResourceWidgetMap mProgressParents; // parent widgets for download progress dialogues
QString mLocalFile; // calendar file, or local copy if it's a remote file
CalType mCalType; // what type of calendar mCalendar is (resources/ical/vcal)
CalEvent::Type mEventType; // what type of events the calendar file is for
bool mOpen; // true if the calendar file is open
int mUpdateCount; // nesting level of group of calendar update calls
bool mUpdateSave; // save() was called while mUpdateCount > 0
bool mHaveDisabledAlarms; // there is at least one individually disabled alarm
using QObject::event; // prevent "hidden" warning
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