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/* Copyright 2009 Thomas McGuire <mcguire@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "objecttreeparsertest.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "viewer/objecttreeparser.h"
#include "viewer/objecttreeemptysource.h"
#include "interfaces/htmlwriter.h"
#include "messageviewer/viewer/csshelper.h"
#include <akonadi/item.h>
#include "qtest_kde.h"
#include <messagecore/tests/util.h>
using namespace MessageViewer;
QTEST_KDEMAIN( ObjectTreeParserTester, GUI )
void ObjectTreeParserTester::initTestCase()
void ObjectTreeParserTester::test_parsePlainMessage()
KMime::Message::Ptr msg( new KMime::Message() );
QByteArray content(
"From: Thomas McGuire <dontspamme@gmx.net>\n"
"Subject: Plain Message Test\n"
"Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 10:58:27 +0200\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain;\n"
" charset=\"iso-8859-15\"\n"
"This is the message text.\n" );
msg->setContent( content );
QCOMPARE( msg->subject()->as7BitString( false ).constData(), "Plain Message Test" );
QCOMPARE( msg->contents().size(), 0 );
// Parse the message
EmptySource emptySource;
ObjectTreeParser otp( &emptySource );
otp.parseObjectTree( msg.get() );
// Check that the textual content and the charset have the expected values
QCOMPARE( otp.plainTextContent(), QLatin1String( "This is the message text." ) );
QCOMPARE( otp.convertedTextContent().toLatin1().data(), "This is the message text.\n" );
QVERIFY( otp.htmlContent().isEmpty() );
QCOMPARE( otp.plainTextContentCharset().toLower(), QByteArray( "iso-8859-15" ) );
// Check that the message was not modified in any way
QCOMPARE( msg->encodedContent().constData(), content.constData() );
// Test that the charset of messages without an explicit charset declaration
// is correct
content =
"From: Thomas McGuire <dontspamme@gmx.net>\n"
"Subject: Plain Message Test\n"
"Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 10:58:27 +0200\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain;\n"
"This is the message text.\n";
msg->setContent( content );
ObjectTreeParser otp2( &emptySource );
otp2.parseObjectTree( msg.get() );
QCOMPARE( otp2.plainTextContentCharset().constData(), msg->defaultCharset().constData() );
void ObjectTreeParserTester::test_parseEncapsulatedMessage()
KMime::Message::Ptr msg = readAndParseMail( QLatin1String("encapsulated-with-attachment.mbox") );
QCOMPARE( msg->subject()->as7BitString( false ).constData(), "Fwd: Test with attachment" );
QCOMPARE( msg->contents().size(), 2 );
// Parse the message
TestHtmlWriter testWriter;
TestCSSHelper testCSSHelper;
NodeHelper nodeHelper;
MessageCore::Test::TestObjectTreeSource emptySource( &testWriter, &testCSSHelper );
ObjectTreeParser otp( &emptySource, &nodeHelper );
otp.parseObjectTree( msg.get() );
// Check that the OTP didn't modify the message in weird ways
QCOMPARE( msg->contents().size(), 2 );
QCOMPARE( msg->contents().at( 0 )->contents().size(), 0 );
QCOMPARE( msg->contents().at( 1 )->contents().size(), 1 );
QCOMPARE( msg->contents().at( 1 )->contents().first()->contents().size(), 2 );
QCOMPARE( msg->contents().at( 1 )->contents().first()->contents().at( 0 )->contents().size(), 0 );
QCOMPARE( msg->contents().at( 1 )->contents().first()->contents().at( 1 )->contents().size(), 0 );
// Check that the textual content and the charset have the expected values
QCOMPARE( otp.plainTextContent(), QLatin1String( "This is the encapsulating message." ) );
QCOMPARE( otp.plainTextContentCharset().toLower(), QByteArray( "iso-8859-15" ) );
QVERIFY( otp.htmlContent().isEmpty() );
// Check that the objecttreeparser did process the encapsulated message
KMime::Message::Ptr encapsulated = msg->contents().at( 1 )->bodyAsMessage();
QVERIFY( encapsulated.get() );
QVERIFY( nodeHelper.nodeProcessed( encapsulated.get() ) );
QVERIFY( nodeHelper.nodeProcessed( encapsulated->contents().at( 0 ) ) );
QVERIFY( nodeHelper.nodeProcessed( encapsulated->contents().at( 1 ) ) );
QVERIFY( nodeHelper.partMetaData( msg->contents().at( 1 ) ).isEncapsulatedRfc822Message );
void ObjectTreeParserTester::test_missingContentTypeHeader()
KMime::Message::Ptr msg = readAndParseMail( QLatin1String("no-content-type.mbox") );
QCOMPARE( msg->subject()->as7BitString( false ).constData(), "Simple Mail Without Content-Type Header" );
QCOMPARE( msg->contents().size(), 0 );
TestHtmlWriter testWriter;
TestCSSHelper testCSSHelper;
NodeHelper nodeHelper;
MessageCore::Test::TestObjectTreeSource emptySource( &testWriter, &testCSSHelper );
ObjectTreeParser otp( &emptySource, &nodeHelper );
otp.parseObjectTree( msg.get() );
QCOMPARE( otp.plainTextContent().toLatin1().data(), "asdfasdf" );
QVERIFY( otp.htmlContent().isEmpty() );
void ObjectTreeParserTester::test_inlinePGPDecryption()
KMime::Message::Ptr msg = readAndParseMail( QLatin1String("inlinepgpencrypted.mbox") );
QCOMPARE( msg->subject()->as7BitString( false ).constData(), "inlinepgpencrypted" );
QCOMPARE( msg->contents().size(), 0 );
TestHtmlWriter testWriter;
TestCSSHelper testCSSHelper;
NodeHelper nodeHelper;
MessageCore::Test::TestObjectTreeSource emptySource( &testWriter, &testCSSHelper );
ObjectTreeParser otp( &emptySource, &nodeHelper );
emptySource.setAllowDecryption( true );
otp.parseObjectTree( msg.get() );
QCOMPARE( otp.plainTextContent().toLatin1().data(), "some random text" );
QCOMPARE( otp.convertedTextContent().toLatin1().data(), "some random text\n" );
QVERIFY( otp.htmlContent().isEmpty() );
void ObjectTreeParserTester::test_HTML()
KMime::Message::Ptr msg = readAndParseMail( QLatin1String("html.mbox") );
QCOMPARE( msg->subject()->as7BitString( false ).constData(), "HTML test" );
QCOMPARE( msg->contents().size(), 2 );
EmptySource emptySource;
ObjectTreeParser otp( &emptySource );
otp.parseObjectTree( msg.get() );
QCOMPARE( otp.plainTextContent().toLatin1().data(), "Some HTML text" );
QVERIFY( otp.htmlContent().contains( QLatin1String("Some <span style=\" font-weight:600;\">HTML</span> text") ) );
QCOMPARE( otp.htmlContentCharset().data(), "windows-1252" );
void ObjectTreeParserTester::test_HTMLOnly()
KMime::Message::Ptr msg = readAndParseMail( QLatin1String("htmlonly.mbox") );
QCOMPARE( msg->subject()->as7BitString( false ).constData(), "HTML test" );
QCOMPARE( msg->contents().size(), 0 );
EmptySource emptySource;
ObjectTreeParser otp( &emptySource );
otp.parseObjectTree( msg.get() );
QVERIFY( otp.plainTextContent().isEmpty() );
QVERIFY( otp.htmlContent().contains( QLatin1String("<b>SOME</b> HTML text.") ) );
QCOMPARE( otp.convertedTextContent().toLatin1().data(), "SOME HTML text.\n" );