2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

540 lines
21 KiB

This file is part of KAddressBook.
Copyright (c) 2010 Tobias Koenig <tokoe@kde.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include "grantleecontactformatter.h"
#include "grantleetheme/grantleetheme.h"
#include "grantleecontactutils.h"
#include <grantlee/context.h>
#include <grantlee/engine.h>
#include <grantlee/templateloader.h>
#include <Akonadi/Item>
#include <KABC/Addressee>
#include <KColorScheme>
#include <KGlobal>
#include <KIconLoader>
#include <KLocale>
#include <KStringHandler>
#include <KConfigGroup>
#include "akonadi/contact/improtocols.h"
#include <QSet>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QTextDocument>
static const KCatalogLoader loader( QLatin1String("libkaddressbookgrantlee") );
using namespace KAddressBookGrantlee;
class GrantleeContactFormatter::Private
: forceDisableQRCode(false)
mEngine = new Grantlee::Engine;
mTemplateLoader = Grantlee::FileSystemTemplateLoader::Ptr( new Grantlee::FileSystemTemplateLoader );
delete mEngine;
void changeGrantleePath(const QString &path)
mTemplateLoader->setTemplateDirs( QStringList() << path );
mEngine->addTemplateLoader( mTemplateLoader );
mSelfcontainedTemplate = mEngine->loadByName( QLatin1String("contact.html") );
if ( mSelfcontainedTemplate->error() ) {
mErrorMessage += mSelfcontainedTemplate->errorString() + QLatin1String("<br>");
mEmbeddableTemplate = mEngine->loadByName( QLatin1String("contact_embedded.html") );
if ( mEmbeddableTemplate->error() ) {
mErrorMessage += mEmbeddableTemplate->errorString() + QLatin1String("<br>");
QVector<QObject*> mObjects;
Grantlee::Engine *mEngine;
Grantlee::FileSystemTemplateLoader::Ptr mTemplateLoader;
Grantlee::Template mSelfcontainedTemplate;
Grantlee::Template mEmbeddableTemplate;
QString mErrorMessage;
bool forceDisableQRCode;
: d( new Private )
delete d;
void GrantleeContactFormatter::setAbsoluteThemePath(const QString &path)
void GrantleeContactFormatter::setGrantleeTheme(const GrantleeTheme::Theme &theme)
void GrantleeContactFormatter::setForceDisableQRCode(bool b)
d->forceDisableQRCode = b;
bool GrantleeContactFormatter::forceDisableQRCode() const
return d->forceDisableQRCode;
inline static void setHashField( QVariantHash &hash, const QString &name, const QString &value )
if ( !value.isEmpty() ) {
hash.insert( name, value );
static QVariantHash phoneNumberHash( const KABC::PhoneNumber &phoneNumber, int counter )
QVariantHash numberObject;
setHashField( numberObject, QLatin1String( "type" ), phoneNumber.typeLabel() );
setHashField( numberObject, QLatin1String( "number" ), phoneNumber.number() );
if ( !phoneNumber.isEmpty() ) {
const QString url =
QString::fromLatin1( "<a href=\"phone:?index=%1\">%2</a>" ).
arg( counter ).
arg( phoneNumber.number() );
numberObject.insert( QLatin1String( "numberLink" ), url );
if ( phoneNumber.type() & KABC::PhoneNumber::Cell ) {
const QString url =
QString::fromLatin1( "<a href=\"sms:?index=%1\"><img src=\"sms_icon\" align=\"top\"/></a>" ).arg( counter );
numberObject.insert( QLatin1String( "smsLink" ), url );
return numberObject;
static QVariantHash imAddressHash( const QString &typeKey, const QString &imAddress )
QVariantHash addressObject;
const QString dispLabel = i18nc( "@title:row label for an Instant Messaging address, %1 is I18Ned protocol name",
"IM (%1)", IMProtocols::self()->name( typeKey ) );
setHashField( addressObject, QLatin1String( "type" ), dispLabel );
setHashField( addressObject, QLatin1String( "imAddress" ), imAddress );
const QString iconUrl = KUrl::fromPath( KIconLoader::global()->iconPath( IMProtocols::self()->icon( typeKey ),
-KIconLoader::SizeSmall) ).url();
const QString url = QString::fromLatin1( "<img src=\"%1\" align=\"top\"/>" ).arg( iconUrl );
addressObject.insert( QLatin1String( "imIcon" ), url );
return addressObject;
static QVariantHash addressHash( const KABC::Address &address, int counter )
QVariantHash addressObject;
setHashField( addressObject, QLatin1String( "type" ),
KABC::Address::typeLabel( address.type() ) );
setHashField( addressObject, QLatin1String( "street" ), address.street() );
setHashField( addressObject, QLatin1String( "postOfficeBox" ), address.postOfficeBox() );
setHashField( addressObject, QLatin1String( "locality" ), address.locality() );
setHashField( addressObject, QLatin1String( "region" ), address.region() );
setHashField( addressObject, QLatin1String( "postalCode" ), address.postalCode() );
setHashField( addressObject, QLatin1String( "country" ), address.country() );
setHashField( addressObject, QLatin1String( "label" ), address.label() );
setHashField( addressObject, QLatin1String( "formattedAddress" ), address.formattedAddress() );
QString formattedAddress;
if ( address.label().isEmpty() ) {
formattedAddress = address.formattedAddress().trimmed();
} else {
formattedAddress = address.label();
if ( !formattedAddress.isEmpty() ) {
formattedAddress = formattedAddress.replace( QRegExp( QLatin1String("\n+") ), QLatin1String( "<br/>" ) );
const QString link = QString::fromLatin1( "<a href=\"address:?index=%1\">%2</a>" ).
arg( counter );
QString url = link.arg( formattedAddress );
addressObject.insert( QLatin1String("formattedAddressLink"), url );
url = link.arg( QString::fromLatin1( "<img src=\"map_icon\" align=\"top\"/>" ) );
addressObject.insert( QLatin1String("formattedAddressIcon"), url );
return addressObject;
static int contactAge( const QDate &date )
QDate now = QDate::currentDate();
int age = now.year() - date.year();
if ( date > now.addYears( -age ) ) {
return age;
QString GrantleeContactFormatter::toHtml( HtmlForm form ) const
if ( !d->mErrorMessage.isEmpty() ) {
return d->mErrorMessage;
KABC::Addressee rawContact;
const Akonadi::Item localItem = item();
if ( localItem.isValid() && localItem.hasPayload<KABC::Addressee>() ) {
rawContact = localItem.payload<KABC::Addressee>();
} else {
rawContact = contact();
if ( rawContact.isEmpty() ) {
return QString();
QVariantHash contactObject;
// Name parts
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "name" ), rawContact.realName() );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "formattedName" ), rawContact.formattedName() );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "prefix" ), rawContact.prefix() );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "givenName" ), rawContact.givenName() );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "additionalName" ), rawContact.additionalName() );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "familyName" ), rawContact.familyName() );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "suffix" ), rawContact.suffix() );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "nickName" ), rawContact.nickName() );
// Dates
const QDate birthday = rawContact.birthday().date();
if ( birthday.isValid() ) {
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "birthdayi18n" ));
const QString formattedBirthday = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( birthday );
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "birthday" ), formattedBirthday );
const int years = contactAge( birthday );
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "age" ), QString::number( years ) );
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "birthdayage" ), QString( formattedBirthday +
QLatin1String( "&nbsp;&nbsp;" ) +
i18np( "(One year old)", "(%1 years old)", years ) ) );
const QDate anniversary =
QDate::fromString( rawContact.custom( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK" ),
QLatin1String( "X-Anniversary" ) ), Qt::ISODate );
if ( anniversary.isValid() ) {
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "anniversary" ),
KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( anniversary ) );
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String("anniversaryi18n") );
// Emails
QStringList emails;
foreach ( const QString &email, rawContact.emails() ) {
const QString fullEmail = QString::fromLatin1( KUrl::toPercentEncoding( rawContact.fullEmail( email ) ) );
const QString url = QString::fromLatin1( "<a href=\"mailto:%1\">%2</a>" )
.arg( fullEmail, email );
emails << url;
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "emailsi18n" ) );
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "emails" ), emails );
// Phone numbers
QVariantList phoneNumbers;
int counter = 0;
foreach ( const KABC::PhoneNumber &phoneNumber, rawContact.phoneNumbers() ) {
phoneNumbers.append( phoneNumberHash( phoneNumber, counter ) );
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "phoneNumbers" ), phoneNumbers );
// IM
QVariantList imAddresses;
const QStringList customs = rawContact.customs();
if ( !customs.empty() ) {
foreach ( const QString &custom, customs ) {
if ( custom.startsWith( QLatin1String( "messaging/" ) ) ) {
int pos = custom.indexOf( QLatin1Char( ':' ) );
QString key = custom.left( pos );
key.remove( QLatin1String( "-All" ) );
const QString value = custom.mid( pos + 1 );
imAddresses.append( imAddressHash( key, value ) );
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "imAddresses" ), imAddresses );
// Homepage
if ( rawContact.url().isValid() ) {
QString url = rawContact.url().url();
if ( !url.startsWith( QLatin1String( "http://" ) ) &&
!url.startsWith( QLatin1String( "https://" ) ) ) {
url = QLatin1String( "http://" ) + url;
url = KStringHandler::tagUrls( url );
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "website" ), url );
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "websitei18n" ) );
// Blog Feed
const QString blog =
rawContact.custom( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK" ), QLatin1String( "BlogFeed" ) );
if ( !blog.isEmpty() ) {
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "blogUrl" ), KStringHandler::tagUrls( blog ) );
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "blogUrli18n" ) );
// Address Book
const QString addressBookName =
rawContact.custom( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK" ), QLatin1String( "AddressBook" ) );
if ( !addressBookName.isEmpty() ) {
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "addressBookName" ), addressBookName );
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "addressBookNamei18n" ) );
// Addresses
QVariantList addresses;
counter = 0;
foreach ( const KABC::Address &address, rawContact.addresses() ) {
addresses.append( addressHash( address, counter ) );
// Note
if ( !rawContact.note().isEmpty() ) {
const QString notes = QString::fromLatin1( "<a>%1</a>" ).arg(rawContact.note().replace( QLatin1Char( '\n' ), QLatin1String( "<br>" )));
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "note" ), notes );
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "notei18n" ) );
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "addresses" ), addresses );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "mailer" ), rawContact.mailer() );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "title" ), rawContact.title() );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "role" ), rawContact.role() );
QString job = rawContact.title();
if ( job.isEmpty() ) {
job = rawContact.role();
if ( job.isEmpty() ) {
job = rawContact.custom( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK" ), QLatin1String( "X-Profession" ) );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "job" ), job );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "organization" ), rawContact.organization() );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "department" ), rawContact.department() );
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "departmenti18n" ) );
//setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "note" ), rawContact.note() );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "profession" ),
rawContact.custom( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK" ),
QLatin1String( "X-Profession" ) ) );
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "Professioni18n" ) );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "office" ),
rawContact.custom( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK" ),
QLatin1String( "X-Office" ) ) );
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "officei18n" ) );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "manager" ),
rawContact.custom( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK" ),
QLatin1String( "X-ManagersName" ) ) );
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "manageri18n" ) );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "assistant" ),
rawContact.custom( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK" ),
QLatin1String( "X-AssistantsName" ) ) );
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "assistanti18n" ) );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "spouse" ),
rawContact.custom( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK" ),
QLatin1String( "X-SpousesName" ) ) );
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "spousei18n" ) );
setHashField( contactObject, QLatin1String( "imAddress" ),
rawContact.custom( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK" ),
QLatin1String( "X-IMAddress" ) ) );
GrantleeContactUtils::insertVariableToQVariantHash(contactObject, QLatin1String( "imAddressi18n" ));
// Custom fields
QVariantList customFields;
QVariantList customFieldsUrl;
static QSet<QString> blacklistedKeys;
if ( blacklistedKeys.isEmpty() ) {
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "CRYPTOPROTOPREF" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "OPENPGPFP" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "SMIMEFP" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "CRYPTOSIGNPREF" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "CRYPTOENCRYPTPREF" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "Anniversary" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "BlogFeed" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "Profession" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "Office" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "ManagersName" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "AssistantsName" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "SpousesName" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "IMAddress" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "AddressBook" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "MailPreferedFormatting" ) );
blacklistedKeys.insert( QLatin1String( "MailAllowToRemoteContent" ) );
if ( !customs.empty() ) {
foreach ( QString custom, customs ) { //krazy:exclude=foreach
if ( custom.startsWith( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK-" ) ) ) {
custom.remove( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK-X-" ) );
custom.remove( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK-" ) );
int pos = custom.indexOf( QLatin1Char( ':' ) );
QString key = custom.left( pos );
QString value = custom.mid( pos + 1 );
if ( blacklistedKeys.contains( key ) ) {
bool addUrl = false;
// check whether it is a custom local field
foreach ( const QVariantMap &description, customFieldDescriptions() ) {
if ( description.value( QLatin1String( "key" ) ).toString() == key ) {
key = description.value( QLatin1String( "title" ) ).toString();
const QString descriptionType = description.value( QLatin1String( "type" ) ).toString();
if ( descriptionType == QLatin1String( "boolean" ) ) {
if ( value == QLatin1String( "true" ) ) {
value = i18nc( "Boolean value", "yes" );
} else {
value = i18nc( "Boolean value", "no" );
} else if ( descriptionType == QLatin1String( "date" ) ) {
const QDate date = QDate::fromString( value, Qt::ISODate );
value = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( date, KLocale::ShortDate );
} else if ( descriptionType == QLatin1String( "time" ) ) {
const QTime time = QTime::fromString( value, Qt::ISODate );
value = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime( time );
} else if ( descriptionType == QLatin1String( "datetime" ) ) {
const QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromString( value, Qt::ISODate );
value = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( dateTime, KLocale::ShortDate );
} else if ( descriptionType == QLatin1String("url") ) {
value = KStringHandler::tagUrls( Qt::escape(value) );
addUrl = true;
QVariantHash customFieldObject;
customFieldObject.insert( QLatin1String( "title" ), key );
customFieldObject.insert( QLatin1String( "value" ), value );
if (addUrl) {
customFieldsUrl.append( customFieldObject );
} else {
customFields.append( customFieldObject );
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "customFields" ), customFields );
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "customFieldsUrl" ), customFieldsUrl );
#if defined(HAVE_PRISON)
if (!d->forceDisableQRCode) {
KConfig config( QLatin1String( "akonadi_contactrc" ) );
KConfigGroup group( &config, QLatin1String( "View" ) );
if (group.readEntry( "QRCodes", true )) {
contactObject.insert( QLatin1String( "hasqrcode" ), QLatin1String("true") );
QVariantHash colorsObject;
KColorScheme( QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View ).foreground().color().name() );
KColorScheme( QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View ).foreground().color().name() );
KColorScheme( QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View ).background().color().name() );
QVariantHash mapping;
mapping.insert( QLatin1String("contact"), contactObject );
mapping.insert( QLatin1String("colors"), colorsObject );
Grantlee::Context context( mapping );
if ( form == SelfcontainedForm ) {
return d->mSelfcontainedTemplate->render( &context );
} else if ( form == EmbeddableForm ) {
return d->mEmbeddableTemplate->render( &context );
} else {
return QString();