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642 lines
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642 lines
27 KiB
Copyright (c) 2008 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include "selftestdialog_p.h"
#include "agentmanager.h"
#include "dbusconnectionpool.h"
#include "session_p.h"
#include "servermanager.h"
#include "servermanager_p.h"
#include <akonadi/private/xdgbasedirs_p.h>
#include <KDebug>
#include <KUrl>
#include <KIcon>
#include <KFileDialog>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <KMessageBox>
#include <KRun>
#include <KStandardDirs>
#include <KUser>
#include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
#include <QtCore/QProcess>
#include <QtCore/QSettings>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
#include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QStandardItemModel>
#include <QtSql/QSqlDatabase>
#include <QtSql/QSqlError>
// @cond PRIVATE
using namespace Akonadi;
static QString makeLink(const QString &file)
return QString::fromLatin1("<a href=\"%1\">%2</a>").arg(file, file);
enum SelfTestRole {
ResultTypeRole = Qt::UserRole,
SelfTestDialog::SelfTestDialog(QWidget *parent)
: KDialog(parent)
setCaption(i18n("Akonadi Server Self-Test"));
setButtons(Close | User1 | User2);
setButtonText(User1, i18n("Save Report..."));
setButtonIcon(User1, KIcon(QString::fromLatin1("document-save")));
setButtonText(User2, i18n("Copy Report to Clipboard"));
setButtonIcon(User2, KIcon(QString::fromLatin1("edit-copy")));
mTestModel = new QStandardItemModel(this);
connect(ui.testView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)),
connect(ui.detailsLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)), SLOT(linkActivated(QString)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(user1Clicked()), SLOT(saveReport()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(user2Clicked()), SLOT(copyReport()));
connect(ServerManager::self(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(Akonadi::ServerManager::State)), SLOT(runTests()));
void SelfTestDialog::hideIntroduction()
QStandardItem *SelfTestDialog::report(ResultType type, const KLocalizedString &summary, const KLocalizedString &details)
QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(summary.toString());
switch (type) {
case Skip:
case Success:
case Warning:
case Error:
item->setData(type, ResultTypeRole);
item->setData(summary.toString(0), SummaryRole);
item->setData(details.toString(0), DetailsRole);
return item;
void SelfTestDialog::selectionChanged(const QModelIndex &index)
if (index.isValid()) {
} else {
void SelfTestDialog::runTests()
const QString driver = serverSetting(QLatin1String("General"), "Driver", QLatin1String("QMYSQL")).toString();
if (driver == QLatin1String("QPSQL")) {
} else {
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
QVariant SelfTestDialog::serverSetting(const QString &group, const char *key, const QVariant &def) const
const QString serverConfigFile = XdgBaseDirs::akonadiServerConfigFile(XdgBaseDirs::ReadWrite);
QSettings settings(serverConfigFile, QSettings::IniFormat);
return settings.value(QString::fromLatin1(key), def);
bool SelfTestDialog::useStandaloneMysqlServer() const
const QString driver = serverSetting(QLatin1String("General"), "Driver", QLatin1String("QMYSQL")).toString();
if (driver != QLatin1String("QMYSQL")) {
return false;
const bool startServer = serverSetting(driver, "StartServer", true).toBool();
if (!startServer) {
return false;
return true;
bool SelfTestDialog::runProcess(const QString &app, const QStringList &args, QString &result) const
QProcess proc;
proc.start(app, args);
const bool rv = proc.waitForFinished();
result += QString::fromLocal8Bit(proc.readAllStandardError());
result += QString::fromLocal8Bit(proc.readAllStandardOutput());
return rv;
void SelfTestDialog::testSQLDriver()
const QString driver = serverSetting(QLatin1String("General"), "Driver", QLatin1String("QMYSQL")).toString();
const QStringList availableDrivers = QSqlDatabase::drivers();
const KLocalizedString detailsOk = ki18n("The QtSQL driver '%1' is required by your current Akonadi server configuration and was found on your system.")
const KLocalizedString detailsFail = ki18n("The QtSQL driver '%1' is required by your current Akonadi server configuration.\n"
"The following drivers are installed: %2.\n"
"Make sure the required driver is installed.")
.subs(availableDrivers.join(QLatin1String(", ")));
QStandardItem *item = 0;
if (availableDrivers.contains(driver)) {
item = report(Success, ki18n("Database driver found."), detailsOk);
} else {
item = report(Error, ki18n("Database driver not found."), detailsFail);
item->setData(XdgBaseDirs::akonadiServerConfigFile(XdgBaseDirs::ReadWrite), FileIncludeRole);
void SelfTestDialog::testMySQLServer()
if (!useStandaloneMysqlServer()) {
report(Skip, ki18n("MySQL server executable not tested."),
ki18n("The current configuration does not require an internal MySQL server."));
const QString driver = serverSetting(QLatin1String("General"), "Driver", QLatin1String("QMYSQL")).toString();
const QString serverPath = serverSetting(driver, "ServerPath", QLatin1String("")).toString(); // ### default?
const KLocalizedString details = ki18n("You have currently configured Akonadi to use the MySQL server '%1'.\n"
"Make sure you have the MySQL server installed, set the correct path and ensure you have the "
"necessary read and execution rights on the server executable. The server executable is typically "
"called 'mysqld'; its location varies depending on the distribution.").subs(serverPath);
QFileInfo info(serverPath);
if (!info.exists()) {
report(Error, ki18n("MySQL server not found."), details);
} else if (!info.isReadable()) {
report(Error, ki18n("MySQL server not readable."), details);
} else if (!info.isExecutable()) {
report(Error, ki18n("MySQL server not executable."), details);
} else if (!serverPath.contains(QLatin1String("mysqld"))) {
report(Warning, ki18n("MySQL found with unexpected name."), details);
} else {
report(Success, ki18n("MySQL server found."), details);
// be extra sure and get the server version while we are at it
QString result;
if (runProcess(serverPath, QStringList() << QLatin1String("--version"), result)) {
const KLocalizedString details = ki18n("MySQL server found: %1").subs(result);
report(Success, ki18n("MySQL server is executable."), details);
} else {
const KLocalizedString details = ki18n("Executing the MySQL server '%1' failed with the following error message: '%2'")
report(Error, ki18n("Executing the MySQL server failed."), details);
void SelfTestDialog::testMySQLServerLog()
if (!useStandaloneMysqlServer()) {
report(Skip, ki18n("MySQL server error log not tested."),
ki18n("The current configuration does not require an internal MySQL server."));
const QString logFileName = XdgBaseDirs::saveDir("data", QLatin1String("akonadi/db_data"))
+ QDir::separator() + QString::fromLatin1("mysql.err");
const QFileInfo logFileInfo(logFileName);
if (!logFileInfo.exists() || logFileInfo.size() == 0) {
report(Success, ki18n("No current MySQL error log found."),
ki18n("The MySQL server did not report any errors during this startup. The log can be found in '%1'.").subs(logFileName));
QFile logFile(logFileName);
if (!logFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) {
report(Error, ki18n("MySQL error log not readable."),
ki18n("A MySQL server error log file was found but is not readable: %1").subs(makeLink(logFileName)));
bool warningsFound = false;
QStandardItem *item = 0;
while (!logFile.atEnd()) {
const QString line = QString::fromUtf8(logFile.readLine());
if (line.contains(QLatin1String("error"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
item = report(Error, ki18n("MySQL server log contains errors."),
ki18n("The MySQL server error log file '%1' contains errors.").subs(makeLink(logFileName)));
item->setData(logFileName, FileIncludeRole);
if (!warningsFound && line.contains(QLatin1String("warn"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
warningsFound = true;
if (warningsFound) {
item = report(Warning, ki18n("MySQL server log contains warnings."),
ki18n("The MySQL server log file '%1' contains warnings.").subs(makeLink(logFileName)));
} else {
item = report(Success, ki18n("MySQL server log contains no errors."),
ki18n("The MySQL server log file '%1' does not contain any errors or warnings.")
item->setData(logFileName, FileIncludeRole);
void SelfTestDialog::testMySQLServerConfig()
if (!useStandaloneMysqlServer()) {
report(Skip, ki18n("MySQL server configuration not tested."),
ki18n("The current configuration does not require an internal MySQL server."));
QStandardItem *item = 0;
const QString globalConfig = XdgBaseDirs::findResourceFile("config", QLatin1String("akonadi/mysql-global.conf"));
const QFileInfo globalConfigInfo(globalConfig);
if (!globalConfig.isEmpty() && globalConfigInfo.exists() && globalConfigInfo.isReadable()) {
item = report(Success, ki18n("MySQL server default configuration found."),
ki18n("The default configuration for the MySQL server was found and is readable at %1.")
item->setData(globalConfig, FileIncludeRole);
} else {
report(Error, ki18n("MySQL server default configuration not found."),
ki18n("The default configuration for the MySQL server was not found or was not readable. "
"Check your Akonadi installation is complete and you have all required access rights."));
const QString localConfig = XdgBaseDirs::findResourceFile("config", QLatin1String("akonadi/mysql-local.conf"));
const QFileInfo localConfigInfo(localConfig);
if (localConfig.isEmpty() || !localConfigInfo.exists()) {
report(Skip, ki18n("MySQL server custom configuration not available."),
ki18n("The custom configuration for the MySQL server was not found but is optional."));
} else if (localConfigInfo.exists() && localConfigInfo.isReadable()) {
item = report(Success, ki18n("MySQL server custom configuration found."),
ki18n("The custom configuration for the MySQL server was found and is readable at %1")
item->setData(localConfig, FileIncludeRole);
} else {
report(Error, ki18n("MySQL server custom configuration not readable."),
ki18n("The custom configuration for the MySQL server was found at %1 but is not readable. "
"Check your access rights.").subs(makeLink(localConfig)));
const QString actualConfig = XdgBaseDirs::saveDir("data", QLatin1String("akonadi")) + QLatin1String("/mysql.conf");
const QFileInfo actualConfigInfo(actualConfig);
if (actualConfig.isEmpty() || !actualConfigInfo.exists() || !actualConfigInfo.isReadable()) {
report(Error, ki18n("MySQL server configuration not found or not readable."),
ki18n("The MySQL server configuration was not found or is not readable."));
} else {
item = report(Success, ki18n("MySQL server configuration is usable."),
ki18n("The MySQL server configuration was found at %1 and is readable.").subs(makeLink(actualConfig)));
item->setData(actualConfig, FileIncludeRole);
void SelfTestDialog::testPSQLServer()
const QString dbname = serverSetting(QLatin1String("QPSQL"), "Name", QLatin1String("akonadi")).toString();
const QString hostname = serverSetting(QLatin1String("QPSQL"), "Host", QLatin1String("localhost")).toString();
const QString username = serverSetting(QLatin1String("QPSQL"), "User", QString()).toString();
const QString password = serverSetting(QLatin1String("QPSQL"), "Password", QString()).toString();
const int port = serverSetting(QLatin1String("QPSQL"), "Port", 5432).toInt();
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(QLatin1String("QPSQL"));
if (!username.isEmpty()) {
if (!password.isEmpty()) {
if (!db.open()) {
const KLocalizedString details = ki18n(db.lastError().text().toLatin1());
report(Error, ki18n("Cannot connect to PostgreSQL server."), details);
} else {
report(Success, ki18n("PostgreSQL server found."),
ki18n("The PostgreSQL server was found and connection is working."));
void SelfTestDialog::testAkonadiCtl()
const QString path = KStandardDirs::findExe(QLatin1String("akonadictl"));
if (path.isEmpty()) {
report(Error, ki18n("akonadictl not found"),
ki18n("The program 'akonadictl' needs to be accessible in $PATH. "
"Make sure you have the Akonadi server installed."));
QString result;
if (runProcess(path, QStringList() << QLatin1String("--version"), result)) {
report(Success, ki18n("akonadictl found and usable"),
ki18n("The program '%1' to control the Akonadi server was found "
"and could be executed successfully.\nResult:\n%2").subs(path).subs(result));
} else {
report(Error, ki18n("akonadictl found but not usable"),
ki18n("The program '%1' to control the Akonadi server was found "
"but could not be executed successfully.\nResult:\n%2\n"
"Make sure the Akonadi server is installed correctly.").subs(path).subs(result));
void SelfTestDialog::testServerStatus()
if (DBusConnectionPool::threadConnection().interface()->isServiceRegistered(ServerManager::serviceName(ServerManager::Control))) {
report(Success, ki18n("Akonadi control process registered at D-Bus."),
ki18n("The Akonadi control process is registered at D-Bus which typically indicates it is operational."));
} else {
report(Error, ki18n("Akonadi control process not registered at D-Bus."),
ki18n("The Akonadi control process is not registered at D-Bus which typically means it was not started "
"or encountered a fatal error during startup."));
if (DBusConnectionPool::threadConnection().interface()->isServiceRegistered(ServerManager::serviceName(ServerManager::Server))) {
report(Success, ki18n("Akonadi server process registered at D-Bus."),
ki18n("The Akonadi server process is registered at D-Bus which typically indicates it is operational."));
} else {
report(Error, ki18n("Akonadi server process not registered at D-Bus."),
ki18n("The Akonadi server process is not registered at D-Bus which typically means it was not started "
"or encountered a fatal error during startup."));
void SelfTestDialog::testProtocolVersion()
if (Internal::serverProtocolVersion() < 0) {
report(Skip, ki18n("Protocol version check not possible."),
ki18n("Without a connection to the server it is not possible to check if the protocol version meets the requirements."));
if (Internal::serverProtocolVersion() < SessionPrivate::minimumProtocolVersion()) {
report(Error, ki18n("Server protocol version is too old."),
ki18n("The server protocol version is %1, but at least version %2 is required. "
"Install a newer version of the Akonadi server.")
} else {
report(Success, ki18n("Server protocol version is recent enough."),
ki18n("The server Protocol version is %1, which equal or newer than the required version %2.")
void SelfTestDialog::testResources()
AgentType::List agentTypes = AgentManager::self()->types();
bool resourceFound = false;
foreach (const AgentType &type, agentTypes) {
if (type.capabilities().contains(QLatin1String("Resource"))) {
resourceFound = true;
const QStringList pathList = XdgBaseDirs::findAllResourceDirs("data", QLatin1String("akonadi/agents"));
QStandardItem *item = 0;
if (resourceFound) {
item = report(Success, ki18n("Resource agents found."), ki18n("At least one resource agent has been found."));
} else {
item = report(Error, ki18n("No resource agents found."),
ki18n("No resource agents have been found, Akonadi is not usable without at least one. "
"This usually means that no resource agents are installed or that there is a setup problem. "
"The following paths have been searched: '%1'. "
"The XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable is set to '%2'; make sure this includes all paths "
"where Akonadi agents are installed.")
.subs(pathList.join(QLatin1String(" ")))
item->setData(pathList, ListDirectoryRole);
item->setData(QByteArray("XDG_DATA_DIRS"), EnvVarRole);
void Akonadi::SelfTestDialog::testServerLog()
QString serverLog = XdgBaseDirs::saveDir("data", QLatin1String("akonadi"))
+ QDir::separator() + QString::fromLatin1("akonadiserver.error");
QFileInfo info(serverLog);
if (!info.exists() || info.size() <= 0) {
report(Success, ki18n("No current Akonadi server error log found."),
ki18n("The Akonadi server did not report any errors during its current startup."));
} else {
QStandardItem *item = report(Error, ki18n("Current Akonadi server error log found."),
ki18n("The Akonadi server reported errors during its current startup. The log can be found in %1.").subs(makeLink(serverLog)));
item->setData(serverLog, FileIncludeRole);
serverLog += QLatin1String(".old");
if (!info.exists() || info.size() <= 0) {
report(Success, ki18n("No previous Akonadi server error log found."),
ki18n("The Akonadi server did not report any errors during its previous startup."));
} else {
QStandardItem *item = report(Error, ki18n("Previous Akonadi server error log found."),
ki18n("The Akonadi server reported errors during its previous startup. The log can be found in %1.").subs(makeLink(serverLog)));
item->setData(serverLog, FileIncludeRole);
void SelfTestDialog::testControlLog()
QString controlLog = XdgBaseDirs::saveDir("data", QLatin1String("akonadi"))
+ QDir::separator() + QString::fromLatin1("akonadi_control.error");
QFileInfo info(controlLog);
if (!info.exists() || info.size() <= 0) {
report(Success, ki18n("No current Akonadi control error log found."),
ki18n("The Akonadi control process did not report any errors during its current startup."));
} else {
QStandardItem *item = report(Error, ki18n("Current Akonadi control error log found."),
ki18n("The Akonadi control process reported errors during its current startup. The log can be found in %1.").subs(makeLink(controlLog)));
item->setData(controlLog, FileIncludeRole);
controlLog += QLatin1String(".old");
if (!info.exists() || info.size() <= 0) {
report(Success, ki18n("No previous Akonadi control error log found."),
ki18n("The Akonadi control process did not report any errors during its previous startup."));
} else {
QStandardItem *item = report(Error, ki18n("Previous Akonadi control error log found."),
ki18n("The Akonadi control process reported errors during its previous startup. The log can be found in %1.").subs(makeLink(controlLog)));
item->setData(controlLog, FileIncludeRole);
void SelfTestDialog::testRootUser()
KUser user;
if (user.isSuperUser()) {
report(Error, ki18n("Akonadi was started as root"), ki18n("Running Internet-facing applications as root/administrator exposes you to many security risks. MySQL, used by this Akonadi installation, will not allow itself to run as root, to protect you from these risks."));
} else {
report(Success, ki18n("Akonadi is not running as root"), ki18n("Akonadi is not running as a root/administrator user, which is the recommended setup for a secure system."));
QString SelfTestDialog::createReport()
QString result;
QTextStream s(&result);
s << "Akonadi Server Self-Test Report" << endl;
s << "===============================" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < mTestModel->rowCount(); ++i) {
QStandardItem *item = mTestModel->item(i);
s << endl;
s << "Test " << (i + 1) << ": ";
switch (item->data(ResultTypeRole).toInt()) {
case Skip:
s << "SKIP";
case Success:
s << "SUCCESS";
case Warning:
s << "WARNING";
case Error:
s << "ERROR";
s << endl << "--------" << endl;
s << endl;
s << item->data(SummaryRole).toString() << endl;
s << "Details: " << item->data(DetailsRole).toString() << endl;
if (item->data(FileIncludeRole).isValid()) {
s << endl;
const QString fileName = item->data(FileIncludeRole).toString();
QFile f(fileName);
if (f.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
s << "File content of '" << fileName << "':" << endl;
s << f.readAll() << endl;
} else {
s << "File '" << fileName << "' could not be opened" << endl;
if (item->data(ListDirectoryRole).isValid()) {
s << endl;
const QStringList pathList = item->data(ListDirectoryRole).toStringList();
if (pathList.isEmpty()) {
s << "Directory list is empty." << endl;
foreach (const QString &path, pathList) {
s << "Directory listing of '" << path << "':" << endl;
QDir dir(path);
dir.setFilter(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
foreach (const QString &entry, dir.entryList()) {
s << entry << endl;
if (item->data(EnvVarRole).isValid()) {
s << endl;
const QByteArray envVarName = item->data(EnvVarRole).toByteArray();
const QByteArray envVarValue = qgetenv(envVarName);
s << "Environment variable " << envVarName << " is set to '" << envVarValue << "'" << endl;
s << endl;
return result;
void SelfTestDialog::saveReport()
const QString defaultFileName = QLatin1String("akonadi-selftest-report-")
+ QDate::currentDate().toString(QLatin1String("yyyyMMdd"))
+ QLatin1String(".txt");
const QString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(QUrl(defaultFileName), QString(), this,
i18n("Save Test Report"));
if (fileName.isEmpty()) {
QFile file(fileName);
if (!file.open(QFile::ReadWrite)) {
KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not open file '%1'", fileName));
void SelfTestDialog::copyReport()
void SelfTestDialog::linkActivated(const QString &link)
KRun::runUrl(KUrl::fromPath(link), QLatin1String("text/plain"), this);
// @endcond
#include "moc_selftestdialog_p.cpp"