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/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*-
This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager
Copyright (c) 2008 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
Kleopatra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Kleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked
combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
your version.
#include <config-kleopatra.h>
#include "decryptverifyemailcontroller.h"
#include "emailoperationspreferences.h"
#include <crypto/gui/newresultpage.h>
#include <crypto/decryptverifytask.h>
#include <crypto/taskcollection.h>
#include <utils/classify.h>
#include <utils/formatting.h>
#include <utils/gnupg-helper.h>
#include <utils/input.h>
#include <utils/output.h>
#include <utils/kleo_assert.h>
#include <kleo/cryptobackendfactory.h>
#include <kmime/kmime_header_parsing.h>
#include <KDebug>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <QPoint>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QTimer>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
using namespace boost;
using namespace GpgME;
using namespace Kleo;
using namespace Kleo::Crypto;
using namespace Kleo::Crypto::Gui;
using namespace KMime::Types;
namespace {
class DecryptVerifyEMailWizard : public QWizard {
explicit DecryptVerifyEMailWizard( QWidget * parent=0, Qt::WindowFlags f=0 )
: QWizard( parent, f ),
m_resultPage( this )
KDAB_SET_OBJECT_NAME( m_resultPage );
m_resultPage.setSubTitle( i18n("Status and progress of the crypto operations is shown here.") );
// there's no way we're letting users fast-forward over the decryption/verification results...
m_resultPage.setKeepOpenWhenDoneShown( false );
addPage( &m_resultPage );
void addTaskCollection( const shared_ptr<TaskCollection> & coll ) {
m_resultPage.addTaskCollection( coll );
public Q_SLOTS:
void accept() {
EMailOperationsPreferences prefs;
prefs.setDecryptVerifyPopupGeometry( geometry() );
NewResultPage m_resultPage;
class DecryptVerifyEMailController::Private {
DecryptVerifyEMailController* const q;
explicit Private( DecryptVerifyEMailController* qq );
void slotWizardCanceled();
void schedule();
std::vector<shared_ptr<AbstractDecryptVerifyTask> > buildTasks();
static DecryptVerifyEMailWizard * findOrCreateWizard( unsigned int id );
void ensureWizardCreated();
void ensureWizardVisible();
void reportError( int err, const QString & details ) {
q->setLastError( err, details );
void cancelAllTasks();
std::vector<shared_ptr<Input> > m_inputs, m_signedDatas;
std::vector<shared_ptr<Output> > m_outputs;
unsigned int m_sessionId;
QPointer<DecryptVerifyEMailWizard> m_wizard;
std::vector<shared_ptr<const DecryptVerifyResult> > m_results;
std::vector<shared_ptr<AbstractDecryptVerifyTask> > m_runnableTasks, m_completedTasks;
shared_ptr<AbstractDecryptVerifyTask> m_runningTask;
bool m_silent;
bool m_operationCompleted;
DecryptVerifyOperation m_operation;
Protocol m_protocol;
VerificationMode m_verificationMode;
std::vector<KMime::Types::Mailbox> m_informativeSenders;
DecryptVerifyEMailController::Private::Private( DecryptVerifyEMailController* qq )
: q( qq ),
m_sessionId( 0 ),
m_silent( false ),
m_operationCompleted( false ),
m_operation( DecryptVerify ),
m_protocol( UnknownProtocol ),
m_verificationMode( Detached )
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::Private::slotWizardCanceled()
if ( !m_operationCompleted )
reportError( gpg_error( GPG_ERR_CANCELED ), i18n("User canceled") );
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::doTaskDone( const Task* task, const shared_ptr<const Task::Result> & result ) {
assert( task );
// We could just delete the tasks here, but we can't use
// Qt::QueuedConnection here (we need sender()) and other slots
// might not yet have executed. Therefore, we push completed tasks
// into a burial container
if ( task == d->m_runningTask.get() ) {
d->m_completedTasks.push_back( d->m_runningTask );
const shared_ptr<const DecryptVerifyResult> & dvr = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const DecryptVerifyResult>( result );
assert( dvr );
d->m_results.push_back( dvr );
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(schedule()) );
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::Private::schedule()
if ( !m_runningTask && !m_runnableTasks.empty() ) {
const shared_ptr<AbstractDecryptVerifyTask> t = m_runnableTasks.back();
m_runningTask = t;
if ( !m_runningTask ) {
kleo_assert( m_runnableTasks.empty() );
Q_FOREACH ( const shared_ptr<const DecryptVerifyResult> & i, m_results )
emit q->verificationResult( i->verificationResult() );
// if there is a popup, wait for either the client cancel or the user closing the popup.
// Otherwise (silent case), finish immediately
m_operationCompleted = true;
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::Private::ensureWizardCreated()
if ( m_wizard )
DecryptVerifyEMailWizard * w = findOrCreateWizard( m_sessionId );
connect( w, SIGNAL(destroyed()), q, SLOT(slotWizardCanceled()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
m_wizard = w;
namespace {
template <typename C>
void collectGarbage( C & c ) {
typename C::iterator it = c.begin();
while ( it != c.end() /*sic!*/ )
if ( it->second )
c.erase( it++ /*sic!*/ );
// static
DecryptVerifyEMailWizard * DecryptVerifyEMailController::Private::findOrCreateWizard( unsigned int id )
static std::map<unsigned int, QPointer<DecryptVerifyEMailWizard> > s_wizards;
collectGarbage( s_wizards );
kDebug() << "id = " << id;
if ( id != 0 ) {
const std::map<unsigned int, QPointer<DecryptVerifyEMailWizard> >::const_iterator it
= s_wizards.find( id );
if ( it != s_wizards.end() ) {
assert( it->second && "This should have been garbage-collected" );
return it->second;
DecryptVerifyEMailWizard * w = new DecryptVerifyEMailWizard;
w->setWindowTitle( i18n( "Decrypt/Verify E-Mail" ) );
w->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
const QRect preferredGeometry = EMailOperationsPreferences().decryptVerifyPopupGeometry();
if ( preferredGeometry.isValid() )
w->setGeometry( preferredGeometry );
s_wizards[id] = w;
return w;
std::vector< shared_ptr<AbstractDecryptVerifyTask> > DecryptVerifyEMailController::Private::buildTasks()
const uint numInputs = m_inputs.size();
const uint numMessages = m_signedDatas.size();
const uint numOutputs = m_outputs.size();
const uint numInformativeSenders = m_informativeSenders.size();
// these are duplicated from DecryptVerifyCommandEMailBase::Private::checkForErrors with slightly modified error codes/messages
if ( !numInputs )
throw Kleo::Exception( makeGnuPGError( GPG_ERR_CONFLICT ),
i18n("At least one input needs to be provided") );
if ( numInformativeSenders > 0 && numInformativeSenders != numInputs )
throw Kleo::Exception( makeGnuPGError( GPG_ERR_CONFLICT ), //TODO use better error code if possible
i18n("Informative sender/signed data count mismatch") );
if ( numMessages ) {
if ( numMessages != numInputs )
throw Kleo::Exception( makeGnuPGError( GPG_ERR_CONFLICT ), //TODO use better error code if possible
i18n("Signature/signed data count mismatch") );
else if ( m_operation != Verify || m_verificationMode != Detached )
throw Kleo::Exception( makeGnuPGError( GPG_ERR_CONFLICT ),
i18n("Signed data can only be given for detached signature verification") );
if ( numOutputs ) {
if ( numOutputs != numInputs )
throw Kleo::Exception( makeGnuPGError( GPG_ERR_CONFLICT ), //TODO use better error code if possible
i18n("Input/Output count mismatch") );
else if ( numMessages )
throw Kleo::Exception( makeGnuPGError( GPG_ERR_CONFLICT ),
i18n("Cannot use output and signed data simultaneously") );
kleo_assert( m_protocol != UnknownProtocol );
const CryptoBackend::Protocol * const backend = CryptoBackendFactory::instance()->protocol( m_protocol );
if ( !backend )
throw Kleo::Exception( makeGnuPGError( GPG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL ), i18n("No backend support for %1", Formatting::displayName( m_protocol ) ) );
if ( m_operation != Decrypt && !m_silent )
std::vector< shared_ptr<AbstractDecryptVerifyTask> > tasks;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < numInputs ; ++i ) {
shared_ptr<AbstractDecryptVerifyTask> task;
switch ( m_operation ) {
case Decrypt:
shared_ptr<DecryptTask> t( new DecryptTask );
t->setInput( m_inputs.at( i ) );
assert( numOutputs );
t->setOutput( m_outputs.at( i ) );
t->setProtocol( m_protocol );
task = t;
case Verify:
if ( m_verificationMode == Detached ) {
shared_ptr<VerifyDetachedTask> t( new VerifyDetachedTask );
t->setInput( m_inputs.at( i ) );
t->setSignedData( m_signedDatas.at( i ) );
if ( numInformativeSenders > 0 )
t->setInformativeSender( m_informativeSenders.at( i ) );
t->setProtocol( m_protocol );
task = t;
} else {
shared_ptr<VerifyOpaqueTask> t( new VerifyOpaqueTask );
t->setInput( m_inputs.at( i ) );
if ( numOutputs )
t->setOutput( m_outputs.at( i ) );
if ( numInformativeSenders > 0 )
t->setInformativeSender( m_informativeSenders.at( i ) );
t->setProtocol( m_protocol );
task = t;
case DecryptVerify:
shared_ptr<DecryptVerifyTask> t( new DecryptVerifyTask );
t->setInput( m_inputs.at( i ) );
assert( numOutputs );
t->setOutput( m_outputs.at( i ) );
if ( numInformativeSenders > 0 )
t->setInformativeSender( m_informativeSenders.at( i ) );
t->setProtocol( m_protocol );
task = t;
assert( task );
tasks.push_back( task );
return tasks;
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::Private::ensureWizardVisible()
q->bringToForeground( m_wizard );
DecryptVerifyEMailController::DecryptVerifyEMailController( QObject* parent ) : Controller( parent ), d( new Private( this ) )
DecryptVerifyEMailController::DecryptVerifyEMailController( const shared_ptr<const ExecutionContext> & ctx, QObject* parent ) : Controller( ctx, parent ), d( new Private( this ) )
DecryptVerifyEMailController::~DecryptVerifyEMailController() { kDebug(); }
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::start()
d->m_runnableTasks = d->buildTasks();
const shared_ptr<TaskCollection> coll( new TaskCollection );
std::vector<shared_ptr<Task> > tsks;
Q_FOREACH( const shared_ptr<Task> & i, d->m_runnableTasks ) {
connectTask( i );
tsks.push_back( i );
coll->setTasks( tsks );
d->m_wizard->addTaskCollection( coll );
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(schedule()) );
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::setInput( const shared_ptr<Input> & input )
d->m_inputs.resize( 1, input );
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::setInputs( const std::vector<shared_ptr<Input> > & inputs )
d->m_inputs = inputs;
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::setSignedData( const shared_ptr<Input> & data )
d->m_signedDatas.resize( 1, data );
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::setSignedData( const std::vector<shared_ptr<Input> > & data )
d->m_signedDatas = data;
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::setOutput( const shared_ptr<Output> & output )
d->m_outputs.resize( 1, output );
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::setOutputs( const std::vector<shared_ptr<Output> > & outputs )
d->m_outputs = outputs;
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::setInformativeSenders( const std::vector<KMime::Types::Mailbox> & senders )
d->m_informativeSenders = senders;
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::setWizardShown( bool shown )
d->m_silent = !shown;
if ( d->m_wizard )
d->m_wizard->setVisible( shown );
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::setOperation( DecryptVerifyOperation operation )
d->m_operation = operation;
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::setVerificationMode( VerificationMode vm )
d->m_verificationMode = vm;
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::setProtocol( Protocol prot )
d->m_protocol = prot;
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::setSessionId( unsigned int id )
kDebug() << "id = " << id;
d->m_sessionId = id;
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::cancel()
try {
if ( d->m_wizard ) {
disconnect( d->m_wizard );
} catch ( const std::exception & e ) {
kDebug() << "Caught exception: " << e.what();
void DecryptVerifyEMailController::Private::cancelAllTasks() {
// we just kill all runnable tasks - this will not result in
// signal emissions.
// a cancel() will result in a call to
if ( m_runningTask )
#include "decryptverifyemailcontroller.moc"
#include "moc_decryptverifyemailcontroller.cpp"