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Copyright (C) 2010 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB,
a KDAB Group company, info@kdab.net,
author Stephen Kelly <stephen@kdab.com>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include "threadmodel.h"
#include "rangemanager_p.h"
#include "threadgroupermodel.h"
#include <akonadi/kmime/messagestatus.h>
#include <kmime/kmime_message.h>
class ThreadModelPrivate
ThreadModelPrivate( QAbstractItemModel *emailModel, ThreadModel *qq )
: q_ptr( qq ), m_emailModel( emailModel )
ThreadModel* const q_ptr;
void slotRowsInserted( const QModelIndex&, int, int );
void slotRowsRemoved( const QModelIndex&, int, int );
void slotResetModel();
void populateThreadModel();
QAbstractItemModel *m_emailModel;
RangeManager m_rangeManager;
void ThreadModelPrivate::slotRowsInserted( const QModelIndex&, int start, int end )
* At this point the m_emailModel contains the new rows already, but the range manager
* is not updated yet.
* Example:
* The m_emailModel contained two threads each with two messages
* EM[t1 t1 t2 t2]
* so the range manager contains the same information
* RM[t1 t1 t2 t2]
* Now 4 new rows are inserted into the m_emailModel with one new message belonging to t1,
* one new message belonging to t2 and 2 new messages that are thread leaders themself.
* The m_emailModel will look like the following now
* EM[t1 t1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t4 t4]
* and we have to adapt the range manager to match this.
// At first find out if there exists a row before 'start' and what its thread id and associated range is
Akonadi::Item::Id previousThreadId = -1;
if ( start != 0 ) {
const QModelIndex index = m_emailModel->index( start - 1, 0 );
Q_ASSERT( index.isValid() );
previousThreadId = index.data( ThreadGrouperModel::ThreadIdRole ).toLongLong();
// check if there exists a row after 'end' and what its thread id and associated range is
Akonadi::Item::Id nextThreadId = -1;
if ( end != (m_emailModel->rowCount() - 1) ) {
const QModelIndex index = m_emailModel->index( end + 1, 0 );
Q_ASSERT( index.isValid() );
nextThreadId = index.data( ThreadGrouperModel::ThreadIdRole ).toLongLong();
// iterate over the new rows
Akonadi::Item::Id currentThreadId = previousThreadId;
int currentRange = (start == 0 ? -1 : m_rangeManager.rangeForPosition( start - 1 ));
for ( int row = start; row <= end; ++row ) {
const QModelIndex index = m_emailModel->index( row, 0 );
Q_ASSERT( index.isValid() );
const Akonadi::Item::Id threadRootId = index.data( ThreadGrouperModel::ThreadIdRole ).toLongLong();
if ( threadRootId == currentThreadId ) { // belongs to the current thread
m_rangeManager.increaseRange( currentRange, 1 );
const QModelIndex threadIndex = q_ptr->index( currentRange, 0 ); //TODO: cache it
emit q_ptr->dataChanged( threadIndex, threadIndex );
} else { // threadRootId != currentThreadId
if ( (row == end) && (threadRootId == nextThreadId) ) {
const int nextRange = currentRange + 1;
m_rangeManager.increaseRange( nextRange, 1 );
const QModelIndex threadIndex = q_ptr->index( nextRange, 0 );
emit q_ptr->dataChanged( threadIndex, threadIndex );
} else {
q_ptr->beginInsertRows( QModelIndex(), currentRange, currentRange );
m_rangeManager.insertRange( currentRange, 1 );
currentThreadId = threadRootId;
void ThreadModelPrivate::slotRowsRemoved( const QModelIndex&, int start, int end )
const int startRange = m_rangeManager.rangeForPosition( start );
const int endRange = m_rangeManager.rangeForPosition( end );
const int startRangeSize = m_rangeManager.rangeSize( startRange );
const int endRangeSize = m_rangeManager.rangeSize( endRange );
if ( startRange == endRange ) {
// the rows to be removed are covered by one range
const int rowCount = (end - start + 1);
if ( (rowCount - startRangeSize) == 0 ) { // all messages of this thread are removed -> remove the thread
q_ptr->beginRemoveRows( QModelIndex(), startRange, startRange );
m_rangeManager.removeRange( startRange );
} else { // some messages are left in the thread -> adapt thread size
m_rangeManager.decreaseRange( startRange, rowCount );
const QModelIndex index = q_ptr->index( startRange, 0 );
emit q_ptr->dataChanged( index, index ); // the number of thread children has changed -> trigger view update
} else {
// the rows to be removed are covered by two or more ranges
// first check how many rows of the start range are affected
const int startRangeStart = m_rangeManager.rangeStart( startRange + 1 );
const int affectedStartRows = (startRangeStart - start);
// check how many rows of the end range are affected
const int endRangeStart = m_rangeManager.rangeStart( endRange );
const int affectedEndRows = (end - endRangeStart + 1);
// we can't delete the ranges one by one, but have to remove them in one go,
// so store which is the first and last range to be deleted
int startRangeToDelete = startRange + 1;
int endRangeToDelete = endRange - 1;
// we can't update the indexes before the rows are removed, so delay it
bool updateStartRange = false;
bool updateEndRange = false;
if ( (affectedStartRows - startRangeSize) == 0 ) { // all messages of this thread are removed -> remove the thread
startRangeToDelete = startRange;
} else { // some messages are left in the thread -> adapt thread size
updateStartRange = true;
if ( (affectedEndRows - endRangeSize) == 0 ) { // all messages of this thread are removed -> remove the thread
endRangeToDelete = endRange;
} else { // some messages are left in the thread -> adapt thread size
updateEndRange = true;
// check if there are ranges that must be removed
if ( (endRangeToDelete - startRangeToDelete) >= 0 ) {
q_ptr->beginRemoveRows( QModelIndex(), startRangeToDelete, endRangeToDelete );
for ( int range = startRangeToDelete; range <= endRangeToDelete; ++range ) {
m_rangeManager.removeRange( startRangeToDelete );
// no update the start range and end range as well
if ( updateStartRange ) {
m_rangeManager.decreaseRange( startRange, affectedStartRows );
const QModelIndex index = q_ptr->index( startRange, 0 );
emit q_ptr->dataChanged( index, index ); // the number of thread children has changed -> trigger view update
if ( updateEndRange ) {
// we need to update the end range here, since the ranges between start and end have been removed already
const int updatedEndRange = (endRange - (endRangeToDelete - startRangeToDelete) - 1);
m_rangeManager.decreaseRange( updatedEndRange, affectedEndRows );
const QModelIndex index = q_ptr->index( updatedEndRange, 0 );
emit q_ptr->dataChanged( index, index ); // the number of thread children has changed -> trigger view update
void ThreadModelPrivate::slotResetModel()
void ThreadModelPrivate::populateThreadModel()
Q_Q( ThreadModel );
const int rowCount = m_emailModel->rowCount();
if ( rowCount == 0 ) {
const QModelIndex firstIndex = m_emailModel->index( 0, 0 );
Akonadi::Item::Id currentThreadId = firstIndex.data( ThreadGrouperModel::ThreadIdRole ).toLongLong();
int startRow = 0;
static const int column = 0;
for ( int row = 1; row < rowCount; ++row ) {
const QModelIndex index = m_emailModel->index( row, column );
Q_ASSERT( index.isValid() );
const Akonadi::Item::Id threadRoot = index.data( ThreadGrouperModel::ThreadIdRole ).toLongLong();
if ( threadRoot != currentThreadId ) {
m_rangeManager.insertRange( m_rangeManager.count(), row - startRow );
startRow = row;
currentThreadId = threadRoot;
m_rangeManager.insertRange( m_rangeManager.count(), rowCount - startRow );
ThreadModel::ThreadModel( QAbstractItemModel *emailModel, QObject *parent )
: QAbstractListModel( parent ), d_ptr( new ThreadModelPrivate( emailModel, this ) )
connect( emailModel, SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)),
this, SLOT(slotRowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)) );
connect( emailModel, SIGNAL(rowsRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)),
this, SLOT(slotRowsRemoved(QModelIndex,int,int)) );
connect( emailModel, SIGNAL(layoutChanged()),
this, SLOT(slotResetModel()) );
connect( emailModel, SIGNAL(modelReset()),
this, SLOT(slotResetModel()) );
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames = emailModel->roleNames();
roleNames.insert( ThreadSizeRole, "threadSize" );
roleNames.insert( ThreadUnreadCountRole, "threadUnreadCount" );
setRoleNames( roleNames );
delete d_ptr;
QVariant ThreadModel::data( const QModelIndex &index, int role ) const
Q_D( const ThreadModel );
if ( !index.isValid() )
return QVariant();
const int indexRow = index.row();
if ( indexRow < d->m_rangeManager.count() ) {
const int range = indexRow;
const int rangeStartRow = d->m_rangeManager.rangeStart( range );
const int rangeSize = d->m_rangeManager.rangeSize( range );
const QModelIndex firstMailIndex = d->m_emailModel->index( rangeStartRow, 0 );
Q_ASSERT( firstMailIndex.isValid() );
if ( role == ThreadRangeStartRole )
return rangeStartRow;
if ( role == ThreadRangeEndRole )
return (rangeStartRow + rangeSize - 1);
if ( role == ThreadSizeRole )
return rangeSize;
if ( role == ThreadUnreadCountRole ) {
int unreadCount = 0;
for ( int row = rangeStartRow; row <= (rangeStartRow + rangeSize - 1); ++row ) {
static const int column = 0;
const QModelIndex index = d->m_emailModel->index( row, column );
Q_ASSERT( index.isValid() );
const Akonadi::Item item = index.data( Akonadi::EntityTreeModel::ItemRole ).value<Akonadi::Item>();
Q_ASSERT( item.isValid() );
Q_ASSERT( item.hasPayload<KMime::Message::Ptr>() );
const KMime::Message::Ptr message = item.payload<KMime::Message::Ptr>();
Akonadi::MessageStatus status;
status.setStatusFromFlags( item.flags() );
if ( !status.isRead() )
return unreadCount;
if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) {
const QString displayString = firstMailIndex.data( role ).toString();
return QString(QLatin1Char('(') + QString::number( rangeSize ) + QLatin1Char(')') + displayString);
return firstMailIndex.data( role );
return QVariant();
int ThreadModel::rowCount( const QModelIndex& ) const
Q_D( const ThreadModel );
return d->m_rangeManager.count();
#include "moc_threadmodel.cpp"