mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 10:52:52 +00:00
1134 lines
33 KiB
1134 lines
33 KiB
Copyright (c) 2001 Mathias Waack <mathias@atoll-net.de>
Copyright (C) 2005 by Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
Author: Mathias Waack <mathias@atoll-net.de>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, US
#include "kscoringeditor.h"
#include "kscoring.h"
#include <KDebug>
#include <KColorCombo>
#include <KComboBox>
#include <KIconLoader>
#include <KIntSpinBox>
#include <KLineEdit>
#include <KLocale>
#include <kregexpeditorinterface.h>
#include <KServiceTypeTrader>
#include <KPushButton>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QLayout>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QButtonGroup>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QBoxLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
using namespace KPIM;
static int setCurrentItem( K3ListBox *box, const QString &s )
int cnt = box->count();
for ( int i=0; i<cnt; ++i ) {
if ( box->text( i ) == s ) {
box->setCurrentItem( i );
return i;
return -1;
// class SingleConditionWidget (editor for one condition, used in ConditionEditWidget)
SingleConditionWidget::SingleConditionWidget( KScoringManager *m, QWidget *p, const char * )
: QFrame( p ), manager( m )
QBoxLayout *topL = new QVBoxLayout( this );
topL->setMargin( 5 );
QBoxLayout *firstRow = new QHBoxLayout();
topL->addItem( firstRow );
neg = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Not" ), this );
neg->setToolTip( i18n( "Negate this condition" ) );
firstRow->addWidget( neg );
headers = new KComboBox( this );
headers->addItems( manager->getDefaultHeaders() );
headers->setEditable( true );
headers->setToolTip( i18n( "Select the header to match this condition against" ) );
firstRow->addWidget( headers, 1 );
matches = new KComboBox( this );
matches->addItems( KScoringExpression::conditionNames() );
matches->setToolTip( i18n( "Select the type of match" ) );
firstRow->addWidget( matches, 1 );
connect( matches, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(toggleRegExpButton(int)) );
QHBoxLayout *secondRow = new QHBoxLayout();
secondRow->setSpacing( 1 );
topL->addItem( secondRow );
expr = new KLineEdit( this );
expr->setToolTip( i18n( "The condition for the match" ) );
// reserve space for at least 20 characters
expr->setMinimumWidth( fontMetrics().maxWidth() * 20 );
secondRow->addWidget( expr );
regExpButton = new QPushButton( i18n( "Edit..." ), this );
secondRow->addWidget( regExpButton );
connect( regExpButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(showRegExpDialog()) );
regExpButton->setEnabled(!KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query( "KRegExpEditor/KRegExpEditor" ).isEmpty());
// occupy at much width as possible
setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
setFrameStyle( Box | Sunken );
setLineWidth( 1 );
void SingleConditionWidget::setCondition( KScoringExpression *e )
neg->setChecked( e->isNeg() );
headers->setItemText( headers->currentIndex(), e->getHeader() );
matches->setCurrentItem( KScoringExpression::getNameForCondition( e->getCondition() ) );
toggleRegExpButton( matches->currentIndex() );
expr->setText( e->getExpression() );
KScoringExpression *SingleConditionWidget::createCondition() const
QString head = headers->currentText();
QString match = matches->currentText();
int condType = KScoringExpression::getConditionForName( match );
match = KScoringExpression::getTypeString( condType );
QString cond = expr->text();
QString negs = ( neg->isChecked() ) ? "1" : "0";
return new KScoringExpression( head, match, cond, negs );
void SingleConditionWidget::clear()
neg->setChecked( false );
void SingleConditionWidget::toggleRegExpButton( int selected )
bool isRegExp = ( KScoringExpression::MATCH == selected ||
KScoringExpression::MATCHCS == selected ) &&
!KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query( "KRegExpEditor/KRegExpEditor" ).isEmpty();
regExpButton->setEnabled( isRegExp );
void SingleConditionWidget::showRegExpDialog()
QDialog *editorDialog =
"KRegExpEditor/KRegExpEditor", QString() );
if ( editorDialog ) {
KRegExpEditorInterface *editor = qobject_cast<KRegExpEditorInterface *>( editorDialog );
Q_ASSERT( editor ); // This should not fail!
editor->setRegExp( expr->text() );
expr->setText( editor->regExp() );
// class ConditionEditWidget (the widget to edit the conditions of a rule)
ConditionEditWidget::ConditionEditWidget( KScoringManager *m, QWidget *p, const char* )
: KWidgetLister( 1, 8, p ), manager( m )
// create one initial widget
QWidget *ConditionEditWidget::createWidget( QWidget *parent )
return new SingleConditionWidget( manager, parent );
void ConditionEditWidget::clearWidget( QWidget *w )
SingleActionWidget *sw = qobject_cast<SingleActionWidget *>(w);
Q_ASSERT( w );
if ( sw ) {
void ConditionEditWidget::slotEditRule( KScoringRule *rule )
KScoringRule::ScoreExprList l;
if ( rule ) {
l = rule->getExpressions();
if ( !rule || l.count() == 0 ) {
} else {
setNumberOfShownWidgetsTo( l.count() );
KScoringExpression *e = l.first();
QList<QWidget*> widgetList = widgets();
QList<QWidget*>::ConstIterator it = widgetList.constBegin();
while ( e && it != widgetList.constEnd() ) {
SingleConditionWidget *scw = qobject_cast<SingleConditionWidget *>( *it );
scw->setCondition( e );
e = l.next();
void ConditionEditWidget::updateRule( KScoringRule *rule )
foreach ( QWidget* w, widgets() ) {
SingleConditionWidget *saw = qobject_cast<SingleConditionWidget*>( w );
if ( saw ) {
rule->addExpression( saw->createCondition() );
} else {
kWarning(5100) <<"there is a widget in ConditionEditWidget"
<< "which isn't a KPIM::SingleConditionWidget";
// class SingleActionWidget (editor for one action, used in ActionEditWidget)
SingleActionWidget::SingleActionWidget( KScoringManager *m, QWidget *p, const char *n )
: QWidget( p ), notifyEditor( 0 ), scoreEditor( 0 ),
colorEditor( 0 ), manager( m )
setObjectName( n );
QHBoxLayout *topL = new QHBoxLayout( this );
topL->setMargin( 0 );
topL->setSpacing( 5 );
types = new KComboBox( this );
types->setEditable( false );
topL->addWidget( types );
stack = new QStackedWidget( this );
topL->addWidget( stack );
dummyLabel = new QLabel( i18n( "Select an action." ), stack );
stack->insertWidget( 0, dummyLabel );
// init widget stack and the types combo box
int index = 1;
types->addItem( QString() );
QStringList l = ActionBase::userNames();
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it ) {
QString name = *it;
int feature = ActionBase::getTypeForUserName( name );
if ( manager->hasFeature( feature ) ) {
types->addItem( name );
QWidget *w = 0;
switch( feature ) {
case ActionBase::SETSCORE:
w = scoreEditor = new KIntSpinBox( stack );
scoreEditor->setRange( -99999, 99999 );
scoreEditor->setValue( 30 );
case ActionBase::NOTIFY:
w = notifyEditor = new KLineEdit( stack );
case ActionBase::COLOR:
w = colorEditor = new KColorCombo( stack );
case ActionBase::MARKASREAD:
w = new QLabel( stack ); // empty dummy
if ( w ) {
stack->insertWidget( index++, w );
connect( types, SIGNAL(activated(int)), stack, SLOT(setCurrentIndex(int)) );
// raise the dummy label
types->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
stack->setCurrentWidget( dummyLabel );
void SingleActionWidget::setAction( ActionBase *act )
kDebug(5100) <<"SingleActionWidget::setAction()";
int index = types->findText( act->userName() );
if( index == -1 ) {
kWarning(5100) <<"unknown action in SingleActionWidget::setAction()";
index = 0;
types->setCurrentIndex( index );
stack->setCurrentIndex( index );
switch( act->getType() ) {
case ActionBase::SETSCORE:
scoreEditor->setValue( act->getValueString().toInt() );
case ActionBase::NOTIFY:
notifyEditor->setText( act->getValueString() );
case ActionBase::COLOR:
colorEditor->setColor( QColor( act->getValueString() ) );
case ActionBase::MARKASREAD:
// nothing
kWarning(5100) <<"unknown action type in SingleActionWidget::setAction()";
ActionBase *SingleActionWidget::createAction() const
// no action selected...
if ( types->currentText().isEmpty() ) {
return 0;
int type = ActionBase::getTypeForUserName( types->currentText() );
switch ( type ) {
case ActionBase::SETSCORE:
return new ActionSetScore( scoreEditor->value() );
case ActionBase::NOTIFY:
return new ActionNotify( notifyEditor->text() );
case ActionBase::COLOR:
return new ActionColor( colorEditor->color().name() );
case ActionBase::MARKASREAD:
return new ActionMarkAsRead();
kWarning(5100) <<"unknown action type in SingleActionWidget::getValue()";
return 0;
void SingleActionWidget::clear()
if ( scoreEditor ) {
scoreEditor->setValue( 0 );
if ( notifyEditor ) {
if ( colorEditor ) {
colorEditor->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
types->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
stack->setCurrentWidget( dummyLabel );
// class ActionEditWidget (the widget to edit the actions of a rule)
ActionEditWidget::ActionEditWidget( KScoringManager *m, QWidget *p, const char* )
: KWidgetLister( 1, 8, p ), manager( m )
// create one initial widget
QWidget *ActionEditWidget::createWidget( QWidget *parent )
return new SingleActionWidget( manager, parent );
void ActionEditWidget::slotEditRule( KScoringRule *rule )
KScoringRule::ActionList l;
if ( rule ) {
l = rule->getActions();
if ( !rule || l.count() == 0 ) {
} else {
setNumberOfShownWidgetsTo( l.count() );
ActionBase *act = l.first();
QList<QWidget*> widgetList = widgets();
QList<QWidget*>::ConstIterator it = widgetList.constBegin();
while ( act && it != widgetList.constEnd() ) {
SingleActionWidget *saw = qobject_cast<SingleActionWidget*>( *it );
saw->setAction( act );
act = l.next();
void ActionEditWidget::updateRule( KScoringRule *rule )
foreach ( QWidget *w, widgets() ) {
SingleActionWidget *saw = qobject_cast<SingleActionWidget*>( w );
if (saw) {
ActionBase *act = saw->createAction();
if ( act ) {
rule->addAction( act );
} else {
kWarning(5100) <<"there is a widget in ActionEditWidget"
<< "which isn't a KPIM::SingleActionWidget";
void ActionEditWidget::clearWidget( QWidget *w )
SingleActionWidget *sw = qobject_cast<SingleActionWidget *>(w);
Q_ASSERT( w );
if ( sw ) {
// class RuleEditWidget (the widget to edit one rule)
RuleEditWidget::RuleEditWidget( KScoringManager *m, QWidget *p, const char *n )
: QWidget( p ), dirty( false ), manager( m ), oldRuleName( QString() )
kDebug(5100) <<"RuleEditWidget::RuleEditWidget()";
setObjectName( n != 0 ? n : "RuleEditWidget" );
QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
topLayout->setMargin( 5 );
topLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
//------------- Name, Servers, Groups ---------------------
QGroupBox *groupB = new QGroupBox( i18n( "Properties" ), this );
topLayout->addWidget( groupB );
QGridLayout *groupL = new QGridLayout( groupB );
groupL->setMargin( 8 );
groupL->setSpacing( 5 );
groupL->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing() - 4 ), 0, 0 );
// name
ruleNameEdit = new KLineEdit( groupB );
groupL->addWidget( ruleNameEdit, 1, 1 );
QLabel *ruleNameLabel = new QLabel( i18nc( "@label rule name", "&Name:" ), groupB );
ruleNameLabel->setBuddy( ruleNameEdit );
ruleNameLabel->setObjectName( "ruleNameLabel" );
groupL->addWidget( ruleNameLabel, 1, 0 );
// groups
groupsEdit = new KLineEdit( groupB );
groupL->addWidget( groupsEdit, 2, 1 );
QLabel *groupsLabel = new QLabel( i18n( "&Groups:" ), groupB );
groupsLabel->setBuddy( groupsEdit );
groupsLabel->setObjectName( "groupsLabel" );
groupL->addWidget( groupsLabel, 2, 0 );
QPushButton *groupsBtn = new QPushButton( i18n( "A&dd Group" ), groupB );
connect( groupsBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotAddGroup()) );
groupL->addWidget( groupsBtn, 3, 0 );
groupsBox = new KComboBox( false, groupB );
groupsBox->setDuplicatesEnabled( false );
groupsBox->addItems( manager->getGroups() );
groupsBox->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
groupL->addWidget( groupsBox, 3, 1 );
// expires
expireCheck = new QCheckBox( i18n( "&Expire rule automatically" ), groupB );
groupL->addWidget( expireCheck, 4, 0, 1, 2 );
expireEdit = new KIntSpinBox( groupB );
expireEdit->setRange( 1, 9999 );
expireEdit->setValue( 30 );
slotExpireEditChanged(30 );
connect( expireEdit, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(slotExpireEditChanged(int)) );
groupL->addWidget( expireEdit, 5, 1 );
expireLabel = new QLabel( i18n( "&Rule is valid for:" ), groupB );
expireLabel->setBuddy( expireEdit );
expireLabel->setObjectName( "expireLabel" );
groupL->addWidget( expireLabel, 5, 0 );
expireLabel->setEnabled( false );
expireEdit->setEnabled( false );
connect( expireCheck, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), expireLabel, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) );
connect( expireCheck, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), expireEdit, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) );
//------------- Conditions ---------------------
QGroupBox *groupConds = new QGroupBox( i18n( "Conditions" ), this );
topLayout->addWidget( groupConds );
QGridLayout *condL = new QGridLayout( groupConds );
condL->setMargin( 8 );
condL->setSpacing( 5 );
condL->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing() - 4 ), 0, 0 );
QButtonGroup *buttonGroup = new QButtonGroup( groupConds );
linkModeAnd = new QRadioButton( i18n( "Match a&ll conditions" ), groupConds );
buttonGroup->addButton( linkModeAnd );
condL->addWidget( linkModeAnd, 1, 0 );
linkModeOr = new QRadioButton( i18n( "Matc&h any condition" ), groupConds );
buttonGroup->addButton( linkModeOr );
condL->addWidget( linkModeOr, 1, 1 );
linkModeAnd->setChecked( true );
condEditor = new ConditionEditWidget( manager, groupConds );
condL->addWidget( condEditor, 2, 0, 1, 2 );
connect( condEditor, SIGNAL(widgetRemoved()), this, SLOT(slotShrink()) );
//------------- Actions ---------------------
QGroupBox *groupActions = new QGroupBox( i18n( "Actions" ), this );
topLayout->addWidget( groupActions );
QBoxLayout *actionL = new QVBoxLayout( groupActions );
actionL->setMargin( 8 );
actionL->setSpacing( 5 );
actionL->addSpacing( fontMetrics().lineSpacing() - 4 );
actionEditor = new ActionEditWidget( manager, groupActions );
actionL->addWidget( actionEditor );
connect( actionEditor, SIGNAL(widgetRemoved()), this, SLOT(slotShrink()) );
topLayout->addStretch( 1 );
kDebug(5100) <<"constructed RuleEditWidget";
void RuleEditWidget::slotEditRule( const QString &ruleName )
KScoringRule *rule = manager->findRule( ruleName );
if ( !rule ) {
kDebug(5100) <<"no rule for ruleName" << ruleName;
oldRuleName = rule->getName();
ruleNameEdit->setText( rule->getName() );
groupsEdit->setText( rule->getGroups().join( ";" ) );
bool b = rule->getExpireDate().isValid();
expireCheck->setChecked( b );
expireEdit->setEnabled( b );
expireLabel->setEnabled( b );
if ( b ) {
expireEdit->setValue( QDate::currentDate().daysTo( rule->getExpireDate() ) );
} else {
expireEdit->setValue( 30 );
if ( rule->getLinkMode() == KScoringRule::AND ) {
linkModeAnd->setChecked( true );
} else {
linkModeOr->setChecked( true );
condEditor->slotEditRule( rule );
actionEditor->slotEditRule( rule );
kDebug(5100) <<"RuleEditWidget::slotEditRule() ready";
void RuleEditWidget::clearContents()
ruleNameEdit->setText( "" );
groupsEdit->setText( "" );
expireCheck->setChecked( false );
expireEdit->setValue( 30 );
expireEdit->setEnabled( false );
condEditor->slotEditRule( 0 );
actionEditor->slotEditRule( 0 );
void RuleEditWidget::updateRule( KScoringRule *rule )
QString groups = groupsEdit->text();
if ( groups.isEmpty() ) {
rule->setGroups( QStringList( ".*" ) );
} else {
rule->setGroups( groups.split( ';', QString::SkipEmptyParts ) );
bool b = expireCheck->isChecked();
if ( b ) {
rule->setExpireDate( QDate::currentDate().addDays( expireEdit->value() ) );
} else {
rule->setExpireDate( QDate() );
actionEditor->updateRule( rule );
rule->setLinkMode( linkModeAnd->isChecked() ? KScoringRule::AND : KScoringRule::OR );
condEditor->updateRule( rule );
if ( rule->getName() != ruleNameEdit->text() ) {
manager->setRuleName( rule, ruleNameEdit->text() );
void RuleEditWidget::updateRule()
KScoringRule *rule = manager->findRule( oldRuleName );
if ( rule ) {
updateRule( rule );
void RuleEditWidget::slotAddGroup()
QString grp = groupsBox->currentText();
if ( grp.isEmpty() ) {
QString txt = groupsEdit->text().trimmed();
if ( txt == ".*" || txt.isEmpty() ) {
groupsEdit->setText( grp );
} else {
groupsEdit->setText( txt + ';' + grp );
void RuleEditWidget::setDirty()
kDebug(5100) <<"RuleEditWidget::setDirty()";
if ( dirty ) {
dirty = true;
void RuleEditWidget::slotShrink()
emit( shrink() );
void RuleEditWidget::slotExpireEditChanged( int value )
expireEdit->setSuffix( i18np( " day", " days", value ) );
// class RuleListWidget (the widget for managing a list of rules)
RuleListWidget::RuleListWidget( KScoringManager *m, bool standalone, QWidget *p, const char *n )
: QWidget( p ), alone( standalone ), manager( m )
kDebug(5100) <<"RuleListWidget::RuleListWidget()";
setObjectName( n != 0 ? n : "RuleListWidget" );
QVBoxLayout *topL = new QVBoxLayout( this );
topL->setMargin( standalone ? 0 : 5 );
topL->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
ruleList = new K3ListBox( this );
if ( standalone ) {
connect( ruleList, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(Q3ListBoxItem*)),
this, SLOT(slotEditRule(Q3ListBoxItem*)) );
connect( ruleList, SIGNAL(returnPressed(Q3ListBoxItem*)),
this, SLOT(slotEditRule(Q3ListBoxItem*)) );
connect( ruleList, SIGNAL(currentChanged(Q3ListBoxItem*)),
this, SLOT(slotRuleSelected(Q3ListBoxItem*)) );
topL->addWidget( ruleList );
QHBoxLayout *btnL = new QHBoxLayout();
btnL->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
topL->addItem( btnL );
mRuleUp = new QPushButton( this );
mRuleUp->setIcon( KIcon( "go-up" ) );
mRuleUp->setToolTip( i18n( "Move rule up" ) );
btnL->addWidget( mRuleUp );
connect( mRuleUp, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotRuleUp()) );
mRuleDown = new QPushButton( this );
mRuleDown->setIcon( KIcon( "go-down" ) );
mRuleDown->setToolTip( i18n( "Move rule down" ) );
btnL->addWidget( mRuleDown );
connect( mRuleDown, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotRuleDown()) );
btnL = new QHBoxLayout();
btnL->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
topL->addItem( btnL );
editRule = 0;
newRule = new QPushButton( this );
newRule->setIcon( KIcon( "document-new" ) );
newRule->setToolTip( i18n( "New rule" ) ),
btnL->addWidget( newRule );
connect( newRule, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotNewRule()) );
// if we're standalone, we need an additional edit button
if ( standalone ) {
editRule = new QPushButton( this );
editRule->setIcon( KIcon( "document-properties" ) );
editRule->setToolTip( i18n( "Edit rule" ) );
btnL->addWidget( editRule );
connect( editRule, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotEditRule()) );
delRule = new QPushButton( this );
delRule->setIcon( KIcon( "edit-delete" ) );
delRule->setToolTip( i18n( "Remove rule" ) );
btnL->addWidget( delRule );
connect( delRule, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDelRule()) );
copyRule = new QPushButton( this );
copyRule->setIcon( KIcon( "edit-copy" ) );
copyRule->setToolTip( i18n( "Copy rule" ) );
btnL->addWidget( copyRule );
connect( copyRule, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotCopyRule()) );
// the group filter
QBoxLayout *filterL = new QVBoxLayout();
topL->addItem( filterL );
filterL->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
KComboBox *filterBox = new KComboBox( this );
QStringList l = m->getGroups();
filterBox->addItem( i18n( "<placeholder>all groups</placeholder>" ) );
filterBox->addItems( l );
filterBox->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
connect( filterBox, SIGNAL(activated(QString)),
this, SLOT(slotGroupFilter(QString)) );
slotGroupFilter( i18n( "<placeholder>all groups</placeholder>" ) );
QLabel *lab = new QLabel( i18n( "Sho&w only rules for group:" ), this );
lab->setBuddy( filterBox );
filterL->addWidget( lab );
filterL->addWidget( filterBox );
connect( manager, SIGNAL(changedRules()), this, SLOT(updateRuleList()) );
connect( manager, SIGNAL(changedRuleName(QString,QString)),
this, SLOT(slotRuleNameChanged(QString,QString)) );
void RuleListWidget::updateButton()
bool state = ruleList->count() > 0;
if( editRule ) {
editRule->setEnabled( state );
delRule->setEnabled( state );
copyRule->setEnabled( state );
Q3ListBoxItem *item = ruleList->item( ruleList->currentItem() );
if ( item ) {
mRuleUp->setEnabled( item->prev() != 0 );
mRuleDown->setEnabled( item->next() != 0 );
void RuleListWidget::updateRuleList()
emit leavingRule();
kDebug(5100) <<"RuleListWidget::updateRuleList()";
QString curr = ruleList->currentText();
if ( group == i18n( "<placeholder>all groups</placeholder>" ) ) {
QStringList l = manager->getRuleNames();
ruleList->insertStringList( l );
} else {
KScoringManager::ScoringRuleList l = manager->getAllRules();
for ( KScoringRule *rule = l.first(); rule; rule = l.next() ) {
if ( rule->matchGroup( group ) ) {
ruleList->insertItem( rule->getName() );
int index = setCurrentItem( ruleList, curr );
if ( index < 0 ) {
ruleList->setCurrentItem( 0 );
slotRuleSelected( ruleList->currentText() );
} else {
slotRuleSelected( curr );
void RuleListWidget::updateRuleList( const KScoringRule *rule )
kDebug(5100) <<"RuleListWidget::updateRuleList(" << rule->getName() <<")";
QString name = rule->getName();
void RuleListWidget::slotRuleNameChanged( const QString &oldName, const QString &newName )
int ind = ruleList->currentItem();
for ( uint i=0; i<ruleList->count(); ++i ) {
if ( ruleList->text(i) == oldName ) {
ruleList->changeItem( newName, i );
ruleList->setCurrentItem( ind );
void RuleListWidget::slotEditRule( const QString &s )
emit ruleEdited( s );
void RuleListWidget::slotEditRule()
if ( ruleList->currentItem() >= 0 ) {
emit ruleEdited( ruleList->currentText() );
} else if ( ruleList->count() == 0 ) {
emit ruleEdited( QString() );
void RuleListWidget::slotEditRule( Q3ListBoxItem *item )
slotEditRule( item->text() );
void RuleListWidget::slotGroupFilter( const QString &s )
group = s;
void RuleListWidget::slotRuleSelected( const QString &ruleName )
emit leavingRule();
kDebug(5100) <<"RuleListWidget::slotRuleSelected(" << ruleName <<")";
if ( ruleName != ruleList->currentText() ) {
setCurrentItem( ruleList, ruleName );
emit ruleSelected( ruleName );
void RuleListWidget::slotRuleSelected( Q3ListBoxItem *item )
if ( !item ) {
QString ruleName = item->text();
slotRuleSelected( ruleName );
void RuleListWidget::slotRuleSelected( int index )
uint idx = index;
if ( idx >= ruleList->count() ) {
QString ruleName = ruleList->text( index );
slotRuleSelected( ruleName );
void RuleListWidget::slotNewRule()
emit leavingRule();
KScoringRule *rule = manager->addRule();
updateRuleList( rule );
if ( alone ) {
slotEditRule( rule->getName() );
void RuleListWidget::slotDelRule()
KScoringRule *rule = manager->findRule( ruleList->currentText() );
if ( rule ) {
manager->deleteRule( rule );
// goto the next rule
if ( !alone ) {
void RuleListWidget::slotCopyRule()
emit leavingRule();
QString ruleName = ruleList->currentText();
KScoringRule *rule = manager->findRule( ruleName );
if ( rule ) {
KScoringRule *nrule = manager->copyRule( rule );
updateRuleList( nrule );
slotEditRule( nrule->getName() );
void RuleListWidget::slotRuleUp()
KScoringRule *rule = 0, *below = 0;
Q3ListBoxItem *item = ruleList->item( ruleList->currentItem() );
if ( item ) {
rule = manager->findRule( item->text() );
item = item->prev();
if ( item ) {
below = manager->findRule( item->text() );
if ( rule && below ) {
manager->moveRuleAbove( rule, below );
void RuleListWidget::slotRuleDown()
KScoringRule *rule = 0, *above = 0;
Q3ListBoxItem *item = ruleList->item( ruleList->currentItem() );
if ( item ) {
rule = manager->findRule( item->text() );
item = item->next();
if ( item ) {
above = manager->findRule( item->text() );
if ( rule && above ) {
manager->moveRuleBelow( rule, above );
// class KScoringEditor (the score edit dialog)
KScoringEditor *KScoringEditor::scoreEditor = 0;
KScoringEditor::KScoringEditor( KScoringManager *m, QWidget *parent )
: KDialog( parent ), manager( m )
setCaption( i18n( "Rule Editor" ) );
setButtons( Ok|Apply|Cancel );
setDefaultButton( Ok );
setModal( false );
showButtonSeparator( true );
if ( !scoreEditor ) {
scoreEditor = this;
kDebug(5100) <<"KScoringEditor::KScoringEditor()";
// the left side gives an overview about all rules, the right side
// shows a detailed view of an selected rule
QWidget *w = new QWidget( this );
setMainWidget( w );
QHBoxLayout *hbl = new QHBoxLayout( w );
hbl->setMargin( 0 );
hbl->setSpacing( spacingHint() );
ruleLister = new RuleListWidget( manager, false, w );
hbl->addWidget( ruleLister );
ruleEditor = new RuleEditWidget( manager, w );
hbl->addWidget( ruleEditor );
connect( ruleLister, SIGNAL(ruleSelected(QString)),
ruleEditor, SLOT(slotEditRule(QString)) );
connect( ruleLister, SIGNAL(leavingRule()), ruleEditor, SLOT(updateRule()) );
connect( ruleEditor, SIGNAL(shrink()), SLOT(slotShrink()) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(slotFinished()) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(okClicked()), SLOT(slotOk()) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), SLOT(slotCancel()) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(applyClicked()), SLOT(slotApply()) );
ruleLister->slotRuleSelected( 0 );
resize( 550, sizeHint().height() );
void KScoringEditor::setDirty()
enableButton( Apply, true );
scoreEditor = 0;
KScoringEditor *KScoringEditor::createEditor( KScoringManager *m, QWidget *parent )
if ( scoreEditor ) {
return scoreEditor;
} else {
return new KScoringEditor( m, parent );
void KScoringEditor::setRule( KScoringRule *r )
kDebug(5100) <<"KScoringEditor::setRule(" << r->getName() <<")";
QString ruleName = r->getName();
ruleLister->slotRuleSelected( ruleName );
void KScoringEditor::slotShrink()
QTimer::singleShot( 5, this, SLOT(slotDoShrink()) );
void KScoringEditor::slotDoShrink()
resize( width(), sizeHint().height() );
void KScoringEditor::slotApply()
QString ruleName = ruleLister->currentRule();
KScoringRule *rule = manager->findRule( ruleName );
if ( rule ) {
ruleEditor->updateRule( rule );
ruleLister->updateRuleList( rule );
void KScoringEditor::slotOk()
void KScoringEditor::slotCancel()
void KScoringEditor::slotFinished()
// class KScoringEditorWidgetDialog (a dialog for the KScoringEditorWidget)
KScoringEditorWidgetDialog::KScoringEditorWidgetDialog( KScoringManager *m,
const QString &r,
QWidget *p )
: KDialog( p ), manager( m ), ruleName( r )
setCaption( i18n( "Edit Rule" ) );
setButtons( KDialog::Ok|KDialog::Apply|KDialog::Cancel );
setDefaultButton( KDialog::Ok );
setModal( true );
showButtonSeparator( true );
QFrame *f = new QFrame( this );
setMainWidget( f );
QBoxLayout *topL = new QVBoxLayout( f );
ruleEditor = new RuleEditWidget( manager, f );
connect( ruleEditor, SIGNAL(shrink()), SLOT(slotShrink()) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(okClicked()), SLOT(slotOk()) );
topL->addWidget( ruleEditor );
ruleEditor->slotEditRule( ruleName );
resize( 0, 0 );
void KScoringEditorWidgetDialog::slotApply()
KScoringRule *rule = manager->findRule( ruleName );
if ( rule ) {
ruleEditor->updateRule( rule );
ruleName = rule->getName();
void KScoringEditorWidgetDialog::slotOk()
void KScoringEditorWidgetDialog::slotShrink()
QTimer::singleShot( 5, this, SLOT(slotDoShrink()) );
void KScoringEditorWidgetDialog::slotDoShrink()
resize( width(), sizeHint().height() );
// class KScoringEditorWidget (a reusable widget for config dialog...)
KScoringEditorWidget::KScoringEditorWidget( KScoringManager *m, QWidget *p, const char *n )
: QWidget( p ), manager( m )
setObjectName( n );
QBoxLayout *topL = new QVBoxLayout( this );
ruleLister = new RuleListWidget( manager, true, this );
topL->addWidget( ruleLister );
connect( ruleLister, SIGNAL(ruleEdited(QString)),
this, SLOT(slotRuleEdited(QString)) );
void KScoringEditorWidget::slotRuleEdited( const QString &ruleName )
KScoringEditorWidgetDialog dlg( manager, ruleName, this );