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This file is part of Akonadi.
Copyright (c) 2009 KDAB
Author: Till Adam <adam@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
#include "jobtracker.h"
#include "jobtrackeradaptor.h"
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtCore/QPair>
#include <QtCore/QList>
#include <cassert>
QString JobInfo::stateAsString() const
switch( state )
case Initial:
return QLatin1String("Waiting");
case Running:
return QLatin1String("Running");
case Ended:
return QLatin1String("Ended");
case Failed:
return QString::fromLatin1( "Failed: %1" ).arg( error );
return QLatin1String("Unknown state!");
class JobTracker::Private
Private( JobTracker *_q )
:lastId( 42 ), timer( _q ),disabled( false ), q( _q )
timer.setSingleShot( true );
timer.setInterval( 200 );
connect( &timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), q, SLOT(signalUpdates()) );
bool isSession( int id ) const
return id < -1;
void emitUpdated()
if ( !timer.isActive() && !disabled )
QStringList sessions;
QHash<QString, int> idToSequence;
QHash<int, QString> sequenceToId;
QHash<QString, QStringList> jobs;
QHash<QString, JobInfo> infoList;
int lastId;
QTimer timer;
bool disabled;
QList< QPair<int, int> > unpublishedAdds;
QList< QPair<int, int> > unpublishedUpdates;
JobTracker* const q;
JobTracker::JobTracker( const char *name, QObject* parent )
:QObject( parent ), d( new Private( this ) )
new JobTrackerAdaptor( this );
QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerService( QLatin1String("org.kde.akonadiconsole") );
QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject( '/'+QLatin1String(name),
this, QDBusConnection::ExportAdaptors );
#if 0
// dummy data for testing
d->sessions << "one" << "two" << "three";
d->jobs.insert("one", QStringList() << "eins" );
d->jobs.insert("two", QStringList() );
d->jobs.insert("three", QStringList() );
// create some fake jobs
d->jobs.insert( "eins", QStringList() << "sub-eins" << "sub-zwei" );
d->idToSequence.insert( "eins", 0 );
d->sequenceToId.insert( 0, "eins" );
JobInfo info;
info.id = "eins";
info.parent = -2;
d->infoList.insert( "eins", info );
d->jobs.insert( "sub-eins", QStringList() );
d->idToSequence.insert( "sub-eins", 1 );
d->sequenceToId.insert( 1, "sub-eins" );
info.id = "sub-eins";
info.parent = 0;
d->infoList.insert( "sub-eins", info );
d->jobs.insert( "sub-zwei", QStringList() );
d->idToSequence.insert( "sub-zwei", 2 );
d->sequenceToId.insert( 2, "sub-zwei" );
info.id = "sub-zwei";
info.parent = 0;
d->infoList.insert( "sub-zwei", info );
delete d;
void JobTracker::jobCreated( const QString & session, const QString & job, const QString & parent, const QString & jobType, const QString & debugString )
if ( d->disabled || session.isEmpty() || job.isEmpty() ) return;
if ( !parent.isEmpty() && !d->jobs.contains( parent ) )
qWarning() << "JobTracker: Job arrived before its parent! Fix the library!";
jobCreated( session, parent, QString(), "dummy job type", QString() );
// check if it's a new session, if so, add it
if ( d->sessions.isEmpty() || !d->sessions.contains( session ) ) {
d->sessions.append( session );
d->jobs.insert( session, QStringList() );
d->unpublishedAdds << QPair<int, int>( d->sessions.count()-1, -1 );
// deal with the job
if ( d->jobs.contains( job ) ) {
if ( d->infoList.value( job ).state == JobInfo::Running )
qDebug() << "Job was already known and still running:" << job << "from" << d->infoList.value( job ).timestamp.secsTo( QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) << "s ago";
// otherwise it just means the pointer got reused... replace old job
d->jobs.insert( job, QStringList() );
JobInfo info;
info.id = job;
if ( parent.isEmpty() )
info.parent = idForSession( session );
info.parent = idForJob( parent );
info.state = JobInfo::Initial;
info.timestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
info.type = jobType;
info.debugString = debugString;
d->infoList.insert( job, info );
const int id = d->lastId++;
d->idToSequence.insert( job, id );
d->sequenceToId.insert( id, job );
QString daddy;
if ( parent.isEmpty() )
daddy = session;
daddy = parent;
QStringList kids = d->jobs[daddy];
kids << job;
const int pos = d->jobs[daddy].size();
d->jobs[daddy] = kids;
d->unpublishedAdds << QPair<int, int>( pos, info.parent );
void JobTracker::jobEnded( const QString& job, const QString& error )
// this is called from dbus, so better be defensive
if ( d->disabled || !d->jobs.contains( job ) || !d->infoList.contains( job ) ) return;
JobInfo info = d->infoList[job];
if ( error.isEmpty() ) {
info.state = JobInfo::Ended;
} else {
info.state = JobInfo::Failed;
info.error = error;
info.endedTimestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
d->infoList[job] = info;
d->unpublishedUpdates << QPair<int, int>( d->jobs[jobForId(info.parent)].size()-1, info.parent );
void JobTracker::jobStarted( const QString & job )
// this is called from dbus, so better be defensive
if ( d->disabled || !d->jobs.contains( job ) || !d->infoList.contains( job ) ) return;
JobInfo info = d->infoList[job];
info.state = JobInfo::Running;
info.startedTimestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
d->infoList[job] = info;
d->unpublishedUpdates << QPair<int, int>( d->jobs[jobForId(info.parent)].size()-1, info.parent );
QStringList JobTracker::sessions() const
return d->sessions;
QList<JobInfo> JobTracker::jobs( int id ) const
if ( d->isSession( id ) )
return jobs( sessionForId( id ) );
return jobs( jobForId( id ) );
QList<JobInfo> JobTracker::jobs( const QString & parent ) const
assert( d->jobs.contains(parent) );
const QStringList jobs = d->jobs.value(parent);
QList<JobInfo> infoList;
Q_FOREACH( const QString &job, jobs ) {
infoList << d->infoList.value(job);
return infoList;
QStringList JobTracker::jobNames(int id) const
if ( d->isSession( id ) )
return d->jobs.value( sessionForId( id ) );
return d->jobs.value( jobForId( id ) );
// only works on jobs
int JobTracker::idForJob(const QString & job) const
assert( d->idToSequence.contains(job) );
return d->idToSequence.value(job);
QString JobTracker::jobForId(int id) const
if ( d->isSession( id ) )
return sessionForId( id );
assert( d->sequenceToId.contains(id) );
return d->sequenceToId.value(id);
// To find a session, we take the offset in the list of sessions
// in order of appearance, add one, and make it negative. That
// way we can discern session ids from job ids and use -1 for invalid
int JobTracker::idForSession(const QString & session) const
assert( d->sessions.contains( session ) );
return ( d->sessions.indexOf(session) + 2 ) * -1;
QString JobTracker::sessionForId(int _id) const
const int id = (-_id)-2;
assert( d->sessions.size() > id );
if ( !d->sessions.isEmpty() ) {
return d->sessions.at( id );
} else {
return QString();
int JobTracker::parentId( int id ) const
if ( d->isSession( id ) )
return -1;
const QString job = d->sequenceToId.value(id);
return d->infoList[job].parent;
JobInfo JobTracker::info( int id) const
return info( jobForId( id ) );
JobInfo JobTracker::info(const QString & job) const
assert( d->infoList.contains(job) );
return d->infoList.value(job);
void JobTracker::triggerReset()
emit reset();
void JobTracker::setEnabled( bool on )
d->disabled = !on;
bool JobTracker::isEnabled() const
return !d->disabled;
void JobTracker::signalUpdates()
emit added( d->unpublishedAdds );
emit updated( d->unpublishedUpdates );