2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

265 lines
9.7 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Montel Laurent <montel@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "textrulerwidgethandler.h"
#include <pimcommon/widgets/minimumcombobox.h>
#include "search/searchpattern.h"
#include "widgets/regexplineedit.h"
using MailCommon::RegExpLineEdit;
#include <KDebug>
#include <KLocale>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QStackedWidget>
using namespace MailCommon;
#include <QLabel>
// also see SearchRule::matches() and SearchRule::Function
// if you change the following strings!
static const struct {
SearchRule::Function id;
const char *displayName;
} TextFunctions[] = {
{ SearchRule::FuncContains, I18N_NOOP( "contains" ) },
{ SearchRule::FuncContainsNot, I18N_NOOP( "does not contain" ) },
{ SearchRule::FuncEquals, I18N_NOOP( "equals" ) },
{ SearchRule::FuncNotEqual, I18N_NOOP( "does not equal" ) },
{ SearchRule::FuncStartWith, I18N_NOOP( "starts with" ) },
{ SearchRule::FuncNotStartWith, I18N_NOOP( "does not start with" )},
{ SearchRule::FuncEndWith, I18N_NOOP( "ends with" ) },
{ SearchRule::FuncNotEndWith, I18N_NOOP( "does not end with" ) },
{ SearchRule::FuncRegExp, I18N_NOOP( "matches regular expr." ) },
{ SearchRule::FuncNotRegExp, I18N_NOOP( "does not match reg. expr." ) }
static const int TextFunctionCount =
sizeof( TextFunctions ) / sizeof( *TextFunctions );
QWidget *TextRuleWidgetHandler::createFunctionWidget(
int number, QStackedWidget *functionStack, const QObject *receiver, bool /*isBalooSearch*/ ) const
if ( number != 0 ) {
return 0;
PimCommon::MinimumComboBox *funcCombo = new PimCommon::MinimumComboBox( functionStack );
funcCombo->setObjectName( QLatin1String("textRuleFuncCombo") );
for ( int i = 0; i < TextFunctionCount; ++i ) {
funcCombo->addItem( i18n( TextFunctions[i].displayName ) );
QObject::connect( funcCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
receiver, SLOT(slotFunctionChanged()) );
return funcCombo;
QWidget *TextRuleWidgetHandler::createValueWidget( int number,
QStackedWidget *valueStack,
const QObject *receiver ) const
if ( number == 0 ) {
RegExpLineEdit *lineEdit = new RegExpLineEdit( valueStack );
lineEdit->setObjectName( QLatin1String("regExpLineEdit") );
QObject::connect( lineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),
receiver, SLOT(slotValueChanged()) );
QObject::connect( lineEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()),
receiver, SLOT(slotReturnPressed()) );
return lineEdit;
// blank QLabel to hide value widget for in-address-book rule
if ( number == 1 ) {
QLabel *label = new QLabel( valueStack );
label->setObjectName( QLatin1String("textRuleValueHider") );
label->setBuddy( valueStack );
return label;
return 0;
SearchRule::Function TextRuleWidgetHandler::currentFunction(
const QStackedWidget *functionStack ) const
const PimCommon::MinimumComboBox *funcCombo =
functionStack->findChild<PimCommon::MinimumComboBox*>( QLatin1String( "textRuleFuncCombo" ) );
if ( funcCombo && funcCombo->currentIndex() >= 0 ) {
return TextFunctions[funcCombo->currentIndex()].id;
return SearchRule::FuncNone;
SearchRule::Function TextRuleWidgetHandler::function( const QByteArray &,
const QStackedWidget *functionStack ) const
return currentFunction( functionStack );
QString TextRuleWidgetHandler::currentValue( const QStackedWidget *valueStack,
SearchRule::Function ) const
//in other cases of func it is a lineedit
const RegExpLineEdit *lineEdit = valueStack->findChild<RegExpLineEdit*>( QLatin1String("regExpLineEdit") );
if ( lineEdit ) {
return lineEdit->text();
// or anything else, like addressbook
return QString();
QString TextRuleWidgetHandler::value( const QByteArray &,
const QStackedWidget *functionStack,
const QStackedWidget *valueStack ) const
SearchRule::Function func = currentFunction( functionStack );
return currentValue( valueStack, func );
QString TextRuleWidgetHandler::prettyValue( const QByteArray &,
const QStackedWidget *functionStack,
const QStackedWidget *valueStack ) const
SearchRule::Function func = currentFunction( functionStack );
return currentValue( valueStack, func );
bool TextRuleWidgetHandler::handlesField( const QByteArray & ) const
return true; // we handle all fields (as fallback)
void TextRuleWidgetHandler::reset( QStackedWidget *functionStack,
QStackedWidget *valueStack ) const
// reset the function combo box
PimCommon::MinimumComboBox *funcCombo = functionStack->findChild<PimCommon::MinimumComboBox*>( QLatin1String("textRuleFuncCombo") );
if ( funcCombo ) {
funcCombo->blockSignals( true );
funcCombo->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
funcCombo->blockSignals( false );
// reset the value widget
RegExpLineEdit *lineEdit = valueStack->findChild<RegExpLineEdit*>( QLatin1String("regExpLineEdit") );
if ( lineEdit ) {
lineEdit->blockSignals( true );
lineEdit->blockSignals( false );
lineEdit->showEditButton( false );
valueStack->setCurrentWidget( lineEdit );
bool TextRuleWidgetHandler::setRule( QStackedWidget *functionStack,
QStackedWidget *valueStack,
const SearchRule::Ptr rule, bool /*isBalooSearch*/ ) const
if ( !rule ) {
reset( functionStack, valueStack );
return false;
const SearchRule::Function func = rule->function();
int i = 0;
for ( ; i < TextFunctionCount; ++i ) {
if ( func == TextFunctions[i].id ) {
PimCommon::MinimumComboBox *funcCombo = functionStack->findChild<PimCommon::MinimumComboBox*>( QLatin1String("textRuleFuncCombo") );
if ( funcCombo ) {
funcCombo->blockSignals( true );
if ( i < TextFunctionCount ) {
funcCombo->setCurrentIndex( i );
} else {
funcCombo->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
funcCombo->blockSignals( false );
functionStack->setCurrentWidget( funcCombo );
RegExpLineEdit *lineEdit =
valueStack->findChild<RegExpLineEdit*>( QLatin1String("regExpLineEdit") );
if ( lineEdit ) {
lineEdit->blockSignals( true );
lineEdit->setText( rule->contents() );
lineEdit->blockSignals( false );
lineEdit->showEditButton( func == SearchRule::FuncRegExp ||
func == SearchRule::FuncNotRegExp );
valueStack->setCurrentWidget( lineEdit );
return true;
bool TextRuleWidgetHandler::update( const QByteArray &,
QStackedWidget *functionStack,
QStackedWidget *valueStack ) const
// raise the correct function widget
functionStack->setCurrentWidget( functionStack->findChild<QWidget*>( QLatin1String("textRuleFuncCombo") ) );
// raise the correct value widget
SearchRule::Function func = currentFunction( functionStack );
if ( func == SearchRule::FuncIsInAddressbook ||
func == SearchRule::FuncIsNotInAddressbook ) {
valueStack->setCurrentWidget( valueStack->findChild<QWidget*>( QLatin1String("textRuleValueHider") ) );
} else {
RegExpLineEdit *lineEdit =
valueStack->findChild<RegExpLineEdit*>( QLatin1String("regExpLineEdit") );
if ( lineEdit ) {
lineEdit->showEditButton( func == SearchRule::FuncRegExp ||
func == SearchRule::FuncNotRegExp );
valueStack->setCurrentWidget( lineEdit );
return true;