2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

744 lines
24 KiB

/* -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu" -*-
Author: Marc Mutz <mutz@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "searchpatternedit.h"
#include "rulewidgethandlermanager.h"
using MailCommon::RuleWidgetHandlerManager;
#include <pimcommon/widgets/minimumcombobox.h>
#include <KComboBox>
#include <KDebug>
#include <KDialog>
#include <KLocale>
#include <KPushButton>
#include <KLineEdit>
#include <QButtonGroup>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QResizeEvent>
#include <QStackedWidget>
// Definition of special rule field strings
// Note: Also see SearchRule::matches() and ruleFieldToEnglish() if
// you change the following i18n-ized strings!
// Note: The index of the values in the following array has to correspond to
// the value of the entries in the enum in SearchRuleWidget.
#undef I18N_NOOP
#define I18N_NOOP(t) 0, t
#undef I18N_NOOP2
#define I18N_NOOP2(c,t) c, t
using namespace MailCommon;
static const struct {
const char *internalName;
const char *context;
const char *displayName;
QString getLocalizedDisplayName() const
return i18nc( context, displayName );
} SpecialRuleFields[] = {
{ "<message>", I18N_NOOP( "Complete Message" ) },
{ "<body>", I18N_NOOP( "Body of Message" ) },
{ "<any header>", I18N_NOOP( "Anywhere in Headers" ) },
{ "<recipients>", I18N_NOOP( "All Recipients" ) },
{ "<size>", I18N_NOOP( "Size in Bytes" ) },
{ "<age in days>", I18N_NOOP( "Age in Days" ) },
{ "<status>", I18N_NOOP( "Message Status" ) },
{ "<tag>", I18N_NOOP( "Message Tag" ) },
{ "Subject", I18N_NOOP2( "Subject of an email.", "Subject" ) },
{ "From", I18N_NOOP( "From" ) },
{ "To", I18N_NOOP2( "Receiver of an email.", "To" ) },
{ "CC", I18N_NOOP( "CC" ) },
{ "Reply-To", I18N_NOOP( "Reply To" ) },
{ "Organization", I18N_NOOP( "Organization" ) },
{ "<date>", I18N_NOOP( "Date" ) }
static const int SpecialRuleFieldsCount =
sizeof( SpecialRuleFields ) / sizeof( *SpecialRuleFields );
// class SearchRuleWidget
SearchRuleWidget::SearchRuleWidget(QWidget *parent, SearchRule::Ptr aRule,
SearchPatternEdit::SearchPatternEditOptions options ,
SearchPatternEdit::SearchModeType modeType)
: QWidget( parent ),
mRuleField( 0 ),
mFunctionStack( 0 ),
mValueStack( 0 )
initFieldList( options );
initWidget( modeType );
if ( aRule ) {
setRule( aRule );
} else {
void SearchRuleWidget::setPatternEditOptions( SearchPatternEdit::SearchPatternEditOptions options )
SearchRule::Ptr srule = rule();
QByteArray currentText = srule->field();
initFieldList( options );
mRuleField->addItems( mFilterFieldList );
KCompletion *comp = mRuleField->completionObject();
mRuleField->setMaxCount( mRuleField->count() );
const bool headersOnly = ( options & MailCommon::SearchPatternEdit::HeadersOnly );
const bool notShowSize = ( options & MailCommon::SearchPatternEdit::NotShowSize );
const bool notShowDate = ( options & MailCommon::SearchPatternEdit::NotShowDate );
const bool notShowAbsoluteDates = ( options & MailCommon::SearchPatternEdit::NotShowAbsoluteDate );
const bool notShowTags = ( options & MailCommon::SearchPatternEdit::NotShowTags );
if ( headersOnly && ( currentText != "<message>") && ( currentText != "<body>" ) ) {
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString::fromLatin1( currentText ) );
} else {
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString() );
if ( notShowSize && ( currentText != "<size>") ) {
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString::fromLatin1( currentText ) );
} else {
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString() );
if ( notShowDate && ( currentText != "<date>") ) {
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString::fromLatin1( currentText ) );
} else {
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString() );
if ( notShowAbsoluteDates && ( currentText != "<age in days>") ) {
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString::fromLatin1( currentText ) );
} else {
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString() );
if ( notShowTags && ( currentText != "<tag>") ) {
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString::fromLatin1( currentText ) );
} else {
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString() );
void SearchRuleWidget::initWidget(SearchPatternEdit::SearchModeType modeType)
QHBoxLayout *hlay = new QHBoxLayout( this );
hlay->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
hlay->setMargin( 0 );
// initialize the header field combo box
mRuleField = new PimCommon::MinimumComboBox( this );
mRuleField->setObjectName( QLatin1String("mRuleField") );
mRuleField->setEditable( true );
KLineEdit *edit = new KLineEdit;
edit->setClickMessage( i18n("Choose or type your own criteria"));
mRuleField->setToolTip(i18n("Choose or type your own criteria"));
mRuleField->addItems( mFilterFieldList );
KCompletion *comp = mRuleField->completionObject();
// don't show sliders when popping up this menu
mRuleField->setMaxCount( mRuleField->count() );
hlay->addWidget( mRuleField );
// initialize the function/value widget stack
mFunctionStack = new QStackedWidget( this );
//Don't expand the widget in vertical direction
mFunctionStack->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
hlay->addWidget( mFunctionStack );
mValueStack = new QStackedWidget( this );
hlay->addWidget( mValueStack );
hlay->setStretchFactor( mValueStack, 10 );
mAdd = new KPushButton( this );
mAdd->setIcon( KIcon( QLatin1String("list-add") ) );
mAdd->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
hlay->addWidget( mAdd );
mRemove = new KPushButton( this );
mRemove->setIcon( KIcon( QLatin1String("list-remove") ) );
mRemove->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
hlay->addWidget( mRemove );
RuleWidgetHandlerManager::instance()->createWidgets( mFunctionStack, mValueStack, this );
// redirect focus to the header field combo box
setFocusProxy( mRuleField );
connect( mRuleField, SIGNAL(activated(QString)),
this, SLOT(slotRuleFieldChanged(QString)) );
connect( mRuleField, SIGNAL(editTextChanged(QString)),
this, SLOT(slotRuleFieldChanged(QString)) );
connect( mRuleField, SIGNAL(editTextChanged(QString)),
this, SIGNAL(fieldChanged(QString)) );
connect( mAdd, SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, SLOT(slotAddWidget()) );
connect( mRemove, SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, SLOT(slotRemoveWidget()) );
void SearchRuleWidget::updateAddRemoveButton( bool addButtonEnabled, bool removeButtonEnabled )
mAdd->setEnabled( addButtonEnabled );
mRemove->setEnabled( removeButtonEnabled );
void SearchRuleWidget::slotAddWidget()
emit addWidget( this );
void SearchRuleWidget::slotRemoveWidget()
emit removeWidget( this );
void SearchRuleWidget::setRule( SearchRule::Ptr aRule )
Q_ASSERT( aRule );
kDebug() << "(" << aRule->asString() << ")";
//--------------set the field
int i = indexOfRuleField( aRule->field() );
mRuleField->blockSignals( true );
if ( i < 0 ) { // not found -> user defined field
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString::fromLatin1( aRule->field() ) );
i = 0;
} else { // found in the list of predefined fields
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString() );
mRuleField->setCurrentIndex( i );
mRuleField->blockSignals( false );
RuleWidgetHandlerManager::instance()->setRule( mFunctionStack, mValueStack, aRule );
SearchRule::Ptr SearchRuleWidget::rule() const
const QByteArray ruleField = ruleFieldToEnglish( mRuleField->currentText() );
const SearchRule::Function function =
RuleWidgetHandlerManager::instance()->function( ruleField, mFunctionStack );
const QString value =
RuleWidgetHandlerManager::instance()->value( ruleField, mFunctionStack, mValueStack );
return SearchRule::createInstance( ruleField, function, value );
void SearchRuleWidget::reset()
mRuleField->blockSignals( true );
mRuleField->setItemText( 0, QString() );
mRuleField->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
mRuleField->blockSignals( false );
RuleWidgetHandlerManager::instance()->reset( mFunctionStack, mValueStack );
void SearchRuleWidget::slotFunctionChanged()
const QByteArray ruleField = ruleFieldToEnglish( mRuleField->currentText() );
RuleWidgetHandlerManager::instance()->update( ruleField, mFunctionStack, mValueStack );
const QString prettyValue =
RuleWidgetHandlerManager::instance()->prettyValue( ruleField, mFunctionStack, mValueStack );
emit contentsChanged( prettyValue );
void SearchRuleWidget::slotValueChanged()
const QByteArray ruleField = ruleFieldToEnglish( mRuleField->currentText() );
const QString prettyValue =
RuleWidgetHandlerManager::instance()->prettyValue( ruleField, mFunctionStack, mValueStack );
emit contentsChanged( prettyValue );
void SearchRuleWidget::slotReturnPressed()
emit returnPressed();
QByteArray SearchRuleWidget::ruleFieldToEnglish( const QString & i18nVal )
for ( int i = 0; i < SpecialRuleFieldsCount; ++i ) {
if ( i18nVal == SpecialRuleFields[i].getLocalizedDisplayName() ) {
return SpecialRuleFields[i].internalName;
return i18nVal.toLatin1();
int SearchRuleWidget::ruleFieldToId( const QString & i18nVal )
for ( int i = 0; i < SpecialRuleFieldsCount; ++i ) {
if ( i18nVal == SpecialRuleFields[i].getLocalizedDisplayName() ) {
return i;
return -1; // no pseudo header
static QString displayNameFromInternalName( const QString & internal )
for ( int i = 0; i < SpecialRuleFieldsCount; ++i ) {
if ( internal == QLatin1String(SpecialRuleFields[i].internalName) ) {
return SpecialRuleFields[i].getLocalizedDisplayName();
return QLatin1String(internal.toLatin1());
int SearchRuleWidget::indexOfRuleField( const QByteArray &aName ) const
if ( aName.isEmpty() ) {
return -1;
const QString i18n_aName = displayNameFromInternalName( QLatin1String(aName) );
const int nbRuleField = mRuleField->count();
for ( int i = 1; i < nbRuleField; ++i ) {
if ( mRuleField->itemText( i ) == i18n_aName ) {
return i;
return -1;
void SearchRuleWidget::initFieldList( SearchPatternEdit::SearchPatternEditOptions options )
const bool headersOnly = ( options & MailCommon::SearchPatternEdit::HeadersOnly );
const bool notShowAbsoluteDates = ( options & MailCommon::SearchPatternEdit::NotShowAbsoluteDate );
const bool notShowSize = ( options & MailCommon::SearchPatternEdit::NotShowSize );
const bool notShowDate = ( options & MailCommon::SearchPatternEdit::NotShowDate );
const bool notShowTags = ( options & MailCommon::SearchPatternEdit::NotShowTags );
mFilterFieldList.append( QString() ); // empty entry for user input
if ( !headersOnly ) {
mFilterFieldList.append( SpecialRuleFields[Message].getLocalizedDisplayName() );
mFilterFieldList.append( SpecialRuleFields[Body].getLocalizedDisplayName() );
mFilterFieldList.append( SpecialRuleFields[AnyHeader].getLocalizedDisplayName() );
mFilterFieldList.append( SpecialRuleFields[Recipients].getLocalizedDisplayName() );
if ( !notShowSize )
mFilterFieldList.append( SpecialRuleFields[Size].getLocalizedDisplayName() );
if ( !notShowAbsoluteDates ) {
mFilterFieldList.append( SpecialRuleFields[AgeInDays].getLocalizedDisplayName() );
mFilterFieldList.append( SpecialRuleFields[Subject].getLocalizedDisplayName() );
mFilterFieldList.append( SpecialRuleFields[From].getLocalizedDisplayName() );
mFilterFieldList.append( SpecialRuleFields[To].getLocalizedDisplayName() );
mFilterFieldList.append( SpecialRuleFields[CC].getLocalizedDisplayName() );
mFilterFieldList.append( SpecialRuleFields[Status].getLocalizedDisplayName() );
if ( !notShowTags ) {
mFilterFieldList.append( SpecialRuleFields[Tag].getLocalizedDisplayName() );
mFilterFieldList.append( i18n( SpecialRuleFields[ReplyTo].displayName ) );
mFilterFieldList.append( i18n( SpecialRuleFields[Organization].displayName ) );
if ( !notShowDate )
mFilterFieldList.append( i18n( SpecialRuleFields[Date].displayName ) );
// these others only represent message headers and you can add to
// them as you like
mFilterFieldList.append( QLatin1String("List-Id") );
mFilterFieldList.append( QLatin1String("Resent-From") );
mFilterFieldList.append( QLatin1String("X-Loop") );
mFilterFieldList.append( QLatin1String("X-Mailing-List") );
mFilterFieldList.append( QLatin1String("X-Spam-Flag") );
void SearchRuleWidget::slotRuleFieldChanged( const QString &field )
ruleFieldToEnglish( field ), mFunctionStack, mValueStack );
// class KMFilterActionWidgetLister (the filter action editor)
SearchRuleWidgetLister::SearchRuleWidgetLister( QWidget *parent, SearchPatternEdit::SearchPatternEditOptions options, SearchPatternEdit::SearchModeType modeType)
: KWidgetLister( false, 2, FILTER_MAX_RULES, parent )
mRuleList = 0;
mTypeMode = modeType;
mOptions = options;
void SearchRuleWidgetLister::setPatternEditOptions( SearchPatternEdit::SearchPatternEditOptions options )
mOptions = options;
foreach ( QWidget *w, widgets() ) {
qobject_cast<SearchRuleWidget*>( w )->setPatternEditOptions( options );
void SearchRuleWidgetLister::setRuleList( QList<SearchRule::Ptr> *aList )
Q_ASSERT( aList );
if ( mRuleList && mRuleList != aList ) {
mRuleList = aList;
if ( !widgets().isEmpty() ) { // move this below next 'if'?
widgets().first()->blockSignals( true );
if ( aList->isEmpty() ) {
widgets().first()->blockSignals( false );
int superfluousItems = (int)mRuleList->count() - widgetsMaximum();
if ( superfluousItems > 0 ) {
kDebug() << "Clipping rule list to" << widgetsMaximum() << "items!";
for ( ; superfluousItems ; superfluousItems-- ) {
// set the right number of widgets
setNumberOfShownWidgetsTo( qMax( (int)mRuleList->count(), widgetsMinimum() ) );
// load the actions into the widgets
QList<QWidget*> widgetList = widgets();
QList<SearchRule::Ptr>::const_iterator rIt;
QList<SearchRule::Ptr>::const_iterator rItEnd( mRuleList->constEnd() );
QList<QWidget*>::const_iterator wIt = widgetList.constBegin();
QList<QWidget*>::const_iterator wItEnd = widgetList.constEnd();
for ( rIt = mRuleList->constBegin();
rIt != rItEnd && wIt != wItEnd; ++rIt, ++wIt ) {
qobject_cast<SearchRuleWidget*>( *wIt )->setRule( (*rIt) );
for ( ; wIt != wItEnd; ++wIt ) {
qobject_cast<SearchRuleWidget*>( *wIt )->reset();
Q_ASSERT( !widgets().isEmpty() );
void SearchRuleWidgetLister::slotAddWidget( QWidget *w )
addWidgetAfterThisWidget( w );
void SearchRuleWidgetLister::slotRemoveWidget( QWidget *w )
removeWidget( w );
void SearchRuleWidgetLister::reconnectWidget( SearchRuleWidget *w )
connect( w, SIGNAL(addWidget(QWidget*)),
this, SLOT(slotAddWidget(QWidget*)), Qt::UniqueConnection );
connect( w, SIGNAL(removeWidget(QWidget*)),
this, SLOT(slotRemoveWidget(QWidget*)), Qt::UniqueConnection );
void SearchRuleWidgetLister::updateAddRemoveButton()
QList<QWidget*> widgetList = widgets();
const int numberOfWidget( widgetList.count() );
bool addButtonEnabled = false;
bool removeButtonEnabled = false;
if ( numberOfWidget <= widgetsMinimum() ) {
addButtonEnabled = true;
removeButtonEnabled = false;
} else if ( numberOfWidget >= widgetsMaximum() ) {
addButtonEnabled = false;
removeButtonEnabled = true;
} else {
addButtonEnabled = true;
removeButtonEnabled = true;
QList<QWidget*>::ConstIterator wIt = widgetList.constBegin();
QList<QWidget*>::ConstIterator wEnd = widgetList.constEnd();
for ( ; wIt != wEnd ;++wIt ) {
SearchRuleWidget *w = qobject_cast<SearchRuleWidget*>( *wIt );
w->updateAddRemoveButton( addButtonEnabled, removeButtonEnabled );
void SearchRuleWidgetLister::reset()
if ( mRuleList ) {
mRuleList = 0;
QWidget *SearchRuleWidgetLister::createWidget( QWidget *parent )
SearchRuleWidget *w =
new SearchRuleWidget( parent, SearchRule::Ptr(), mOptions, mTypeMode );
reconnectWidget( w );
return w;
void SearchRuleWidgetLister::clearWidget( QWidget *aWidget )
if ( aWidget ) {
SearchRuleWidget *w = static_cast<SearchRuleWidget*>( aWidget );
reconnectWidget( w );
void SearchRuleWidgetLister::regenerateRuleListFromWidgets()
if ( !mRuleList ) {
foreach ( const QWidget *w, widgets() ) {
SearchRule::Ptr r = qobject_cast<const SearchRuleWidget*>( w )->rule();
if ( r && !r->isEmpty() ) {
mRuleList->append( r );
// class SearchPatternEdit
SearchPatternEdit::SearchPatternEdit( QWidget *parent, SearchPatternEditOptions options, SearchModeType modeType )
: QWidget( parent ), mAllMessageRBtn( 0 )
setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
setObjectName( QLatin1String("SearchPatternEdit") );
initLayout( options, modeType );
void SearchPatternEdit::updateSearchPattern()
void SearchPatternEdit::setPatternEditOptions( SearchPatternEdit::SearchPatternEditOptions options )
void SearchPatternEdit::initLayout( SearchPatternEditOptions options, SearchModeType modeType )
QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
layout->setMargin( 0 );
const bool matchAllMessages = ( options & MailCommon::SearchPatternEdit::MatchAllMessages );
//------------the radio buttons
mAllRBtn = new QRadioButton( i18n( "Match a&ll of the following" ), this );
mAnyRBtn = new QRadioButton( i18n( "Match an&y of the following" ), this );
if ( matchAllMessages ) {
mAllMessageRBtn = new QRadioButton( i18n( "Match all messages" ), this );
mAllRBtn->setObjectName( QLatin1String("mAllRBtn") );
mAllRBtn->setChecked( true );
mAnyRBtn->setObjectName( QLatin1String("mAnyRBtn") );
mAnyRBtn->setChecked( false );
if ( matchAllMessages ) {
mAllMessageRBtn->setObjectName( QLatin1String("mAllMessageRBtn") );
layout->addWidget( mAllRBtn );
layout->addWidget( mAnyRBtn );
if ( matchAllMessages ) {
layout->addWidget( mAllMessageRBtn );
QButtonGroup *bg = new QButtonGroup( this );
bg->addButton( mAllRBtn );
bg->addButton( mAnyRBtn );
if ( matchAllMessages ) {
bg->addButton( mAllMessageRBtn );
//------------connect a few signals
connect( bg, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)),
this, SLOT(slotRadioClicked(QAbstractButton*)) );
//------------the list of SearchRuleWidget's
mRuleLister =
new SearchRuleWidgetLister(
this, options, modeType);
if ( !mRuleLister->widgets().isEmpty() ) {
const int numberOfWidget( mRuleLister->widgets().count() );
for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfWidget; ++i ) {
SearchRuleWidget *srw = static_cast<SearchRuleWidget*>( mRuleLister->widgets().at(i) );
connect( srw, SIGNAL(fieldChanged(QString)),
this, SLOT(slotAutoNameHack()) );
connect( srw, SIGNAL(contentsChanged(QString)),
this, SLOT(slotAutoNameHack()) );
connect( srw, SIGNAL(returnPressed()),
this, SIGNAL(returnPressed()) );
} else {
kDebug() << "No first SearchRuleWidget, though slotClear() has been called!";
connect( mRuleLister, SIGNAL(widgetAdded(QWidget*)),
this, SLOT(slotRuleAdded(QWidget*)) );
connect( mRuleLister, SIGNAL(widgetRemoved()), this, SIGNAL(patternChanged()) );
connect( mRuleLister, SIGNAL(clearWidgets()), this, SIGNAL(patternChanged()));
layout->addWidget( mRuleLister );
void SearchPatternEdit::setSearchPattern( SearchPattern *aPattern )
Q_ASSERT( aPattern );
mRuleLister->setRuleList( aPattern );
mPattern = aPattern;
blockSignals( true );
if ( mPattern->op() == SearchPattern::OpOr ) {
mAnyRBtn->setChecked( true );
} else if ( mPattern->op() == SearchPattern::OpAnd ) {
mAllRBtn->setChecked( true );
} else if ( mAllMessageRBtn && ( mPattern->op() == SearchPattern::OpAll ) ) {
mAllMessageRBtn->setChecked( true );
mRuleLister->setEnabled( mPattern->op() != SearchPattern::OpAll );
blockSignals( false );
setEnabled( true );
emit patternChanged();
void SearchPatternEdit::reset()
mAllRBtn->setChecked( true );
setEnabled( false );
emit patternChanged();
void SearchPatternEdit::slotRadioClicked( QAbstractButton *aRBtn )
if ( mPattern ) {
if ( aRBtn == mAllRBtn ) {
mPattern->setOp( SearchPattern::OpAnd );
} else if ( aRBtn == mAnyRBtn ) {
mPattern->setOp( SearchPattern::OpOr );
} else if ( aRBtn == mAllMessageRBtn ) {
mPattern->setOp( SearchPattern::OpAll );
mRuleLister->setEnabled( mPattern->op() != SearchPattern::OpAll );
emit patternChanged();
void SearchPatternEdit::slotAutoNameHack()
emit maybeNameChanged();
emit patternChanged();
void SearchPatternEdit::slotRuleAdded( QWidget *newRuleWidget )
SearchRuleWidget *srw = static_cast<SearchRuleWidget*>( newRuleWidget );
connect( srw, SIGNAL(fieldChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotAutoNameHack()) );
connect( srw, SIGNAL(contentsChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotAutoNameHack()) );
connect( srw, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SIGNAL(returnPressed()) );
emit patternChanged();