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Avatar provider - based on Microblog dataengine implementation
Copyright (C) 2008 Aaron Seigo <aseigo@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2012 Martin Klapetek <martin.klapetek@gmail.com>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include "imageprovider.h"
#include <KDebug>
#include <KIO/Job>
#include <KImageCache>
#include <QPainter>
class Akonadi::ImageProviderPrivate
Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC( ImageProvider )
struct QueuedJobHelper {
QString who;
KUrl url;
bool polishImage;
ImageProviderPrivate( ImageProvider *q ) : q_ptr( q )
* Makes the corners of the image rounded
QImage polishImage( const QImage &img )
const int sz = 48 * 4;
QImage roundedImage = QImage( QSize( sz, sz ), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied );
roundedImage.fill( Qt::transparent );
QPainter p;
p.begin( &roundedImage );
QPainterPath clippingPath;
QRectF imgRect = QRectF( QPoint( 0, 0 ), roundedImage.size() );
clippingPath.addRoundedRect( imgRect, 24, 24 );
p.setClipPath( clippingPath );
p.setClipping( true );
p.drawImage( QRectF( QPointF( 0, 0 ), roundedImage.size() ), img );
return roundedImage;
///All active jobs
QHash<KJob *, QString> jobs;
///Received data from the jobs
QHash<KJob *, QByteArray> jobData;
///Number of running jobs
int runningJobs;
///Queued jobs when the limit is reached
QList<QueuedJobHelper> queuedJobs;
///String list containing the list of loaded persons avatars
QStringList pendingPersons;
///KImageCache instance
KImageCache *imageCache;
* This slot is called when fetching the avatar has finished
void result( KJob *job );
* Handling received data from KJob
void recv( KIO::Job *job, const QByteArray &data );
ImageProvider *q_ptr;
void Akonadi::ImageProviderPrivate::recv( KIO::Job *job, const QByteArray &data )
jobData[job] += data;
void Akonadi::ImageProviderPrivate::result( KJob *job )
Q_Q( ImageProvider );
if ( !jobs.contains( job ) ) {
kDebug() << "Tried to handle unknown job, returning...";
if ( queuedJobs.count() > 0 ) {
QueuedJobHelper helper = queuedJobs.takeFirst();
q->loadImage( helper.who, helper.url, helper.polishImage );
if ( job->error() ) {
// TODO: error handling
KIO::TransferJob* kiojob = dynamic_cast<KIO::TransferJob*>( job );
kError() << "Image job for" << jobs.value( job ) << "returned error:" << kiojob->errorString();
} else {
const QString who = jobs.value( job );
QImage image;
image.loadFromData( jobData.value( job ) );
KIO::TransferJob* kiojob = dynamic_cast<KIO::TransferJob*>( job );
const QString cacheKey = who + QLatin1Char( '@' ) +
kiojob->property( "imageUrl" ).value<KUrl>().pathOrUrl();
kDebug() << "Downloaded image for" << who << "(key:" << cacheKey << ")";
imageCache->insertImage( cacheKey, image );
pendingPersons.removeAll( cacheKey );
bool polishImage = job->property( "polishImage" ).toBool();
Q_EMIT q->imageLoaded( who,
kiojob->property( "imageUrl" ).value<KUrl>(),
polishImage ? this->polishImage( image ) : image );
jobs.remove( job );
jobData.remove( job );
Akonadi::ImageProvider::ImageProvider( QObject *parent )
: QObject( parent ),
d_ptr( new ImageProviderPrivate( this ) )
Q_D( ImageProvider );
d->imageCache = 0;
d->runningJobs = 0;
Q_D( ImageProvider );
delete d;
QImage Akonadi::ImageProvider::loadImage( const QString &who, const KUrl &url,
bool polishImage, KImageCache *cache )
Q_D( ImageProvider );
if ( who.isEmpty() ) {
return QImage();
if ( !d->imageCache && !cache ) {
//if no old cache and no passed cache, default to plasma_engine_preview
d->imageCache = new KImageCache( QLatin1String( "plasma_engine_preview" ),
10485760 ); // Re-use previewengine's cache
} else if ( !d->imageCache && cache ) {
//if there is no old cache, set the new one
d->imageCache = cache;
} else if ( d->imageCache && cache ) {
//delete old one and set new one
//delete d->imageCache; //FIXME: crashes
d->imageCache = cache;
const QString cacheKey = who + QLatin1Char( '@' ) + url.pathOrUrl();
// Make sure we only start one job per user
if ( d->pendingPersons.contains( cacheKey ) ) {
kDebug() << "Job for" << who << "already running, returning";
return QImage();
// Check if the image is in the cache, if so emit it and return
QImage preview;
preview.fill( Qt::transparent );
if ( d->imageCache->findImage( cacheKey, &preview ) ) {
// cache hit
kDebug() << "Image for" << who << "already in cache, returning it";
return polishImage ? d->polishImage( preview ) : preview;
if ( !url.isValid() ) {
kDebug() << "Invalid url, returning";
return QImage();
kDebug() << "No cache, fetching image for" << who;
d->pendingPersons << cacheKey;
//FIXME: since kio_http bombs the system with too many request put a temporary
// arbitrary limit here, revert as soon as BUG 192625 is fixed
// Note: seems fixed.
if ( d->runningJobs < 500 ) {
kDebug() << "Starting fetch job for" << who;
KIO::Job *job = KIO::get( url, KIO::NoReload, KIO::HideProgressInfo );
job->setAutoDelete( true );
d->jobs[job] = who;
connect( job, SIGNAL(data(KIO::Job*,QByteArray)),
this, SLOT(recv(KIO::Job*,QByteArray)) );
connect( job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)),
this, SLOT(result(KJob*)) );
// The url needs to be stored explicitly because, for example, facebook redirects
// randomly between its servers causing the url to be different every time, which
// makes storing the job's url in cache impossible therefore we set it here and
// use this when saving to the cache instead of job->url()
job->setProperty( "imageUrl", url );
job->setProperty( "polishImage", polishImage );
} else {
kDebug() << "Queuing job for" << who;
ImageProviderPrivate::QueuedJobHelper helper;
helper.who = who;
helper.url = url;
helper.polishImage = polishImage;
d->queuedJobs.append( helper );
return QImage();
void Akonadi::ImageProvider::abortAllJobs()
Q_D( ImageProvider );
Q_FOREACH ( KJob *job, d->jobs.keys() ) {
d->jobs.remove( job );
d->jobData.remove( job );
#include "moc_imageprovider.cpp"