mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 18:32:51 +00:00
481 lines
17 KiB
481 lines
17 KiB
Copyright (C) 2010 Casey Link <unnamedrambler@gmail.com>
Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company <info@kdab.com>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include "attendeeline.h"
#include "attendeedata.h"
#include <KCalUtils/Stringify>
#include <KPIMUtils/Email>
#include <KCompletionBox>
#include <KDebug>
#include <KDialog>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <QBoxLayout>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QMenu>
using namespace IncidenceEditorNG;
typedef QPair<QString, QIcon> TextIconPair;
AttendeeComboBox::AttendeeComboBox( QWidget *parent )
: QToolButton( parent ), mMenu( new QMenu( this ) ), mCurrentIndex( -1 )
setPopupMode( QToolButton::InstantPopup );
setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly );
setMenu( mMenu );
void AttendeeComboBox::addItem( const QIcon &icon, const QString &text )
mList.append( TextIconPair( text, icon ) );
if ( mCurrentIndex == -1 ) {
setCurrentIndex( 0 );
int index = mList.size() - 1;
QAction *act = menu()->addAction( icon, text, this, SLOT(slotActionTriggered()) );
act->setData( index );
void AttendeeComboBox::addItems( const QStringList &texts )
foreach ( const QString &str, texts ) {
addItem( QIcon(), str );
if ( mCurrentIndex == -1 ) {
setCurrentIndex( 0 );
int AttendeeComboBox::currentIndex() const
return mCurrentIndex;
void AttendeeComboBox::clear()
mCurrentIndex = -1;
void AttendeeComboBox::setCurrentIndex( int index )
Q_ASSERT( index < mList.size() );
const int old = mCurrentIndex;
mCurrentIndex = index;
setIcon( mList.at( index ).second );
setToolTip( mList.at( index ).first );
if ( old != index ) {
emit itemChanged();
void AttendeeComboBox::slotActionTriggered()
int index = qobject_cast<QAction*> ( sender() )->data().toInt();
setCurrentIndex( index );
void AttendeeComboBox::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *ev )
if ( ev->key() == Qt::Key_Left ) {
emit leftPressed();
} else if ( ev->key() == Qt::Key_Right ) {
emit rightPressed();
} else {
QToolButton::keyPressEvent( ev );
AttendeeLineEdit::AttendeeLineEdit( QWidget *parent )
: AddresseeLineEdit( parent, true )
void AttendeeLineEdit::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *ev )
if ( ( ev->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || ev->key() == Qt::Key_Return ) &&
!completionBox()->isVisible() ) {
emit downPressed();
KPIM::AddresseeLineEdit::keyPressEvent( ev );
} else if ( ev->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace && text().isEmpty() ) {
emit deleteMe();
} else if ( ev->key() == Qt::Key_Left && cursorPosition() == 0 &&
!ev->modifiers().testFlag( Qt::ShiftModifier ) ) {
// Shift would be pressed during selection
emit leftPressed();
} else if ( ev->key() == Qt::Key_Right && cursorPosition() == (int)text().length() &&
!ev->modifiers().testFlag( Qt::ShiftModifier ) ) {
// Shift would be pressed during selection
emit rightPressed();
} else if ( ev->key() == Qt::Key_Down ) {
emit downPressed();
} else if ( ev->key() == Qt::Key_Up ) {
emit upPressed();
} else {
KPIM::AddresseeLineEdit::keyPressEvent( ev );
AttendeeLine::AttendeeLine( QWidget *parent )
: MultiplyingLine( parent ),
mRoleCombo( new AttendeeComboBox( this ) ),
mStateCombo( new AttendeeComboBox( this ) ),
mResponseCombo( new AttendeeComboBox( this ) ),
mEdit( new AttendeeLineEdit( this ) ),
mData( new AttendeeData( QString(), QString() ) ),
mModified( false )
setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
topLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
topLayout->setMargin( 0 );
mRoleCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "meeting-participant", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeRole( KCalCore::Attendee::ReqParticipant ) );
mRoleCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "meeting-participant-optional", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeRole( KCalCore::Attendee::OptParticipant ) );
mRoleCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "meeting-observer", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeRole( KCalCore::Attendee::NonParticipant ) );
mRoleCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "meeting-chair", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeRole( KCalCore::Attendee::Chair ) );
mResponseCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "meeting-participant-request-response", 48 ),
i18nc( "@item:inlistbox", "Request Response" ) );
mResponseCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "meeting-participant-no-response", 48 ),
i18nc( "@item:inlistbox", "Request No Response" ) );
mRoleCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "meeting-participant" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeRole( KCalCore::Attendee::ReqParticipant ) );
mRoleCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "meeting-participant-optional" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeRole( KCalCore::Attendee::OptParticipant ) );
mRoleCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "meeting-observer" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeRole( KCalCore::Attendee::NonParticipant ) );
mRoleCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "meeting-chair" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeRole( KCalCore::Attendee::Chair ) );
mResponseCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "meeting-participant-request-response" ),
i18nc( "@item:inlistbox", "Request Response" ) );
mResponseCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "meeting-participant-no-response" ),
i18nc( "@item:inlistbox", "Request No Response" ) );
mEdit->setToolTip( i18nc( "@info:tooltip",
"Enter the name or email address of the attendee." ) );
mEdit->setClearButtonShown( true );
mStateCombo->setWhatsThis( i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
"Edits the current attendance status of the attendee." ) );
mRoleCombo->setWhatsThis( i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
"Edits the role of the attendee." ) );
mEdit->setWhatsThis( i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
"The email address or name of the attendee. An invitation "
"can be sent to the user if an email address is provided." ) );
setActions( EventActions );
mResponseCombo->setToolTip( i18nc( "@info:tooltip", "Request a response from the attendee" ) );
mResponseCombo->setWhatsThis( i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
"Edits whether to send an email to the "
"attendee to request a response concerning "
"attendance." ) );
// add them to the layout in the correct order
topLayout->addWidget( mRoleCombo );
topLayout->addWidget( mEdit );
topLayout->addWidget( mStateCombo );
topLayout->addWidget( mResponseCombo );
connect( mEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(slotReturnPressed()) );
connect( mEdit, SIGNAL(deleteMe()),
SLOT(slotPropagateDeletion()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( mEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),
SLOT(slotTextChanged(QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( mEdit, SIGNAL(upPressed()), SLOT(slotFocusUp()) );
connect( mEdit, SIGNAL(downPressed()), SLOT(slotFocusDown()) );
connect( mRoleCombo, SIGNAL(rightPressed()), mEdit, SLOT(setFocus()) );
connect( mEdit, SIGNAL(leftPressed()), mRoleCombo, SLOT(setFocus()) );
connect( mEdit, SIGNAL(rightPressed()), mStateCombo, SLOT(setFocus()) );
connect( mStateCombo, SIGNAL(leftPressed()), mEdit, SLOT(setFocus()) );
connect( mStateCombo, SIGNAL(rightPressed()), mResponseCombo, SLOT(setFocus()) );
connect( mResponseCombo, SIGNAL(leftPressed()), mStateCombo, SLOT(setFocus()) );
connect( mResponseCombo, SIGNAL(rightPressed()), SIGNAL(rightPressed()) );
connect( mEdit, SIGNAL(editingFinished()),
SLOT(slotHandleChange()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( mEdit, SIGNAL(textCompleted()),
SLOT(slotHandleChange()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( mEdit, SIGNAL(clearButtonClicked()),
SLOT(slotPropagateDeletion()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( mRoleCombo, SIGNAL(itemChanged()), this, SLOT(slotComboChanged()) );
connect( mStateCombo, SIGNAL(itemChanged()), this, SLOT(slotComboChanged()) );
connect( mResponseCombo, SIGNAL(itemChanged()), this, SLOT(slotComboChanged()) );
void AttendeeLine::activate()
void AttendeeLine::clear()
mRoleCombo->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
mStateCombo->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
mResponseCombo->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
void AttendeeLine::clearModified()
mModified = false;
mEdit->setModified( false );
KPIM::MultiplyingLineData::Ptr AttendeeLine::data() const
if ( isModified() ) {
const_cast<AttendeeLine*>( this )->dataFromFields();
return mData;
void AttendeeLine::dataFromFields()
if ( !mData ) {
KCalCore::Attendee::Ptr oldAttendee( mData->attendee() );
QString email, name;
KPIMUtils::extractEmailAddressAndName( mEdit->text(), email, name );
mData->setName( name );
mData->setEmail( email );
mData->setRole( AttendeeData::Role( mRoleCombo->currentIndex() ) );
mData->setStatus( AttendeeData::PartStat( mStateCombo->currentIndex() ) );
mData->setRSVP( mResponseCombo->currentIndex() == 0 );
mData->setUid( mUid );
if ( !( oldAttendee == mData->attendee() ) && !email.isEmpty() ) {
// if email is empty, we don't want to update anything
kDebug() << oldAttendee->email() << mData->email();
emit changed( oldAttendee, mData->attendee() );
void AttendeeLine::fieldsFromData()
if( !mData ) {
mEdit->setText( mData->fullName() );
mRoleCombo->setCurrentIndex( mData->role() );
AttendeeData::PartStat partStat = mData->status();
if ( partStat != AttendeeData::None ) {
mStateCombo->setCurrentIndex( partStat );
} else {
mStateCombo->setCurrentIndex( AttendeeData::NeedsAction );
mResponseCombo->setCurrentIndex( mData->RSVP() ? 0 : 1 );
mUid = mData->uid();
void AttendeeLine::fixTabOrder( QWidget *previous )
setTabOrder( previous, mRoleCombo );
setTabOrder( mRoleCombo, mEdit );
setTabOrder( mEdit, mStateCombo );
setTabOrder( mStateCombo, mResponseCombo );
QWidget *AttendeeLine::tabOut() const
return mResponseCombo;
bool AttendeeLine::isActive() const
return mEdit->hasFocus();
bool AttendeeLine::isEmpty() const
return mEdit->text().isEmpty();
bool AttendeeLine::isModified() const
return mModified || mEdit->isModified();
void AttendeeLine::moveCompletionPopup()
if ( mEdit->completionBox( false ) ) {
if ( mEdit->completionBox()->isVisible() ) {
// ### trigger moving, is there a nicer way to do that?
int AttendeeLine::setColumnWidth( int w )
w = qMax( w, mRoleCombo->sizeHint().width() );
mRoleCombo->setFixedWidth( w );
return w;
void AttendeeLine::setActions( AttendeeActions actions )
if ( actions == EventActions ) {
mStateCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "task-attention", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::NeedsAction ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "task-accepted", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Accepted ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "task-reject", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Declined ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "task-attempt", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Tentative ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "task-delegate", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Delegated ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "task-attention" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::NeedsAction ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "task-accepted" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Accepted ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "task-reject" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Declined ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "task-attempt" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Tentative ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "task-delegate" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Delegated ) );
} else {
mStateCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "task-attention", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::NeedsAction ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "task-accepted", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Accepted ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "task-reject", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Declined ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "task-attempt", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Tentative ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "task-delegate", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Delegated ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "task-complete", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Completed ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( DesktopIcon( "task-ongoing", 48 ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::InProcess ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "task-attention" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::NeedsAction ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "task-accepted" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Accepted ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "task-reject" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Declined ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "task-attempt" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Tentative ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "task-delegate" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Delegated ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "task-complete" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::Completed ) );
mStateCombo->addItem( SmallIcon( "task-ongoing" ),
KCalUtils::Stringify::attendeeStatus( AttendeeData::InProcess ) );
void AttendeeLine::setCompletionMode( KGlobalSettings::Completion mode )
mEdit->setCompletionMode( mode );
void AttendeeLine::setData( const KPIM::MultiplyingLineData::Ptr &data )
AttendeeData::Ptr attendee = qSharedPointerDynamicCast<AttendeeData>( data );
if ( !attendee ) {
mData = attendee;
void AttendeeLine::slotHandleChange()
if ( mEdit->text().isEmpty() ) {
emit deleteLine( this );
} else {
// has bad side-effects, and I have no idea what this was supposed to be doing
// mEdit->setCursorPosition( 0 );
emit editingFinished( this );
void AttendeeLine::slotTextChanged( const QString &str )
Q_UNUSED( str );
mModified = true;
emit changed(); // TODO: This doesn't seem connected to anywhere in incidenceattendee.cpp.
// but the important code is run in slotHandleChange() anyway so we don't see any bug
void AttendeeLine::slotComboChanged()
mModified = true;
// If mUid is empty, we're still populating the widget, don't write fields to data yet
if ( !mUid.isEmpty() )
void AttendeeLine::aboutToBeDeleted()
if ( !mData ) {
emit changed( mData->attendee(), KCalCore::Attendee::Ptr( new KCalCore::Attendee( "", "" ) ) );