mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 19:02:51 +00:00
374 lines
11 KiB
374 lines
11 KiB
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold@kainhofer.com>
Copyright (c) 2007 Bruno Virlet <bruno@virlet.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#include "timelabels.h"
#include "agenda.h"
#include "prefs.h"
#include "timelabelszone.h"
#include "timescaleconfigdialog.h"
#include <KIcon>
#include <KLocale>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <KGlobal>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPointer>
static const KCatalogLoader loader( QLatin1String("timezones4") );
using namespace EventViews;
TimeLabels::TimeLabels( const KDateTime::Spec &spec, int rows,
TimeLabelsZone *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f )
: QFrame( parent, f )
mTimeLabelsZone = parent;
mSpec = spec;
mRows = rows;
mMiniWidth = 0;
mCellHeight = mTimeLabelsZone->preferences()->hourSize() * 4;
setBackgroundRole( QPalette::Background );
mMousePos = new QFrame( this );
mMousePos->setLineWidth( 1 );
mMousePos->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Plain );
mMousePos->setFixedSize( width(), 1 );
mAgenda = 0;
if ( mSpec.isValid() ) {
setToolTip( i18n( "Timezone:" ) + i18n( mSpec.timeZone().name().toUtf8() ) );
setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
void TimeLabels::mousePosChanged( const QPoint &pos )
mMousePos->move( 0, pos.y() );
// The repaint somehow prevents that the red line leaves a black artifact when
// moved down. It's not a full solution, though.
void TimeLabels::showMousePos()
// touch screen have no mouse position
void TimeLabels::hideMousePos()
void TimeLabels::colorMousePos()
QPalette pal;
pal.setColor( QPalette::Window, // for Oxygen
mTimeLabelsZone->preferences()->agendaMarcusBainsLineLineColor() );
pal.setColor( QPalette::WindowText, // for Plastique
mTimeLabelsZone->preferences()->agendaMarcusBainsLineLineColor() );
mMousePos->setPalette( pal );
void TimeLabels::setCellHeight( double height )
if ( mCellHeight != height ) {
mCellHeight = height;
QSize TimeLabels::minimumSizeHint() const
QSize sh = QFrame::sizeHint();
sh.setWidth( mMiniWidth );
return sh;
/** updates widget's internal state */
void TimeLabels::updateConfig()
setFont( mTimeLabelsZone->preferences()->agendaTimeLabelsFont() );
QString test = QLatin1String("20");
if ( KGlobal::locale()->use12Clock() ) {
test = QLatin1String("12");
mMiniWidth = fontMetrics().width( test );
if ( KGlobal::locale()->use12Clock() ) {
test = QLatin1String("pm");
} else {
test = QLatin1String("00");
QFont sFont = font();
sFont.setPointSize( sFont.pointSize() / 2 );
QFontMetrics fmS( sFont );
mMiniWidth += fmS.width( test ) + frameWidth() * 2 + 4 ;
/** Can happen if all resources are disabled */
if ( !mAgenda ) {
// update HourSize
mCellHeight = mTimeLabelsZone->preferences()->hourSize() * 4;
// If the agenda is zoomed out so that more than 24 would be shown,
// the agenda only shows 24 hours, so we need to take the cell height
// from the agenda, which is larger than the configured one!
if ( mCellHeight < 4 * mAgenda->gridSpacingY() ) {
mCellHeight = 4 * mAgenda->gridSpacingY();
/** */
void TimeLabels::setAgenda( Agenda *agenda )
mAgenda = agenda;
if ( mAgenda ) {
connect( mAgenda, SIGNAL(mousePosSignal(QPoint)),
SLOT(mousePosChanged(QPoint)) );
connect( mAgenda, SIGNAL(enterAgenda()), SLOT(showMousePos()) );
connect( mAgenda, SIGNAL(leaveAgenda()), SLOT(hideMousePos()) );
connect( mAgenda, SIGNAL(gridSpacingYChanged(double)),
SLOT(setCellHeight(double)) );
/** This is called in response to repaint() */
void TimeLabels::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * )
QPainter p( this );
const int ch = height();
// We won't paint parts that aren't visible
const int cy = -y();// y() returns a negative value.
const int beginning =
!mSpec.isValid() ?
0 :
( mSpec.timeZone().currentOffset() -
mTimeLabelsZone->preferences()->timeSpec().timeZone().currentOffset() ) / ( 60 * 60 );
// bug: the parameters cx and cw are the areas that need to be
// redrawn, not the area of the widget. unfortunately, this
// code assumes the latter...
// now, for a workaround...
const int cx = frameWidth() * 2;
const int cw = width();
// end of workaround
int cell = static_cast<int>( cy / mCellHeight ) + beginning; // the hour we start drawing with
double y = ( cell - beginning ) * mCellHeight;
QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
QString hour;
int timeHeight = fm.ascent();
QFont hourFont = mTimeLabelsZone->preferences()->agendaTimeLabelsFont();
p.setFont( font() );
//TODO: rewrite this using KLocale's time formats. "am/pm" doesn't make sense
// in some locale's
QString suffix;
if ( !KGlobal::locale()->use12Clock() ) {
suffix = QLatin1String("00");
} else {
suffix = QLatin1String("am");
if ( cell > 11 ) {
suffix = QLatin1String("pm");
// We adjust the size of the hour font to keep it reasonable
if ( timeHeight > mCellHeight ) {
timeHeight = static_cast<int>( mCellHeight - 1 );
int pointS = hourFont.pointSize();
while ( pointS > 4 ) { // TODO: use smallestReadableFont() when added to kdelibs
hourFont.setPointSize( pointS );
fm = QFontMetrics( hourFont );
if ( fm.ascent() < mCellHeight ) {
fm = QFontMetrics( hourFont );
timeHeight = fm.ascent();
//timeHeight -= (timeHeight/4-2);
QFont suffixFont = hourFont;
suffixFont.setPointSize( suffixFont.pointSize() / 2 );
QFontMetrics fmS( suffixFont );
const int startW = cw - frameWidth() - 2 ;
const int tw2 = fmS.width( suffix );
const int divTimeHeight = ( timeHeight - 1 ) / 2 - 1;
while ( y < cy + ch + mCellHeight ) {
QColor lineColor, textColor;
textColor = palette().color( QPalette::WindowText );
if ( cell < 0 || cell >= 24 ) {
textColor.setAlphaF( 0.5 );
lineColor = textColor;
lineColor.setAlphaF( lineColor.alphaF() / 5. );
p.setPen( lineColor );
// hour, full line
p.drawLine( cx, int( y ), cw + 2, int( y ) );
hour.setNum( cell % 24 );
// handle different timezones
if ( cell < 0 ) {
hour.setNum( cell + 24 );
// handle 24h and am/pm time formats
if ( KGlobal::locale()->use12Clock() ) {
if ( cell == 12 ) {
suffix =QLatin1String( "pm");
if ( cell == 0 ) {
hour.setNum( 12 );
if ( cell > 12 ) {
hour.setNum( cell - 12 );
// draw the time label
p.setPen( textColor );
const int timeWidth = fm.width( hour );
int offset = startW - timeWidth - tw2 -1 ;
p.setFont( hourFont );
p.drawText( offset, static_cast<int>( y + timeHeight ), hour );
p.setFont( suffixFont );
offset = startW - tw2;
p.drawText( offset, static_cast<int>( y + timeHeight - divTimeHeight ), suffix );
// increment indices
y += mCellHeight;
QSize TimeLabels::sizeHint() const
return QSize( mMiniWidth, mRows * mCellHeight );
void TimeLabels::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent *event )
Q_UNUSED( event );
QMenu popup( this );
QAction *editTimeZones =
popup.addAction( KIcon( QLatin1String("document-properties") ), i18n( "&Add Timezones..." ) );
QAction *removeTimeZone =
popup.addAction( KIcon( QLatin1String("edit-delete") ),
i18n( "&Remove Timezone %1", i18n( mSpec.timeZone().name().toUtf8() ) ) );
if ( !mSpec.isValid() ||
!mTimeLabelsZone->preferences()->timeScaleTimezones().count() ||
mSpec == mTimeLabelsZone->preferences()->timeSpec() ) {
removeTimeZone->setEnabled( false );
QAction *activatedAction = popup.exec( QCursor::pos() );
if ( activatedAction == editTimeZones ) {
QPointer<TimeScaleConfigDialog> dialog =
new TimeScaleConfigDialog( mTimeLabelsZone->preferences(), this );
if ( dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) {
delete dialog;
} else if ( activatedAction == removeTimeZone ) {
QStringList list = mTimeLabelsZone->preferences()->timeScaleTimezones();
list.removeAll( mSpec.timeZone().name() );
mTimeLabelsZone->preferences()->setTimeScaleTimezones( list );
KDateTime::Spec TimeLabels::timeSpec()
return mSpec;
QString TimeLabels::header() const
return i18n( mSpec.timeZone().name().toUtf8() );
QString TimeLabels::headerToolTip() const
KTimeZone tz = mSpec.timeZone();
QString toolTip;
toolTip += QLatin1String("<qt>");
toolTip += i18n( "<b>%1</b>", i18n( tz.name().toUtf8() ) );
toolTip += QLatin1String("<hr>");
//TODO: Once string freeze is lifted, add UTC offset here
if ( !tz.countryCode().isEmpty() ) {
toolTip += i18n( "<i>Country Code:</i> %1", tz.countryCode() );
toolTip += QLatin1String("<br/>");
if ( !tz.abbreviations().isEmpty() ) {
toolTip += i18n( "<i>Abbreviations:</i>" ) + QLatin1String("</i>");
toolTip += QLatin1String(" ");
foreach ( const QByteArray &a, tz.abbreviations() ) {
toolTip += QString::fromLocal8Bit( a );
toolTip += QLatin1String(", ");
toolTip.chop( 7 );
toolTip += QLatin1String("<br/>");
if ( !tz.comment().isEmpty() ) {
toolTip += i18n( "<i>Comment:</i> %1", tz.comment() );
toolTip += QLatin1String("</qt>");
return toolTip;