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Copyright (c) 2007 Volker Krause <vkrause@kde.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include "akonadi_serializer_kcal.h"
#include <akonadi/abstractdifferencesreporter.h>
#include <akonadi/item.h>
#include <KCal/Event>
#include <KCal/Todo>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <QtCore/qplugin.h>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
typedef boost::shared_ptr<KCal::Incidence> IncidencePtr;
using namespace Akonadi;
//// ItemSerializerPlugin interface
bool SerializerPluginKCal::deserialize(Item & item, const QByteArray & label, QIODevice & data, int version)
Q_UNUSED( version );
if ( label != Item::FullPayload ) {
return false;
KCal::Incidence* i = mFormat.fromString( QString::fromUtf8( data.readAll() ) );
if ( !i ) {
kWarning( 5263 ) << "Failed to parse incidence!";
data.seek( 0 );
kWarning( 5263 ) << QString::fromUtf8( data.readAll() );
return false;
item.setPayload<IncidencePtr>( IncidencePtr( i ) );
return true;
void SerializerPluginKCal::serialize(const Item & item, const QByteArray & label, QIODevice & data, int &version)
Q_UNUSED( version );
if ( label != Item::FullPayload || !item.hasPayload<IncidencePtr>() )
IncidencePtr i = item.payload<IncidencePtr>();
// ### I guess this can be done without hardcoding stuff
data.write( "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nPRODID:-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML libkcal 3.2//EN\nVERSION:2.0\n" );
data.write( mFormat.toString( i.get() ).toUtf8() );
data.write( "\nEND:VCALENDAR" );
//// DifferencesAlgorithmInterface
static bool compareString( const QString &left, const QString &right )
if ( left.isEmpty() && right.isEmpty() )
return true;
return left == right;
static QString toString( KCal::Attendee *attendee )
return attendee->name() + QLatin1Char( '<' ) + attendee->email() + QLatin1Char( '>' );
static QString toString( KCal::Alarm * )
return QString();
static QString toString( KCal::Incidence * )
return QString();
static QString toString( KCal::Attachment * )
return QString();
static QString toString( const QDate &date )
return date.toString();
static QString toString( const KDateTime &dateTime )
return dateTime.dateTime().toString();
static QString toString( const QString &str )
return str;
static QString toString( bool value )
if ( value )
return i18n( "Yes" );
return i18n( "No" );
template <class T>
static void compareList( AbstractDifferencesReporter *reporter,
const QString &id,
const QList<T> &left,
const QList<T> &right )
for ( int i = 0; i < left.count(); ++i ) {
if ( !right.contains( left[ i ] ) )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::AdditionalLeftMode, id, toString( left[ i ] ), QString() );
for ( int i = 0; i < right.count(); ++i ) {
if ( !left.contains( right[ i ] ) )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::AdditionalRightMode, id, QString(), toString( right[ i ] ) );
static void compareIncidenceBase( AbstractDifferencesReporter *reporter,
const KCal::IncidenceBase *left,
const KCal::IncidenceBase *right )
compareList( reporter, i18n( "Attendees" ), left->attendees(), right->attendees() );
if ( !compareString( left->organizer().fullName(), right->organizer().fullName() ) )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Organizer" ),
left->organizer().fullName(), right->organizer().fullName() );
if ( !compareString( left->uid(), right->uid() ) )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "UID" ),
left->uid(), right->uid() );
if ( left->allDay() != right->allDay() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Is all-day" ),
toString( left->allDay() ), toString( right->allDay() ) );
if ( left->hasDuration() != right->hasDuration() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Has duration" ),
toString( left->hasDuration() ), toString( right->hasDuration() ) );
if ( left->duration() != right->duration() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Duration" ),
QString::number( left->duration().asSeconds() ), QString::number( right->duration().asSeconds() ) );
static void compareIncidence( AbstractDifferencesReporter *reporter,
const KCal::Incidence *left,
const KCal::Incidence *right )
if ( !compareString( left->description(), right->description() ) )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Description" ),
left->description(), right->description() );
if ( !compareString( left->summary(), right->summary() ) )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Summary" ),
left->summary(), right->summary() );
if ( left->status() != right->status() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Status" ),
left->statusStr(), right->statusStr() );
if ( left->secrecy() != right->secrecy() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Secrecy" ),
toString( left->secrecy() ), toString( right->secrecy() ) );
if ( left->priority() != right->priority() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Priority" ),
toString( left->priority() ), toString( right->priority() ) );
if ( !compareString( left->location(), right->location() ) )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Location" ),
left->location(), right->location() );
compareList( reporter, i18n( "Categories" ), left->categories(), right->categories() );
compareList( reporter, i18n( "Alarms" ), left->alarms(), right->alarms() );
compareList( reporter, i18n( "Resources" ), left->resources(), right->resources() );
compareList( reporter, i18n( "Attachments" ), left->attachments(), right->attachments() );
compareList( reporter, i18n( "Exception Dates" ), left->recurrence()->exDates(), right->recurrence()->exDates() );
compareList( reporter, i18n( "Exception Times" ), left->recurrence()->exDateTimes(), right->recurrence()->exDateTimes() );
// TODO: recurrence dates and date/times, exrules, rrules
if ( left->created() != right->created() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode,
i18n( "Created" ), left->created().toString(), right->created().toString() );
if ( !compareString( left->relatedToUid(), right->relatedToUid() ) )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode,
i18n( "Related Uid" ), left->relatedToUid(), right->relatedToUid() );
static void compareEvent( AbstractDifferencesReporter *reporter,
const KCal::Event *left,
const KCal::Event *right )
if ( left->dtStart() != right->dtStart() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Start time" ),
left->dtStart().toString(), right->dtStart().toString() );
if ( left->hasEndDate() != right->hasEndDate() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Has End Date" ),
toString( left->hasEndDate() ), toString( right->hasEndDate() ) );
if ( left->dtEnd() != right->dtEnd() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "End Date" ),
left->dtEnd().toString(), right->dtEnd().toString() );
// TODO: check transparency
static void compareTodo( AbstractDifferencesReporter *reporter,
const KCal::Todo *left,
const KCal::Todo *right )
if ( left->hasStartDate() != right->hasStartDate() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Has Start Date" ),
toString( left->hasStartDate() ), toString( right->hasStartDate() ) );
if ( left->hasDueDate() != right->hasDueDate() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Has Due Date" ),
toString( left->hasDueDate() ), toString( right->hasDueDate() ) );
if ( left->dtDue() != right->dtDue() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Due Date" ),
left->dtDue().toString(), right->dtDue().toString() );
if ( left->hasCompletedDate() != right->hasCompletedDate() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Has Complete Date" ),
toString( left->hasCompletedDate() ), toString( right->hasCompletedDate() ) );
if ( left->percentComplete() != right->percentComplete() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Complete" ),
QString::number( left->percentComplete() ), QString::number( right->percentComplete() ) );
if ( left->completed() != right->completed() )
reporter->addProperty( AbstractDifferencesReporter::ConflictMode, i18n( "Completed" ),
toString( left->completed() ), toString( right->completed() ) );
void SerializerPluginKCal::compare( Akonadi::AbstractDifferencesReporter *reporter,
const Akonadi::Item &leftItem,
const Akonadi::Item &rightItem )
Q_ASSERT( reporter );
Q_ASSERT( leftItem.hasPayload<IncidencePtr>() );
Q_ASSERT( rightItem.hasPayload<IncidencePtr>() );
const IncidencePtr leftIncidencePtr = leftItem.payload<IncidencePtr>();
const IncidencePtr rightIncidencePtr = rightItem.payload<IncidencePtr>();
if ( leftIncidencePtr->type() == "Event" ) {
reporter->setLeftPropertyValueTitle( i18n( "Changed Event" ) );
reporter->setRightPropertyValueTitle( i18n( "Conflicting Event" ) );
} else if ( leftIncidencePtr->type() == "Todo" ) {
reporter->setLeftPropertyValueTitle( i18n( "Changed Todo" ) );
reporter->setRightPropertyValueTitle( i18n( "Conflicting Todo" ) );
compareIncidenceBase( reporter, leftIncidencePtr.get(), rightIncidencePtr.get() );
compareIncidence( reporter, leftIncidencePtr.get(), rightIncidencePtr.get() );
const KCal::Event *leftEvent = dynamic_cast<KCal::Event*>( leftIncidencePtr.get() );
const KCal::Event *rightEvent = dynamic_cast<KCal::Event*>( rightIncidencePtr.get() ) ;
if ( leftEvent && rightEvent ) {
compareEvent( reporter, leftEvent, rightEvent );
} else {
const KCal::Todo *leftTodo = dynamic_cast<KCal::Todo*>( leftIncidencePtr.get() );
const KCal::Todo *rightTodo = dynamic_cast<KCal::Todo*>( rightIncidencePtr.get() );
if ( leftTodo && rightTodo ) {
compareTodo( reporter, leftTodo, rightTodo );
Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2( akonadi_serializer_kcal, SerializerPluginKCal )