2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

1690 lines
52 KiB

Copyright (C) 2001,2002 the KPGP authors
See file AUTHORS.kpgp for details
This file is part of KPGP, the KDE PGP/GnuPG support library.
KPGP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "kpgpui.h"
#include "kpgp.h"
#include "kpgpkey.h"
#include <QLabel>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QTextCodec>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QLayout>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QProgressBar>
#include <QButtonGroup>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QTreeWidget>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QScrollArea>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <QAbstractTextDocumentLayout>
#include <kvbox.h>
#include <kconfiggroup.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kpassworddialog.h>
#include <kcharsets.h>
#include <kseparator.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kconfigbase.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kprogressdialog.h>
#include <kwindowsystem.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h> // for memcpy(3)
const int Kpgp::KeySelectionDialog::sCheckSelectionDelay = 250;
namespace Kpgp {
PassphraseDialog::PassphraseDialog( QWidget *parent,
const QString &caption,
const QString &keyID )
:KPasswordDialog( parent )
setCaption( caption );
setButtons( Ok|Cancel );
setPixmap( BarIcon(QLatin1String("dialog-password")) );
if (keyID.isNull())
setPrompt(i18n("Please enter your OpenPGP passphrase:"));
setPrompt(i18n("Please enter the OpenPGP passphrase for\n\"%1\":", keyID) );
QString PassphraseDialog::passphrase()
return password();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forbidden accels for KMail: AC GH OP
// for KNode: ACE H O
Config::Config( QWidget *parent, bool encrypt )
: QWidget( parent ), pgp( Module::getKpgp() )
QGroupBox * group;
QLabel * label;
QString msg;
QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
topLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
topLayout->setMargin( 0 );
group = new QGroupBox( i18n("Warning"), this );
QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout(group);
lay->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
// (mmutz) work around Qt label bug in 3.0.0 (and possibly later):
// 1. Don't use rich text: No <qt><b>...</b></qt>
label = new QLabel( i18n("Please check if encryption really "
"works before you start using it seriously. Also note that attachments "
"are not encrypted by the PGP/GPG module."), group );
label->setWordWrap( true );
lay->addWidget( label );
// 2. instead, set the font to bold:
QFont labelFont = label->font();
labelFont.setBold( true );
label->setFont( labelFont );
// 3. and activate wordwarp:
// end; to remove the workaround, add <qt><b>..</b></qt> around the
// text and remove lines QFont... -> label->setAlignment(...).
topLayout->addWidget( group );
group = new QGroupBox( i18n("Encryption Tool"), this );
lay = new QVBoxLayout(group);
lay->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
KHBox * hbox = new KHBox( group );
lay->addWidget( hbox );
label = new QLabel( i18n("Select encryption tool to &use:"), hbox );
toolCombo = new QComboBox( hbox );
toolCombo->setEditable( false );
toolCombo->addItems( QStringList()
<< i18n("Autodetect")
<< i18n("GnuPG - Gnu Privacy Guard")
<< i18n("PGP Version 2.x")
<< i18n("PGP Version 5.x")
<< i18n("PGP Version 6.x")
<< i18n("Do not use any encryption tool") );
label->setBuddy( toolCombo );
hbox->setStretchFactor( toolCombo, 1 );
connect( toolCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
this, SIGNAL(changed()) );
// This is the place to add a KUrlRequester to be used for asking
// the user for the path to the executable...
topLayout->addWidget( group );
mpOptionsGroupBox = new QGroupBox( i18n("Options"), this );
lay = new QVBoxLayout( mpOptionsGroupBox );
lay->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
storePass = new QCheckBox( i18n("&Keep passphrase in memory"),
mpOptionsGroupBox );
lay->addWidget( storePass );
connect( storePass, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
this, SIGNAL(changed()) );
msg = i18n( "<qt><p>When this option is enabled, the passphrase of your "
"private key will be remembered by the application as long "
"as the application is running. Thus you will only have to "
"enter the passphrase once.</p><p>Be aware that this could be a "
"security risk. If you leave your computer, others "
"can use it to send signed messages and/or read your encrypted "
"messages. If a core dump occurs, the contents of your RAM will "
"be saved onto disk, including your passphrase.</p>"
"<p>Note that when using KMail, this setting only applies "
"if you are not using gpg-agent. It is also ignored "
"if you are using crypto plugins.</p></qt>" );
storePass->setWhatsThis( msg );
if( encrypt ) {
encToSelf = new QCheckBox( i18n("Always encr&ypt to self"),
mpOptionsGroupBox );
connect( encToSelf, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
this, SIGNAL(changed()) );
msg = i18n( "<qt><p>When this option is enabled, the message/file "
"will not only be encrypted with the receiver's public key, "
"but also with your key. This will enable you to decrypt the "
"message/file at a later time. This is generally a good idea."
"</p></qt>" );
encToSelf->setWhatsThis( msg );
encToSelf = 0;
showCipherText = new QCheckBox( i18n("&Show signed/encrypted text after "
lay->addWidget( showCipherText );
connect( showCipherText, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
this, SIGNAL(changed()) );
msg = i18n( "<qt><p>When this option is enabled, the signed/encrypted text "
"will be shown in a separate window, enabling you to know how "
"it will look before it is sent. This is a good idea when "
"you are verifying that your encryption system works.</p></qt>" );
showCipherText->setWhatsThis( msg );
if( encrypt ) {
showKeyApprovalDlg = new QCheckBox( i18n("Always show the encryption "
"keys &for approval"));
lay->addWidget( showKeyApprovalDlg );
connect( showKeyApprovalDlg, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
this, SIGNAL(changed()) );
msg = i18n( "<qt><p>When this option is enabled, the application will "
"always show you a list of public keys from which you can "
"choose the one it will use for encryption. If it is off, "
"the application will only show the dialog if it cannot find "
"the right key or if there are several which could be used. "
"</p></qt>" );
showKeyApprovalDlg->setWhatsThis( msg );
showKeyApprovalDlg = 0;
topLayout->addWidget( mpOptionsGroupBox );
setValues(); // is this needed by KNode, b/c for KMail, it's not.
// set default values
storePass->setChecked( pgp->storePassPhrase() );
if( 0 != encToSelf )
encToSelf->setChecked( pgp->encryptToSelf() );
showCipherText->setChecked( pgp->showCipherText() );
if( 0 != showKeyApprovalDlg )
showKeyApprovalDlg->setChecked( pgp->showKeyApprovalDlg() );
int type = 0;
switch (pgp->pgpType) {
// translate Kpgp::Module enum to combobox' entries:
case Module::tAuto: type = 0; break;
case Module::tGPG: type = 1; break;
case Module::tPGP2: type = 2; break;
case Module::tPGP5: type = 3; break;
case Module::tPGP6: type = 4; break;
case Module::tOff: type = 5; break;
toolCombo->setCurrentIndex( type );
if( 0 != encToSelf )
if( 0 != showKeyApprovalDlg )
pgp->setShowKeyApprovalDlg( showKeyApprovalDlg->isChecked() );
Module::PGPType type;
switch ( toolCombo->currentIndex() ) {
// convert combobox entry indices to Kpgp::Module constants:
case 0: type = Module::tAuto; break;
case 1: type = Module::tGPG; break;
case 2: type = Module::tPGP2; break;
case 3: type = Module::tPGP5; break;
case 4: type = Module::tPGP6; break;
case 5: type = Module::tOff; break;
pgp->pgpType = type;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
KeySelectionDialog::KeySelectionDialog( const KeyList& keyList,
const QString& title,
const QString& text,
const KeyIDList& keyIds,
const bool rememberChoice,
const unsigned int allowedKeys,
const bool extendedSelection,
QWidget *parent )
: KDialog( parent ),
mRememberCB( 0 ),
mAllowedKeys( allowedKeys ),
mCurrentContextMenuItem( 0 )
setCaption( title );
setButtons( Default|Ok|Cancel );
if ( qApp ) {
KWindowSystem::setIcons( winId(),
qApp->windowIcon().pixmap( IconSize( KIconLoader::Desktop ),
IconSize( KIconLoader::Desktop ) ),
qApp->windowIcon().pixmap( IconSize( KIconLoader::Small ),
IconSize( KIconLoader::Small ) ) );
Kpgp::Module *pgp = Kpgp::Module::getKpgp();
KConfig *config = pgp->getConfig();
KConfigGroup dialogConfig( config, "Key Selection Dialog" );
QSize defaultSize( 580, 400 );
QSize dialogSize = dialogConfig.readEntry( "Dialog size", defaultSize );
resize( dialogSize );
mCheckSelectionTimer = new QTimer( this );
mStartSearchTimer = new QTimer( this );
mStartSearchTimer->setSingleShot( true );
// load the key status icons
mKeyGoodPix = new QPixmap( UserIcon(QLatin1String("key_ok")) );
mKeyBadPix = new QPixmap( UserIcon(QLatin1String("key_bad")) );
mKeyUnknownPix = new QPixmap( UserIcon(QLatin1String("key_unknown")) );
mKeyValidPix = new QPixmap( UserIcon(QLatin1String("key")) );
QFrame *page = new QFrame( this );
setMainWidget( page );
QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( page );
topLayout->setSpacing( spacingHint() );
topLayout->setMargin( 0 );
if( !text.isEmpty() ) {
QLabel *label = new QLabel( page );
label->setText( text );
topLayout->addWidget( label );
QHBoxLayout * hlay = new QHBoxLayout(); // inherits spacing
topLayout->addLayout( hlay );
QLineEdit * le = new QLineEdit( page );
QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18n("&Search for:"), page );
label->setBuddy( le );
hlay->addWidget( label );
hlay->addWidget( le, 1 );
connect( le, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),
this, SLOT(slotSearch(QString)) );
connect( mStartSearchTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(slotFilter()) );
mListView = new QTreeWidget( page );
mListView->setHeaderLabels( QStringList()
<< i18n("Key ID")
<< i18n("User ID") );
mListView->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
mListView->header()->setStretchLastSection( true );
mListView->setRootIsDecorated( true );
mListView->setSortingEnabled( true );
mListView->header()->setSortIndicatorShown( true );
mListView->sortItems( 1, Qt::AscendingOrder ); // sort by User ID
// mListView->setShowToolTips( true );
if( extendedSelection ) {
mListView->setSelectionMode( QTreeWidget::ExtendedSelection );
//mListView->setSelectionMode( QListView::Multi );
topLayout->addWidget( mListView, 10 );
if (rememberChoice) {
mRememberCB = new QCheckBox( i18n("Remember choice"), page );
topLayout->addWidget( mRememberCB );
i18n("<qt><p>If you check this box your choice will "
"be stored and you will not be asked again."
initKeylist( keyList, keyIds );
QTreeWidgetItem *lvi = 0;
if( extendedSelection ) {
lvi = mListView->currentItem();
else {
if ( mListView->selectedItems().size() > 0 )
lvi = mListView->selectedItems().first();
slotCheckSelection( lvi );
if( lvi != 0 )
mListView->scrollToItem( lvi );
if( extendedSelection ) {
connect( mCheckSelectionTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
this, SLOT(slotCheckSelection()) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()),
this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) );
else {
connect( mListView, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()),
this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(accept()) );
mListView->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)),
this, SLOT(slotRMB(QPoint)) );
setButtonGuiItem( KDialog::Default, KGuiItem(i18n("&Reread Keys")) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(defaultClicked()),
this, SLOT(slotRereadKeys()) );
connect(this, SIGNAL(okClicked()),SLOT(slotOk()));
Kpgp::Module *pgp = Kpgp::Module::getKpgp();
KConfig *config = pgp->getConfig();
KConfigGroup dialogConfig( config, "Key Selection Dialog" );
dialogConfig.writeEntry( "Dialog size", size() );
delete mKeyGoodPix;
delete mKeyBadPix;
delete mKeyUnknownPix;
delete mKeyValidPix;
KeyID KeySelectionDialog::key() const
if( mListView->selectionMode() == QTreeWidget::ExtendedSelection || mKeyIds.isEmpty() )
return KeyID();
return mKeyIds.first();
void KeySelectionDialog::initKeylist( const KeyList& keyList,
const KeyIDList& keyIds )
QTreeWidgetItem* firstSelectedItem = 0;
// build a list of all public keys
foreach ( Key* key, keyList ) {
KeyID curKeyId = key->primaryKeyID();
QTreeWidgetItem* primaryUserID = new QTreeWidgetItem( mListView );
primaryUserID->setText( 0, QLatin1String(curKeyId) );
primaryUserID->setText( 1, key->primaryUserID() );
// select and open the given key
if( keyIds.indexOf( curKeyId ) != -1 ) {
if( 0 == firstSelectedItem ) {
firstSelectedItem = primaryUserID;
primaryUserID->setSelected( true );
mKeyIds.append( curKeyId );
primaryUserID->setExpanded( false );
// set icon for this key
switch( keyValidity( key ) ) {
case 0: // the key's validity can't be determined
primaryUserID->setData( 0, Qt::DecorationRole, *mKeyUnknownPix );
case 1: // key is valid but not trusted
primaryUserID->setData( 0, Qt::DecorationRole, *mKeyValidPix );
case 2: // key is valid and trusted
primaryUserID->setData( 0, Qt::DecorationRole, *mKeyGoodPix );
case -1: // key is invalid
primaryUserID->setData( 0, Qt::DecorationRole, *mKeyBadPix );
QTreeWidgetItem* childItem;
childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( primaryUserID );
childItem->setText( 1, i18n( "Fingerprint: %1" , beautifyFingerprint( key->primaryFingerprint() ) ) );
if( primaryUserID->isSelected() && mListView->selectionMode() == QTreeWidget::ExtendedSelection ) {
childItem->setSelected( true );
childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( primaryUserID );
childItem->setText( 1, keyInfo( key ) );
if( primaryUserID->isSelected() && mListView->selectionMode() == QTreeWidget::ExtendedSelection ) {
childItem->setSelected( true );
UserIDList userIDs = key->userIDs();
UserIDList::Iterator uidit( userIDs.begin() );
if( uidit != userIDs.end() ) {
++uidit; // skip the primary user ID
for( ; uidit != userIDs.end(); ++uidit ) {
childItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( primaryUserID );
childItem->setText( 1, (*uidit)->text() );
if( primaryUserID->isSelected() && mListView->selectionMode() == QTreeWidget::ExtendedSelection ) {
childItem->setSelected( true );
if( 0 != firstSelectedItem ) {
mListView->setCurrentItem( firstSelectedItem );
QString KeySelectionDialog::keyInfo( const Kpgp::Key *key ) const
QString status, remark;
if( key->revoked() ) {
status = i18n("Revoked");
else if( key->expired() ) {
status = i18n("Expired");
else if( key->disabled() ) {
status = i18n("Disabled");
else if( key->invalid() ) {
status = i18n("Invalid");
else {
Validity keyTrust = key->keyTrust();
switch( keyTrust ) {
status = i18n("Undefined trust");
status = i18n("Untrusted");
status = i18n("Marginally trusted");
status = i18n("Fully trusted");
status = i18n("Ultimately trusted");
status = i18n("Unknown");
if( key->secret() ) {
remark = i18n("Secret key available");
else if( !key->canEncrypt() ) {
remark = i18n("Sign only key");
else if( !key->canSign() ) {
remark = i18n("Encryption only key");
QDateTime dt;
dt.setTime_t( key->creationDate() );
if( remark.isEmpty() ) {
return QLatin1Char(' ') + i18nc("creation date and status of an OpenPGP key",
"Creation date: %1, Status: %2",
KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( dt.date(), KLocale::ShortDate ) ,
status );
else {
return QLatin1Char(' ') + i18nc("creation date, status and remark of an OpenPGP key",
"Creation date: %1, Status: %2 (%3)",
KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( dt.date(), KLocale::ShortDate ) ,
status ,
remark );
QString KeySelectionDialog::beautifyFingerprint( const QByteArray& fpr ) const
QByteArray result;
if( 40 == fpr.length() ) {
// convert to this format:
// 0000 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 8888 9999
result.fill( ' ', 50 );
memcpy( result.data() , fpr.data() , 4 );
memcpy( result.data() + 5, fpr.data() + 4, 4 );
memcpy( result.data() + 10, fpr.data() + 8, 4 );
memcpy( result.data() + 15, fpr.data() + 12, 4 );
memcpy( result.data() + 20, fpr.data() + 16, 4 );
memcpy( result.data() + 26, fpr.data() + 20, 4 );
memcpy( result.data() + 31, fpr.data() + 24, 4 );
memcpy( result.data() + 36, fpr.data() + 28, 4 );
memcpy( result.data() + 41, fpr.data() + 32, 4 );
memcpy( result.data() + 46, fpr.data() + 36, 4 );
else if( 32 == fpr.length() ) {
// convert to this format:
// 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 AA BB CC DD EE FF
result.fill( ' ', 48 );
memcpy( result.data() , fpr.data() , 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 3, fpr.data() + 2, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 6, fpr.data() + 4, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 9, fpr.data() + 6, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 12, fpr.data() + 8, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 15, fpr.data() + 10, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 18, fpr.data() + 12, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 21, fpr.data() + 14, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 25, fpr.data() + 16, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 28, fpr.data() + 18, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 31, fpr.data() + 20, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 34, fpr.data() + 22, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 37, fpr.data() + 24, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 40, fpr.data() + 26, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 43, fpr.data() + 28, 2 );
memcpy( result.data() + 46, fpr.data() + 30, 2 );
else { // unknown length of fingerprint
result = fpr;
return QLatin1String(result);
int KeySelectionDialog::keyValidity( const Kpgp::Key *key ) const
if( 0 == key ) {
return -1;
if( ( mAllowedKeys & EncrSignKeys ) == EncryptionKeys ) {
// only encryption keys are allowed
if( ( mAllowedKeys & ValidKeys ) && !key->isValidEncryptionKey() ) {
// only valid encryption keys are allowed
return -1;
else if( !key->canEncrypt() ) {
return -1;
else if( ( mAllowedKeys & EncrSignKeys ) == SigningKeys ) {
// only signing keys are allowed
if( ( mAllowedKeys & ValidKeys ) && !key->isValidSigningKey() ) {
// only valid signing keys are allowed
return -1;
else if( !key->canSign() ) {
return -1;
else if( ( mAllowedKeys & ValidKeys ) && !key->isValid() ) {
// only valid keys are allowed
return -1;
// check the key's trust
int val = 0;
Validity keyTrust = key->keyTrust();
switch( keyTrust ) {
val = -1;
val = 2;
if( mAllowedKeys & TrustedKeys ) {
// only trusted keys are allowed
val = -1;
else {
val = 1;
val = 0;
return val;
void KeySelectionDialog::updateKeyInfo( const Kpgp::Key* key,
QTreeWidgetItem* lvi ) const
if( 0 == lvi ) {
if( lvi->parent() != 0 ) {
lvi = lvi->parent();
if( 0 == key ) {
// the key doesn't exist anymore -> delete it from the list view
while( lvi->childCount() ) {
kDebug( 5326 ) <<"Deleting '" << lvi->child( 0 )->text( 1 ) <<"'";
delete lvi->takeChild( 0 );
kDebug( 5326 ) <<"Deleting key 0x" << lvi->text( 0 ) <<" ("
<< lvi->text( 1 ) << ")\n";
delete lvi;
lvi = 0;
// update the icon for this key
switch( keyValidity( key ) ) {
case 0: // the key's validity can't be determined
lvi->setData( 0, Qt::DecorationRole, *mKeyUnknownPix );
case 1: // key is valid but not trusted
lvi->setData( 0, Qt::DecorationRole, *mKeyValidPix );
case 2: // key is valid and trusted
lvi->setData( 0, Qt::DecorationRole, *mKeyGoodPix );
case -1: // key is invalid
lvi->setData( 0, Qt::DecorationRole, *mKeyBadPix );
// update the key info for this key
// the key info is identified by a leading space; this shouldn't be
// a problem because User Ids shouldn't start with a space
QTreeWidgetItemIterator it( lvi );
while ( *it ) {
if( lvi->text( 1 ).at(0) == QLatin1Char(' ') ) {
lvi->setText( 1, keyInfo( key ) );
KeySelectionDialog::keyAdmissibility( QTreeWidgetItem* lvi,
TrustCheckMode trustCheckMode ) const
// Return:
// -1 = key must not be chosen,
// 0 = not enough information to decide whether the give key is allowed
// or not,
// 1 = key can be chosen
if( mAllowedKeys == AllKeys ) {
return 1;
Kpgp::Module *pgp = Kpgp::Module::getKpgp();
if( 0 == pgp ) {
return 0;
KeyID keyId = getKeyId( lvi );
Kpgp::Key* key = pgp->publicKey( keyId );
if( 0 == key ) {
return 0;
int val = 0;
if( trustCheckMode == ForceTrustCheck ) {
key = pgp->rereadKey( keyId, true );
updateKeyInfo( key, lvi );
val = keyValidity( key );
else {
val = keyValidity( key );
if( ( trustCheckMode == AllowExpensiveTrustCheck ) && ( 0 == val ) ) {
key = pgp->rereadKey( keyId, true );
updateKeyInfo( key, lvi );
val = keyValidity( key );
switch( val ) {
case -1: // key is not usable
return -1;
case 0: // key status unknown
return 0;
case 1: // key is valid, but untrusted
if( mAllowedKeys & TrustedKeys ) {
// only trusted keys are allowed
return -1;
return 1;
case 2: // key is trusted
return 1;
kDebug( 5326 ) <<"Error: Invalid key status value.";
return 0;
KeySelectionDialog::getKeyId( const QTreeWidgetItem* lvi ) const
KeyID keyId;
if( 0 != lvi ) {
if( 0 != lvi->parent() ) {
keyId = lvi->parent()->text(0).toLocal8Bit();
else {
keyId = lvi->text(0).toLocal8Bit();
return keyId;
void KeySelectionDialog::slotRereadKeys()
Kpgp::Module *pgp = Kpgp::Module::getKpgp();
if( 0 == pgp ) {
KeyList keys;
if( PublicKeys & mAllowedKeys ) {
pgp->readPublicKeys( true );
keys = pgp->publicKeys();
else {
pgp->readSecretKeys( true );
keys = pgp->secretKeys();
// save the current position of the contents
int offsetY = mListView->verticalScrollBar()->value();
disconnect( mListView, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()),
this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) );
initKeylist( keys, KeyIDList( mKeyIds ) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()),
this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) );
// restore the saved position of the contents
mListView->verticalScrollBar()->setValue( offsetY );
void KeySelectionDialog::slotSelectionChanged()
kDebug( 5326 ) <<"KeySelectionDialog::slotSelectionChanged()";
if ( mListView->selectionMode() == QTreeWidget::ExtendedSelection ) {
// (re)start the check selection timer. Checking the selection is delayed
// because else drag-selection doesn't work very good (checking key trust
// is slow).
mCheckSelectionTimer->start( sCheckSelectionDelay );
} else {
if ( mListView->selectedItems().size() > 0 )
slotCheckSelection( mListView->selectedItems().first() );
void KeySelectionDialog::slotCheckSelection( QTreeWidgetItem* plvi /* = 0 */ )
kDebug( 5326 ) <<"KeySelectionDialog::slotCheckSelection()";
if( mListView->selectionMode() != QTreeWidget::ExtendedSelection ) {
KeyID keyId = getKeyId( plvi );
if( !keyId.isEmpty() ) {
mKeyIds.append( keyId );
enableButton( Ok, 1 == keyAdmissibility( plvi, AllowExpensiveTrustCheck ) );
else {
enableButton( Ok, false );
else {
// As we might change the selection, we have to disconnect the slot
// to prevent recursion
disconnect( mListView, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()),
this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) );
KeyIDList newKeyIdList;
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> keysToBeChecked;
bool keysAllowed = true;
// Iterate over the tree to find selected keys.
for( int lviIndex = 0; lviIndex < mListView->topLevelItemCount(); ++lviIndex ) {
QTreeWidgetItem *lvi = mListView->topLevelItem( lviIndex );
// We make sure that either all items belonging to a key are selected
// or unselected. As it's possible to select/deselect multiple keys at
// once in extended selection mode we have to figure out whether the user
// selected or deselected keys.
// First count the selected items of this key
int itemCount = 1 + lvi->childCount();
int selectedCount = lvi->isSelected() ? 1 : 0;
for( int clviIndex = 0; clviIndex < lvi->childCount(); ++clviIndex ) {
QTreeWidgetItem *clvi = lvi->child( clviIndex );
if( clvi->isSelected() ) {
if( userAction == UNKNOWN ) {
// Figure out whether the user selected or deselected this key
// Remark: A selected count of 0 doesn't mean anything since in
// extended selection mode a normal left click deselects
// the not clicked items.
if( 0 < selectedCount ) {
if( -1 == mKeyIds.indexOf( lvi->text(0).toLocal8Bit() ) ) {
// some items of this key are selected and the key wasn't selected
// before => the user selected something
kDebug( 5326 ) <<"selectedCount:"<<selectedCount<<"/"<<itemCount
<<"--- User selected key"<<lvi->text(0);
userAction = SELECTED;
else if( ( itemCount > selectedCount ) &&
( -1 != mKeyIds.indexOf( lvi->text(0).toLocal8Bit() ) ) ) {
// some items of this key are unselected and the key was selected
// before => the user deselected something
kDebug( 5326 ) <<"selectedCount:"<<selectedCount<<"/"<<itemCount
<<"--- User deselected key"<<lvi->text(0);
userAction = DESELECTED;
if( itemCount == selectedCount ) {
// add key to the list of selected keys
KeyID keyId = lvi->text(0).toLocal8Bit();
newKeyIdList.append( keyId );
int admissibility = keyAdmissibility( lvi, NoExpensiveTrustCheck );
if( -1 == admissibility ) {
keysAllowed = false;
else if ( 0 == admissibility ) {
keysToBeChecked.append( lvi );
else if( 0 < selectedCount ) {
// not all items of this key are selected or unselected. change this
// according to the user's action
if( userAction == SELECTED ) {
// select all items of this key
lvi->setSelected( true );
for( int clviIndex = 0; clviIndex < lvi->childCount(); ++clviIndex ) {
QTreeWidgetItem *clvi = lvi->child( clviIndex );
clvi->setSelected( true );
// add key to the list of selected keys
KeyID keyId = lvi->text(0).toLocal8Bit();
newKeyIdList.append( keyId );
int admissibility = keyAdmissibility( lvi, NoExpensiveTrustCheck );
if( -1 == admissibility ) {
keysAllowed = false;
else if ( 0 == admissibility ) {
keysToBeChecked.append( lvi );
else { // userAction == DESELECTED
// deselect all items of this key
lvi->setSelected( false );
for ( int clviIndex = 0; clviIndex < lvi->childCount(); ++clviIndex ) {
QTreeWidgetItem *clvi = lvi->child( clviIndex );
clvi->setSelected( false );
kDebug( 5326 ) <<"Selected keys:" << newKeyIdList.toStringList().join(QLatin1String(","));
mKeyIds = newKeyIdList;
if( !keysToBeChecked.isEmpty() ) {
keysAllowed = keysAllowed && checkKeys( keysToBeChecked );
enableButton( Ok, keysAllowed );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()) );
bool KeySelectionDialog::checkKeys( const QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>& keys ) const
KProgressDialog* pProgressDlg = 0;
bool keysAllowed = true;
kDebug( 5326 ) <<"Checking keys...";
pProgressDlg = new KProgressDialog( 0, i18n("Checking Keys"),
i18n("Checking key 0xMMMMMMMM..."));
pProgressDlg->setModal(true );
pProgressDlg->setAllowCancel( false );
pProgressDlg->progressBar()->setMaximum( keys.count() );
pProgressDlg->setMinimumDuration( 1000 );
for( QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>::ConstIterator it = keys.begin();
it != keys.end();
++it ) {
kDebug( 5326 ) <<"Checking key 0x" << getKeyId( *it ) <<"...";
pProgressDlg->setLabelText( i18n("Checking key 0x%1...",
QString::fromLatin1( getKeyId( *it ) ) ) );
keysAllowed = keysAllowed && ( -1 != keyAdmissibility( *it, AllowExpensiveTrustCheck ) );
pProgressDlg->progressBar()->setValue( pProgressDlg->progressBar()->value() + 1 );
delete pProgressDlg;
pProgressDlg = 0;
return keysAllowed;
void KeySelectionDialog::slotRMB( const QPoint& pos )
QTreeWidgetItem *lvi = mListView->itemAt( pos );
if( !lvi ) {
mCurrentContextMenuItem = lvi;
QMenu menu(this);
menu.addAction( i18n( "Recheck Key" ), this, SLOT(slotRecheckKey()) );
menu.exec( mListView->viewport()->mapToGlobal( pos ) );
void KeySelectionDialog::slotRecheckKey()
if( 0 != mCurrentContextMenuItem ) {
// force rereading the key
keyAdmissibility( mCurrentContextMenuItem, ForceTrustCheck );
// recheck the selection
slotCheckSelection( mCurrentContextMenuItem );
void KeySelectionDialog::slotOk()
if( mCheckSelectionTimer->isActive() ) {
void KeySelectionDialog::slotCancel()
void KeySelectionDialog::slotSearch( const QString & text )
mSearchText = text.trimmed().toUpper();
mStartSearchTimer->start( sCheckSelectionDelay );
void KeySelectionDialog::slotFilter()
if ( mSearchText.isEmpty() ) {
// OK, so we need to filter:
QRegExp keyIdRegExp( QLatin1String("(?:0x)?[A-F0-9]{1,8}"), Qt::CaseInsensitive );
if ( keyIdRegExp.exactMatch( mSearchText ) ) {
if ( mSearchText.startsWith( QLatin1String("0X") ) )
// search for keyID only:
filterByKeyID( mSearchText.mid( 2 ) );
// search for UID and keyID:
filterByKeyIDOrUID( mSearchText );
} else {
// search in UID:
filterByUID( mSearchText );
void KeySelectionDialog::filterByKeyID( const QString & keyID )
assert( keyID.length() <= 8 );
assert( !keyID.isEmpty() ); // regexp in slotFilter should prevent these
if ( keyID.isEmpty() )
else {
for ( int i = 0; i < mListView->topLevelItemCount(); ++i ) {
QTreeWidgetItem * item = mListView->topLevelItem( i );
item->setHidden( !item->text( 0 ).toUpper().startsWith( keyID ) );
void KeySelectionDialog::filterByKeyIDOrUID( const QString & str )
assert( !str.isEmpty() );
// match beginnings of words:
QRegExp rx( QLatin1String("\\b") + QRegExp::escape( str ), Qt::CaseInsensitive );
for ( int i = 0; i < mListView->topLevelItemCount(); ++i ) {
QTreeWidgetItem * item = mListView->topLevelItem( i );
item->setHidden( !item->text( 0 ).toUpper().startsWith( str )
&& rx.indexIn( item->text( 1 ) ) < 0
&& !anyChildMatches( item, rx ) );
void KeySelectionDialog::filterByUID( const QString & str )
assert( !str.isEmpty() );
// match beginnings of words:
QRegExp rx( QLatin1String("\\b") + QRegExp::escape( str ), Qt::CaseInsensitive );
for ( int i = 0; i < mListView->topLevelItemCount(); ++i ) {
QTreeWidgetItem * item = mListView->topLevelItem( i );
item->setHidden( rx.indexIn( item->text( 1 ) ) < 0
&& !anyChildMatches( item, rx ) );
bool KeySelectionDialog::anyChildMatches( const QTreeWidgetItem * item, QRegExp & rx ) const
if ( !item )
return false;
for ( int i = 0; i < item->childCount(); ++i ) {
QTreeWidgetItem* it = item->child( i );
if ( rx.indexIn( it->text( 1 ) ) >= 0 ) {
//item->setOpen( true ); // do we want that?
return true;
return false;
void KeySelectionDialog::showAllItems()
for ( QTreeWidgetItemIterator it( mListView ); *it; ++it )
(*it)->setHidden( false );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
KeyRequester::KeyRequester( QWidget * parent, bool multipleKeys,
unsigned int allowedKeys, const char * name )
: QWidget( parent ),
mDialogCaption( i18n("OpenPGP Key Selection") ),
mDialogMessage( i18n("Please select an OpenPGP key to use.") ),
mMulti( multipleKeys ),
mAllowedKeys( allowedKeys ),
d( 0 )
setObjectName( QLatin1String(name) );
QHBoxLayout * hlay = new QHBoxLayout( this );
hlay->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
hlay->setMargin( 0 );
// the label where the key id is to be displayed:
mLabel = new QLabel( this );
mLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken );
// the button to unset any key:
mEraseButton = new QPushButton( this );
mEraseButton->setAutoDefault( false );
mEraseButton->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum,
QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
mEraseButton->setIcon( KIcon( QLatin1String("edit-clear-locationbar-rtl") ) );
mEraseButton->setToolTip( i18n("Clear") );
// the button to call the KeySelectionDialog:
mDialogButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Change..."), this );
mDialogButton->setAutoDefault( false );
hlay->addWidget( mLabel, 1 );
hlay->addWidget( mEraseButton );
hlay->addWidget( mDialogButton );
connect( mEraseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotEraseButtonClicked()) );
connect( mDialogButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotDialogButtonClicked()) );
setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,
QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
KeyRequester::~KeyRequester() {
KeyIDList KeyRequester::keyIDs() const {
return mKeys;
void KeyRequester::setKeyIDs( const KeyIDList & keyIDs ) {
mKeys = keyIDs;
if ( mKeys.empty() ) {
if ( mKeys.size() > 1 )
setMultipleKeysEnabled( true );
QString s = mKeys.toStringList().join(QLatin1String(", "));
mLabel->setText( s );
mLabel->setToolTip( s );
void KeyRequester::slotDialogButtonClicked() {
Module * pgp = Module::getKpgp();
if ( !pgp ) {
kWarning(5326) <<"Kpgp::KeyRequester::slotDialogButtonClicked(): No pgp module found!";
setKeyIDs( keyRequestHook( pgp ) );
emit changed();
void KeyRequester::slotEraseButtonClicked() {
emit changed();
void KeyRequester::setDialogCaption( const QString & caption ) {
mDialogCaption = caption;
void KeyRequester::setDialogMessage( const QString & msg ) {
mDialogMessage = msg;
bool KeyRequester::isMultipleKeysEnabled() const {
return mMulti;
void KeyRequester::setMultipleKeysEnabled( bool multi ) {
if ( multi == mMulti ) return;
if ( !multi && mKeys.size() > 1 )
mKeys.erase( ++mKeys.begin(), mKeys.end() );
mMulti = multi;
int KeyRequester::allowedKeys() const {
return mAllowedKeys;
void KeyRequester::setAllowedKeys( int allowedKeys ) {
mAllowedKeys = allowedKeys;
PublicKeyRequester::PublicKeyRequester( QWidget * parent, bool multi,
unsigned int allowed, const char * name )
: KeyRequester( parent, multi, allowed & ~SecretKeys, name )
PublicKeyRequester::~PublicKeyRequester() {
KeyIDList PublicKeyRequester::keyRequestHook( Module * pgp ) const {
assert( pgp );
return pgp->selectPublicKeys( mDialogCaption, mDialogMessage, mKeys, QString(), mAllowedKeys );
SecretKeyRequester::SecretKeyRequester( QWidget * parent, bool multi,
unsigned int allowed, const char * name )
: KeyRequester( parent, multi, allowed & ~PublicKeys, name )
SecretKeyRequester::~SecretKeyRequester() {
KeyIDList SecretKeyRequester::keyRequestHook( Module * pgp ) const {
assert( pgp );
return KeyIDList();
KeyID keyID = mKeys.first();
keyID = pgp->selectSecretKey( mDialogCaption, mDialogMessage, keyID );
return KeyIDList() << keyID;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
KeyApprovalDialog::KeyApprovalDialog( const QStringList& addresses,
const QVector<KeyIDList>& keyIDs,
const int allowedKeys,
QWidget *parent )
: KDialog( parent ),
mKeys( keyIDs ),
mAllowedKeys( allowedKeys ),
mPrefsChanged( false )
setCaption( i18n("Encryption Key Approval") );
setButtons( Ok|Cancel );
Kpgp::Module *pgp = Kpgp::Module::getKpgp();
if( pgp == 0 )
// ##### error handling
// if( addresses.isEmpty() || keyList.isEmpty() ||
// addresses.count()+1 != keyList.count() )
// do something;
QFrame *page = new QFrame( this );
setMainWidget( page );
QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( page );
topLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
topLayout->setMargin( 0 );
QLabel *label = new QLabel( i18n("The following keys will be used for "
page );
topLayout->addWidget( label );
QScrollArea* sv = new QScrollArea( page );
sv->setWidgetResizable( true );
topLayout->addWidget( sv );
KVBox* bigvbox = new KVBox;
sv->setWidget( bigvbox );
//bigvbox->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() );
bigvbox->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
QButtonGroup *mChangeButtonGroup = new QButtonGroup;
mAddressLabels.resize( addresses.count() );
mKeyIdsLabels.resize( keyIDs.size() );
//mKeyIdListBoxes.resize( keyIDs.size() );
mEncrPrefCombos.resize( addresses.count() );
// the sender's key
if( pgp->encryptToSelf() ) {
mEncryptToSelf = 1;
KHBox* hbox = new KHBox( bigvbox );
new QLabel( i18n("Your keys:"), hbox );
QLabel* keyidsL = new QLabel( hbox );
if( keyIDs[0].isEmpty() ) {
keyidsL->setText( i18nc( "@info", "<placeholder>none</placeholder> means 'no key'" ) );
else {
keyidsL->setText( QLatin1String("0x") + keyIDs[0].toStringList().join( QLatin1String("\n0x") ) );
keyidsL->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken );
QListBox* keyidLB = new QListBox( hbox );
if( keyIDs[0].isEmpty() ) {
keyidLB->insertItem( i18n("<none>") );
else {
keyidLB->insertStringList( keyIDs[0].toStringList() );
keyidLB->setSelectionMode( QListBox::NoSelection );
keyidLB->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken );
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton( i18n("Change..."), hbox );
mChangeButtonGroup->addButton( button );
button->setAutoDefault( false );
hbox->setStretchFactor( keyidsL, 10 );
mKeyIdsLabels.insert( 0, keyidsL );
//hbox->setStretchFactor( keyidLB, 10 );
//mKeyIdListBoxes.insert( 0, keyidLB );
new KSeparator( Qt::Horizontal, bigvbox );
else {
mEncryptToSelf = 0;
// insert dummy KeyIdListBox
mKeyIdsLabels.insert( 0, 0 );
//mKeyIdListBoxes.insert( 0, 0 );
QStringList::ConstIterator ait;
QVector<KeyIDList>::const_iterator kit;
int i;
for( ait = addresses.begin(), kit = keyIDs.begin(), i = 0;
( ait != addresses.end() ) && ( kit != keyIDs.end() );
++ait, ++kit, ++i ) {
if( i == 0 ) {
++kit; // skip the sender's key id
else {
new KSeparator( Qt::Horizontal, bigvbox );
KHBox *hbox = new KHBox( bigvbox );
new QLabel( i18n("Recipient:"), hbox );
QLabel *addressL = new QLabel( *ait, hbox );
hbox->setStretchFactor( addressL, 10 );
mAddressLabels.insert( i, addressL );
hbox = new KHBox( bigvbox );
new QLabel( i18n("Encryption keys:"), hbox );
QLabel* keyidsL = new QLabel( hbox );
if( (*kit).isEmpty() ) {
keyidsL->setText( i18nc( "@info", "<placeholder>none</placeholder> means 'no key'" ) );
else {
keyidsL->setText( QLatin1String("0x") + (*kit).toStringList().join( QLatin1String("\n0x") ) );
keyidsL->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken );
QListBox* keyidLB = new QListBox( hbox );
if( (*kit).isEmpty() ) {
keyidLB->insertItem( i18n("<none>") );
else {
keyidLB->insertStringList( (*kit).toStringList() );
keyidLB->setSelectionMode( QListBox::NoSelection );
keyidLB->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken );
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton( i18n("Change..."), hbox );
mChangeButtonGroup->addButton( button );
button->setAutoDefault( false );
hbox->setStretchFactor( keyidsL, 10 );
mKeyIdsLabels.insert( i + 1, keyidsL );
//hbox->setStretchFactor( keyidLB, 10 );
//mKeyIdListBoxes.insert( i + 1, keyidLB );
hbox = new KHBox( bigvbox );
new QLabel( i18n("Encryption preference:"), hbox );
QComboBox *encrPrefCombo = new QComboBox( hbox );
encrPrefCombo->addItem( i18nc( "@item:inlistbox", "<placeholder>none</placeholder>") );
encrPrefCombo->addItem( i18nc( "@item:inlistbox", "Never Encrypt with This Key") );
encrPrefCombo->addItem( i18nc( "@item:inlistbox", "Always Encrypt with This Key") );
encrPrefCombo->addItem( i18nc( "@item:inlistbox", "Encrypt Whenever Encryption is Possible") );
encrPrefCombo->addItem( i18nc( "@item:inlistbox", "Always Ask") );
encrPrefCombo->addItem( i18nc( "@item:inlistbox", "Ask Whenever Encryption is Possible") );
EncryptPref encrPref = pgp->encryptionPreference( *ait );
switch( encrPref ) {
case NeverEncrypt:
encrPrefCombo->setCurrentIndex( 1 );
case AlwaysEncrypt:
encrPrefCombo->setCurrentIndex( 2 );
case AlwaysEncryptIfPossible:
encrPrefCombo->setCurrentIndex( 3 );
case AlwaysAskForEncryption:
encrPrefCombo->setCurrentIndex( 4 );
case AskWheneverPossible:
encrPrefCombo->setCurrentIndex( 5 );
encrPrefCombo->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
connect( encrPrefCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
this, SLOT(slotPrefsChanged(int)) );
mEncrPrefCombos.insert( i, encrPrefCombo );
connect( mChangeButtonGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)),
this, SLOT(slotChangeEncryptionKey(int)) );
QSize size = sizeHint();
// don't make the dialog too large
QRect desk = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(this);
int screenWidth = desk.width();
if( size.width() > 3*screenWidth/4 )
size.setWidth( 3*screenWidth/4 );
int screenHeight = desk.height();
if( size.height() > 7*screenHeight/8 )
size.setHeight( 7*screenHeight/8 );
setInitialSize( size );
KeyApprovalDialog::slotChangeEncryptionKey( int nr )
Kpgp::Module *pgp = Kpgp::Module::getKpgp();
kDebug( 5326 )<<"Key approval dialog size is"
if( pgp == 0 )
if( !mEncryptToSelf )
KeyIDList keyIds = mKeys[nr];
if( nr == 0 ) {
keyIds = pgp->selectPublicKeys( i18n("Encryption Key Selection"),
i18nc("if in your language something like "
"'key(s)' isn't possible please "
"use the plural in the translation",
"Select the key(s) which should "
"be used to encrypt the message "
"to yourself."),
mAllowedKeys );
else {
keyIds = pgp->selectPublicKeys( i18n("Encryption Key Selection"),
i18nc("if in your language something like "
"'key(s)' isn't possible please "
"use the plural in the translation",
"Select the key(s) which should "
"be used to encrypt the message "
mAddressLabels[nr-1]->text() ),
mAllowedKeys );
if( !keyIds.isEmpty() ) {
mKeys[nr] = keyIds;
QLabel* keyidsL = mKeyIdsLabels[nr];
keyidsL->setText( QLatin1String("0x") + keyIds.toStringList().join( QLatin1String("\n0x") ) );
QListBox* qlb = mKeyIdListBoxes[nr];
qlb->insertStringList( keyIds.toStringList() );
Kpgp::Module *pgp = Kpgp::Module::getKpgp();
if( pgp == 0 ) {
if( mPrefsChanged ) {
// store the changed preferences
for( int i = 0; i < mAddressLabels.size(); ++i ) {
// traverse all Address and Encryption Preference widgets
EncryptPref encrPref;
switch( mEncrPrefCombos[i]->currentIndex() ) {
case 1:
encrPref = NeverEncrypt;
case 2:
encrPref = AlwaysEncrypt;
case 3:
encrPref = AlwaysEncryptIfPossible;
case 4:
encrPref = AlwaysAskForEncryption;
case 5:
encrPref = AskWheneverPossible;
case 0:
encrPref = UnknownEncryptPref;
pgp->setEncryptionPreference( mAddressLabels[i]->text(), encrPref );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CipherTextDialog::CipherTextDialog( const QByteArray & text,
const QByteArray & charset, QWidget *parent )
:KDialog( parent )
setCaption( i18n("OpenPGP Information") );
setButtons( Ok|Cancel );
// FIXME (post KDE2.2): show some more info, e.g. the output of GnuPG/PGP
QFrame *page = new QFrame( this );
setMainWidget( page );
QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( page );
topLayout->setSpacing( spacingHint() );
topLayout->setMargin( 0 );
QLabel *label = new QLabel( page );
label->setText(i18n("Result of the last encryption/sign operation:"));
topLayout->addWidget( label );
mEditBox = new QTextEdit( page );
topLayout->addWidget( mEditBox, 10 );
QString unicodeText;
if (charset.isEmpty())
unicodeText = QString::fromLocal8Bit(text.data());
else {
bool ok=true;
QTextCodec *codec = KGlobal::charsets()->codecForName(QLatin1String(charset), ok);
unicodeText = QString::fromLocal8Bit(text.data());
unicodeText = codec->toUnicode(text.data(), text.length());
void CipherTextDialog::setMinimumSize()
// this seems to force a layout of the entire document, so we get a
// a proper contentsWidth(). Is there a better way?
(void) mEditBox->document()->documentLayout()->documentSize();
mEditBox->setMinimumHeight( mEditBox->fontMetrics().lineSpacing() * 25 );
int textWidth = mEditBox->viewport()->width() + 30;
int maxWidth = KGlobalSettings::desktopGeometry(parentWidget()).width()-100;
mEditBox->setMinimumWidth( qMin( textWidth, maxWidth ) );
void KeyRequester::virtual_hook( int, void* ) {}
void PublicKeyRequester::virtual_hook( int id, void* data ) {
base::virtual_hook( id, data );
void SecretKeyRequester::virtual_hook( int id, void* data ) {
base::virtual_hook( id, data );
} // namespace Kpgp