2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

670 lines
22 KiB

/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*-
This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager
Copyright (c) 2007 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
Kleopatra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Kleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked
combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
your version.
#if !defined(QT_STL)
#define QT_STL
#include <config-kleopatra.h>
#include "signerresolvepage.h"
#include "signerresolvepage_p.h"
#include "signingcertificateselectiondialog.h"
#include <crypto/certificateresolver.h>
#include <models/keycache.h>
#include <utils/formatting.h>
#include <utils/kleo_assert.h>
#include <kmime/kmime_header_parsing.h>
#include <gpgme++/key.h>
#include <KDialog>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <QButtonGroup>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QRadioButton>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QVector>
#include <cassert>
using namespace GpgME;
using namespace Kleo;
using namespace Kleo::Crypto;
using namespace Kleo::Crypto::Gui;
using namespace boost;
namespace {
static SignerResolvePage::Operation operationFromFlags( bool sign, bool encrypt ) {
if ( !encrypt && sign )
return SignerResolvePage::SignOnly;
if ( !sign && encrypt )
return SignerResolvePage::EncryptOnly;
return SignerResolvePage::SignAndEncrypt;
static QString formatLabel( Protocol p, const Key & key ) {
return i18nc( "%1=protocol (S/Mime, OpenPGP), %2=certificate", "Sign using %1: %2", Formatting::displayName( p ),
!key.isNull() ? Formatting::formatForComboBox( key ) : i18n( "No certificate selected" ) );
static std::vector<Protocol> supportedProtocols() {
std::vector<Protocol> protocols;
protocols.push_back( OpenPGP );
protocols.push_back( CMS );
return protocols;
AbstractSigningProtocolSelectionWidget::AbstractSigningProtocolSelectionWidget( QWidget* p, Qt::WindowFlags f ) : QWidget( p, f ) {
ReadOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget::ReadOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget( QWidget* p, Qt::WindowFlags f ) : AbstractSigningProtocolSelectionWidget( p, f ) {
QVBoxLayout * const layout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
layout->setMargin( 0 );
Q_FOREACH ( const Protocol i, supportedProtocols() ) { //krazy:exclude=foreach
QLabel * const l = new QLabel;
l->setText( formatLabel( i, Key() ) );
layout->addWidget( l );
m_labels[i] = l;
void ReadOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget::setProtocolChecked( Protocol protocol, bool checked ) {
QLabel * const l = label( protocol );
assert( l );
l->setVisible( checked );
bool ReadOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget::isProtocolChecked( Protocol protocol ) const {
QLabel * const l = label( protocol );
assert( l );
return l->isVisible();
std::vector<Protocol> ReadOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget::checkedProtocols() const {
std::vector<Protocol> res;
Q_FOREACH( const Protocol i, supportedProtocols() ) //krazy:exclude=foreach
if( isProtocolChecked( i ) )
res.push_back( i );
return res;
SigningProtocolSelectionWidget::SigningProtocolSelectionWidget( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f )
: AbstractSigningProtocolSelectionWidget( parent, f ) {
m_buttonGroup = new QButtonGroup( this );
connect( m_buttonGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SIGNAL(userSelectionChanged()) );
QVBoxLayout * const layout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
layout->setMargin( 0 );
Q_FOREACH ( const Protocol i, supportedProtocols() ) { //krazy:exclude=foreach
QCheckBox * const b = new QCheckBox;
b->setText( formatLabel( i, Key() ) );
m_buttons[i] = b;
layout->addWidget( b );
m_buttonGroup->addButton( b );
setExclusive( true );
void SigningProtocolSelectionWidget::setProtocolChecked( Protocol p, bool checked ) {
assert( p != UnknownProtocol );
QCheckBox * const b = button( p );
assert( b );
b->setChecked( checked );
bool SigningProtocolSelectionWidget::isProtocolChecked( Protocol p ) const {
assert( p != UnknownProtocol );
const QAbstractButton * const b = button( p );
assert( b );
return b->isChecked();
std::vector<Protocol> SigningProtocolSelectionWidget::checkedProtocols() const {
std::vector<Protocol> res;
for ( std::map<Protocol,QCheckBox*>::const_iterator it = m_buttons.begin(), end = m_buttons.end();
it != end;
++it )
if ( it->second->isChecked() )
res.push_back( it->first );
return res;
void SigningProtocolSelectionWidget::setExclusive( bool exclusive ) {
if ( exclusive == isExclusive() )
m_buttonGroup->setExclusive( exclusive );
emit userSelectionChanged();
QCheckBox * SigningProtocolSelectionWidget::button( Protocol p ) const
const std::map<Protocol,QCheckBox*>::const_iterator it = m_buttons.find( p );
return it == m_buttons.end() ? 0 : it->second;
QLabel * ReadOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget::label( Protocol p ) const
const std::map<Protocol,QLabel*>::const_iterator it = m_labels.find( p );
return it == m_labels.end() ? 0 : it->second;
bool SigningProtocolSelectionWidget::isExclusive() const {
return m_buttonGroup->exclusive();
void SigningProtocolSelectionWidget::setCertificate( Protocol prot, const Key & key ) {
QAbstractButton * const b = button( prot );
assert( b );
b->setText( formatLabel( prot, key ) );
void ReadOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget::setCertificate( Protocol prot, const Key & key ) {
QLabel * const l = label( prot );
l->setText( formatLabel( prot, key ) );
namespace {
class ValidatorImpl : public SignerResolvePage::Validator {
QString explanation() const { return QString(); }
bool isComplete() const { return true; }
QString customWindowTitle() const { return QString(); }
class SignerResolvePage::Private {
friend class ::Kleo::Crypto::Gui::SignerResolvePage;
SignerResolvePage * const q;
explicit Private( SignerResolvePage * qq );
void setOperation( Operation operation );
void operationButtonClicked( int operation );
void selectCertificates();
void setCertificates( const QMap<GpgME::Protocol, GpgME::Key>& certs );
void updateModeSelectionWidgets();
void updateUi();
bool protocolSelected( Protocol p ) const;
bool protocolSelectionActuallyUserMutable() const;
QButtonGroup* signEncryptGroup;
QRadioButton* signAndEncryptRB;
QRadioButton* encryptOnlyRB;
QRadioButton* signOnlyRB;
QGroupBox* signingCertificateBox;
QLabel * signerLabelLabel;
QLabel * signerLabel;
QGroupBox * encryptBox;
QCheckBox * textArmorCO;
QCheckBox * removeUnencryptedCO;
QPushButton * selectCertificatesButton;
SigningProtocolSelectionWidget* signingProtocolSelectionWidget;
ReadOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget* readOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget;
std::vector<Protocol> presetProtocols;
bool signingMutable;
bool encryptionMutable;
bool signingSelected;
bool encryptionSelected;
bool multipleProtocolsAllowed;
bool protocolSelectionUserMutable;
QMap<GpgME::Protocol,GpgME::Key> certificates;
shared_ptr<SignerResolvePage::Validator> validator;
shared_ptr<SigningPreferences> signingPreferences;
bool SignerResolvePage::Private::protocolSelectionActuallyUserMutable() const {
return ( q->protocolSelectionUserMutable() || presetProtocols.empty() ) && q->operation() == SignOnly;
SignerResolvePage::Private::Private( SignerResolvePage * qq )
: q( qq )
, presetProtocols()
, signingMutable( true )
, encryptionMutable( true )
, signingSelected( false )
, encryptionSelected( false )
, multipleProtocolsAllowed( false )
, protocolSelectionUserMutable( true )
, validator( new ValidatorImpl )
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout( q );
layout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
signEncryptGroup = new QButtonGroup( q );
q->connect( signEncryptGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), q, SLOT(operationButtonClicked(int)) );
signAndEncryptRB = new QRadioButton;
signAndEncryptRB->setText( i18n( "Sign and encrypt (OpenPGP only)" ) );
signAndEncryptRB->setChecked( true );
signEncryptGroup->addButton( signAndEncryptRB, SignAndEncrypt );
layout->addWidget( signAndEncryptRB );
encryptOnlyRB = new QRadioButton;
encryptOnlyRB->setText( i18n( "Encrypt only" ) );
signEncryptGroup->addButton( encryptOnlyRB, EncryptOnly );
layout->addWidget( encryptOnlyRB );
signOnlyRB = new QRadioButton;
signOnlyRB->setText( i18n( "Sign only" ) );
signEncryptGroup->addButton( signOnlyRB, SignOnly );
layout->addWidget( signOnlyRB );
encryptBox = new QGroupBox;
encryptBox->setTitle( i18n( "Encryption Options" ) );
QBoxLayout * const encryptLayout = new QVBoxLayout( encryptBox );
textArmorCO = new QCheckBox;
textArmorCO->setText( i18n( "Text output (ASCII armor)" ) );
encryptLayout->addWidget( textArmorCO );
removeUnencryptedCO = new QCheckBox;
removeUnencryptedCO->setText( i18n( "Remove unencrypted original file when done" ) );
removeUnencryptedCO->setChecked( false );
encryptLayout->addWidget( removeUnencryptedCO );
layout->addWidget( encryptBox );
signingCertificateBox = new QGroupBox;
signingCertificateBox->setTitle( i18n( "Signing Options" ) );
QGridLayout* signerLayout = new QGridLayout( signingCertificateBox );
signerLayout->setColumnStretch( 1, 1 );
signerLabelLabel = new QLabel;
signerLabelLabel->setText( i18n( "Signer:" ) );
signerLayout->addWidget( signerLabelLabel, 1, 0 );
signerLabel = new QLabel;
signerLayout->addWidget( signerLabel, 1, 1 );
signerLabelLabel->setVisible( false );
signerLabel->setVisible( false );
signingProtocolSelectionWidget = new SigningProtocolSelectionWidget;
connect( signingProtocolSelectionWidget, SIGNAL(userSelectionChanged()), q, SLOT(updateUi()) );
signerLayout->addWidget( signingProtocolSelectionWidget, 2, 0, 1, -1 );
readOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget = new ReadOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget;
signerLayout->addWidget( readOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget, 3, 0, 1, -1 );
selectCertificatesButton = new QPushButton;
selectCertificatesButton->setText( i18n( "Change Signing Certificates..." ) );
selectCertificatesButton->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
signerLayout->addWidget( selectCertificatesButton, 4, 0, 1, -1, Qt::AlignLeft );
q->connect( selectCertificatesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
q, SLOT(selectCertificates()) );
layout->addWidget( signingCertificateBox );
void SignerResolvePage::setValidator( const boost::shared_ptr<SignerResolvePage::Validator>& validator )
assert( validator );
d->validator = validator;
shared_ptr<SignerResolvePage::Validator> SignerResolvePage::validator() const
return d->validator;
SignerResolvePage::Private::~Private() {}
bool SignerResolvePage::Private::protocolSelected( Protocol p ) const {
assert( p != UnknownProtocol );
return signingProtocolSelectionWidget->isProtocolChecked( p );
void SignerResolvePage::Private::setCertificates( const QMap<GpgME::Protocol, GpgME::Key>& certs )
certificates = certs;
Q_FOREACH ( const Protocol i, certs.keys() ) { //krazy:exclude=foreach
const Key key = certs.value( i );
readOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget->setCertificate( i, key );
signingProtocolSelectionWidget->setCertificate( i, key );
void SignerResolvePage::Private::updateUi() {
const bool ismutable = protocolSelectionActuallyUserMutable();
readOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget->setVisible( !ismutable );
signingProtocolSelectionWidget->setVisible( ismutable );
q->setExplanation( validator->explanation() );
emit q->completeChanged();
const QString customTitle = validator->customWindowTitle();
if ( !customTitle.isEmpty() )
emit q->windowTitleChanged( customTitle );
void SignerResolvePage::setProtocolSelectionUserMutable( bool ismutable ) {
if ( d->protocolSelectionUserMutable == ismutable )
d->protocolSelectionUserMutable = ismutable;
bool SignerResolvePage::protocolSelectionUserMutable() const {
return d->protocolSelectionUserMutable;
void SignerResolvePage::setMultipleProtocolsAllowed( bool allowed )
if ( d->multipleProtocolsAllowed == allowed )
d->multipleProtocolsAllowed = allowed;
bool SignerResolvePage::multipleProtocolsAllowed() const
return d->multipleProtocolsAllowed;
void SignerResolvePage::Private::updateModeSelectionWidgets()
const bool bothMutable = signingMutable && encryptionMutable;
const bool noSigningPossible = !signingSelected && !signingMutable;
const bool noEncryptionPossible = !encryptionSelected && !encryptionMutable;
signAndEncryptRB->setChecked( signingSelected && encryptionSelected );
signOnlyRB->setChecked( signingSelected && !encryptionSelected );
encryptOnlyRB->setChecked( encryptionSelected && !signingSelected );
const bool canSignAndEncrypt = !noSigningPossible && !noEncryptionPossible; bothMutable && presetProtocols != std::vector<Protocol>( 1, CMS );
const bool canSignOnly = !encryptionSelected || encryptionMutable;
const bool canEncryptOnly = !signingSelected || signingMutable;
signAndEncryptRB->setEnabled( canSignAndEncrypt );
signOnlyRB->setEnabled( canSignOnly );
encryptOnlyRB->setEnabled( canEncryptOnly );
const bool buttonsVisible = signingMutable || encryptionMutable;
signOnlyRB->setVisible( buttonsVisible );
encryptOnlyRB->setVisible( buttonsVisible );
signAndEncryptRB->setVisible( buttonsVisible );
signingProtocolSelectionWidget->setExclusive( !multipleProtocolsAllowed );
signingCertificateBox->setVisible( !noSigningPossible );
encryptBox->setVisible( !noEncryptionPossible );
void SignerResolvePage::Private::selectCertificates()
QPointer<SigningCertificateSelectionDialog> dlg = new SigningCertificateSelectionDialog( q );
dlg->setAllowedProtocols( QVector<Protocol>::fromStdVector( signingProtocolSelectionWidget->checkedProtocols() ) );
if ( dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted && dlg )
const QMap<Protocol, Key> certs = dlg->selectedCertificates();
setCertificates( certs );
if ( signingPreferences && dlg->rememberAsDefault() ) {
signingPreferences->setPreferredCertificate( OpenPGP, certs.value( OpenPGP ) );
signingPreferences->setPreferredCertificate( CMS, certs.value( CMS ) );
delete dlg;
void SignerResolvePage::Private::operationButtonClicked( int mode_ )
const Operation op = static_cast<SignerResolvePage::Operation>( mode_ );
signingCertificateBox->setEnabled( op != EncryptOnly );
encryptBox->setEnabled( op != SignOnly );
if ( op == SignAndEncrypt ) {
signingProtocolSelectionWidget->setProtocolChecked( CMS, false );
readOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget->setProtocolChecked( CMS, false );
signingProtocolSelectionWidget->setProtocolChecked( OpenPGP, true );
readOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget->setProtocolChecked( OpenPGP, true );
void SignerResolvePage::Private::setOperation( Operation op ) {
switch ( op ) {
case SignOnly:
case EncryptOnly:
case SignAndEncrypt:
SignerResolvePage::Operation SignerResolvePage::operation() const
return operationFromFlags( signingSelected(), encryptionSelected() );
SignerResolvePage::SignerResolvePage( QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags f )
: WizardPage( parent, f ), d( new Private( this ) )
setTitle( i18n( "<b>Choose Operation to be Performed</b>" ) );
// setSubTitle( i18n( "TODO" ) );
setPresetProtocol( UnknownProtocol );
d->setCertificates( QMap<GpgME::Protocol, GpgME::Key>() );
d->operationButtonClicked( EncryptOnly );
SignerResolvePage::~SignerResolvePage() {}
void SignerResolvePage::setSignersAndCandidates( const std::vector<KMime::Types::Mailbox> & signers,
const std::vector< std::vector<GpgME::Key> > & keys )
kleo_assert( signers.empty() || signers.size() == keys.size() );
switch ( signers.size() )
case 0:
d->signerLabelLabel->setVisible( false );
d->signerLabel->setVisible( false ); // TODO: use default identity?
case 1:
d->signerLabelLabel->setVisible( true );
d->signerLabel->setVisible( true ); // TODO: use default identity?
d->signerLabel->setText( signers.front().prettyAddress() );
default: // > 1
kleo_assert( !"Resolving multiple signers not implemented" );
void SignerResolvePage::setPresetProtocol( Protocol protocol )
std::vector<Protocol> protocols;
if ( protocol != CMS )
protocols.push_back( OpenPGP );
if ( protocol != OpenPGP )
protocols.push_back( CMS );
setPresetProtocols( protocols );
void SignerResolvePage::setPresetProtocols( const std::vector<Protocol>& protocols )
d->presetProtocols = protocols;
Q_FOREACH ( const Protocol i, supportedProtocols() ) { //krazy:exclude=foreach
const bool checked = std::find( protocols.begin(), protocols.end(), i ) != protocols.end();
d->signingProtocolSelectionWidget->setProtocolChecked( i, checked );
d->readOnlyProtocolSelectionWidget->setProtocolChecked( i, checked );
std::vector<Protocol> SignerResolvePage::selectedProtocols() const {
return d->signingProtocolSelectionWidget->checkedProtocols();
std::vector<Key> SignerResolvePage::signingCertificates( Protocol protocol ) const
std::vector<Key> result;
if ( protocol != CMS && d->signingProtocolSelectionWidget->isProtocolChecked( OpenPGP ) && !d->certificates[OpenPGP].isNull() )
result.push_back( d->certificates[OpenPGP] );
if ( protocol != OpenPGP && d->signingProtocolSelectionWidget->isProtocolChecked( CMS ) && !d->certificates[CMS].isNull() )
result.push_back( d->certificates[CMS] );
return result;
std::vector<Key> SignerResolvePage::resolvedSigners() const
std::vector<Key> result = signingCertificates( CMS );
const std::vector<Key> pgp = signingCertificates( OpenPGP );
result.insert( result.end(), pgp.begin(), pgp.end() );
return result;
bool SignerResolvePage::isComplete() const
assert( d->validator );
return d->validator->isComplete();
bool SignerResolvePage::encryptionSelected() const
return !d->signOnlyRB->isChecked();
void SignerResolvePage::setEncryptionSelected( bool selected )
d->encryptionSelected = selected;
d->setOperation( operationFromFlags( d->signingSelected, d->encryptionSelected ) );
bool SignerResolvePage::signingSelected() const
return !d->encryptOnlyRB->isChecked();
void SignerResolvePage::setSigningSelected( bool selected )
d->signingSelected = selected;
d->setOperation( operationFromFlags( d->signingSelected, d->encryptionSelected ) );
bool SignerResolvePage::isEncryptionUserMutable() const
return d->encryptionMutable;
bool SignerResolvePage::isSigningUserMutable() const
return d->signingMutable;
void SignerResolvePage::setEncryptionUserMutable( bool ismutable )
d->encryptionMutable = ismutable;
void SignerResolvePage::setSigningUserMutable( bool ismutable )
d->signingMutable = ismutable;
std::vector<Protocol> SignerResolvePage::selectedProtocolsWithoutSigningCertificate() const {
std::vector<Protocol> res;
Q_FOREACH ( const Protocol i, selectedProtocols() ) //krazy:exclude=foreach
if ( signingCertificates( i ).empty() )
res.push_back( i );
return res;
bool SignerResolvePage::isAsciiArmorEnabled() const
return d->textArmorCO->isChecked();
void SignerResolvePage::setAsciiArmorEnabled( bool enabled )
d->textArmorCO->setChecked( enabled );
bool SignerResolvePage::removeUnencryptedFile() const
return d->removeUnencryptedCO->isChecked();
void SignerResolvePage::setRemoveUnencryptedFile( bool remove )
d->removeUnencryptedCO->setChecked( remove );
void SignerResolvePage::setSigningPreferences( const boost::shared_ptr<SigningPreferences>& prefs )
d->signingPreferences = prefs;
QMap<Protocol,Key> map;
map[OpenPGP] = prefs ? prefs->preferredCertificate( OpenPGP ) : Key();
map[CMS] = prefs ? prefs->preferredCertificate( CMS ) : Key();
d->setCertificates( map );
shared_ptr<SigningPreferences> SignerResolvePage::signingPreferences() const
return d->signingPreferences;
void SignerResolvePage::onNext()
#include "moc_signerresolvepage.cpp"
#include "moc_signerresolvepage_p.cpp"