mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 10:52:52 +00:00
3401 lines
124 KiB
3401 lines
124 KiB
/* -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu" -*-
Copyright (c) 1997 Markus Wuebben <markus.wuebben@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2009 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company, info@kdab.net
Copyright (c) 2009 Andras Mantia <andras@kdab.net>
Copyright (c) 2010 Torgny Nyblom <nyblom@kde.org>
Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Laurent Montel <montel@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "viewer_p.h"
#include "viewer.h"
#include "viewer/objecttreeemptysource.h"
#include "viewer/objecttreeviewersource.h"
#include "messagedisplayformatattribute.h"
#include "grantleetheme/grantleethememanager.h"
#include "grantleetheme/globalsettings_base.h"
#include "scamdetection/scamdetectionwarningwidget.h"
#include "scamdetection/scamattribute.h"
#include "adblock/adblockmanager.h"
#include "widgets/todoedit.h"
#include "widgets/eventedit.h"
#include "viewer/mimeparttreeview.h"
#include "widgets/openattachmentfolderwidget.h"
#include "pimcommon/widgets/slidecontainer.h"
#include "htmlwriter/filehtmlwriter.h"
#include "htmlwriter/teehtmlwriter.h"
#include <unistd.h> // link()
#include <errno.h>
//KDE includes
#include <KAction>
#include <KActionCollection>
#include <KActionMenu>
#include <kascii.h>
#include <KCharsets>
#include <KFileDialog>
#include <KGuiItem>
#include <QWebView>
#include <QWebPage>
#include <QWebFrame>
#include <KMenu>
#include <KMessageBox>
#include <KMimeType>
#include <KMimeTypeChooser>
#include <KMimeTypeTrader>
#include <KRun>
#include <KSelectAction>
#include <KSharedConfigPtr>
#include <KStandardDirs>
#include <KStandardGuiItem>
#include <KTempDir>
#include <KTemporaryFile>
#include <KToggleAction>
#include <KPrintPreview>
#include <kdeprintdialog.h>
#include <kfileitemactions.h>
#include <KFileItemListProperties>
#include <KIO/NetAccess>
#include <KABC/Addressee>
#include <KABC/VCardConverter>
#include <KPIMUtils/Email>
#include <Akonadi/ItemModifyJob>
#include <Akonadi/ItemCreateJob>
#include <kpimutils/kfileio.h>
#include <kleo/cryptobackendfactory.h>
#include <kleo/cryptobackend.h>
#include <mailtransport/errorattribute.h>
//Qt includes
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QItemSelectionModel>
#include <QSignalMapper>
#include <QSplitter>
#include <QTreeView>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QPrinter>
#include <QPrintDialog>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include "libkdepim/misc/broadcaststatus.h"
#include <messagecore/attachment/attachmentpropertiesdialog.h>
#include <akonadi/collection.h>
#include <akonadi/itemfetchjob.h>
#include <akonadi/itemfetchscope.h>
#include <akonadi/kmime/messagestatus.h>
#include <akonadi/kmime/specialmailcollections.h>
#include <akonadi/attributefactory.h>
#include <Akonadi/KMime/MessageParts>
#include <kleo/specialjob.h>
#include "chiasmuskeyselector.h"
#include "utils/autoqpointer.h"
//own includes
#include "widgets/attachmentdialog.h"
#include "viewer/attachmentstrategy.h"
#include "csshelper.h"
#include "viewer/editorwatcher.h"
#include "settings/globalsettings.h"
#include "header/headerstyle.h"
#include "header/headerstrategy.h"
#include "widgets/htmlstatusbar.h"
#include "htmlwriter/webkitparthtmlwriter.h"
#include "viewer/mailsourceviewer.h"
#include "viewer/mimetreemodel.h"
#include "viewer/nodehelper.h"
#include "viewer/objecttreeparser.h"
#include "viewer/urlhandlermanager.h"
#include "utils/util.h"
#include "widgets/vcardviewer.h"
#include "viewer/mailwebview.h"
#include "findbar/findbarmailwebview.h"
#include "pimcommon/translator/translatorwidget.h"
#include "job/createtodojob.h"
#include "job/createeventjob.h"
#include "interfaces/bodypart.h"
#include "interfaces/htmlwriter.h"
#include <messagecore/utils/stringutil.h>
#include <kio/jobuidelegate.h>
#include <gpgme++/error.h>
#include <messagecore/helpers/nodehelper.h>
#include "messagecore/settings/globalsettings.h"
#include <akonadi/agentinstance.h>
#include <akonadi/agentmanager.h>
#include <Akonadi/CollectionFetchJob>
#include <akonadi/collectionfetchscope.h>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
using namespace boost;
using namespace MailTransport;
using namespace MessageViewer;
using namespace MessageCore;
const int ViewerPrivate::delay = 150;
const qreal ViewerPrivate::zoomBy = 20;
static QAtomicInt _k_attributeInitialized;
ViewerPrivate::ViewerPrivate(Viewer *aParent, QWidget *mainWindow,
KActionCollection *actionCollection )
: QObject(aParent),
mNodeHelper( new NodeHelper ),
mViewer( 0 ),
mFindBar( 0 ),
mAttachmentStrategy( 0 ),
mHeaderStrategy( 0 ),
mHeaderStyle( 0 ),
mUpdateReaderWinTimer( 0 ),
mResizeTimer( 0 ),
mOldGlobalOverrideEncoding( QLatin1String("---") ), // init with dummy value
mMsgDisplay( true ),
mCSSHelper( 0 ),
mMainWindow( mainWindow ),
mActionCollection( actionCollection ),
mCopyAction( 0 ),
mCopyURLAction( 0 ),
mUrlOpenAction( 0 ),
mSelectAllAction( 0 ),
mScrollUpAction( 0 ),
mScrollDownAction( 0 ),
mScrollUpMoreAction( 0 ),
mScrollDownMoreAction( 0 ),
mHeaderOnlyAttachmentsAction( 0 ),
mSelectEncodingAction( 0 ),
mToggleFixFontAction( 0 ),
mToggleDisplayModeAction( 0 ),
mZoomTextOnlyAction( 0 ),
mZoomInAction( 0 ),
mZoomOutAction( 0 ),
mZoomResetAction( 0 ),
mToggleMimePartTreeAction( 0 ),
mCanStartDrag( false ),
mHtmlWriter( 0 ),
mSavedRelativePosition( 0 ),
mDecrytMessageOverwrite( false ),
mShowSignatureDetails( false ),
mShowAttachmentQuicklist( true ),
mShowRawToltecMail( false ),
mRecursionCountForDisplayMessage( 0 ),
mCurrentContent( 0 ),
mMessagePartNode( 0 ),
mJob( 0 ),
q( aParent ),
mShowFullToAddressList( true ),
mShowFullCcAddressList( true ),
mPreviouslyViewedItem( -1 ),
mScamDetectionWarning( 0 ),
mOpenAttachmentFolderWidget( 0 ),
mZoomFactor( 100 ),
mSliderContainer( 0 )
mMimePartTree = 0;
if ( !mainWindow )
mMainWindow = aParent;
if ( _k_attributeInitialized.testAndSetAcquire( 0, 1 ) ) {
mThemeManager = new GrantleeTheme::GrantleeThemeManager(GrantleeTheme::GrantleeThemeManager::Mail, QString::fromLatin1( "header.desktop" ), mActionCollection, QLatin1String("messageviewer/themes/"));
connect(mThemeManager, SIGNAL(grantleeThemeSelected()), this, SLOT(slotGrantleeHeaders()));
connect(mThemeManager, SIGNAL(updateThemes()), this, SLOT(slotGrantleeThemesUpdated()));
mDisplayFormatMessageOverwrite = MessageViewer::Viewer::UseGlobalSetting;
mHtmlLoadExtOverride = false;
mHtmlLoadExternalGlobalSetting = false;
mHtmlMailGlobalSetting = false;
mZoomTextOnly = false;
mUpdateReaderWinTimer.setObjectName( QLatin1String("mUpdateReaderWinTimer") );
mResizeTimer.setObjectName( QLatin1String("mResizeTimer") );
mExternalWindow = false;
mPrinting = false;
mLevelQuote = GlobalSettings::self()->collapseQuoteLevelSpin() - 1;
mResizeTimer.setSingleShot( true );
connect( &mResizeTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
this, SLOT(slotDelayedResize()) );
mUpdateReaderWinTimer.setSingleShot( true );
connect( &mUpdateReaderWinTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
this, SLOT(updateReaderWin()) );
connect( mColorBar, SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, SLOT(slotToggleHtmlMode()) );
// FIXME: Don't use the full payload here when attachment loading on demand is used, just
// like in KMMainWidget::slotMessageActivated().
Akonadi::ItemFetchScope fs;
mMonitor.setItemFetchScope( fs );
connect( &mMonitor, SIGNAL(itemChanged(Akonadi::Item,QSet<QByteArray>)),
this, SLOT(slotItemChanged(Akonadi::Item,QSet<QByteArray>)) );
connect( &mMonitor, SIGNAL(itemRemoved(Akonadi::Item)),
this, SLOT(slotClear()) );
connect( &mMonitor, SIGNAL(itemMoved(Akonadi::Item,Akonadi::Collection,Akonadi::Collection)),
this, SLOT(slotItemMoved(Akonadi::Item,Akonadi::Collection,Akonadi::Collection)) );
delete mHtmlWriter; mHtmlWriter = 0;
delete mViewer; mViewer = 0;
delete mCSSHelper;
delete mNodeHelper;
delete mThemeManager;
KMime::Content * ViewerPrivate::nodeFromUrl( const KUrl & url )
KMime::Content *node = 0;
if ( url.isEmpty() ) {
return mMessage.get();
if ( !url.isLocalFile() ) {
QString path = url.path(KUrl::RemoveTrailingSlash);
if ( path.contains(QLatin1Char(':')) ) {
//if the content was not found, it might be in an extra node. Get the index of the extra node (the first part of the url),
//and use the remaining part as a ContentIndex to find the node inside the extra node
int i = path.left( path.indexOf(QLatin1Char(':')) ).toInt();
path = path.mid( path.indexOf(QLatin1Char(':')) + 1 );
KMime::ContentIndex idx(path);
QList<KMime::Content*> extras = mNodeHelper->extraContents( mMessage.get() );
if ( i >= 0 && i < extras.size() ) {
KMime::Content* c = extras[i];
node = c->content( idx );
} else {
if( mMessage )
node= mMessage->content( KMime::ContentIndex( path ) );
} else {
const QString path = url.toLocalFile();
const uint right = path.lastIndexOf( QLatin1Char('/') );
const uint left = path.lastIndexOf( QLatin1Char('.'), right );
KMime::ContentIndex index(path.mid( left + 1, right - left - 1 ));
node = mMessage->content( index );
return node;
void ViewerPrivate::openAttachment( KMime::Content* node, const QString & name )
if( !node ) {
bool deletedAttachment = false;
if(node->contentType(false)) {
deletedAttachment = (node->contentType()->mimeType() == "text/x-moz-deleted");
const bool isEncapsulatedMessage = node->parent() && node->parent()->bodyIsMessage();
if ( isEncapsulatedMessage ) {
// the viewer/urlhandlermanager expects that the message (mMessage) it is passed is the root when doing index calculation
// in urls. Simply passing the result of bodyAsMessage() does not cut it as the resulting pointer is a child in its tree.
KMime::Message::Ptr m = KMime::Message::Ptr( new KMime::Message );
m->setContent( node->parent()->bodyAsMessage()->encodedContent() );
atmViewMsg( m );
// determine the MIME type of the attachment
KMimeType::Ptr mimetype;
// prefer the value of the Content-Type header
mimetype = KMimeType::mimeType( QString::fromLatin1( node->contentType()->mimeType().toLower() ),
KMimeType::ResolveAliases );
if ( !mimetype.isNull() && mimetype->is( KABC::Addressee::mimeType() ) ) {
showVCard( node );
// special case treatment on mac and windows
QString atmName = name;
if ( name.isEmpty() )
atmName = mNodeHelper->tempFileUrlFromNode( node ).toLocalFile();
if ( Util::handleUrlWithQDesktopServices( atmName ) )
if ( mimetype.isNull() || mimetype->name() == QLatin1String("application/octet-stream") ) {
mimetype = Util::mimetype(name);
KService::Ptr offer =
KMimeTypeTrader::self()->preferredService( mimetype->name(), QLatin1String("Application") );
const QString filenameText = NodeHelper::fileName( node );
AttachmentDialog dialog ( mMainWindow, filenameText, offer ? offer->name() : QString(),
QString::fromLatin1( "askSave_" ) + mimetype->name() );
const int choice = dialog.exec();
if ( choice == AttachmentDialog::Save ) {
KUrl currentUrl;
if (Util::saveContents( mMainWindow, KMime::Content::List() << node, currentUrl )) {
else if ( choice == AttachmentDialog::Open ) { // Open
if( offer )
attachmentOpenWith( node, offer );
attachmentOpen( node );
} else if ( choice == AttachmentDialog::OpenWith ) {
attachmentOpenWith( node );
} else { // Cancel
kDebug() << "Canceled opening attachment";
bool ViewerPrivate::deleteAttachment(KMime::Content * node, bool showWarning)
if ( !node )
return true;
KMime::Content *parent = node->parent();
if ( !parent )
return true;
QList<KMime::Content*> extraNodes = mNodeHelper->extraContents( mMessage.get() );
if ( extraNodes.contains( node->topLevel() ) ) {
KMessageBox::error( mMainWindow,
i18n("Deleting an attachment from an encrypted or old-style mailman message is not supported."),
i18n("Delete Attachment") );
return true; //cancelled
if ( showWarning && KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( mMainWindow,
i18n("Deleting an attachment might invalidate any digital signature on this message."),
i18n("Delete Attachment"), KStandardGuiItem::del(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
QLatin1String("DeleteAttachmentSignatureWarning") )
!= KMessageBox::Continue ) {
return false; //cancelled
//don't confuse the model
QString filename;
QString name;
QByteArray mimetype;
if(node->contentDisposition(false)) {
filename = node->contentDisposition()->filename();
if(node->contentType(false)) {
name = node->contentType()->name();
mimetype = node->contentType()->mimeType();
parent->removeContent( node, true );
// text/plain part:
KMime::Content* deletePart = new KMime::Content(parent);
deletePart->contentType()->setMimeType( "text/x-moz-deleted" );
deletePart->contentType()->setName(QString::fromLatin1("Deleted: %1").arg(name),"utf8");
deletePart->contentDisposition()->setFilename(QString::fromLatin1("Deleted: %1").arg(name));
deletePart->contentType()->setCharset( "utf-8" );
deletePart->contentTransferEncoding()->from7BitString( "7bit" );
QByteArray bodyMessage = QByteArray("\nYou deleted an attachment from this message. The original MIME headers for the attachment were:");
bodyMessage +=("\nContent-Type: ") + mimetype;
bodyMessage +=("\nname=\"") + name.toUtf8() + "\"";
bodyMessage +=("\nfilename=\"") + filename.toUtf8() + "\"";
parent->addContent( deletePart );
KMime::Message* modifiedMessage = mNodeHelper->messageWithExtraContent( mMessage.get() );
mMimePartTree->mimePartModel()->setRoot( modifiedMessage );
mMessageItem.setPayloadFromData( modifiedMessage->encodedContent() );
Akonadi::ItemModifyJob *job = new Akonadi::ItemModifyJob( mMessageItem );
connect( job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(itemModifiedResult(KJob*)) );
return true;
void ViewerPrivate::itemModifiedResult( KJob* job )
if ( job->error() ) {
kDebug() << "Item update failed:" << job->errorString();
} else {
setMessageItem( mMessageItem, MessageViewer::Viewer::Force );
bool ViewerPrivate::editAttachment( KMime::Content * node, bool showWarning )
//FIXME(Andras) just that I don't forget...handle the case when the user starts editing and switches to another message meantime
if ( showWarning && KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( mMainWindow,
i18n("Modifying an attachment might invalidate any digital signature on this message."),
i18n("Edit Attachment"), KGuiItem( i18n("Edit"), QLatin1String("document-properties") ), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(),
QLatin1String("EditAttachmentSignatureWarning") )
!= KMessageBox::Continue ) {
return false;
KTemporaryFile file;
file.setAutoRemove( false );
if ( !file.open() ) {
kWarning() << "Edit Attachment: Unable to open temp file.";
return true;
file.write( node->decodedContent() );
EditorWatcher *watcher =
new EditorWatcher( KUrl( file.fileName() ), QLatin1String(node->contentType()->mimeType()),
false, this, mMainWindow );
mEditorWatchers[ watcher ] = node;
connect( watcher, SIGNAL(editDone(EditorWatcher*)), SLOT(slotAttachmentEditDone(EditorWatcher*)) );
if ( !watcher->start() ) {
mEditorWatchers.remove( watcher );
QFile::remove( file.fileName() );
return true;
void ViewerPrivate::createOpenWithMenu( KMenu *topMenu, const QString &contentTypeStr, bool fromCurrentContent )
const KService::List offers = KFileItemActions::associatedApplications(QStringList()<<contentTypeStr, QString() );
if (!offers.isEmpty()) {
QMenu* menu = topMenu;
QActionGroup *actionGroup = new QActionGroup( menu );
connect( actionGroup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(slotOpenWithActionCurrentContent(QAction*)) );
connect( actionGroup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(slotOpenWithAction(QAction*)) );
if (offers.count() > 1) { // submenu 'open with'
menu = new QMenu(i18nc("@title:menu", "&Open With"), topMenu);
menu->menuAction()->setObjectName(QLatin1String("openWith_submenu")); // for the unittest
//kDebug() << offers.count() << "offers" << topMenu << menu;
KService::List::ConstIterator it = offers.constBegin();
KService::List::ConstIterator end = offers.constEnd();
for(; it != end; ++it) {
KAction* act = MessageViewer::Util::createAppAction(*it,
// no submenu -> prefix single offer
menu == topMenu, actionGroup, menu);
QString openWithActionName;
if (menu != topMenu) { // submenu
openWithActionName = i18nc("@action:inmenu Open With", "&Other...");
} else {
openWithActionName = i18nc("@title:menu", "&Open With...");
KAction *openWithAct = new KAction(menu);
connect(openWithAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotOpenWithDialogCurrentContent()));
connect(openWithAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotOpenWithDialog()));
} else { // no app offers -> Open With...
KAction *act = new KAction(topMenu);
act->setText(i18nc("@title:menu", "&Open With..."));
connect(act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotOpenWithDialogCurrentContent()));
connect(act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotOpenWithDialog()));
void ViewerPrivate::slotOpenWithDialogCurrentContent()
attachmentOpenWith( mCurrentContent );
void ViewerPrivate::slotOpenWithDialog()
KMime::Content::List contents = selectedContents();
if(contents.count() == 1) {
attachmentOpenWith( contents.first() );
void ViewerPrivate::slotOpenWithActionCurrentContent(QAction* act)
KService::Ptr app = act->data().value<KService::Ptr>();
attachmentOpenWith( mCurrentContent,app );
void ViewerPrivate::slotOpenWithAction(QAction *act)
KService::Ptr app = act->data().value<KService::Ptr>();
KMime::Content::List contents = selectedContents();
if(contents.count() == 1) {
attachmentOpenWith( contents.first(),app );
void ViewerPrivate::showAttachmentPopup( KMime::Content* node, const QString & name, const QPoint & globalPos )
prepareHandleAttachment( node, name );
KMenu *menu = new KMenu();
QAction *action;
bool deletedAttachment = false;
if(node->contentType(false)) {
deletedAttachment = (node->contentType()->mimeType() == "text/x-moz-deleted");
QSignalMapper *attachmentMapper = new QSignalMapper( menu );
connect( attachmentMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)),
this, SLOT(slotHandleAttachment(int)) );
action = menu->addAction(SmallIcon(QLatin1String("document-open")),i18nc("to open", "Open"));
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), attachmentMapper, SLOT(map()) );
attachmentMapper->setMapping( action, Viewer::Open );
createOpenWithMenu( menu, QLatin1String(node->contentType()->mimeType()),true );
action = menu->addAction(i18nc("to view something", "View") );
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), attachmentMapper, SLOT(map()) );
attachmentMapper->setMapping( action, Viewer::View );
const bool attachmentInHeader = mViewer->isAttachmentInjectionPoint( globalPos );
const bool hasScrollbar = mViewer->hasVerticalScrollBar();
if ( attachmentInHeader && hasScrollbar ) {
action = menu->addAction( i18n( "Scroll To" ) );
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), attachmentMapper, SLOT(map()) );
attachmentMapper->setMapping( action, Viewer::ScrollTo );
action = menu->addAction(SmallIcon(QLatin1String("document-save-as")),i18n("Save As...") );
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), attachmentMapper, SLOT(map()) );
attachmentMapper->setMapping( action, Viewer::Save );
action = menu->addAction(SmallIcon(QLatin1String("edit-copy")), i18n("Copy") );
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), attachmentMapper, SLOT(map()) );
attachmentMapper->setMapping( action, Viewer::Copy );
const bool isEncapsulatedMessage = node->parent() && node->parent()->bodyIsMessage();
const bool canChange = mMessageItem.isValid() && mMessageItem.parentCollection().isValid() &&
( mMessageItem.parentCollection().rights() != Akonadi::Collection::ReadOnly ) &&
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->allowAttachmentEditing() ) {
action = menu->addAction(SmallIcon(QLatin1String("document-properties")), i18n("Edit Attachment") );
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered()), attachmentMapper, SLOT(map()) );
attachmentMapper->setMapping( action, Viewer::Edit );
action->setEnabled( canChange );
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->allowAttachmentDeletion() ) {
action = menu->addAction(SmallIcon(QLatin1String("edit-delete")), i18n("Delete Attachment") );
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered()), attachmentMapper, SLOT(map()) );
attachmentMapper->setMapping( action, Viewer::Delete );
action->setEnabled( canChange && !deletedAttachment );
if ( name.endsWith( QLatin1String(".xia"), Qt::CaseInsensitive )
&& Kleo::CryptoBackendFactory::instance()->protocol( "Chiasmus" )) {
action = menu->addAction( i18n( "Decrypt With Chiasmus..." ) );
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), attachmentMapper, SLOT(map()) );
attachmentMapper->setMapping( action, Viewer::ChiasmusEncrypt );
action = menu->addAction(i18n("Properties") );
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), attachmentMapper, SLOT(map()) );
attachmentMapper->setMapping( action, Viewer::Properties );
menu->exec( globalPos );
delete menu;
void ViewerPrivate::prepareHandleAttachment( KMime::Content *node, const QString& fileName )
mCurrentContent = node;
mCurrentFileName = fileName;
QString ViewerPrivate::createAtmFileLink( const QString& atmFileName ) const
QFileInfo atmFileInfo( atmFileName );
// tempfile name is /TMP/attachmentsRANDOM/atmFileInfo.fileName()"
KTempDir *linkDir = new KTempDir( KStandardDirs::locateLocal( "tmp", QLatin1String("attachments") ) );
QString linkPath = linkDir->name() + atmFileInfo.fileName();
QFile *linkFile = new QFile( linkPath );
linkFile->open( QIODevice::ReadWrite );
const QString linkName = linkFile->fileName();
delete linkFile;
delete linkDir;
if ( ::link(QFile::encodeName( atmFileName ), QFile::encodeName( linkName )) == 0 ) {
return linkName; // success
return QString();
KService::Ptr ViewerPrivate::getServiceOffer( KMime::Content *content)
const QString fileName = mNodeHelper->writeNodeToTempFile( content );
const QString contentTypeStr = QLatin1String(content->contentType()->mimeType());
// determine the MIME type of the attachment
KMimeType::Ptr mimetype;
// prefer the value of the Content-Type header
mimetype = KMimeType::mimeType( contentTypeStr, KMimeType::ResolveAliases );
if ( !mimetype.isNull() && mimetype->is( KABC::Addressee::mimeType() ) ) {
attachmentView( content );
return KService::Ptr( 0 );
if ( mimetype.isNull() || mimetype->name() == QLatin1String("application/octet-stream") ) {
/*TODO(Andris) port when on-demand loading is done && msgPart.isComplete() */
mimetype = MessageViewer::Util::mimetype(fileName);
return KMimeTypeTrader::self()->preferredService( mimetype->name(), QLatin1String("Application") );
KMime::Content::List ViewerPrivate::selectedContents()
KMime::Content::List contents;
contents = mMimePartTree->selectedContents();
return contents;
void ViewerPrivate::attachmentOpenWith( KMime::Content *node, KService::Ptr offer )
QString name = mNodeHelper->writeNodeToTempFile( node );
QString linkName = createAtmFileLink( name );
KUrl::List lst;
KUrl url;
bool autoDelete = true;
if ( linkName.isEmpty() ) {
autoDelete = false;
linkName = name;
KPIMUtils::checkAndCorrectPermissionsIfPossible( linkName, false, true, true );
url.setPath( linkName );
lst.append( url );
if(offer) {
if ( (!KRun::run( *offer, lst, 0, autoDelete )) && autoDelete ) {
} else {
if ( (! KRun::displayOpenWithDialog(lst, mMainWindow, autoDelete)) && autoDelete ) {
QFile::remove( url.toLocalFile() );
void ViewerPrivate::attachmentOpen( KMime::Content *node )
KService::Ptr offer = getServiceOffer( node );
if ( !offer ) {
kDebug() << "got no offer";
attachmentOpenWith( node, offer );
CSSHelper* ViewerPrivate::cssHelper() const
return mCSSHelper;
bool ViewerPrivate::decryptMessage() const
if ( !GlobalSettings::self()->alwaysDecrypt() )
return mDecrytMessageOverwrite;
return true;
int ViewerPrivate::pointsToPixel(int pointSize) const
return (pointSize * mViewer->logicalDpiY() + 36) / 72;
void ViewerPrivate::displaySplashPage( const QString &info )
mMsgDisplay = false;
const QString location = KStandardDirs::locate( "data", QLatin1String("messageviewer/about/main_mobile.html") );
QString content = QLatin1String( KPIMUtils::kFileToByteArray( location ) );
content = content.arg( QLatin1String( "" ) ); // infopage stylesheet
content = content.arg( QLatin1String( "" ) ); // rtl infopage stylesheet
const QString location = KStandardDirs::locate( "data", QLatin1String("kmail2/about/main.html") ); //FIXME(Andras) copy to $KDEDIR/share/apps/messageviewer
QString content = QLatin1String(KPIMUtils::kFileToByteArray( location ));
content = content.arg( KStandardDirs::locate( "data", QLatin1String("kdeui/about/kde_infopage.css") ) );
if ( QApplication::isRightToLeft() )
content = content.arg( QLatin1String("@import \"") + KStandardDirs::locate( "data",
QLatin1String("kdeui/about/kde_infopage_rtl.css") ) + QLatin1String("\";"));
content = content.arg( QString() );
const QString fontSize = QString::number( pointsToPixel( mCSSHelper->bodyFont().pointSize() ) );
const QString catchPhrase; //not enough space for a catch phrase at default window size i18n("Part of the Kontact Suite");
const QString quickDescription = i18n( "The KDE email client." );
mViewer->setHtml( content.arg( fontSize ).arg( mAppName ).arg( catchPhrase ).arg( quickDescription ).arg( info ), KUrl::fromPath( location ) );
void ViewerPrivate::enableMessageDisplay()
mMsgDisplay = true;
void ViewerPrivate::displayMessage()
mNodeHelper->setOverrideCodec( mMessage.get(), overrideCodec() );
if ( mMessageItem.hasAttribute<MessageViewer::MessageDisplayFormatAttribute>() ) {
const MessageViewer::MessageDisplayFormatAttribute* const attr = mMessageItem.attribute<MessageViewer::MessageDisplayFormatAttribute>();
htmlWriter()->begin( QString() );
htmlWriter()->queue( mCSSHelper->htmlHead( mUseFixedFont ) );
if ( !mMainWindow )
q->setWindowTitle( mMessage->subject()->asUnicodeString() );
// Don't update here, parseMsg() can overwrite the HTML mode, which would lead to flicker.
// It is updated right after parseMsg() instead.
mColorBar->setMode( Util::Normal, HtmlStatusBar::NoUpdate );
if ( mMessageItem.hasAttribute<ErrorAttribute>() ) {
//TODO: Insert link to clear error so that message might be resent
const ErrorAttribute* const attr = mMessageItem.attribute<ErrorAttribute>();
Q_ASSERT( attr );
const QColor foreground = KColorScheme( QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View ).foreground( KColorScheme::NegativeText ).color();
const QColor background = KColorScheme( QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View ).background( KColorScheme::NegativeBackground ).color();
htmlWriter()->queue( QString::fromLatin1("<div style=\"background:%1;color:%2;border:1px solid %3\">%4</div>").arg( background.name(), foreground.name(), foreground.name(), Qt::escape( attr->message() ) ) );
htmlWriter()->queue( QLatin1String("<p></p>") );
parseContent( mMessage.get() );
mMimePartTree->setRoot( mNodeHelper->messageWithExtraContent( mMessage.get() ) );
connect( mPartHtmlWriter, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(injectAttachments()), Qt::UniqueConnection );
connect( mPartHtmlWriter, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(toggleFullAddressList()), Qt::UniqueConnection );
connect( mPartHtmlWriter, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotMessageRendered()), Qt::UniqueConnection );
void ViewerPrivate::collectionFetchedForStoringDecryptedMessage( KJob* job )
if ( job->error() )
Akonadi::Collection col;
Q_FOREACH( const Akonadi::Collection &c, static_cast<Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob*>( job )->collections() ) {
if ( c == mMessageItem.parentCollection() ) {
col = c;
if ( !col.isValid() )
Akonadi::AgentInstance::List instances = Akonadi::AgentManager::self()->instances();
const QString itemResource = col.resource();
Akonadi::AgentInstance resourceInstance;
foreach ( const Akonadi::AgentInstance &instance, instances ) {
if ( instance.identifier() == itemResource ) {
resourceInstance = instance;
bool isInOutbox = true;
Akonadi::Collection outboxCollection = Akonadi::SpecialMailCollections::self()->collection(
Akonadi::SpecialMailCollections::Outbox, resourceInstance );
if ( resourceInstance.isValid() && outboxCollection != col ) {
isInOutbox = false;
if ( !isInOutbox ) {
KMime::Message::Ptr unencryptedMessage = mNodeHelper->unencryptedMessage( mMessage );
if ( unencryptedMessage ) {
mMessageItem.setPayload<KMime::Message::Ptr>( unencryptedMessage );
Akonadi::ItemModifyJob *job = new Akonadi::ItemModifyJob( mMessageItem );
connect( job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(itemModifiedResult(KJob*)) );
void ViewerPrivate::postProcessMessage( ObjectTreeParser *otp, KMMsgEncryptionState encryptionState )
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->storeDisplayedMessagesUnencrypted() )
// Hack to make sure the S/MIME CryptPlugs follows the strict requirement
// of german government:
// --> All received encrypted messages *must* be stored in unencrypted form
// after they have been decrypted once the user has read them.
// ( "Aufhebung der Verschluesselung nach dem Lesen" )
// note: Since there is no configuration option for this, we do that for
// all kinds of encryption now - *not* just for S/MIME.
// This could be changed in the objectTreeToDecryptedMsg() function
// by deciding when (or when not, resp.) to set the 'dataNode' to
// something different than 'curNode'.
const bool messageAtLeastPartiallyEncrypted = ( KMMsgFullyEncrypted == encryptionState ) ||
( KMMsgPartiallyEncrypted == encryptionState );
// only proceed if we were called the normal way - not by
// double click on the message (==not running in a separate window)
if( decryptMessage() && // only proceed if the message has actually been decrypted
!otp->hasPendingAsyncJobs() && // only proceed if no pending async jobs are running:
messageAtLeastPartiallyEncrypted ) {
//check if the message is in the outbox folder
//FIXME: using root() is too much, but using mMessageItem.parentCollection() returns no collections in job->collections()
//FIXME: this is done async, which means it is possible that the user selects another message while
// this job is running. In that case, collectionFetchedForStoringDecryptedMessage() will work
// on the wrong item!
Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob* job = new Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob( Akonadi::Collection::root(),
Akonadi::CollectionFetchJob::Recursive );
connect( job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)),
this, SLOT(collectionFetchedForStoringDecryptedMessage(KJob*)) );
void ViewerPrivate::parseContent( KMime::Content *content )
assert( content != 0 );
// Check if any part of this message is a v-card
// v-cards can be either text/x-vcard or text/directory, so we need to check
// both.
KMime::Content* vCardContent = findContentByType( content, "text/x-vcard" );
if ( !vCardContent )
vCardContent = findContentByType( content, "text/directory" );
bool hasVCard = false;
if( vCardContent ) {
// ### FIXME: We should only do this if the vCard belongs to the sender,
// ### i.e. if the sender's email address is contained in the vCard.
const QByteArray vCard = vCardContent->decodedContent();
KABC::VCardConverter t;
if ( !t.parseVCards( vCard ).isEmpty() ) {
hasVCard = true;
mNodeHelper->writeNodeToTempFile( vCardContent );
if ( !NodeHelper::isToltecMessage( content ) || mShowRawToltecMail ) {
KMime::Message *message = dynamic_cast<KMime::Message*>( content );
if ( message ) {
htmlWriter()->queue( writeMsgHeader( message, hasVCard ? vCardContent : 0, true ) );
// Pass control to the OTP now, which does the real work
mNodeHelper->setNodeUnprocessed( mMessage.get(), true );
MailViewerSource otpSource( this );
ObjectTreeParser otp( &otpSource, mNodeHelper, 0, mMessage.get() != content /* show only single node */ );
otp.setAllowAsync( !mPrinting );
otp.setShowRawToltecMail( mShowRawToltecMail );
otp.parseObjectTree( content );
// TODO: Setting the signature state to nodehelper is not enough, it should actually
// be added to the store, so that the message list correctly displays the signature state
// of messages that were parsed at least once
// store encrypted/signed status information in the KMMessage
// - this can only be done *after* calling parseObjectTree()
KMMsgEncryptionState encryptionState = mNodeHelper->overallEncryptionState( content );
KMMsgSignatureState signatureState = mNodeHelper->overallSignatureState( content );
mNodeHelper->setEncryptionState( content, encryptionState );
// Don't reset the signature state to "not signed" (e.g. if one canceled the
// decryption of a signed messages which has already been decrypted before).
if ( signatureState != KMMsgNotSigned ||
mNodeHelper->signatureState( content ) == KMMsgSignatureStateUnknown ) {
mNodeHelper->setSignatureState( content, signatureState );
postProcessMessage( &otp, encryptionState );
QString ViewerPrivate::writeMsgHeader( KMime::Message *aMsg, KMime::Content* vCardNode,
bool topLevel )
if ( !headerStyle() )
kFatal() << "trying to writeMsgHeader() without a header style set!";
if ( !headerStrategy() )
kFatal() << "trying to writeMsgHeader() without a header strategy set!";
QString href;
if ( vCardNode )
href = mNodeHelper->asHREF( vCardNode, QLatin1String("body") );
headerStyle()->setHeaderStrategy( headerStrategy() );
headerStyle()->setVCardName( href );
headerStyle()->setPrinting( mPrinting );
headerStyle()->setTopLevel( topLevel );
headerStyle()->setAllowAsync( true );
headerStyle()->setSourceObject( this );
headerStyle()->setNodeHelper( mNodeHelper );
headerStyle()->setMessagePath( mMessagePath );
if ( mMessageItem.isValid() ) {
Akonadi::MessageStatus status;
status.setStatusFromFlags( mMessageItem.flags() );
headerStyle()->setMessageStatus( status );
return headerStyle()->format( aMsg );
void ViewerPrivate::showVCard( KMime::Content* msgPart ) {
const QByteArray vCard = msgPart->decodedContent();
VCardViewer *vcv = new VCardViewer( mMainWindow, vCard );
vcv->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
void ViewerPrivate::initHtmlWidget()
mViewer->setFocusPolicy( Qt::WheelFocus );
#if 0
// (marc) I guess this is not needed? All events go through the
// Viewer, since the Page is just a QObject, and we're only
// interested in mouse events...
mViewer->page()->view()->installEventFilter( this );
mViewer->installEventFilter( this );
if ( !htmlWriter() ) {
mPartHtmlWriter = new WebKitPartHtmlWriter( mViewer, 0 );
mHtmlWriter = new TeeHtmlWriter( new FileHtmlWriter( QString() ),
mPartHtmlWriter );
mHtmlWriter = mPartHtmlWriter;
connect( mViewer, SIGNAL(linkHovered(QString,QString,QString)),
this, SLOT(slotUrlOn(QString,QString,QString)) );
connect( mViewer, SIGNAL(linkClicked(QUrl)),
this, SLOT(slotUrlOpen(QUrl)), Qt::QueuedConnection );
connect( mViewer, SIGNAL(popupMenu(QUrl,QUrl,QPoint)),
SLOT(slotUrlPopup(QUrl,QUrl,QPoint)) );
connect( mViewer, SIGNAL(messageMayBeAScam()), this, SLOT(slotMessageMayBeAScam()));
connect( mScamDetectionWarning, SIGNAL(showDetails()), mViewer, SLOT(slotShowDetails()));
connect( mScamDetectionWarning, SIGNAL(moveMessageToTrash()), this, SIGNAL(moveMessageToTrash()));
connect( mScamDetectionWarning, SIGNAL(messageIsNotAScam()), this, SLOT(slotMessageIsNotAScam()));
connect( mScamDetectionWarning, SIGNAL(addToWhiteList()), this, SLOT(slotAddToWhiteList()));
bool ViewerPrivate::eventFilter( QObject *, QEvent *e )
if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress ) {
QMouseEvent* me = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(e);
if ( me->button() == Qt::LeftButton && ( me->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ) ) {
// special processing for shift+click
URLHandlerManager::instance()->handleShiftClick( mHoveredUrl, this );
return true;
if ( me->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) {
mCanStartDrag = URLHandlerManager::instance()->willHandleDrag( mHoveredUrl, this );
mLastClickPosition = me->pos();
else if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease ) {
mCanStartDrag = false;
else if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove ) {
QMouseEvent* me = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>( e );
// First, update the hovered URL
mHoveredUrl = mViewer->linkOrImageUrlAt( me->globalPos() );
// If we are potentially handling a drag, deal with that.
if ( mCanStartDrag && me->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton ) {
if ( ( mLastClickPosition - me->pos() ).manhattanLength() > KGlobalSettings::dndEventDelay() ) {
if ( URLHandlerManager::instance()->handleDrag( mHoveredUrl, this ) ) {
// If the URL handler manager started a drag, don't handle this in the future
mCanStartDrag = false;
// Don't tell WebKit about this mouse move event, or it might start its own drag!
return true;
//Don't tell to Webkit to get zoom > 300 and < 100
else if ( e->type() == QEvent::Wheel ) {
QWheelEvent* me = static_cast<QWheelEvent*>( e );
if ( QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ) {
const int numDegrees = me->delta() / 8;
const int numSteps = numDegrees / 15;
const qreal factor = mZoomFactor + numSteps * 10;
if ( factor >= 10 && factor <= 300 ) {
mZoomFactor = factor;
setZoomFactor( factor/100.0 );
return true;
// standard event processing
return false;
void ViewerPrivate::readConfig()
delete mCSSHelper;
mCSSHelper = new CSSHelper( mViewer );
mUseFixedFont = GlobalSettings::self()->useFixedFont();
if ( mToggleFixFontAction )
mToggleFixFontAction->setChecked( mUseFixedFont );
mHtmlMailGlobalSetting = GlobalSettings::self()->htmlMail();
mHtmlLoadExternalGlobalSetting = GlobalSettings::self()->htmlLoadExternal();
mZoomTextOnly = GlobalSettings::self()->zoomTextOnly();
setZoomTextOnly( mZoomTextOnly );
if (headerStrategy() )
KToggleAction *raction = actionForHeaderStyle( headerStyle(), headerStrategy() );
if ( raction )
raction->setChecked( true );
setAttachmentStrategy( AttachmentStrategy::create( GlobalSettings::self()->attachmentStrategy() ) );
raction = actionForAttachmentStrategy( attachmentStrategy() );
if ( raction )
raction->setChecked( true );
// Note that this call triggers an update, see this call has to be at the
// bottom when all settings are already est.
setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( HeaderStyle::create( GlobalSettings::self()->headerStyle() ),
HeaderStrategy::create( GlobalSettings::self()->headerSetDisplayed() ) );
mViewer->settings()->setFontSize( QWebSettings::MinimumFontSize, GlobalSettings::self()->minimumFontSize() );
mViewer->settings()->setFontSize( QWebSettings::MinimumLogicalFontSize, GlobalSettings::self()->minimumFontSize() );
mViewer->settings()->setAttribute( QWebSettings::PrintElementBackgrounds, GlobalSettings::self()->printBackgroundColorImages() );
if ( mMessage )
void ViewerPrivate::slotGeneralFontChanged()
delete mCSSHelper;
mCSSHelper = new CSSHelper( mViewer );
if ( mMessage )
void ViewerPrivate::writeConfig( bool sync )
GlobalSettings::self()->setUseFixedFont( mUseFixedFont );
if ( headerStyle() ) {
GlobalSettings::self()->setHeaderStyle( QLatin1String(headerStyle()->name()) );
GrantleeTheme::GrantleeSettings::self()->setGrantleeMailThemeName( headerStyle()->theme().dirName() );
if ( headerStrategy() )
GlobalSettings::self()->setHeaderSetDisplayed( QLatin1String(headerStrategy()->name()) );
if ( attachmentStrategy() )
GlobalSettings::self()->setAttachmentStrategy( QLatin1String(attachmentStrategy()->name()) );
GlobalSettings::self()->setZoomTextOnly( mZoomTextOnly );
if ( sync )
emit requestConfigSync();
void ViewerPrivate::setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( HeaderStyle * style,
HeaderStrategy * strategy , bool writeInConfigFile ) {
if ( mHeaderStyle == style && mHeaderStrategy == strategy )
mHeaderStyle = style ? style : HeaderStyle::fancy();
mHeaderStrategy = strategy ? strategy : HeaderStrategy::rich();
if ( mHeaderOnlyAttachmentsAction ) {
mHeaderOnlyAttachmentsAction->setEnabled( mHeaderStyle->hasAttachmentQuickList() );
if ( !mHeaderStyle->hasAttachmentQuickList() &&
mAttachmentStrategy->requiresAttachmentListInHeader() ) {
// Style changed to something without an attachment quick list, need to change attachment
// strategy
setAttachmentStrategy( AttachmentStrategy::smart() );
actionForAttachmentStrategy( mAttachmentStrategy )->setChecked( true );
update( Viewer::Force );
if( !mExternalWindow && writeInConfigFile)
void ViewerPrivate::setAttachmentStrategy( const AttachmentStrategy * strategy ) {
if ( mAttachmentStrategy == strategy )
mAttachmentStrategy = strategy ? strategy : AttachmentStrategy::smart();
update( Viewer::Force );
void ViewerPrivate::setOverrideEncoding( const QString & encoding )
if ( encoding == mOverrideEncoding )
mOverrideEncoding = encoding;
if ( mSelectEncodingAction ) {
if ( encoding.isEmpty() ) {
mSelectEncodingAction->setCurrentItem( 0 );
else {
const QStringList encodings = mSelectEncodingAction->items();
int i = 0;
for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = encodings.constBegin(), end = encodings.constEnd(); it != end; ++it, ++i ) {
if ( NodeHelper::encodingForName( *it ) == encoding ) {
mSelectEncodingAction->setCurrentItem( i );
if ( i == encodings.size() ) {
// the value of encoding is unknown => use Auto
kWarning() << "Unknown override character encoding" << encoding
<< ". Using Auto instead.";
mSelectEncodingAction->setCurrentItem( 0 );
update( Viewer::Force );
void ViewerPrivate::printMessage( const Akonadi::Item &message )
disconnect( mPartHtmlWriter, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotPrintMsg()) );
connect( mPartHtmlWriter, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotPrintMsg()) );
setMessageItem( message, Viewer::Force );
void ViewerPrivate::printPreviewMessage( const Akonadi::Item &message )
disconnect( mPartHtmlWriter, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotPrintPreview()) );
connect( mPartHtmlWriter, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotPrintPreview()) );
setMessageItem( message, Viewer::Force );
void ViewerPrivate::resetStateForNewMessage()
enableMessageDisplay(); // just to make sure it's on
mMessagePartNode = 0;
mSavedRelativePosition = 0;
setShowSignatureDetails( false );
mShowRawToltecMail = !GlobalSettings::self()->showToltecReplacementText();
if ( mPrinting ) {
if (MessageViewer::GlobalSettings::self()->respectExpandCollapseSettings()) {
if (MessageViewer::GlobalSettings::self()->showExpandQuotesMark()) {
mLevelQuote = MessageViewer::GlobalSettings::self()->collapseQuoteLevelSpin() -1;
} else {
mLevelQuote = -1;
} else {
mLevelQuote = -1;
void ViewerPrivate::setMessageInternal( const KMime::Message::Ptr message,
Viewer::UpdateMode updateMode )
mMessage = message;
if ( message ) {
mNodeHelper->setOverrideCodec( mMessage.get(), overrideCodec() );
mMimePartTree->setRoot( mNodeHelper->messageWithExtraContent( message.get() ) );
update( updateMode );
void ViewerPrivate::setMessageItem( const Akonadi::Item &item, Viewer::UpdateMode updateMode )
foreach( const Akonadi::Entity::Id monitoredId, mMonitor.itemsMonitoredEx() ) {
mMonitor.setItemMonitored( Akonadi::Item( monitoredId ), false );
Q_ASSERT( mMonitor.itemsMonitoredEx().isEmpty() );
mMessageItem = item;
if ( mMessageItem.isValid() )
mMonitor.setItemMonitored( mMessageItem, true );
if ( !mMessageItem.hasPayload<KMime::Message::Ptr>() ) {
if ( mMessageItem.isValid() )
kWarning() << "Payload is not a MessagePtr!";
setMessageInternal( mMessageItem.payload<KMime::Message::Ptr>(), updateMode );
void ViewerPrivate::setMessage( const KMime::Message::Ptr& aMsg, Viewer::UpdateMode updateMode )
Akonadi::Item item;
item.setMimeType( KMime::Message::mimeType() );
item.setPayload( aMsg );
mMessageItem = item;
setMessageInternal( aMsg, updateMode );
void ViewerPrivate::setMessagePart( KMime::Content * node )
// Cancel scheduled updates of the reader window, as that would stop the
// timer of the HTML writer, which would make viewing attachment not work
// anymore as not all HTML is written to the HTML part.
// We're updating the reader window here ourselves anyway.
if ( node ) {
mMessagePartNode = node;
if ( node->bodyIsMessage() ) {
mMainWindow->setWindowTitle( node->bodyAsMessage()->subject()->asUnicodeString() );
} else {
QString windowTitle = NodeHelper::fileName( node );
if ( windowTitle.isEmpty() ) {
windowTitle = node->contentDescription()->asUnicodeString();
if ( !windowTitle.isEmpty() ) {
mMainWindow->setWindowTitle( i18n( "View Attachment: %1", windowTitle ) );
htmlWriter()->begin( QString() );
htmlWriter()->queue( mCSSHelper->htmlHead( mUseFixedFont ) );
parseContent( node );
void ViewerPrivate::showHideMimeTree( )
bool showMimeTree = false;
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->mimeTreeMode() == GlobalSettings::EnumMimeTreeMode::Always )
showMimeTree = true;
else {
// don't rely on QSplitter maintaining sizes for hidden widgets:
showMimeTree = false;
if ( mToggleMimePartTreeAction && ( mToggleMimePartTreeAction->isChecked() != showMimeTree ) )
mToggleMimePartTreeAction->setChecked( showMimeTree );
void ViewerPrivate::atmViewMsg( KMime::Message::Ptr message )
Q_ASSERT( message );
emit showMessage( message, overrideEncoding() );
void ViewerPrivate::adjustLayout()
const int mimeH = GlobalSettings::self()->mimePaneHeight();
const int messageH = GlobalSettings::self()->messagePaneHeight();
QList<int> splitterSizes;
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->mimeTreeLocation() == GlobalSettings::EnumMimeTreeLocation::bottom )
splitterSizes << messageH << mimeH;
splitterSizes << mimeH << messageH;
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->mimeTreeLocation() == GlobalSettings::EnumMimeTreeLocation::bottom )
mSplitter->addWidget( mMimePartTree );
mSplitter->insertWidget( 0, mMimePartTree );
mSplitter->setSizes( splitterSizes );
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->mimeTreeMode() == GlobalSettings::EnumMimeTreeMode::Always &&
mMsgDisplay )
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->showColorBar() && mMsgDisplay )
void ViewerPrivate::saveSplitterSizes() const
if ( !mSplitter || !mMimePartTree )
if ( mMimePartTree->isHidden() )
return; // don't rely on QSplitter maintaining sizes for hidden widgets.
const bool mimeTreeAtBottom = GlobalSettings::self()->mimeTreeLocation() == GlobalSettings::EnumMimeTreeLocation::bottom;
GlobalSettings::self()->setMimePaneHeight( mSplitter->sizes()[ mimeTreeAtBottom ? 1 : 0 ] );
GlobalSettings::self()->setMessagePaneHeight( mSplitter->sizes()[ mimeTreeAtBottom ? 0 : 1 ] );
void ViewerPrivate::createWidgets() {
//TODO: Make a MDN bar similar to Mozillas password bar and show MDNs here as soon as a
// MDN enabled message is shown.
QVBoxLayout * vlay = new QVBoxLayout( q );
vlay->setMargin( 0 );
mSplitter = new QSplitter( Qt::Vertical, q );
connect(mSplitter, SIGNAL(splitterMoved(int,int)), this, SLOT(saveSplitterSizes()));
mSplitter->setObjectName( QLatin1String("mSplitter") );
mSplitter->setChildrenCollapsible( false );
vlay->addWidget( mSplitter );
mMimePartTree = new MimePartTreeView( mSplitter );
connect(mMimePartTree, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(slotMimePartSelected(QModelIndex)) );
connect(mMimePartTree, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(slotMimeTreeContextMenuRequested(QPoint)) );
mBox = new KHBox( mSplitter );
mColorBar = new HtmlStatusBar( mBox );
KVBox *readerBox = new KVBox( mBox );
#else // for mobile ui we position the HTML status bar on the right side
KVBox *readerBox = new KVBox( mBox );
mColorBar = new HtmlStatusBar( mBox );
mColorBar->setObjectName( QLatin1String("mColorBar") );
mColorBar->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
mScamDetectionWarning = new ScamDetectionWarningWidget(readerBox);
mOpenAttachmentFolderWidget = new OpenAttachmentFolderWidget(readerBox);
mViewer = new MailWebView( mActionCollection, readerBox );
mViewer->setObjectName( QLatin1String("mViewer") );
mCreateTodo = new MessageViewer::TodoEdit(readerBox);
connect(mCreateTodo, SIGNAL(createTodo(KCalCore::Todo::Ptr,Akonadi::Collection)), this, SLOT(slotCreateTodo(KCalCore::Todo::Ptr,Akonadi::Collection)));
mCreateEvent = new MessageViewer::EventEdit(readerBox);
connect(mCreateEvent, SIGNAL(createEvent(KCalCore::Event::Ptr,Akonadi::Collection)), this, SLOT(slotCreateEvent(KCalCore::Event::Ptr,Akonadi::Collection)));
mSliderContainer = new PimCommon::SlideContainer(readerBox);
mFindBar = new FindBarMailWebView( mViewer, q );
connect(mFindBar, SIGNAL(hideFindBar()), mSliderContainer, SLOT(slideOut()));
mTranslatorWidget = new PimCommon::TranslatorWidget(readerBox);
mSplitter->setStretchFactor( mSplitter->indexOf(mMimePartTree), 0 );
mSplitter->setOpaqueResize( KGlobalSettings::opaqueResize() );
void ViewerPrivate::createActions()
KActionCollection *ac = mActionCollection;
if ( !ac ) {
KToggleAction *raction = 0;
// header style
KActionMenu *headerMenu = new KActionMenu(i18nc("View->", "&Headers"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_headers"), headerMenu );
headerMenu->setHelpText( i18n("Choose display style of message headers") );
QActionGroup *group = new QActionGroup( this );
raction = new KToggleAction( i18nc("View->headers->", "&Enterprise Headers"), this);
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("view_headers_enterprise"), raction );
connect( raction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotEnterpriseHeaders()) );
raction->setHelpText( i18n("Show the list of headers in Enterprise style") );
group->addAction( raction );
headerMenu->addAction( raction );
raction = new KToggleAction(i18nc("View->headers->", "&Fancy Headers"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_headers_fancy"), raction );
connect(raction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotFancyHeaders()));
raction->setHelpText( i18n("Show the list of headers in a fancy format") );
group->addAction( raction );
headerMenu->addAction( raction );
raction = new KToggleAction(i18nc("View->headers->", "&Brief Headers"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_headers_brief"), raction );
connect(raction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotBriefHeaders()));
raction->setHelpText( i18n("Show brief list of message headers") );
group->addAction( raction );
headerMenu->addAction( raction );
raction = new KToggleAction(i18nc("View->headers->", "&Standard Headers"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_headers_standard"), raction );
connect(raction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotStandardHeaders()));
raction->setHelpText( i18n("Show standard list of message headers") );
group->addAction( raction );
headerMenu->addAction( raction );
raction = new KToggleAction(i18nc("View->headers->", "&Long Headers"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_headers_long"), raction );
connect(raction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotLongHeaders()));
raction->setHelpText( i18n("Show long list of message headers") );
group->addAction( raction );
headerMenu->addAction( raction );
raction = new KToggleAction(i18nc("View->headers->", "&All Headers"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_headers_all"), raction );
connect(raction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotAllHeaders()));
raction->setHelpText( i18n("Show all message headers") );
group->addAction( raction );
headerMenu->addAction( raction );
raction = new KToggleAction(i18nc("View->headers->", "&Custom Headers"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_custom_headers"), raction );
connect(raction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotCustomHeaders()));
raction->setHelpText( i18n("Show custom headers") );
group->addAction( raction );
headerMenu->addAction( raction );
//Same action group
// attachment style
KActionMenu *attachmentMenu = new KActionMenu(i18nc("View->", "&Attachments"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_attachments"), attachmentMenu );
attachmentMenu->setHelpText( i18n("Choose display style of attachments") );
group = new QActionGroup( this );
raction = new KToggleAction(i18nc("View->attachments->", "&As Icons"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_attachments_as_icons"), raction );
connect(raction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotIconicAttachments()));
raction->setHelpText( i18n("Show all attachments as icons. Click to see them.") );
group->addAction( raction );
attachmentMenu->addAction( raction );
raction = new KToggleAction(i18nc("View->attachments->", "&Smart"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_attachments_smart"), raction );
connect(raction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotSmartAttachments()));
raction->setHelpText( i18n("Show attachments as suggested by sender.") );
group->addAction( raction );
attachmentMenu->addAction( raction );
raction = new KToggleAction(i18nc("View->attachments->", "&Inline"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_attachments_inline"), raction );
connect(raction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotInlineAttachments()));
raction->setHelpText( i18n("Show all attachments inline (if possible)") );
group->addAction( raction );
attachmentMenu->addAction( raction );
raction = new KToggleAction(i18nc("View->attachments->", "&Hide"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_attachments_hide"), raction );
connect(raction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotHideAttachments()));
raction->setHelpText( i18n("Do not show attachments in the message viewer") );
group->addAction( raction );
attachmentMenu->addAction( raction );
mHeaderOnlyAttachmentsAction = new KToggleAction( i18nc( "View->attachments->", "In Header Only" ), this );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("view_attachments_headeronly"), mHeaderOnlyAttachmentsAction );
connect( mHeaderOnlyAttachmentsAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotHeaderOnlyAttachments()) );
mHeaderOnlyAttachmentsAction->setHelpText( i18n( "Show Attachments only in the header of the mail" ) );
group->addAction( mHeaderOnlyAttachmentsAction );
attachmentMenu->addAction( mHeaderOnlyAttachmentsAction );
// Set Encoding submenu
mSelectEncodingAction = new KSelectAction(KIcon(QLatin1String("character-set")), i18n("&Set Encoding"), this);
mSelectEncodingAction->setToolBarMode( KSelectAction::MenuMode );
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("encoding"), mSelectEncodingAction );
QStringList encodings = NodeHelper::supportedEncodings( false );
encodings.prepend( i18n( "Auto" ) );
mSelectEncodingAction->setItems( encodings );
mSelectEncodingAction->setCurrentItem( 0 );
// Message Menu
// copy selected text to clipboard
mCopyAction = ac->addAction( KStandardAction::Copy, QLatin1String("kmail_copy"), this,
SLOT(slotCopySelectedText()) );
connect( mViewer, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
this, SLOT(viewerSelectionChanged()) );
// copy all text to clipboard
mSelectAllAction = new KAction(i18n("Select All Text"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("mark_all_text"), mSelectAllAction );
connect(mSelectAllAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(selectAll()));
mSelectAllAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_A ) );
// copy Email address to clipboard
mCopyURLAction = new KAction( KIcon( QLatin1String("edit-copy" )),
i18n( "Copy Link Address" ), this );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("copy_url"), mCopyURLAction );
connect( mCopyURLAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotUrlCopy()) );
// open URL
mUrlOpenAction = new KAction( KIcon(QLatin1String( "document-open" )), i18n( "Open URL" ), this );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("open_url"), mUrlOpenAction );
connect( mUrlOpenAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotUrlOpen()) );
// use fixed font
mToggleFixFontAction = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Use Fi&xed Font" ), this );
ac->addAction(QLatin1String( "toggle_fixedfont"), mToggleFixFontAction );
connect( mToggleFixFontAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotToggleFixedFont()) );
mToggleFixFontAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_X ) );
// Zoom actions
mZoomTextOnlyAction = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Zoom Text Only" ), this );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("toggle_zoomtextonly"), mZoomTextOnlyAction );
connect( mZoomTextOnlyAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotZoomTextOnly()) );
mZoomInAction = new KAction( KIcon(QLatin1String("zoom-in")), i18n("&Zoom In"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("zoom_in"), mZoomInAction);
connect(mZoomInAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotZoomIn()));
mZoomInAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Plus));
mZoomOutAction = new KAction( KIcon(QLatin1String("zoom-out")), i18n("Zoom &Out"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("zoom_out"), mZoomOutAction);
connect(mZoomOutAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotZoomOut()));
mZoomOutAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Minus));
mZoomResetAction = new KAction( i18n("Reset"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("zoom_reset"), mZoomResetAction);
connect(mZoomResetAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotZoomReset()));
mZoomResetAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_0));
// Show message structure viewer
mToggleMimePartTreeAction = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Message Structure" ), this );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("toggle_mimeparttree"), mToggleMimePartTreeAction );
connect( mToggleMimePartTreeAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
mViewSourceAction = new KAction(i18n("&View Source"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("view_source"), mViewSourceAction );
connect(mViewSourceAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotShowMessageSource()));
mSaveMessageAction = new KAction(KIcon(QLatin1String("document-save-as")), i18n("&Save message..."), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("save_message"), mSaveMessageAction);
connect(mSaveMessageAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotSaveMessage()));
//Laurent: conflict with kmail shortcut
//mSaveMessageAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_S));
mSaveMessageDisplayFormat = new KAction( i18n("&Save Display Format"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("save_message_display_format"), mSaveMessageDisplayFormat );
connect(mSaveMessageDisplayFormat, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotSaveMessageDisplayFormat()));
mResetMessageDisplayFormat = new KAction( i18n("&Reset Display Format"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("reset_message_display_format"), mResetMessageDisplayFormat );
connect(mResetMessageDisplayFormat, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotResetMessageDisplayFormat()));
// Scroll actions
mScrollUpAction = new KAction( i18n("Scroll Message Up"), this );
mScrollUpAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_Up ) );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("scroll_up"), mScrollUpAction );
connect( mScrollUpAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
q, SLOT(slotScrollUp()) );
mScrollDownAction = new KAction( i18n("Scroll Message Down"), this );
mScrollDownAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_Down ) );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("scroll_down"), mScrollDownAction );
connect( mScrollDownAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
q, SLOT(slotScrollDown()) );
mScrollUpMoreAction = new KAction( i18n("Scroll Message Up (More)"), this );
mScrollUpMoreAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_PageUp ) );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("scroll_up_more"), mScrollUpMoreAction );
connect( mScrollUpMoreAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
q, SLOT(slotScrollPrior()) );
mScrollDownMoreAction = new KAction( i18n("Scroll Message Down (More)"), this );
mScrollDownMoreAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::Key_PageDown ) );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("scroll_down_more"), mScrollDownMoreAction );
connect( mScrollDownMoreAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
q, SLOT(slotScrollNext()) );
// Actions not in menu
// Toggle HTML display mode.
mToggleDisplayModeAction = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Toggle HTML Display Mode" ), this );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("toggle_html_display_mode"), mToggleDisplayModeAction );
mToggleDisplayModeAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_H));
connect( mToggleDisplayModeAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotToggleHtmlMode()) );
mToggleDisplayModeAction->setHelpText( i18n( "Toggle display mode between HTML and plain text" ) );
// Load external reference
KAction *loadExternalReferenceAction = new KAction( i18n( "Load external references" ), this );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("load_external_reference"), loadExternalReferenceAction );
loadExternalReferenceAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_R));
connect( loadExternalReferenceAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotLoadExternalReference()) );
loadExternalReferenceAction->setHelpText( i18n( "Load external references from the Internet for this message." ) );
mSpeakTextAction = new KAction(i18n("Speak Text"),this);
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("speak_text"), mSpeakTextAction );
connect( mSpeakTextAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
this, SLOT(slotSpeakText()) );
mCopyImageLocation = new KAction(i18n("Copy Image Location"),this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("copy_image_location"), mCopyImageLocation);
mCopyImageLocation->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
connect( mCopyImageLocation, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotCopyImageLocation()) );
mTranslateAction = new KAction(i18n("Translate..."),this);
mTranslateAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_T));
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("translate_text"), mTranslateAction);
connect( mTranslateAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotTranslate()) );
mFindInMessageAction = new KAction(KIcon(QLatin1String("edit-find")), i18n("&Find in Message..."), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("find_in_messages"), mFindInMessageAction );
connect(mFindInMessageAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotFind()));
mCaretBrowsing = new KToggleAction(i18n("Toggle Caret Browsing"), this);
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("toggle_caret_browsing"), mCaretBrowsing );
connect( mCaretBrowsing, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotToggleCaretBrowsing(bool)) );
mBlockImage = new KAction(i18n("Block image"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("adblock_image"), mBlockImage);
mBlockImage->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
connect( mBlockImage, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotBlockImage()) );
mBlockableItems = new KAction(i18n("Open Blockable Items..."), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("adblock_blockable_items"), mBlockableItems);
connect( mBlockableItems, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotOpenBlockableItems()) );
mExpandUrlAction = new KAction(i18n("Expand Short URL"), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("expand_short_url"), mExpandUrlAction);
mExpandUrlAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
connect( mExpandUrlAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotExpandShortUrl()) );
mCreateTodoAction = new KAction(KIcon( QLatin1String("task-new") ),i18n("Create Todo"), this);
mCreateTodoAction->setIconText( i18n( "Create To-do" ) );
mCreateTodoAction->setHelpText( i18n( "Allows you to create a calendar to-do or reminder from this message" ) );
mCreateTodoAction->setWhatsThis( i18n( "This option starts the KOrganizer to-do editor with initial values taken from the currently selected message. Then you can edit the to-do to your liking before saving it to your calendar." ) );
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("create_todo"), mCreateTodoAction);
mCreateTodoAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_T);
connect( mCreateTodoAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotShowCreateTodoWidget()) );
mCreateEventAction = new KAction(KIcon( QLatin1String("appointment-new") ),i18n("Create Event"), this);
mCreateEventAction->setIconText( i18n( "Create Event" ) );
mCreateEventAction->setHelpText( i18n( "Allows you to create a calendar Event" ) );
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("create_event"), mCreateEventAction);
mCreateEventAction->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_E);
connect( mCreateEventAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotShowCreateEventWidget()) );
void ViewerPrivate::showContextMenu( KMime::Content* content, const QPoint &pos )
if ( !content )
bool deletedAttachment = false;
if(content->contentType(false)) {
deletedAttachment = (content->contentType()->mimeType() == "text/x-moz-deleted");
const bool isAttachment = !content->contentType()->isMultipart() && !content->isTopLevel();
const bool isRoot = ( content == mMessage.get() );
const KMime::Content::List contents = Util::extractAttachments( mMessage.get() );
KMenu popup;
if ( !isRoot ) {
popup.addAction( SmallIcon( QLatin1String("document-save-as") ), i18n( "Save &As..." ),
this, SLOT(slotAttachmentSaveAs()) );
if ( isAttachment ) {
popup.addAction( SmallIcon( QLatin1String("document-open") ), i18nc( "to open", "Open" ),
this, SLOT(slotAttachmentOpen()) );
if(selectedContents().count() == 1)
createOpenWithMenu(&popup, QLatin1String(content->contentType()->mimeType()),false);
popup.addAction( i18n( "Open With..." ), this, SLOT(slotAttachmentOpenWith()) );
popup.addAction( i18nc( "to view something", "View" ), this, SLOT(slotAttachmentView()) );
if( !contents.isEmpty() ) {
popup.addAction( i18n( "Save All Attachments..." ), this,
SLOT(slotAttachmentSaveAll()) );
// edit + delete only for attachments
if ( !isRoot ) {
if ( isAttachment ) {
popup.addAction( SmallIcon( QLatin1String("edit-copy") ), i18n( "Copy" ),
this, SLOT(slotAttachmentCopy()) );
#if 0 //FIXME Laurent Comment for the moment it crash see Bug 287177
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->allowAttachmentDeletion() )
popup.addAction( SmallIcon( "edit-delete" ), i18n( "Delete Attachment" ),
this, SLOT(slotAttachmentDelete()) );
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->allowAttachmentEditing() )
popup.addAction( SmallIcon( QLatin1String("document-properties") ), i18n( "Edit Attachment" ),
this, SLOT(slotAttachmentEdit()) );
if ( !content->isTopLevel() )
popup.addAction( i18n( "Properties" ), this, SLOT(slotAttachmentProperties()) );
popup.exec( mMimePartTree->viewport()->mapToGlobal( pos ) );
KToggleAction *ViewerPrivate::actionForHeaderStyle( const HeaderStyle * style, const HeaderStrategy * strategy )
if ( !mActionCollection )
return 0;
QString actionName;
if ( style == HeaderStyle::enterprise() )
actionName = QLatin1String("view_headers_enterprise");
else if ( style == HeaderStyle::fancy() )
actionName = QLatin1String("view_headers_fancy");
else if ( style == HeaderStyle::brief() )
actionName = QLatin1String("view_headers_brief");
else if ( style == HeaderStyle::plain() ) {
if ( strategy == HeaderStrategy::standard() )
actionName = QLatin1String("view_headers_standard");
else if ( strategy == HeaderStrategy::rich() )
actionName = QLatin1String("view_headers_long");
else if ( strategy == HeaderStrategy::all() )
actionName = QLatin1String("view_headers_all");
} else if (style == HeaderStyle::custom() ) {
actionName = QLatin1String("view_custom_headers");
} else if (style == HeaderStyle::grantlee()) {
return mThemeManager->actionForTheme();
if ( actionName.isEmpty() )
return 0;
return static_cast<KToggleAction*>(mActionCollection->action(actionName));
KToggleAction *ViewerPrivate::actionForAttachmentStrategy( const AttachmentStrategy * as )
if ( !mActionCollection )
return 0;
QString actionName ;
if ( as == AttachmentStrategy::iconic() )
actionName = QLatin1String("view_attachments_as_icons");
else if ( as == AttachmentStrategy::smart() )
actionName = QLatin1String("view_attachments_smart");
else if ( as == AttachmentStrategy::inlined() )
actionName = QLatin1String("view_attachments_inline");
else if ( as == AttachmentStrategy::hidden() )
actionName = QLatin1String("view_attachments_hide");
else if ( as == AttachmentStrategy::headerOnly() )
actionName = QLatin1String("view_attachments_headeronly");
if (actionName.isEmpty())
return 0;
return static_cast<KToggleAction*>(mActionCollection->action(actionName));
void ViewerPrivate::readGlobalOverrideCodec()
// if the global character encoding wasn't changed then there's nothing to do
if ( MessageCore::GlobalSettings::self()->overrideCharacterEncoding() == mOldGlobalOverrideEncoding )
setOverrideEncoding( MessageCore::GlobalSettings::self()->overrideCharacterEncoding() );
mOldGlobalOverrideEncoding = MessageCore::GlobalSettings::self()->overrideCharacterEncoding();
const QTextCodec * ViewerPrivate::overrideCodec() const
if ( mOverrideEncoding.isEmpty() || mOverrideEncoding == QLatin1String("Auto") ) // Auto
return 0;
return ViewerPrivate::codecForName( mOverrideEncoding.toLatin1() );
static QColor nextColor( const QColor & c )
int h, s, v;
c.getHsv( &h, &s, &v );
return QColor::fromHsv( (h + 50) % 360, qMax(s, 64), v );
QString ViewerPrivate::renderAttachments( KMime::Content * node, const QColor &bgColor ) const
if ( !node )
return QString();
QString html;
KMime::Content * child = MessageCore::NodeHelper::firstChild( node );
if ( child) {
QString subHtml = renderAttachments( child, nextColor( bgColor ) );
if ( !subHtml.isEmpty() ) {
QString visibility;
if( !mShowAttachmentQuicklist ) {
visibility.append( QLatin1String("display:none;") );
QString margin;
if ( node != mMessage.get() || headerStyle() != HeaderStyle::enterprise() )
margin = QLatin1String("padding:2px; margin:2px; ");
QString align = QLatin1String("left");
if ( headerStyle() == HeaderStyle::enterprise() )
align = QLatin1String("right");
const bool result = ( node->contentType()->mediaType().toLower() == "message" || node->contentType()->mediaType().toLower() == "multipart" || node == mMessage.get() );
if ( result )
html += QString::fromLatin1("<div style=\"background:%1; %2"
"vertical-align:middle; float:%3; %4\">").arg( bgColor.name() ).arg( margin )
.arg( align ).arg( visibility );
html += subHtml;
if ( result )
html += QLatin1String("</div>");
} else {
NodeHelper::AttachmentDisplayInfo info = NodeHelper::attachmentDisplayInfo( node );
if ( info.displayInHeader ) {
html += QLatin1String("<div style=\"float:left;\">");
html += QString::fromLatin1( "<span style=\"white-space:nowrap; border-width: 0px; border-left-width: 5px; border-color: %1; 2px; border-left-style: solid;\">" ).arg( bgColor.name() );
mNodeHelper->writeNodeToTempFile( node );
const QString href = mNodeHelper->asHREF( node, QLatin1String("header") );
html += QString::fromLatin1( "<a href=\"" ) + href +
QString::fromLatin1( "\">" );
QString imageMaxSize;
if(!info.icon.isEmpty()) {
QImage tmpImg(info.icon);
if(tmpImg.width() > 48 || tmpImg.height() > 48) {
imageMaxSize = QLatin1String("width=\"48\" height=\"48\"");
html += QString::fromLatin1("<img %1 style=\"vertical-align:middle;\" src=\"").arg(imageMaxSize) + info.icon + QLatin1String("\"/> ");
if ( headerStyle() == HeaderStyle::enterprise() ) {
QFont bodyFont = mCSSHelper->bodyFont( mUseFixedFont );
QFontMetrics fm( bodyFont );
html += fm.elidedText( info.label, Qt::ElideRight, 180 );
} else if ( headerStyle() == HeaderStyle::fancy() ) {
QFont bodyFont = mCSSHelper->bodyFont( mUseFixedFont );
QFontMetrics fm( bodyFont );
html += fm.elidedText( info.label, Qt::ElideRight, 1000 );
} else {
html += info.label;
html += QLatin1String("</a></span></div> ");
KMime::Content *next = MessageCore::NodeHelper::nextSibling( node );
if ( next )
html += renderAttachments( next, nextColor ( bgColor ) );
return html;
KMime::Content* ViewerPrivate::findContentByType(KMime::Content *content, const QByteArray &type)
KMime::Content::List list = content->contents();
Q_FOREACH(KMime::Content *c, list) {
if (c->contentType()->mimeType() == type)
return c;
return 0;
const QTextCodec* ViewerPrivate::codecForName(const QByteArray& _str)
if (_str.isEmpty())
return 0;
QByteArray codec = _str;
return KGlobal::charsets()->codecForName(QLatin1String(codec));
void ViewerPrivate::update( MessageViewer::Viewer::UpdateMode updateMode )
// Avoid flicker, somewhat of a cludge
if ( updateMode == Viewer::Force ) {
// stop the timer to avoid calling updateReaderWin twice
} else if ( mUpdateReaderWinTimer.isActive() ) {
mUpdateReaderWinTimer.setInterval( delay );
} else {
mUpdateReaderWinTimer.start( 0 );
void ViewerPrivate::slotUrlOpen( const QUrl& url )
KUrl aUrl(url);
if( !url.isEmpty() )
mClickedUrl = aUrl;
// First, let's see if the URL handler manager can handle the URL. If not, try KRun for some
// known URLs, otherwise fallback to emitting a signal.
// That signal is caught by KMail, and in case of mailto URLs, a composer is shown.
if ( URLHandlerManager::instance()->handleClick( mClickedUrl, this ) )
emit urlClicked( mMessageItem, mClickedUrl );
void ViewerPrivate::slotUrlOn(const QString& link, const QString& title, const QString& textContent )
// The "link" we get here is not URL-encoded, and therefore there is no way the KUrl or QUrl could
// parse it correctly. To workaround that, we use QWebFrame::hitTestContent() on the mouse position
// to get the URL before WebKit managed to mangle it.
KUrl url( mViewer->linkOrImageUrlAt( QCursor::pos() ) );
const QString protocol = url.protocol();
if ( protocol == QLatin1String( "kmail" ) ||
protocol == QLatin1String( "x-kmail" ) ||
protocol == QLatin1String( "attachment" ) ||
( protocol.isEmpty() && url.path().isEmpty() ) ) {
mViewer->setAcceptDrops( false );
} else {
mViewer->setAcceptDrops( true );
if ( link.trimmed().isEmpty() ) {
emit showStatusBarMessage( QString() );
QString msg = URLHandlerManager::instance()->statusBarMessage( url, this );
if ( msg.isEmpty() ) {
msg = link;
KPIM::BroadcastStatus::instance()->setTransientStatusMsg( msg );
emit showStatusBarMessage( msg );
void ViewerPrivate::slotUrlPopup(const QUrl &aUrl, const QUrl &imageUrl, const QPoint& aPos)
const KUrl url( aUrl );
const KUrl iUrl( imageUrl );
mClickedUrl = url;
mImageUrl = iUrl;
if ( URLHandlerManager::instance()->handleContextMenuRequest( url, aPos, this ) )
if ( !mActionCollection )
if ( url.protocol() == QLatin1String( "mailto" ) ) {
mCopyURLAction->setText( i18n( "Copy Email Address" ) );
} else {
mCopyURLAction->setText( i18n( "Copy Link Address" ) );
emit popupMenu( mMessageItem, aUrl, imageUrl, aPos );
void ViewerPrivate::slotLoadExternalReference()
if(mColorBar->isNormal() || htmlLoadExtOverride())
setHtmlLoadExtOverride( true );
update( Viewer::Force );
void ViewerPrivate::slotToggleHtmlMode()
const bool useHtml = !htmlMail();
setDisplayFormatMessageOverwrite( useHtml ? MessageViewer::Viewer::Html : MessageViewer::Viewer::Text );
update( Viewer::Force );
void ViewerPrivate::slotFind()
if ( mViewer->hasSelection() )
mFindBar->setText( mViewer->selectedText() );
void ViewerPrivate::slotTranslate()
const QString text = mViewer->selectedText();
void ViewerPrivate::slotToggleFixedFont()
mUseFixedFont = !mUseFixedFont;
update( Viewer::Force );
void ViewerPrivate::slotToggleMimePartTree()
if ( mToggleMimePartTreeAction->isChecked() )
GlobalSettings::self()->setMimeTreeMode( GlobalSettings::EnumMimeTreeMode::Always );
GlobalSettings::self()->setMimeTreeMode( GlobalSettings::EnumMimeTreeMode::Never );
void ViewerPrivate::slotShowMessageSource()
if( !mMessage )
mNodeHelper->messageWithExtraContent( mMessage.get() );
const QString rawMessage = QString::fromLatin1( mMessage->encodedContent() );
const QString htmlSource = mViewer->htmlSource();
MailSourceViewer *viewer = new MailSourceViewer(); // deletes itself upon close
viewer->setWindowTitle( i18n("Message as Plain Text") );
viewer->setRawSource( rawMessage );
viewer->setDisplayedSource( htmlSource );
if( mUseFixedFont ) {
// Well, there is no widget to be seen here, so we have to use QCursor::pos()
// Update: (GS) I'm not going to make this code behave according to Xinerama
// configuration because this is quite the hack.
if ( QApplication::desktop()->isVirtualDesktop() ) {
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
int scnum = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber( QCursor::pos() );
int scnum = 0;
viewer->resize( QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( scnum ).width()/2,
2 * QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( scnum ).height()/3);
} else {
viewer->resize( QApplication::desktop()->geometry().width()/2,
2 * QApplication::desktop()->geometry().height()/3);
void ViewerPrivate::updateReaderWin()
if ( !mMsgDisplay ) {
if ( mRecursionCountForDisplayMessage + 1 > 1 ) {
// This recursion here can happen because the ObjectTreeParser in parseMsg() can exec() an
// eventloop.
// This happens in two cases:
// 1) The ContactSearchJob started by FancyHeaderStyle::format
// 2) Various modal passphrase dialogs for decryption of a message (bug 96498)
// While the exec() eventloop is running, it is possible that a timer calls updateReaderWin(),
// and not aborting here would confuse the state terribly.
kWarning() << "Danger, recursion while displaying a message!";
mViewer->setAllowExternalContent( htmlLoadExternal() );
//TODO: if the item doesn't have the payload fetched, try to fetch it? Maybe not here, but in setMessageItem.
if ( mMessage ) {
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->showColorBar() ) {
} else {
} else if( mMessagePartNode ) {
setMessagePart( mMessagePartNode );
} else {
htmlWriter()->begin( QString() );
htmlWriter()->write( mCSSHelper->htmlHead( mUseFixedFont ) + QLatin1String("</body></html>") );
if ( mSavedRelativePosition ) {
mViewer->scrollToRelativePosition( mSavedRelativePosition );
mSavedRelativePosition = 0;
void ViewerPrivate::slotMimePartSelected( const QModelIndex &index )
KMime::Content *content = static_cast<KMime::Content*>( index.internalPointer() );
if ( !mMimePartTree->mimePartModel()->parent( index ).isValid() && index.row() == 0 ) {
update( Viewer::Force );
} else {
setMessagePart( content );
void ViewerPrivate::slotBriefHeaders()
setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( HeaderStyle::brief(),
HeaderStrategy::brief(),true );
void ViewerPrivate::slotFancyHeaders()
setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( HeaderStyle::fancy(),
HeaderStrategy::rich(), true );
void ViewerPrivate::slotEnterpriseHeaders()
setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( HeaderStyle::enterprise(),
HeaderStrategy::rich(),true );
void ViewerPrivate::slotStandardHeaders()
setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( HeaderStyle::plain(),
HeaderStrategy::standard(), true);
void ViewerPrivate::slotLongHeaders()
setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( HeaderStyle::plain(),
HeaderStrategy::rich(),true );
void ViewerPrivate::slotAllHeaders()
setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( HeaderStyle::plain(),
HeaderStrategy::all(), true );
void ViewerPrivate::slotCustomHeaders()
setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( HeaderStyle::custom(),
HeaderStrategy::custom(), true );
void ViewerPrivate::slotGrantleeHeaders()
setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( HeaderStyle::grantlee(),
HeaderStrategy::grantlee(), true );
update( Viewer::Force );
void ViewerPrivate::initGrantleeThemeName()
const QString themeName = GrantleeTheme::GrantleeSettings::self()->grantleeMailThemeName();
void ViewerPrivate::slotIconicAttachments()
setAttachmentStrategy( AttachmentStrategy::iconic() );
void ViewerPrivate::slotSmartAttachments()
setAttachmentStrategy( AttachmentStrategy::smart() );
void ViewerPrivate::slotInlineAttachments()
setAttachmentStrategy( AttachmentStrategy::inlined() );
void ViewerPrivate::slotHideAttachments()
setAttachmentStrategy( AttachmentStrategy::hidden() );
void ViewerPrivate::slotHeaderOnlyAttachments()
setAttachmentStrategy( AttachmentStrategy::headerOnly() );
void ViewerPrivate::attachmentView( KMime::Content *atmNode )
if ( atmNode ) {
const bool isEncapsulatedMessage = atmNode->parent() && atmNode->parent()->bodyIsMessage();
if ( isEncapsulatedMessage ) {
atmViewMsg( atmNode->parent()->bodyAsMessage() );
} else if ((kasciistricmp(atmNode->contentType()->mediaType(), "text")==0) &&
( (kasciistricmp(atmNode->contentType()->subType(), "x-vcard")==0) ||
(kasciistricmp(atmNode->contentType()->subType(), "directory")==0) )) {
setMessagePart( atmNode );
} else {
emit showReader( atmNode, htmlMail(), overrideEncoding() );
void ViewerPrivate::slotDelayedResize()
mSplitter->setGeometry( 0, 0, q->width(), q->height() );
void ViewerPrivate::slotPrintPreview()
disconnect( mPartHtmlWriter, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotPrintPreview()) );
if ( !mMessage )
QPrinter printer;
KPrintPreview previewdlg( &printer/*, mViewer*/ );
mViewer->print( &printer );
void ViewerPrivate::slotPrintMsg()
disconnect( mPartHtmlWriter, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotPrintMsg()) );
if ( !mMessage )
QPrinter printer;
AutoQPointer<QPrintDialog> dlg(KdePrint::createPrintDialog(&printer));
if ( dlg && dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) {
mViewer->print( &printer );
void ViewerPrivate::slotSetEncoding()
if ( mSelectEncodingAction->currentItem() == 0 ) // Auto
mOverrideEncoding = NodeHelper::encodingForName( mSelectEncodingAction->currentText() );
update( Viewer::Force );
QString ViewerPrivate::attachmentInjectionHtml() const
QString imgpath( KStandardDirs::locate("data",QLatin1String("libmessageviewer/pics/")) );
QString urlHandle;
QString imgSrc;
if( !mShowAttachmentQuicklist ) {
urlHandle.append( QLatin1String("kmail:showAttachmentQuicklist") );
imgSrc.append( QLatin1String("quicklistClosed.png") );
} else {
urlHandle.append( QLatin1String("kmail:hideAttachmentQuicklist") );
imgSrc.append( QLatin1String("quicklistOpened.png") );
QColor background = KColorScheme( QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View ).background().color();
QString html = renderAttachments( mMessage.get(), background );
Q_FOREACH( KMime::Content* node, mNodeHelper->extraContents( mMessage.get() ) ) {
html += renderAttachments( node, background );
if ( html.isEmpty() )
return QString();
QString link;
if ( headerStyle() == HeaderStyle::fancy() ) {
link += QLatin1String("<div style=\"text-align: left;\"><a href=\"")+urlHandle+QLatin1String("\"><img src=\"file:///")+imgpath+imgSrc+QLatin1String("\"/></a></div>");
html.prepend( link );
html.prepend( QString::fromLatin1("<div style=\"float:left;\">%1 </div>" ).arg(i18n("Attachments:")) );
} else {
link += QLatin1String("<div style=\"text-align: right;\"><a href=\"")+urlHandle+QLatin1String("\"><img src=\"file:///")+imgpath+imgSrc+QLatin1String("\"/></a></div>");
html.prepend( link );
return html;
void ViewerPrivate::injectAttachments()
disconnect( mPartHtmlWriter, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(injectAttachments()) );
// inject attachments in header view
// we have to do that after the otp has run so we also see encrypted parts
mViewer->injectAttachments( bind( &ViewerPrivate::attachmentInjectionHtml, this ) );
void ViewerPrivate::slotSettingsChanged()
update( Viewer::Force );
void ViewerPrivate::slotMimeTreeContextMenuRequested( const QPoint& pos )
QModelIndex index = mMimePartTree->indexAt( pos );
if ( index.isValid() ) {
KMime::Content *content = static_cast<KMime::Content*>( index.internalPointer() );
showContextMenu( content, pos );
void ViewerPrivate::slotAttachmentOpenWith()
QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel = mMimePartTree->selectionModel();
QModelIndexList selectedRows = selectionModel->selectedRows();
Q_FOREACH( const QModelIndex &index, selectedRows )
KMime::Content *content = static_cast<KMime::Content*>( index.internalPointer() );
attachmentOpenWith( content );
void ViewerPrivate::slotAttachmentOpen()
QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel = mMimePartTree->selectionModel();
QModelIndexList selectedRows = selectionModel->selectedRows();
Q_FOREACH( const QModelIndex &index, selectedRows )
KMime::Content *content = static_cast<KMime::Content*>( index.internalPointer() );
attachmentOpen( content );
void ViewerPrivate::showOpenAttachmentFolderWidget(const KUrl &url)
void ViewerPrivate::slotAttachmentSaveAs()
const KMime::Content::List contents = selectedContents();
KUrl currentUrl;
if (Util::saveAttachments( contents, mMainWindow, currentUrl))
void ViewerPrivate::slotAttachmentSaveAll()
const KMime::Content::List contents = Util::extractAttachments( mMessage.get() );
KUrl currentUrl;
if (Util::saveAttachments( contents, mMainWindow, currentUrl ))
void ViewerPrivate::slotAttachmentView()
KMime::Content::List contents = selectedContents();
Q_FOREACH(KMime::Content *content, contents)
attachmentView( content );
void ViewerPrivate::slotAttachmentProperties()
KMime::Content::List contents = selectedContents();
if ( contents.isEmpty() )
Q_FOREACH( KMime::Content *content, contents ) {
attachmentProperties( content );
void ViewerPrivate::attachmentProperties( KMime::Content *content )
MessageCore::AttachmentPropertiesDialog *dialog = new MessageCore::AttachmentPropertiesDialog( content, mMainWindow );
dialog->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
void ViewerPrivate::slotAttachmentCopy()
KMime::Content::List contents = selectedContents();
attachmentCopy( contents );
void ViewerPrivate::attachmentCopy( const KMime::Content::List & contents )
if ( contents.isEmpty() )
QList<QUrl> urls;
Q_FOREACH( KMime::Content *content, contents) {
KUrl kUrl = mNodeHelper->writeNodeToTempFile( content );
QUrl url = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( kUrl.toEncoded() );
if ( !url.isValid() )
urls.append( url );
if ( urls.isEmpty() )
QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData;
mimeData->setUrls( urls );
QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData( mimeData, QClipboard::Clipboard );
void ViewerPrivate::slotAttachmentDelete()
KMime::Content::List contents = selectedContents();
if ( contents.isEmpty() )
bool showWarning = true;
Q_FOREACH( KMime::Content *content, contents ) {
if ( !deleteAttachment( content, showWarning ) )
showWarning = false;
void ViewerPrivate::slotAttachmentEdit()
KMime::Content::List contents = selectedContents();
if ( contents.isEmpty() )
bool showWarning = true;
Q_FOREACH( KMime::Content *content, contents ) {
if ( !editAttachment( content, showWarning ) )
showWarning = false;
void ViewerPrivate::slotAttachmentEditDone( EditorWatcher* editorWatcher )
QString name = editorWatcher->url().fileName();
if ( editorWatcher->fileChanged() ) {
QFile file( name );
if ( file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
QByteArray data = file.readAll();
KMime::Content *node = mEditorWatchers[editorWatcher];
node->setBody( data );
mMessageItem.setPayloadFromData( mMessage->encodedContent() );
Akonadi::ItemModifyJob *job = new Akonadi::ItemModifyJob( mMessageItem );
connect( job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(itemModifiedResult(KJob*)) );
mEditorWatchers.remove( editorWatcher );
QFile::remove( name );
void ViewerPrivate::slotLevelQuote( int l )
if (mLevelQuote != l) {
mLevelQuote = l;
update( Viewer::Force );
void ViewerPrivate::slotHandleAttachment( int choice )
if ( choice == Viewer::Delete ) {
deleteAttachment( mCurrentContent );
} else if ( choice == Viewer::Edit ) {
editAttachment( mCurrentContent );
} else if ( choice == Viewer::Properties ) {
attachmentProperties( mCurrentContent );
} else if ( choice == Viewer::Save ) {
KUrl currentUrl;
if (Util::saveContents( mMainWindow, KMime::Content::List() << mCurrentContent, currentUrl )) {
} else if ( choice == Viewer::OpenWith ) {
attachmentOpenWith( mCurrentContent );
} else if ( choice == Viewer::Open ) {
attachmentOpen( mCurrentContent );
} else if ( choice == Viewer::View ) {
attachmentView( mCurrentContent );
} else if ( choice == Viewer::ChiasmusEncrypt ) {
attachmentEncryptWithChiasmus( mCurrentContent );
} else if ( choice == Viewer::Copy ) {
attachmentCopy( KMime::Content::List()<< mCurrentContent );
} else if ( choice == Viewer::ScrollTo ) {
scrollToAttachment( mCurrentContent );
else {
kDebug() << " not implemented :" << choice;
void ViewerPrivate::slotSpeakText()
const QString text = mViewer->selectedText();
MessageViewer::Util::speakSelectedText( text, mMainWindow);
void ViewerPrivate::slotCopyImageLocation()
QApplication::clipboard()->setText( mImageUrl.url() );
void ViewerPrivate::slotCopySelectedText()
QString selection = mViewer->selectedText();
selection.replace( QChar::Nbsp, QLatin1Char(' ') );
QApplication::clipboard()->setText( selection );
void ViewerPrivate::viewerSelectionChanged()
mActionCollection->action( QLatin1String("kmail_copy") )->setEnabled( !mViewer->selectedText().isEmpty() );
void ViewerPrivate::selectAll()
void ViewerPrivate::clearSelection()
void ViewerPrivate::slotUrlCopy()
QClipboard* clip = QApplication::clipboard();
if ( mClickedUrl.protocol() == QLatin1String( "mailto" ) ) {
// put the url into the mouse selection and the clipboard
const QString address = KPIMUtils::decodeMailtoUrl( mClickedUrl );
clip->setText( address, QClipboard::Clipboard );
clip->setText( address, QClipboard::Selection );
KPIM::BroadcastStatus::instance()->setStatusMsg( i18n( "Address copied to clipboard." ));
} else {
// put the url into the mouse selection and the clipboard
clip->setText( mClickedUrl.url(), QClipboard::Clipboard );
clip->setText( mClickedUrl.url(), QClipboard::Selection );
KPIM::BroadcastStatus::instance()->setStatusMsg( i18n( "URL copied to clipboard." ));
void ViewerPrivate::slotSaveMessage()
if ( !mMessageItem.hasPayload<KMime::Message::Ptr>() ) {
if ( mMessageItem.isValid() ) {
kWarning() << "Payload is not a MessagePtr!";
Util::saveMessageInMbox( QList<Akonadi::Item>() << mMessageItem, mMainWindow );
void ViewerPrivate::saveRelativePosition()
mSavedRelativePosition = mViewer->relativePosition();
//TODO(Andras) inline them
bool ViewerPrivate::htmlMail() const
if (mDisplayFormatMessageOverwrite == Viewer::UseGlobalSetting) {
return mHtmlMailGlobalSetting;
} else {
return (mDisplayFormatMessageOverwrite == Viewer::Html);
bool ViewerPrivate::htmlLoadExternal() const
return ((mHtmlLoadExternalGlobalSetting && !mHtmlLoadExtOverride) ||
(!mHtmlLoadExternalGlobalSetting && mHtmlLoadExtOverride));
void ViewerPrivate::setDisplayFormatMessageOverwrite(Viewer::DisplayFormatMessage format)
mDisplayFormatMessageOverwrite = format;
// keep toggle display mode action state in sync.
if ( mToggleDisplayModeAction )
mToggleDisplayModeAction->setChecked( htmlMail() );
Viewer::DisplayFormatMessage ViewerPrivate::displayFormatMessageOverwrite() const
return mDisplayFormatMessageOverwrite;
void ViewerPrivate::setHtmlLoadExtOverride( bool override )
mHtmlLoadExtOverride = override;
bool ViewerPrivate::htmlLoadExtOverride() const
return mHtmlLoadExtOverride;
void ViewerPrivate::setDecryptMessageOverwrite( bool overwrite )
mDecrytMessageOverwrite = overwrite;
bool ViewerPrivate::showSignatureDetails() const
return mShowSignatureDetails;
void ViewerPrivate::setShowSignatureDetails( bool showDetails )
mShowSignatureDetails = showDetails;
bool ViewerPrivate::showAttachmentQuicklist() const
return mShowAttachmentQuicklist;
void ViewerPrivate::setShowAttachmentQuicklist( bool showAttachmentQuicklist )
mShowAttachmentQuicklist = showAttachmentQuicklist;
void ViewerPrivate::setExternalWindow( bool b )
mExternalWindow = b;
void ViewerPrivate::scrollToAttachment( KMime::Content *node )
const QString indexStr = node->index().toString();
// The anchors for this are created in ObjectTreeParser::parseObjectTree()
mViewer->scrollToAnchor( QLatin1String("att") + indexStr );
// Remove any old color markings which might be there
const KMime::Content *root = node->topLevel();
const int totalChildCount = Util::allContents( root ).size();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < totalChildCount + 1 ; ++i ) {
mViewer->removeAttachmentMarking( QString::fromLatin1( "attachmentDiv%1" ).arg( i + 1 ) );
// Don't mark hidden nodes, that would just produce a strange yellow line
if ( mNodeHelper->isNodeDisplayedHidden( node ) ) {
// Now, color the div of the attachment in yellow, so that the user sees what happened.
// We created a special marked div for this in writeAttachmentMarkHeader() in ObjectTreeParser,
// find and modify that now.
mViewer->markAttachment( QLatin1String("attachmentDiv") + indexStr, QString::fromLatin1( "border:2px solid %1" ).arg( cssHelper()->pgpWarnColor().name() ) );
void ViewerPrivate::setUseFixedFont( bool useFixedFont )
mUseFixedFont = useFixedFont;
if ( mToggleFixFontAction ) {
mToggleFixFontAction->setChecked( mUseFixedFont );
void ViewerPrivate::attachmentEncryptWithChiasmus( KMime::Content *content )
Q_UNUSED( content );
// FIXME: better detection of mimetype??
if ( !mCurrentFileName.endsWith( QLatin1String(".xia"), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
const Kleo::CryptoBackend::Protocol * chiasmus =
Kleo::CryptoBackendFactory::instance()->protocol( "Chiasmus" );
Q_ASSERT( chiasmus );
if ( !chiasmus )
const std::auto_ptr<Kleo::SpecialJob> listjob( chiasmus->specialJob( "x-obtain-keys", QMap<QString,QVariant>() ) );
if ( !listjob.get() ) {
const QString msg = i18n( "Chiasmus backend does not offer the "
"\"x-obtain-keys\" function. Please report this bug." );
KMessageBox::error( mMainWindow, msg, i18n( "Chiasmus Backend Error" ) );
if ( listjob->exec() ) {
listjob->showErrorDialog( mMainWindow, i18n( "Chiasmus Backend Error" ) );
const QVariant result = listjob->property( "result" );
if ( result.type() != QVariant::StringList ) {
const QString msg = i18n( "Unexpected return value from Chiasmus backend: "
"The \"x-obtain-keys\" function did not return a "
"string list. Please report this bug." );
KMessageBox::error( mMainWindow, msg, i18n( "Chiasmus Backend Error" ) );
const QStringList keys = result.toStringList();
if ( keys.empty() ) {
const QString msg = i18n( "No keys have been found. Please check that a "
"valid key path has been set in the Chiasmus "
"configuration." );
KMessageBox::error( mMainWindow, msg, i18n( "Chiasmus Backend Error" ) );
AutoQPointer<ChiasmusKeySelector> selectorDlg( new ChiasmusKeySelector( mMainWindow,
i18n( "Chiasmus Decryption Key Selection" ),
keys, GlobalSettings::chiasmusDecryptionKey(),
GlobalSettings::chiasmusDecryptionOptions() ) );
if ( selectorDlg->exec() != QDialog::Accepted || !selectorDlg ) {
GlobalSettings::setChiasmusDecryptionOptions( selectorDlg->options() );
GlobalSettings::setChiasmusDecryptionKey( selectorDlg->key() );
assert( !GlobalSettings::chiasmusDecryptionKey().isEmpty() );
Kleo::SpecialJob * job = chiasmus->specialJob( "x-decrypt", QMap<QString,QVariant>() );
if ( !job ) {
const QString msg = i18n( "Chiasmus backend does not offer the "
"\"x-decrypt\" function. Please report this bug." );
KMessageBox::error( mMainWindow, msg, i18n( "Chiasmus Backend Error" ) );
const QByteArray input;// = node->msgPart().bodyDecodedBinary();
if ( !job->setProperty( "key", GlobalSettings::chiasmusDecryptionKey() ) ||
!job->setProperty( "options", GlobalSettings::chiasmusDecryptionOptions() ) ||
!job->setProperty( "input", input ) ) {
const QString msg = i18n( "The \"x-decrypt\" function does not accept "
"the expected parameters. Please report this bug." );
KMessageBox::error( mMainWindow, msg, i18n( "Chiasmus Backend Error" ) );
if ( job->start() ) {
job->showErrorDialog( mMainWindow, i18n( "Chiasmus Decryption Error" ) );
mJob = job;
connect( job, SIGNAL(result(GpgME::Error,QVariant)),
this, SLOT(slotAtmDecryptWithChiasmusResult(GpgME::Error,QVariant)) );
static const QString chomp( const QString & base, const QString & suffix, bool cs )
return base.endsWith( suffix, cs ? (Qt::CaseSensitive) : (Qt::CaseInsensitive) ) ? base.left( base.length() - suffix.length() ) : base ;
void ViewerPrivate::slotAtmDecryptWithChiasmusResult( const GpgME::Error & err, const QVariant & result )
if ( !mJob )
Q_ASSERT( mJob == sender() );
if ( mJob != sender() )
Kleo::Job * job = mJob;
mJob = 0;
if ( err.isCanceled() )
if ( err ) {
job->showErrorDialog( mMainWindow, i18n( "Chiasmus Decryption Error" ) );
if ( result.type() != QVariant::ByteArray ) {
const QString msg = i18n( "Unexpected return value from Chiasmus backend: "
"The \"x-decrypt\" function did not return a "
"byte array. Please report this bug." );
KMessageBox::error( mMainWindow, msg, i18n( "Chiasmus Backend Error" ) );
const KUrl url = KFileDialog::getSaveUrl( chomp( mCurrentFileName, QLatin1String(".xia"), false ), QString(), mMainWindow );
if ( url.isEmpty() )
bool overwrite = Util::checkOverwrite( url, mMainWindow );
if ( !overwrite )
KIO::Job * uploadJob = KIO::storedPut( result.toByteArray(), url, -1, KIO::Overwrite );
uploadJob->ui()->setWindow( mMainWindow );
connect( uploadJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)),
this, SLOT(slotAtmDecryptWithChiasmusUploadResult(KJob*)) );
void ViewerPrivate::slotAtmDecryptWithChiasmusUploadResult( KJob * job )
if ( job->error() )
bool ViewerPrivate::showFullToAddressList() const
return mShowFullToAddressList;
void ViewerPrivate::setShowFullToAddressList( bool showFullToAddressList )
mShowFullToAddressList = showFullToAddressList;
bool ViewerPrivate::showFullCcAddressList() const
return mShowFullCcAddressList;
void ViewerPrivate::setShowFullCcAddressList( bool showFullCcAddressList )
mShowFullCcAddressList = showFullCcAddressList;
void ViewerPrivate::toggleFullAddressList()
toggleFullAddressList( QLatin1String("To") );
toggleFullAddressList( QLatin1String("Cc") );
QString ViewerPrivate::recipientsQuickListLinkHtml( bool doShow, const QString & field ) const
QString imgpath( KStandardDirs::locate( "data",QLatin1String("libmessageviewer/pics/") ) );
QString urlHandle;
QString imgSrc;
QString altText;
if ( doShow ) {
urlHandle.append( QLatin1String("kmail:hideFull") + field + QLatin1String("AddressList"));
imgSrc.append( QLatin1String("quicklistOpened.png") );
altText = i18n("Hide full address list");
} else {
urlHandle.append( QLatin1String("kmail:showFull") + field + QLatin1String("AddressList") );
imgSrc.append( QLatin1String("quicklistClosed.png") );
altText = i18n("Show full address list");
return QLatin1String("<span style=\"text-align: right;\"><a href=\"") + urlHandle + QLatin1String("\"><img src=\"file:///") + imgpath + imgSrc + QLatin1String("\""
"alt=\"") + altText + QLatin1String("\" /></a></span>");
void ViewerPrivate::toggleFullAddressList( const QString &field )
const bool doShow = ( field == QLatin1String( "To" ) && showFullToAddressList() ) || ( field == QLatin1String( "Cc" ) && showFullCcAddressList() );
// First inject the correct icon
if ( mViewer->replaceInnerHtml( QLatin1String("iconFull") + field + QLatin1String("AddressList"),
bind( &ViewerPrivate::recipientsQuickListLinkHtml, this, doShow, field ) ) )
// Then show/hide the full address list
mViewer->setElementByIdVisible( QLatin1String("dotsFull") + field + QLatin1String("AddressList"), !doShow );
mViewer->setElementByIdVisible( QLatin1String("hiddenFull") + field + QLatin1String("AddressList"), doShow );
void ViewerPrivate::itemFetchResult( KJob* job )
if ( job->error() ) {
displaySplashPage( i18n( "Message loading failed: %1.", job->errorText() ) );
} else {
Akonadi::ItemFetchJob* fetch = qobject_cast<Akonadi::ItemFetchJob*>( job );
Q_ASSERT( fetch );
if ( fetch->items().isEmpty() ) {
displaySplashPage( i18n( "Message not found." ) );
} else {
setMessageItem( fetch->items().first() );
void ViewerPrivate::slotItemChanged( const Akonadi::Item &item, const QSet<QByteArray> & parts )
if ( item.id() != messageItem().id() ) {
kDebug() << "Update for an already forgotten item. Weird.";
if( parts.contains( "PLD:RFC822" ) )
setMessageItem( item, Viewer::Force );
void ViewerPrivate::slotItemMoved( const Akonadi::Item &item, const Akonadi::Collection&,
const Akonadi::Collection& )
// clear the view after the current item has been moved somewhere else (e.g. to trash)
if ( item.id() == messageItem().id() )
void ViewerPrivate::slotClear()
q->clear( Viewer::Force );
emit itemRemoved();
void ViewerPrivate::slotMessageRendered()
if ( !mMessageItem.isValid() ) {
* This slot might be called multiple times for the same message if
* some asynchronous mementos are involved in rendering. Therefor we
* have to make sure we execute the MessageLoadedHandlers only once.
if ( mMessageItem.id() == mPreviouslyViewedItem )
mPreviouslyViewedItem = mMessageItem.id();
foreach ( AbstractMessageLoadedHandler *handler, mMessageLoadedHandlers )
handler->setItem( mMessageItem );
void ViewerPrivate::setZoomFactor( qreal zoomFactor )
mViewer->setZoomFactor ( zoomFactor );
void ViewerPrivate::slotZoomIn()
if( mZoomFactor >= 300 )
mZoomFactor += zoomBy;
if( mZoomFactor > 300 )
mZoomFactor = 300;
mViewer->setZoomFactor( mZoomFactor/100.0 );
void ViewerPrivate::slotZoomOut()
if ( mZoomFactor <= 10 )
mZoomFactor -= zoomBy;
if( mZoomFactor < 10 )
mZoomFactor = 10;
mViewer->setZoomFactor( mZoomFactor/100.0 );
void ViewerPrivate::setZoomTextOnly( bool textOnly )
mZoomTextOnly = textOnly;
if ( mZoomTextOnlyAction )
mZoomTextOnlyAction->setChecked( mZoomTextOnly );
mViewer->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::ZoomTextOnly, mZoomTextOnly);
void ViewerPrivate::slotZoomTextOnly()
setZoomTextOnly( !mZoomTextOnly );
void ViewerPrivate::slotZoomReset()
mZoomFactor = 100;
mViewer->setZoomFactor( 1.0 );
void ViewerPrivate::goOnline()
emit makeResourceOnline(Viewer::AllResources);
void ViewerPrivate::goResourceOnline()
emit makeResourceOnline(Viewer::SelectedResource);
void ViewerPrivate::slotToggleCaretBrowsing(bool toggle)
if( toggle ) {
KMessageBox::information( mMainWindow,
i18n("Caret Browsing will be activated. Switch off with F7 shortcut."),
i18n("Activate Caret Browsing") );
mViewer->settings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::CaretBrowsingEnabled, toggle);
Q_UNUSED( toggle );
void ViewerPrivate::slotSaveMessageDisplayFormat()
if (mMessageItem.isValid()) {
MessageViewer::MessageDisplayFormatAttribute *attr = mMessageItem.attribute<MessageViewer::MessageDisplayFormatAttribute>( Akonadi::Entity::AddIfMissing );
Akonadi::ItemModifyJob *modify = new Akonadi::ItemModifyJob( mMessageItem );
modify->setIgnorePayload( true );
connect( modify, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(slotModifyItemDone(KJob*)) );
void ViewerPrivate::slotResetMessageDisplayFormat()
if (mMessageItem.isValid()) {
if (mMessageItem.hasAttribute<MessageViewer::MessageDisplayFormatAttribute>()) {
Akonadi::ItemModifyJob *modify = new Akonadi::ItemModifyJob( mMessageItem );
modify->setIgnorePayload( true );
connect( modify, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(slotModifyItemDone(KJob*)) );
void ViewerPrivate::slotMessageMayBeAScam()
if (mMessageItem.isValid()) {
if (mMessageItem.hasAttribute<MessageViewer::ScamAttribute>()) {
const MessageViewer::ScamAttribute* const attr = mMessageItem.attribute<MessageViewer::ScamAttribute>();
if (attr && !attr->isAScam())
if ( mMessageItem.hasPayload<KMime::Message::Ptr>() ) {
KMime::Message::Ptr message = mMessageItem.payload<KMime::Message::Ptr>();
const QString email = QLatin1String(KPIMUtils::firstEmailAddress( message->from()->as7BitString(false) ));
const QStringList lst = MessageViewer::GlobalSettings::self()->scamDetectionWhiteList();
if (lst.contains(email))
void ViewerPrivate::slotMessageIsNotAScam()
if (mMessageItem.isValid()) {
MessageViewer::ScamAttribute *attr = mMessageItem.attribute<MessageViewer::ScamAttribute>( Akonadi::Entity::AddIfMissing );
Akonadi::ItemModifyJob *modify = new Akonadi::ItemModifyJob( mMessageItem );
modify->setIgnorePayload( true );
connect( modify, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(slotModifyItemDone(KJob*)) );
void ViewerPrivate::slotModifyItemDone(KJob* job)
if ( job && job->error() ) {
kWarning() << " Error trying to change attribute:" << job->errorText();
void ViewerPrivate::slotGrantleeThemesUpdated()
update( Viewer::Force );
void ViewerPrivate::saveMainFrameScreenshotInFile(const QString &filename)
void ViewerPrivate::slotAddToWhiteList()
if (mMessageItem.isValid()) {
if ( mMessageItem.hasPayload<KMime::Message::Ptr>() ) {
KMime::Message::Ptr message = mMessageItem.payload<KMime::Message::Ptr>();
const QString email = QLatin1String(KPIMUtils::firstEmailAddress( message->from()->as7BitString(false)) );
QStringList lst = MessageViewer::GlobalSettings::self()->scamDetectionWhiteList();
if (lst.contains(email))
lst << email;
MessageViewer::GlobalSettings::self()->setScamDetectionWhiteList( lst );
void ViewerPrivate::slotBlockImage()
if (mImageUrl.isEmpty())
MessageViewer::AdBlockManager::self()->addCustomRule(mImageUrl.url(), true);
void ViewerPrivate::slotOpenBlockableItems()
bool ViewerPrivate::isAShortUrl(const KUrl &url) const
return mViewer->isAShortUrl(url);
void ViewerPrivate::slotExpandShortUrl()
if (mClickedUrl.isValid()) {
void ViewerPrivate::slotShowCreateTodoWidget()
if (mMessage) {
} else {
qDebug()<<" There is not valid message";
void ViewerPrivate::slotCreateTodo(const KCalCore::Todo::Ptr &todoPtr, const Akonadi::Collection &collection)
CreateTodoJob *createJob = new CreateTodoJob(todoPtr, collection, mMessageItem, this);
void ViewerPrivate::slotShowCreateEventWidget()
if (mMessage) {
} else {
qDebug()<<" There is not valid message";
void ViewerPrivate::slotCreateEvent(const KCalCore::Event::Ptr &eventPtr, const Akonadi::Collection &collection)
CreateEventJob *createJob = new CreateEventJob(eventPtr, collection, mMessageItem, this);