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This file is part of libkcal.
Copyright 2009 Ingo Klöcker <kloecker@kde.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kcal/comparisonvisitor.h"
#include "kcal/event.h"
#include "kcal/freebusy.h"
#include "kcal/journal.h"
#include "kcal/todo.h"
#include <QList>
#include <qtest_kde.h>
using namespace KCal;
class ComparisonVisitorTest : public QObject
ComparisonVisitor mComparator;
private Q_SLOTS:
void testEventComparison();
void testFreeBusyComparison();
void testJournalComparison();
void testTodoComparison();
void testTypeMismatches();
QTEST_KDEMAIN( ComparisonVisitorTest, NoGUI )
void ComparisonVisitorTest::testEventComparison()
const QString summary = QLatin1String( "Testing comparison" );
const QString desc = QLatin1String( "Testing ComparisonVisitor" );
const KDateTime now = KDateTime::currentUtcDateTime();
const KDateTime later = now.addSecs( 3600 );
Event reference;
reference.setSummary( summary );
reference.setDescription( desc );
reference.setDtStart( now );
reference.setDtEnd( later );
// create a copy of the reference incidence
Event event( reference );
IncidenceBase *baseReference = &reference;
IncidenceBase *baseIncidence = &event;
QVERIFY( mComparator.compare( baseIncidence, baseReference ) );
// change a property of Event (but not of IncidenceBase)
event.setHasEndDate( !event.hasEndDate() );
QVERIFY( !mComparator.compare( baseIncidence, baseReference ) );
void ComparisonVisitorTest::testFreeBusyComparison()
const KDateTime now = KDateTime::currentUtcDateTime();
const KDateTime later = now.addSecs( 3600 );
FreeBusy reference;
reference.setDtStart( now );
reference.setDtEnd( later );
// create a copy of the reference incidence
FreeBusy freebusy( reference );
IncidenceBase *baseReference = &reference;
IncidenceBase *baseIncidence = &freebusy;
QVERIFY( mComparator.compare( baseIncidence, baseReference ) );
// change a property of FreeBusy (but not of IncidenceBase)
freebusy.setDtEnd( freebusy.dtEnd().addSecs( 3600 ) );
QVERIFY( !mComparator.compare( baseIncidence, baseReference ) );
void ComparisonVisitorTest::testJournalComparison()
const QString summary = QLatin1String( "Testing comparison" );
const QString desc = QLatin1String( "Testing ComparisonVisitor" );
const KDateTime now = KDateTime::currentUtcDateTime();
Journal reference;
reference.setSummary( summary );
reference.setDescription( desc );
reference.setDtStart( now );
// create a copy of the reference incidence
Journal journal( reference );
IncidenceBase *baseReference = &reference;
IncidenceBase *baseIncidence = &journal;
QVERIFY( mComparator.compare( baseIncidence, baseReference ) );
// change a property of Incidence (Journal has no new properties) (but not of IncidenceBase)
journal.setDescription( summary );
QVERIFY( !mComparator.compare( baseIncidence, baseReference ) );
void ComparisonVisitorTest::testTodoComparison()
const QString summary = QLatin1String( "Testing comparison" );
const QString desc = QLatin1String( "Testing ComparisonVisitor" );
Todo reference;
reference.setSummary( summary );
reference.setDescription( desc );
reference.setPercentComplete( 50 );
// create a copy of the reference incidence
Todo todo( reference );
IncidenceBase *baseReference = &reference;
IncidenceBase *baseIncidence = &todo;
QVERIFY( mComparator.compare( baseIncidence, baseReference ) );
// change a property of Todo (but not of IncidenceBase)
todo.setPercentComplete( 100 );
QVERIFY( !mComparator.compare( baseIncidence, baseReference ) );
void ComparisonVisitorTest::testTypeMismatches()
Event event;
FreeBusy freeBusy;
Journal journal;
Todo todo;
QList<IncidenceBase*> list;
list << &event << &freeBusy << &journal << &todo << 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i ) {
for ( int j = 0; j < list.size(); ++j ) {
if ( i == j )
QVERIFY( mComparator.compare( list[ i ], list[ j ] ) );
QVERIFY( !mComparator.compare( list[ i ], list[ j ] ) );
#include "kcalcomparisontest.moc"
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