mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 02:42:51 +00:00
1134 lines
32 KiB
1134 lines
32 KiB
/* This file is part of KCachegrind.
Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Josef Weidendorfer <Josef.Weidendorfer@gmx.de>
KCachegrind is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Instruction View
#include "instrview.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QAction>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QScrollBar>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include "config.h"
#include "globalconfig.h"
#include "instritem.h"
// InstrView defaults
// Helpers for parsing output of 'objdump'
static Addr parseAddr(char* buf)
Addr addr;
uint pos = 0;
// check for instruction line: <space>* <hex address> ":" <space>*
while(buf[pos]==' ' || buf[pos]=='\t') pos++;
int digits = addr.set(buf + pos);
if ((digits==0) || (buf[pos+digits] != ':')) return Addr(0);
return addr;
static bool isHexDigit(char c)
return (c >='0' && c <='9') || (c >='a' && c <='f');
* Parses a line from objdump assembly output, returning false for
* a line without an assembly instruction. Otherwise, it sets the
* output parameters addr, code, mnemonic, operands.
static bool parseLine(const char* buf, Addr& addr,
QString& code, QString& mnemonic, QString& operands)
uint pos, start;
// check for instruction line: <space>* <hex address> ":" <space>*
pos = 0;
while(buf[pos]==' ' || buf[pos]=='\t') pos++;
int digits = addr.set(buf + pos);
pos += digits;
if ((digits==0) || (buf[pos] != ':')) return false;
// further parsing of objdump output...
while(buf[pos]==' ' || buf[pos]=='\t') pos++;
// check for hex code, patterns "xx "* / "xxxx "* / "xxxxxxxx"
// (with "x" being a lower case hex digit)
start = pos;
while(1) {
if (! isHexDigit(buf[pos])) break;
if (! isHexDigit(buf[pos+1])) break;
if (buf[pos+2] == ' ') {
pos += 3;
if (! isHexDigit(buf[pos+2])) break;
if (! isHexDigit(buf[pos+3])) break;
if (buf[pos+4] == ' ') {
pos += 5;
if (! isHexDigit(buf[pos+4])) break;
if (! isHexDigit(buf[pos+5])) break;
if (! isHexDigit(buf[pos+6])) break;
if (! isHexDigit(buf[pos+7])) break;
if (buf[pos+8] != ' ') break;
pos += 9;
if (pos <= start) return false;
code = QString::fromLatin1(buf + start, pos - start - 1);
// skip whitespace
while(buf[pos]==' ' || buf[pos]=='\t') pos++;
// check for mnemonic
start = pos;
while(buf[pos] && buf[pos]!=' ' && buf[pos]!='\t') pos++;
mnemonic = QString::fromLatin1(buf + start, pos - start);
// skip whitespace
while(buf[pos]==' '|| buf[pos]=='\t') pos++;
// last part are the operands
int operandsLen = strlen(buf + pos);
// ignore a newline at end
if ((operandsLen>0) && (buf[pos + operandsLen - 1] == '\n'))
// maximal 50 chars
if (operandsLen > 50)
operands = QString::fromLatin1(buf + pos, 47) + QString("...");
operands = QString::fromLatin1(buf+pos, operandsLen);
if (0) qDebug("For 0x%s: Code '%s', Mnemonic '%s', Operands '%s'",
qPrintable(addr.toString()), qPrintable(code),
qPrintable(mnemonic), qPrintable(operands));
return true;
// InstrView
InstrView::InstrView(TraceItemView* parentView,
QWidget* parent)
: QTreeWidget(parent), TraceItemView(parentView)
_lastHexCodeWidth = 50;
_inSelectionUpdate = false;
_arrowLevels = 0;
QStringList headerLabels;
headerLabels << tr( "#" )
<< tr( "Cost" )
<< tr( "Cost 2" )
<< ""
<< tr( "Hex" )
<< "" // Mnenomic
<< tr( "Assembly Instructions" )
<< tr( "Source Position" );
// collapsing call/jump lines by double-click is confusing
// sorting will be enabled after refresh()
sortByColumn(0, Qt::AscendingOrder);
setItemDelegate(new InstrItemDelegate(this));
setWhatsThis( whatsThis() );
connect( this,
SIGNAL( currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)),
SLOT( selectedSlot(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*) ) );
connect( this,
SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &) ),
SLOT(context(const QPoint &)));
connect(header(), SIGNAL(sectionClicked(int)),
this, SLOT(headerClicked(int)));
this->setWhatsThis( whatsThis());
QString InstrView::whatsThis() const
return tr( "<b>Annotated Machine Code</b>"
"<p>The annotated machine code list shows the "
"assembly instructions of the current selected "
"function together with (self) cost spent while "
"executing an instruction. If this is a call "
"instruction, lines with details on the "
"call happening are inserted into the source: "
"the cost spent inside of the call, the "
"number of calls happening, and the call destination.</p>"
"<p>The machine code shown is generated with "
"the 'objdump' utility from the 'binutils' package.</p>"
"<p>Select a line with call information to "
"make the destination function of this call current.</p>");
void InstrView::context(const QPoint & p)
QMenu popup;
int c = columnAt(p.x());
QTreeWidgetItem* i = itemAt(p);
TraceInstrCall* ic = i ? ((InstrItem*) i)->instrCall() : 0;
TraceInstrJump* ij = i ? ((InstrItem*) i)->instrJump() : 0;
TraceFunction* f = ic ? ic->call()->called() : 0;
TraceInstr* instr = ij ? ij->instrTo() : 0;
QAction* activateFunctionAction = 0;
QAction* activateInstrAction = 0;
if (f) {
QString menuText = tr("Go to '%1'").arg(GlobalConfig::shortenSymbol(f->prettyName()));
activateFunctionAction = popup.addAction(menuText);
else if (instr) {
QString menuText = tr("Go to Address %1").arg(instr->name());
activateInstrAction = popup.addAction(menuText);
if ((c == 1) || (c == 2)) {
QAction* toggleHexAction = new QAction(tr("Hex Code"), &popup);
QAction* a = popup.exec(mapToGlobal(p + QPoint(0,header()->height())));
if (a == activateFunctionAction)
else if (a == activateInstrAction)
else if (a == toggleHexAction) {
_showHexCode = !_showHexCode;
// remember width when hiding
if (!_showHexCode)
_lastHexCodeWidth = columnWidth(4);
void InstrView::selectedSlot(QTreeWidgetItem *i, QTreeWidgetItem *)
if (!i) return;
// programatically selected items are not signalled
if (_inSelectionUpdate) return;
TraceInstrCall* ic = ((InstrItem*) i)->instrCall();
TraceInstrJump* ij = ((InstrItem*) i)->instrJump();
if (!ic && !ij) {
TraceInstr* instr = ((InstrItem*) i)->instr();
if (instr) {
_selectedItem = instr;
if (ic) {
_selectedItem = ic;
else if (ij) {
_selectedItem = ij;
void InstrView::activatedSlot(QTreeWidgetItem* i, int)
if (!i) return;
TraceInstrCall* ic = ((InstrItem*) i)->instrCall();
TraceInstrJump* ij = ((InstrItem*) i)->instrJump();
if (!ic && !ij) {
TraceInstr* instr = ((InstrItem*) i)->instr();
if (instr) TraceItemView::activated(instr);
if (ic) {
TraceFunction* f = ic->call()->called();
if (f) TraceItemView::activated(f);
else if (ij) {
TraceInstr* instr = ij->instrTo();
if (instr) TraceItemView::activated(instr);
void InstrView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
QTreeWidgetItem *item = currentItem();
if (item && ((event->key() == Qt::Key_Return) ||
(event->key() == Qt::Key_Space)))
activatedSlot(item, 0);
CostItem* InstrView::canShow(CostItem* i)
ProfileContext::Type t = i ? i->type() : ProfileContext::InvalidType;
switch(t) {
case ProfileContext::Function:
case ProfileContext::Instr:
case ProfileContext::InstrJump:
case ProfileContext::Line:
return i;
return 0;
void InstrView::doUpdate(int changeType, bool)
// Special case ?
if (changeType == selectedItemChanged) {
if (!_selectedItem) {
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> items = selectedItems();
InstrItem* ii = (items.count() > 0) ? (InstrItem*)items[0] : 0;
if (ii) {
if ((ii->instr() == _selectedItem) ||
(ii->instr() && (ii->instr()->line() == _selectedItem))) return;
if (ii->instrCall() &&
(ii->instrCall()->call()->called() == _selectedItem)) return;
TraceInstrJump* ij = 0;
if (_selectedItem->type() == ProfileContext::InstrJump)
ij = (TraceInstrJump*) _selectedItem;
QTreeWidgetItem *item, *item2;
for (int i=0; i<topLevelItemCount(); i++) {
item = topLevelItem(i);
ii = (InstrItem*)item;
if ((ii->instr() == _selectedItem) ||
(ii->instr() && (ii->instr()->line() == _selectedItem)) ||
(ij && (ij->instrTo() == ii->instr())) ) {
_inSelectionUpdate = true;
_inSelectionUpdate = false;
item2 = 0;
for (int j=0; i<item->childCount(); j++) {
item2 = item->child(j);
ii = (InstrItem*)item2;
if (!ii->instrCall()) continue;
if (ii->instrCall()->call()->called() == _selectedItem) {
_inSelectionUpdate = true;
_inSelectionUpdate = false;
if (item2) break;
if (changeType == groupTypeChanged) {
// update group colors for call lines
QTreeWidgetItem *item, *item2;
for (int i=0; i<topLevelItemCount(); i++) {
item = topLevelItem(i);
for (int j=0; i<item->childCount(); i++) {
item2 = item->child(j);
// On eventTypeChanged, we can not just change the costs shown in
// already existing items, as costs of 0 should make the line to not
// be shown at all. So we do a full refresh.
void InstrView::setColumnWidths()
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
header()->setSectionResizeMode(4, QHeaderView::Interactive);
header()->setResizeMode(4, QHeaderView::Interactive);
if (_showHexCode) {
setColumnWidth(4, _lastHexCodeWidth);
else {
setColumnWidth(4, 0);
// compare functions for jump arrow drawing
// helper for compare
void getInstrJumpAddresses(const TraceInstrJump* ij, Addr& low, Addr& high)
low = ij->instrFrom()->addr();
high = ij->instrTo()->addr();
if (low > high) {
Addr t = low;
low = high;
high = t;
// sort jumps according to lower instruction address
bool instrJumpLowLessThan(const TraceInstrJump* ij1,
const TraceInstrJump* ij2)
Addr addr1Low, addr1High, addr2Low, addr2High;
getInstrJumpAddresses(ij1, addr1Low, addr1High);
getInstrJumpAddresses(ij2, addr2Low, addr2High);
if (addr1Low != addr2Low) return (addr1Low < addr2Low);
// jump ends come before jump starts
if (addr1Low == ij1->instrTo()->addr()) return true;
if (addr2Low == ij2->instrTo()->addr()) return false;
return (addr1High < addr2High);
// sort jumps according to higher instruction address
bool instrJumpHighLessThan(const TraceInstrJump* ij1,
const TraceInstrJump* ij2)
Addr addr1Low, addr1High, addr2Low, addr2High;
getInstrJumpAddresses(ij1, addr1Low, addr1High);
getInstrJumpAddresses(ij2, addr2Low, addr2High);
if (addr1High != addr2High) return (addr1High < addr2High);
// jump ends come before jump starts
if (addr1High == ij1->instrTo()->addr()) return true;
if (addr2High == ij2->instrTo()->addr()) return false;
return (addr1Low < addr2Low);
void InstrView::refresh()
int originalPosition = verticalScrollBar()->value();
setColumnWidth(0, 20);
setColumnWidth(1, 50);
setColumnWidth(2, _eventType2 ? 50:0);
setColumnWidth(3, 0); // arrows, defaults to invisible
setColumnWidth(4, 0); // hex code column
setColumnWidth(5, 50); // command column
setColumnWidth(6, 250); // arg column
// reset to automatic sizing to get column width
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
header()->setSectionResizeMode(4, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
header()->setResizeMode(4, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
if (_eventType)
headerItem()->setText(1, _eventType->name());
if (_eventType2)
headerItem()->setText(2, _eventType2->name());
_arrowLevels = 0;
if (!_data || !_activeItem) return;
ProfileContext::Type t = _activeItem->type();
TraceFunction* f = 0;
if (t == ProfileContext::Function) f = (TraceFunction*) _activeItem;
if (t == ProfileContext::Instr) {
f = ((TraceInstr*)_activeItem)->function();
if (!_selectedItem) _selectedItem = _activeItem;
if (t == ProfileContext::Line) {
f = ((TraceLine*)_activeItem)->functionSource()->function();
if (!_selectedItem) _selectedItem = _activeItem;
if (!f) return;
// check for instruction map
TraceInstrMap::Iterator itStart, it, tmpIt, itEnd;
TraceInstrMap* instrMap = f->instrMap();
if (instrMap) {
it = instrMap->begin();
itEnd = instrMap->end();
// get first instruction with cost of selected type
while(it != itEnd) {
if ((*it).hasCost(_eventType)) break;
if (_eventType2 && (*it).hasCost(_eventType2)) break;
if (!instrMap || (it == itEnd)) {
new InstrItem(this, this, 1,
tr("There is no instruction info in the profile data file."));
new InstrItem(this, this, 2,
tr("Tip: For Callgrind, rerun with option"));
new InstrItem(this, this, 3, tr(" --dump-instr=yes"));
new InstrItem(this, this, 4, tr("To see (conditional) jumps, additionally specify"));
new InstrItem(this, this, 5, tr(" --collect-jumps=yes"));
// initialisation for arrow drawing
// create sorted list of jumps (for jump arrows)
itStart = it;
while(1) {
TraceInstrJumpList jlist = (*it).instrJumps();
foreach(TraceInstrJump* ij, jlist) {
if (ij->executedCount()==0) continue;
while(it != itEnd) {
if ((*it).hasCost(_eventType)) break;
if (_eventType2 && (*it).hasCost(_eventType2)) break;
if (it == itEnd) break;
qSort(_lowList.begin(), _lowList.end(), instrJumpLowLessThan);
qSort(_highList.begin(), _highList.end(), instrJumpHighLessThan);
_lowListIter = _lowList.begin(); // iterators to list start
_highListIter = _highList.begin();
_arrowLevels = 0;
// do multiple calls to 'objdump' if there are large gaps in addresses
it = itStart;
while(1) {
itStart = it;
while(1) {
tmpIt = it;
while(it != itEnd) {
if ((*it).hasCost(_eventType)) break;
if (_eventType2 && (*it).hasCost(_eventType2)) break;
if (it == itEnd) break;
if (!(*it).addr().isInRange( (*tmpIt).addr(),10000) ) break;
// tmpIt is always last instruction with cost
if (!fillInstrRange(f, itStart, ++tmpIt)) break;
if (it == itEnd) break;
_lastHexCodeWidth = columnWidth(4);
if (!_eventType2) {
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
header()->setSectionResizeMode(2, QHeaderView::Interactive);
header()->setResizeMode(2, QHeaderView::Interactive);
setColumnWidth(2, 0);
// reset to the original position - this is useful when the view
// is refreshed just because we change between relative/absolute
/* This is called after adding instrItems, for each of them in
* address order. _jump is the global array of valid jumps
* for a line while we iterate downwards.
* The existing jumps, sorted in lowList according lower address,
* is iterated in the same way.
void InstrView::updateJumpArray(Addr addr, InstrItem* ii,
bool ignoreFrom, bool ignoreTo)
Addr lowAddr, highAddr;
int iEnd = -1, iStart = -1;
if (0) qDebug("updateJumpArray(addr 0x%s, jump to %s)",
? qPrintable(ii->instrJump()->instrTo()->name()) : "?" );
// check for new arrows starting from here downwards
while(_lowListIter != _lowList.end()) {
TraceInstrJump* ij= *_lowListIter;
lowAddr = ij->instrFrom()->addr();
if (ij->instrTo()->addr() < lowAddr)
lowAddr = ij->instrTo()->addr();
if (lowAddr > addr) break;
// if target is downwards but we draw no source, break
if (ignoreFrom && (lowAddr < ij->instrTo()->addr())) break;
// if source is downward but we draw no target, break
if (ignoreTo && (lowAddr < ij->instrFrom()->addr())) break;
// if this is another jump start, break
if (ii->instrJump() && (ij != ii->instrJump())) break;
#if 0
if (_jump[iStart] &&
(_jump[iStart]->instrTo() == ij->instrTo())) break;
iStart = _arrowLevels;
if (iStart==_arrowLevels) {
if (_jump[iStart] == 0) break;
if (iStart==_arrowLevels) {
if (0) qDebug(" new start at %d for %s",
iStart, qPrintable(ij->name()));
_jump[iStart] = ij;
// check for active arrows ending here
while(_highListIter != _highList.end()) {
TraceInstrJump* ij= *_highListIter;
highAddr = ij->instrFrom()->addr();
if (ij->instrTo()->addr() > highAddr) {
highAddr = ij->instrTo()->addr();
if (ignoreTo) break;
else if (ignoreFrom) break;
if (highAddr > addr) break;
if (_jump[iEnd] == ij) break;
if (iEnd==_arrowLevels) {
qDebug() << "InstrView: no jump start for end at 0x"
<< highAddr.toString() << " ?";
iEnd = -1;
if (0 && (iEnd>=0))
qDebug(" end %d (%s to %s)",
if (0 && ij) qDebug("next end: %s to %s",
if (highAddr > addr)
else {
if (iEnd>=0) _jump[iEnd] = 0;
iEnd = -1;
if (iEnd>=0) _jump[iEnd] = 0;
bool InstrView::searchFile(QString& dir, TraceObject* o)
QString filename = o->shortName();
if (QDir::isAbsolutePath(dir)) {
return QFile::exists(dir + '/' + filename);
QFileInfo fi(dir, filename);
if (fi.exists()) {
dir = fi.absolutePath();
return true;
TracePart* firstPart = _data->parts().first();
if (firstPart) {
QFileInfo partFile(firstPart->name());
if (QFileInfo(partFile.absolutePath(), filename).exists()) {
dir = partFile.absolutePath();
return true;
return false;
* Fill up with instructions from cost range [it;itEnd[
bool InstrView::fillInstrRange(TraceFunction* function,
TraceInstrMap::Iterator it,
TraceInstrMap::Iterator itEnd)
Addr costAddr, nextCostAddr, objAddr, addr;
Addr dumpStartAddr, dumpEndAddr;
TraceInstrMap::Iterator costIt;
// should not happen
if (it == itEnd) return false;
// calculate address range for call to objdump
TraceInstrMap::Iterator tmpIt = itEnd;
nextCostAddr = (*it).addr();
dumpStartAddr = (nextCostAddr<20) ? Addr(0) : nextCostAddr -20;
dumpEndAddr = (*tmpIt).addr() +20;
QString dir = function->object()->directory();
if (!searchFile(dir, function->object())) {
new InstrItem(this, this, 1,
tr("For annotated machine code, "
"the following object file is needed:"));
new InstrItem(this, this, 2,
QString(" '%1'").arg(function->object()->name()));
new InstrItem(this, this, 3,
tr("This file can not be found."));
return false;
// call objdump synchronously
QString objfile = dir + '/' + function->object()->shortName();
QStringList objdumpArgs = QStringList()
<< "-C" << "-d"
<< QString("--start-address=0x%1").arg(dumpStartAddr.toString())
<< QString("--stop-address=0x%1").arg(dumpEndAddr.toString())
<< objfile;
QString objdumpCmd = "objdump " + objdumpArgs.join(" ");
if (1) qDebug("Running '%s'...", qPrintable(objdumpCmd));
// and run...
QProcess objdump;
objdump.start("objdump", objdumpArgs);
if (!objdump.waitForStarted() ||
!objdump.waitForFinished()) {
new InstrItem(this, this, 1,
tr("There is an error trying to execute the command"));
new InstrItem(this, this, 2,
QString(" '%1'").arg(objdumpCmd));
new InstrItem(this, this, 3,
tr("Check that you have installed 'objdump'."));
new InstrItem(this, this, 4,
tr("This utility can be found in the 'binutils' package."));
return false;
#define BUF_SIZE 256
char buf[BUF_SIZE];
bool inside = false, skipLineWritten = true;
int readBytes = -1;
int objdumpLineno = 0, dumpedLines = 0, noAssLines = 0;
SubCost most = 0;
TraceInstr* currInstr;
InstrItem *ii, *ii2, *item = 0, *first = 0, *selected = 0;
QString code, cmd, args;
bool needObjAddr = true, needCostAddr = true;
costAddr = 0;
objAddr = 0;
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> items;
while (1) {
if (needObjAddr) {
needObjAddr = false;
// read next objdump line
while (1) {
readBytes=objdump.readLine(buf, BUF_SIZE);
if (readBytes<=0) {
objAddr = 0;
if (readBytes == BUF_SIZE) {
qDebug("ERROR: Line %d of '%s' too long\n",
objdumpLineno, qPrintable(objdumpCmd));
else if ((readBytes>0) && (buf[readBytes-1] == '\n'))
buf[readBytes-1] = 0;
objAddr = parseAddr(buf);
if ((objAddr<dumpStartAddr) || (objAddr>dumpEndAddr))
objAddr = 0;
if (objAddr != 0) break;
if (0) qDebug() << "Got ObjAddr: 0x" << objAddr.toString();
// try to keep objAddr in [costAddr;nextCostAddr]
if (needCostAddr &&
(nextCostAddr > 0) &&
((objAddr == Addr(0)) || (objAddr >= nextCostAddr)) ) {
needCostAddr = false;
costIt = it;
while(it != itEnd) {
if ((*it).hasCost(_eventType)) break;
if (_eventType2 && (*it).hasCost(_eventType2)) break;
costAddr = nextCostAddr;
nextCostAddr = (it == itEnd) ? Addr(0) : (*it).addr();
if (0) qDebug() << "Got nextCostAddr: 0x" << nextCostAddr.toString()
<< ", costAddr 0x" << costAddr.toString();
// if we have no more address from objdump, stop
if (objAddr == 0) break;
if ((nextCostAddr==0) || (costAddr == 0) ||
(objAddr < nextCostAddr)) {
// next line is objAddr
// this sets addr, code, cmd, args
bool isAssemblyInstr = parseLine(buf, addr, code, cmd, args);
assert(isAssemblyInstr && (objAddr == addr));
if (costAddr == objAddr) {
currInstr = &(*costIt);
needCostAddr = true;
currInstr = 0;
needObjAddr = true;
if (0) qDebug() << "Dump Obj Addr: 0x" << addr.toString()
<< " [" << cmd << " " << args << "], cost (0x"
<< costAddr.toString() << ", next 0x"
<< nextCostAddr.toString() << ")";
else {
addr = costAddr;
code = cmd = QString();
args = tr("(No Instruction)");
currInstr = &(*costIt);
needCostAddr = true;
if (0) qDebug() << "Dump Cost Addr: 0x" << addr.toString()
<< " (no ass), objAddr 0x" << objAddr.toString();
// update inside
if (!inside) {
if (currInstr) inside = true;
else {
if (0) qDebug() << "Check if 0x" << addr.toString() << " is in ]0x"
<< costAddr.toString() << ",0x"
<< (nextCostAddr - 3*GlobalConfig::noCostInside()).toString()
<< "[" << endl;
// Suppose a average instruction len of 3 bytes
if ( (addr > costAddr) &&
((nextCostAddr==0) ||
(addr < nextCostAddr - 3*GlobalConfig::noCostInside()) ))
inside = false;
int context = GlobalConfig::context();
if ( ((costAddr==0) || (addr > costAddr + 3*context)) &&
((nextCostAddr==0) || (addr < nextCostAddr - 3*context)) ) {
// the very last skipLine can be ommitted
if ((it == itEnd) &&
(itEnd == function->instrMap()->end())) skipLineWritten=true;
if (!skipLineWritten) {
skipLineWritten = true;
// a "skipping" line: print "..." instead of a line number
code = cmd = QString();
args = QString("...");
skipLineWritten = false;
ii = new InstrItem(this, 0, addr, inside,
code, cmd, args, currInstr);
if (0) qDebug() << "Dumped 0x" << addr.toString() << " "
<< (inside ? "Inside " : "Outside")
<< (currInstr ? "Cost" : "");
// no calls/jumps if we have no cost for this line
if (!currInstr) continue;
if (!selected &&
((currInstr == _selectedItem) ||
(currInstr->line() == _selectedItem))) selected = ii;
if (!first) first = ii;
if (currInstr->subCost(_eventType) > most) {
item = ii;
most = currInstr->subCost(_eventType);
foreach(TraceInstrCall* ic, currInstr->instrCalls()) {
if ((ic->subCost(_eventType)==0) &&
(ic->subCost(_eventType2)==0)) continue;
if (ic->subCost(_eventType) > most) {
item = ii;
most = ic->subCost(_eventType);
ii2 = new InstrItem(this, ii, addr, currInstr, ic);
if (!selected && (ic->call()->called() == _selectedItem))
selected = ii2;
foreach(TraceInstrJump* ij, currInstr->instrJumps()) {
if (ij->executedCount()==0) continue;
new InstrItem(this, ii, addr, currInstr, ij);
// Resize columns with address/counts/opcode to contents
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
header()->setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
header()->setSectionResizeMode(1, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
header()->setSectionResizeMode(2, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
header()->setSectionResizeMode(5, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
header()->setResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
header()->setResizeMode(1, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
header()->setResizeMode(2, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
header()->setResizeMode(5, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
// always reset to line number sort
sortByColumn(0, Qt::AscendingOrder);
// Reallow interactive column size change after resizing to content
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
header()->setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Interactive);
header()->setSectionResizeMode(1, QHeaderView::Interactive);
header()->setSectionResizeMode(2, QHeaderView::Interactive);
header()->setSectionResizeMode(5, QHeaderView::Interactive);
header()->setResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Interactive);
header()->setResizeMode(1, QHeaderView::Interactive);
header()->setResizeMode(2, QHeaderView::Interactive);
header()->setResizeMode(5, QHeaderView::Interactive);
if (selected) item = selected;
if (item) first = item;
if (first) {
_inSelectionUpdate = true;
_inSelectionUpdate = false;
// for arrows: go down the list according to list sorting
QTreeWidgetItem *item1, *item2;
for (int i=0; i<topLevelItemCount(); i++) {
item1 = topLevelItem(i);
ii = (InstrItem*)item1;
updateJumpArray(ii->addr(), ii, true, false);
for (int j=0; j<item1->childCount(); j++) {
item2 = item1->child(j);
ii2 = (InstrItem*)item2;
if (ii2->instrJump())
updateJumpArray(ii->addr(), ii2, false, true);
if (arrowLevels())
setColumnWidth(3, 10 + 6*arrowLevels() + 2);
setColumnWidth(3, 0);
if (noAssLines > 1) {
// trace cost not matching code
new InstrItem(this, this, 1,
tr("There are %1 cost line(s) without machine code.").arg(noAssLines));
new InstrItem(this, this, 2,
tr("This happens because the code of"));
new InstrItem(this, this, 3, QString(" %1").arg(objfile));
new InstrItem(this, this, 4,
tr("does not seem to match the profile data file."));
new InstrItem(this, this, 5, "");
new InstrItem(this, this, 6,
tr("Are you using an old profile data file or is the above mentioned"));
new InstrItem(this, this, 7,
tr("ELF object from an updated installation/another machine?"));
new InstrItem(this, this, 8, "");
return false;
if (dumpedLines == 0) {
// no matching line read from popen
new InstrItem(this, this, 1,
tr("There seems to be an error trying to execute the command"));
new InstrItem(this, this, 2,
QString(" '%1'").arg(objdumpCmd));
new InstrItem(this, this, 3,
tr("Check that the ELF object used in the command exists."));
new InstrItem(this, this, 4,
tr("Check that you have installed 'objdump'."));
new InstrItem(this, this, 5,
tr("This utility can be found in the 'binutils' package."));
return false;
return true;
void InstrView::headerClicked(int col)
if (col == 0) {
sortByColumn(col, Qt::AscendingOrder);
//All others but Source Text column Descending
else if (col <4) {
sortByColumn(col, Qt::DescendingOrder);
void InstrView::restoreOptions(const QString& prefix, const QString& postfix)
ConfigGroup* g = ConfigStorage::group(prefix, postfix);
_showHexCode = g->value("ShowHexCode", DEFAULT_SHOWHEXCODE).toBool();
delete g;
void InstrView::saveOptions(const QString& prefix, const QString& postfix)
ConfigGroup* g = ConfigStorage::group(prefix + postfix);
g->setValue("ShowHexCode", _showHexCode, DEFAULT_SHOWHEXCODE);
delete g;
#include "moc_instrview.cpp"