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What: A New kholiday library
Author: Allen Winter <winter@kde.org>
Version: 0.92 2006-04-02
This is a draft. Please send constructive comments to the author.
I'm trying hard not to offend anybody. If I make a mistake, particularly
about religious holidays, please let me know about it. --Allen
[JPL 2009-12-13 Added a few comments. John Layt <john@layt.net>]
I. Introduction
The current kholidays library code was borrowed from the 'plan' project
many years ago and, has been discussed often on the KDE-PIM mailing list,
we need to replace it with a modern library with a friendly license.
See http://www.wikipedia.org/Holidays for better, clearer explanations.
II. Goals
We hope that the new kholidays library will:
A. allow KOrganizer to replace the holidays plugin with a KOCore
implementation that links to the kholidays library.
B. allow KOrganizer to support the holidays of many religions (through
plugins if desired)
C. be part of kdelibs so other applications and components (eg. kdatepicker)
can access holidays.
D. be licensed so that it can be linked directly to all KDE applications
and can be ported freely to other platforms with binary-only Qt.
III. Definitions
Holiday: any day that may have special significance to a fairly large
number of people. A "holy day" can be a holiday, a "day-off" for
all public employees can be a holiday. Also, the remembrance of an
historical event can be a holiday.
Public Holiday: a day-off from work or school (typically) to commemorate
a historical event, or to honor people. Public holidays are always
bounded to a political region at national, regional or local level.
Public/Civil Service Holiday: a day-off from work for government workers
but not a day off for private sector workers. (name Government Holiday,
or is that different?)
Cultural Holiday : a special day in the culture and therefore usually
bounded to a political region. A day where people "celebrate"
in some fashion. eg. Halloween, St. Valentines, ...
Religious Holiday: a special day in a religion and not bounded to any
political region. Religions can have holidays that range in
devotion to those were work/school are forbidden, days of
prayer obligation, to historical remembrances, etc.
Governments often have public holidays for some religious holidays.
Financial Holiday: banks and markets may close on some public holidays.
it would be useful for financial applications to know when.
Financial holidays are tied to public holidays and therefore are
always bounded to a political region. Not sure if financial holidays
move from weekends; eg. if Christmas lands on a weekend is it moved
to a nearby business day?
School Holiday:a day-off from school, either as a one-off Public Holiday or
extended periods between school terms. Ths can vary widely depending
on school level, type, location. The differing holidays can be held in
separate files, e.g. State Primary, State Secondary, State University,
local religious school, etc.
Name Day Holiday: (See Bug #92919) In some countries each day is assigned
a first name and persons with that name celebrate that day as their
"Name Day". We will require Name Days to be bounded to a political
Noteworthy Event: a day of interest. eg. Daylight Savings Time Start/Stop,
Election Day, ...
IV. Requirements
* All non-religious date calculations will be performed according to the
Gregorian calendar. To use another calendar, one will need to convert
their date to Gregorian first.
[JPL: No. In Iran for instance if the rule for a public holiday is defined
as the 1st occurance of the 3rd weekday of the 9th month of the Jalali
calendar (first Chahar Shanbe of Azar) it would not be valid to
convert that into the first Wednesday of September in the Gregorian
calendar, there could be no formulation that would always work other
than expressing the rule in the Calendar System that it applies to.
This means all holiday recurrance rules not defined in the Gregorian
default must define the Calendar System used to calculate them. This
may also mean the recurrence rules must always use month and weekday
numbers rather than names, except that some calendar systems such as
the Hebrew add leap months in the middle of the year which change the
month numbering but are not counted when calculating recurrances. Use
either the existing calendarType e.g. "jalali" or a new short code
"JA" or a new standard agreed on FDO?]
* Religious holidays will be computed on the appropriate calendar.
i.e. Jewish holidays on the Hebrew calendar. The calling application
can then convert the date to Gregorian, if desired.
* The political regions will have their own holiday file containing
(possibly through inheritance) the public, cultural, and financial holidays
* Holidays of political regions will be specified in in files in a
heirarchy similar to how timezones are stored in /usr/share/zoneinfo.
eg. holidays/Canada/<Province>, holidays/US/<State>,
holidays/Europe/Germany/<Province>, holidays/Australia/<State>, ...
[JPL: Political regions could be incorporated into KLocale and the Region
KCM to allow users to set a global default. The ISO standard is
for-pay at this level, but Wikipedia has a fairly complete set so it
may still be legal to use. We could also then tie regions and
timezones together for better timezone defaults.]
* Religious holidays will be specified in files separate from the
political region files, by religion name:
eg. holidays/Religious/Jewish, holidays/Religious/Catholic, ...
* Be able to specify where to move public, day-off holidays if they
land on a weekend. This occurs for holidays with a fixed date.
* Be able to specify where to move holidays if they reccur on a day that
doesn't exist, e.g. whether holiday on 29th February should only ever
occur on 29th Feb or should be moved to the 28th Feb or 1st March. This
particularly applies to religious holidays in calendar systems where the
number of months and days in months can vary more than in Gregorian. ]
* Be able to specify holidays with compound dates; i.e, be able to
combine specifications. For example: "First Monday after May 1"
* Support lunar phases for the new moon, first quarter moon,
last quarter moon, and full moon.
(One should be able to see moon phases on the calendar as this is
important to some religions -- but this is an application issue)
* Support june solstice, december solstice, march equinox, and
september equinox -- the so-called "astronomical seasons".
So, in the US for example, one could set a holiday of
summer is on the june solstice.
* Public holidays that are moved when they land on a weekend will have
their names changed to "Name (Day off)". For example, in the US if
Christmas is on a Sunday, then it will be moved to Monday and have the
name changed to "Christmas (Day off)". Note that if the user has chosen
a Christian set of holidays they will also see "Christmas" on the Sunday.
* Local governments (states, provinces) will be able to inherit their
holidays from the national government. In general, any holiday set
can inherit holidays from any other holiday set. We expect to use
an "include file" mechanism to support inheritance.
* Support Holiday categories:
work day-off (public),
school day-off (public),
bank-closed holiday (financial),
noteworthy event (cultural),
religious holiday (religious),
holy day (religous),
name day (cultural),
* Each Holiday can have any combination of Holiday type.
* Each Holiday can have its own icon.
[JPL: Each Holiday Type could also have a default icon and colour, e.g.
national work day-off marked in red, regional day off in blue,
financial in green, etc. Perhaps able to be user or locale modified?]
* For the most part, keep religious holidays out of public holidays
and in their own specific holiday files. The exception is when
the governments have religious, public holidays. A religious holiday
that is also a public, work/school day-off should be specified in
government (political) holiday files.
* Be able to activate more than one region/locale at a time and more
than one religion at a time.
* Holiday names should be in English so they can be translated with the
usual tools. If a holiday name has no English equivalent then it can
be written in the "native" language. If English is not practical,
then the holiday names can be written in the "native" language and
possibly translated into English later. In other words, we want to
make it easy for people to contribute holiday files so don't exclude
non-English speakers from writing one.
* The standard KDE tools will be used to translate holiday names.
* Holiday file format will in XML according to a RELAX NG schema.
There will be tools written to parse and validate our file format
if none are currently available.
* We will write simple tools to convert existing holiday file formats to
our new format. These tools should provide some easy validation checks.
The new files will be used to bootstrap the new library into KDE.
It might also be useful to write a program to convert iCalendar files into
our format (see http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/holidays.html).
V. Functionality
A. The library will provide functions that:
* Returns a list of all holidays per date. The list will have duplicate
holidays removed (deduped).
* Returns a list of all holidays for a range of dates, in date order.
The list will have duplicate holidays removed (deduped).
* Returns a list of all holidays for a Gregorian year, in date order.
The list will have duplicate holidays removed (deduped).
* "Add" a list of Holidays together.
* "Dedupe" a list of Holidays.
* Determine if a date lands on a new moon, first quarter moon,
last quarter moon, or full moon.
* Determine if a date lands on a solstice or equinox.
* Determine if a date is a work day-off, school day-off, or bank-closure.
* Provides holiday names in current language
* Returns a QStringList of all political regions supported,
(possibly/probably) extracted from the holiday file names.
The region names will need to be translated into all languages.
* Returns a QStringList of all religions supported,
(possibly/probably) extracted from the holiday file names.
The religion names will need to be translated into all languages.
B. A KGetNewStuff mechanism will be implemented so that holiday files
can be donated to the project and installed by using this common
PIM mechanism.
C. Provide a GUI to create, edit, and translate the holiday files.
VI. Date Specification
The holiday date can have one of the following specifications:
* Fixed date: the date is fixed on the calendar.
* Postional date: the date occurs according to a position,
eg. "first Monday in September".
* Moon date: the date corresponds to a phase of the moon.
* Solstice date: the date corresponds to the June or December solstice.
* Equinox date: the date corresponds to the March or September equinox.
* Christmas: the holiday occurs on Christmas.
* Easter: the holiday occurs on Easter.
In addition, the date can have a "before weekend" or "after weekend"
modifier, meaning that if the holiday date lands on a weekend, the date
is moved to the first workday/schoolday before or after the weekend.
APPENDIX A. Classifying Holidays (Sample)
This list of holidays was extracted from the US Holidays
at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/holidays.html
New Year's Day: public, work day-off, school day-off, bank-closed, move from weekend
Groundhog Day: noteworthy event. no day-offs
Lincoln's birthday: noteworthy event, no day-offs
Washington's birthday: noteworthy event, no day-offs
Valentine's Day: cultural, no day-offs
Palm Sunday: religious, no day-offs
Good Friday: religious, no day-offs
Easter (Western): religious, no day-offs
Easter (Orthodox): religious, no day-offs
Tax Day: noteworthy event, no day-offs
April Fool's Day: cultural, no day-offs
St. Patrick's Day: cultural, no day-offs (perhaps religious, I don't know)
Flag Day: noteworthy event, no day-offs
Independence Day: public, work day-off, school day-off, bank-closed, move from weekend
Columbus Day: public, work day-off, school day-off, bank-closed
Halloween: cultural, no day-offs
Veteran's Day: public, work day-off, school day-off, bank-closed, move from weekend
Christmas: public, work day-off, school day-off, bank-closed, move from weekend
Martin Luther King's Birthday: public, work day-off, school day-off, bank-closed
President's Day: public, work day-off, school day-off, bank-closed
Daylight Savings Time begins: noteworthy event
ASH Wednesday: religious, no days-off
Memorial Day: public, work day-off, school day-off, bank-closed
Mother's Day: cultural, no days-off
Father's Day: cultural, no days-off
Labor Day: public, work day-off, school day-off, bank-closed
Daylight Savings Time ends: noteworthy event
Election Day: noteworthy event, school day-off
Thanksgiving: public, work day-off, school day-off, bank-closed
-----end here-----
Religions: Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Jewish, Islam, Protestants,...
Other special dates of interest:
+ start/end daylight savings time
+ election day
See Reinhold's XML DTD (holiday.dtd)
[Reinhold: I didn't check the DTD at all, so it might be completely wrong
or breaks with all XML specs or whatever. Basically, currently it's meant
only to develop a nice structure of the files, not for real use in code yet.]
A good starting point [..for parsing Reinhold's XML..] would be to use some code
from the kconfig_compiler in kdelibs/kdecore/kconfig_compiler, which parses
the XML file.
JPL Pre-requisite steps?:
KLocale & KCM: Add political regions to countries, allow kcm to set up
Add users lat/lon for use in lunar calculations, allow KCM to set up
KCalendarSystem: Proper astronomical (lunar/solar) calendar support
Additional calendar systems as required (e.g. Julian, Chinese, etc)
Add standard short code for each calendar system?
freedesktop.org: Common XML format and location for holiday files to save duplication?
Common definitions for calendar system names and formulas?