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This file is part of the kcal library.
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org>
Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold@kainhofer.com>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
This file is part of the API for handling calendar data and
defines the Incidence class.
Provides the class common to non-FreeBusy (Events, To-dos, Journals)
calendar components known as incidences.
@author Cornelius Schumacher \<schumacher@kde.org\>
@author Reinhold Kainhofer \<reinhold@kainhofer.com\>
#include "incidence.h"
#include "calformat.h"
#include "kpimutils/kfileio.h"
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocalizedstring.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <ktemporaryfile.h>
#include <kde_file.h>
#include <QtCore/QList>
#include <QTextDocument> // for Qt::escape() and Qt::mightBeRichText()
#include <KMimeType>
using namespace KCal;
Private class that helps to provide binary compatibility between releases.
//@cond PRIVATE
class KCal::Incidence::Private
: mDescriptionIsRich( false ),
mSummaryIsRich( false ),
mLocationIsRich( false ),
mRecurrence( 0 ),
mStatus( StatusNone ),
mSecrecy( SecrecyPublic ),
mPriority( 0 ),
mRelatedTo( 0 ),
mGeoLatitude( 0 ),
mGeoLongitude( 0 ),
mHasGeo( false )
mAlarms.setAutoDelete( true );
mAttachments.setAutoDelete( true );
Private( const Private &p )
: mCreated( p.mCreated ),
mRevision( p.mRevision ),
mDescription( p.mDescription ),
mDescriptionIsRich( p.mDescriptionIsRich ),
mSummary( p.mSummary ),
mSummaryIsRich( p.mSummaryIsRich ),
mLocation( p.mLocation ),
mLocationIsRich( p.mLocationIsRich ),
mCategories( p.mCategories ),
mRecurrence( p.mRecurrence ),
mResources( p.mResources ),
mStatus( p.mStatus ),
mStatusString( p.mStatusString ),
mSecrecy( p.mSecrecy ),
mPriority( p.mPriority ),
mSchedulingID( p.mSchedulingID ),
mRelatedTo( p.mRelatedTo ),
mRelatedToUid( p.mRelatedToUid ),
mGeoLatitude( p.mGeoLatitude ),
mGeoLongitude( p.mGeoLongitude ),
mHasGeo( p.mHasGeo )
mAlarms.setAutoDelete( true );
mAttachments.setAutoDelete( true );
void clear()
delete mRecurrence;
KDateTime mCreated; // creation datetime
int mRevision; // revision number
QString mDescription; // description string
bool mDescriptionIsRich; // description string is richtext.
QString mSummary; // summary string
bool mSummaryIsRich; // summary string is richtext.
QString mLocation; // location string
bool mLocationIsRich; // location string is richtext.
QStringList mCategories; // category list
mutable Recurrence *mRecurrence; // recurrence
Attachment::List mAttachments; // attachments list
Alarm::List mAlarms; // alarms list
QStringList mResources; // resources list (not calendar resources)
Status mStatus; // status
QString mStatusString; // status string, for custom status
Secrecy mSecrecy; // secrecy
int mPriority; // priority: 1 = highest, 2 = less, etc.
QString mSchedulingID; // ID for scheduling mails
Incidence *mRelatedTo; // incidence this is related to
QString mRelatedToUid; // incidence (by Uid) this is related to
Incidence::List mRelations; // a list of incidences related to this
float mGeoLatitude; // Specifies latitude in decimal degrees
float mGeoLongitude; // Specifies longitude in decimal degrees
bool mHasGeo; // if incidence has geo data
QHash<Attachment *, QString> mTempFiles; // Temporary files for writing attachments to.
: IncidenceBase(), d( new KCal::Incidence::Private )
Incidence::Incidence( const Incidence &i )
: IncidenceBase( i ),
d( new KCal::Incidence::Private( *i.d ) )
init( i );
void Incidence::init( const Incidence &i )
d->mRevision = i.d->mRevision;
d->mCreated = i.d->mCreated;
d->mDescription = i.d->mDescription;
d->mSummary = i.d->mSummary;
d->mCategories = i.d->mCategories;
d->mRelatedTo = i.d->mRelatedTo;
d->mRelatedToUid = i.d->mRelatedToUid;
d->mRelations = i.d->mRelations;
d->mResources = i.d->mResources;
d->mStatusString = i.d->mStatusString;
d->mStatus = i.d->mStatus;
d->mSecrecy = i.d->mSecrecy;
d->mPriority = i.d->mPriority;
d->mLocation = i.d->mLocation;
d->mGeoLatitude = i.d->mGeoLatitude;
d->mGeoLongitude = i.d->mGeoLongitude;
d->mHasGeo = i.d->mHasGeo;
// Alarms and Attachments are stored in ListBase<...>, which is a QValueList<...*>.
// We need to really duplicate the objects stored therein, otherwise deleting
// i will also delete all attachments from this object (setAutoDelete...)
foreach ( Alarm *alarm, i.d->mAlarms ) {
Alarm *b = new Alarm( *alarm );
b->setParent( this );
d->mAlarms.append( b );
foreach ( Attachment *attachment, i.d->mAttachments ) {
Attachment *a = new Attachment( *attachment );
d->mAttachments.append( a );
if ( i.d->mRecurrence ) {
d->mRecurrence = new Recurrence( *( i.d->mRecurrence ) );
d->mRecurrence->addObserver( this );
} else {
d->mRecurrence = 0;
Incidence::List relations = d->mRelations;
foreach ( Incidence *incidence, relations ) {
if ( incidence->relatedTo() == this ) {
incidence->setRelatedTo( 0 );
if ( relatedTo() ) {
relatedTo()->removeRelation( this );
delete d->mRecurrence;
delete d;
//@cond PRIVATE
// A string comparison that considers that null and empty are the same
static bool stringCompare( const QString &s1, const QString &s2 )
return ( s1.isEmpty() && s2.isEmpty() ) || ( s1 == s2 );
Incidence &Incidence::operator=( const Incidence &other )
// check for self assignment
if ( &other == this ) {
return *this;
//TODO: should relations be cleared out, as in destructor???
IncidenceBase::operator=( other );
init( other );
return *this;
bool Incidence::operator==( const Incidence &i2 ) const
if ( alarms().count() != i2.alarms().count() ) {
return false; // no need to check further
Alarm::List::ConstIterator a1 = alarms().constBegin();
Alarm::List::ConstIterator a1end = alarms().constEnd();
Alarm::List::ConstIterator a2 = i2.alarms().begin();
Alarm::List::ConstIterator a2end = i2.alarms().constEnd();
for ( ; a1 != a1end && a2 != a2end; ++a1, ++a2 ) {
if ( **a1 == **a2 ) {
} else {
return false;
if ( !IncidenceBase::operator==( i2 ) ) {
return false;
bool recurrenceEqual = ( d->mRecurrence == 0 && i2.d->mRecurrence == 0 );
if ( !recurrenceEqual ) {
recurrenceEqual = d->mRecurrence != 0 &&
i2.d->mRecurrence != 0 &&
*d->mRecurrence == *i2.d->mRecurrence;
recurrenceEqual &&
created() == i2.created() &&
stringCompare( description(), i2.description() ) &&
stringCompare( summary(), i2.summary() ) &&
categories() == i2.categories() &&
// no need to compare mRelatedTo
stringCompare( relatedToUid(), i2.relatedToUid() ) &&
relations() == i2.relations() &&
attachments() == i2.attachments() &&
resources() == i2.resources() &&
d->mStatus == i2.d->mStatus &&
( d->mStatus == StatusNone ||
stringCompare( d->mStatusString, i2.d->mStatusString ) ) &&
secrecy() == i2.secrecy() &&
priority() == i2.priority() &&
stringCompare( location(), i2.location() ) &&
stringCompare( schedulingID(), i2.schedulingID() );
void Incidence::recreate()
KDateTime nowUTC = KDateTime::currentUtcDateTime();
setCreated( nowUTC );
setUid( CalFormat::createUniqueId() );
setSchedulingID( QString() );
setRevision( 0 );
setLastModified( nowUTC );
void Incidence::setReadOnly( bool readOnly )
IncidenceBase::setReadOnly( readOnly );
if ( d->mRecurrence ) {
d->mRecurrence->setRecurReadOnly( readOnly );
void Incidence::setAllDay( bool allDay )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
if ( recurrence() ) {
recurrence()->setAllDay( allDay );
IncidenceBase::setAllDay( allDay );
void Incidence::setCreated( const KDateTime &created )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mCreated = created.toUtc();
// FIXME: Shouldn't we call updated for the creation date, too?
// updated();
KDateTime Incidence::created() const
return d->mCreated;
void Incidence::setRevision( int rev )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mRevision = rev;
int Incidence::revision() const
return d->mRevision;
void Incidence::setDtStart( const KDateTime &dt )
if ( d->mRecurrence ) {
d->mRecurrence->setStartDateTime( dt );
d->mRecurrence->setAllDay( allDay() );
IncidenceBase::setDtStart( dt );
KDateTime Incidence::dtEnd() const
return KDateTime();
void Incidence::shiftTimes( const KDateTime::Spec &oldSpec,
const KDateTime::Spec &newSpec )
IncidenceBase::shiftTimes( oldSpec, newSpec );
if ( d->mRecurrence ) {
d->mRecurrence->shiftTimes( oldSpec, newSpec );
for ( int i = 0, end = d->mAlarms.count(); i < end; ++i ) {
d->mAlarms[i]->shiftTimes( oldSpec, newSpec );
void Incidence::setDescription( const QString &description, bool isRich )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mDescription = description;
d->mDescriptionIsRich = isRich;
void Incidence::setDescription( const QString &description )
setDescription( description, Qt::mightBeRichText( description ) );
QString Incidence::description() const
return d->mDescription;
QString Incidence::richDescription() const
if ( descriptionIsRich() ) {
return d->mDescription;
} else {
return Qt::escape( d->mDescription ).replace( '\n', "<br/>" );
bool Incidence::descriptionIsRich() const
return d->mDescriptionIsRich;
void Incidence::setSummary( const QString &summary, bool isRich )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mSummary = summary;
d->mSummaryIsRich = isRich;
void Incidence::setSummary( const QString &summary )
setSummary( summary, Qt::mightBeRichText( summary ) );
QString Incidence::summary() const
return d->mSummary;
QString Incidence::richSummary() const
if ( summaryIsRich() ) {
return d->mSummary;
} else {
return Qt::escape( d->mSummary ).replace( '\n', "<br/>" );
bool Incidence::summaryIsRich() const
return d->mSummaryIsRich;
void Incidence::setCategories( const QStringList &categories )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mCategories = categories;
void Incidence::setCategories( const QString &catStr )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
if ( catStr.isEmpty() ) {
d->mCategories = catStr.split( ',' );
QStringList::Iterator it;
for ( it = d->mCategories.begin();it != d->mCategories.end(); ++it ) {
*it = (*it).trimmed();
QStringList Incidence::categories() const
return d->mCategories;
QString Incidence::categoriesStr() const
return d->mCategories.join( "," );
void Incidence::setRelatedToUid( const QString &relatedToUid )
if ( d->mRelatedToUid == relatedToUid ) {
d->mRelatedToUid = relatedToUid;
QString Incidence::relatedToUid() const
return d->mRelatedToUid;
void Incidence::setRelatedTo( Incidence *incidence )
if ( d->mRelatedTo == incidence ) {
if ( d->mRelatedTo ) {
d->mRelatedTo->removeRelation( this );
d->mRelatedTo = incidence;
if ( d->mRelatedTo ) {
d->mRelatedTo->addRelation( this );
if ( d->mRelatedTo->uid() != d->mRelatedToUid ) {
setRelatedToUid( d->mRelatedTo->uid() );
} else {
setRelatedToUid( QString() );
Incidence *Incidence::relatedTo() const
return d->mRelatedTo;
Incidence::List Incidence::relations() const
return d->mRelations;
void Incidence::addRelation( Incidence *incidence )
if ( !d->mRelations.contains( incidence ) ) {
d->mRelations.append( incidence );
void Incidence::removeRelation( Incidence *incidence )
const QString uid = incidence->uid();
d->mRelations.removeRef( incidence );
if ( d->mRelatedToUid == uid ) {
// if (incidence->getRelatedTo() == this) incidence->setRelatedTo(0);
// %%%%%%%%%%%% Recurrence-related methods %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Recurrence *Incidence::recurrence() const
if ( !d->mRecurrence ) {
d->mRecurrence = new Recurrence();
d->mRecurrence->setStartDateTime( IncidenceBase::dtStart() );
d->mRecurrence->setAllDay( allDay() );
d->mRecurrence->setRecurReadOnly( mReadOnly );
d->mRecurrence->addObserver( const_cast<KCal::Incidence*>( this ) );
return d->mRecurrence;
void Incidence::clearRecurrence()
delete d->mRecurrence;
d->mRecurrence = 0;
ushort Incidence::recurrenceType() const
if ( d->mRecurrence ) {
return d->mRecurrence->recurrenceType();
} else {
return Recurrence::rNone;
bool Incidence::recurs() const
if ( d->mRecurrence ) {
return d->mRecurrence->recurs();
} else {
return false;
bool Incidence::recursOn( const QDate &date,
const KDateTime::Spec &timeSpec ) const
return d->mRecurrence && d->mRecurrence->recursOn( date, timeSpec );
bool Incidence::recursAt( const KDateTime &qdt ) const
return d->mRecurrence && d->mRecurrence->recursAt( qdt );
QList<KDateTime> Incidence::startDateTimesForDate( const QDate &date,
const KDateTime::Spec &timeSpec ) const
KDateTime start = dtStart();
KDateTime end = endDateRecurrenceBase();
QList<KDateTime> result;
// TODO_Recurrence: Also work if only due date is given...
if ( !start.isValid() && ! end.isValid() ) {
return result;
// if the incidence doesn't recur,
KDateTime kdate( date, timeSpec );
if ( !recurs() ) {
if ( !( start > kdate || end < kdate ) ) {
result << start;
return result;
int days = start.daysTo( end );
// Account for possible recurrences going over midnight, while the original event doesn't
QDate tmpday( date.addDays( -days - 1 ) );
KDateTime tmp;
while ( tmpday <= date ) {
if ( recurrence()->recursOn( tmpday, timeSpec ) ) {
QList<QTime> times = recurrence()->recurTimesOn( tmpday, timeSpec );
foreach ( const QTime &time, times ) {
tmp = KDateTime( tmpday, time, start.timeSpec() );
if ( endDateForStart( tmp ) >= kdate ) {
result << tmp;
tmpday = tmpday.addDays( 1 );
return result;
QList<KDateTime> Incidence::startDateTimesForDateTime( const KDateTime &datetime ) const
KDateTime start = dtStart();
KDateTime end = endDateRecurrenceBase();
QList<KDateTime> result;
// TODO_Recurrence: Also work if only due date is given...
if ( !start.isValid() && ! end.isValid() ) {
return result;
// if the incidence doesn't recur,
if ( !recurs() ) {
if ( !( start > datetime || end < datetime ) ) {
result << start;
return result;
int days = start.daysTo( end );
// Account for possible recurrences going over midnight, while the original event doesn't
QDate tmpday( datetime.date().addDays( -days - 1 ) );
KDateTime tmp;
while ( tmpday <= datetime.date() ) {
if ( recurrence()->recursOn( tmpday, datetime.timeSpec() ) ) {
// Get the times during the day (in start date's time zone) when recurrences happen
QList<QTime> times = recurrence()->recurTimesOn( tmpday, start.timeSpec() );
foreach ( const QTime &time, times ) {
tmp = KDateTime( tmpday, time, start.timeSpec() );
if ( !( tmp > datetime || endDateForStart( tmp ) < datetime ) ) {
result << tmp;
tmpday = tmpday.addDays( 1 );
return result;
KDateTime Incidence::endDateForStart( const KDateTime &startDt ) const
KDateTime start = dtStart();
KDateTime end = endDateRecurrenceBase();
if ( !end.isValid() ) {
return start;
if ( !start.isValid() ) {
return end;
return startDt.addSecs( start.secsTo( end ) );
void Incidence::addAttachment( Attachment *attachment )
if ( mReadOnly || !attachment ) {
d->mAttachments.append( attachment );
void Incidence::deleteAttachment( Attachment *attachment )
d->mAttachments.removeRef( attachment );
void Incidence::deleteAttachments( const QString &mime )
Attachment::List::Iterator it = d->mAttachments.begin();
while ( it != d->mAttachments.end() ) {
if ( (*it)->mimeType() == mime ) {
d->mAttachments.removeRef( it );
} else {
Attachment::List Incidence::attachments() const
return d->mAttachments;
Attachment::List Incidence::attachments( const QString &mime ) const
Attachment::List attachments;
Attachment::List::ConstIterator it;
foreach ( Attachment *attachment, d->mAttachments ) {
if ( attachment->mimeType() == mime ) {
attachments.append( attachment );
return attachments;
void Incidence::clearAttachments()
QString Incidence::writeAttachmentToTempFile( Attachment* attachment ) const
if ( d->mTempFiles.contains( attachment ) ) {
return d->mTempFiles.value( attachment );
KTemporaryFile *file = new KTemporaryFile();
QStringList patterns = KMimeType::mimeType( attachment->mimeType() )->patterns();
if ( !patterns.empty() ) {
file->setSuffix( QString( patterns.first() ).remove( '*' ) );
file->setAutoRemove( true );
// read-only not to give the idea that it could be written to
file->setPermissions( QFile::ReadUser );
file->write( QByteArray::fromBase64( attachment->data() ) );
d->mTempFiles.insert( attachment, file->fileName() );
return d->mTempFiles.value( attachment );
void Incidence::clearTempFiles()
QHash<Attachment*, QString>::const_iterator it = d->mTempFiles.constBegin();
const QHash<Attachment*, QString>::const_iterator end = d->mTempFiles.constEnd();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
QFile::remove( it.value() );
void Incidence::setResources( const QStringList &resources )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mResources = resources;
QStringList Incidence::resources() const
return d->mResources;
void Incidence::setPriority( int priority )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mPriority = priority;
int Incidence::priority() const
return d->mPriority;
void Incidence::setStatus( Incidence::Status status )
if ( mReadOnly || status == StatusX ) {
d->mStatus = status;
void Incidence::setCustomStatus( const QString &status )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mStatus = status.isEmpty() ? StatusNone : StatusX;
d->mStatusString = status;
Incidence::Status Incidence::status() const
return d->mStatus;
QString Incidence::statusStr() const
if ( d->mStatus == StatusX ) {
return d->mStatusString;
return statusName( d->mStatus );
QString Incidence::statusName( Incidence::Status status )
switch ( status ) {
case StatusTentative:
return i18nc( "@item event is tentative", "Tentative" );
case StatusConfirmed:
return i18nc( "@item event is definite", "Confirmed" );
case StatusCompleted:
return i18nc( "@item to-do is complete", "Completed" );
case StatusNeedsAction:
return i18nc( "@item to-do needs action", "Needs-Action" );
case StatusCanceled:
return i18nc( "@item event orto-do is canceled; journal is removed", "Canceled" );
case StatusInProcess:
return i18nc( "@item to-do is in process", "In-Process" );
case StatusDraft:
return i18nc( "@item journal is in draft form", "Draft" );
case StatusFinal:
return i18nc( "@item journal is in final form", "Final" );
case StatusX:
case StatusNone:
return QString();
void Incidence::setSecrecy( Incidence::Secrecy secrecy )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mSecrecy = secrecy;
Incidence::Secrecy Incidence::secrecy() const
return d->mSecrecy;
QString Incidence::secrecyStr() const
return secrecyName( d->mSecrecy );
QString Incidence::secrecyName( Incidence::Secrecy secrecy )
switch ( secrecy ) {
case SecrecyPublic:
return i18nc( "@item incidence access if for everyone", "Public" );
case SecrecyPrivate:
return i18nc( "@item incidence access is by owner only", "Private" );
case SecrecyConfidential:
return i18nc( "@item incidence access is by owner and a controlled group", "Confidential" );
return QString(); // to make compilers happy
QStringList Incidence::secrecyList()
QStringList list;
list << secrecyName( SecrecyPublic );
list << secrecyName( SecrecyPrivate );
list << secrecyName( SecrecyConfidential );
return list;
const Alarm::List &Incidence::alarms() const
return d->mAlarms;
Alarm *Incidence::newAlarm()
Alarm *alarm = new Alarm( this );
d->mAlarms.append( alarm );
return alarm;
void Incidence::addAlarm( Alarm *alarm )
d->mAlarms.append( alarm );
void Incidence::removeAlarm( Alarm *alarm )
d->mAlarms.removeRef( alarm );
void Incidence::clearAlarms()
bool Incidence::isAlarmEnabled() const
foreach ( Alarm *alarm, d->mAlarms ) {
if ( alarm->enabled() ) {
return true;
return false;
void Incidence::setLocation( const QString &location, bool isRich )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mLocation = location;
d->mLocationIsRich = isRich;
void Incidence::setLocation( const QString &location )
setLocation( location, Qt::mightBeRichText( location ) );
QString Incidence::location() const
return d->mLocation;
QString Incidence::richLocation() const
if ( locationIsRich() ) {
return d->mLocation;
} else {
return Qt::escape( d->mLocation ).replace( '\n', "<br/>" );
bool Incidence::locationIsRich() const
return d->mLocationIsRich;
void Incidence::setSchedulingID( const QString &sid )
d->mSchedulingID = sid;
QString Incidence::schedulingID() const
if ( d->mSchedulingID.isNull() ) {
// Nothing set, so use the normal uid
return uid();
return d->mSchedulingID;
bool Incidence::hasGeo() const
return d->mHasGeo;
void Incidence::setHasGeo( bool hasGeo )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mHasGeo = hasGeo;
float &Incidence::geoLatitude() const
return d->mGeoLatitude;
void Incidence::setGeoLatitude( float geolatitude )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mGeoLatitude = geolatitude;
float &Incidence::geoLongitude() const
return d->mGeoLongitude;
void Incidence::setGeoLongitude( float geolongitude )
if ( mReadOnly ) {
d->mGeoLongitude = geolongitude;
/** Observer interface for the recurrence class. If the recurrence is changed,
this method will be called for the incidence the recurrence object
belongs to. */
void Incidence::recurrenceUpdated( Recurrence *recurrence )
if ( recurrence == d->mRecurrence ) {