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This file is part of the kblog library.
Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Christian Weilbach <christian_weilbach@web.de>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "data.h"
#include "kblog/blogger1.h"
#include "kblog/blogpost.h"
#include <qtest_kde.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ktimezone.h>
#include <kdatetime.h>
#define TIMEOUT 20000
#define GLOBALTIMEOUT 140000
using namespace KBlog;
class TestBlogger1 : public QObject
public Q_SLOTS:
// use this functions as a chain to go through network traffic.
void fetchUserInfo( const QMap<QString,QString>& );
void listBlogs( const QList<QMap<QString,QString> >& );
void listRecentPosts( const QList<KBlog::BlogPost>& posts );
void createPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post );
void modifyPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post );
void fetchPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post );
void removePost( KBlog::BlogPost *post );
// end chain
void errorPost( KBlog::Blog::ErrorType type, const QString &errStr, KBlog::BlogPost * );
private Q_SLOTS:
void testValidity();
void testNetwork();
void dumpPost( const KBlog::BlogPost * );
KBlog::Blogger1 *b;
KBlog::BlogPost *p;
QEventLoop *eventLoop;
QTimer *fetchUserInfoTimer;
QTimer *listBlogsTimer;
QTimer *listRecentPostsTimer;
QTimer *fetchPostTimer;
QTimer *modifyPostTimer;
QTimer *createPostTimer;
QTimer *removePostTimer;
class TestBlogger1Warnings : public QObject
private Q_SLOTS:
void fetchUserInfoTimeoutWarning();
void listBlogsTimeoutWarning();
void listRecentPostsTimeoutWarning();
void fetchPostTimeoutWarning();
void modifyPostTimeoutWarning();
void createPostTimeoutWarning();
void removePostTimeoutWarning();
#include "testblogger1.moc"
void TestBlogger1::dumpPost( const BlogPost *post )
qDebug() << "########### post ############";
qDebug() << "# postId: " << post->postId();
qDebug() << "# title: " << post->title();
qDebug() << "# content: " << post->content();
qDebug() << "# private: " << post->isPrivate();
qDebug() << "# categories: " << post->categories().join( " " );
qDebug() << "# error: " << post->error();
qDebug() << "# journalId: " << post->journalId();
switch ( post->status() ) {
case BlogPost::New:
qDebug() << "# status: New";
case BlogPost::Fetched:
qDebug() << "# status: Fetched";
case BlogPost::Created:
qDebug() << "# status: Created";
case BlogPost::Modified:
qDebug() << "# status: Modified";
case BlogPost::Removed:
qDebug() << "# status: Removed";
case BlogPost::Error:
qDebug() << "# status: Error";
qDebug() << "# creationDateTime(UTC): "
<< post->creationDateTime().toUtc().toString();
qDebug() << "# modificationDateTime(UTC): "
<< post->modificationDateTime().toUtc().toString();
qDebug() << "###########################";
// the chain starts here
void TestBlogger1::fetchUserInfo( const QMap<QString,QString>& userInfo )
qDebug() << "########### fetchUserInfo ###########";
qDebug() << "# nickname: " << userInfo["nickname"];
qDebug() << "# userid: " << userInfo["userid"];
qDebug() << "# url: " << userInfo["url"];
qDebug() << "# email: " << userInfo["email"];
qDebug() << "# lastname: " << userInfo["lastname"];
qDebug() << "# firstname: " << userInfo["firstname"];
qDebug() << "##############################\n";
connect( b, SIGNAL(listedBlogs(QList<QMap<QString,QString> >)),
this, SLOT(listBlogs(QList<QMap<QString,QString> >)) );
listBlogsTimer->start( TIMEOUT );
void TestBlogger1::listBlogs( const QList<QMap<QString,QString> >& listedBlogs )
qDebug() << "########### listBlogs ###########";
QList<QMap<QString,QString> >::ConstIterator it = listedBlogs.begin();
QList<QMap<QString,QString> >::ConstIterator end = listedBlogs.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it ) {
qDebug() << "# " << ( *it ).keys().first() << ": " << ( *it ).values().first();
qDebug() << "###########################\n";
connect( b, SIGNAL(listedRecentPosts(QList<KBlog::BlogPost>)),
this, SLOT(listRecentPosts(QList<KBlog::BlogPost>)) );
b->listRecentPosts( DOWNLOADCOUNT );
listRecentPostsTimer->start( TIMEOUT );
void TestBlogger1::listRecentPosts(
const QList<KBlog::BlogPost>& posts )
qDebug() << "########### listRecentPosts ###########";
QList<KBlog::BlogPost>::ConstIterator it = posts.begin();
QList<KBlog::BlogPost>::ConstIterator end = posts.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it ) {
dumpPost( &( *it ) );
qDebug() << "#################################\n";
connect( b, SIGNAL(createdPost(KBlog::BlogPost*)),
this, SLOT(createPost(KBlog::BlogPost*)) );
b->createPost( p ); // start chain
createPostTimer->start( TIMEOUT );
void TestBlogger1::createPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post )
qDebug() << "########### createPost ############";
dumpPost( post );
qDebug() << "################################\n";
QVERIFY( post->status() == BlogPost::Created );
connect( b, SIGNAL(modifiedPost(KBlog::BlogPost*)),
this, SLOT(modifyPost(KBlog::BlogPost*)) );
p->setContent( mModifiedContent );
b->modifyPost( p );
modifyPostTimer->start( TIMEOUT );
void TestBlogger1::modifyPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post )
qDebug() << "########### modifyPost ############";
dumpPost( post );
qDebug() << "################################\n";
QVERIFY( post->status() == BlogPost::Modified );
connect( b, SIGNAL(fetchedPost(KBlog::BlogPost*)),
this, SLOT(fetchPost(KBlog::BlogPost*)) );
p->setContent( "TestBlogger1: created content." );
b->fetchPost( p );
fetchPostTimer->start( TIMEOUT );
void TestBlogger1::fetchPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post )
qDebug() << "########### fetchPost ############";
dumpPost( post );
qDebug() << "###############################\n";
QVERIFY( post->status() == BlogPost::Fetched );
// QVERIFY( post->content() == mModifiedContent );
connect( b, SIGNAL(removedPost(KBlog::BlogPost*)),
this, SLOT(removePost(KBlog::BlogPost*)) );
b->removePost( p );
removePostTimer->start( TIMEOUT );
void TestBlogger1::removePost( KBlog::BlogPost *post )
qDebug() << "########### removePost ###########";
dumpPost( post );
qDebug() << "################################\n";
QVERIFY( post->status() == BlogPost::Removed );
void TestBlogger1::errorPost( KBlog::Blog::ErrorType type, const QString &errStr,
KBlog::BlogPost *post )
qDebug() << "############ error #############";
switch ( type ) {
case Blog::Atom:
qDebug() << "type: Atom";
case Blog::XmlRpc:
qDebug() << "type: xmlRpc";
case Blog::ParsingError:
qDebug() << "type: ParsingError";
case Blog::AuthenticationError:
qDebug() << "type: AuthenticationError";
case Blog::NotSupported:
qDebug() << "type: NotSupported";
case Blog::Other:
qDebug() << "type: Other";
qDebug() << "error: " << errStr;
if ( post != 0 ) {
dumpPost( post );
qDebug() << "#############################\n";
// Warnings for Timouts:
void TestBlogger1Warnings::fetchUserInfoTimeoutWarning()
QWARN( "fetchUserInfo() timeout. This can be caused by an error, too. Any following calls will fail." );
void TestBlogger1Warnings::listBlogsTimeoutWarning()
QWARN( "listBlogs() timeout. This can be caused by an error, too. Any following calls will fail." );
void TestBlogger1Warnings::listRecentPostsTimeoutWarning()
QWARN( "listRecentPosts() timeout. This can be caused by an error, too. Any following calls will fail." );
void TestBlogger1Warnings::fetchPostTimeoutWarning()
QWARN( "fetchPost() timeout. This can be caused by an error, too. Any following calls will fail." );
void TestBlogger1Warnings::modifyPostTimeoutWarning()
QWARN( "modifyPost() timeout. This can be caused by an error, too. Any following calls will fail." );
void TestBlogger1Warnings::createPostTimeoutWarning()
QWARN( "createPost() timeout. This can be caused by an error, too. Any following calls will fail." );
void TestBlogger1Warnings::removePostTimeoutWarning()
QWARN( "removePost() timeout. This can be caused by an error, too. Any following calls will fail." );
void TestBlogger1::testValidity()
eventLoop = new QEventLoop( this );
// no need to delete later ;-):
b = new Blogger1( KUrl( "http://wrong.url.org/somegateway" ) );
QVERIFY( b->url() == KUrl( "http://wrong.url.org/somegateway" ) );
KTimeZone mTimeZone( KTimeZone( "UTC" ) );
b->setUrl( mUrl );
b->setUsername( mUsername );
b->setPassword( mPassword );
b->setBlogId( mBlogId );
b->setTimeZone( mTimeZone );
QVERIFY( b->url() == mUrl );
QVERIFY( b->blogId() == mBlogId );
QVERIFY( b->username() == mUsername );
QVERIFY( b->password() == mPassword );
QVERIFY( b->interfaceName() == "Blogger 1.0" );
QVERIFY( b->timeZone().name() == mTimeZone.name() );
void TestBlogger1::testNetwork()
KDateTime mCDateTime( mCreationDateTime );
KDateTime mMDateTime( mModificationDateTime );
p = new BlogPost(); // no need to delete later ;-)
p->setTitle( mTitle );
p->setContent( mContent );
p->setPrivate( mPrivate );
p->setPostId( mPostId );
p->setCreationDateTime( mCDateTime );
p->setModificationDateTime( mMDateTime );
connect( b, SIGNAL(errorPost(KBlog::Blog::ErrorType,QString,KBlog::BlogPost*)),
this, SLOT(errorPost(KBlog::Blog::ErrorType,QString,KBlog::BlogPost*)) );
TestBlogger1Warnings *warnings = new TestBlogger1Warnings();
fetchUserInfoTimer = new QTimer( this );
fetchUserInfoTimer->setSingleShot( true );
connect( fetchUserInfoTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
warnings, SLOT(fetchUserInfoTimeoutWarning()) );
listBlogsTimer = new QTimer( this );
listBlogsTimer->setSingleShot( true );
connect( listBlogsTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
warnings, SLOT(listBlogsTimeoutWarning()) );
listRecentPostsTimer = new QTimer( this );
listRecentPostsTimer->setSingleShot( true );
connect( listRecentPostsTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
warnings, SLOT(listRecentPostsTimeoutWarning()) );
fetchPostTimer = new QTimer( this );
fetchPostTimer->setSingleShot( true );
connect( fetchPostTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
warnings, SLOT(fetchPostTimeoutWarning()) );
modifyPostTimer = new QTimer( this );
modifyPostTimer->setSingleShot( true );
connect( modifyPostTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
warnings, SLOT(modifyPostTimeoutWarning()) );
createPostTimer = new QTimer( this );
createPostTimer->setSingleShot( true );
connect( createPostTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
warnings, SLOT(createPostTimeoutWarning()) );
removePostTimer = new QTimer( this );
removePostTimer->setSingleShot( true );
connect( removePostTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
warnings, SLOT(removePostTimeoutWarning()) );
// start the chain
connect( b, SIGNAL(fetchedUserInfo(QMap<QString,QString>)),
this, SLOT(fetchUserInfo(QMap<QString,QString>)) );
fetchUserInfoTimer->start( TIMEOUT );
// wait for all jobs to finish
QTimer::singleShot( GLOBALTIMEOUT, eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
delete b;
delete p;