2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

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This file is part of the kblog library.
Copyright (c) 2007 Christian Weilbach <christian_weilbach@web.de>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <kblog/blog.h>
#include <kdatetime.h>
#include <QtCore/QStringList>
class KUrl;
This file is part of the for accessing Blog Servers
and defines the GData class.
@author Reinhold Kainhofer \<reinhold\@kainhofer.com\>
\par Maintainer: Christian Weilbach \<christian_weilbach\@web.de\>
namespace KBlog {
class GDataPrivate;
class BlogComment;
A class that can be used for access to GData blogs. The new blogspot.com
accounts ( August 2007 ) exclusively support GData API which is a standard
based on Atom API. Compared to Blogger 1.0, which is based on Xml-Rpc and
less secure, it adds new functionality like titles and comments.
Blog* myblog = new GData("http://myblogspot.account.com");
myblog->setProfileId( "2039484587348593945823" ); // can be fetched via fetchProfileId()
myblog->setBlogId( "1" ); // can be caught by listBlogs()
myblog->setUsername( "your_email@address.com" );
myblog->setPassword( "yOuRFuNnYPasSword" );
KBlog::BlogPost *post = new BlogPost();
post->setTitle( "This is the title." );
post->setContent( "Here is some the content..." );
myblog->createPost( post );
@author Christian Weilbach \<christian_weilbach\@web.de\>
@author Reinhold Kainhofer \<reinhold\@kainhofer.com\>
class KBLOG_EXPORT GData : public Blog
Create an object for GData
@param server The server url for the xmlrpc gateway.
@param parent The parent object, inherited from QObject.
explicit GData( const KUrl &server, QObject *parent = 0 );
Sets the user's name for the blog. Username is only the E-Mail
address of the user. This is used in createPost and modifyPost.
@param fullName is a QString containing the blog username.
@see username()
@see createPost( KBlog::BlogPost* )
@see modifiyPost( KBlog::BlogPost* )
virtual void setFullName( const QString &fullName );
Returns the full name of user of the blog.
@see setFullName()
QString fullName() const;
Returns the profile id of the blog. This is used for rss paths internally.
@return The profile id.
@see setProfileId( const QString& )
QString profileId() const;
Get the profile's id of the blog.
@param pid This is nummeric id.
@see profileId()
virtual void setProfileId( const QString &pid );
Returns the of the inherited object.
QString interfaceName() const;
Get information about the profile from the blog.
Sets the profileId automatically for the blog it is called from.
@see setProfileId( const QString& )
@see void fetchedProfileId( const QString& )
void fetchProfileId();
List the blogs available for this authentication on the server.
@see void listedBlogs( const QList\<QMap\<QString,QString\>\>& )
virtual void listBlogs();
List the comments available for this post on the server.
@param post The post, which posts should be listed.
@see void listedComments( KBlog::BlogPost*, const QList\<KBlog::BlogComment\>& )
virtual void listComments( KBlog::BlogPost *post );
List the all comments available for this authentication on the server.
@see void listedAllComments( const QList\<KBlog::BlogComment\>& )
virtual void listAllComments();
List recent posts on the server. The status of the posts will be Fetched.
@param number The number of posts to fetch. The order is newest first.
@see void listedPosts( const QList\<KBlog::BlogPost\>& )
@see void fetchPost( KBlog::BlogPost* )
@see BlogPost::Status
void listRecentPosts( int number );
List recent posts on the server depending on meta information about the post.
@param label The lables of posts to fetch.
@param number The number of posts to fetch. The order is newest first.
@param upMinTime The oldest upload time of the posts to fetch.
@param upMaxTime The newest upload time of the posts to fetch.
@param pubMinTime The oldest publication time of the posts to fetch.
@param pubMaxTime The newest publication time of the posts to fetch.
@see void listedPosts( const QList\<KBlog::BlogPost\>& )
@see void fetchPost( KBlog::BlogPost* )
virtual void listRecentPosts( const QStringList &label=QStringList(), int number=0,
const KDateTime &upMinTime=KDateTime(),
const KDateTime &upMaxTime=KDateTime(),
const KDateTime &pubMinTime=KDateTime(),
const KDateTime &pubMaxTime=KDateTime() );
Fetch the Post with a specific id.
@param post This is the post with its id set correctly.
@see BlogPost::setPostId( const QString& )
@see fetchedPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post )
void fetchPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post );
Modify a post on server.
@param post This is used to send the modified post including the correct id.
void modifyPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post );
Create a new post on server.
@param post This is send to the server.
@see createdPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post )
void createPost( KBlog::BlogPost *post );
Remove a post from the server.
@param post This is the post with its id set correctly.
@see BlogPost::setPostId( const QString& )
@see removedPost( KBlog::BlogPost* )
void removePost( KBlog::BlogPost *post );
Create a comment on the server.
@param post This is the post with its id set correctly.
@param comment This is the comment to create.
@see BlogPost::setPostId( const QString& )
@see createdComment( KBlog::BlogPost*, KBlog::BlogComment* )
virtual void createComment( KBlog::BlogPost *post, KBlog::BlogComment *comment );
Remove a comment from the server.
@param post This is the post with its id set correctly.
@param comment This is the comment to remove.
@see BlogPost::setPostId( const QString& )
@see removedComment( KBlog::BlogPost*, KBlog::BlogComment* )
virtual void removeComment( KBlog::BlogPost *post, KBlog::BlogComment *comment );
This signal is emitted when a list of blogs has been fetched
from the blogging server.
@param blogsList The list of blogs.
@see listBlogs()
void listedBlogs( const QList<QMap<QString,QString> >& blogsList );
This signal is emitted when a list of all comments has been
fetched from the blogging server.
@param commentsList The list of comments.
@see listAllComments()
void listedAllComments( const QList<KBlog::BlogComment> &commentsList );
This signal is emitted when a list of comments has been fetched
from the blogging server.
@param post This is the corresponding post.
@param comments The list of comments.
@see listComments( KBlog::BlogPost* )
void listedComments( KBlog::BlogPost *post, const QList<KBlog::BlogComment> &comments );
This signal is emitted when a comment has been created
on the blogging server.
@param post This is the corresponding post.
@param comment This is the created comment.
@see createComment( KBlog::BlogPost *post, KBlog::BlogComment *comment )
void createdComment( const KBlog::BlogPost *post, const KBlog::BlogComment *comment );
This signal is emitted when a comment has been removed
from the blogging server.
@param post This is the corresponding post.
@param comment This is the removed comment.
@see removeComment( KBlog::BlogPost *post, KBlog::BlogComment *comment )
void removedComment( const KBlog::BlogPost *post, const KBlog::BlogComment *comment );
This signal is emitted when the profile id has been
@param profileId This is the fetched id. On error it is QString()
@see fetchProfileId()
void fetchedProfileId( const QString &profileId );
Overloaded for private inheritance handling.
GData( const KUrl &server, GDataPrivate &dd, QObject *parent = 0 );
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(),
void slotFetchProfileId( KJob * ) )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(),
void slotListBlogs( Syndication::Loader *,
Syndication::FeedPtr, Syndication::ErrorCode ) )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(),
void slotListComments( Syndication::Loader *,
Syndication::FeedPtr, Syndication::ErrorCode ) )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(),
void slotListAllComments( Syndication::Loader *,
Syndication::FeedPtr, Syndication::ErrorCode ) )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(),
void slotListRecentPosts( Syndication::Loader *,
Syndication::FeedPtr, Syndication::ErrorCode ) )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(),
void slotFetchPost( Syndication::Loader *,
Syndication::FeedPtr, Syndication::ErrorCode ) )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(),
void slotCreatePost( KJob * ) )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(),
void slotModifyPost( KJob * ) )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(),
void slotRemovePost( KJob * ) )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(),
void slotCreateComment( KJob * ) )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(),
void slotRemoveComment( KJob * ) )
} //namespace KBlog