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context.h - wraps a gpgme key context
Copyright (C) 2003, 2007 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
This file is part of GPGME++.
GPGME++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
GPGME++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with GPGME++; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// -*- c++ -*-
#include <gpgme++/global.h>
#include <gpgme++/error.h>
#include <gpgme++/verificationresult.h> // for Signature::Notation
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <iosfwd>
namespace GpgME {
class Key;
class Data;
class TrustItem;
class ProgressProvider;
class PassphraseProvider;
class EventLoopInteractor;
class EditInteractor;
class AssuanTransaction;
class AssuanResult;
class KeyListResult;
class KeyGenerationResult;
class ImportResult;
class DecryptionResult;
class VerificationResult;
class SigningResult;
class EncryptionResult;
class VfsMountResult;
class EngineInfo;
class GPGMEPP_EXPORT Context {
explicit Context( gpgme_ctx_t );
//using GpgME::Protocol;
// Creation and destruction:
static Context * createForProtocol( Protocol proto );
static std::auto_ptr<Context> createForEngine( Engine engine, Error * err=0 );
virtual ~Context();
// Context Attributes
Protocol protocol() const;
void setArmor( bool useArmor );
bool armor() const;
void setTextMode( bool useTextMode );
bool textMode() const;
enum CertificateInclusion {
DefaultCertificates = -256,
AllCertificatesExceptRoot = -2,
AllCertificates = -1,
NoCertificates = 0,
OnlySenderCertificate = 1
void setIncludeCertificates( int which );
int includeCertificates() const;
//using GpgME::KeyListMode;
void setKeyListMode( unsigned int keyListMode );
void addKeyListMode( unsigned int keyListMode );
unsigned int keyListMode() const;
void setPassphraseProvider( PassphraseProvider * provider );
PassphraseProvider * passphraseProvider() const;
void setProgressProvider( ProgressProvider * provider );
ProgressProvider * progressProvider() const;
void setManagedByEventLoopInteractor( bool managed );
bool managedByEventLoopInteractor() const;
GpgME::Error setLocale( int category, const char * value );
EngineInfo engineInfo() const;
GpgME::Error setEngineFileName( const char * filename );
GpgME::Error setEngineHomeDirectory( const char * filename );
friend class ::GpgME::EventLoopInteractor;
void installIOCallbacks( gpgme_io_cbs * iocbs );
void uninstallIOCallbacks();
// Key Management
// Key Listing
GpgME::Error startKeyListing( const char * pattern=0, bool secretOnly=false );
GpgME::Error startKeyListing( const char * patterns[], bool secretOnly=false );
Key nextKey( GpgME::Error & e );
KeyListResult endKeyListing();
KeyListResult keyListResult() const;
Key key( const char * fingerprint, GpgME::Error & e, bool secret=false );
// Key Generation
KeyGenerationResult generateKey( const char * parameters, Data & pubKey );
GpgME::Error startKeyGeneration( const char * parameters, Data & pubkey );
KeyGenerationResult keyGenerationResult() const;
// Key Export
GpgME::Error exportPublicKeys( const char * pattern, Data & keyData );
GpgME::Error exportPublicKeys( const char * pattern[], Data & keyData );
GpgME::Error startPublicKeyExport( const char * pattern, Data & keyData );
GpgME::Error startPublicKeyExport( const char * pattern[], Data & keyData );
// Key Import
ImportResult importKeys( const Data & data );
ImportResult importKeys( const std::vector<Key> & keys );
GpgME::Error startKeyImport( const Data & data );
GpgME::Error startKeyImport( const std::vector<Key> & keys );
ImportResult importResult() const;
// Key Deletion
GpgME::Error deleteKey( const Key & key, bool allowSecretKeyDeletion=false );
GpgME::Error startKeyDeletion( const Key & key, bool allowSecretKeyDeletion=false );
// Passphrase changing
GpgME::Error passwd( const Key & key );
GpgME::Error startPasswd( const Key & key );
// Key Editing
GpgME::Error edit( const Key & key, std::auto_ptr<EditInteractor> function, Data & out );
GpgME::Error startEditing( const Key & key, std::auto_ptr<EditInteractor> function, Data & out );
EditInteractor * lastEditInteractor() const;
std::auto_ptr<EditInteractor> takeLastEditInteractor();
// SmartCard Editing
GpgME::Error cardEdit( const Key & key, std::auto_ptr<EditInteractor> function, Data & out );
GpgME::Error startCardEditing( const Key & key, std::auto_ptr<EditInteractor> function, Data & out );
EditInteractor * lastCardEditInteractor() const;
std::auto_ptr<EditInteractor> takeLastCardEditInteractor();
// Trust Item Management
GpgME::Error startTrustItemListing( const char * pattern, int maxLevel );
TrustItem nextTrustItem( GpgME::Error & e );
GpgME::Error endTrustItemListing();
// Assuan Transactions
AssuanResult assuanTransact( const char * command, std::auto_ptr<AssuanTransaction> transaction );
AssuanResult assuanTransact( const char * command );
GpgME::Error startAssuanTransaction( const char * command, std::auto_ptr<AssuanTransaction> transaction );
GpgME::Error startAssuanTransaction( const char * command );
AssuanResult assuanResult() const;
AssuanTransaction * lastAssuanTransaction() const;
std::auto_ptr<AssuanTransaction> takeLastAssuanTransaction();
// Crypto Operations
// Decryption
DecryptionResult decrypt( const Data & cipherText, Data & plainText );
GpgME::Error startDecryption( const Data & cipherText, Data & plainText );
DecryptionResult decryptionResult() const;
// Signature Verification
VerificationResult verifyDetachedSignature( const Data & signature, const Data & signedText );
VerificationResult verifyOpaqueSignature( const Data & signedData, Data & plainText );
GpgME::Error startDetachedSignatureVerification( const Data & signature, const Data & signedText );
GpgME::Error startOpaqueSignatureVerification( const Data & signedData, Data & plainText );
VerificationResult verificationResult() const;
// Combined Decryption and Signature Verification
std::pair<DecryptionResult,VerificationResult> decryptAndVerify( const Data & cipherText, Data & plainText );
GpgME::Error startCombinedDecryptionAndVerification( const Data & cipherText, Data & plainText );
// use verificationResult() and decryptionResult() to retrieve the result objects...
// Signing
void clearSigningKeys();
GpgME::Error addSigningKey( const Key & signer );
Key signingKey( unsigned int index ) const;
std::vector<Key> signingKeys() const;
void clearSignatureNotations();
GpgME::Error addSignatureNotation( const char * name, const char * value, unsigned int flags=0 );
GpgME::Error addSignaturePolicyURL( const char * url, bool critical=false );
const char * signaturePolicyURL() const;
Notation signatureNotation( unsigned int index ) const;
std::vector<Notation> signatureNotations() const;
//using GpgME::SignatureMode;
SigningResult sign( const Data & plainText, Data & signature, SignatureMode mode );
GpgME::Error startSigning( const Data & plainText, Data & signature, SignatureMode mode );
SigningResult signingResult() const;
// Encryption
enum EncryptionFlags { None=0, AlwaysTrust=1, NoEncryptTo=2 };
EncryptionResult encrypt( const std::vector<Key> & recipients, const Data & plainText, Data & cipherText, EncryptionFlags flags );
GpgME::Error encryptSymmetrically( const Data & plainText, Data & cipherText );
GpgME::Error startEncryption( const std::vector<Key> & recipients, const Data & plainText, Data & cipherText, EncryptionFlags flags );
EncryptionResult encryptionResult() const;
// Combined Signing and Encryption
std::pair<SigningResult,EncryptionResult> signAndEncrypt( const std::vector<Key> & recipients, const Data & plainText, Data & cipherText, EncryptionFlags flags );
GpgME::Error startCombinedSigningAndEncryption( const std::vector<Key> & recipients, const Data & plainText, Data & cipherText, EncryptionFlags flags );
// use encryptionResult() and signingResult() to retrieve the result objects...
// Audit Log
enum AuditLogFlags {
HtmlAuditLog = 1,
AuditLogWithHelp = 128
GpgME::Error startGetAuditLog( Data & output, unsigned int flags=0 );
GpgME::Error getAuditLog( Data & output, unsigned int flags=0 );
// G13 crypto container operations
GpgME::Error createVFS( const char *containerFile, const std::vector<Key> &recipients );
VfsMountResult mountVFS( const char *containerFile, const char *mountDir );
// Run Control
bool poll();
GpgME::Error wait();
GpgME::Error lastError() const;
GpgME::Error cancelPendingOperation();
class Private;
const Private * impl() const { return d; }
Private * impl() { return d; }
Private * const d;
private: // disable...
Context( const Context & );
const Context & operator=( const Context & );
GPGMEPP_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & os, Context::CertificateInclusion incl );
GPGMEPP_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & os, Context::EncryptionFlags flags );
GPGMEPP_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & os, Context::AuditLogFlags flags );
} // namespace GpgME
#endif // __GPGMEPP_CONTEXT_H__