2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

158 lines
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Copyright (c) 2014 Daniel Vrátil <dvratil@redhat.com>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include <qtest_akonadi.h>
#include <akonadi/searchquery.h>
#include <qjson/serializer.h>
#include <qjson/parser.h>
#include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
using namespace Akonadi;
class SearchQueryTest : public QObject
void verifySimpleTerm( const QVariantMap &json, const SearchTerm &term, bool *ok )
*ok = false;
QCOMPARE( term.subTerms().count(), 0 );
QVERIFY( json.contains( QLatin1String( "key" ) ) );
QCOMPARE( json[QLatin1String( "key" )].toString(), term.key() );
QVERIFY( json.contains( QLatin1String( "value" ) ) );
QCOMPARE( json[QLatin1String( "value" )], term.value() );
QVERIFY( json.contains( QLatin1String( "cond" ) ) );
QCOMPARE( static_cast<SearchTerm::Condition>( json[QLatin1String( "cond" )].toInt() ), term.condition() );
QVERIFY( json.contains( QLatin1String( "negated" ) ) );
QCOMPARE( json[QLatin1String( "negated" )].toBool(), term.isNegated() );
*ok = true;
private Q_SLOTS:
void testSerializer()
QJson::Parser parser;
bool ok = false;
SearchQuery query;
query.addTerm( QLatin1String( "body" ), QLatin1String( "test string"), SearchTerm::CondContains );
ok = false;
QVariantMap map = parser.parse( query.toJSON(), &ok ).toMap();
QVERIFY( ok );
QCOMPARE( static_cast<SearchTerm::Relation>( map[QLatin1String( "rel" )].toInt() ), SearchTerm::RelAnd );
const QVariantList subTerms = map[QLatin1String( "subTerms" )].toList();
QCOMPARE( subTerms.size(), 1 );
ok = false;
verifySimpleTerm( subTerms.first().toMap(), query.term().subTerms()[0], &ok );
QVERIFY( ok );
SearchQuery query( SearchTerm::RelOr );
query.addTerm( SearchTerm( QLatin1String( "to" ), QLatin1String( "test@test.user" ), SearchTerm::CondEqual ) );
SearchTerm term2( QLatin1String( "subject"), QLatin1String( "Hello" ), SearchTerm::CondContains );
term2.setIsNegated( true );
query.addTerm( term2 );
ok = false;
QVariantMap map = parser.parse( query.toJSON(), &ok ).toMap();
QVERIFY( ok );
QCOMPARE( static_cast<SearchTerm::Relation>( map[QLatin1String( "rel" )].toInt() ), query.term().relation() );
const QVariantList subTerms = map[QLatin1String( "subTerms" )].toList();
QCOMPARE( subTerms.size(), query.term().subTerms().count() );
for ( int i = 0; i < subTerms.size(); ++i ) {
ok = false;
verifySimpleTerm( subTerms[i].toMap(), query.term().subTerms()[i], &ok);
QVERIFY( ok );
void testParser()
QJson::Serializer serializer;
bool ok = false;
QVariantList subTerms;
QVariantMap termJSON;
termJSON[QLatin1String( "key" )] = QLatin1String( "created" );
termJSON[QLatin1String( "value" )] = QDateTime( QDate( 2014, 01, 24 ), QTime( 17, 49, 00 ) );
termJSON[QLatin1String( "cond" )] = static_cast<int>( SearchTerm::CondGreaterOrEqual );
termJSON[QLatin1String( "negated" )] = true;
subTerms << termJSON;
termJSON[QLatin1String( "key" )] = QLatin1String( "subject" );
termJSON[QLatin1String( "value" )] = QLatin1String( "Hello" );
termJSON[QLatin1String( "cond" )] = static_cast<int>( SearchTerm::CondEqual );
termJSON[QLatin1String( "negated" )] = false;
subTerms << termJSON;
QVariantMap map;
map[QLatin1String( "rel" )] = static_cast<int>( SearchTerm::RelAnd );
map[QLatin1String( "subTerms" )] = subTerms;
ok = false;
const QByteArray json = serializer.serialize( map, &ok );
QVERIFY( ok );
const SearchQuery query = SearchQuery::fromJSON( json );
QVERIFY( !query.isNull() );
const SearchTerm term = query.term();
QCOMPARE( static_cast<SearchTerm::Relation>( map[QLatin1String( "rel" )].toInt() ), term.relation() );
QCOMPARE( subTerms.count(), term.subTerms().count() );
for ( int i = 0; i < subTerms.count(); ++i ) {
ok = false;
verifySimpleTerm( subTerms.at( i ).toMap(), term.subTerms()[i], &ok );
QVERIFY( ok );
void testFullQuery()
SearchQuery query;
query.addTerm("key", "value");
const QByteArray serialized = query.toJSON();
QCOMPARE(SearchQuery::fromJSON(serialized), query);
SearchQuery query;
query.addTerm("key", "value");
const QByteArray serialized = query.toJSON();
QCOMPARE(SearchQuery::fromJSON(serialized), query);
#include "searchquerytest.moc"