2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

333 lines
11 KiB

Copyright (c) 2009 Stephen Kelly <steveire@gmail.com>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include "dragdropmanager_p.h"
#include "specialcollectionattribute_p.h"
#include "collectionutils_p.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDropEvent>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QDrag>
#include <KDE/KIcon>
#include <KDE/KLocalizedString>
#include <KDE/KUrl>
#include "akonadi/collection.h"
#include "akonadi/entitytreemodel.h"
using namespace Akonadi;
DragDropManager::DragDropManager(QAbstractItemView *view)
: mShowDropActionMenu(true)
, mIsManualSortingActive(false)
, m_view(view)
Akonadi::Collection DragDropManager::currentDropTarget(QDropEvent *event) const
const QModelIndex index = m_view->indexAt(event->pos());
Collection collection = m_view->model()->data(index, EntityTreeModel::CollectionRole).value<Collection>();
if (!collection.isValid()) {
const Item item = m_view->model()->data(index, EntityTreeModel::ItemRole).value<Item>();
if (item.isValid()) {
collection = m_view->model()->data(index.parent(), EntityTreeModel::CollectionRole).value<Collection>();
return collection;
bool DragDropManager::dropAllowed(QDragMoveEvent *event) const
// Check if the collection under the cursor accepts this data type
const Collection targetCollection = currentDropTarget(event);
if (targetCollection.isValid()) {
const QStringList supportedContentTypes = targetCollection.contentMimeTypes();
const QMimeData *data = event->mimeData();
const KUrl::List urls = KUrl::List::fromMimeData(data);
foreach (const KUrl &url, urls) {
const Collection collection = Collection::fromUrl(url);
if (collection.isValid()) {
if (!supportedContentTypes.contains(Collection::mimeType()) &&
!supportedContentTypes.contains(Collection::virtualMimeType())) {
// Check if we don't try to drop on one of the children
if (hasAncestor(m_view->indexAt(event->pos()), collection.id())) {
} else { // This is an item.
const QString type = url.queryItems()[QString::fromLatin1("type")];
if (!supportedContentTypes.contains(type)) {
return true;
return false;
bool DragDropManager::hasAncestor(const QModelIndex &_index, Collection::Id parentId) const
QModelIndex index(_index);
while (index.isValid()) {
if (m_view->model()->data(index, EntityTreeModel::CollectionIdRole).toLongLong() == parentId) {
return true;
index = index.parent();
return false;
bool DragDropManager::processDropEvent(QDropEvent *event, bool &menuCanceled, bool dropOnItem)
const Collection targetCollection = currentDropTarget(event);
if (!targetCollection.isValid()) {
return false;
if (!mIsManualSortingActive && !dropOnItem) {
return false;
const QStringList supportedContentTypes = targetCollection.contentMimeTypes();
const QMimeData *data = event->mimeData();
const KUrl::List urls = KUrl::List::fromMimeData(data);
foreach (const KUrl &url, urls) {
const Collection collection = Collection::fromUrl(url);
if (!collection.isValid()) {
if (!dropOnItem) {
return false;
int actionCount = 0;
Qt::DropAction defaultAction;
// TODO check if the source supports moving
bool moveAllowed, copyAllowed, linkAllowed;
moveAllowed = copyAllowed = linkAllowed = false;
if ((targetCollection.rights() & (Collection::CanCreateCollection | Collection::CanCreateItem)) &&
(event->possibleActions() & Qt::MoveAction)) {
moveAllowed = true;
if ((targetCollection.rights() & (Collection::CanCreateCollection | Collection::CanCreateItem)) &&
(event->possibleActions() & Qt::CopyAction)) {
copyAllowed = true;
if ((targetCollection.rights() & Collection::CanLinkItem) &&
(event->possibleActions() & Qt::LinkAction)) {
linkAllowed = true;
if (mIsManualSortingActive && !dropOnItem) {
moveAllowed = true;
copyAllowed = false;
linkAllowed = false;
if (!moveAllowed && !copyAllowed && !linkAllowed) {
kDebug() << "Cannot drop here:" << event->possibleActions() << m_view->model()->supportedDragActions() << m_view->model()->supportedDropActions();
return false;
// first check whether the user pressed a modifier key to select a specific action
if ((QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) &&
(QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
if (linkAllowed) {
defaultAction = Qt::LinkAction;
actionCount = 1;
} else {
return false;
} else if ((QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) {
if (copyAllowed) {
defaultAction = Qt::CopyAction;
actionCount = 1;
} else {
return false;
} else if ((QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
if (moveAllowed) {
defaultAction = Qt::MoveAction;
actionCount = 1;
} else {
return false;
if (actionCount == 1) {
kDebug() << "Selecting drop action" << defaultAction << ", there are no other possibilities";
return true;
if (!mShowDropActionMenu) {
if (moveAllowed) {
defaultAction = Qt::MoveAction;
} else if (copyAllowed) {
defaultAction = Qt::CopyAction;
} else if (linkAllowed) {
defaultAction = Qt::LinkAction;
} else {
return false;
return true;
// otherwise show up a menu to allow the user to select an action
QMenu popup(m_view);
QAction *moveDropAction = 0;
QAction *copyDropAction = 0;
QAction *linkAction = 0;
QString sequence;
if (moveAllowed) {
sequence = QKeySequence(Qt::ShiftModifier).toString();
sequence.chop(1); // chop superfluous '+'
moveDropAction = popup.addAction(KIcon(QString::fromLatin1("go-jump")), i18n("&Move Here") + QLatin1Char('\t') + sequence);
if (copyAllowed) {
sequence = QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier).toString();
sequence.chop(1); // chop superfluous '+'
copyDropAction = popup.addAction(KIcon(QString::fromLatin1("edit-copy")), i18n("&Copy Here") + QLatin1Char('\t') + sequence);
if (linkAllowed) {
sequence = QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::ShiftModifier).toString();
sequence.chop(1); // chop superfluous '+'
linkAction = popup.addAction(KIcon(QLatin1String("edit-link")), i18n("&Link Here") + QLatin1Char('\t') + sequence);
popup.addAction(KIcon(QString::fromLatin1("process-stop")), i18n("C&ancel") + QLatin1Char('\t') + QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Escape).toString());
QAction *activatedAction = popup.exec(QCursor::pos());
if (!activatedAction) {
menuCanceled = true;
return false;
} else if (activatedAction == moveDropAction) {
} else if (activatedAction == copyDropAction) {
} else if (activatedAction == linkAction) {
} else {
menuCanceled = true;
return false;
return true;
void DragDropManager::startDrag(Qt::DropActions supportedActions)
QModelIndexList indexes;
bool sourceDeletable = true;
foreach (const QModelIndex &index, m_view->selectionModel()->selectedRows()) {
if (!m_view->model()->flags(index).testFlag(Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled)) {
if (sourceDeletable) {
Collection source = index.data(EntityTreeModel::CollectionRole).value<Collection>();
if (!source.isValid()) {
// index points to an item
source = index.data(EntityTreeModel::ParentCollectionRole).value<Collection>();
sourceDeletable = source.rights() & Collection::CanDeleteItem;
} else {
// index points to a collection
sourceDeletable = (source.rights() & Collection::CanDeleteCollection) && !source.hasAttribute<SpecialCollectionAttribute>() && !source.isVirtual();
if (indexes.isEmpty()) {
QMimeData *mimeData = m_view->model()->mimeData(indexes);
if (!mimeData) {
QDrag *drag = new QDrag(m_view);
if (indexes.size() > 1) {
drag->setPixmap(KIcon(QLatin1String("document-multiple")).pixmap(QSize(22, 22)));
} else {
QPixmap pixmap = indexes.first().data(Qt::DecorationRole).value<QIcon>().pixmap(QSize(22, 22));
if (pixmap.isNull()) {
pixmap = KIcon(QLatin1String("text-plain")).pixmap(QSize(22, 22));
if (!sourceDeletable) {
supportedActions &= ~Qt::MoveAction;
Qt::DropAction defaultAction = Qt::IgnoreAction;
if ((QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) &&
(QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
defaultAction = Qt::LinkAction;
} else if ((QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) {
defaultAction = Qt::CopyAction;
} else if ((QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
defaultAction = Qt::MoveAction;
drag->exec(supportedActions, defaultAction);
bool DragDropManager::showDropActionMenu() const
return mShowDropActionMenu;
void DragDropManager::setShowDropActionMenu(bool show)
mShowDropActionMenu = show;
bool DragDropManager::isManualSortingActive() const
return mIsManualSortingActive;
void DragDropManager::setManualSortingActive(bool active)
mIsManualSortingActive = active;