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* Copyright (C) 2006 Dmitry Morozhnikov <dmiceman@mail.ru>
* Copyright (C) 2011,2012 Laurent Montel <montel@kde.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "customtemplates.h"
#include "customtemplates_kfg.h"
#include "globalsettings_base.h"
#include "ui_customtemplates_base.h"
#include "pimcommon/texteditor/richtexteditor/richtexteditor.h"
#include <KIconLoader>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <KMessageBox>
#include <QWhatsThis>
using namespace TemplateParser;
CustomTemplates::CustomTemplates( const QList<KActionCollection*> &actionCollection,
QWidget *parent )
: QWidget( parent ),
mBlockChangeSignal( false )
mUi = new Ui_CustomTemplatesBase;
mUi->setupUi( this );
mUi->mAdd->setIcon( KIcon( QLatin1String("list-add") ) );
mUi->mAdd->setEnabled( false );
mUi->mRemove->setIcon( KIcon( QLatin1String("list-remove") ) );
mUi->mDuplicate->setIcon( KIcon( QLatin1String("edit-copy") ) );
mUi->mList->setColumnWidth( 0, 100 );
mUi->mList->header()->setStretchLastSection( true );
mUi->mList->setItemDelegate( new CustomTemplateItemDelegate( this ) );
mUi->mList->header()->setMovable( false );
mUi->mEditFrame->setEnabled( false );
mUi->mName->setTrapReturnKey( true );
connect( mUi->mEdit->editor(), SIGNAL(textChanged()),
this, SLOT(slotTextChanged()) );
connect( mUi->mToEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged()),
this, SLOT(slotTextChanged()) );
connect( mUi->mCCEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged()),
this, SLOT(slotTextChanged()) );
connect( mUi->mName, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),
this, SLOT(slotNameChanged(QString)) );
connect( mUi->mName, SIGNAL(returnPressed()),
this, SLOT(slotAddClicked()) );
connect( mUi->mInsertCommand, SIGNAL(insertCommand(QString,int)),
this, SLOT(slotInsertCommand(QString,int)) );
connect( mUi->mAdd, SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, SLOT(slotAddClicked()) );
connect( mUi->mRemove, SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, SLOT(slotRemoveClicked()) );
connect( mUi->mDuplicate, SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, SLOT(slotDuplicateClicked()) );
connect( mUi->mList, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)),
this, SLOT(slotListSelectionChanged()) );
connect( mUi->mList, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)),
this, SLOT(slotItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)) );
connect( mUi->mType, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
this, SLOT(slotTypeActivated(int)) );
connect( mUi->mKeySequenceWidget, SIGNAL(keySequenceChanged(QKeySequence)),
this, SLOT(slotShortcutChanged(QKeySequence)) );
mUi->mKeySequenceWidget->setCheckActionCollections( actionCollection );
mReplyPix = KIconLoader().loadIcon( QLatin1String("mail-reply-sender"), KIconLoader::Small );
mReplyAllPix = KIconLoader().loadIcon( QLatin1String("mail-reply-all"), KIconLoader::Small );
mForwardPix = KIconLoader().loadIcon( QLatin1String("mail-forward"), KIconLoader::Small );
mUi->mType->addItem( QPixmap(), i18nc( "Message->", "Universal" ) );
mUi->mType->addItem( mReplyPix, i18nc( "Message->", "Reply" ) );
mUi->mType->addItem( mReplyAllPix, i18nc( "Message->", "Reply to All" ) );
mUi->mType->addItem( mForwardPix, i18nc( "Message->", "Forward" ) );
mUi->mHelp->setText( i18n( "<a href=\"whatsthis\">How does this work?</a>" ) );
connect( mUi->mHelp, SIGNAL(linkActivated(QString)),
SLOT(slotHelpLinkClicked(QString)) );
slotNameChanged( mUi->mName->text() );
void CustomTemplates::slotHelpLinkClicked( const QString & )
const QString help =
i18n( "<qt>"
"<p>Here you can add, edit, and delete custom message "
"templates to use when you compose a reply or forwarding message. "
"Create the custom template by typing the name into the input box "
"and press the '+' button. Also, you can bind a keyboard "
"combination to the template for faster operations.</p>"
"<p>Message templates support substitution commands, "
"by simply typing them or selecting them from the "
"<i>Insert command</i> menu.</p>"
"<p>There are four types of custom templates: used to "
"<i>Reply</i>, <i>Reply to All</i>, <i>Forward</i>, and "
"<i>Universal</i> which can be used for all kinds of operations. "
"You cannot bind a keyboard shortcut to <i>Universal</i> templates.</p>"
"</qt>" );
QWhatsThis::showText( QCursor::pos(), help );
delete mUi;
mUi = 0;
void CustomTemplates::slotNameChanged( const QString &text )
mUi->mAdd->setEnabled( !text.isEmpty() );
QString CustomTemplates::indexToType( int index )
QString typeStr;
switch ( index ) {
case TUniversal:
typeStr = i18nc( "Message->", "Universal" );
/* case TNewMessage:
typeStr = i18n( "New Message" );
break; */
case TReply:
typeStr = i18nc( "Message->", "Reply" );
case TReplyAll:
typeStr = i18nc( "Message->", "Reply to All" );
case TForward:
typeStr = i18nc( "Message->", "Forward" );
typeStr = i18nc( "Message->", "Unknown" );
return typeStr;
void CustomTemplates::slotTextChanged()
QTreeWidgetItem *item = mUi->mList->currentItem();
if ( item ) {
CustomTemplateItem *vitem = static_cast<CustomTemplateItem*>( item );
vitem->setContent( mUi->mEdit->toPlainText() );
if ( !mBlockChangeSignal ) {
vitem->setTo( mUi->mToEdit->text() );
vitem->setCc( mUi->mCCEdit->text() );
if ( !mBlockChangeSignal ) {
emit changed();
void CustomTemplates::iconFromType( CustomTemplates::Type type, CustomTemplateItem *item )
switch ( type ) {
case TReply:
item->setIcon( 0, mReplyPix );
case TReplyAll:
item->setIcon( 0, mReplyAllPix );
case TForward:
item->setIcon( 0, mForwardPix );
item->setIcon( 0, QPixmap() );
void CustomTemplates::load()
const QStringList list = GlobalSettings::self()->customTemplates();
QStringList::const_iterator end( list.constEnd() );
for ( QStringList::const_iterator it = list.constBegin(); it != end; ++it ) {
CTemplates t(*it);
QKeySequence shortcut( t.shortcut() );
CustomTemplates::Type type = static_cast<Type>( t.type() );
CustomTemplateItem *item = new CustomTemplateItem( mUi->mList, *it, t.content(),
shortcut, type, t.to(), t.cC() );
item->setText( 1, *it );
item->setText( 0, indexToType( type ) );
iconFromType( type, item );
mUi->mRemove->setEnabled( mUi->mList->topLevelItemCount() > 0 && mUi->mList->currentItem() );
mUi->mDuplicate->setEnabled( mUi->mList->topLevelItemCount() > 0 && mUi->mList->currentItem() );
void CustomTemplates::save()
// Before saving the new templates, delete the old ones. That needs to be done before
// saving, since otherwise a new template with the new name wouldn't get saved.
KSharedConfig::Ptr config = KSharedConfig::openConfig( QLatin1String("customtemplatesrc"), KConfig::NoGlobals );
foreach ( const QString &item, mItemsToDelete ) {
CTemplates t( item );
const QString configGroup = t.currentGroup();
config->deleteGroup( configGroup );
QStringList list;
QTreeWidgetItemIterator lit( mUi->mList );
while ( *lit ) {
CustomTemplateItem * it = static_cast<CustomTemplateItem*>( *lit );
const QString name = it->text( 1 );
CTemplates t(name);
QString content = it->content();
if ( content.trimmed().isEmpty() ) {
content = QLatin1String("%BLANK");
t.setContent( content );
t.setShortcut( it->shortcut().toString() );
t.setType( it->customType() );
t.setTo( it->to() );
t.setCC( it->cc() );
GlobalSettings::self()->setCustomTemplates( list );
emit templatesUpdated();
void CustomTemplates::slotInsertCommand( const QString &cmd, int adjustCursor )
QTextCursor cursor = mUi->mEdit->editor()->textCursor();
cursor.insertText( cmd );
cursor.setPosition( cursor.position() + adjustCursor );
mUi->mEdit->editor()->setTextCursor( cursor );
bool CustomTemplates::nameAlreadyExists( const QString &str, QTreeWidgetItem *item )
QTreeWidgetItemIterator lit( mUi->mList );
while ( *lit ) {
const QString name = ( *lit )->text( 1 );
if ( ( name == str ) && ( (*lit) != item ) ) {
i18n( "A template with same name already exists." ),
i18n( "Cannot create template" ) );
return true;
return false;
void CustomTemplates::slotAddClicked()
const QString str = mUi->mName->text();
if ( !str.isEmpty() ) {
if ( nameAlreadyExists( str ) ) {
// KShortcut::null() doesn't seem to be present, although documented
// see slotShortcutChanged(). oh, and you should look up documentation on the EBN!
// FIXME There must be a better way of doing this...
QKeySequence nullShortcut;
CustomTemplateItem *item =
new CustomTemplateItem( mUi->mList, str, QString(), nullShortcut, TUniversal,
QString(), QString() );
item->setText( 0, indexToType( TUniversal ) );
item->setText( 1, str );
mUi->mList->setCurrentItem( item );
mUi->mRemove->setEnabled( true );
mUi->mDuplicate->setEnabled( true );
mUi->mKeySequenceWidget->setEnabled( false );
if ( !mBlockChangeSignal ) {
emit changed();
QString CustomTemplates::createUniqueName( const QString &name ) const
QString uniqueName = name;
int counter = 0;
bool found = true;
while ( found ) {
found = false;
QTreeWidgetItemIterator lit( mUi->mList );
while ( *lit ) {
const QString itemName = ( *lit )->text( 1 );
if ( !itemName.compare( uniqueName ) ) {
found = true;
uniqueName = name;
uniqueName += QLatin1String( " (" ) + QString::number( counter ) + QLatin1String( ")" );
return uniqueName;
void CustomTemplates::slotDuplicateClicked()
QTreeWidgetItem *currentItem = mUi->mList->currentItem();
if ( !currentItem ) {
CustomTemplateItem * origItem = static_cast<CustomTemplateItem*>( currentItem );
const QString templateName = createUniqueName( origItem->text( 1 ) );
// KShortcut::null() doesn't seem to be present, although documented
// see slotShortcutChanged(). oh, and you should look up documentation on the EBN!
// FIXME There must be a better way of doing this...
QKeySequence nullShortcut;
CustomTemplates::Type type = origItem->customType();
CustomTemplateItem *item =
new CustomTemplateItem( mUi->mList, templateName, origItem->content(), nullShortcut, type,
origItem->to(), origItem->cc() );
item->setText( 0, indexToType( type ) );
item->setText( 1, templateName );
iconFromType( type, item );
mUi->mList->setCurrentItem( item );
mUi->mRemove->setEnabled( true );
mUi->mDuplicate->setEnabled( true );
mUi->mKeySequenceWidget->setEnabled( type != TUniversal );
emit changed();
void CustomTemplates::slotRemoveClicked()
QTreeWidgetItem *item = mUi->mList->currentItem();
if ( !item ) {
const QString templateName = item->text( 1 );
if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(
i18nc( "@info", "Do you really want to remove template \"%1\"?", templateName ),
i18nc( "@title:window", "Remove Template?" ),
KStandardGuiItem::cancel() ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) {
mItemsToDelete.append( templateName );
delete mUi->mList->takeTopLevelItem( mUi->mList->indexOfTopLevelItem( item ) );
mUi->mRemove->setEnabled( mUi->mList->topLevelItemCount() > 0 );
mUi->mDuplicate->setEnabled( mUi->mList->topLevelItemCount() > 0 );
if ( !mBlockChangeSignal ) {
emit changed();
void CustomTemplates::slotListSelectionChanged()
QTreeWidgetItem *item = mUi->mList->currentItem();
if ( item ) {
mUi->mEditFrame->setEnabled( true );
CustomTemplateItem *vitem = static_cast<CustomTemplateItem*>( item );
mBlockChangeSignal = true;
mUi->mEdit->setPlainText( vitem->content() );
mUi->mKeySequenceWidget->setKeySequence( vitem->shortcut(),
KKeySequenceWidget::NoValidate );
CustomTemplates::Type type = vitem->customType();
mUi->mType->setCurrentIndex( mUi->mType->findText( indexToType ( type ) ) );
mUi->mToEdit->setText( vitem->to() );
mUi->mCCEdit->setText( vitem->cc() );
mBlockChangeSignal = false;
// I think the logic (originally 'vitem->mType==TUniversal') was inverted here:
// a key shortcut is only allowed for a specific type of template and not for
// a universal, as otherwise we won't know what sort of action to do when the
// key sequence is activated!
// This agrees with KMMainWidget::updateCustomTemplateMenus() -- marten
mUi->mKeySequenceWidget->setEnabled( type != TUniversal );
} else {
mUi->mEditFrame->setEnabled( false );
// see above
mUi->mType->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
void CustomTemplates::slotTypeActivated( int index )
QTreeWidgetItem *item = mUi->mList->currentItem();
if ( item ) {
CustomTemplateItem *vitem = static_cast<CustomTemplateItem*>( item );
CustomTemplates::Type customtype = static_cast<Type>(index);
vitem->setCustomType( customtype );
vitem->setText( 0, indexToType( customtype ) );
iconFromType( customtype, vitem );
// see slotListSelectionChanged() above
mUi->mKeySequenceWidget->setEnabled( customtype != TUniversal );
if ( !mBlockChangeSignal ) {
emit changed();
void CustomTemplates::slotShortcutChanged( const QKeySequence &newSeq )
QTreeWidgetItem *item = mUi->mList->currentItem();
if ( item ) {
CustomTemplateItem * vitem = static_cast<CustomTemplateItem*>( item );
vitem->setShortcut( newSeq );
if ( !mBlockChangeSignal ) {
emit changed();
void CustomTemplates::slotItemChanged( QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column )
if ( item ) {
CustomTemplateItem * vitem = static_cast<CustomTemplateItem*>( item );
if ( column == 1 ) {
const QString newName = vitem->text( 1 );
if( !newName.isEmpty() ) {
const QString oldName = vitem->oldName();
if ( nameAlreadyExists( newName, item ) ) {
vitem->setText( 1, oldName );
if ( newName != oldName ) {
mItemsToDelete.append( oldName );
vitem->setOldName( newName );
if ( !mBlockChangeSignal ) {
emit changed();
CustomTemplateItemDelegate::CustomTemplateItemDelegate( QObject *parent )
: QStyledItemDelegate( parent )
void CustomTemplateItemDelegate::setModelData( QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model,
const QModelIndex &index ) const
KLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<KLineEdit*>( editor );
const QString text = lineEdit->text();
if( !text.isEmpty() ) {
model->setData( index, text, Qt::EditRole );
QWidget *CustomTemplateItemDelegate::createEditor( QWidget *parent,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index ) const
if ( index.column() == 1 ) {
return QStyledItemDelegate::createEditor( parent, option, index );
return 0;
CustomTemplateItem::CustomTemplateItem( QTreeWidget *parent,
const QString &name,
const QString &content,
const QKeySequence &shortcut,
CustomTemplates::Type type,
const QString &to,
const QString &cc )
: QTreeWidgetItem( parent ),
mName( name ),
mContent( content ),
mType( type ),
mTo( to ),
mCC( cc )
setFlags( flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable );
void CustomTemplateItem::setCustomType( CustomTemplates::Type type )
mType = type;
CustomTemplates::Type CustomTemplateItem::customType() const
return mType;
QString CustomTemplateItem::to() const
return mTo;
QString CustomTemplateItem::cc() const
return mCC;
QString CustomTemplateItem::content() const
return mContent;
void CustomTemplateItem::setContent( const QString &content )
mContent = content;
void CustomTemplateItem::setTo( const QString &to )
mTo = to;
void CustomTemplateItem::setCc( const QString &cc )
mCC = cc;
QKeySequence CustomTemplateItem::shortcut() const
return mShortcut;
void CustomTemplateItem::setShortcut( const QKeySequence &shortcut )
mShortcut = shortcut;
QString CustomTemplateItem::oldName() const
return mName;
void CustomTemplateItem::setOldName( const QString &name )
mName = name;