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synced 2025-02-23 10:22:50 +00:00
1136 lines
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1136 lines
34 KiB
Copyright (c) 2009 Kevin Ottens <ervin@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "pane.h"
#include <KDE/KActionCollection>
#include <KDE/KActionMenu>
#include <KDE/KIcon>
#include <KDE/KLocale>
#include <KDE/KMenu>
#include <KDE/KXMLGUIClient>
#include <KToggleAction>
#include <QtCore/QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QAbstractProxyModel>
#include <QItemSelectionModel>
#include <QTabBar>
#include <QToolButton>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <akonadi/etmviewstatesaver.h>
#include "storagemodel.h"
#include "widget.h"
#include "core/settings.h"
#include "core/manager.h"
#include <akonadi/kmime/messagestatus.h>
#include "core/model.h"
namespace MessageList
class Pane::Private
Private( Pane *owner )
: q( owner ),
mXmlGuiClient( 0 ),
mActionMenu( 0 ),
mModel( 0 ),
mSelectionModel( 0 ),
mPreSelectionMode( Core::PreSelectLastSelected ),
mNewTabButton( 0 ),
mCloseTabButton( 0 ),
mCloseTabAction( 0 ),
mActivateNextTabAction( 0 ),
mActivatePreviousTabAction( 0 ),
mMoveTabLeftAction( 0 ),
mMoveTabRightAction( 0 ),
mPreferEmptyTab( false ),
mMaxTabCreated( 0 )
{ }
void onSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected );
void onNewTabClicked();
void onCloseTabClicked();
void activateTab();
void closeTab( QWidget * );
void onCurrentTabChanged();
void onTabContextMenuRequest( const QPoint &pos );
void activateNextTab();
void activatePreviousTab();
void moveTabLeft();
void moveTabRight();
void moveTabBackward();
void moveTabForward();
void changeQuicksearchVisibility(bool);
void addActivateTabAction(int i);
QItemSelection mapSelectionToSource( const QItemSelection &selection ) const;
QItemSelection mapSelectionFromSource( const QItemSelection &selection ) const;
void updateTabControls();
Pane * const q;
KXMLGUIClient *mXmlGuiClient;
KActionMenu *mActionMenu;
QAbstractItemModel *mModel;
QItemSelectionModel *mSelectionModel;
Core::PreSelectionMode mPreSelectionMode;
QHash<Widget*, QItemSelectionModel*> mWidgetSelectionHash;
QList<const QAbstractProxyModel*> mProxyStack;
QToolButton *mNewTabButton;
QToolButton *mCloseTabButton;
KAction *mCloseTabAction;
KAction *mActivateNextTabAction;
KAction *mActivatePreviousTabAction;
KAction *mMoveTabLeftAction;
KAction *mMoveTabRightAction;
bool mPreferEmptyTab;
int mMaxTabCreated;
} // namespace MessageList
using namespace Akonadi;
using namespace MessageList;
Pane::Pane( bool restoreSession, QAbstractItemModel *model, QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel, QWidget *parent )
: KTabWidget( parent ), d( new Private( this ) )
setDocumentMode( true );
d->mModel = model;
d->mSelectionModel = selectionModel;
// Build the proxy stack
const QAbstractProxyModel *proxyModel = qobject_cast<const QAbstractProxyModel*>( d->mSelectionModel->model() );
while (proxyModel) {
if (static_cast<const QAbstractItemModel*>(proxyModel) == d->mModel) {
d->mProxyStack << proxyModel;
const QAbstractProxyModel *nextProxyModel = qobject_cast<const QAbstractProxyModel*>(proxyModel->sourceModel());
if (!nextProxyModel) {
// It's the final model in the chain, so it is necessarily the sourceModel.
Q_ASSERT(qobject_cast<const QAbstractItemModel*>(proxyModel->sourceModel()) == d->mModel);
proxyModel = nextProxyModel;
} // Proxy stack done
d->mNewTabButton = new QToolButton( this );
d->mNewTabButton->setIcon( KIcon( QLatin1String( "tab-new" ) ) );
d->mNewTabButton->setToolTip( i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Open a new tab"));
d->mNewTabButton->setAccessibleName( i18n( "New tab" ) );
setCornerWidget( d->mNewTabButton, Qt::TopLeftCorner );
connect( d->mNewTabButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
SLOT(onNewTabClicked()) );
d->mCloseTabButton = new QToolButton( this );
d->mCloseTabButton->setIcon( KIcon( QLatin1String( "tab-close" ) ) );
d->mCloseTabButton->setToolTip( i18nc("@info:tooltip", "Close the current tab"));
d->mCloseTabButton->setAccessibleName( i18n( "Close tab" ) );
setCornerWidget( d->mCloseTabButton, Qt::TopRightCorner );
connect( d->mCloseTabButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
SLOT(onCloseTabClicked()) );
setTabsClosable( Core::Settings::self()->tabsHaveCloseButton() );
connect( this, SIGNAL(closeRequest(QWidget*)), SLOT(closeTab(QWidget*)) );
setMovable( true );
connect( d->mSelectionModel, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)),
this, SLOT(onSelectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)),
this, SLOT(onCurrentTabChanged()) );
setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
connect( this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)),
this, SLOT(onTabContextMenuRequest(QPoint)) );
connect( Core::Settings::self(), SIGNAL(configChanged()),
this, SLOT(updateTabControls()) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(mouseDoubleClick()),
this, SLOT(createNewTab()) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(mouseMiddleClick(QWidget*)),
this, SLOT(closeTab(QWidget*)) );
tabBar()->installEventFilter( this );
delete d;
void Pane::Private::addActivateTabAction(int i)
QString actionname;
actionname.sprintf("activate_tab_%02d", i);
KAction *action = new KAction( i18n("Activate Tab %1", i), q);
action->setShortcut( QKeySequence( QString::fromLatin1( "Alt+%1" ).arg( i ) ) );
mXmlGuiClient->actionCollection()->addAction( actionname, action );
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),q, SLOT(activateTab()) );
void Pane::setXmlGuiClient( KXMLGUIClient *xmlGuiClient )
d->mXmlGuiClient = xmlGuiClient;
KToggleAction * const showHideQuicksearch = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Quick Search Bar" ), this );
showHideQuicksearch->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_H );
showHideQuicksearch->setChecked( Core::Settings::showQuickSearch() );
d->mXmlGuiClient->actionCollection()->addAction( QLatin1String( "show_quick_search" ), showHideQuicksearch );
connect( showHideQuicksearch, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(changeQuicksearchVisibility(bool)) );
for ( int i=0; i<count(); ++i ) {
Widget *w = qobject_cast<Widget *>( widget( i ) );
w->setXmlGuiClient( d->mXmlGuiClient );
// Setup "View->Message List" actions.
if ( xmlGuiClient ) {
if ( d->mActionMenu ) {
d->mXmlGuiClient->actionCollection()->removeAction( d->mActionMenu );
d->mActionMenu = new KActionMenu( KIcon(), i18n( "Message List" ), this );
d->mXmlGuiClient->actionCollection()->addAction( QLatin1String( "view_message_list" ), d->mActionMenu );
MessageList::Util::fillViewMenu( d->mActionMenu->menu(), this );
KAction *action = new KAction( i18n("Create New Tab"), this );
action->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_O ) );
d->mXmlGuiClient->actionCollection()->addAction( QLatin1String( "create_new_tab" ), action );
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(onNewTabClicked()) );
d->mActionMenu->addAction( action );
d->mMaxTabCreated = count();
for (int i=1;i<10 && i<=count();++i) {
d->mCloseTabAction = new KAction( i18n("Close Tab"), this );
d->mCloseTabAction->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_W ) );
d->mXmlGuiClient->actionCollection()->addAction( QLatin1String( "close_current_tab" ), d->mCloseTabAction );
connect( d->mCloseTabAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(onCloseTabClicked()) );
d->mActionMenu->addAction( d->mCloseTabAction );
d->mCloseTabAction->setEnabled( false );
d->mActivateNextTabAction = new KAction( i18n("Activate Next Tab"),this );
d->mXmlGuiClient->actionCollection()->addAction( QLatin1String( "activate_next_tab" ), d->mActivateNextTabAction );
d->mActivateNextTabAction->setEnabled( false );
connect( d->mActivateNextTabAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(activateNextTab()) );
d->mActivatePreviousTabAction = new KAction( i18n("Activate Previous Tab"),this );
d->mXmlGuiClient->actionCollection()->addAction( QLatin1String( "activate_previous_tab" ), d->mActivatePreviousTabAction );
d->mActivatePreviousTabAction->setEnabled( false );
connect( d->mActivatePreviousTabAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(activatePreviousTab()) );
d->mMoveTabLeftAction = new KAction( i18n("Move Tab Left"),this );
d->mXmlGuiClient->actionCollection()->addAction( QLatin1String( "move_tab_left" ), d->mMoveTabLeftAction );
d->mMoveTabLeftAction->setEnabled( false );
connect( d->mMoveTabLeftAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(moveTabLeft()) );
d->mMoveTabRightAction = new KAction( i18n("Move Tab Right"),this );
d->mXmlGuiClient->actionCollection()->addAction( QLatin1String( "move_tab_right" ), d->mMoveTabRightAction );
d->mMoveTabRightAction->setEnabled( false );
connect( d->mMoveTabRightAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(moveTabRight()) );
bool Pane::selectNextMessageItem( MessageList::Core::MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter,
MessageList::Core::ExistingSelectionBehaviour existingSelectionBehaviour,
bool centerItem,
bool loop )
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
if ( w->view()->model()->isLoading() )
return true;
return w->selectNextMessageItem( messageTypeFilter, existingSelectionBehaviour, centerItem, loop );
} else {
return false;
bool Pane::selectPreviousMessageItem( MessageList::Core::MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter,
MessageList::Core::ExistingSelectionBehaviour existingSelectionBehaviour,
bool centerItem,
bool loop )
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
if ( w->view()->model()->isLoading() )
return true;
return w->selectPreviousMessageItem( messageTypeFilter, existingSelectionBehaviour, centerItem, loop );
} else {
return false;
bool Pane::focusNextMessageItem( MessageList::Core::MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, bool centerItem, bool loop )
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
if ( w->view()->model()->isLoading() )
return true;
return w->focusNextMessageItem( messageTypeFilter, centerItem, loop );
} else {
return false;
bool Pane::focusPreviousMessageItem( MessageList::Core::MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, bool centerItem, bool loop )
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
if ( w->view()->model()->isLoading() )
return true;
return w->focusPreviousMessageItem( messageTypeFilter, centerItem, loop );
} else {
return false;
void Pane::selectFocusedMessageItem( bool centerItem )
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
if ( w->view()->model()->isLoading() )
w->selectFocusedMessageItem( centerItem );
bool Pane::selectFirstMessageItem( MessageList::Core::MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, bool centerItem )
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
if ( w->view()->model()->isLoading() )
return true;
return w->selectFirstMessageItem( messageTypeFilter, centerItem );
} else {
return false;
bool Pane::selectLastMessageItem(Core::MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, bool centerItem)
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
if ( w->view()->model()->isLoading() )
return true;
return w->selectLastMessageItem( messageTypeFilter, centerItem );
} else {
return false;
void Pane::selectAll()
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
if ( w->view()->model()->isLoading() )
void Pane::setCurrentThreadExpanded( bool expand )
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
if ( w->view()->model()->isLoading() )
w->setCurrentThreadExpanded(expand );
void Pane::setAllThreadsExpanded( bool expand )
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
if ( w->view()->model()->isLoading() )
w->setAllThreadsExpanded( expand );
void Pane::setAllGroupsExpanded( bool expand )
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
if ( w->view()->model()->isLoading() )
void Pane::focusQuickSearch(const QString &selectedText)
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
void Pane::setQuickSearchClickMessage(const QString &msg)
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
void Pane::Private::onSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected )
if ( mPreferEmptyTab ) {
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( q->currentWidget() );
QItemSelectionModel * s = mWidgetSelectionHash[w];
// Deselect old before we select new - so that the messagelist can clear first.
s->select( mapSelectionToSource( deselected ), QItemSelectionModel::Deselect );
if ( s->selection().isEmpty() ) {
w->view()->model()->setPreSelectionMode( mPreSelectionMode );
s->select( mapSelectionToSource( selected ), QItemSelectionModel::Select );
QString label;
QIcon icon;
QString toolTip;
foreach ( const QModelIndex &index, s->selectedRows() ) {
label+= index.data( Qt::DisplayRole ).toString()+QLatin1String( ", " );
label.chop( 2 );
if ( label.isEmpty() ) {
label = i18nc( "@title:tab Empty messagelist", "Empty" );
icon = QIcon();
} else if ( s->selectedRows().size()==1 ) {
icon = s->selectedRows().first().data( Qt::DecorationRole ).value<QIcon>();
QModelIndex idx = s->selectedRows().first().parent();
toolTip = label;
while ( idx != QModelIndex() ) {
toolTip = idx.data().toString() + QLatin1Char( '/' ) + toolTip;
idx = idx.parent();
} else {
icon = KIcon( QLatin1String( "folder" ) );
const int index = q->indexOf( w );
q->setTabText( index, label );
q->setTabIcon( index, icon );
q->setTabToolTip( index, toolTip);
if ( mPreferEmptyTab ) {
disconnect( mSelectionModel, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)),
q, SLOT(onSelectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)) );
mSelectionModel->select( mapSelectionFromSource( s->selection() ),
QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect );
connect( mSelectionModel, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)),
q, SLOT(onSelectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)) );
void Pane::Private::activateTab()
q->tabBar()->setCurrentIndex( q->sender()->objectName().right( 2 ).toInt() -1 );
void Pane::Private::moveTabRight()
const int numberOfTab = q->tabBar()->count();
if( numberOfTab == 1 )
if ( QApplication::isRightToLeft() )
void Pane::Private::moveTabLeft()
const int numberOfTab = q->tabBar()->count();
if( numberOfTab == 1 )
if ( QApplication::isRightToLeft() )
void Pane::Private::moveTabForward()
const int currentIndex = q->tabBar()->currentIndex();
if ( currentIndex == q->tabBar()->count()-1 )
q->tabBar()->moveTab( currentIndex, currentIndex+1 );
void Pane::Private::moveTabBackward()
const int currentIndex = q->tabBar()->currentIndex();
if ( currentIndex == 0 )
q->tabBar()->moveTab( currentIndex, currentIndex-1 );
void Pane::Private::activateNextTab()
const int numberOfTab = q->tabBar()->count();
if( numberOfTab == 1 )
int indexTab = ( q->tabBar()->currentIndex() + 1 );
if( indexTab == numberOfTab )
indexTab = 0;
q->tabBar()->setCurrentIndex( indexTab );
void Pane::Private::activatePreviousTab()
const int numberOfTab = q->tabBar()->count();
if( numberOfTab == 1 )
int indexTab = ( q->tabBar()->currentIndex() - 1 );
if( indexTab == -1 )
indexTab = numberOfTab - 1;
q->tabBar()->setCurrentIndex( indexTab );
void Pane::Private::onNewTabClicked()
void Pane::Private::onCloseTabClicked()
closeTab( q->currentWidget() );
void Pane::Private::closeTab( QWidget *w )
if ( !w || (q->count() < 2) ) {
delete w;
void Pane::Private::changeQuicksearchVisibility(bool show)
for ( int i=0; i<q->count(); ++i ) {
Widget *w = qobject_cast<Widget *>( q->widget( i ) );
bool Pane::eventFilter( QObject *object, QEvent *event )
if ( event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress ) {
QMouseEvent * const mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent *>( event );
if ( mouseEvent->button() == Qt::MidButton ) {
return true;
return KTabWidget::eventFilter( object, event );
void Pane::Private::onCurrentTabChanged()
emit q->currentTabChanged();
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( q->currentWidget() );
QItemSelectionModel *s = mWidgetSelectionHash[w];
disconnect( mSelectionModel, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)),
q, SLOT(onSelectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)) );
mSelectionModel->select( mapSelectionFromSource( s->selection() ),
QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect );
connect( mSelectionModel, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)),
q, SLOT(onSelectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)) );
void Pane::Private::onTabContextMenuRequest( const QPoint &pos )
QTabBar *bar = q->tabBar();
if ( q->count() <= 1 ) return;
const int indexBar = bar->tabAt( bar->mapFrom( q, pos ) );
if ( indexBar == -1 ) return;
Widget *w = qobject_cast<Widget *>( q->widget( indexBar ) );
if ( !w ) return;
KMenu menu( q );
QAction *closeTabAction = menu.addAction( i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "Close Tab" ) );
closeTabAction->setIcon( KIcon( QLatin1String( "tab-close" ) ) );
QAction *allOther = menu.addAction( i18nc("@action:inmenu", "Close All Other Tabs" ) );
allOther->setIcon( KIcon( QLatin1String( "tab-close-other" ) ) );
QAction *action = menu.exec( q->mapToGlobal( pos ) );
if ( action == allOther ) { // Close all other tabs
QList<Widget *> widgets;
const int index = q->indexOf( w );
for ( int i=0; i<q->count(); ++i ) {
if ( i==index) continue; // Skip the current one
Widget *other = qobject_cast<Widget *>( q->widget( i ) );
widgets << other;
foreach ( Widget *other, widgets ) {
delete other;
} else if (action == closeTabAction) {
MessageList::StorageModel *Pane::createStorageModel( QAbstractItemModel *model, QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel, QObject *parent )
return new MessageList::StorageModel( model, selectionModel, parent );
void Pane::setCurrentFolder( const Akonadi::Collection &collection, bool, Core::PreSelectionMode preSelectionMode, const QString &overrideLabel )
d->mPreSelectionMode = preSelectionMode;
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
w->setCurrentFolder( collection );
QItemSelectionModel *s = d->mWidgetSelectionHash[w];
MessageList::StorageModel *m = createStorageModel( d->mModel, s, w );
w->setStorageModel( m, preSelectionMode );
if ( !overrideLabel.isEmpty() ) {
int index = indexOf( w );
setTabText( index, overrideLabel );
void Pane::updateTabIconText( const Akonadi::Collection &collection, const QString&label, const QIcon& icon )
for ( int i=0; i<count(); ++i ) {
Widget *w = qobject_cast<Widget *>( widget( i ) );
if ( w->currentCollection() == collection )
const int index = indexOf( w );
setTabText( index, label );
setTabIcon( index, icon );
QItemSelectionModel *Pane::createNewTab()
Widget * w = new Widget( this );
w->setXmlGuiClient( d->mXmlGuiClient );
addTab( w, i18nc( "@title:tab Empty messagelist", "Empty" ) );
if(d->mXmlGuiClient && count() < 10) {
if(d->mMaxTabCreated < count() ) {
d->mMaxTabCreated = count();
QItemSelectionModel *s = new QItemSelectionModel( d->mModel, w );
MessageList::StorageModel *m = createStorageModel( d->mModel, s, w );
w->setStorageModel( m );
d->mWidgetSelectionHash[w] = s;
connect( w, SIGNAL(messageSelected(Akonadi::Item)),
this, SIGNAL(messageSelected(Akonadi::Item)) );
connect( w, SIGNAL(messageActivated(Akonadi::Item)),
this, SIGNAL(messageActivated(Akonadi::Item)) );
connect( w, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()) );
connect( w, SIGNAL(messageStatusChangeRequest(Akonadi::Item,Akonadi::MessageStatus,Akonadi::MessageStatus)),
this, SIGNAL(messageStatusChangeRequest(Akonadi::Item,Akonadi::MessageStatus,Akonadi::MessageStatus)) );
connect( w, SIGNAL(statusMessage(QString)),
this, SIGNAL(statusMessage(QString)) );
setCurrentWidget( w );
return s;
QItemSelection Pane::Private::mapSelectionToSource( const QItemSelection &selection ) const
QItemSelection result = selection;
foreach ( const QAbstractProxyModel *proxy, mProxyStack ) {
result = proxy->mapSelectionToSource( result );
return result;
QItemSelection Pane::Private::mapSelectionFromSource( const QItemSelection &selection ) const
QItemSelection result = selection;
typedef QList<const QAbstractProxyModel*>::ConstIterator Iterator;
for ( Iterator it = mProxyStack.end()-1; it!=mProxyStack.begin(); --it ) {
result = (*it)->mapSelectionFromSource( result );
result = mProxyStack.first()->mapSelectionFromSource( result );
return result;
void Pane::Private::updateTabControls()
const bool enableAction = ( q->count()>1 );
if (mCloseTabButton)
mCloseTabButton->setEnabled( enableAction );
if ( mCloseTabAction )
mCloseTabAction->setEnabled( enableAction );
if ( mActivatePreviousTabAction )
mActivatePreviousTabAction->setEnabled( enableAction );
if ( mActivateNextTabAction )
mActivateNextTabAction->setEnabled( enableAction );
if ( mMoveTabRightAction )
mMoveTabRightAction->setEnabled( enableAction );
if ( mMoveTabLeftAction )
mMoveTabLeftAction->setEnabled( enableAction );
if ( Core::Settings::self()->autoHideTabBarWithSingleTab() ) {
q->tabBar()->setVisible( enableAction );
} else {
q->tabBar()->setVisible( true );
const bool hasCloseButton(Core::Settings::self()->tabsHaveCloseButton());
q->setTabsClosable( hasCloseButton );
if( hasCloseButton ) {
const int numberOfTab(q->count());
if( numberOfTab ==1) {
q->tabBar()->tabButton(0, QTabBar::RightSide)->setEnabled(false);
} else if(numberOfTab > 1) {
q->tabBar()->tabButton(0, QTabBar::RightSide)->setEnabled(true);
Item Pane::currentItem() const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w == 0 ) {
return Item();
return w->currentItem();
KMime::Message::Ptr Pane::currentMessage() const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w == 0 ) {
return KMime::Message::Ptr();
return w->currentMessage();
QList<KMime::Message::Ptr > Pane::selectionAsMessageList( bool includeCollapsedChildren ) const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w == 0 ) {
return QList<KMime::Message::Ptr>();
return w->selectionAsMessageList( includeCollapsedChildren );
QList<Akonadi::Item> Pane::selectionAsMessageItemList( bool includeCollapsedChildren ) const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w == 0 ) {
return QList<Akonadi::Item>();
return w->selectionAsMessageItemList( includeCollapsedChildren );
QList<Akonadi::Item::Id> Pane::selectionAsListMessageId( bool includeCollapsedChildren ) const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w == 0 ) {
return QList<Akonadi::Item::Id>();
return w->selectionAsListMessageId( includeCollapsedChildren );
QVector<qlonglong> Pane::selectionAsMessageItemListId( bool includeCollapsedChildren ) const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w == 0 ) {
return QVector<qlonglong>();
return w->selectionAsMessageItemListId( includeCollapsedChildren );
QList<Akonadi::Item> Pane::currentThreadAsMessageList() const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w == 0 ) {
return QList<Akonadi::Item>();
return w->currentThreadAsMessageList();
QList<Akonadi::Item> Pane::itemListFromPersistentSet( MessageList::Core::MessageItemSetReference ref )
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
return w->itemListFromPersistentSet(ref);
return QList<Akonadi::Item>();
void Pane::deletePersistentSet( MessageList::Core::MessageItemSetReference ref )
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
w->deletePersistentSet( ref );
void Pane::markMessageItemsAsAboutToBeRemoved( MessageList::Core::MessageItemSetReference ref, bool bMark )
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
w->markMessageItemsAsAboutToBeRemoved( ref, bMark );
QList<Akonadi::MessageStatus> Pane::currentFilterStatus() const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w == 0 ) {
return QList<Akonadi::MessageStatus>();
return w->currentFilterStatus();
QString Pane::currentFilterSearchString() const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
return w->currentFilterSearchString();
return QString();
bool Pane::isThreaded() const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
return w->isThreaded();
return false;
bool Pane::selectionEmpty() const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
return w->selectionEmpty();
return false;
bool Pane::getSelectionStats( Akonadi::Item::List &selectedItems,
Akonadi::Item::List &selectedVisibleItems,
bool * allSelectedBelongToSameThread,
bool includeCollapsedChildren ) const
Widget * w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w == 0 ) {
return false;
return w->getSelectionStats(
selectedItems, selectedVisibleItems,
allSelectedBelongToSameThread, includeCollapsedChildren
MessageList::Core::MessageItemSetReference Pane::selectionAsPersistentSet( bool includeCollapsedChildren ) const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w )
return w->selectionAsPersistentSet( includeCollapsedChildren );
return -1;
MessageList::Core::MessageItemSetReference Pane::currentThreadAsPersistentSet() const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w )
return w->currentThreadAsPersistentSet();
return -1;
void Pane::focusView()
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
QWidget *view = w->view();
if ( view )
void Pane::reloadGlobalConfiguration()
QItemSelectionModel* Pane::currentItemSelectionModel()
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w )
return w->view()->selectionModel();
return 0;
void Pane::resetModelStorage()
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w ) {
MessageList::StorageModel *m = static_cast<MessageList::StorageModel*>( w->storageModel() );
if ( m )
void Pane::setPreferEmptyTab( bool emptyTab )
d->mPreferEmptyTab = emptyTab;
void Pane::saveCurrentSelection()
for ( int i=0; i<count(); ++i ) {
Widget *w = qobject_cast<Widget *>( widget( i ) );
void Pane::updateTagComboBox()
for ( int i=0; i<count(); ++i ) {
Widget *w = qobject_cast<Widget *>( widget( i ) );
void Pane::writeConfig(bool restoreSession)
KConfigGroup conf( MessageList::Core::Settings::self()->config(),"MessageListPane");
// Delete list before
const QStringList list = MessageList::Core::Settings::self()->config()->groupList().filter( QRegExp( QLatin1String("MessageListTab\\d+") ) );
foreach ( const QString &group, list ) {
MessageList::Core::Settings::self()->config()->deleteGroup( group );
if (restoreSession) {
for ( int i=0; i<count(); ++i ) {
Widget *w = qobject_cast<Widget *>( widget( i ) );
KConfigGroup grp(MessageList::Core::Settings::self()->config(),QString::fromLatin1("MessageListTab%1").arg(i));
grp.writeEntry(QLatin1String("HeaderState"), w->view()->header()->saveState());
void Pane::readConfig(bool restoreSession)
if(restoreSession && MessageList::Core::Settings::self()->config()->hasGroup(QLatin1String("MessageListPane"))) {
KConfigGroup conf( MessageList::Core::Settings::self()->config(),"MessageListPane");
const int numberOfTab = conf.readEntry(QLatin1String("tabNumber"),0);
if(numberOfTab == 0) {
} else {
for(int i = 0; i<numberOfTab; ++i) {
KConfigGroup grp(MessageList::Core::Settings::self()->config(),QString::fromLatin1("MessageListTab%1").arg(i));
QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel = createNewTab();
#if 0
Akonadi::Collection::Id id = grp.readEntry(QLatin1String("collectionId"),-1);
ETMViewStateSaver *saver = new ETMViewStateSaver;
if(id != -1) {
ETMViewStateSaver *saver = new ETMViewStateSaver;
saver->restoreState( grp );
saver->restoreCurrentItem( QString::fromLatin1("c%1").arg(id) );
Q_UNUSED( selectionModel );
Widget *w = qobject_cast<Widget *>( widget( i ) );
} else {
bool Pane::searchEditHasFocus() const
Widget *w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
if ( w )
return w->searchEditHasFocus();
return false;
void Pane::sortOrderMenuAboutToShow()
KMenu * menu = dynamic_cast< KMenu * >( sender() );
if ( !menu )
const Widget * const w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
void Pane::aggregationMenuAboutToShow()
KMenu * menu = dynamic_cast< KMenu * >( sender() );
if ( !menu )
const Widget * const w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
void Pane::themeMenuAboutToShow()
KMenu * menu = dynamic_cast< KMenu * >( sender() );
if ( !menu )
const Widget * const w = static_cast<Widget*>( currentWidget() );
void Pane::populateStatusFilterCombo()
for ( int i=0; i<count(); ++i ) {
Widget *w = qobject_cast<Widget *>( widget( i ) );
#include "moc_pane.cpp"