2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

705 lines
20 KiB

* Copyright (C) 1997 by Stephan Kulow <coolo@kde.org>
* 2007 the ktimetracker developers
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include "task.h"
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QString>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <KDebug>
#include <KIconLoader>
#include <KComponentData>
#include <KCalCore/Event>
#include "ktimetrackerutility.h"
#include "ktimetracker.h"
#include "preferences.h"
QVector<QPixmap*> *Task::icons = 0;
Task::Task( const QString& taskName, const QString& taskDescription, long minutes, long sessionTime,
DesktopList desktops, TaskView *parent, bool konsolemode )
: QObject(), QTreeWidgetItem(parent)
init( taskName, taskDescription, minutes, sessionTime, 0, desktops, 0, 0, konsolemode );
Task::Task( const QString& taskName, const QString& taskDescription, long minutes, long sessionTime,
DesktopList desktops, Task *parent)
: QObject(), QTreeWidgetItem(parent)
init( taskName, taskDescription, minutes, sessionTime, 0, desktops, 0, 0 );
Task::Task( const KCalCore::Todo::Ptr &todo, TaskView* parent, bool konsolemode )
: QObject(), QTreeWidgetItem( parent )
long minutes = 0;
QString name;
QString description;
long sessionTime = 0;
QString sessionStartTiMe;
int percent_complete = 0;
int priority = 0;
DesktopList desktops;
parseIncidence( todo, minutes, sessionTime, sessionStartTiMe, name, description, desktops, percent_complete,
priority );
init( name, description, minutes, sessionTime, sessionStartTiMe, desktops, percent_complete, priority, konsolemode );
int Task::depth()
// Deliver the depth of a task, i.e. how many tasks are supertasks to it.
// A toplevel task has the depth 0.
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
int res=0;
Task* t=this;
while ( ( t = t->parent() ) ) res++;
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function. depth is:" << res;
return res;
void Task::init( const QString& taskName, const QString& taskDescription, long minutes, long sessionTime, QString sessionStartTiMe,
DesktopList desktops, int percent_complete, int priority, bool konsolemode )
const TaskView *taskView = qobject_cast<TaskView*>( treeWidget() );
// If our parent is the taskview then connect our totalTimesChanged
// signal to its receiver
if ( ! parent() )
connect( this, SIGNAL(totalTimesChanged(long,long)),
taskView, SLOT(taskTotalTimesChanged(long,long)));
connect( this, SIGNAL(deletingTask(Task*)),
taskView, SLOT(deletingTask(Task*)));
if (icons == 0)
icons = new QVector<QPixmap*>(8);
if (!konsolemode)
KIconLoader kil("ktimetracker");
for (int i=0; i<8; ++i)
QPixmap *icon = new QPixmap();
QString name;
*icon = kil.loadIcon( name, KIconLoader::User );
mRemoving = false;
mName = taskName.trimmed();
mDescription = taskDescription.trimmed();
mLastStart = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
mTotalTime = mTime = minutes;
mTotalSessionTime = mSessionTime = sessionTime;
mTimer = new QTimer(this);
mDesktops = desktops;
connect(mTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateActiveIcon()));
if ( !konsolemode ) setIcon(1, UserIcon(QString::fromLatin1("empty-watch.xpm")));
mCurrentPic = 0;
mPercentComplete = percent_complete;
mPriority = priority;
changeParentTotalTimes( mSessionTime, mTime);
// alignment of the number items
for (int i = 1; i < columnCount(); ++i)
setTextAlignment( i, Qt::AlignRight );
// .. but not the priority column
setTextAlignment( 5, Qt::AlignCenter );
emit deletingTask(this);
delete mTimer;
void Task::delete_recursive()
while ( this->child(0) )
Task* t=(Task*) this->child(0);
delete this;
void Task::setRunning( bool on, timetrackerstorage* storage, const QDateTime &when )
// This is the back-end, the front-end is StartTimerFor()
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
if ( on )
if (!mTimer->isActive())
mLastStart = when;
kDebug(5970) << "task has been started for " << when;
if (mTimer->isActive())
if ( ! mRemoving )
storage->stopTimer(this, when);
setIcon(1, UserIcon(QString::fromLatin1("empty-watch.xpm")));
void Task::resumeRunning()
// setRunning is the back-end, the front-end is StartTimerFor().
// resumeRunning does the same as setRunning, but not add a new
// start date to the storage.
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
if (!mTimer->isActive())
void Task::setUid( const QString &uid )
mUid = uid;
bool Task::isRunning() const
return mTimer->isActive();
void Task::setName( const QString& name, timetrackerstorage* storage )
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function, name=" << name;
QString oldname = mName;
if ( oldname != name )
mName = name;
storage->setName(this, oldname);
void Task::setDescription( const QString& description )
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function, description=" << description;
QString olddescription = mDescription;
if ( olddescription != description )
mDescription = description;
void Task::setPercentComplete(const int percent, timetrackerstorage *storage)
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function(" << percent <<", storage):" << mUid;
if (!percent)
mPercentComplete = 0;
else if (percent > 100)
mPercentComplete = 100;
else if (percent < 0)
mPercentComplete = 0;
mPercentComplete = percent;
if (isRunning() && mPercentComplete==100) taskView()->stopTimerFor(this);
// When parent marked as complete, mark all children as complete as well.
// This behavior is consistent with KOrganizer (as of 2003-09-24).
if (mPercentComplete == 100)
for ( int i = 0; i < childCount(); ++i )
Task *task = static_cast< Task* >( child( i ) );
task->setPercentComplete(mPercentComplete, storage);
// maybe there is a column "percent completed", so do a ...
void Task::setPriority( int priority )
if ( priority < 0 )
priority = 0;
else if ( priority > 9 )
priority = 9;
mPriority = priority;
void Task::setPixmapProgress()
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
QPixmap icon;
KIconLoader* kil = new KIconLoader();
if (mPercentComplete >= 100)
const QString iconcomplete=QString("task-complete.xpm");
icon = kil->loadIcon( iconcomplete, KIconLoader::User );
const QString iconincomplete=QString("task-incomplete.xpm");
icon = kil->loadIcon( iconincomplete, KIconLoader::User );
setIcon(0, icon);
delete kil;
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
bool Task::isComplete() { return mPercentComplete == 100; }
void Task::setDesktopList ( DesktopList desktopList )
mDesktops = desktopList;
QString Task::addTime( long minutes )
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
QString err;
this->addTotalTime( minutes );
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
return err;
QString Task::addTotalTime( long minutes )
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
QString err;
if ( parent() ) parent()->addTotalTime( minutes );
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
return err;
QString Task::addSessionTime( long minutes )
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
QString err;
this->addTotalSessionTime( minutes );
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
return err;
QString Task::addTotalSessionTime( long minutes )
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
QString err;
if ( parent() ) parent()->addTotalSessionTime( minutes );
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
return err;
QString Task::setTime( long minutes )
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
QString err;
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
return err;
QString Task::recalculatetotaltime()
QString result;
Task* child;
for (int i=0; i<this->childCount(); ++i)
return result;
QString Task::recalculatetotalsessiontime()
QString result;
Task* child;
for (int i=0; i<this->childCount(); ++i)
return result;
QString Task::setSessionTime( long minutes )
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
QString err;
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
return err;
void Task::changeTimes( long minutesSession, long minutes, timetrackerstorage* storage)
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
kDebug() << "Task's sessionStartTiMe is " << mSessionStartTiMe;
if( minutesSession != 0 || minutes != 0)
mSessionTime += minutesSession;
mTime += minutes;
if ( storage ) storage->changeTime(this, minutes * secsPerMinute);
changeTotalTimes( minutesSession, minutes );
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
void Task::changeTime( long minutes, timetrackerstorage* storage )
changeTimes( minutes, minutes, storage);
void Task::changeTotalTimes( long minutesSession, long minutes )
<< "Task::changeTotalTimes(" << minutesSession << ","
<< minutes << ") for" << name();
mTotalSessionTime += minutesSession;
mTotalTime += minutes;
changeParentTotalTimes( minutesSession, minutes );
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
void Task::resetTimes()
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
mTotalSessionTime -= mSessionTime;
mTotalTime -= mTime;
changeParentTotalTimes( -mSessionTime, -mTime);
mSessionTime = 0;
mTime = 0;
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
void Task::changeParentTotalTimes( long minutesSession, long minutes )
if ( isRoot() )
emit totalTimesChanged( minutesSession, minutes );
parent()->changeTotalTimes( minutesSession, minutes );
bool Task::remove( timetrackerstorage* storage)
kDebug(5970) << "entering function" << mName;
bool ok = true;
mRemoving = true;
if( isRunning() ) setRunning( false, storage );
for ( int i = 0; i < childCount(); ++i )
Task *task = static_cast< Task* >( child( i ) );
if ( task->isRunning() )
task->setRunning( false, storage );
task->remove( storage );
changeParentTotalTimes( -mSessionTime, -mTime);
mRemoving = false;
return ok;
void Task::updateActiveIcon()
mCurrentPic = (mCurrentPic+1) % 8;
setIcon(1, *(*icons)[mCurrentPic]);
QString Task::fullName() const
if (isRoot())
return name();
return parent()->fullName() + QString::fromLatin1("/") + name();
KCalCore::Todo::Ptr Task::asTodo(const KCalCore::Todo::Ptr &todo) const
Q_ASSERT( todo != NULL );
kDebug(5970) <<"Task::asTodo: name() = '" << name() <<"'";
todo->setSummary( name() );
todo->setDescription( description() );
// Note: if the date start is empty, the KOrganizer GUI will have the
// checkbox blank, but will prefill the todo's starting datetime to the
// time the file is opened.
// todo->setDtStart( current );
todo->setCustomProperty( KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName().toUtf8(),
QByteArray( "totalTaskTime" ), QString::number( mTime ) );
todo->setCustomProperty( KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName().toUtf8(),
QByteArray( "totalSessionTime" ), QString::number( mSessionTime) );
todo->setCustomProperty( KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName().toUtf8(),
QByteArray( "sessionStartTiMe" ), mSessionStartTiMe.toString() );
kDebug() << "mSessionStartTiMe=" << mSessionStartTiMe.toString() ;
if (getDesktopStr().isEmpty())
todo->removeCustomProperty(KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName().toUtf8(), QByteArray("desktopList"));
todo->setCustomProperty( KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName().toUtf8(),
QByteArray( "desktopList" ), getDesktopStr() );
todo->setOrganizer( KTimeTrackerSettings::userRealName() );
todo->setPriority( mPriority );
return todo;
bool Task::parseIncidence( const KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr &incident, long& minutes,
long& sessionMinutes, QString& sessionStartTiMe, QString& name, QString& description, DesktopList& desktops,
int& percent_complete, int& priority )
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
bool ok;
name = incident->summary();
description = incident->description();
mUid = incident->uid();
mComment = incident->description();
ok = false;
// if a KDE-karm-duration exists and not KDE-ktimetracker-duration, change this
if (
incident->customProperty( KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName().toUtf8(),
QByteArray( "totalTaskTime" )) == QString::null && incident->customProperty( "karm",
QByteArray( "totalTaskTime" )) != QString::null )
QByteArray( "totalTaskTime" ), incident->customProperty( "karm",
QByteArray( "totalTaskTime" )));
minutes = incident->customProperty( KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName().toUtf8(),
QByteArray( "totalTaskTime" )).toInt( &ok );
if ( !ok )
minutes = 0;
ok = false;
// if a KDE-karm-totalSessionTime exists and not KDE-ktimetracker-totalSessionTime, change this
if (
incident->customProperty( KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName().toUtf8(),
QByteArray( "totalSessionTime" )) == QString::null && incident->customProperty( "karm",
QByteArray( "totalSessionTime" )) != QString::null )
QByteArray( "totalSessionTime" ), incident->customProperty( "karm",
QByteArray( "totalSessionTime" )));
sessionMinutes = incident->customProperty( KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName().toUtf8(),
QByteArray( "totalSessionTime" )).toInt( &ok );
if ( !ok )
sessionMinutes = 0;
sessionStartTiMe=incident->customProperty( KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName().toUtf8(), QByteArray( "sessionStartTiMe" ));
// if a KDE-karm-deskTopList exists and no KDE-ktimetracker-DeskTopList, change this
if (
incident->customProperty( KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName().toUtf8(),
QByteArray( "desktopList" )) == QString::null && incident->customProperty( "karm",
QByteArray( "desktopList" )) != QString::null )
QByteArray( "desktopList" ), incident->customProperty( "karm",
QByteArray( "desktopList" )));
QString desktopList = incident->customProperty( KGlobal::mainComponent().componentName().toUtf8(),
QByteArray( "desktopList" ) );
QStringList desktopStrList = desktopList.split( QString::fromLatin1(","),
QString::SkipEmptyParts );
for ( QStringList::iterator iter = desktopStrList.begin();
iter != desktopStrList.end();
++iter )
int desktopInt = (*iter).toInt( &ok );
if ( ok )
desktops.push_back( desktopInt );
percent_complete = incident.staticCast<KCalCore::Todo>()->percentComplete();
priority = incident->priority();
return true;
QString Task::getDesktopStr() const
if ( mDesktops.empty() )
return QString();
QString desktopstr;
for ( DesktopList::const_iterator iter = mDesktops.begin();
iter != mDesktops.end();
++iter )
desktopstr += QString::number( *iter ) + QString::fromLatin1( "," );
desktopstr.remove( desktopstr.length() - 1, 1 );
return desktopstr;
void Task::cut()
// This is needed e.g. to move a task under its parent when loading.
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
changeParentTotalTimes( -mTotalSessionTime, -mTotalTime);
if ( ! parent() )
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
void Task::paste(Task* destination)
// This is needed e.g. to move a task under its parent when loading.
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
changeParentTotalTimes( mTotalSessionTime, mTotalTime);
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
void Task::move(Task* destination)
// This is used e.g. to move each task under its parent after loading.
kDebug(5970) << "Entering function";
kDebug(5970) << "Leaving function";
void Task::update()
// Update a row, containing one task
kDebug( 5970 ) << "Entering function";
bool b = KTimeTrackerSettings::decimalFormat();
setText( 0, mName );
setText( 1, formatTime( mSessionTime, b ) );
setText( 2, formatTime( mTime, b ) );
setText( 3, formatTime( mTotalSessionTime, b ) );
setText( 4, formatTime( mTotalTime, b ) );
setText( 5, mPriority > 0 ? QString::number( mPriority ) : "--" );
setText( 6, QString::number( mPercentComplete ) );
kDebug( 5970 ) << "Leaving function";
void Task::addComment( const QString &comment, timetrackerstorage* storage )
mComment = mComment + QString::fromLatin1("\n") + comment;
storage->addComment(this, comment);
void Task::startNewSession()
changeTimes( -mSessionTime, 0 );
//BEGIN Properties
QString Task::uid() const
return mUid;
QString Task::comment() const
return mComment;
int Task::percentComplete() const
return mPercentComplete;
int Task::priority() const
return mPriority;
QString Task::name() const
return mName;
QString Task::description() const
return mDescription;
QDateTime Task::startTime() const
return mLastStart;
KDateTime Task::sessionStartTiMe() const
return mSessionStartTiMe;
DesktopList Task::desktops() const
return mDesktops;