mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 10:22:50 +00:00
377 lines
14 KiB
377 lines
14 KiB
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<!-- Identities -->
<group name="IDENTITY">
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<!-- <label>Identity</label> -->
<!-- News reading options -->
<group name="READNEWS">
<!-- General options -->
<entry name="autoCheckGroups" key="autoCheck" type="Bool">
<label>Check for new articles automatically</label>
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<label>Maximum number of articles to fetch</label>
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<label>Automatically mark articles as read</label>
<entry name="autoMarkSeconds" key="markSecs" type="Int">
<label>Mark article as read after</label>
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<label>Mark crossposted articles as read</label>
<entry name="smartScrolling" type="Bool">
<label>Smart scrolling</label>
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<label>Show whole thread on expanding</label>
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<label>Default to expanded threads</label>
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<label>Show line count column</label>
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<label>Show score column</label>
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<label>Show unread count in thread</label>
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<label>Show Threads</label>
<entry name="dateFormat" type="Enum">
<choices name="KMime::DateFormatter::FormatType">
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<label>Standard format</label>
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<label>Localized format</label>
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<label>Fancy format</label>
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<label>ISO format</label>
<choice name="Custom">
<label>Custom format</label>
<label>Date format</label>
<entry name="customDateFormat" type="String">
<label>Custom date format</label>
<whatsthis><!-- taken from KMail -->
<qt><p><strong>These expressions may be used for the date:</strong></p>
<li>d - the day as a number without a leading zero (1-31)</li>
<li>dd - the day as a number with a leading zero (01-31)</li>
<li>ddd - the abbreviated day name (Mon - Sun)</li>
<li>dddd - the long day name (Monday - Sunday)</li>
<li>M - the month as a number without a leading zero (1-12)</li>
<li>MM - the month as a number with a leading zero (01-12)</li>
<li>MMM - the abbreviated month name (Jan - Dec)</li>
<li>MMMM - the long month name (January - December)</li>
<li>yy - the year as a two digit number (00-99)</li>
<li>yyyy - the year as a four digit number (0000-9999)</li>
<p><strong>These expressions may be used for the time:</strong></p>
<li>h - the hour without a leading zero (0-23 or 1-12 if AM/PM display)</li>
<li>hh - the hour with a leading zero (00-23 or 01-12 if AM/PM display)</li>
<li>m - the minutes without a leading zero (0-59)</li>
<li>mm - the minutes with a leading zero (00-59)</li>
<li>s - the seconds without a leading zero (0-59)</li>
<li>ss - the seconds with a leading zero (00-59)</li>
<li>z - the milliseconds without leading zeroes (0-999)</li>
<li>zzz - the milliseconds with leading zeroes (000-999)</li>
<li>AP - switch to AM/PM display. AP will be replaced by either "AM" or "PM".</li>
<li>ap - switch to AM/PM display. ap will be replaced by either "am" or "pm".</li>
<li>Z - time zone in numeric form (-0500)</li>
<p><strong>All other input characters will be ignored.</strong></p></qt>
<!-- Viewer options -->
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<label>Rewrap text when necessary</label>
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<label>Remove trailing empty lines</label>
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<label>Show signature</label>
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<label>Interpret emoticons and other formatting</label>
<entry name="quoteCharacters" type="String">
<label>Recognized quote characters</label>
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<label>Open attachments on click</label>
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<label>Show alternative contents as attachments</label>
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<label>Use fixed font</label>
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<label>Show reference bar</label>
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<label>Prefer HTML to plain text</label>
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<label>Allow external references in HTML</label>
<!-- Navigation options -->
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<label>Mark group as read goes to next group</label>
<entry name="markThreadReadGoNext" type="Bool">
<label>Mark thread as read goes to next unread thread</label>
<entry name="markThreadReadCloseThread" type="Bool">
<label>Mark thread as read closes the current thread</label>
<entry name="ignoreThreadGoNext" type="Bool">
<label>Ignore thread goes to the next unread thread</label>
<entry name="ignoreThreadCloseThread" type="Bool">
<label>Ignore thread closes the current thread</label>
<entry name="leaveGroupMarkAsRead" type="Bool">
<label>Leaving a group marks all articles as read</label>
<!-- Scoring -->
<group name="SCORING">
<entry name="ignoredThreshold" type="Int">
<label>Default score for ignored threads</label>
<entry name="watchedThreshold" type="Int">
<label>Default score for watched threads</label>
<!-- Caching options -->
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<label>Cache size for headers</label>
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<label>Cache size for articles</label>
<!-- posting settings -->
<group name="POSTNEWS">
<!-- technical settings -->
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<label>Use own default charset when replying</label>
<entry name="hostname" key="MIdhost" type="String">
<label>Host name used to generate the message ID.</label>
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<label>Generate message-id</label>
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<label>Do not add the "User-Agent" identification header</label>
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<label>Use external mailer</label>
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<label>Allow 8-bit encoding</label>
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<!-- composer settings -->
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<label>Word wrap at column</label>
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<label>Automatic Spellchecking</label>
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<label>Maximum line length if word wrap is enabled</label>
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<label>Append own signature automatically</label>
<entry name="rewrap" type="Bool">
<label>Rewrap quoted text automatically</label>
<entry name="includeSignature" key="incSig" type="Bool">
<label>Include the original author's signature in replies</label>
<entry name="cursorOnTop" type="Bool">
<label>Put the cursor below the introduction phrase</label>
<entry name="useExternalEditor" type="Bool">
<label>Start external editor automatically</label>
<entry name="Intro" type="String">
<label>Introduction phrase</label>
<default>%NAME wrote:</default>
<entry name="externalEditor" type="String">
<label>Path to external editor</label>
<default>kwrite %f</default>
<!-- appearance settings -->
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<!-- color settings -->
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<label>Use custom colors</label>
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<default code="true">KColorScheme(QPalette::Active, KColorScheme::View).background().color()</default>
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<label>Normal Text</label>
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<label>Read Thread</label>
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<label>Unread Thread</label>
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<label>Read Article</label>
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<label>Unread Article</label>
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<label>Valid Signature with Trusted Key</label>
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<label>Valid Signature with Untrusted Key</label>
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<label>Unchecked Signature</label>
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<label>Bad Signature</label>
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<label>HTML Message Warning</label>
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<label>Article Body</label>
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<label>Article Body (Fixed)</label>
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<label>Group List</label>
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<label>Article List</label>