2015-04-14 21:49:29 +00:00

931 lines
32 KiB

/* -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu" -*-
This file is part of KMail, the KDE mail client.
Copyright (c) 1997 Markus Wuebben <markus.wuebben@kde.org>
Copyright (c) 2009 Laurent Montel <montel@kde.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// define this to copy all html that is written to the readerwindow to
// filehtmlwriter.out in the current working directory
#include "kmreaderwin.h"
#include "settings/globalsettings.h"
#include "kmmainwidget.h"
#include "kmreadermainwin.h"
#include "kernel/mailkernel.h"
#include "dialog/addemailtoexistingcontactdialog.h"
#include "job/addemailtoexistingcontactjob.h"
#include "kdepim-version.h"
#include <kpimutils/email.h>
#include <libkdepim/job/addemailaddressjob.h>
#include <libkdepim/job/openemailaddressjob.h>
#include <libkdepim/job/addemaildisplayjob.h>
#include <libkdepim/misc/broadcaststatus.h>
#include "kmcommands.h"
#include "mailcommon/mdn/sendmdnhandler.h"
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include "messageviewer/header/headerstrategy.h"
#include "messageviewer/header/headerstyle.h"
#include "messageviewer/viewer/mailwebview.h"
#include "messageviewer/utils/markmessagereadhandler.h"
#include "messageviewer/settings/globalsettings.h"
#include "messageviewer/viewer/csshelper.h"
using MessageViewer::CSSHelper;
#include "util.h"
#include "utils/stringutil.h"
#include <kmime/kmime_mdn.h>
#include "messageviewer/viewer/viewer.h"
using namespace MessageViewer;
#include <messagecore/settings/globalsettings.h>
#include "messageviewer/viewer/attachmentstrategy.h"
#include "messagecomposer/sender/messagesender.h"
#include "messagecomposer/helper/messagefactory.h"
#include "messagecomposer/composer/composer.h"
#include "messagecomposer/part/textpart.h"
#include "messagecomposer/part/infopart.h"
#include <KIO/JobUiDelegate>
using MessageComposer::MessageFactory;
#include "messagecore/helpers/messagehelpers.h"
#include <Akonadi/Contact/ContactEditorDialog>
#include <kde_file.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kicon.h>
#include <kcodecs.h>
#include <ktoggleaction.h>
#include <kservice.h>
#include <KActionCollection>
#include <KMessageBox>
#include <KMenu>
#include <QClipboard>
// X headers...
#undef Never
#undef Always
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <util/mailutil.h>
using namespace KMail;
using namespace MailCommon;
KMReaderWin::KMReaderWin(QWidget *aParent,
QWidget *mainWindow,
KActionCollection* actionCollection,
Qt::WindowFlags aFlags )
: QWidget(aParent, aFlags ),
mMainWindow( mainWindow ),
mActionCollection( actionCollection ),
mMailToComposeAction( 0 ),
mMailToReplyAction( 0 ),
mMailToForwardAction( 0 ),
mAddAddrBookAction( 0 ),
mOpenAddrBookAction( 0 ),
mUrlSaveAsAction( 0 ),
mAddBookmarksAction( 0 ),
mAddEmailToExistingContactAction( 0 )
QVBoxLayout * vlay = new QVBoxLayout( this );
vlay->setMargin( 0 );
mViewer = new Viewer( this, mainWindow, mActionCollection );
mViewer->setExternalWindow( true );
mViewer->setAppName( QLatin1String("KMail") );
connect( mViewer, SIGNAL(urlClicked(Akonadi::Item,KUrl)),
this, SLOT(slotUrlClicked(Akonadi::Item,KUrl)) );
connect( mViewer, SIGNAL(requestConfigSync()), kmkernel, SLOT(slotRequestConfigSync()), Qt::QueuedConnection ); // happens anyway on shutdown, so we can skip it there with using a queued connection
connect( mViewer, SIGNAL(makeResourceOnline(MessageViewer::Viewer::ResourceOnlineMode)), kmkernel, SLOT(makeResourceOnline(MessageViewer::Viewer::ResourceOnlineMode)));
connect( mViewer, SIGNAL(showReader(KMime::Content*,bool,QString)),
this, SLOT(slotShowReader(KMime::Content*,bool,QString)) );
connect( mViewer, SIGNAL(showMessage(KMime::Message::Ptr,QString)),
this, SLOT(slotShowMessage(KMime::Message::Ptr,QString)) );
connect( mViewer, SIGNAL(showStatusBarMessage(QString)),
this, SIGNAL(showStatusBarMessage(QString)) );
connect( mViewer, SIGNAL(deleteMessage(Akonadi::Item)),
this, SLOT(slotDeleteMessage(Akonadi::Item)) );
mViewer->addMessageLoadedHandler( new MessageViewer::MarkMessageReadHandler( this ) );
mViewer->addMessageLoadedHandler( new MailCommon::SendMdnHandler( kmkernel, this ) );
vlay->addWidget( mViewer );
void KMReaderWin::createActions()
KActionCollection *ac = mActionCollection;
if ( !ac ) {
// Message Menu
// new message to
mMailToComposeAction = new KAction( KIcon( QLatin1String("mail-message-new") ),
i18n( "New Message To..." ), this );
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("mail_new"), mMailToComposeAction );
mMailToComposeAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
connect( mMailToComposeAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotMailtoCompose()) );
// reply to
mMailToReplyAction = new KAction( KIcon( QLatin1String("mail-reply-sender") ),
i18n( "Reply To..." ), this );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("mailto_reply"), mMailToReplyAction );
mMailToReplyAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
connect( mMailToReplyAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotMailtoReply()) );
// forward to
mMailToForwardAction = new KAction( KIcon( QLatin1String("mail-forward" )),
i18n( "Forward To..." ), this );
mMailToForwardAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("mailto_forward"), mMailToForwardAction );
connect( mMailToForwardAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotMailtoForward()) );
// add to addressbook
mAddAddrBookAction = new KAction( KIcon(QLatin1String( "contact-new") ),
i18n( "Add to Address Book" ), this );
mAddAddrBookAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("add_addr_book"), mAddAddrBookAction );
connect( mAddAddrBookAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotMailtoAddAddrBook()) );
mAddEmailToExistingContactAction = new KAction( KIcon(QLatin1String( "contact-new") ),
i18n( "Add to Existing Contact" ), this );
mAddEmailToExistingContactAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("add_to_existing_contact"), mAddAddrBookAction );
connect( mAddEmailToExistingContactAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotMailToAddToExistingContact()) );
// open in addressbook
mOpenAddrBookAction = new KAction( KIcon( QLatin1String("view-pim-contacts") ),
i18n( "Open in Address Book" ), this );
mOpenAddrBookAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("openin_addr_book"), mOpenAddrBookAction );
connect( mOpenAddrBookAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotMailtoOpenAddrBook()) );
// bookmark message
mAddBookmarksAction = new KAction( KIcon( QLatin1String("bookmark-new") ), i18n( "Bookmark This Link" ), this );
mAddBookmarksAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("add_bookmarks"), mAddBookmarksAction );
connect( mAddBookmarksAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotAddBookmarks()) );
mEditContactAction = new KAction( KIcon( QLatin1String("view-pim-contacts") ),
i18n( "Edit contact..." ), this );
mEditContactAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("edit_contact"), mOpenAddrBookAction );
connect( mEditContactAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
SLOT(slotEditContact()) );
// save URL as
mUrlSaveAsAction = new KAction( i18n( "Save Link As..." ), this );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("saveas_url"), mUrlSaveAsAction );
mUrlSaveAsAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
connect( mUrlSaveAsAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotUrlSave()) );
// find text
KAction *action = new KAction(KIcon(QLatin1String("edit-find")), i18n("&Find in Message..."), this);
ac->addAction(QLatin1String("find_in_messages"), action );
connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotFind()));
// save Image On Disk
mImageUrlSaveAsAction = new KAction( i18n( "Save Image On Disk..." ), this );
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("saveas_imageurl"), mImageUrlSaveAsAction );
mImageUrlSaveAsAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
connect( mImageUrlSaveAsAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotSaveImageOnDisk()) );
// View html options
mViewHtmlOptions = new KMenu(i18n("Show HTML Format"));
mViewAsHtml = new KAction( i18n("Show HTML format when mail comes from this contact"), mViewHtmlOptions);
mViewAsHtml->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
connect( mViewAsHtml, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotContactHtmlOptions()));
mLoadExternalReference = new KAction( i18n("Load external reference when mail comes for this contact"), mViewHtmlOptions);
mLoadExternalReference->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
connect(mLoadExternalReference, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotContactHtmlOptions()));
mShareImage = new KAction(i18n("Share image..."), this);
ac->addAction( QLatin1String("share_imageurl"), mShareImage );
mShareImage->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
connect(mShareImage, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotShareImage()));
void KMReaderWin::setUseFixedFont( bool useFixedFont )
mViewer->setUseFixedFont( useFixedFont );
bool KMReaderWin::isFixedFont() const
return mViewer->isFixedFont();
void KMReaderWin::readConfig(void)
void KMReaderWin::setAttachmentStrategy( const AttachmentStrategy * strategy ) {
mViewer->setAttachmentStrategy( strategy );
void KMReaderWin::setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( HeaderStyle * style,
HeaderStrategy * strategy ) {
mViewer->setHeaderStyleAndStrategy( style, strategy );
void KMReaderWin::setOverrideEncoding( const QString & encoding )
mViewer->setOverrideEncoding( encoding );
void KMReaderWin::clearCache()
// enter items for the "Important changes" list here:
static const char * const kmailChanges[] = {
I18N_NOOP( "KMail is now based on the Akonadi Personal Information Management framework, which brings many "
"changes all around.")
static const int numKMailChanges =
sizeof kmailChanges / sizeof *kmailChanges;
// enter items for the "new features" list here, so the main body of
// the welcome page can be left untouched (probably much easier for
// the translators). Note that the <li>...</li> tags are added
// automatically below:
static const char * const kmailNewFeatures[] = {
I18N_NOOP( "Push email (IMAP IDLE)" ),
I18N_NOOP( "Improved virtual folders" ),
I18N_NOOP( "Improved searches" ),
I18N_NOOP( "Support for adding notes (annotations) to mails" ),
I18N_NOOP( "Tag folders" ),
I18N_NOOP( "Less GUI freezes, mail checks happen in the background" )
static const int numKMailNewFeatures =
sizeof kmailNewFeatures / sizeof *kmailNewFeatures;
QString KMReaderWin::newFeaturesMD5()
QByteArray str;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numKMailChanges ; ++i )
str += kmailChanges[i];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numKMailNewFeatures ; ++i )
str += kmailNewFeatures[i];
KMD5 md5( str );
return QLatin1String(md5.base64Digest());
void KMReaderWin::displaySplashPage( const QString &info )
mViewer->displaySplashPage( info );
void KMReaderWin::displayBusyPage()
const QString info =
i18n( "<h2 style='margin-top: 0px;'>Retrieving Folder Contents</h2><p>Please wait . . .</p>&nbsp;" );
displaySplashPage( info );
void KMReaderWin::displayOfflinePage()
const QString info =
i18n( "<h2 style='margin-top: 0px;'>Offline</h2><p>KMail is currently in offline mode. "
"Click <a href=\"kmail:goOnline\">here</a> to go online . . .</p>&nbsp;" );
displaySplashPage( info );
void KMReaderWin::displayResourceOfflinePage()
const QString info =
i18n( "<h2 style='margin-top: 0px;'>Offline</h2><p>Account is currently in offline mode. "
"Click <a href=\"kmail:goResourceOnline\">here</a> to go online . . .</p>&nbsp;" );
displaySplashPage( info );
void KMReaderWin::displayAboutPage()
KLocalizedString info =
ki18nc("%1: KMail version; %2: help:// URL; "
"%3: generated list of new features; "
"%4: First-time user text (only shown on first start); "
"%5: generated list of important changes; "
"--- end of comment ---",
"<h2 style='margin-top: 0px;'>Welcome to KMail %1</h2><p>KMail is the email client by KDE. "
"It is designed to be fully compatible with "
"Internet mailing standards including MIME, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP."
"<ul><li>KMail has many powerful features which are described in the "
"<a href=\"%2\">documentation</a></li>\n"
"%5\n" // important changes
"%3\n" // new features
"%4\n" // first start info
"<p>We hope that you will enjoy KMail.</p>\n"
"<p>Thank you,</p>\n"
"<p style='margin-bottom: 0px'>&nbsp; &nbsp; The KMail Team</p>")
.subs( QLatin1String(KDEPIM_VERSION) )
.subs( QLatin1String("help:/kmail/index.html") );
if ( ( numKMailNewFeatures > 1 ) || ( numKMailNewFeatures == 1 && strlen(kmailNewFeatures[0]) > 0 ) ) {
QString featuresText =
i18n("<p>Some of the new features in this release of KMail include "
"(compared to KMail %1, which is part of KDE Software Compilation %2):</p>\n",
QLatin1String("1.13"), QLatin1String(KDE::versionString()) ); // prior KMail and KDE version
featuresText += QLatin1String("<ul>\n");
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numKMailNewFeatures ; ++i )
featuresText += QLatin1String("<li>") + i18n( kmailNewFeatures[i] ) + QLatin1String("</li>\n");
featuresText += QLatin1String("</ul>\n");
info = info.subs( featuresText );
info = info.subs( QString() ); // remove the place holder
if( kmkernel->firstStart() ) {
info = info.subs( i18n("<p>Please take a moment to fill in the KMail "
"configuration panel at Settings-&gt;Configure "
"You need to create at least a default identity and "
"an incoming as well as outgoing mail account."
"</p>\n") );
} else {
info = info.subs( QString() ); // remove the place holder
if ( ( numKMailChanges > 1 ) || ( numKMailChanges == 1 && strlen(kmailChanges[0]) > 0 ) ) {
QString changesText =
i18n("<p><span style='font-size:125%; font-weight:bold;'>"
"Important changes</span> (compared to KMail %1):</p>\n",
changesText += QLatin1String("<ul>\n");
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numKMailChanges ; ++i )
changesText += i18n("<li>%1</li>\n", i18n( kmailChanges[i] ) );
changesText += QLatin1String("</ul>\n");
info = info.subs( changesText );
info = info.subs( QString() ); // remove the place holder
displaySplashPage( info.toString() );
void KMReaderWin::slotFind()
void KMReaderWin::slotCopySelectedText()
QString selection = mViewer->selectedText();
selection.replace( QChar::Nbsp, QLatin1Char(' ') );
QApplication::clipboard()->setText( selection );
void KMReaderWin::setMsgPart( KMime::Content* aMsgPart )
mViewer->setMessagePart( aMsgPart );
QString KMReaderWin::copyText() const
return mViewer->selectedText();
MessageViewer::Viewer::DisplayFormatMessage KMReaderWin::displayFormatMessageOverwrite() const
return mViewer->displayFormatMessageOverwrite();
void KMReaderWin::setDisplayFormatMessageOverwrite(MessageViewer::Viewer::DisplayFormatMessage format)
void KMReaderWin::setHtmlLoadExtOverride( bool override )
mViewer->setHtmlLoadExtOverride( override );
bool KMReaderWin::htmlMail() const
return mViewer->htmlMail();
bool KMReaderWin::htmlLoadExternal()
return mViewer->htmlLoadExternal();
Akonadi::Item KMReaderWin::message() const
return mViewer->messageItem();
void KMReaderWin::slotMailtoCompose()
KMCommand *command = new KMMailtoComposeCommand( urlClicked(), message() );
void KMReaderWin::slotMailtoForward()
KMCommand *command = new KMMailtoForwardCommand( mMainWindow, urlClicked(),
message() );
void KMReaderWin::slotMailtoAddAddrBook()
const KUrl url = urlClicked();
if( url.isEmpty() )
const QString emailString = KPIMUtils::decodeMailtoUrl( url );
KPIM::AddEmailAddressJob *job = new KPIM::AddEmailAddressJob( emailString, mMainWindow, this );
void KMReaderWin::slotMailToAddToExistingContact()
const KUrl url = urlClicked();
if( url.isEmpty() )
const QString emailString = KPIMUtils::decodeMailtoUrl( url );
QPointer<AddEmailToExistingContactDialog> dlg = new AddEmailToExistingContactDialog(this);
if (dlg->exec()) {
Akonadi::Item item = dlg->selectedContact();
if (item.isValid()) {
AddEmailToExistingContactJob *job = new AddEmailToExistingContactJob(item, emailString, this);
delete dlg;
void KMReaderWin::slotMailtoOpenAddrBook()
const KUrl url = urlClicked();
if( url.isEmpty() )
const QString emailString = KPIMUtils::decodeMailtoUrl( url ).toLower();
KPIM::OpenEmailAddressJob *job = new KPIM::OpenEmailAddressJob( emailString, mMainWindow, this );
void KMReaderWin::slotAddBookmarks()
const KUrl url = urlClicked();
if( url.isEmpty() )
KMCommand *command = new KMAddBookmarksCommand( url, this );
void KMReaderWin::slotUrlSave()
const KUrl url = urlClicked();
if( url.isEmpty() )
KMCommand *command = new KMUrlSaveCommand( url, mMainWindow );
void KMReaderWin::slotSaveImageOnDisk()
const KUrl url = imageUrlClicked();
if( url.isEmpty() )
KMCommand *command = new KMUrlSaveCommand( url, mMainWindow );
void KMReaderWin::slotMailtoReply()
KMCommand *command = new KMMailtoReplyCommand( mMainWindow, urlClicked(),
message(), copyText() );
CSSHelper* KMReaderWin::cssHelper() const
return mViewer->cssHelper();
bool KMReaderWin::htmlLoadExtOverride() const
return mViewer->htmlLoadExtOverride();
void KMReaderWin::setDecryptMessageOverwrite( bool overwrite )
mViewer->setDecryptMessageOverwrite( overwrite );
const AttachmentStrategy * KMReaderWin::attachmentStrategy() const
return mViewer->attachmentStrategy();
QString KMReaderWin::overrideEncoding() const
return mViewer->overrideEncoding();
KToggleAction *KMReaderWin::toggleFixFontAction() const
return mViewer->toggleFixFontAction();
KAction *KMReaderWin::toggleMimePartTreeAction() const
return mViewer->toggleMimePartTreeAction();
KAction *KMReaderWin::selectAllAction() const
return mViewer->selectAllAction();
const HeaderStrategy * KMReaderWin::headerStrategy() const
return mViewer->headerStrategy();
HeaderStyle * KMReaderWin::headerStyle() const
return mViewer->headerStyle();
KAction *KMReaderWin::copyURLAction() const
return mViewer->copyURLAction();
KAction *KMReaderWin::copyImageLocation() const
return mViewer->copyImageLocation();
KAction *KMReaderWin::copyAction() const
return mViewer->copyAction();
KAction *KMReaderWin::viewSourceAction() const
return mViewer->viewSourceAction();
KAction *KMReaderWin::saveAsAction() const
return mViewer->saveAsAction();
KAction *KMReaderWin::findInMessageAction() const
return mViewer->findInMessageAction();
KAction *KMReaderWin::urlOpenAction() const
return mViewer->urlOpenAction();
void KMReaderWin::setPrinting(bool enable)
mViewer->setPrinting( enable );
KAction* KMReaderWin::speakTextAction() const
return mViewer->speakTextAction();
KAction* KMReaderWin::downloadImageToDiskAction() const
return mImageUrlSaveAsAction;
KAction* KMReaderWin::translateAction() const
return mViewer->translateAction();
void KMReaderWin::clear(bool force )
mViewer->clear( force ? Viewer::Force : Viewer::Delayed );
void KMReaderWin::setMessage( const Akonadi::Item &item, Viewer::UpdateMode updateMode)
kDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << parentWidget();
mViewer->setMessageItem( item, updateMode );
void KMReaderWin::setMessage( KMime::Message::Ptr message)
mViewer->setMessage( message );
KUrl KMReaderWin::urlClicked() const
return mViewer->urlClicked();
KUrl KMReaderWin::imageUrlClicked() const
return mViewer->imageUrlClicked();
void KMReaderWin::update( bool force )
mViewer->update( force ? Viewer::Force : Viewer::Delayed );
void KMReaderWin::slotUrlClicked( const Akonadi::Item & item, const KUrl & url )
if ( item.isValid() && item.parentCollection().isValid() ) {
QSharedPointer<FolderCollection> fd = FolderCollection::forCollection(
MailCommon::Util::updatedCollection( item.parentCollection() ), false );
KMail::Util::handleClickedURL( url, fd );
//No folder so we can't have identity and template.
KMail::Util::handleClickedURL( url );
void KMReaderWin::slotShowReader( KMime::Content* msgPart, bool html, const QString &encoding )
const MessageViewer::Viewer::DisplayFormatMessage format = html ? MessageViewer::Viewer::Html : MessageViewer::Viewer::Text;
KMReaderMainWin *win = new KMReaderMainWin( msgPart, format, encoding );
void KMReaderWin::slotShowMessage( KMime::Message::Ptr message, const QString& encoding )
KMReaderMainWin *win = new KMReaderMainWin();
win->showMessage( encoding, message );
void KMReaderWin::slotDeleteMessage(const Akonadi::Item& item)
if ( !item.isValid() )
KMTrashMsgCommand *command = new KMTrashMsgCommand( item.parentCollection(), item, -1 );
bool KMReaderWin::printSelectedText(bool preview)
const QString str = mViewer->selectedText();
return false;
::MessageComposer::Composer* composer = new ::MessageComposer::Composer;
KMime::Message::Ptr messagePtr = message().payload<KMime::Message::Ptr>();
connect( composer, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)),
this, SLOT(slotPrintComposeResult(KJob*)) );
return true;
void KMReaderWin::slotPrintComposeResult( KJob *job )
const bool preview = job->property("preview").toBool();
Q_ASSERT( dynamic_cast< ::MessageComposer::Composer* >( job ) );
::MessageComposer::Composer* composer = dynamic_cast< ::MessageComposer::Composer* >( job );
if( composer->error() == ::MessageComposer::Composer::NoError ) {
Q_ASSERT( composer->resultMessages().size() == 1 );
Akonadi::Item printItem;
printItem.setPayload<KMime::Message::Ptr>( composer->resultMessages().first() );
const bool useFixedFont = MessageViewer::GlobalSettings::self()->useFixedFont();
const QString overrideEncoding = MessageCore::GlobalSettings::self()->overrideCharacterEncoding();
KMPrintCommand *command = new KMPrintCommand( this, printItem, mViewer->headerStyle(), mViewer->headerStrategy()
, mViewer->displayFormatMessageOverwrite(), mViewer->htmlLoadExternal() ,useFixedFont, overrideEncoding );
command->setPrintPreview( preview );
} else {
if ( static_cast<KIO::Job*>(job)->ui() ) {
} else {
kWarning() << "Composer for printing failed:" << composer->errorString();
void KMReaderWin::clearContactItem()
mSearchedContact = Akonadi::Item();
mSearchedAddress = KABC::Addressee();
void KMReaderWin::setContactItem(const Akonadi::Item& contact, const KABC::Addressee &address)
mSearchedContact = contact;
mSearchedAddress = address;
void KMReaderWin::updateHtmlActions()
if (!mSearchedContact.isValid()) {
} else {
const QStringList customs = mSearchedAddress.customs();
Q_FOREACH ( const QString& custom, customs ) {
if ( custom.contains(QLatin1String( "MailPreferedFormatting")) ) {
const QString value = mSearchedAddress.custom( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK" ), QLatin1String( "MailPreferedFormatting" ) );
mViewAsHtml->setChecked(value == QLatin1String( "HTML" ));
} else if ( custom.contains(QLatin1String( "MailAllowToRemoteContent")) ) {
const QString value = mSearchedAddress.custom( QLatin1String( "KADDRESSBOOK" ), QLatin1String( "MailAllowToRemoteContent" ) );
mLoadExternalReference->setChecked(( value == QLatin1String( "TRUE" ) ));
void KMReaderWin::slotContactHtmlOptions()
const KUrl url = urlClicked();
if( url.isEmpty() )
const QString emailString = KPIMUtils::decodeMailtoUrl( url ).toLower();
KPIM::AddEmailDiplayJob *job = new KPIM::AddEmailDiplayJob( emailString, mMainWindow, this );
void KMReaderWin::slotEditContact()
if( mSearchedContact.isValid() ) {
QPointer<Akonadi::ContactEditorDialog> dlg =
new Akonadi::ContactEditorDialog( Akonadi::ContactEditorDialog::EditMode, this );
connect( dlg, SIGNAL(contactStored(Akonadi::Item)),
this, SLOT(contactStored(Akonadi::Item)) );
connect( dlg, SIGNAL(error(QString)),
this, SLOT(slotContactEditorError(QString)) );
dlg->setContact( mSearchedContact );
delete dlg;
void KMReaderWin::slotContactEditorError(const QString &error)
KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Contact cannot be stored: %1", error), i18n("Failed to store contact"));
void KMReaderWin::contactStored( const Akonadi::Item &item )
Q_UNUSED( item );
KPIM::BroadcastStatus::instance()->setStatusMsg( i18n( "Contact modified successfully" ) );
KAction *KMReaderWin::saveMessageDisplayFormatAction() const
return mViewer->saveMessageDisplayFormatAction();
KAction *KMReaderWin::resetMessageDisplayFormatAction() const
return mViewer->resetMessageDisplayFormatAction();
KAction *KMReaderWin::blockImage() const
return mViewer->blockImage();
bool KMReaderWin::adblockEnabled() const
return mViewer->adblockEnabled();
KAction *KMReaderWin::openBlockableItems() const
return mViewer->openBlockableItems();
void KMReaderWin::slotShareImage()
KMCommand *command = new KMShareImageCommand( imageUrlClicked(), this);
bool KMReaderWin::isAShortUrl(const KUrl &url) const
return mViewer->isAShortUrl(url);
KAction *KMReaderWin::expandShortUrlAction() const
return mViewer->expandShortUrlAction();
KAction *KMReaderWin::createTodoAction() const
return mViewer->createTodoAction();
KAction *KMReaderWin::createEventAction() const
return mViewer->createEventAction();