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/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset:4 -*-
This file is part of Kleopatra, the KDE keymanager
Copyright (c) 2007,2008 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
Kleopatra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Kleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked
combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
your version.
#include <config-kleopatra.h>
#include "keycache.h"
#include "keycache_p.h"
#include "predicates.h"
#include "smimevalidationpreferences.h"
#include <utils/filesystemwatcher.h>
#include <utils/progressmanager.h>
#include <kleo/stl_util.h>
#include <kleo/cryptobackendfactory.h>
#include <kleo/dn.h>
#include <kleo/keylistjob.h>
#include <kleo/listallkeysjob.h>
#include <gpgme++/error.h>
#include <gpgme++/key.h>
#include <gpgme++/decryptionresult.h>
#include <gpgme++/verificationresult.h>
#include <gpgme++/keylistresult.h>
#include <gpg-error.h>
#include <kmime/kmime_header_parsing.h>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QTimer>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/mem_fn.hpp>
#include <boost/range.hpp>
#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/filter_iterator.hpp>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
using namespace Kleo;
using namespace GpgME;
using namespace boost;
using namespace KMime::Types;
static const unsigned int hours2ms = 1000 * 60 * 60;
// KeyCache
namespace {
make_comparator_str( ByEMail, .first.c_str() );
struct is_string_empty : std::unary_function<const char*,bool> {
bool operator()( const char * s ) const { return !s || !*s; }
class KeyCache::Private {
friend class ::Kleo::KeyCache;
KeyCache * const q;
explicit Private( KeyCache * qq ) : q( qq ) {
connect( &m_autoKeyListingTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), q, SLOT(startKeyListing()) );
template < template <template <typename U> class Op> class Comp>
std::vector<Key>::const_iterator find( const std::vector<Key> & keys, const char * key ) const {
const std::vector<Key>::const_iterator it =
std::lower_bound( keys.begin(), keys.end(), key, Comp<std::less>() );
if ( it == keys.end() || Comp<std::equal_to>()( *it, key ) )
return it;
return keys.end();
template < template <template <typename U> class Op> class Comp>
std::vector<Subkey>::const_iterator find( const std::vector<Subkey> & keys, const char * key ) const {
const std::vector<Subkey>::const_iterator it =
std::lower_bound( keys.begin(), keys.end(), key, Comp<std::less>() );
if ( it == keys.end() || Comp<std::equal_to>()( *it, key ) )
return it;
return keys.end();
std::vector<Key>::const_iterator find_fpr( const char * fpr ) const {
return find<_detail::ByFingerprint>( by.fpr, fpr );
std::pair< std::vector< std::pair<std::string,Key> >::const_iterator,
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,Key> >::const_iterator >
find_email( const char * email ) const {
return std::equal_range( by.email.begin(), by.email.end(),
email, ByEMail<std::less>() );
std::vector<Key> find_mailbox( const Mailbox & mb, bool sign ) const;
std::vector<Subkey>::const_iterator find_subkeyid( const char * subkeyid ) const {
return find<_detail::ByKeyID>( by.subkeyid, subkeyid );
std::vector<Key>::const_iterator find_keyid( const char * keyid ) const {
return find<_detail::ByKeyID>( by.keyid, keyid );
std::vector<Key>::const_iterator find_shortkeyid( const char * shortkeyid ) const {
return find<_detail::ByShortKeyID>( by.shortkeyid, shortkeyid );
> find_subjects( const char * chain_id ) const {
return std::equal_range( by.chainid.begin(), by.chainid.end(),
chain_id, _detail::ByChainID<std::less>() );
void refreshJobDone( const KeyListResult & result );
void updateAutoKeyListingTimer() {
setAutoKeyListingInterval( hours2ms * SMimeValidationPreferences().refreshInterval() );
void setAutoKeyListingInterval( int ms ) {
m_autoKeyListingTimer.setInterval( ms );
if ( ms != 0 )
QPointer<RefreshKeysJob> m_refreshJob;
std::vector<shared_ptr<FileSystemWatcher> > m_fsWatchers;
QTimer m_autoKeyListingTimer;
struct By {
std::vector<Key> fpr, keyid, shortkeyid, chainid;
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,Key> > email;
std::vector<Subkey> subkeyid;
} by;
shared_ptr<const KeyCache> KeyCache::instance() {
return mutableInstance();
shared_ptr<KeyCache> KeyCache::mutableInstance() {
static weak_ptr<KeyCache> self;
try {
return shared_ptr<KeyCache>( self );
} catch ( const bad_weak_ptr & ) {
const shared_ptr<KeyCache> s( new KeyCache );
self = s;
return s;
: QObject(), d( new Private( this ) )
KeyCache::~KeyCache() {}
void KeyCache::enableFileSystemWatcher( bool enable )
Q_FOREACH( const shared_ptr<FileSystemWatcher> & i, d->m_fsWatchers )
i->setEnabled( enable );
void KeyCache::reload( GpgME::Protocol /*proto*/ )
if ( d->m_refreshJob )
enableFileSystemWatcher( false );
d->m_refreshJob = new RefreshKeysJob( this );
connect( d->m_refreshJob, SIGNAL(done(GpgME::KeyListResult)), this, SLOT(refreshJobDone(GpgME::KeyListResult)) );
void KeyCache::cancelKeyListing()
if ( !d->m_refreshJob )
void KeyCache::addFileSystemWatcher( const shared_ptr<FileSystemWatcher>& watcher )
if ( !watcher )
d->m_fsWatchers.push_back( watcher );
connect( watcher.get(), SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)),
this, SLOT(startKeyListing()) );
connect( watcher.get(), SIGNAL(fileChanged(QString)),
this, SLOT(startKeyListing()) );
watcher->setEnabled( d->m_refreshJob == 0 );
void KeyCache::Private::refreshJobDone( const KeyListResult& result )
emit q->keyListingDone( result );
q->enableFileSystemWatcher( true );
const Key & KeyCache::findByFingerprint( const char * fpr ) const {
const std::vector<Key>::const_iterator it = d->find_fpr( fpr );
if ( it == d->by.fpr.end() ) {
static const Key null;
return null;
} else {
return *it;
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findByFingerprint( const std::vector<std::string> & fprs ) const {
std::vector<std::string> sorted;
sorted.reserve( fprs.size() );
std::remove_copy_if( fprs.begin(), fprs.end(), std::back_inserter( sorted ),
boost::bind( is_string_empty(), boost::bind( &std::string::c_str, _1 ) ) );
std::sort( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
std::vector<Key> result;
kdtools::set_intersection( d->by.fpr.begin(), d->by.fpr.end(),
sorted.begin(), sorted.end(),
std::back_inserter( result ),
_detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
return result;
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findByEMailAddress( const char * email ) const {
const std::pair<
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,Key> >::const_iterator,
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,Key> >::const_iterator
> pair = d->find_email( email );
std::vector<Key> result;
result.reserve( std::distance( pair.first, pair.second ) );
std::transform( pair.first, pair.second,
std::back_inserter( result ),
boost::bind( &std::pair<std::string,Key>::second, _1 ) );
return result;
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findByEMailAddress( const std::string & email ) const {
return findByEMailAddress( email.c_str() );
const Key & KeyCache::findByShortKeyID( const char * id ) const {
const std::vector<Key>::const_iterator it = d->find_shortkeyid( id );
if ( it != d->by.shortkeyid.end() )
return *it;
static const Key null;
return null;
const Key & KeyCache::findByKeyIDOrFingerprint( const char * id ) const {
// try by.fpr first:
const std::vector<Key>::const_iterator it = d->find_fpr( id );
if ( it != d->by.fpr.end() )
return *it;
// try by.keyid next:
const std::vector<Key>::const_iterator it = d->find_keyid( id );
if ( it != d->by.keyid.end() )
return *it;
static const Key null;
return null;
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findByKeyIDOrFingerprint( const std::vector<std::string> & ids ) const {
std::vector<std::string> keyids;
std::remove_copy_if( ids.begin(), ids.end(), std::back_inserter( keyids ),
boost::bind( is_string_empty(), boost::bind( &std::string::c_str, _1 ) ) );
// this is just case-insensitive string search:
std::sort( keyids.begin(), keyids.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
std::vector<Key> result;
result.reserve( keyids.size() ); // dups shouldn't happen
kdtools::set_intersection( d->by.fpr.begin(), d->by.fpr.end(),
keyids.begin(), keyids.end(),
std::back_inserter( result ),
_detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
if ( result.size() < keyids.size() ) {
// note that By{Fingerprint,KeyID,ShortKeyID} define the same
// order for _strings_
kdtools::set_intersection( d->by.keyid.begin(), d->by.keyid.end(),
keyids.begin(), keyids.end(),
std::back_inserter( result ),
_detail::ByKeyID<std::less>() );
// duplicates shouldn't happen, but make sure nonetheless:
std::sort( result.begin(), result.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
result.erase( std::unique( result.begin(), result.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::equal_to>() ), result.end() );
// we skip looking into short key ids here, as it's highly
// unlikely they're used for this purpose. We might need to revise
// this decision, but only after testing.
return result;
std::vector<Subkey> KeyCache::findSubkeysByKeyID( const std::vector<std::string> & ids ) const {
std::vector<std::string> sorted;
sorted.reserve( ids.size() );
std::remove_copy_if( ids.begin(), ids.end(), std::back_inserter( sorted ),
boost::bind( is_string_empty(), boost::bind( &std::string::c_str, _1 ) ) );
std::sort( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), _detail::ByKeyID<std::less>() );
std::vector<Subkey> result;
kdtools::set_intersection( d->by.subkeyid.begin(), d->by.subkeyid.end(),
sorted.begin(), sorted.end(),
std::back_inserter( result ),
_detail::ByKeyID<std::less>() );
return result;
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findRecipients( const DecryptionResult & res ) const {
std::vector<std::string> keyids;
Q_FOREACH( const DecryptionResult::Recipient & r, res.recipients() )
if ( const char * kid = r.keyID() )
keyids.push_back( kid );
const std::vector<Subkey> subkeys = findSubkeysByKeyID( keyids );
std::vector<Key> result;
result.reserve( subkeys.size() );
std::transform( subkeys.begin(), subkeys.end(), std::back_inserter( result ), boost::bind( &Subkey::parent, _1 ) );
std::sort( result.begin(), result.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
result.erase( std::unique( result.begin(), result.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::equal_to>() ), result.end() );
return result;
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findSigners( const VerificationResult & res ) const {
std::vector<std::string> fprs;
Q_FOREACH( const Signature & s, res.signatures() )
if ( const char * fpr = s.fingerprint() )
fprs.push_back( fpr );
return findByKeyIDOrFingerprint( fprs );
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findSigningKeysByMailbox( const Mailbox & mb ) const {
return d->find_mailbox( mb, true );
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findEncryptionKeysByMailbox( const Mailbox & mb ) const {
return d->find_mailbox( mb, false );
namespace {
#define DO( op, meth, meth2 ) if ( op key.meth() ) {} else { qDebug( "rejecting for signing: %s: %s", #meth2, key.primaryFingerprint() ); return false; }
#define ACCEPT( meth ) DO( !!, meth, !meth )
#define REJECT( meth ) DO( !, meth, meth )
struct ready_for_signing : std::unary_function<Key,bool> {
bool operator()( const Key & key ) const {
#if 1
ACCEPT( hasSecret );
ACCEPT( canReallySign );
REJECT( isRevoked );
REJECT( isExpired );
REJECT( isDisabled );
REJECT( isInvalid );
return true;
return key.hasSecret() &&
key.canReallySign() && !key.isRevoked() && !key.isExpired() && !key.isDisabled() && !key.isInvalid() ;
#undef DO
struct ready_for_encryption : std::unary_function<Key,bool> {
#define DO( op, meth, meth2 ) if ( op key.meth() ) {} else { qDebug( "rejecting for encrypting: %s: %s", #meth2, key.primaryFingerprint() ); return false; }
bool operator()( const Key & key ) const {
#if 1
ACCEPT( canEncrypt );
REJECT( isRevoked );
REJECT( isExpired );
REJECT( isDisabled );
REJECT( isInvalid );
return true;
key.canEncrypt() && !key.isRevoked() && !key.isExpired() && !key.isDisabled() && !key.isInvalid() ;
#undef DO
#undef ACCEPT
#undef REJECT
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::Private::find_mailbox( const Mailbox & mb, bool sign ) const {
const QString email = mb.addrSpec().asString();
if ( email.isEmpty() )
return std::vector<Key>();
const std::pair<
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,Key> >::const_iterator,
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,Key> >::const_iterator
> pair = find_email( email.toUtf8().constData() );
std::vector<Key> result;
result.reserve( std::distance( pair.first, pair.second ) );
if ( sign )
kdtools::copy_2nd_if( pair.first, pair.second,
std::back_inserter( result ),
ready_for_signing() );
kdtools::copy_2nd_if( pair.first, pair.second,
std::back_inserter( result ),
ready_for_encryption() );
return result;
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findSubjects( const GpgME::Key & key, Options options ) const {
return findSubjects( std::vector<Key>( 1, key ), options );
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findSubjects( const std::vector<Key> & keys, Options options ) const {
return findSubjects( keys.begin(), keys.end(), options );
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findSubjects( std::vector<Key>::const_iterator first, std::vector<Key>::const_iterator last, Options options ) const {
if ( first == last )
return std::vector<Key>();
std::vector<Key> result;
while ( first != last ) {
const std::pair<
> pair = d->find_subjects( first->primaryFingerprint() );
result.insert( result.end(), pair.first, pair.second );
std::sort( result.begin(), result.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
result.erase( std::unique( result.begin(), result.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::equal_to>() ), result.end() );
if ( options & RecursiveSearch ) {
const std::vector<Key> furtherSubjects = findSubjects( result, options );
std::vector<Key> combined;
combined.reserve( result.size() + furtherSubjects.size() );
std::merge( result.begin(), result.end(),
furtherSubjects.begin(), furtherSubjects.end(),
std::back_inserter( combined ),
_detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
combined.erase( std::unique( combined.begin(), combined.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::equal_to>() ), combined.end() );
result.swap( combined );
return result;
static const unsigned int LIKELY_CHAIN_DEPTH = 3;
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findIssuers( const Key & key, Options options ) const {
if ( key.isNull() )
return std::vector<Key>();
std::vector<Key> result;
if ( options & IncludeSubject )
result.push_back( key );
if ( key.isRoot() )
return result;
const Key & issuer = findByFingerprint( key.chainID() );
if ( issuer.isNull() )
return result;
result.push_back( issuer );
if ( !( options & RecursiveSearch ) )
return result;
while ( !result.back().isNull() && !result.back().isRoot() )
result.push_back( findByFingerprint( result.back().chainID() ) );
if ( result.back().isNull() )
return result;
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findIssuers( const std::vector<Key> & keys, Options options ) const {
return findIssuers( keys.begin(), keys.end(), options );
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::findIssuers( std::vector<Key>::const_iterator first, std::vector<Key>::const_iterator last, Options options ) const {
if ( first == last )
return std::vector<Key>();
// extract chain-ids, identifying issuers:
std::vector<const char *> chainIDs;
chainIDs.reserve( last - first );
std::transform( boost::make_filter_iterator( !boost::bind( &Key::isRoot, _1 ), first, last ),
boost::make_filter_iterator( !boost::bind( &Key::isRoot, _1 ), last, last ),
std::back_inserter( chainIDs ),
boost::bind( &Key::chainID, _1 ) );
std::sort( chainIDs.begin(), chainIDs.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
const std::vector<const char*>::iterator lastUniqueChainID = std::unique( chainIDs.begin(), chainIDs.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
std::vector<Key> result;
result.reserve( lastUniqueChainID - chainIDs.begin() );
kdtools::set_intersection( d->by.fpr.begin(), d->by.fpr.end(),
chainIDs.begin(), lastUniqueChainID,
std::back_inserter( result ),
_detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
if ( options & IncludeSubject ) {
const unsigned int rs = result.size();
result.insert( result.end(), first, last );
std::inplace_merge( result.begin(), result.begin() + rs, result.end(),
_detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
if ( !( options & RecursiveSearch ) )
return result;
const std::vector<Key> l2result = findIssuers( result, options & ~IncludeSubject );
const unsigned long result_size = result.size();
result.insert( result.end(), l2result.begin(), l2result.end() );
std::inplace_merge( result.begin(), result.begin() + result_size, result.end(),
_detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
return result;
static std::string email( const UserID & uid ) {
const std::string email = uid.email();
if ( email.empty() )
return DN( uid.id() )[QLatin1String("EMAIL")].trimmed().toUtf8().constData();
if ( email[0] == '<' && email[email.size()-1] == '>' )
return email.substr( 1, email.size() - 2 );
return email;
static std::vector<std::string> emails( const Key & key ) {
std::vector<std::string> emails;
Q_FOREACH( const UserID & uid, key.userIDs() ) {
const std::string e = email( uid );
if ( !e.empty() )
emails.push_back( e );
std::sort( emails.begin(), emails.end(), ByEMail<std::less>() );
emails.erase( std::unique( emails.begin(), emails.end(), ByEMail<std::equal_to>() ), emails.end() );
return emails;
void KeyCache::remove( const Key & key ) {
if ( key.isNull() )
const char * fpr = key.primaryFingerprint();
if ( !fpr )
emit aboutToRemove( key );
const std::pair<std::vector<Key>::iterator,std::vector<Key>::iterator> range
= std::equal_range( d->by.fpr.begin(), d->by.fpr.end(), fpr,
_detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
d->by.fpr.erase( range.first, range.second );
if ( const char * keyid = key.keyID() ) {
const std::pair<std::vector<Key>::iterator,std::vector<Key>::iterator> range
= std::equal_range( d->by.keyid.begin(), d->by.keyid.end(), keyid,
_detail::ByKeyID<std::less>() );
const std::vector<Key>::iterator it
= std::remove_if( begin( range ), end( range ), boost::bind( _detail::ByFingerprint<std::equal_to>(), fpr, _1 ) );
d->by.keyid.erase( it, end( range ) );
if ( const char * shortkeyid = key.shortKeyID() ) {
const std::pair<std::vector<Key>::iterator,std::vector<Key>::iterator> range
= std::equal_range( d->by.shortkeyid.begin(), d->by.shortkeyid.end(), shortkeyid,
_detail::ByShortKeyID<std::less>() );
const std::vector<Key>::iterator it
= std::remove_if( begin( range ), end( range ), boost::bind( _detail::ByFingerprint<std::equal_to>(), fpr, _1 ) );
d->by.shortkeyid.erase( it, end( range ) );
if ( const char * chainid = key.chainID() ) {
const std::pair<std::vector<Key>::iterator,std::vector<Key>::iterator> range
= std::equal_range( d->by.chainid.begin(), d->by.chainid.end(), chainid,
_detail::ByChainID<std::less>() );
const std::pair< std::vector<Key>::iterator, std::vector<Key>::iterator > range2
= std::equal_range( begin( range ), end( range ), fpr, _detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
d->by.chainid.erase( begin( range2 ), end( range2 ) );
Q_FOREACH( const std::string & email, emails( key ) ) {
const std::pair<std::vector<std::pair<std::string,Key> >::iterator,std::vector<std::pair<std::string,Key> >::iterator> range
= std::equal_range( d->by.email.begin(), d->by.email.end(), email, ByEMail<std::less>() );
const std::vector< std::pair<std::string,Key> >::iterator it
= std::remove_if( begin( range ), end( range ), boost::bind( qstricmp, fpr, boost::bind( &Key::primaryFingerprint, boost::bind( &std::pair<std::string,Key>::second,_1 ) ) ) == 0 );
d->by.email.erase( it, end( range ) );
Q_FOREACH( const Subkey & subkey, key.subkeys() ) {
if ( const char * keyid = subkey.keyID() ) {
const std::pair<std::vector<Subkey>::iterator,std::vector<Subkey>::iterator> range
= std::equal_range( d->by.subkeyid.begin(), d->by.subkeyid.end(), keyid,
_detail::ByKeyID<std::less>() );
const std::pair< std::vector<Subkey>::iterator, std::vector<Subkey>::iterator > range2
= std::equal_range( begin( range ), end( range ), fpr, _detail::ByKeyID<std::less>() );
d->by.subkeyid.erase( begin( range2 ), end( range2 ) );
void KeyCache::remove( const std::vector<Key> & keys ) {
Q_FOREACH( const Key & key, keys )
remove( key );
const std::vector<GpgME::Key> & KeyCache::keys() const
return d->by.fpr;
std::vector<Key> KeyCache::secretKeys() const
std::vector<Key> keys = this->keys();
keys.erase( std::remove_if( keys.begin(), keys.end(), !boost::bind( &Key::hasSecret, _1 ) ), keys.end() );
return keys;
void KeyCache::refresh( const std::vector<Key> & keys ) {
// make this better...
insert( keys );
void KeyCache::insert( const Key & key ) {
insert( std::vector<Key>( 1, key ) );
namespace {
template <
template <template <typename T> class Op> class T1,
template <template <typename T> class Op> class T2
> struct lexicographically {
typedef bool result_type;
template <typename U, typename V>
bool operator()( const U & lhs, const V & rhs ) const {
T1<std::less>()( lhs, rhs ) ||
( T1<std::equal_to>()( lhs, rhs ) &&
T2<std::less>()( lhs, rhs ) )
void KeyCache::insert( const std::vector<Key> & keys ) {
// 1. remove those with empty fingerprints:
std::vector<Key> sorted;
sorted.reserve( keys.size() );
std::remove_copy_if( keys.begin(), keys.end(),
std::back_inserter( sorted ),
boost::bind( is_string_empty(), boost::bind( &Key::primaryFingerprint, _1 ) ) );
Q_FOREACH( const Key & key, sorted )
remove( key ); // this is sub-optimal, but makes implementation from here on much easier
// 2. sort by fingerprint:
std::sort( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
// 2a. insert into fpr index:
std::vector<Key> by_fpr;
by_fpr.reserve( sorted.size() + d->by.fpr.size() );
std::merge( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(),
d->by.fpr.begin(), d->by.fpr.end(),
std::back_inserter( by_fpr ),
_detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
// 3. build email index:
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,Key> > pairs;
pairs.reserve( sorted.size() );
Q_FOREACH( const Key & key, sorted ) {
const std::vector<std::string> emails = ::emails( key );
Q_FOREACH( const std::string & e, emails )
pairs.push_back( std::make_pair( e, key ) );
std::sort( pairs.begin(), pairs.end(), ByEMail<std::less>() );
// 3a. insert into email index:
std::vector< std::pair<std::string,Key> > by_email;
by_email.reserve( pairs.size() + d->by.email.size() );
std::merge( pairs.begin(), pairs.end(),
d->by.email.begin(), d->by.email.end(),
std::back_inserter( by_email ),
ByEMail<std::less>() );
// 3.5: stable-sort by chain-id (effectively lexicographically<ByChainID,ByFingerprint>)
std::stable_sort( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), _detail::ByChainID<std::less>() );
// 3.5a: insert into chain-id index:
std::vector<Key> by_chainid;
by_chainid.reserve( sorted.size() + d->by.chainid.size() );
std::merge( boost::make_filter_iterator( !boost::bind( &Key::isRoot, _1 ), sorted.begin(), sorted.end() ),
boost::make_filter_iterator( !boost::bind( &Key::isRoot, _1 ), sorted.end(), sorted.end() ),
d->by.chainid.begin(), d->by.chainid.end(),
std::back_inserter( by_chainid ),
lexicographically<_detail::ByChainID,_detail::ByFingerprint>() );
// 4. sort by key id:
std::sort( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), _detail::ByKeyID<std::less>() );
// 4a. insert into keyid index:
std::vector<Key> by_keyid;
by_keyid.reserve( sorted.size() + d->by.keyid.size() );
std::merge( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(),
d->by.keyid.begin(), d->by.keyid.end(),
std::back_inserter( by_keyid ),
_detail::ByKeyID<std::less>() );
// 5. sort by short key id:
std::sort( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), _detail::ByShortKeyID<std::less>() );
// 5a. insert into short keyid index:
std::vector<Key> by_shortkeyid;
by_shortkeyid.reserve( sorted.size() + d->by.shortkeyid.size() );
std::merge( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(),
d->by.shortkeyid.begin(), d->by.shortkeyid.end(),
std::back_inserter( by_shortkeyid ),
_detail::ByShortKeyID<std::less>() );
// 6. build subkey ID index:
std::vector<Subkey> subkeys;
subkeys.reserve( sorted.size() );
Q_FOREACH( const Key & key, sorted )
Q_FOREACH( const Subkey & subkey, key.subkeys() )
subkeys.push_back( subkey );
// 6a sort by key id:
std::sort( subkeys.begin(), subkeys.end(), _detail::ByKeyID<std::less>() );
// 6b. insert into subkey ID index:
std::vector<Subkey> by_subkeyid;
by_email.reserve( subkeys.size() + d->by.subkeyid.size() );
std::merge( subkeys.begin(), subkeys.end(),
d->by.subkeyid.begin(), d->by.subkeyid.end(),
std::back_inserter( by_subkeyid ),
_detail::ByKeyID<std::less>() );
// now commit (well, we already removed keys...)
by_fpr.swap( d->by.fpr );
by_keyid.swap( d->by.keyid );
by_shortkeyid.swap( d->by.shortkeyid );
by_email.swap( d->by.email );
by_subkeyid.swap( d->by.subkeyid );
by_chainid.swap( d->by.chainid );
Q_FOREACH( const Key & key, sorted )
emit added( key );
emit keysMayHaveChanged();
void KeyCache::clear() {
d->by = Private::By();
// RefreshKeysJob
class KeyCache::RefreshKeysJob::Private
RefreshKeysJob * const q;
Private( KeyCache * cache, RefreshKeysJob * qq );
void doStart();
Error startKeyListing( const char* protocol );
void listAllKeysJobDone( const KeyListResult & res, const std::vector<Key> & nextKeys ) {
std::vector<Key> keys;
keys.reserve( m_keys.size() + nextKeys.size() );
if ( m_keys.empty() )
keys = nextKeys;
std::merge( m_keys.begin(), m_keys.end(),
nextKeys.begin(), nextKeys.end(),
std::back_inserter( keys ),
_detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
m_keys.swap( keys );
jobDone( res );
void emitDone( const KeyListResult & result );
void updateKeyCache();
KeyCache * m_cache;
uint m_jobsPending;
std::vector<Key> m_keys;
KeyListResult m_mergedResult;
void jobDone( const KeyListResult & res );
KeyCache::RefreshKeysJob::Private::Private( KeyCache * cache, RefreshKeysJob * qq ) : q( qq ), m_cache( cache ), m_jobsPending( 0 )
assert( m_cache );
void KeyCache::RefreshKeysJob::Private::jobDone( const KeyListResult & result )
QObject* const sender = q->sender();
if ( sender )
sender->disconnect( q );
assert( m_jobsPending > 0 );
m_mergedResult.mergeWith( result );
if ( m_jobsPending > 0 )
emitDone( m_mergedResult );
void KeyCache::RefreshKeysJob::Private::emitDone( const KeyListResult & res )
emit q->done( res );
KeyCache::RefreshKeysJob::RefreshKeysJob( KeyCache * cache, QObject * parent ) : QObject( parent ), d( new Private( cache, this ) )
KeyCache::RefreshKeysJob::~RefreshKeysJob() {}
void KeyCache::RefreshKeysJob::start()
QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(doStart()) );
void KeyCache::RefreshKeysJob::cancel()
emit canceled();
void KeyCache::RefreshKeysJob::Private::doStart()
assert( m_jobsPending == 0 );
m_mergedResult.mergeWith( KeyListResult( startKeyListing( "openpgp" ) ) );
m_mergedResult.mergeWith( KeyListResult( startKeyListing( "smime" ) ) );
if ( m_jobsPending != 0 )
const bool hasError = m_mergedResult.error() || m_mergedResult.error().isCanceled();
emitDone( hasError ? m_mergedResult : KeyListResult( Error( GPG_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION ) ) );
void KeyCache::RefreshKeysJob::Private::updateKeyCache()
std::vector<Key> cachedKeys = m_cache->keys();
std::sort( cachedKeys.begin(), cachedKeys.end(), _detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
std::vector<Key> keysToRemove;
std::set_difference( cachedKeys.begin(), cachedKeys.end(),
m_keys.begin(), m_keys.end(),
std::back_inserter( keysToRemove ),
_detail::ByFingerprint<std::less>() );
m_cache->remove( keysToRemove );
m_cache->refresh( m_keys );
Error KeyCache::RefreshKeysJob::Private::startKeyListing( const char* backend )
const Kleo::CryptoBackend::Protocol * const protocol = Kleo::CryptoBackendFactory::instance()->protocol( backend );
if ( !protocol )
return Error();
Kleo::ListAllKeysJob * const job = protocol->listAllKeysJob( /*includeSigs*/false, /*validate*/true );
if ( !job )
return Error();
connect( job, SIGNAL(result(GpgME::KeyListResult,std::vector<GpgME::Key>)),
q, SLOT(listAllKeysJobDone(GpgME::KeyListResult,std::vector<GpgME::Key>)) );
const QString label = protocol == Kleo::CryptoBackendFactory::instance()->smime()
? i18n("Listing X.509 certificates")
: i18n("Listing OpenPGP certificates") ;
(void)ProgressManager::createForJob( job, label );
connect( q, SIGNAL(canceled()),
job, SLOT(slotCancel()) );
const Error error = job->start( true );
if ( !error && !error.isCanceled() )
return error;
#include "moc_keycache_p.cpp"
#include "moc_keycache.cpp"